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Sanctions, Smoke And Mirrors From a Kindergarten On LSD

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Written by TheSaker; Originally appeared at his blog

The latest US sanctions and the Russian retaliatory response have resulted in a torrent of speculations in the official media and the blogosphere – everybody is trying to make sense of a situation which appears to make no sense at all.  Why in the world would the US Senate adopt new sanctions against Russia when Russia has done absolutely nothing to provoke such a vote?  Except for Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders, every single US Senator voted in favor of these sanctions.  Why?!  This is even more baffling when you consider that the single biggest effect of these sanctions will be to trigger a rift, and possibly even counter-sanctions, between the US and the EU.  What is absolutely clear is that these sanctions will have exactly zero effect on Russia and I don’t think anybody is seriously expecting the Russians to change anything at all in their policies.  And yet, every Senator except Paul and Sanders voted for this.  Does that make any sense to you?

Sanctions, Smoke And Mirrors From a Kindergarten On LSD

Let’s try to figure out what is going on here.

First, a simple reminder: like all US politicians, from the county level to the US Congress, Senators have only one consideration when then vote – “what’s in it for me?”.  The very last thing which any US Senator really cares about are the real life consequences of his/her vote.  This means that to achieve the kind of quasi unanimity (98%) for a totally stupid vote there was some kind of very influential lobby which used some very forceful “arguments” to achieve such a vote.  Keep in mind that the Republicans in the Senate knew that they were voting against the wishes of their President.  And yet every single one except for Rand Paul voted for these sanctions, that should tell you something about the power of the lobby which pushed for them.  So who would have such power?

The website “Business Pundit: Expert Driven” has helpfully posted an article which lists the 10 top most powerful lobbies in Washington, DC.  They are (in the same order as in the original article)

  • Tech Lobby
  • Mining Industry
  • Defense Industry
  • Agribusiness Industry
  • Big Oil
  • Financial Lobby
  • Big Pharma
  • AARP
  • Pro-Israel Lobby
  • NRA

Okay, why not?  We could probably rearrange them, give them different labels, add a couple (like the “Prison Industrial Complex” or the “Intelligence Community”) but all in all this is an okay list.  Any name on it jump at you yet?

One could make the case that most of these lobbies need an enemy to prosper, this is certainly true of the Military-Industrial Complex and the associated high tech industry, and one could also reasonably claim that Big Oil, Mining and Agribusiness see Russia has a potential competitor.  But a closer look at the interests these lobbies represent will tell you that they are mostly involved in domestic politics and that faraway Russia, with her relatively small economy, is just not that important to them.  This is also clearly true for Big Pharma, the AARP and the NRA.  Which leaves the Israel Lobby as the only potential candidate.

“Israel Lobby” is, of course, a misnomer.  The Israel Lobby has very little interest in Israel as a country or, for that matter, for the Israeli people.  If anything, the Israel Lobby ought to be called the “Neocon Lobby”.  Furthermore, we also have to keep in mind that the Neocon Lobby is unlike any other lobby in the list above.  For one thing, it does not represent US interests.  Neither does it represent the interests of Israel.  Rather, it represents the interests of a specific subset of the US ruling elites, in reality much smaller than 1% of the population, which all share in the one common ideology of worldwide domination typical of the Neocons.

These are the folks who in spite of their 100% ironclad control of the media and Congress lost the Presidential election to Donald Trump and who are now dead set to impeach him.  These are the folks who simply use “Russia” as a propagandistic fulcrum to peddle the notion that Trump and his entourage are basically Russian agents and Trump himself as a kind of “Presidential Manchurian Candidate”.

Keep in mind that the historical record shows that while the Neocons are fantastically driven, they are not particularly smart.  Yes, they do have the kind of rabid ideological determination which allows them to achieve a totally disproportionate influence over US policies, but when you actually read what they write and listen to what they say you immediately realize that these are rather mediocre individuals with a rather parochial mindset which makes them both very predictable and very irritating to the people around them.  They always overplay their hand and then end up stunned and horrified when all their conspiracies and plans come tumbling down on them.

I submit that this is exactly what is happening right now.

First, the Neocons lost the elections.  For them, it was a shock and a nightmare.  The “deplorables” voted against the unambiguously clear “propaganda instructions” given to them by the media.  Next, the Neocons turned their rabid hatred against Trump and they succeeded at basically neutering him, but only at the cost of terribly weakening the USA themselves!  Think of it: 6 months plus into the Trump administration the USA has already managed to directly threaten Iran, Syria, the DPRK and in all cases with exactly zero results.  Worse, Trump’s behavior towards Europe and the anti-Trump propaganda inside Europe has now put the EU and the US on a collision course.  This is absolutely amazing: for the Russians the current tensions between the EU and the USA are a dream come true and yet they had absolutely nothing to do with it – it was all done by the self-defeating stupidity of the Americans who created this situation completely ex nihilo!

So while Kim Jong-un fires missiles on the 4th of July, the Syrian Army is closing in on Deir ez-Zor, the Ukraine is turning into Somalia, the Russian economy is back to growth and Putin’s popularity is as high as ever, the Neocons are totally freaking out and, as is typical of a person losing control, they don’t do things which would make sense but do what they are used to doing: slapping sanctions (even if they are totally ineffective) and sending messages (even if they are totally ignored).  In other words, the Neocons are now engaging in magical thinking, the deliberately chose to delude themselves about their power and influence and they are coping with their full-spectrum failure at everything by pretending that their votes in Congress matter.  They truth is – they don’t.

Here is where we need to turn to the other misconception in this matter, that the Russian reaction to these latest sanctions is really about these sanctions.  It is not.

First, let’s tackle the myth that these sanctions are hurting Russia.  They really don’t.  Even the 100% russophobic Bloomberg is beginning to realize that, if anything, all these sanctions have made both Putin and Russia stronger.  Second, there is the issue of timing: instead of slapping on some counter-sanctions the Russians suddenly decided to dramatically reduce the US diplomatic personnel in Russia and confiscate a two US diplomatic facilities in a clear retaliation for the expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of Russian diplomatic facilities by Obama last year.  Why now?

Many observers say that the Russians are “naive” about the West and the USA, that Putin was “hoping” for better relations and that this hope was paralyzing him.  Others say that Putin is “weak” or even “in cahoots” with the West.  This is all total nonsense.

