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Sanctions Are “Not a Faucet, You Power On and Off”, Germany Rejects Anti-Russian Sanctions Over Black Sea Incident

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Sanctions Are “Not a Faucet, You Power On and Off”, Germany Rejects Anti-Russian Sanctions Over Black Sea Incident

Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

Sanctions are “not a faucet, you power on and off”, a spokesperson for the German Foreign Minsitry commented on Ukraine’s requests to impose sanctions on Russia over the November 25 maritime incident between it and Russia in the Black Sea. Berlin also rejected a Ukrainian request to deploys its warships in the Black Sea to deter the so-called Russian agression against Ukraine.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also vowed on Ukraine to employ a “smart approach” over the incident.

“I intend to discuss this topic with Russian President [Vladimir Putin] at the G20 summit. We will take care of this, however, we have a request for the Ukrainian side to maintain a smart approach. We know that we may only resolve this in a reasonable way and only within the framework of talks with each other because a military solution is impossible”, the Chancellor said at the opening of the third German-Ukrainian forum in Berlin.

Merkel further noted that Germany and France are ready to continue working in Normandy format on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, although the results have not been significant so far.

Nonetheless, the UK has a different position. Speaking with Daily Star Online, Admiral Lord Alan West said that sending a UK Royal Navy survey ship to Ukraine was “not a clever idea”, suggesting sending a Type 45 class destroyer instead.

“If we are sending a ship into an area that there might be fighting, it would be sensible to send a ship that can look after itself and that can fight”, he said. “You have to think very carefully about deploying forces close to Russia. If we send a huge NATO force there it will be seen as an aggressive posture – but we could have a limited number of ships looking after freedom of navigation”.

Russia described Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s call on NATO to deploy ships to the Sea of Azov as part of a provocative policy shortly before the Ukrainian election in 2019.

“The question itself, of course, is aimed at further provoking tensions, at continuing the provocative line, which is based on the pre-electoral political interests of President Poroshenko”, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated responding to a question about the Kremlin’s position on this situation.


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Tommy Jensen

If Germany wont do it, we will do it.

United States will impose further sanctions on Russia´s aggression in International waterways and Freedom of naviagtion and order Nato to send a Carrier group and 4 Destroyers to back up our Allies in their defence against aggression to Inherent Resolve Freedom to protect the civilised free world.


Sounds good, when does it start?

Ricky Miller

Whatever. Aircraft Carriers of non Black Sea States are not permitted entry into the Black Sea by International agreement. And nearly all American warships have too much draught to enter the Kerch strait. And too much of a threatening move by the Americans or British will leave them isolated in International opinion, would fracture NATO and bring war in a geographical setting which favors Russian forces in a major way. It would be a gift in so many ways, despite the risk to all our communities and families if it escalated out of control. But you don’t care about that, or you wouldn’t be here spouting out your redneck bullshit.


All true. But I’m not so sure about his ‘redneck BS’…I blocked this moron long ago. More likely is pure stupidity…but even more likely is his adoration of the $.

Concrete Mike

No thats not what tommy does, he is a fountain of sarcasm. He points out the absurdity of us position.

Dušan Mirić

Recently I read a text by The Saker talking about aircraft carriers as sitting ducks. With bases in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Georgia… the USA doesn’t need a carrier strike group


“A carrier group and 4 destroyers”huh.

You might have the intention of being resolved to bring freedom to protect the ‘civilized free world’ but you better figure out a way to get your carrier group into the Black Sea seeing how the Montreux convention bans warships of over 15,000 tonnes from passing through the Bosporous and aggregate tonnage of any nations warships whose shores aren’t washed by the Black Sea to 30,000 tonnes.

At least your idea is smarter than the US politician who suggested the USA send a “freedom of navigation” force through the Kerch straits. Considering that the Kerch Straight channel is 4 – 6 meters deep and most US warships have a minimum draft of 8 meters it would make for a great training exercise. It would make for a very quick and easy intelligence test for naval officers as well as give your helmsmen good practice on using reverse and backing out of driveways ….. you could probably throw in parallel parking if enough ships get grounded.


