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Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario

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Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky; Originally appeared at Global Research

Washington announced sweeping sanctions to be imposed on three countries: Russia, Iran and North Korea, following the US House of Representatives vote to impose a three countries’ sanctions “package”.  

While the justifications are diverse and unrelated, all three countries are from a military and geopolitical standpoint on the US nuclear “hit list”. They are considered as de facto rogue states, enemies of America.

The Congressional bill invoked respectively Tehran’s support of terrorism, Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential elections, and North Korea’s ICBM missile tests.

The pretexts with regard to Russia and Iran are largely fabricated. The main sponsor of  Islamic terrorism is US intelligence.

Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario

The “package sanctions regime” is intimately related to the Deep State military agenda. Moreover it is worth noting that the legislation included a (rather dangerous) clause to “disapprove of any moves the president makes to end the sanctions… and build a better relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

This clause is visibly intended by the neocon hawks in Washington to constrain the powers of the White House. In the words of Paul Craig Roberts, they are intended to “Put Trump in a box.”

The Congressional bill still requires the endorsement of President Trump, who might exercise his veto.

The China Sanctions Regime

While China was excluded from the Congressional three countries’ “package”, Washington formally intimated in early July that sanctions would also be imposed on China in response to China’s increased bilateral commodity trade with North Korea.

Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario

China is described as an ally of North Korea. While the US sanctions regime is not officially directed against the Chinese government, selected Chinese banks and trading companies involved in the financing of China-DPRK commodity trade are potential targets of US reprisals.

Having lost patience with China, the Trump administration is studying new steps to starve North Korea of cash for its nuclear program, including an option that would infuriate Beijing: sanctions on Chinese companies that help keep the North’s economy afloat.

The insinuation is crystal clear: curtail your trade with North Korea, or else…

Washington has visibly opted for a coordinated package of sanctions which is intimately related to its global military agenda. Is this sanctions regime a preamble to military action?

From a US foreign policy perspective, China, Russia and Iran constitute a geopolitical “block”. China and Russia are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Agreement (SCO), allies in the fields of trade, energy as well as military cooperation, Iran is slated to become a full member of the SCO.

Economic sanctions are indelibly tied into military and intelligence planning. In many regards the sanctions “package” (in derogation of international law) constitutes an act of war.

Russia and China have a longstanding comprehensive military cooperation agreement. Ironically, barely acknowledged by the Western media, a month prior to the House of Representatives vote, Beijing and Moscow signed (June 29, 2017) a  so-called roadmap on military cooperation for 2017-2020, which in essence constitutes a rebuttal to US-NATO threats including the US sanctions regime.

Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario

Moreover, both China and Russia have economic as well as defense cooperation agreements with North Korea.

Russia signed in November 2015 an “agreement on the prevention of dangerous military activities” with the DPRK, largely directed against the militarization of the Korean peninsula. In turn, China has a bilateral military cooperation agreement with North Korea which is part of the 1979 Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty,

The US sanctions regime is not only directed against those “three plus one” countries, it is also directed against countries which have bilateral trade, investment or military cooperation agreements with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

Weakening the European Union

Moreover, the sanctions regime is quite deliberately intended to weaken the European Union, specifically in relation to the sale of Russian natural gas to the EU.

Punitive measures are also envisaged directed against European companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which is used to transport natural gas from North Western Russia to Germany.

What this suggests is that EU member states which enter into trade with Russia would be subjected to sanctions.

Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario

France has raised doubts about “the legitimacy of new US sanctions against Iran and Russia, saying they do not conform to international law due to their extraterritorial reach” (Press TV)

The Pentagon’s Military Agenda

This sanctions package directed against four enemies of America is related to and “supportive” of US and allied military deployments in major regions of the World:

  • Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Balkans (against Russia),
  • Caucasus (against Russia and Iran)
  • Syria and Iraq (against Iran and Russia),
  • Militarization of the Persian Gulf (against Iran)
  • South China Sea, Taiwan Straits (against China as part of the Pivot to Asia)
  • East Asia and the Korean peninsula including the THAAD deployment (against North Korea, China and Russia).

Vigilant Shield 07:

Irmingham [Iran], Nemazee [North Korea], Ruebek [Russia], Churya [China]

Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III ScenarioFrom a strategic point of view, the Pentagon’s World War III war “scenarios” which have been conducted on regular basis for more than ten years include these four countries, which are now the object of US sanctions.

The details of these WWIII war games scenarios –which involve the use of nuclear weapons– invariably remain classified. In 2006, the Vigilant Shield 2007 war games involving four fictitious countries were leaked to the Washington  Post in an article by William Arkin

Vigilant Shield exercise (Vigilant Shield 07), which simulated the outbreak of a major war, contemplated four hypothetical enemies: Ruebek (Russia), Churya (China), Irmingham (Iran) and Nemazee (North Korea).

Examine the details below of the World War Scenario (Road to Conflict). Is there a relationship?

Is the US sanctions regime directed against four countries in any way related to the war games and routine World War III scenarios conducted by the Pentagon against these four countries. 

Further analysis is contained in Michel Chossudovsky, Towards a World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War, Global Research, (2011) (click cover to order from Global Research)

Irmingham [Iran], Nemazee [North Korea], Ruebek [Russia], Churya [China]

Details and Sequencing: [emphasis added]

“• Road to Conflict (RTC): 11 Sep – 15 Oct 06

 – Initial Irmingham Enrichment I&W [indications and warning]
– Initial Ruebeki & Irmingham Involvement
 – Ruebek I&W, PACFLT [U.S. Pacific Fleet] Sub Deployments
– Initial Nemazee ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile] I&W
– Initial MHLD [homeland defense?] I&W
 – Strategic IO [information operations (cyber warfare)] operations (Ruebek & Churya)
– Ruebek & Irmingham Conduct Joint AD [air defense] Exercise

• Phase 1 / Deployment: 4 – 8 Dec 06

 – Rogue LRA [Russian long-range aviation] w/CALCM [conventional air launched cruise missile] Launch
– Continue Monitoring Strategic Situation
– Continue Monitoring Nemazee Situation

  • Possible Nuclear Testing
  • Probable ICBM Preparation

– Continue Monitoring MHLD Situation

• Five VOIs [vessels of interest]
  • Churya Flagged VOI into Dutch Harbor Supports BMDS [ballistic missile defense system] Threat to Ft Greely

 – Continue Monitoring IO Activities
 – Nemazee Conducts SLV [space launch vehicle] Launch – 8 Dec 06

• Phase 2 Minus 42 Days:

 • Additional Nemazee ICBM Shipments to Launch Facilities
• RMOB [Russian main operating bases] Acft Conduct LR Navigation Flights
• AS-15 [nuclear armed cruise missile] Handling at RMOBs

 – Minus 41 Days:
 • Additional Nemazee ICBM Preps at Launch Pad # 2
– Minus 40 Days:
  • Activity at Nemazee Nuclear Test Facilities
– Minus 35 Days:
  • DOS [Department of State] Travel Warning
 – Minus 30 Days:
• Ruebek LRA Deploys Acft to Anadyr & Vorkuta