People tend to forget that Putin was an officer in the foreign intelligence branch of the KGB, the so-called “First Main Directorate” (PGU).  Furthermore, Putin has recently revealed that he worked in the highly secretive “Directorate S” of the PGU and he was in charge of contacts with a network of illegal Soviet spies in East-Germany (were Putin was under the official cover of Director of the USSR-GDR Friendship House).  If the PGU was the “elite of the elite” of the KGB, and its most secretive part, then the “Directorate S” was the “elite of the elite” of the PGU and its most secretive part.  This is most definitely not a career for “naive” or “weak” people, to put it mildly!  First and foremost, PGU officers were “specialists of the West” in general, and of the United States especially because the USA was always officially considered as the “main enemy” (even if most PGU officers personally considered the British as their most capable, dangerous and devious adversary).  Considering the superb level of education and training given to these officers, I would argue that the PGU officers were amongst the best experts of the West anywhere in the world.  Their survival and the survival of their colleagues depended on their correct understanding of the western world.  As for Putin personally, he has always taken action in a very deliberate and measured way and there is no reason to assume that this time around the latest US sanctions have suddenly resulted in some kind of emotional outburst in the Kremlin.  You can be darn sure that this latest Russian reaction is the result of very carefully arrived to conclusion and the formulation of a very precise and long-term objective.

I submit that the key to the correct understanding of the Russian response is in the fact that the latest US sanctions contain an absolutely unprecedented and, frankly, shocking feature: the new measures strip the President from the authority to revoke the sanctions.  In practical terms, if Trump wanted to life any of these sanctions, he would have to send an official letter to Congress which would then have 30 days to approve or reject the proposed action.  In other words, the Congress has now hijacked the power of the Presidency to conduct foreign policy and taken upon itself to micromanage the US foreign policy.

That, my friends, is clearly a constitutional coup d’état and a gross violation of the principles of separation of powers which is at the very core of the US political system.

It also is a telling testimony to the utter depravity of the US Congress which took no such measures when Presidents bypass Congress and started wars without the needed congressional authority, but which is now overtly taking over the US foreign policy to prevent the risk of “peace breaking out” between Russia and the USA.

And Trump’s reaction?

He declared that he would sign the bill.

Yes, the man is willing to put his signature on the text which represents an illegal coup d’état against this own authority and against the Constitution which he swore to uphold.

With this in mind, the Russian reaction is quite simple and understandable: they have given up on Trump.

Not that they ever had much hope in him, but they always strongly felt that the election of Trump might maybe provide the world with a truly historical opportunity to change the disastrous dynamic initiated by the Neocons under Obama and maybe return the international relations to a semblance of sanity.  Alas, this did not happen, Trump turned out to be an overcooked noodle whose only real achievement was to express his thoughts in 140 characters or less.  But the one crucial, vital, thing which Trump absolutely needed to succeed in – mercilessly crushing the Neocons – he totally failed to achieve.  Worse, his only reaction to their multi-dimensional attempts at overthrowing him were each time met with clumsy attempts at appeasing them.

For Russia is means that President Trump has now been replaced by “President Congress”.

Since it is absolutely impossible to get anything done with this Congress anyway, the Russians will now engage in unilaterally beneficial measures such as dramatically reducing the number of US diplomats in Russia.  For the Kremlin, these sanctions are no so much an unacceptable provocation has an ideal pretext to move on a number of Russian internal policies.  Getting rid of US employees in Russia is just a first step.

Next, Russia will use the frankly erratic behavior of the Americans to proclaim urbi et orbi that the Americans are irresponsible, incapable of adult decision-making and basically “gone fishing”.  The Russians already did that much when they declared that the Obama-Kerry team was недоговороспособны (nedogovorosposobny: “non agreement capable”, more about this concept here).  Now with Trump signing his own constitutional demise, Tillerson unable to get UN Nikki to shut the hell up and Mattis and McMaster fighting over delusional plans to stop “not winning” in Afghanistan, the Obama-Kerry teams starts to look almost adult.

Frankly, for the Russians now is the time to move on.

I predict that the Neocon-crazies will not stop until they impeach Trump.  I furthermore predict that the USA will not launch any major military interventions (if only because the USA has run out of countries it can safely and easily attack).  Some “pretend interventions” (like the ill-fated missile strike on Syria) remain, of course, quite possible and even likely. This internal slow-mo coup against Trump will absorb the vast majority of the energy to get anything done, and leave foreign policy as simply another byproduct of internal US politics.

The East-Europeans are now totally stuck.  They will continue to haplessly observe the unfolding Ukrainian disaster while playing at silly games pretending to be tough on Russia (the latest example of that kind of “barking from behind a fence” can be seen in the rather pathetic closure of the Romanian air space to a civilian aircraft with Russian Vice-Premier Dmitri Rogozin amongst the passengers).  The real (West) Europeans will gradually come back to their senses and begin making deals with Russia.  Even France’s Emmanuel Macron de Rothschild will probably prove a more adult partner than The Donald. 

But the real action will be elsewhere – in the South, the East and the Far-East.  The simple truth is that the world cannot simply wait for the Americans to come back to their senses.  There are a lot of crucial issues which need to be urgently tackled, a lot of immense projects which need to be worked on, and a fundamentally new and profoundly different multi-polar world which needs to be strengthened.  If the Americans want to basically recuse themselves from it all, if they want to bring down the constitutional order which their Founding Fathers created and if they want to solely operate in the delusional realm which has no bearing on reality – that is both their right and their problem.

Washington DC is starting to look like a kindergarten on LSD – something both funny and disgusting.  Predictably, the kids don’t look too bright: a mix of bullies and spineless idiots.  Some of them have their fingers on a nuclear button, and that is outright scary.  What the adults need to do now is to figure out a way of keeping the kids busy and distracted so they don’t press the damn button by mistake.  And wait.  Wait for the inevitable reaction of a country which is so much more and better than its rulers and which now desperately needs a real patriot to stop Witches’ Sabbath in Washington DC.