Yes, isn’t it interesting how the west tends to forget agreements and treaties? Especially when provoking another nation they would accuse of ‘crimes’? Even more so when spouting complete nonsense to their respective populations. We could send our new Littoral ships though…well, if we could get them there and had enough tugs to pull them around.


“Yes, isn’t it interesting how the west tends to forget agreements and treaties?”

In the case of the USA the problem seems to gone beyond simple ignorance of the world outside of US borders but that intelligence, knowledge and wisdom are qualities that make a leader unelectable.

Americans are almost Medieval in their beliefs that there is wisdom in ignorance ….. it’s like the belief during the crusades that God would protect an army of children because of their innocents but in reality they were setting themselves up for slaughter.

After all the tweets, lies, foot shooting tariffs and word salad interviews how a huge segment of the US voting public still think that Donald Trump is some sort of business genius is beyond me.

He’s a trust fund moron that managed to bankrupt six casino enterprises ….. that’s casinos where the house can’t lose. Yet 40% of Americans polled still approve of his presidency.

Concrete Mike

I think trumps “popularity” is as simple as a rejection of the current political class in america.

Brother Ma

That too. No one better ,a protest and too stupid to consider third parties.


That might be, but looking back at the presidential candidates of the past tells me otherwise. Sara Palin? Insane McCain? GW? Not to mention those re-elected, even after 4 years of their duplicity (Reagan, GW, Clinton, Obama). I think it’s more to the gullibility and shallowness of Americans. Most don’t care about the rest of the world and prefer our world of fantasy, where the US is right in all it does and believes. Exceptionalism. The truth is corruption, he who hath the most dollars, wins.


If I was Carpenter, I might be tempted to develop further your above points Grumpy into a “95 Thesis” titled “The Disputation on the Power and Efficiency of Sanctions”, and nail it to the door of the White House Chapel. Krax in the Empire at last leading to crumbling alliances.


Being a carpenter the only door I get to nail any document on is the shithouse door on the job site. Even then I don’t nail anything ….. usually it’s something about 8 lines, written in sharpie and begins with ‘there once was a man from nantucket”

Brother Ma

The bulk of Americans are dolts who believe in buying toothpaste on testimonials. The average American has never travelled outside of his country making them as ignorant as the proverbial so -called “ironcurtain “citizen they were once so fond of mocking.


Good post grumpy. :)

Brother Ma

All true and spot on about depth of Kerch Strait. Perfectly defendable.

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont get it. How by committing mass suicide, will help the free world?

One more question who are you referring to when you say civilized free world? If you referring to western world then you are in both accounts wrong as they are not free and even less civilize.



Carne João Pasta

Million dollar bonus (zerohedge legend) is that you??


You are a moron. You are a terrorist. You are a fluoride eating useless idiot. You are a mass murderer, you are an imperialist scumbag.

You protect nothing, you are the terroristic threat to this planet. aND YOUR AIR CRAFT CARRIERS ARE A JOKE AGAINST HYPERSONIC MISSILES.

Send them dimwit, lets see them sink….


Brother Ma

All bluster. The us knows it cannot do shit and its days are numbered. Russia and China know that they are on the rise. So all they need to do is prevent Israel or some idiot Americans from egging POTUS to push the world into war.

Feudalism Victory

Naughty naughty germany. You dont get to make your own decisions…maybe youll get punished with some deustch bank fines or auto tariffs or maybe anything.

You are occupied stupid germans.


Actually US companies should just chase any transactions with the companies involved in NS2, including banks, does it hurt? then it’s fair to call it ‘sanction’.