• Phase 2 Minus 30 Days:

 • Growing International Condemnation of Ruebek
• Ruebek Deploys Submarines

 – Minus 20 Days:
  • Nemazee Recalls Reservists
 – Minus 14 Days:
• DOS Draw-down Sequencing
– Minus 13 Days:
  • Ruebek Closes US Embassy in Washington DC
 – Minus 11 Days:
• Nemazee Conducts Fueling of Additional ICBMs
  • Ruebeki Presidential Statement on Possible US Attack

• Phase 2 Minus 10 Days:

 • POTUS Addresses Congress on War Powers Act

– Minus 6 Days:
  • Ruebek President Calls “Situation Grave”
 – Minus 5 Days:
• CALCM Activity at Anadyr, Vorkuta, and Tiksi
• Ruebeki SS-25 [nuclear armed mobile ICBMs] Conduct out of Garrison Deployments
• Nemazee Assembling ICBM for Probable Launch
– Minus 4 Days:
  • Ruebek Closes US Embassy in Washington DC
  • Ruebek Acft Conduct Outer ADIZ [air defense identification zone] Pentrations
• Mid-Air Collison w/NORAD Acft During ADIZ Penetration

• Phase 2 Minus 4 Days:

 • Nemazee ICBM Launch Azimuth Threatens US

 – Minus 3 Days:
 • NATO Diplomatic Efforts Fail to Diffuse Crisis
 • USAMB to Ruebek Recalled for Consultation
 • POTUS Addresses Nation
 – Minus 2 Days:
 • Nemazee Leadership Movement
 – Minus 1 Day:
 • Ruebek Expels US Mission

• Phase 2 / Execution: 10 – 14 Dec 06

 – Pre-Attack I & W
 – Imminent Terrorist Attack on Pentagon Suggests Pentagon COOP [continuity of operations plan]
– Nemazee Conducts 2 x ICBM Combat Launches Against United States

– Ruebek Conducts Limited Strategic Attack on United States
• Wave 1 – 8 x Bear H Defense Suppression w/CALCM
• Wave 2 – Limited ICBM & SLBM Attack
– 2 x ICBM Launched (1 impacts CMOC [Cheyenne Mountain], 1 malfunctions)
– 2 x SLBM Launched Pierside (1 impacts SITE-R [“Raven Rock” bunker on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border], 1 malfunctions)
– 3 x Bear H from Dispersal Bases w/ALCM (Eielson AFB, CANR, Cold Lake)
– US Conducts Limited Retaliatory Attack on Ruebek
• 1 x ICBM C2 Facility
• 1 x ICBM Against ICBM Launch Location
• Phase 2 / Execution:
 – Ruebek Prepares Additional Attack on United States
• Wave 3 – Prepares for Additional Strategic Attacks
  – 1 x ICBM Movement, NO Launch
– 3 x SLBM PACFLT Pierside Missile Handling Activity (NO Launch)
– 6 x BEAR H (launch & RTB [return to base]) w/6 x ALCM (NO launch)”

[source Northern Command and William Arkin] emphasis added

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Nigel Maund

The US “Deep State” is hell bent on war with Russia, China, Iran, Syria and North Korea. Unless Trump can defeat the US “Deep State” very soon we are all being driven into a Deep State engineered war in which a large part of humanity will be annihiliated as anticipated in the Deep State’s plan of wholesale population eugenics and destruction. This situation nothing is short of appalling; and, unless people wake up and stop these maniacs in the US and Europe then we will have only ourselves to blame.


The deep state along with neocons are in a state of delusion, thinking of US military primacy, their thought process is the byproduct of their delusional thinking, US military primacy is an obsolete concept in view or Russian and Chinese rearmament programs. US would loose badly, a conventional, limited nuclear or full scale nuclear exchange.


Wrong on all fronts.

“US would loose badly, a conventional” -And just how are they supposed to transport an army across two oceans without anyone knowing about it… The only ones that are gonna fight a conventional war with russia or china is europe…. Awww! OOOhhh my god: Another country besides our own has to fight russia! They don’t count…. USA! USA! USA!

“US triad is old, its ICBMs are half century old” -The technology is fine. Why upgrade? They want these systems to stay isolated from the rest of the world so that crazies like you can’t hack these systems and launch nukes… And besides that, would you want a blue screen during launch?

“Deluded minds that do not understand their military deficiencies” -The only deluded mind here is your own and it’s obvious you are projecting hate towards the US so just save everyone the trouble and declare: “I hate the USA” instead of spouting retard BS…

Daniel Martin

A strong and very emotional response with little or no substance to Jesus comment,which gave a rather good analysis of the U.S deep state political and military state of mind.


Just like Alex Black, instead of answering the points I made you resort to insults, I suppose in your mind your insults provide an equalizer to issues you cannot answer. I am from US, and I do not hate US, what I am talking about is the delusional mindset in high places that live in their own reality.

I will refer to your points without insulting you:

“””US would loose badly, a conventional” -And just how are they supposed to transport an army across two oceans without anyone knowing about it… The only ones that are gonna fight a conventional war with russia or china is europe…. Awww! OOOhhh my god: Another country besides our own has to fight russia! They don’t count…. USA! USA! USA!”””

I am not referring to an invasion of US, Syria would have been a good location. I would have liked to see US deploy 150,000 troops and get into a good shooting engagement with the Russians, and send thousands of bags home after a few weeks of fighting, and learn what war against a peer really costs…..instead of idiot neocons howling in the wind. And BTW, the debt would grow by a couple of trillions of dollars.

“”””US triad is old, its ICBMs are half century old” -The technology is fine. Why upgrade? They want these systems to stay isolated from the rest of the world so that crazies like you can’t hack these systems and launch nukes… And besides that, would you want a blue screen during launch?”””

What technology? Minuteman 3 with 3 MIRV has been in that mode since late 60′ and early 70’s. the warhead were updated, the throwweight of the missile is miniscule. Against SS-18 and incoming Sarmat, Minuteman is a toy, the MX missile that was decommissioned was a far more capable missile. Instead of modernizing the ICBM fleet, US spent trillions of dollars on wars in the ME without any direct benefit


It’s like dinner and a movie: I gave you answers WITH insults…

And all you are doing is repeating what I said with some syria crap mixed in…

Tom Tom

really, max, you’re just a little punk.


Have a bad day! Buh Bye!


You would need answers to give answers, and obviously you don’t have answers, just opinions! Though I may agree with some of your opinions i do not consider them as answers derived from proper understanding and application of mind.



Retort about a opinion… with a opinion…. Wow… ZZZzzzzz….


Yes! Best you ho back and get some ZZZZZs, you are already babbling!


“”””Deluded minds that do not understand their military deficiencies” -The only deluded mind here is your own and it’s obvious you are projecting hate towards the US so just save everyone the trouble and declare: “I hate the USA” instead of spouting retard BS…”””

I am speaking the truth, the neocons are full of BS; 1. The US army has a tank that is over 40 years old in design, peer countries have developed new tanks that are more capable and can engage US tanks from greater distances without loss of lethality and have reliable protection systems. 2. Russian generation +4 fighters surpass the F-16, F-15 and 18. 3. Russian cruise missiles are better than what US fields, and they will deploy a hypersonic missile within 2 years; US does not have anything in the works officially.