I will end this column on a personal note.  I just crossed the USA, literally, from the Rogue River in Oregon to East Central Florida.  During that long trip I did not only see breathtakingly beautiful sights, but also plenty of beautiful people who oppose the satanic ball in DC with every fiber of their being and who want their country to be free from the degenerate demonic powers which have taken over the federal government.  I have now lived  a total of 20 years in the USA and I have learned to love and deeply appreciate the many kind, decent, honorable and simply beautiful people who live here.  Far from seeing the American people as enemies of Russia, I see them has natural allies, if only because we have the same enemy (the Neocons in DC) and absolutely no objective reasons for conflict, none whatsoever.  Moreover, in many ways Americans and Russians are very much alike, sometimes in comical ways.  Just as during the Cold War I never lost hope in the Russian people, I now refuse to lose hope in the American people. Yes, the US federal government is disgusting, evil, ugly, stupid, degenerate and outright satanic, but the people of the USA are not.  Far from it.  I don’t know if this country can survive the current regime as one unitary USA or whether it will break up in several quite different entities (something I see as very possible), but I do believe that the people of the USA will survive and overcome just as the Russian people survived the horrors of the 1980s and 1990s.

[Sidebar: after being accused of being a “paid Putin agent” (Vladimir, please send me money!!), a “Jew-lover” or even a “crypto-Jew” myself, a Nazi and Anti-Semite (which decent and good person has not been called an Anti-Semite” at least once in his/her life), a Communist and a Muslim (or, at least, a “Muslim propagandist”), I will now be called an “USA lover”.  Fine.  Guilty as charged!  I do love this country very much, as I do love its people.  In fact, my heart often breaks for them and for the immense sufferings the Anglo-Zionist Empire also inflicts upon them.  In the fight between the people of the USA and the Empire I unapologetically side with the people whom I see as friends, allies and even brothers.]

Right now the USA appears to be plunging into a precipice very similar to the one the Ukraine has plunged into (which is unsurprising, really, the same people inflicting the same disasters on whatever country they infect with their presence).  The big difference is that immense and untapped potential of the USA to bounce back.  There might not even be a Ukraine in 10 years, but there will most definitely be a USA, albeit maybe a very different one or even maybe several successor states.

But for the time being, I can only repeat what Floridians say when a hurricane comes barreling down on them: “hunker down” and brace for some very difficult and dangerous times to come.

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Steven Fay

Very well written piece, but i fear no-one is reading it but me.

John Marks

No, there are others! And I agree with you, this is an excellent analysis.

Miguel Redondo

You have no idea how many people read regularly everything which comes from TheSaker. And most of them are not dumb at all.(At this moment 5646 views and 61 comments)



Me,.. I read it too…. and resonate with all my heart.


A really excellent article


I feel that this person is writing MY sentiments. Thank You

chris chuba

I always feel a little bit smarter after reading an article written by Saker. He truly has a unique style.

Wolfgang Wolf

the conclusion is too simple – just saying “Trump gave up” i do not see from a perspective outside the US…. lets see what happens next… i guess Donalds is playing dirty chess with the Ziocon rats…..


I would say he never tried to begin with. Its clear he is simply a figure head to distract those that pay any attention from the reality of a government superseding there powers. His constant rants are to distract anyone paying attention from real global issues such as foreign policy and instead focus on twitter and transgender nonsense. Him paired with entertainment distractions that are at the forefront of peoples minds has paralyzed any real powers of the people(we are all guilty of this, I only care now cause my family is in government held Syria). These powerful interest I would say have perfected social engineering that has developed well in this new age of technology. Bottom line, people do not care anymore than to say they either love trump or hate him, and this polarized politics have been very successful in carrying out globalist agendas.


The real lobby is in trumps ear 24/7 and thats the military industrial complex, which obviously is heavily inundated with jewish people and their descendants. These people want only one thing, world domination to ensure the Us continues to force the dollar on the world and to suck up every last drop of energy at rock bottom prices and to sell their shit in dollars to other countries, even forcibly. The sanctions are nothing more than a bunch of washed up 50s and 60s schizos that hate “the commies” and would be caught dead before being friends with Russia. Do we forget when murderer and pathological liar rumsfeld made fun of Russias navy as them being irrelevant with all their rusty and sunken boats? THATS exactly how the war machine wants Russia to be. In a chaotic state so theres one less potential enemy out of the picture. Simple as that. Also, the Russia rhetoric started immediately after trump said Putin was a good leader, anyone notice?

Jordan Katz

At least the author hasn’t been accused of being a Neo-con. That would be truly insulting!

Tudor Miron

Again, a great article from the Saker. Highly recommended.


Hopefully Trump will learn from Putin how to work like Neutron Jack and clean the anti American Jew pedophile rapists and their servants and slaves out of the US government, media, finance and academia and replace them with America firsters who’ll work to create a better future for the US and humanity. Rather than the perpetual global war slave state that the Talmud cultists are running to everyone but their and their collaborators detriment.


Yet another lucid article by the Saker. Bravo.

Isabella Jones

I have no doubt that Saker met many people who voice their despair at their Washington rulers. But. But. I am sure they “mean well”. You know, the good intentions which line the road to hell? But….They are still, voluntarily, joining in their military. They have to know what it does. They are doing it to make money for themselves. Today we read that Americans bombed civilians in Syria, killing 60 innocent Civilians including many children.


Yesterday they deliberately bombed a hospital. They are dropping white phosphorus and depleted Uranium on people in Iraq. Those pilots, those bombers, those air crew and ground crew are there by choice. No-one put a gun to their heads. These aren’t the Neo-Con coup d’etat invader Ruling Regime. These are ordinary people.

Those people shaking their heads to Saker, whom he loves, have they rioted over what’s happening? Have they taken to the streets to demand their Forces get out of the Middle East? Have they initiated Civil disobedience to demand that Washington start behaving as if it knew they existed? Have they crowd-invaded the bloody government owned Media to destroy its offices and TV stations? In countries all over the world, we see people putting their lives on the line to make their feelings known – to make it clear that Governments aren’t acting in their name. Until the sad whining snowflake Americans Saker loves does the same — I despise them all, all except the 1000 exceptional ones, that come to sites like this to raise their voices.

The first part of the article is excellent and gives more depth to our knowledge of what it was Putin did in his KGB career and exactly what the relevance of that is. For that – thank you Saker, I appreciate it.


