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MARCH 2025

SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Is Distorted

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SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Is Distorted


SouthFront offers a scientific-based survey providing an in-depth look at the real death toll statistics and the spread of SARS-COV-2.

1. The research issued by the Bonn University Hospital

The research issued by the Bonn University Hospital and made by the group of scientists including Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck (Institute of Virology), Prof. Dr. Gunther Hartmann (Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology, Spokesman for the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2), Prof. Dr. Martin Exner (Institute for Hygiene and Public Health), Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmid (Institute for Medical Biometry, Computer Science and Epidemiology).

In the framework of the research, all residents of Germany’s Gangelt were tested on the existence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibodies to SARS-CoV-2.

Gangelt is one of the most COVID-19-affected German municipalities. It is believed that the outbreak was caused by the carnival held on February 15, 2020. After the event, several people tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

Preliminary result: the existing immunity was determined at about 14% (IgG against SARS-CoV2, method specificity>, 99%). About 2% of people had current SARS-CoV-2 infection detected by the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The overal infection rate (the presence of a current infection or antibody in the body) was about 15%. The mortality (mortality rate), based on the total number of infected people in the Gangelt community, is approximately 0.37% based on the preliminary data of this study. The mortality rate based on the total population in the Gangelt is currently 0.06%.

2. A new Epidemiological bulletin from German Robert Koch Institute

A new Epidemiological bulletin from German Robert Koch Institute – “Estimation of the current development of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Germany” issued on April 15 confirms that:

in general, it is true that not all infected people have symptoms, not all who has symptoms go to a doctor’s office, not all who go to the doctor are tested and not all who test positive are recorded in a survey system. In addition, a certain amount of time passes between all these individual steps, so that no data collection system, however good, can make a statement about the current infection process without additional assumptions and calculations.”

Meanwhile, April 18 Daily Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute shows that 86% of deaths, but only 18% of all cases, occurred in persons aged 70 years or older. The median age was 82 years. Pneumonia was reported in 2,764 cases (3%). COVID-19 related outbreaks continue to be reported in nursing homes and hospitals. In some of these outbreaks, the number of deaths is relatively high. The current estimate is R= 0.8 (95% confidence interval: 0.7-1.0).

3. On 13 April, the German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, published its third ad hoc statement on the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany (the group of 26 Prof. Doctors)

The statement, which supplements its two predecessors, describes strategies for a stepwise lifting or modification of measures against the pandemic, taking into account psychological, social, legal, pedagogic and economic aspects. The document recommends in particular the re-opening of classroom primary and lower-level secondary education as soon as feasible, giving priority to the former, with observation of hygiene and physical distancing measures.

SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Is Distorted

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SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Is Distorted

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The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina takes a stand with psychological, social, the legal, educational and economic aspects of the pandemic, following key recommendations:

  • Optimizing the basis for decision-making: The data collection, which has so far been largely symptom-based, leads to a distorted perception of the infection process. It is therefore important to collect the infection and substantially improve the immunity status of the population, in particular through representative and regional survey of infection and immunity status.
  • Enable a differentiated assessment of the risks both for social and individual dealings with the corona pandemic, contextual classification of the available data is important. Data to serious illnesses and deaths must be compared to those of other illnesses and related to the expected risk of death in individual age groups. A realistic one. Presentation of the individual risk must be clearly illustrated. This also applies to systemic risks such as overloading the health system and negative consequences for the economy and society.
  • To cushion psychological and social impacts: measures taken for implementation intrinsic motivation based on self-protection and solidarity is more important than the threats of sanctions. Providing a realistic schedule and a clear package of measures for gradual normalization increases the controllability and predictability for everyone. This helps to minimize negative psychological the physical andeffects of the current stress. Firs of all, aid and support should be provided for high-risk groups, such as children, who are particularly affected by the consequences of current restrictions in difficult family situations or people who are exposed to domestic violence must be provided become.

There are more another recommendations in the third ad hoc statement of the German National Academy of Sciences that now are being implemented by German leadership.

4. New research from the United States

Group of authors from Stanford University, Stanford University School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Health Education is Power, Inc., The Compliance Resource Group, Inc., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Bogan Associates, 8 ARL BioPharma, Inc., Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine measured the seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Santa Clara County and made some conclusions.

