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Sanctions Post-Navalny: Blitzkrieg, Trench Warfare, Or Armistice?

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Sanctions Post-Navalny: Blitzkrieg, Trench Warfare, Or Armistice?


Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

Irrespective of what happened to Aleksey Navalny, whether his alleged “poisoning” was a planned foreign intelligence operation from the start or a health incident that was opportunistically seized upon by Western pro-war factions as another weapon to stampede their respective governments into an escalation of conflict with Russia, it is now becoming clear l’affair Navalny was not the “game-changer” of the sort his Western or even domestic Russian backers had hoped. That is not to say it was not a “game-changer” at all, because the war of words over the alleged “poisoning” and the subsequent diplomatic stand-off concerning Navalny’s bail violation and defamation court proceedings did clarify the state of affairs between Russia, US, and EU, and might lead to a change in relations.

Shock and Awe

The information offensive surrounding Navalny’s situation, first when hospitalized in Germany and later in detention in Russia, was aimed at two audiences. The first was the Russian public which, judging by Western media coverage, was on the brink of a major outburst of discontent similar to that experienced by Western countries as a result of intermittent COVID-19 restrictions and economic misery they inflicted. Should hundreds of thousands or even millions of Russians be induced to come out into the streets and protest either for Navalny or against Vladimir Putin, it would constitute a show of political strength that might compel the Russian government, under pressure by economic special interests backing Navalny and by foreign governments, to make concessions. How far-reaching these concessions would be depend on the level of protest, with a Maidan-style outcome actually being contemplated by several political observers in the West. The other target was Europe, or specifically the European Union and Germany which has been under US pressure to abandon the North Stream 2 pipeline linking Germany and Russia. As this would enhance the security and prosperity of both parties to the deal and represent a step toward EU’s strategic autonomy by providing it with a source of energy not subject to US political whims, it was bound to provoke stiff resistance from the United States, its client states within the EU mostly located in Eastern Europe, and also from pro-Atlanticist factions within Germany and France. If the pro-Navalny demonstrations reached a certain critical mass and resulted in serious bloodshed, it is all but certain North Stream 2 would have been canceled under the pressure from suitably whipped up public opinion and Russia would have faced another round of Western sanctions. But that scenario plainly failed to materialize. The successive waves of demonstrations only grew weaker, and in each case were effectively countered by Russian police forces which acted with considerably greater restraint than US and European police forces do in similar cases.

Borrell’s Bluff

The level of EU’s miscalculation was evident from the widespread surprise that Navalny actually found himself under detention upon returning home, in spite of the “hero send-off” he enjoyed in Europe. To rescue the situation, EU’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell was dispatched to Moscow in order to publicly demand Navalny’s “immediate and unconditional” release, and in response he was treated to the expulsion of three European diplomats for participating in the unsanctioned pro-Navalny protests. What is more, Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov bluntly stated that Russia was ready to break off relations with the EU, preferring to focus on relations with individual member-states which showed considerably greater promise than EU’s unconstructive virtue signaling. After Borrell returned to Brussels humiliated, facing calls for resignation even though he was set up for failure by the impossible instructions he was given, it briefly seemed that the Union would react strongly to the snub.

But it did not. Instead, European Union backtracked, imposing sanctions on only a handful of officials who in all likelihood have no financial assets or dealings in the West, and rejecting the idea of broad-based economic sanctions as well. Germany’s government officials reaffirmed the importance of North Stream 2 to its economy, and France’s President Macron, whose favorite hobby horse is EU’s pursuit of strategic autonomy, tacitly approved of Germany’s position. Josep Borrell, for his part, signaled that the EU would pursue a policy of selective engagement with the Russian Federation, focusing on key issues of mutual interest. Finally, in a sign that l’affair Navalny was a spent force, Amnesty International UK revoked Navalny’s “prisoner of conscience” status. While this move provoked furious reactions by Navalny’s associates in Russia and his political and media backers in the West, Amnesty’s reversal followed Western diplomats’ quiet loss of interest in Navalny’s histrionics and abusive language at his Great Patriotic War veteran’s defamation trial in Moscow. Although in the end Navalny’s disappearance from EU agenda was driven by his at least temporarily diminished political usefulness—one would have had to spend the last decade in a coma to be unaware of his politics and rhetorical style.

China First?