All of the things that you say that Americans should do were done in Ukraine by the Jew world order to put a Jew in power. And were done in the US to no avail and Nixon got impeached. Americans elected Trump to do a turn around and now the Jews are trying to impeach him also. The problem is Jews. They need to be cleaned out of government, media, finance and academia in the US, as has been done in many other places for thousands of years to correct the same problem. Their Talmud ideology is evil and so are they.


Be careful with the slinging of the “J” word. Direct your hatred towards the real Zionist enemies. plenty of non-Semites that deliberately fight for this satanical cause.


The problem is Jews, their ideology is evil and so are the ones causing the problem. They rape their children in public and drink their blood, does that work for you?

In case you missed it, here’s some information about the Jew baby rapers:

It would be helpful if the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Human Rights Council could open investigations of the US, Israel, France, Canada and the UK for mass Jew pedophile cult rape, where over 95% of these crimes against humanity are occurring.

“rape is punishable as a crime against humanity”

From the article – THE CRIME OF RAPE UNDER THE ROME STATUTE OF THE ICC “The guidelines will help UNHCR and other aid agencies to identify and support male victims of sexual violence”

From the article – UNHCR issues guidelines on protection of male rape victims

“Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes” ‘Infants Contract Herpes From Oral Suction During Jewish Circumcision” “Jewish Ritual Of Circumcision Is Spreading Disease And Killing Babies.” “Rabbis Will Defy Law on Circumcision Ritual”

From – YouTube


Still you in no way gain any support with these emotional and hateful statements other than those that already hold your opinion, and with that as a reality I must ask. Are you attempting to win support to your cause or just want to hear yourself speak/type. Unless you come with a more rational approach you will only be assuring yourself.


Are you a pedophile rape supporter? It sure sounds like it. What’s more rational than outlawing a pedophile rape cult?


Not In one way was I supporting any of these religious fanatics. But your quick to make that assumption as soon as any objection is made. Good luck with your aggressive irrational statements. You make enemies out of your possible supporters like myself. Instead Ill note you as a clear fraud that is in fact garnishing support for the cause you righteously are against. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprise to know you are part of the Zionist problem and are making these claims to make the opposition to Zionism look like racist anti semites and not rational people standing up against a unjust cause.


Look moron, try watching the Youtube videos before falsely accusing me of being irrational or a Jew.


“look you want proof, look at Jewtube for proof” What proof is that? Videos of your opinion are the least concrete evidence. Instead construct a rational argument against my assumption or go along your merry pseudo-jew hating way.

I wish you could convince me cause with you in the bunch Ill side with a jew and they occupy parts of my homeland.


Try disproving it, you can’t so you don’t even try. Like I said, the evidence is prima fascia. If you don’t want to deal with truth and facts that’s your problem.


Disprove what? The Rabbis are giving children disease through there circumcision? I could care less because this is a marginal circumstance and has no bearing on your arguments that supposed Jews are evil. There is nothing to prove here, I’m focused on the Zionist dominance over the world that is steering us toward self-annihilation while you cant get off the Jew train. Your misguided attempts are getting nowhere.


That’s a dodge. Your points were disproven so you change the subject. Raping children at birth, giving them fatal disease and drinking their blood proves that they’re evil. And just adds to all of their other crimes and evil.


I beg for a meaningful rebuttal and the best you can come up with is Name calling fallacies over and over. Knowing better, id say your just keep coming back to get the last word. And you didn’t prove any of your points about cultist behavior only restating the same emotional arguments. Please the proof must be out there if you are this passionate. And a few astringe internet sources about a handful individuals is again concrete proof. I await your crazed comments. something like “blah blah rapist, blah blah disease babies, blah blah blood drinkers” and ” blah blah stop changing the subject, that’s my pseudo-Jew hating job.” The real crimes are those that are completely proven of land grabbing and terrorist supporting Zionist.


Another dodge, you can’t disprove the Youtube videos containing judicial quality evidence of mass rape, an ICC crimes against humanity offense, so you don’t even try. You also haven’t proven your false accusations that I’m a Jew, peddling disinfo, or irrational. So whose the fraud, fraud?


You could ‘care less’ about the children… you could ‘care less’ about the millions of innocents murdered in wars of greed…. It is apparent that your kind, (of which the US is infested sadly) cares ‘less’ about anything that does not impact them personally and directly.

Oh well……… selah .. so be it.


Oh so Knit picky are we. Continue down the line and finding one slight misnomer I made in my comments to pick out while avoid any constructive argument. Time to go home anyways have fun Mr. pseudo jew hater.


Sad but true. The 2008 financial crisis was a big wake up for a lot of Americans. Maybe junior was too busy sucking his thumb to notice.


heydad… Go along with you…. go make your MONEY, enhance your “career”… support and buff your controllers to a high shine.

Your future is a cut-out… albeit a bit cardboardy.. and you are welcome to it.


Wow every comment I make you got something to say now. Must be a multi-account troll we got here. I didn’t make that remark about a career to make you jealous but hell its showing.


They’re trying to get you to look at the facts and evidence that you keep ignoring and claiming that they don’t prove what any rational person can see that they do prove.

Tudor Miron

Richard, don’t get too emotional here. Where did Heydad support that evil zio cult?


He is just here to get last word no worries. Id like to see if he can ever come up with a real argument which is a long shot but we have to try. And thank you for actually reading a comment before resorting to name calling. I not once proclaimed any support for Zionist in any ways, I just wish for a more constructive argument as to persuade people to the cause rather than scare them away with racist remarks.


If you read his comments he’s denying that raping children is an issue, or even occurring. When clearly it is, and I’ve provided quality evidence that he denies and ignores. So he’s trying to cover up their crime. That’s supporting them.