The data received and conclusions of the US team are well corresponding with the research of German Bonn University Hospital taking into account that the German research came out on April 9, and the American one on April 14, with the reasonable assumption that the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the German city of Gangelt began at least two week earlier (February 15, 2020) than in the American Santa Clara.

The US researchers estimated that under the three scenarios for test performance characteristics, the population prevalence of COVID-19 in Santa Clara ranged from 2.49% (95CI 1.80-3.17%) to 4.16% (2.58-5.70%). These prevalence estimates represent a range between 48,000 and 81,000 people infected in Santa Clara County by early April, 50-85-fold more than the number of confirmed cases. Conclusions. The population prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Santa Clara County implies that the infection is much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases. Population prevalence estimates can now be used to calibrate epidemic and mortality projections.

5. More data from the United States

Between March 22 and April 4, 2020, a total of 215 pregnant women delivered infants at the New York–Presbyterian Allen Hospital and Columbia University Irving Medical Center. All the women were screened on admission for symptoms of Covid-19. Four women (1.9%) had fever or other symptoms of Covid-19 on admission, and all 4 women tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (Figure 1). Of the 211 women without symptoms, all were afebrile on admission. Nasopharyngeal swabs were obtained from 210 of the 211 women (99.5%) who did not have symptoms of Covid-19; of these women, 29 (13.7%) were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Thus, 29 of the 33 patients who were positive for SARS-CoV-2 at admission (87.9%) had no symptoms of Covid-19 at presentation.

Our use of universal SARS-CoV-2 testing in all pregnant patients presenting for delivery revealed that at this point in the pandemic in New York City, most of the patients who were positive for SARS-CoV-2 at delivery were asymptomatic, and more than one of eight asymptomatic patients who were admitted to the labor and delivery unit were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Although this prevalence has limited generalizability to geographic regions with lower rates of infection, it underscores the risk of Covid-19 among asymptomatic obstetrical patients. Moreover, the true prevalence of infection may be underreported because of false negative results of tests to detect SARS-CoV-2.

6. Hypothesis and justification from a Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the Milan State University, Italy

The real number of COVID-19 cases in the country could be 5,000,0000 (compared to the 119,827 confirmed ones) according to a study which polled people with symptoms who have not been tested, and up to 10,000,000 or even 20,0000,000 after taking into account asymptomatic cases, according to Carlo La Vecchia, a Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the Milan State University.

This number would still be insufficient to reach herd immunity, which would require 2/3 of the population (about 40,000,000 people in Italy) having contracted the virus.

The number of deaths could also be underestimated by 3/4 (in Italy as well as in other countries) [source], meaning that the real number of deaths in Italy could be around 60,000.

If these estimates were true, the mortality rate from COVID-19  would be much lower (around 25 times less) than the case fatality rate based solely on laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths, since it would be underestimating cases (the denominator) by a factor of about 1/100 and deaths by a factor of 1/4.

7. SARS-CoV-2 mortality in Italy

As for now, it is a well-known publicly recognized fact that Italy labels anyone who died with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, regardless of the real causes of death, as the victim of the pandemic. At the same time, the objective fact is the increase of the overall mortality in Italy. According to Istat (Istituto nazionale di statistica), there is a general increase in mortality from all causes ⩾20% from March 1 to April 4, 2020 compared with the average for the same period in 2015-2019. Bergamo is at the top in the growth of mortality among municipalities, + 382.8% of deaths.

However, the mortality grew not only and not so much from the causes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

A few examples:

  • Albino town: from February 23 to March 27, 2019 – 24 people died; from February 23 to March 27, 2020 – 145 people (SARS-CoV-2 causes – 30 dead).
  • Skandzoroshyate town: from January to March 2019 – 45 deaths; from January to March 2020 – 135 (SARS-CoV-2 – 20 dead).
  • San Pellegrino Terme town: March 2019 – 2 deaths, March 2020 – 45 (SARS-CoV-2 – 11 dead).
  • These numbers could be explained by the lack of SARS-CoV-2 tests in the specified period.

At the same time, the mortality from other diseases increased significantly in the comparative period of April 1-4, 2020 compared to April 1-4, 2019. The lack of transparence of the Italian system also should be noted. For example, on April 17, Istat said that at that moment it was impossible to draw any conclusions about the increase of the mortality in Italy in general (as well as in regions and provinces) from the data obtained by Istat for the first four months of 2020 and compare it with the same period in 2019. These graphs and tables show statistics:

SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Is Distorted

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8. SARS-CoV-2 mortality in Spain

Spanish Minister of Health Salvador Illa stated that every dead person, that tested positively to SARS-CoV-2, is considered as a SARS-CoV-2 death.