The list can go on, however, without being tedious, I will remind you that during the Obama presidency there was a sequester on the defense budget that kept it the same, without any upward adjustments. The armed services suffered, they lack spare parts, weapon deliveries have lagged behind…..and they are white elephants.

The deluded neocons believeing their BS that America is ready to start a war, runs contrary to realities and capabilities of the US armed forces.

Tom Tom

don’t waste your breath (or fingers typing) with his kind. Most of America will be shocked at how they were set up to die.


You limit your thinking to what you know and what was once the way of war! With MAD conventional warfare becomes as conceivable as swords and Spears. The next war will be a DEEP STATE WAR! between USA & Russia or even china (unless somehow the chinese blunder or the americans control India and use it as their tool)!


MAD is the ultimate point of armed conflict where strategic nuclear forces will be fully employed. From economic sanctions to MAD there is a wide spectrum where conventional and tactical nuclear weapons can be used.

Leaders who think several moves in advance and have a good grasp on reality can make proper moves holding MAD as a Damocles sword over their opponents head. Delusional leaders who cannot think and have an inflated sense of hyper importance are going to commit self suicide.


What are you lecturing on about?


You do not understand what I am saying? I suggest you do not use words or concepts without understanding them.


Ha ha ha! I suggest before you copy paste try to put context to it. Rambling on and on doesn’t show intelligence, only proves the opposite!


Where did you copy paste this long winded sample of ignorance? MAD to those who are not mad means MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION. Nothing more need be added for even the simplest of minds to grasp!

Robin Cnambers


Tom Tom

MeMadMax, you won’t last two weeks when the stuff hits the fan. If you’re lucky you’ll check out with the rest of us in the Russian/Chinese/NorK first strike.


LOL is that what your interdweebs-arm-chair-general-crystal-ball tell ya?


I agree on most of the things you have to say but you fail to recognize that America is already hated by a majority of countries of the world! And it would not be Difficult to imagine Europe NOT being puppeteered by America. And Europe has no youth to fight for itself let alone for America. The youth that are available and will grow in availability are the Muslims! We all know where Muslim loyalties lie don’t we? India is the only tool that is viable for America to use! If China make the blunder of continuing it’s aggressive antagonistic position against India and continues to misread our Intentions or disregard our history and forces a confrontation then they will cause our mutual destruction and America will win! China understands MODI & BJP are not nehru & kangress. But provoking an otherwise peace loving nation is a mistake they will only male if the government fears internal STRIFE!


NOT. The children that have no understanding of whats going on are running around screaming how much they hate the United States…

The adults are at work…


“And just how are they supposed to transport an army across two oceans without anyone knowing about it… The only ones that are gonna fight a conventional war with russia or china is europe…. Awww! OOOhhh my god: Another country besides our own has to fight russia! They don’t count…. USA! USA! USA!”

This is 2017. The USA is an inpenetrable island that can’t be invaded and any ‘conventional attack’ such as an invasion of Russia with land forces or an amphibious invasion of China would result in the overwhelming loss for the invaders for reasons obvious to anyone who understands modern warfare. We are not talking about fighting a bush war in the middle east or Africa but a war between the USA and Russia and/or China, powerful countries that have been preparing to fight each other for 70 years.

The only role conventional armies will play in a modern war is as a tripwire to start firing standoff weapons and the difference between using conventional warheads and nuclear is the first country that’s in danger of losing the war will use nuclear weapons and at that point it’s just a matter of time before all sides are reduced to ashes.

Sure the USA has wargamed the scenarios and is confident they have the technology and weapons to win a nuclear war. Consider how wrong US war planners were in Iraq. In 2003 the Iraq war was projected to cost $50b and Iraq would be a democracy in a year ….. the pentagon was so far off the mark i……by a factor of 40x the projected cost and it appears now the Iran and Russia are gaining control over Iraq despite $t of USD pumped into the country. Then continued to misread Russian reaction to the Ukrainian coup, Syria, Libya …..

How on earth can Americans be confident the USA can win a war against Iran let alone Russia or China being led by a strategists that are so mathematically challenged? You are the equivelent of Italy in WW2 only Italy had the excuse of having a limited military budget while the USA vastly outspends their adversaries?

Remember what’s at stake here. The Iraq war mearly cost the USA money, lives and reputation. A miscalculated fight against Russia and China will cost you your nation even if you ‘win’


Are you sure you weren’t trying to reply to someone else???

Robert Duran

Man please get out of here.You arent making any contributions of substance here..just insulting fellow contributors.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The one who is deluded is you NATO can’t decide to go to war because the crybaby US decided to attack other Nations over a perceived possible threat. This works with terrorism but fails when it comes to an actual declaration of war on countries , the US now sinks or floats on its own since they are burning bridges with the EU and elsewhere.

The fact you seem to misunderstand how NATO actually works its a mutual defense pact not an offense pact and why they are going to outright IGNORE the US homegrown policy as for what it is “national” only. The US may find their bases closed and economic trade slowed to a trickle in Europe if the US imposes the sanctions on them and possible restrictions in NATO.

This is becoming economic and political Hari Kari for the US , they think they have controls of EU even the UK will probably tie it’s horse to the EU on this and will be allowed to walk away from the EU without penalties. The thing is will the Us be totally abandoned that is up to them to decide now , so possibly a civil war is eminent in the offing since the people there see no chance of political change nor the will within government to do so.

This is popcorn and refreshment time and things are only going to get more interesting as it proceeds.

Robin Cnambers



What are you talking about? USA helped russia and china fight the japanese and germans…

If there is indeed a WW3 ALL of the world will be radiated for 10000 years…

I long for you to shut the fuck up….

U.P. Michigan

You are obviously not much of a thinker.

Tudor Miron

Their problem is that not being true worriors (look – US, UK, etc for long time rely on athro-latino athlets in sports, boxing in particular, to represent them. That means something.) themself and mostly governed by jewish accounters they tend to think that military power = dollar spent. From that ignorant point of view it really seems that US has significant advantage. Americans say “Do or Die” and Russians say Die but Do. Dying is not a valid excuse for failing :)


US society has become soft, inept, without any moral compass, always playing the role of the victim, the X and Y generations are a complete opposite of the generation that fought in WW2 or the Korean War.


Your seem to think the war is going to be conventional where the powers are balanced , the term MAD Mutual Assured Destruction should mean something to you. The war will be war between DEEP STATES economies and insidious infiltrators. Any other war is PYRRHIC VICTORY hence NOT an option! And there AMERICA is superior! 9/11 was ALLOWED to happen and it allowed the DEEP STATE to become a 1984 type BIG BROTHER with kid gloves on to fool a populus willing to look the other way!