Tudor Miron

I’m not sure if saw the original comments but what I see now is not suggesting that Heydad in any way supports or doesn’t condemn (is it right word?) this horrible, unhuman, unforgiveable crimes. He totally admits that those snakeheads are pure evil – thats the feeling I got from reading comments below this article… What I see is that you disagreed on his wording or something… or lets say on how sane people should react and prevent this evil from happening. Guys… you’re on the same side… Don’t you see that? Gp (one way of calling that global parasite energy or satan or any other label people may use) is always using this divide and conquer methodology. I assume that is the reason that Heydad accused you of deliberately “escalating” the dialogue. But that was in “the heat of the battle” :). I understand that you could be remembering those terrible images from those videos and emotions would overhelm… I understand that you demand action to stop this crimes right now… But how exactly? Honestly, I don’t think that we have any “quick fix” at our disposal… It will take time… To solve this “problem” (I agree that this is not a problem but a disgusting crime) you suggest that “Outlaw the Jew pedophile mass rape cult, implement the 100 plus UN and other sanctions that Israel is violating, and admit Palestine as a full member to the UN.”(c)

I think that it is difficult to outlaw something that western governments don’t even admit to exist. UN…Russia and China in UN are not enough to force measures against Israel. It will take time and more and more countries will side together against anti human politics and crimes but that requires awarness and understanding from large enough part of population of those countries… If there is a realistic “quick fix” to this mess I would surely support it but my experience suggest that there isn’t.


Why are you ignoring this:

“heydad RichardD • 7 hours ago Disprove what? The Rabbis are giving children disease through there circumcision? I could care less because this is a marginal circumstance and has no bearing on your arguments that supposed Jews are evil.”

heydad is a snake, it was clear in his first post that he deleted and replaced that he was in with the Jew baby rappers. The Jews are master liars, he came across as one in the post that he changed, just like Jews change their names so that people won’t know that they’re Jews. There are several on these boards who claim to support Syria, but when you criticize Jews they attack you.

95% of the planet’s Jews live in the US, Israel, France, Canada and the UK. And use their control of those governments to support Israel and the Jew world order. And to gain exemptions for their crimes, like pedophilia. There are efforts in several places to remove those exceptions, including in the US. The Jews have been allowed to victimize humanity for far to long. This needs to change to create a better future. You should stop ignoring these types of statements by lying two faced Jew supporters talking out of both sides of their mouths, a Jew specialty:

“heydad RichardD • 7 hours ago Disprove what? The Rabbis are giving children disease through there circumcision? I could care less because this is a marginal circumstance and has no bearing on your arguments that supposed Jews are evil.”


Nice Richard. Quite the essay of a personal vendetta against me but hey to one his own. Lets say I agree with you, Jews are doing these evil things. Do you think the public which are in general support for Israel would eat this up and suddenly make a 180 turn against them? We need to ease people into this as to accept it. Otherwise you may sound astringent. Oh and please review the comments above, I not once deleted any comment. Hope we can establish common ground here, cause like stated time and time again, I can support some of what your saying and in no way support Zionist Israel. But your outlawing and banishing of an entire race/religion is no way in reflection of American Ideals. Seems those individuals committing these crimes should be punished and the activities of the religion watched closely as to prevent further crimes from occurring, just like with other styles of death cults. Do you think so or is racial extermination the only way at this point?? I would have to say if you cannot In any way find some kind of common ground with my argument and can only continue your personal vendetta against me you may prove my assumption of irrationality.


This is your statement not mine:

“heydad RichardD • 7 hours ago Disprove what? The Rabbis are giving children disease through there circumcision? I could care less because this is a marginal circumstance and has no bearing on your arguments that supposed Jews are evil.”

The mass rape children at birth and infecting them with fatal venereal disease doesn’t prove that Jews are evil? This guy is a head case.

You deleted part of the comment to omit objectionable material showing your support for pedophilia. Outlawing an evil pedophile cult, seizing it’s assets and imprisoning the people committing crimes is called law enforcement. Just like all of the other evil cults and terrorists organizations that have been outlawed.

Are you a Jew pedophile rape cult member?


I said I agree with you so No not Jewish, No it shouldn’t be legal to infect children(hence the common laws in place throughout the world) and No we shouldn’t go full racial warfare and destroy a religion and people because of the actions of a few disgusting leaders. I’m not trying to disprove that this may have happened with a few rabbis, but were not outlawing Christianity because a few priest are pedophiles either. Charge those criminally involved and leave the rest of the them that do not inflict pain on others alone and life normal life’s alone. Again this is more a personal vendetta than trying to really convince people of your cause. Lets just drop the blood drinker thing for just a moment and talk about the other issues with Zionism. Lets say constant support for terror groups in Syria by bombing Syrian military fighting for there countries. What you say on that.


You’re either lying or ignorant of Judaism. I completed 13 years of Catholic catechism instruction K through 12. Christianity is a moral religion, Judaism is an evil cult based in a twisted perversion of the old testament called the Talmud. And probably satanism as well. Bible believing Jews are a small minority who are ostracized by mainstream rabbinical Judaism and the Israeli government.

Pedophilia is condemned by the church, it’s an official ingrained part of Judaism. Most male orthodox male Jew cult children are raped at birth by Jew cult cannibal prostitutes in places like New York City and elsewhere. This evil cult should be outlawed and the cult leaders and practitioners prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes.

Apologists for this evil cult like you are part of the problem.

What is it about:

“Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes” ‘Infants Contract Herpes From Oral Suction During Jewish Circumcision” “Jewish Ritual Of Circumcision Is Spreading Disease And Killing Babies.” “Rabbis Will Defy Law on Circumcision Ritual”

From – YouTube

that you don’t understand?


Like a broken record you are. I stated clearly that these behaviors are condemned by law and like all criminals should be prosecuted. Your just looking to make a enemy out of anyone. I never apologized or supported any of the things your referring too, yet you keep linking the same 4 opinionated videos and base your entire existence on youtube and wikipeida, that you are using to Justify racial extermination. Just keep coming back here with the same argument, ignoring anything that isn’t completely agreeing with you (which I’ve tried to no avail) and ill continue to try a rational approach. If you cant come back with anything other than blood drinking rabbis then Ill have to assume you are a paid troll with one goal of pushing this extremist nonsense. There is many other issues with Zionism and you have yet to reference anything but your golden videos. I must say that there is nothing Christian about racial extermination.


More lies and false accusations, you’re a complete idiot, copy and paste one quote, just one, where I advocated racially exterminating anyone.

“racial extermination 1 noun systematic killing of a racial or cultural group Synonyms: genocide, race murder Examples: final solution the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945 Type of: kill, killing, putting to death the act of terminating a life”

You just don’t like criticism of Jew trash of all of their crimes and evil, so you’re trying to change the subject in the face of overwhelming evidence of their guilt that supports outlawing their evil cult, confiscating it’s assets and imprisoning those guilty of mass rape and other crimes. That you’ve tried to deny even exists.