The mathematical model employed by the University of Carlos III in Madrid (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, UC3M) demonstrates that in the last decade in Spain, an average of 1,150 people die from all causes every day in March. According to the records of acts of civil status, from March 16 (the day quarantine began), the number of daily deaths from all causes began to increase, sometimes reaching 1,400 per day. From March 17 to March 30, 21,243 deaths were recorded in Spain. This is 5,398 more than the prediction based on the extrapolation of data from previous years. The forecasted number for the same period is 15,844 – 34.1% less. At the same time, the total number of deaths from whom SARS-CoV-2 during the period from March 17 to March 30, 2020 was 7,591 people. This is a consequence of the general recognition of SARS-CoV-2 as the cause of deaths regardless of the actual situation. In any case, there is no exponential growth of the overall mortality in Spain or Italy.


In this survey, we demonstrated the researches and approaches of about 100 eminent scientists from around the world. In general, they agree that the current statistical data does not reflect the actual state of affairs, and the publicly distributed media estimates of the mortality rate are at least incorrect, and do not correspond to the actual picture.

The actual number of people with SARS-CoV-2 infection or people that already passed through COVID-19 early-stage or without symptoms is several dozen times higher than the public numbers show.

This is primarily due to the approaches and scope of testing. The public numbers have little to do with science. This is, to a greater extent, either media or politically motivated data. You should also consider the factor of a special picture of the course of the disease, which affects medical statistics (RKI Epidemiological bulletins).

Accordingly, the real mortality rate from SARS-CoV-2 is 25-60 times less than the figures presented to us by MSM and a number of governments.

The number of people with SARS-CoV-2 virus, but without the COVID-19 disease or with a mild form of the disease, according to various estimates, ranges from 85% to 95%. This group, as a rule, does not fall into official statistics, as it is not tested, not hospitalized, and does not seek medical help.

The negative consequences for life and health of people from ill-conceived social measures can at times surpass the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2. There has been a significant increase in the mortality from diseases unrelated to SARS-CoV-2 already.

Countries, whose leadership works closely with scientists, consistently and quickly responds to changes in the situation and the emergence of new data, will receive a huge advantage in the post-COVID-19 world.

The current actions of politicians in a number of countries are difficult to explain with anything other than incompetence or deliberate actions to achieve their personal/clan political ambitions or promote interests of external actors.


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It doesn’t really matter what the rate is as long as it is high enough to overwhelm hospital resources in the absence of countermeasures. Capacity of ICU wards is the number 1 criteria for loosening countermeasures, or many who could be treated might die for lack of care, and not only covid but anyone requiring emergency care.

klove and light

as long as it is high enough to overwhelm hospital resources in the absence of countermeasures.

you sure are a Zionist satanic brainwashed son of a whore…….


there is no pandemic the Coronavirus has been in humans as early detected in the 1960´s the mortality rate is no higher than the influenza virus CDC is a private company the federal reserve is a private company

a Hoax a satanic Zionist Agenda bs pandemic

so get your vaccine you moronic Zionist brainwashed son of a whore


You are a mouth breathing idiot. I personally know doctors and nurses who are dealing with this in the real world, where it a fight to keep enough ICU beds open and intubation is a virtual death sentence. I won’t defer to politicians re this, but I will defer to the same medical professionals I’ve trusted enough to go under the knife five times and wake up bettet off than when I went under. This is no jerkoff conspiracy.

Bobby Twoshoes

You mean the medical professionals who told me off for being a hypochondriac and sent me home with antibiotics for my pneumothorax? Or the ones that refused me antibiotics for days while the infection from the IV crept up my arm? Doctors are just as susceptible to paranoia and propaganda as everyone else, sometimes more so if they feel their pride or authority is at stake.