Yes I know what Mutual assured destruction is, do you? Economic wars are part of the overall aspect of the war. What exactly do you consider “DEEP STATES EVONOMIES and insidious infiltrators”…, or is that some buzzword in your vocabulary?

Events in Syria and prior Middle East US wars indicate a clear pattern, US can wage effective wars against third world countries, however, when facing a peer military power they are not so effective.


Ha ha ha! The day you will get to see usa going to war against another of equal power you will not be in any shape to question its abilities!


If you don’t domain knowledge you should not try to fill the gap with volumes of copy paste and questions hidden as challenges! Simply spend the time looking up on Google and you won’t sound so ignorant!


If you don’t domain knowledge, it is your prerogative, I gave you the definition of MAD in a previous post. I do not copy and paste…..you do that, I speak from experience and accumulated knowledge. MAD Is the sword that hangs over the necks of US, Russia, China…etc, as armed conflicts can degenerate into a full blown nuclear exchange.


You vast pool Of knowledge must also have a chapter on Shakespeare where he writes “the lady doth protest too much, methinks” applies to your claims. Ha ha ha!

Nigel Maund

What worries me is where has the missing US$ 8.5 trillion been spent and what weapons the US has it’s not showing to anyone until they absolutely need to use them?? …. my guess are that there are a lot of surprises in store the Russians and Chinese know something about but not everything.


They spent money on useless wars, and weapons programs that never materialized. Programs that materialized like 5th generation weapons and technology are very expensive and mere white elephants, since inexpensive EW can disrupt the very essence of the 5th generation technology. US fascination with advanced technologies cost a lot of money without producing any tangible results or effective weapons. Rail guns, lasers….etc, are good R&D eternal projects that enrich the arms industrial complex without the benefit of anything tangible that is effective on the battlefield.

Nigel Maund

Some of this is undoubtedly true; for example the F35 fiasco. However, I still wonder what we are not being told. I have observed some very unusual aircraft for example in the UK at bases shared with the US in the Eastern part of the country. A lot of what is going on is hidden from public view and not discussed in the MSM for obvious reasons including that it is forbidden under the State Secrets Act to do so. Huge underground excavations are present in the UK in Oxfordshire and Bedfordshire and in the US at various locations; most notably, Denver International Airport.


I believe all sides in this conflict have their secret weapons programs. Any nation that doesn’t do this are naive. What we see is the governments stated military budgets but in the case of countries like China, whose finances aren’t as transparent as some countries, they could have hidden budgets as large as the USA and it wouldn’t be made public. In fact it would be in their interests to grossly understate their military spending.


Yes, they do, it is one thing to have the secret weapons in R&D ad infinitum, it is another thing to make them operational, with fanfare or without fanfare.


Corruption is the most likely culprit, the black ops weapons programmes are just a cover!

Putin's baby

Hey, fuckwit.. you think Russia and China has told of all their new weapons? While you lost over 17 years your legal wars, they were building new gen weapons… remember the Sputnik? Made you shit your pink pants,, then first man in space, first ICBM, first, first YOU will be surprised, trust me.

Nigel Maund

Putin’s Baby – I reckon you must be one because only the uneducated resort to crude insults in the public space. Where’s your evidence for all your bluster and highly opinionated commentary. If you wish to comment on these pages at least resort to some level of intelligent argument and commentary rather than low life vulgarity.

U.P. Michigan

And what is your evidence? Let me guess, US media?

Nigel Maund

Wrong, I know the media is way too shallow. I rely upon Defence Journals and Flight International. The F35 has not been the best US aircraft so far designed. Like all efforts to create an all singing / dancing cure all the compromise is master of none. The only beneficiary of taxpayer munificence has been the US MIA who have made billions.


If you believe what you write and fail to include India in the scenario you have not grasped what American DEEP STATE is! The war if it happens will be fought in Asia and India will be persuaded one way or another to be America’s tool against China! It would be in China’s advantage to understand India is not a threat but it is no longer ruled by Nehru or by ANTI-NATIONALS, but by a strongly nationalistic determined capable leader who will look for solutions but will not be cowered!


The “Deep State” is being dismantled. What we are seeing in media right now are ripples from a covert war between factions. It’s far from over so we are entering very dangerous times but not with open large scale military conflict between countries but rather large false flag incidents. Expect headlines of threats or attempts toward Trump but do your own homework because everyone will spin it in their own direction of choice (read boogeyman’s galore).

The West’s populations are fast asleep and pose no major threat, this has been tested with all the numerous terror charades. Next step for the F2T2 (False Flag Terror Tour) is probably Iran where they will see a series of incidents all orchestrated and paid for by the Ziocons. Don’t forget that this is their last chance before they’re exposed, caught and hung. The world will soon need a lot of gallows.


Nigel Maund

Putin – Russia will be responsible for their own downfall due to Putin’s stupidity and self declared admiration and unshakable friendship with Netanyahu and Israel.

The Neoconservatives, “Deep State” as you call them do not want physical but an economic curtailment of Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea.

China is mentioned because its one of the 3rd countries that does business with Russia and the other countries.

It is not just the US led “Terror Axis” that is conducting war in Syria.

Putin – Russia are also responsible for the destruction in Syria starting 2010 to October 2015 and again from January 2017 until now because they failed to defend Syria starting 2010 which was promised to them by Putin.

On behalf of Israel, Iran will be next in the queue for destruction by Putin – Russia because they are Geopolitical threats to Russia due to the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Putin's baby

Redneck armchair general? Russia and China will defeat you… these are not rag heads and Vietnamese which even beat the shit out of you.

U.P. Michigan

Trump is part of the whole agenda! What are you thinking?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Another scenario is North Korea wipe off US airbases with long range Nuclear artillery while Russia Oscar class subs with each one 24 P-700 supersonic antiship missile( 650km range) and China with Type 093G subs with YJ-18 long range antiship missile…destroy 5 air carriers leaving their forces without air support!


All the US ships at the bottom of the sea would also tick a box for the Green Lobby, as aquatic live would be able to thrive in the artificial US made reefs.

Its a win win for humanity and fish :)


Have you accounted for the MAD convention where even if what you say happens successfully, usa can launch enough upon china Russia and others to make it madness to provoke such a tactic! A PYRRHIC VICTORY is by definition a LOSS!

Kids in Africa

US new king of sanction. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36a68c45b7d057845b4626ee24ae638ea002ad37767bb6f3aa511b4a32bde0d3.png


Kids in Africa Putin is delusional and will lead Russia to its own destruction.

Kids in Africa

I agree he is Zionist. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd8857f626291c03ee9bf79d1dbece7c58f63822d3e0199e58d73a72cad869a5.jpg


Hey guys, instead of writing epic military fantasies here in the comments section about the destruction of the United States, save everyone the hassle and just write: “I hate the United States”….

… Not only do you save yourself from looking like an epic moron but you also save the time that people would have to commit to making you look like an idiot as they tear apart said fantasy….

-Thanks. Normal People…


Please just shut the F up you dumb low IQ braindead subhuman Ameritard. Is that direct enough for you?