You call this stupidity about mass statutory rape a rational approach, I don’t, and neither would most rational people:

These are your statements not mine:

“heydad RichardD • 7 hours ago Disprove what? The Rabbis are giving children disease through there circumcision? I could care less because this is a marginal circumstance and has no bearing on your arguments that supposed Jews are evil.”

“I await your crazed comments. something like “blah blah rapist, blah blah disease babies, blah blah blood drinkers” and ” blah blah stop changing the subject, that’s my pseudo-Jew hating job.”

I’m wasting my time trying to have a serious debate of the issues with a moron like you.


A bit defensive your getting, with your childish name calling constantly as a rebuttal. I can see that you cannot get past this one issue, when there is a plethora to debate and I beg to debate others yet you bring us back to this one over and over. Lets say I went a bit far about extermination but your motives are completely racially founded. and you posted my same comment a few times as to demonize me when it is so far out of context to have any bearing. If you took it for what it was supposed to mean was that I’m not going to try and disprove that this circumstance is happening, just it is a marginal situation in a sea of issues. If this was really a widespread issue, you would be able to provide some additional sources that are not simply promo videos on youtube. As a scientist I cannot just take someone’s word for it, true events have ways of being proven or atleast motives and abilities can be determined to get a good picture. What is the motive to carry out demonic plots that would turn the world against you, while they have spent all of recent history labeling themselves as victims. And for your future reference. You lose ability to have rational debate when you call your opponent moron, or use emotional words such as demonic, satanic and evil. All subjectional words that have no scientific founding and are opinions, which you are more than welcome to have but not sufficient to claim a rational debate. Prove me wrong with a rebuttal that has more sources based on factual evidence and please don’t resort to name calling, you destroy your own arguments with them.


I’ve provided prima facia evidence of Jew crime and evil that you can’t disprove because it’s true. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.


So you admit that there isn’t any extra evidence to support your claims other than opinionated YouTube videos? Well you haven’t built a very convincing case then, and that’s why your so upset people don’t seem to buy into it so quickly. If you want to generalize “systemic jew crime” from only a limited perspective of a few events that’s your choice. If you truly intend to convince others than you would be able to better provide evidence, and not make personal blast about those that question your statements. Well thanks for submitting defeat its been fun.


Defeat means that you’ve disproved what’s been submitted, so whose the loser loser?


Please state what I lied about and why they are lies. I asked for more sources and still nothing mr. peddler to absolutely prove your points with a meaningful and fact filled argument, not youtube videos of opinion, those that wont hold up in court of law. Must be tough not being able to get your racist remarks across to people that do not already hold your view points or to infuriate your opponents that you drag them down to childish name calling as to discredit them. I remain vigilant and open to discussion yet you continue on the same rant and personal hatred towards those that may want to question your views.


More evasion and another dodge from a lying disinfo peddler. You haven’t disproven what’s in those videos, because you’re a liar, a loser, a headcase and they’re true. You admit lying in this thread.

“Yes, a YouTube video can be admissible into criminal court.”

From the article – Could a Youtube video be admissible into court?


What am I evading and where have I Lied? Accusations like that need to be supported. And let me be more clear for the narrow minded. You tube videos of opinion are not fact, while surveillance videos can be sufficient evidence, very big differences. I did research and couldn’t find anything more sufficient than similar entries about anti-Semitism that hold no real evidence other than opinion and hateful rants. Again nothing to convince those that attempt to hold no bias and want a straight answer that is undeniable supported. So I may ask you again, is your only objective here to hear yourself rant, or is it to discredit those that may be opposed to Zionism?


When you can disprove that what’s in those videos, with judicial quality evidence like what I’ve provided, which you’re going to be able to do because what’s in them is true, post the evidence for people to look at.

Until you can do that. I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with someone using lies and evasion whose unwilling or unable of conducting a rational, fact and evidence based examination of the issues.

You’re clearly a pedophile rape cult supporter, people like you are part of the problem.


Lol how can we really be debating blood drinking cultist? The way you choose to debate is clearly biased and designed to slant the discussion against your opponent just by the way your phrasing things and how you cannot discuss anything besides this one marginal point. How can you continue to claim to be against Jews and Israel while never once saying anything about the evils of Zionism. Again I must state, that your Point of view would only be possible by someone that is clearly trying to demonize anti-Zionism as being a racially motivated lunacy. If you were really against Israel as you claim, you would have no problem debating Zionism as it is the most effective tool that was behind Israel’s creation. Looking through this discussion you can see no matter how many times I bring Zionism up, you push the discussion back into racial hate speech. You are not actually making the attempt to persuade, it is intended to give Zionist a credible reason to continue their terrible struggle by breeding anti-Semitism thru trolls like you. You already said you wont waste any more time debating with morons like me, so don’t unless you just want to always get the last word and you really want to look that vain


The original comment was a lot more offensive. He changed it to cover his tracks.


“Rest assured” there is a rational approach… AND… that rationality breeds a LOT of support for Richard…. Quit being an ostrich and pull your head out … look around you with something other than propagandized eyes.


As the Jews lose their media monopoly to the internet a lot of people are adopting your perspective.


I hear that a great deal. It might be true, but I would love to see the actual stats on the percentage of Jews that do NOT support Israel…. I would wager that it would be LESS than 2%….

….. so where does that leave christians who are trying desperately to salvage a country that has been successfully invaded and is now controlled (politics, media, etc.) by the “Zionists”????

Isabella Jones

“They need to be cleaned out ….” By whom Richard? How? If not you — who? If not now — when?


There are laws against pedophile rape cults like the Jews. They need to be enforced by the courts by confiscating the assets and imprisoning the violators.


Problem… the judiciary ARE in the White Shoe Boy club. Now what??? Don’t tell me that you haven’t seen the results of that ‘fraternity of evil’ yet?


Like I said in my earlier comment. Trump has some Neutron Jack work to do.

Tudor Miron

I agree that talmudic jeudaism is pure nazi anti human cult but Jews themself are not the source of the problem. They are merely another instrument (one of the main I have to agree) used to completely enslave human kind. Do you guys really think that if jews are gone in a day (went all together to another planet) than we’ll wake up in a happy world? Problem is deeper and wider than talmudic jeudaism/zionism.