Remember, panicked people came to the hospitals in droves from mid March to just a week ago. Many of the first estimates were not confirmed – if confirmed by PCR means anything – but were visual diagnosis and, early in the Wuhan outbreak some 14.000 were just added to the total of “infected” assuming that they were CoV19 and needed to be added. WHO, Fauci, Gates and Johns Hopkins need to be held accountable and the entire set up of this pandemic questioned thoroughly. PCR regardless doesn’t detect whole endogenous or in vitro virus in full viremia (millions visible in blood or tissue, saliva) necessary to be pathenogenic as for example would be seen in viral pneumonia or Herpes, both cytotoxic DNA virus. And it’s amplification process wasn’t designed to do so. CoV19 is an RNA virus regardless. Weak, thousands of times smaller than DNA virus, single stranded and they do not kill the cells they enter…..long known in science as retro or associated or passenger or symbiotic virus. No, this is a hoax based on counting flu numbers by visual diagnosis and PCR (and soon Ig antibody which have specificity and sensitivity problems) and labeling as CoV19 which btw was never studied for it’s unique structure or virulence,…… and then inflating infections and deaths. The supposed CoV19, if you believe in it, has, like influenza, stayed in its risk groups steadfastly.


Conspiracy imbecile. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors confirming the horrid situation everywhere around the planet. Excess deaths figures are unmistably correct. The virus is acting like the HIV, killing T-Cells and causing all sorts of other ways to die, like AIDS was doing at the onset of the epidemic. Not counting those deaths only proves that you’re an ignorant cretin unable to understand science. If you have no immunity, you WILL die of other causes, fucktard.

Refusing to accept this as a real pandemic is the real criminal attitude here. You guys belong in a dungeon.


Klove and light, your mother should have swallowed you that night in the back alley.

Please rename your user to Master Fucktard immediately. Congratulations, you’ve just won the Internet Cretinism Contest today!

The pandemic is REAL, you disgusting piglet. People are dying massively, in their homes and in hospitals. The data is fully available, only a blind simpleton of your lowest ranks wouldn’t be able to see it. Read moonofalabama.org and shut the fuck up. And no, zionism has nothing to do with this. I’m of Palestinian origins, scumskank.


Nonsense- the reasons hospitals are “overwhelmed” is that there have been massive reductions in number of hospitals available in the last 15 years- 41 hospitals in NY shuttered since 2003 for example. Look into the number of hospitals closed down in Madrid in the last 15 years. These are but two examples that describe what is happening in these other “hotspots.”

If you don’t know the history look it up- I can post it for you in about two minutes- these “overwhelmed hospital” stories are not unique to this season- they have become near yearly experiences now and it’s due to cuts in social services not some “killer virus”- how many news articles about this from the recent past do you want? From different cities in the US and different countries- learn the whole story before parroting half-truths.


Yes, and this is why the regular flu also crams the ED and ICU depts while infecting a high % of direct contact health car providers, who also then require medical intervention….except it doesn’t. Nor are hospital morgues routinely overflowing with bodies. The fatality rate for seasonal flu is a BS estimation that cannot be verified via serum in most cases. The number is revised up to account for all persons who died from anything that could be attributed to the flu.

I’m not claiming the hospital system has not been cut to allow for very little little surplus capacity, it has. But it has also been functioning without crisis of the sort we’re seeing. The infection rate among health professionals alone should be the only wake-up call needed here. The fatality rate for intubated patients would be a close second.

Monte George

The infection rate among health professionals is largely due to a mysterious shortage of masks and other protective gear. Also note that Covid deaths are also “revised up” to include anyone who died with (or is ‘presumed’ to have). Most of the US deaths are occurring in the NYC metro area, which has seen a drastic reduction in hospiital capacity & budgets in recent years. The current “crisis” is being manufactured by the mainstream media in cahoots with drug companies and fascist globalists. There is a war on for our minds. We are losing.


The same upward revision is also done w/ seasonal flu, with major diff, seasonal flu doesn’t need to be serum verified where covid does. In about a month with aggressive countermeasures it has matched the inflated death total of the seasonal flu for its entire season. With no distancing or social use of improvised masks the total would be higher. How much is unknown but at no time in recent memory have EDand ICU capacity been so challenged. Even without PPE the hospitalization rate for health care providers from the seasinal flu is negligible.


The readers in here are an ugly bunch of simpletons unable to think by themselves. This is a real pandemic, it’s caused massive excess deaths, any demographic expert will point to that, in every goddamned university around the world. But those morons reading shitfront are salivating at the fact that yes, they have another reason to prove that they can hate their governments. Fuckers, all you have to do is THINK BY YOURSELVES, look at the data YOURSELF. Sapere Aude, cretins!


I can hate my govt plenty for screwing up the response to this. We should have been testing 10s-100s of thousands by the time it hit the US, and contact tracing the exposed individuals. We could have grounded this thing without closing schools etc. The economy is F’d, we’ve added another 500+billion directly to the 24 trillion debt and over 1 trillion deficit. Not to mention local, state, and private debt already massive will now surge.