Ricky Miller

Awesome. The most leverage that the EU has over Russia is the fact that they are major league consumers of Russian gas, with a growing need for more. Take that away and Russia will be more free to deal with things like endless provocations in a more robust way. And to do more of what they’re already doing which is focus on more gas contracts with Asian countries. The Power of Siberia pipeline opening soon, 2019. More to come. You forgot, or never learned a major rule of economics: supply creates it’s own demand. Russia has plenty to supply and a growing customer base. Choices, choices…


Actually it would be better for a multipolar world to quote my beloved politician

Concrete Mike

I would not fuck with german companies too much, that could bite you in the ass prett quick. Alot of oil&gas, mining machinery, heavy equipment,cranes, heavy trucks engines…all kinds of diesel engines come from germany. Not to mention survey equipment and optics.

USA needs those products. You cut off these german products, you will get an angry call from Martin Marietta saying what the actual fuck are you bonheads doing.

Thats not how america works. Corporation run the show, not politicians.


Regarding the last part of your comment, we must end this, don’t we? :)

Concrete Mike

It must end indeed, it will end with the next financial crisis…were all in debt…everyone of us…

Problem is everyone wants the status quo…https://thesaker.is/khashoggi-part-3-liberal-democratic-salafism-is-a-sham-islamic-socialism-isnt/

Read this if you havent. It long but makes sense.


Andreas Mikkelsen

I say we hold a jubileum redistributing all the capital. Because those in power now are too insane and dangerous. This sort of reset could perhaps be done each 30th years or so, for preventing dynasties getting too powerful.

Brother Ma

Well said. Was it not every fifty in the Bible! I can not remember now.


Ok I have read it, may I know what did you find relevant in it?

Brother Ma

Yes. Very true yet if Trump wanted to make America great he should gradually import -replace in a graduated fashion.


Seimens had a deal with Iraq to rebuild their electricity system destroyed by the US during the invasion. The US vetoed the deal and made Iraq sign with GE. The Germans have been brainwashed into being submissive to the US.


or perhaps?

Police raid Deutsche Bank offices in money laundering case By DAVID RISING AND FRANK JORDANS, ASSOCIATED PRESS

Feudalism Victory

Exactly. Maybe some isis attack isnt out of the question either.

Brother Ma

Haha. Or a bridge falls down suddenly Genoa-style,maybe?

Brother Ma

Yes she is always the protagonist in Nato games but at the moment she is doing the smart thing. The Germans have been Uncle Sam lapdogs for a long time. Latest case in point. ;accepting rapefugees because it suited US geopolitical aims. Who cares about the Germans themselves ha? Nobody!

You can call me Al

How are your sanctions working out for you Yankers ?


R Trojson

Great so far, but they have not really kicked in yet. This is just one more step toward stopping all trade with China and Russia for that matter. Trading with them is pointless since it does nothing for the people of China or Russia. Both of them pump their trade surplus with the US into expanding their military and conquering their neighbors. Time to cut them off.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol for Capitalists you seem to have a very limited understanding of capitalism, I’d go so far as to say you guys are as capitalist as China is communist. If you think we will make long-term commitments to buy overpriced US crap that’s even worse than cheap Chinese crap you are astoundingly delusional. We play along with your evil because it makes us rich, when it starts to cost us our perspective will change and your “allies” will switch sides just as fast as the Soviet states when the teat they sucked on ran dry.

R Trojson

Who is this “we” you keep referring to? Clearly you hate Chinese goods except for the cheap price. If you hate the US so much why do you keep bending over for US? Sounds more like you are so weak you have to bend over for the US or be exterminated by Russia-China. Which one of my facts do you disagree with?

Bobby Twoshoes

1) We is collectively the various vassal states of the US. 2) Irrelevant, they’re better and cheaper than Yank shit is all I said. 3) I’m not going to repeat myself, read my earlier reply. 4) Again, read my earlier reply. To me it sounds like you can’t read English at the moment. 5) None, you have given me no facts to disagree with.

R Trojson

Sanctions are certainly preferable to military escalation. First Russia will be defeated financially then economically so there will be little if any military to defeat. Just like the USSR.

R Trojson

East German Merkle is showing her true stripes. She has done more to destroy Germany than anyone else in the last 60 years,

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