It isn’t a new problem, they’ve done this repeatedly throughout history. You don’t solve problems by ignoring them. Getting humanity’s Jew problem solved will make the world a better place. It won’t solve all of the problems, but it will be an improvement, and it will make other problems that they’re contributing to easier to solve without them involved.

Tudor Miron

OK, how do we solve the Jew problem?


Outlaw the Jew pedophile mass rape cult, implement the 100 plus UN and other sanctions that Israel is violating, and admit Palestine as a full member to the UN.


The White Shoe Boys share a philosophy that is almost identical to Islam… maybe that is why they “like” each other so much.


Trump replaced a lot of DOJ people immediately, and that’s continuing. It takes time to overhaul and turn around something as big as the US government.


To agree with you on the ignorance of people (and my compliance), I find it almost impossible to counteract the current forces at play without deliberately giving up on the comfortable life style we enjoy. What am I as a young college graduate to do. I am just building myself, career and family and to do any of your suggestions would be the end of this good life. Am I to drop everything that I must do to provide for myself and Spouse and join this fleeting cause. Its a much easier and sane thing to simply ride along until the collapse and rally people afterwards (and after I have time to build influence and capital/wealth). If I had less opportunity in these good times and no American spouse, I would have followed my heart and accepted my Syrian birthright and fight for the restoration of Syria. My heart breaks watching what happens back home and what might happen to my Christian brothers but even my native father wouldn’t want to see me drop this life for the countries struggle.

Isabella Jones

Selfish pragmatism, thy name is heydad. You can make that choice. What you can’t do is whine to people about how much you hate the awful people in power – then go home and have a lovely lifestyle and refuse to take any action to tell those in power they are wrong, and must stop. My comment was addressed to those whom Saker said were good people whom he loves, because they hate the Regime in Washington – like you they wont say a word against them though. I fail to see why being part of organised protests is going to cause you and yours any dislocation of your privileged life. When the collapse comes, as you try to “rally people” you may find there are none to rally; none who will trust you and rally to you; and no-one help you and your starving wife and children. After all, why should they risk their comfort just to help you!! I guess we all have a right to choose our path in life. That’s yours.


The only form of successful protest is non-conformance. Organized protesting does nothing in the face of the power hungry. It is similar to a child whining to an adult to change their ways. Although that being said it is a start that I would be willing to take part in, and now you jump to just a organized protest, despite your instigation in the first argument into a much more violent movement (would not succeed without mass loss of life and turmoil). Remember I’m part of that 1000 you mentioned that raise a voice here and other non-conventional news outlets. Getting informed is the first step, while Id like to say the majority protesting anything these days are there with phones out to get some evidential recognition and have no real cause. I wouldn’t proclaim my argument was a whine but I hear you, outside looking in might have that opinion. And to say we are selfish is thy pot calling the Kettle black, I can live up to that label for now. As for starving family, I will be as ready as anyone else can possibly be in these scenarios. Self sustainability is my piggy bank. Do yourself a favor to get land and learn to farm, its harder than you think. The next step is building a community that would defend against those looking to take your hard worked land. Maybe we could work together towards that one day, until then we share somewhat similar views on that something should be done, beside our online rants that the majority will not see. Oh well back to work now while the times are a good.

Isabella Jones

WEll heydad, unlike you I was around to witness the protests that stopped the war in Vietnam. Why do you think they started bringing bodies home under cover of night, and no publicity? Why no “embedded reporters” anymore? It was the public in America who put a stop to Vietnam and they were mostly young. Draft refusers, with one notoriously brave young man becoming famous, [sorry I can’t remember his name just now] inspiring Daniel Ellsberg to release the Pentagon Papers which also helped to stop the war. They were University students and young professionals and trades people. They all, together, said “No. Not in my name”. And it worked.


Oh boy well pat yourself on the back on that one (only took 20 years of war to wake up). Seems you might be missing a huge period of time between then and now where the same schemes continue to be played out while you believe your protest changed history. These same protesters like yourself, grew into patriots that supported the second Iraq war. Your lifetimes ahead than me (from my perspective) yet I doubt you have had any more effect against tyranny than myself in my relatively short life (hence the exponential increase in corruption) . When your dead and gone I hope my elder self will remember your wasted time and actually be able to provide a better world for my descendants. Both of our generations have failed at this point, difference is we have more time than yours.


Quit “hoping” heydad…. it is futile. Your kind be they young or ‘elder’ NEVER provide a better world because you are a coward. Faint hear never won the fair lady … or anything else worthwhile …

Ye-gads! Hiding behind a career… and castigating the people who have real courage! Yep, you have more “time”…. maybe. Depending on what “dark entity this way slouches”…. Bah….


Old salty dog, I’m sure your courage has no bounds and you will be remembered in history forever. When you resort to bland name calling and lack of constructive argument, you lose any opportunity to convince your opponent, so I ask you just like the Richard, are you typing just to ensure yourself and hear yourself heard?? cause your remarks turn off any real argumentive points in the eyes of your advisories.


That’s rich, coming from someone who can’t prove their points.


Rationalization of your true motives does not exempt you from responsibility for “doing nothing”.. …. and YOU are sitting behind a key board self-righteously defending your sleazy position… not shouting in the streets brandishing a metal dish pan and beating on it with a big metal spoon.

The people in those “much maligned 3rd World countries like Nicaragua” keep their thieving corrupt little mafia bureaucrats in line by doing just that! Some of those people are hurt even killed for their overt behavior… but the tin-pot bureaucrats change something to get the din stopped.