OH, I love it, your hate gives me pleasure!!! Also, its just oh SOOOOOOooo proves that I’m right and you are… in need of better things to do…

Go cool off them raging hormones with a sock session.



brainwashed, dumb, Ameritard scum

John Brown

Me Mad Max is likely a racist supremacist Jew who wants to enslave or exterminate all those who are not part of the master superior Jewish race. See very good videos of how racist supremacist Jews like Michael Jews treat Goyim. http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some more proof, these links below on Jewish racism JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’



Good! I can feel your anger! I am defenceless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!

John Brown

You are the one full of hate, Mad Mossad Max, you are the dark side I just showed it. You have no come back. Gothca!!!! You lose! To all Goyims on this board to expose Mad Mossad Max, if you don’t already, I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what they routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Nothing beats the confession. It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the American or Western Jewish owned, media and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and supremracist racism against all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of Goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed. Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash. Translation ISIS apologized for accidentally attacking its master. One does not apologize for attacking an enemy. http://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/.


Talk about hate… wow… look at yours…


John Brown



Did you know that there are like 50 billion other people to use as scapegoats for your problems?

Better get to work brah!

John Brown

Israel harvested 18000 organs from dead Syrians during the war. Since the outbreak of war in 2012, 6.5 million people have been displaced within Syria and another 4.8 million have become refugees forced to flee to neighboring countries like Turkey and Lebanon or 10% have migrated to Europe. With another 386,000 estimated dead, that’s 11.7 million humans in Syria who have violently lost their lives or homes – stunningly over half the total prewar population of 22 million Syrians. All this tragic human horror only occurs because of an overly aggressive, imperialistic US-Israeli foreign policy creating a path of chaos and destruction across the Middle East and North Africa secretly supporting the terrorists to fight US-Israeli proxy wars to illegally overthrow sovereign national governments like Assad’s. The ruling elite behind the Greater Israel Project deploys US Empire to manufacture unlawful wars and the subsequent largest migration crisis since WWII to willfully and methodically destabilize the world generating such dire human living conditions that expedite formation of a one world government. Ironically but also by criminal design, the two closest neighboring countries most powerful in the region that are most directly responsible for the terrorists and the MENA wars – Israel and Saudi Arabia – refuse to even take in a single refugee from the very same wars they both create and promote. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/07/28/israel-harvested-18000-organs-from-dead-syrians-during-the-war/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8b578cea34ab952136fdbd4f69826c51b42bdbf77e1c66bb7b68bcaf56667f8.jpg


Yea, so? Tell that to someone that also hates jews so that you can have company in your echo chamber?

Also, it’s very documented that the “FSA”/isis used children as human shields whilst they were retreating/holding out whilst surrounded…

Yea yea yea… I know… it was the jews…

John Brown

I don’t hate Jews at all that would be stupid. It is the racist supremacist Jews like you who want to enslave and or exterminate all of humanity that must be stopped. It is impossible for every single Jew to be an evil racist supremacist like you just as it is impossible for every Goyim to be good. You may be one of the evil Shabbos Goy? Tell us what is it that drives you the Shabbos Goy, if you are not a racist supremacist Jew? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes people like you to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Guilt needs to be proven and every racist supremacist Jew needs to have a fair trial so they may be proven to be evil and this will also help to expose their evil and there evil friends as well.


Whats a goyim?

John Brown

Part 1 Nice try. Goyim means non Jew / sub human, slave, racially inferior to the chosen superior racist supremacist master Jewish race. I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what they routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Nothing beats the confession. It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism against all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of Goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed. racist supremacist Jews created and control ISIS and America must support ISIS as its racist supremacist Jewish masters order them to. The Man Behind The Curtain Israeli Colonel Among ISIS Forces In Iraq June 14, 2017 206 Views Commentary — This story is from November 28, 2015, but it is still important in that it demonstrates just how long evidence about the Zionist connection to ISIS has been out there — and how long our Zionist media has ignored it. http://www.middleeastrising.com/the-man-behind-the-curtian-israeli-colonel-caught-among-isis-forces-in-iraq/ Tel Aviv Pays Al Qaeda Fighters Salaries: The Syrian War’s Worst Kept Secret That Could Become Israel’s Nightmare

John Brown

Part 2 Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could easily backfire http://www.globalresearch.ca/tel-aviv-pays-al-qaeda-fighters-salaries-the-syrian-wars-worst-kept-secret-that-could-become-israels-nightmare/5597339 Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash. translation ISIS apologized for accidently attacking its master. One does not apologize for attacking an enemy. Why doesn’t the media talk about this??? http://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/ Moshe Ya’alon’s office refuses to elaborate after alluding to contact with terror group You won’t see this on our heavily censored Jewish owned media.This should be front page news and on every T.V. channel. Where are the sanctions and Toma Hawk cruise missile strikes on Israel for this?? They show this in Israeli media but if any media or politician in the Israeli occupied slave empire showed it or talked about it here they would be called racist, arrested etc. for talking about and reporting on the truth. Nothing beats a confession this time from the Israeli defense minister. Is there any doubt who the creators and masters of ISIS and Al Qaeda are??? Is the times of Israel and the Israeli minister of defense anti Jewish and against Israel for saying this??? http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/just-some-photographs-israeli-soldiers-hanging-out-al-qaeda-syria/ri19253 Just Some Photographs of Israeli Soldiers Hanging Out With Al-Qaeda in Syria https://www.rt.com/news/386027-isis-apologized-israel-golan/ Ya alon I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria http://www.timesofisrael.com/yaalon-i-would-prefer-islamic-state-to-iran-in-syria/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB8lPZ6zxhA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfl3vvsaeaw https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Yes it is the Jews who are responsible for what with ISIS, Al Qaeda and the FSA do since Israel created, funds, controls and runs them all.


Besides that, its more than obvious you project your own hate…

I haven’t even said one thing about jews?

John Brown

You repeat all the racist supremacist Mossad talking points of the racial supremacy of the Jewish chosen master race etc. over the inferior Goyim. Perhap s you are one of the racially inferior stupid Goyim racist supremacist Jews talk about and you are just to stupid to realize what you are saying? I would say you are not that stupid, just evil. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png


You sound more like JIHADI John than John Brown or Smith or Doe!


(((((Poor USA))))) {{{Sniff}}}} Is that enough for you, snowflake? Terrible, isn’t it? So much HATE. HATE IS BAD. HATE MUST BE STAMPED OUT. HAVE U HATED TODAY? SELF-CENSOR YOURSELF. Hate must not allowed to exist. Hate Speech is punishable by death. Antisemitism is a crime punishable with execution …


***** Noob Troll ***** <<>>

Tudor Miron

MeMadMax… My friend, and I’m not sarcastic here. I understand that you feel offended. But listen to Jesus – he’s American just like you he loves the soil under his feet. Inevitably so. China, Russia and Iran will not attack USA other than retaliating. History gives us track record – look at it. What Jesus say is that neocons may overestimate their military power and underground cells as save and sustaineable enough to start an actual war. I differ with you and Jesus on the subject of who’s going to win this war. Rats….cockroachs, that kind of stuff may survive… It is calculated that explosion of 30 or so current nuclear warheads (Hiroshima was a joke compearing to what is in use now) will be enough to close the sky for 4 to 5 years. Total winter… how soon we (Human race in total) will run out of food?