For all the talk about “strategic autonomy”, EU still closely follows the US which suggests the rather mild reaction to Navalny’s detention did not occur against the wishes of Washington, D.C. Media reports that United States will not sanction any European firms associated with North Stream 2, and will levy sanctions only against a handful of Russian entities associated with its construction, indicates that the Biden administration is not yet keen on escalating conflict with Russia to the point of actually risking a forceful Russian response, in the form of retaliation against US social media, information technology giants, or other economic interests United States still has in Russia. While the Biden administration has announced measures against Russia would be forthcoming as “punishment” against a range of imagined offenses such as hacking and the Navalny case, US government spokespersons also stated that some of these measures would be invisible and not made public, raising the possibility that the actual US anti-Russia actions might be as restrained as EU’s. The increased European naval activity in the South China Sea suggests something akin to a US-EU quid pro quo. US respects EU’s economic interests inherent in its dealings with Russia and therefore refrains from third-party sanctions targeting European companies, and the EU establishes an image of a unified front with the US against China. The parameters of this cooperation are still unclear, however, Biden administration’s rhetoric suggest far greater anxiety about China’s growing power than about Russia’s.

Wild Cards

The prospect of China becoming America’s “official main enemy” will not sit well with many governments and factions, who will naturally fear the loss of US interest in their neighborhood will force them to seek accommodation after they have burned their bridges with Moscow through rhetoric and economic measures, with backpedaling made difficult or downright impossible by the pressure from nationalist populists in their own countries. Actors capable of escalating Russia-West tensions include Ukraine, the Baltic States, and of course the ever-active British intelligence services who might be willing to stage yet another fake poisoning or chemical attack somewhere in the Middle East or even on their own soil. The main restraining factor here is the question how far they were willing, or able, to go in that respect before provoking Biden’s ire for attempting to hijack his foreign policy.


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Lone Ranger

Navalny is toast. CIA failed again…


A patriotic inmate in the prison where Navalny is , may decide to assist Navalny in making his peace with God :)

Jihadi Colin

I’m fairly certain that the Russian government doesn’t want Navalny martyrified by being killed in custody.

Jihadi Colin

True, Navalny’s over. That doesn’t mean that the search for a Guano is over.


Judging by russian recent bahaviour and by that i mean the political party, Lavrov and co, Russia seams to be fed up by EU’s insolent behaviour, pretty sure they will kick EU in the nuts pretty soon, well derserved kick too :)


Frankly, this Navalny is a complete Zio-NAZI Soros created asswipe and should never see the light of day again.


Navalny is just a useful idiot in search for riches, shame that western people dont speak russian, if one would listen to his LIVE debates and not his youtube clips that have been prepared for him by his team , one would quickly understand what kind of fool he is.


Russia should show those who object and interfere in their domestic laws and sovereignty what the repercussions are due to the interference by putting Navalny in the worst prison preferably with hard labour in Siberia and then post his internship on social media. Navalny can then blame the West for his worsening lifestyle.


Put him in the Black Dolphin and turn him into a reality TV show.


Best comment so far :)

Hasbara Hunter

The West is kinda in panic…the Billy Gates-COVID-19 Bioweapon backfired..their War-based Economies completely in tatters thanks to Tyrannical Lockdowns & Sperrzeit…the Real Crisis has yet to come…Civil-Wars looming at the Horizon both in Europe & the Divided States of Murica, yet all the AngloZioNazi Elites can think about is THEIR “little” War with Russia…WAG THE DOG…These Satanic AngloZioNazi Psychopaths completely have Lost their minds, the ability for clear, rational thought & every touch with reality…Beware Elites! an Angry Mob might come knockin’ at your doors soon…

johnny rotten

When they are done with the enormous genetic rewriting experimentation on their own population there will no longer be a West to discuss, neither wars nor CIA operations, only a mass of mutants that will wander like zombies among the ruins of the former flourishing western metropolises.


This is a prestige struggle. When anybody of Navalny’s kind accepts the shekels, they have two questions. The first is “How much?” The second “You’re going to protect me, right?” To be found out as an agent of the Dark Throne in Iran means they’ll look for an available noose. But in Venezuela or Hong Kong, the same puts you off-limits–an enemy, yes, but one with backers too scary to confront directly. Ironically, the militarily strongest non-Western country up to now mostly followed the latter model.

It’d … clarify things for Navalny associates and wannabes if he were formally charged with treason and put away for twenty years. He doesn’t fancy that kind of life for himself, he can sing in open court: names, dollar amounts, everything. But so much decisiveness seems more a Chinese thing. If Saint Alexey gets two years to cool off away from the cameras and the EU mostly calls it a day, they may be glad that that is over, turn the page, and muddle on.

Still notable that Merkel chose to start the whole charade. Sure the Brits played some poorly understood role, because fundamentally, that’s who they are. What did she (hope to) get out of it? Something banal in German domestic politics? Or was she simply told and Befelh ist Befehl now and forever?


She was told for sure.

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