A POX on you and all your kind… you are just a sanitized version of “The Walking Dead”…

Tudor Miron

Heydad, there is a way to actively help this world become a better place. There are several ways actually. One possible way is increasing pesonal self awarness – not easy and not fast :). Another way is increasing personal level of knowledge of historical events with actual timing of those events – what fallows what and who’s the beneficiary at the end. This will allow for developing mosaical rather than kaleydoscopical view of the world around. This way will require effort because formal education is build around forming kaleydoscol view (where events in the world seem to be haotic, non related and even accidental). I would agree that engaging in street protests is dangerous for you, other people and environment :) Street protests are easily swayed in unexpected (for participants) direction and lead to undesired results – if history is teaching us anything than it is obvious that results of lasrgest street protest are bloody in short term and disastrous in long term. Exactly 100 years ago october revolution threw vast country (Russian Empire) into blood bath (and yes it was a zio coup d’etat) and complete distruction. Recent events in Ukraine give similar results – protesting sheeple was expecting one thing while organisers recreated Khasarian kaganat :). I bet that protesters in Syria 2011 were wishing good things for themself and their counry? Where did it end for Syria? Thank God that things are changing to better starting from 2015. Aqquaring enough self awarness and knowledge one will at list not engage in antihuman actions himself and sharing his knowledge will influence more and more people around calling for their awakening from sheeple sleep :) There’s one important thing that Mother Theresa said when she was asked to engage in a street protest sgainst war. She refused saying that if they manage to organise a street movement for piece than she would gladly support it. But not against war… How’s that? On energetic level pushing against something is only increasing the magnitude/frequency. It’s the same as pendulum – no metter which side one is pushing right or left/wrong – all it does is increasing magnitude and frequency :)

Sorry for my broken English :)


Yes and thank you. I see there is a clear thinker in the bunch. History will tell us everything and teaches you to be pragmatic. Your well constructed argument shows rational thinking free of emotional response. I practice exactly what you stated as to have clear understanding of historical events and absorb as much knowledge as possible for now, the time will come. As for your English, I can understand you better than most youth here with there ghetto slang so right on!!


So you cut your deal with the Devil heydad…. Congratulations. You have your “life” as you call it. And you have made it clear in your above posting that you sincerely believe that avoiding making the differentiation between what is RIGHT and what is WRONG, will exempt you from all responsibility…

You remind me of my oldest son, who robbed my neighbor’s house and stole all her jewelry, guns, and silver flatware… when he was confronted with his acts he said, “BUT but but… I really had no choice, you see there were these guys who told me that I had to pay them MONEY or they were going to kill me… so I HAD to rob a lady who had been kind to me… ”

He KNEW right from wrong… he chose WRONG… and so have you!


Well thank you and congratulation on your devil deal as well, we are all in this together, in fact you have been in bed with the devil longer than my own life. Your attempts to talk down to me have only proved your self righteous attitude that I would say is worse than simply acknowledging it. If I’m wrong point me in the right direction in history where you did something better. And don’t take credit for general protest years ago like your buddie above.

Tudor Miron

Hi Isabella, I feel your dissatisfaction with people being passive against wrong things. Please read my reply to Heydad below. Please ponder this idea (even if it makes you feel uncomfortable and somewhat insecure): Street protests didn’t end the war in Vietnam. What happened is that US suffered a military defeat and THAN street protests accompanied the ending of that war. If it was “sucessful” as in Iraq than there will be another story or is it? If some do not realise – fact is that Iraq is still occupied by US military force (same as Germany, Japan, South Korea to name most famous :))


Yes, yes, yes~!!! The time has come that “personal responsibility” for the deeds one does has arrived! Enough of the shirking of responsibility by telling the people of the world “I was only doing my job”. NO MORE.. “support OUR troops”.. who is “our” anyway? The term “our” is all inclusive and INCORRECT.. there are many many who see through the corrupt farce.

Human beings are being paid in pieces of silver to slaughter the fellow man.. who are 99% innocent people… and so were the pilots of “Little Fat Man” that devastated Japan and brought it “under control of the Masters of the Universe”…

There is no honor in these acts, no matter how many little chunks of brightly colored ribband attached to cheap white metal that the servants of the government hand out to the killers to make they “feel good”.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Thanks to Bernie Sanders, Paul Rand, and the magnificent House trio. Your names will be revered for hundreds of years as people figure out how this group escaped the mass vampyrism that struck the US Congress with this sanctions bill. What happened? Did they turn off the air conditioning that fateful day? Did this group not eat the fish that day? Did they refuse to look into the evil eyes of the evil chief vampire, McCain? Is the McCain infliction more infectious than ebola (70% mortality v 99% Congress vote)? Same channel, same time, every day: stay tuned for the impeachment finale of President Trump, coming to a scream (sorry, a screen) near you! Thanks also to the Saker for trying to make sense of this insanity. There are millions of sane people in the US, including the 62 million who voted Trump. That is a firm foundation to rebuild after the impending US chaos, brought by the same people who brought “European values” fart to Ukraine.

John Marks

The sad thing is that Trump has betrayed the 62m who voted for him overwhelmingly because he said he’d drain the swamp. Looks like he’s been beaten by the Swamp media and is cravenly surrendering his authority to Congress, in contravention of the Constitution.


He may have conditionally agreed to sign the bill, if he even does, in an effort to make it less bad.


“”We do not seek regime change, we do not seek a collapse of the regime, we do not seek an accelerated reunification of the peninsula, we do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the 38th Parallel,” Tillerson told reporters in Washington.

“We are not your enemy,” Tillerson said, addressing Pyongyang. “But you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us … we hope that at some point [North Korea] will begin to understand that and we would like to sit and have a dialogue with them.””

From the article- Washington’s Chief Diplomat Calls For Easing Tensions With North Korea

There are many in the US government who don’t agree with Mr. Tillerson, and that’s where the problem is. The North Koreans have said for decades that the way to resolve the problem is with a peace treaty, and the US has consistently obstructed that. The new sanctions are just the latest example.

We Hobson

“President Trump has now been replaced by “President Congress.” And the military, I may add.


President Congress has a much lower approval rating than President Trump for obvious reasons.


My thanks to SF for publishing this. To the Saker, i greatly appreciate what you wrote regarding my people. They have begun to fight back in earnest.

I spoke with my mom, born in 31′, about her vote in the election. She did not like Donald trump at all but, she could not find within herself, any desire to vote for Hillary Clinton. That is about where much of the country has arrived. Now, there is growing resistence to this plague of insanity, that has decended upon my country, even in what is known as the MSM. Even they are beginning to stop doing what the nuts want to do. I found your comment on Bloomberg interesting. I frequently give them and their followers a dose the nonsense some of their writing staff spread. The key is to follow more affectionate and firm approach with them. They are poisoned and bringing the pain upon the sick is not cool either. I agree with you on, that even Bloomberg is beginning to understand that this cannot continue.

We will go the distance to fix this. The price will be high. I wish well to all.

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