Why on Earth we don’t realise that we’re feeding a foreign/rogue entity :) Talmudic jews felt into this (self torturing) trap deeper than others…. Fear, anger and grief – thats the “food/emotion” Human race is supposed to “produce/feel” in ever increasing volumes. That’s what GP is consuming to exist (metaphorically saying). But ponder this: GP never does anything other than via our Human Being hands. It is powerless if we refuse to cooperate (killing each other for no actual reason).

I’m using metaphors in order to short cut explanation of my point – I’m not a teenhat freak :) It’s just that my limited (self learned English) makes it sound like that :)


Besides korea and pakistan most nuclear States understand the convention of MAD hence such apocalyptic scenarios are discounted as utter madness on the part of the one who presses the nuclear button. So what’s left us a war that is invisible and fought between DEEP STATE players! And in that art and with the kind of money USA has is and will deploy russia comes a far second while china is in comparison still fighting dragons with Kung Fu! But that america is today the root of all evil is not far from the truth!


I have never talked about what you are blubbering on about… especially jews(why must it always be da goos? Who knows… there are like 50 billion other people out there… But I digress)…

ANYWAYS, back to shit thats more tangible and real:

The potential destruction of nuclear war is always overwhelmingly exaggerated… For the fear factor of course… You have watched movies showing entire cities getting obliterated by one nuclear bomb right?(particularly los angeles for some odd reason)…

It would actually take around 10 of the standard russian nuclear mirv(nuke) to bomb los angeles in its entirety, and there is a simulator for it too: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/

It works best in chrome. Select the SS-25 preset(most common nuclear russian bomb), head over to somewhere like los angeles, and unleash your own simulated version of hell…

It takes about 10 hits to wipe out los angeles NOT one…

Nuclear war is perfectly survivable… There were never enough bombs to fully nuke anywhere, at any time, even during the height of the cold war…

There were also 2000+ nukes detonated in the atmosphere and we are still here… I still have two arms and two legs… 10 toes, fingers etc etc…

But I digress… I don’t know anything…

John Brown

What a stupid comment by you Mad Mossad as you are really are mad. You obviously have no science back ground moron. It is the nuclear radiation from the fallout that kills 90% plus of the people, not the explosion, so you got the explosion part right by obvious accident and totally missed the most lethal part of it, the radioactive fallout. Look it up you mad psychotic idiot.


This is all done for Israel. America doesn’t have its interests served by doing the sanctions. At this rate, it’s going to sanction half the world. European nations are already complaining. Sanctions go both ways. The American people have to understand this. It means their exports decline. They are hurting themselves. Right now the US economy doesn’t need this. Unemployment is at an all-time high. Russia and China are big markets. Doing this isn’t going to achieve the intended effects. North Korea has created a network of relations that involve even the collusion of national governments to get the stuff it wants and sell the weapons and minerals, including gold that other nations want and need.


Israel is coming into the range of North Korea’s weapons, including its nukes, so it’s putting the hard-on on US Congress. The puppets acquiesce like usual. And the American people bend over and take a beating.

If the measurements from North Korea are correct, half of the American mainland is in range of North Korea’s weapons.

Israel requires longer range because of the direction of the earth’s rotation; North Korea has to fire from east to west so as to avoid passing over China, where stages of the missile may drop. (Although in a life-death situation or a murder-suicide armageddon situation, angering China probably won’t be a consideration.)


North Korea’s ultimate protection, the maximum deterrent, is the ability to strike Israel with a nuclear weapon.

If North Korea knows what’s good for it, it should go all-out making this deterrent, and proving that its missiles have a maximum reach of 12,000 km. It should ignore all the war talk in the media. This is psychological warfare, designed to prevent North Korea making this deterrent.

If the USA had decided it wanted to stop North Korea from doing missile development, it would have done military intervention a long time ago.


The consequences of doing so would be just too enormous. Such is the fire capacity of North Korea that Japan and South Korea would be hulking smoking ruins.

Of course, North Korea would be the same, but that’s not the point – America’s allies would bear the brunt of the retaliation at this stage.

Kim says he’s not averse to going nuclear if things get tough; so the US might risk a nuclear war happening on the Asian continent. This would be very dangerous.


It may be hard to keep the nuclear war restricted to just the Koreas and Japan. The risk-benefit ratio is such that starting a war is not worth it.

There are other options, such as initiating talks, getting the two Koreas cooperating and developing friendly relations, with a reduction in the risks of a nuclear war in that region. These are all obvious. However, the main goal of the US puppet isn’t to have peace, it’s to have dominance in the world. North Korea’s nukes threaten that dominance. It limits what the puppet can do in Asia and in the Middle East. And Israel has ambitions in both spheres.


North Korea probably doesn’t have any interest in selling nukes to Iran or Syria right now. And Iran’s Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons, saying they are against humanity. And at a pinch, Iran could affix some dirty nuclear waste material onto a missile and use that as a short range radiological ballistic missile. Its explosive effects would not be as great as a proper nuke but the radiation effects could be catastrophic.


But let’s suppose it does sell them to Iran. This would immediately put an invasion of Iran off the table.

A war between two nuclear-armed nations where the US’s opponent can nuke either the USA or Israel is probably too risky for the US. So the US is unlikely to have a war with Russia, China, India or North Korea at this stage. And Iran would be added to the list if it got nukes.


As for Pakistan getting North Korea’s nukes, that’s out of North Korea’s control. The two nations share technology (and North Korea shares technology with India too). For North Korea to develop its deterrent nukes, it has to give up nuke and missile tech to Pakistan or give it missiles it’s made. North Korea can’t get out of doing that. Having these relationships is vital to North Korea’s security.

888mladen .

India is Zionist hot bed. Find out.


I know that. Modi is with the Israelis. But he plays all sides. He wants nukes/missiles bad so he is also making deals with North Korea. This is the way of the world. A nation plays everyone. Same with Singapore, supposed to be a US ally, Mossad links are strong, used to have a Jewish PM, but it also helps out North Korea secretly acting as the middleman. What does it get out of it? Who knows. Could be money, missiles, mineral rights …


Pakistan too. It plays both sides. Pretends to be a staunch anti-Zionist Muslim, but it helps Saudi out. Sends generals to train Saudis to fight Yemeni Houthis. Malaysia and Indonesia let Mossad in knowingly but pretend to be good Muslim nations. All those are two-faced. North Korea too. Heard it sold missiles to UAE – not sure if it’s true though. But I wouldn’t put it past North Korea to grab the chance to make money from UAE, even though it’s supposed to be allies with Yemeni Houthis and Iran.


Rather a Zionist Hotbed than an Islamist viper put!


There are other options, such as initiating talks, getting the two Koreas cooperating and developing friendly relations, with a reduction in the risks of a nuclear war in that region. These are all obvious. However, the main goal of the US puppet isn’t to have peace, it’s to have dominance in the world. North Korea’s nukes threaten that dominance. North Korean nukes limit what the puppet can do in Asia and in the Middle East. And Israel has ambitions in both spheres.


I think you need to acquire basic knowledge on what the nuclear States know and even non-nuclear states can detect, albeit, a little slower than the super powers! Every flight every launch is monitored and acquired by defence satellites and radar systems! So no HALFWIT spawn of a dictator could fool the super powers with such sophomoric antics!


Ha ha ha! Before Korea’s Krazy Kim Un pulls his finger out of his nose towards his nuclear arms, america will have wiped korea and parts of china out of existence! And if china pulls its finger out of Pakistan’s and Sri Lanka’s behinds, to retaliate, it too will be depopulated by America!


Ha ha ha! Israel is of no importance or threat to Korea. Only an Arab a brainless paki or the multitude of inbred Muslims would consider such scenarios!


Israel is a big threat to North Korea. Israel has got nukes. North Korea fought three times with Israel. North Korea doesn’t like Israel and Israelis hate North Korea too.


North Korea fought what with Israel? A skirmish. A battle. Or a war? And which madarassa are you quoting from ?

John Brown

Yes exactly NK knows that it is racist supremacist Israel that is forcing its slave America to threaten them.


You gotta be either an Arab, a paki, or atleast an inbred Muslim madarassa created drone!

Solomon Krupacek

and who are you, little shit?



Solomon Krupacek

oh, so, you are big shit! :DDD


So long as USA can destroy China Russia Korea and any other state NOTHING like this will happen. Those who understand MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) are unlikely to let a nuclear strike happen against America, and most of the mad ARABS have been neutered now the only rogue states that remain are Pakistan and North Korea! Both are the only friends China has. And if either attacks China will be held responsible by USA who will take retaliatory action and not spare china while Russia will remain open to response if it even twitches an eyebrow!


tigbear There is no bigger fool in this sanctions debacle than Putin himself.

Putin considers Israel and Netanyahu as best friends of Russia and wants non Muslim Israeli immigration into Russia.


This is all done for Israel. America doesn’t have its interests served by doing the sanctions. At this rate, it’s going to sanction half the world. European nations are already complaining. Sanctions go both ways. The American people have to understand this. It means their exports decline. They are hurting themselves. Right now the US economy doesn’t need this. Unemployment is at an all-time high.


Russia and China are big markets. Doing this isn’t going to achieve the intended effects. North Korea has created a network of relations that involve even the collusion of national governments to get the stuff it wants and sell the weapons and minerals, including gold, that other nations want and need.


Israel is coming into the range of North Korea’s weapons, including its nukes, so it’s putting the hard-on on US Congress. The puppets acquiesce like usual. And the American people bend over and take a beating. If the measurements from North Korea are correct, half of the American mainland is in the range of North Korea’s longest range weapons, and that could include nukes.


Israel requires a longer range than the USA because of the direction of the earth’s rotation; North Korea has to fire from east to west (over the Pacific) so as to avoid passing over China, where stages of the missile may drop. (Although in a life-death situation or a murder-suicide armageddon situation, angering China probably won’t be a consideration.)


North Korea’s ultimate protection, the maximum deterrent, is the ability to strike Israel with a nuclear weapon. If North Korea knows what’s good for it, it should go all-out making this deterrent, and proving that its longest range missiles have a reach of at least 12,000 km. It should ignore all the war talk in the media. This is psychological warfare, designed to prevent North Korea making this deterrent.


If the USA had decided it wanted to stop North Korea from doing missile development, not caring about the consequences to anyone else (South Korea and Japan), it would have done military intervention a long time ago.


The consequences of doing so would be just too enormous. Such is the fire capacity of North Korea that Japan and South Korea would be hulking smoking ruins.

Of course, North Korea would be the same, but that’s not the point – America’s allies would bear the brunt of the retaliation at this stage.


Kim says he’s not averse to going nuclear if things get tough; so the US might risk a nuclear war happening on the Asian continent. This would be very dangerous.

Also, after the latest missile test, we can’t rule out North Korea having deterrents that can strike the US West Coast.


It may be hard to keep the nuclear war restricted to just the Koreas and Japan. Radiation can spread to Russia and China. North Korea might drop a nuke on China or Russia to get them firing nukes at the US. You don’t have time to work out where a nuke comes from in a nuke war. If you hesitate to strike at your enemy, you miss your chance at retaliation. The risk-benefit ratio is such that starting a war is not worth it.


There are other options, such as initiating talks, getting the two Koreas cooperating and developing friendly relations, with a reduction in the risks of a nuclear war in that region. These are all obvious. However, the main goal of the US puppet isn’t to have peace, it’s to have dominance in the world. North Korea’s nukes threaten that dominance. North Korean nukes limit what the puppet can do in Asia and in the Middle East. And Israel has ambitions in both spheres.


North Korea probably doesn’t have any interest in selling nukes to Iran or Syria right now. And Iran’s Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons, saying they are against humanity. And at a pinch, Iran could affix some dirty nuclear waste onto a missile and use that as a short range radiological ballistic missile. Its explosive effects would not be as great as a proper nuke but the radiation effects could be catastrophic.


But let’s suppose it does sell them to Iran. This would immediately put an invasion of Iran off the table. A war between two nuclear-armed nations where the US’s opponent can nuke either the USA or Israel is probably too risky for the US. So the US is unlikely to have a war with Russia, China, India or North Korea at this stage. And Iran would be added to the list if it got nukes.


As for Pakistan getting North Korea’s nukes, that’s out of North Korea’s control. Pakistan already has nukes anyway. The two nations share technology (and North Korea shares technology with India too). For North Korea to develop its deterrent nukes, it has to give up some nuke and missile tech to Pakistan or give it missiles it’s made. North Korea can’t get out of doing that.


Having these relationships is vital to North Korea’s security. Furthermore, we don’t know the extent of the cooperation. We don’t know how much North Korea has to share what it has with Pakistan and India. Everything is top-secret. That’s why the US is frustrated. It doesn’t have much information about what’s going on in North Korea.


Wait a minute? Did you say China? I’m not sure if this is true or not but hey can anyone clarify if China is truly on the list

John Mason

Yes, code name Churya.

John Mason

US sanctions Russia, Iran and NK but not China. Why not? Isn’t the US being aggressive in the South China Seas and have stated that China is the number 1 opponent and security risk to the US. Maybe not now but China will get on the hit list.


This world war scenario plan (Irmingham [Iran], Nemazee [North Korea], Ruebek [Russia], Churya [China]) was released to scare North Korea off from making nukes and ICBMs. No country lets its true war plans become available to the public like this. This is all part of the psych warfare. The US is reduced to using psych warfare because military warfare in that region is out of the question. North Korea’s policy of making the strongest deterrents it can seems to be working. If the US had a serious plan to attack North Korea, it would have done so a long time ago. North Korea is a higher priority for containment than Syria or Libya.


The fact that the warnings, the war games exercises and the threats from the US have been going on for almost two decades, and no actual attack has been made on that nation, indicates that the US knows taking on North Korea is too tough a proposition. It is no walk in the park. North Korea has been preparing for a defensive war against the USA for six decades now. Its defenses are hardened. North Korea has been built for defense. An underground city will spring up as soon as a war starts. It likely has developed defenses against EMP and electronic jamming. North Korea manufactures its own solar panels, including portable foldable suitcase ones. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5140c02d8b3db61e03de02d2f0611311173a3f9a266033bba8493f1ff139c8f6.png

Tom Tom

The globalists that control the American empire, both parties and the military industrial complex, want to kill off 7.5 billion humans. Looks like they’ll make their goal. Better repent to Jesus now before its too late.


What can the son of some god, who couldn’t even save himself, do for the 7.5 billion (most of whom don’t even believe in his spiteful impotent bloodthirsty narcissistic super duper all powerful super god the creator)?

andy l

The present world population is 7.5 billion. That would mean killing eveyone so I doubt your number is current

andy l

Typo – correct


The American Constitution is quite clear that treaty’s or arrangements with foreign powers is the exclusive jurisdiction of the President . Trump would be a fool to limit his power .

Its a catch 22 , if he vetoes , hes “siding with Russia” , if not , ” he’s gone against the Constitution” .


Trump is his own man. Conventional wisdom and conventional thinking is not what Trump is and those who voted for him are tired of mass produced puppet presidents who are subject to the industrial machinery that has actually ruled America!


Pardon the length, its not easy to keep it short and possible and even then skip a lot but to give an short description as possible without loosing the thread.

Yup, what did anyone expect from the “exceptional” the chosen ones, the rulers of the universe, that they would somehow stop this politics of rape and plunder, did you, really, I dont bother to go into profanity anymore to describe the degenerating of people in general, incl commentary’s, where the delusional insanity is staggering high.

I take Norway as an ex. because I dont bother to read much else, but what little I read is insane anuf. Its for an PC-infested and Sore-ass ruled country and MSM in Norway, where the censure is water tight and all encompassing, its allowed to hate Russians, NKs, Chines, Philippines, Venezuelans, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Libyans, and white people in General, but never write about Rapefugees or the scums that is plundering us, the uISISa Senatwhores and NeoCONs, but Trump is an free game. And not an word on Norwegian forces burned Libyan children alive because of an thelephone conversation, and even to day, our “eminent” politicians is screaming for wars, incl getting rid of Assad, and is cooperating with Saudis, why do you think the right winged Norse Gov. is helping and funding Wahabism, like the Swedish Gov. is in the world and in our own country’s. You talk about contradictions in terms, this is how the propaganda works, do you dont see it, to me its glaring obvious, its done to polarize and create an foundation for an civil war.

Separate to all this war propaganda, is the “Islamic terror threat”, while the same people, the Norwegians have no problems with and they all wants an war and to wipe out NK, why, because they are cracy, yeah and somehow, all the hate rhetoric evaporates when the MSM drools something about stopping NKs from defending it self, yeah, just bomb te shit of the NKs. And the refugee issue, is debated, since they all are Syrian refugees, right, pitch black people, but no opposition what so ever, other then an bid on taking in ever more refugees, we dont have anuf of them we need more. But non of this, both whom complains and cares, bothers to talk about Why they are coming, not an single word. Never is there talk about wars, not an single word. And so on.

Do you really think the west, with its propaganda, lies and fakerings would back track, are you serious. Do you really think Peace will emerge, huh, I know its coming, I am just unsure where it will start, Trump is an lost basket case, forget this Creepy rotten liar, nothing is coming from the monkey in the WH. Wanna bet.

The war, well, forget EU, hehe, nope, then whom, You, from where. Invade Russia, do you have any idea of how stupid that is. The BallTicks, well, apart from the politicians, are there anyone left, in this rotten country’s, uSISa whores, stupid BallTicks. The more idiotic Polaks would again have an world war in their own country, I dont know how idiotic one can be, but the Polaks are sky rocketing this days up on the idiot list, along with India. The rest, forget it. Good lock wankees, but one thing I do know, Russians never bluffs, I know your land will be turned into an radioactive desert and that means the moment the war comes, wankees are alone all over the world, then the purge will come, and I know nobody will defend you, until the last wankee is hanging from an lamp post. Justice will come, sooner or later, but not before, because they are insane, an cancer to humanity. Everything goes in that direction, they force the world into that direction, and on top of it, whines as they are the victim, Trump is seriously bonkers, and the Senate is even worse. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong.



Break up long posts into short separate posts otherwise the South Front system will recognize it as spam and delete it a day later.


This is a good detailed article focusing mainly on Military aspects of the new US sanctions which include 3rd countries and their companies wanting to do business with Russia, Iran and North Korea.

Adeleye Akinola

There is no empire that rise, that doesn’t fall, in order for another empire to rise. US should know this because very soon another empire will surely rise. It is true that the current empire will do her best to retain power, but as long as it is God’s plan it will surely come to pass. History has shown that no empire can rule forever.


Adeleye Akinola

The next rising empire is the New Khazar Empire in Ukraine which will ultimately control Russia in order to loot and plunder its resources.

Dnepropetrovsk: The New Capital of the World? http://rusvesna.su/english/1495528747

Times of Israel: Leaked report: Israel acknowledges the Khazars;



http://www.texemarrs.com/082014/serpent_people_return.htm The Serpent People Return to Khazar

Everything is coming together. DNA Science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent and his people. The ones we today call “Jews” are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, “that old serpent, the devil.”

Texe Marrs’ revealing book which reveals that the people known today as “Jews” came from Khazaria. They are not descendants of ancient Israel. The book’s conclusions are the impetus for the Jewish takeover of Ukraine …


Ukraine is crazy. Poroshenko is Jewish. After all they have suffered at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks, how can they get the Jews ruling over them again?


tigbear Leave out this serpent business.

The Khazar people in general have higher lingering Neanderthal DNA due to their habitat in Southern Russia which was a refuge for a sizable Neanderthal population.

You left out replying on:

The next rising empire is the New Khazar Empire in Ukraine which will ultimately control Russia in order to loot and plunder its resources.


I’m not religious so I don’t care about the bible stuff. I just linked to that to show that knowledge about the Khazars going back to Ukraine is spreading.


They go back and forth.

“When the USSR began to decline, writes [a former KGB officer married to a Jewish officer in the same force], ‘the flower of this educated leadership and their children emigrated to Israel and the West.’ I can’t help but wonder how many of these criminals now reside in the United States.” [KUROPAS, M., 8-14-94, p. 77]



American communists back then are like Antifa now. These people always use violence in street protests and demonstrations. They do it to terrorize people, like how they terrorized Ukrainians and others during the Red Terror.


American communists attacking a demonstration of Ukrainians against Holodomor, Depression-era Chicago, December 1933

Putin's baby

Go ahead, yanks, do your best to destroy the world, what exceptional people you are! Good things is YOU will die too..

Robin Cnambers


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