I do not see any way for the Fed govt to survive this other than Fed Reserve buys half or more of outstanding Federal debt and retires it into a closed account. Last year Govt paid over 500billion in finance charges, will be much larger this year. Chickens coming home to roost for all those financed tax cuts and military aggression while for all the taxes the average American sends to DC, they really only use payroll funded programs – Soc Sec, Medicare that are slated for big cuts.

Thomas Osa Jeng

Covid 19 has taken 40 000 American lives figures

Raptar Driver

No it hasn’t this is just seasonal influenza.


where do you get those figures from? And which covid19 since there are 3 distinct ones detected in the US itself..


Di Blasio is happy to blame every death in NYC on COVID, so I don’t trust those numbers. They’ve been spin-doctored

cechas vodobenikov

the official count is 43,000—-but it is likely unreliable


High unverified body counts make for sensational news reporting.


Yeah, why am I not the slightest surpriced by the numbers. So. it turned out to be “just” another flu, and thats it, but the MSM stil is terrorising us with storys, images and “experts” whom have questionable relevances or is tied up to orgs, like in Norway, we have the FHI aka The peoples health Institute, an RockerFella comp, the vaccine pimper uber alles, and FHI is the main proveyor of horror storys, statstics and claims of deaths and missery to us all, with an track record close to the same as having an monkey throwing darts on an wall, while Sweden did the oposit, and our MSM is howling about Sweden, more because the lockdown in Norway will be fatale for a lot of people and companys, and our pack of politicians, the hags from hell, stupid old bitches, isnt that intressed in the facts, but continue along with an MSM whom is pimping fear on steroid this days, relentless, and that is made the Norwegians to an scared shitless people.

Hurmf, second, Sweden and Norway if you look at the stats dont reflect the truth, Sweden is more urban, while Norway isnt, and nobody wears an mask, I even tried to find some, but the marked with sucked dry, but the facts, is more or less impossible to get, since the MSM is the one whom is in total control in Norway, no oposition is alowed, and nobody questions the policy, or the medical establishment, it simply dont exist, and if you say, that Sweden is doing the right thing, they will scream at you, and shows stats witch we now know where false, exagerated or simply faked, take your pick, and this was what some of us realised right way, but the facts took time to manifest, and when it did, their narrative evaporated, and now that is confirmed, of course some people have issues, I never doubted that, but the virus scare hype was to cover up political actions and economic issues, since this one is moore or less just another corona strain, their seriousness have always variated, so did it this time, but the hard truth is, this virus was hyped to be what it was not, an virus witch would kill millions, and now, like all the previous epidemics of flu, is starting to fizle out, and the MSM and the scumbags like WHO/CDC etc, to our own FHI is doing what it can to prolong this to sell their scam called vaccine, witch had an lousy track record from the past decades of our anual flus, they dont work well, if at all on, and now, this years corona, I doubt that is in any form better than before.

Flatteing the curve meand broadening the impack and would more or less prolong the entire batshit show, even this bat story witch is already flushed down the drain is in Norway, an fact, and so on, to keep us terrorised with storys from Italy, and now Spain, humped with repeating nonsensical bullshit from NYork, aka the island berial ground and hyping storys about crowded hostpitals, but that happens every year, back decades, but now, its on the front pages, weird isnt it, and so on, but the real truth, about all the people whom dies of not been able to come to any hostpitale is not even talked about, cancer to apendix, nope, when its all about corona, and I wounder when this blows over, will we ever know the real cost of this in human suffering and economic issues, I dont think so, because it will expose the MSm for what they really are, corrupted, lying faking f….. scums, and all that to protect an medical ind. complex and its medical rackets and politics witch have morphed nations into dictatorships. Yeah, intresting times indeed. I could link to lectures that would, probably shock you, and crash everything you think you know, the key word is, the Germ Theory, witch is 100% bullshit, but I save that one for later, an really intresting lecture, that even managed to make my jaws dropp. That dont happen often. I will just make shure I am certain I understand the issue, so I can use it later.



Death certificates are public records in most US states. It should be possible, with or without FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests/litigation, to obtain lists of who died that make up the state statistics for virus deaths. And to cross check these lists against the death certificates to see how many people died with the virus, but not of it, how many died with the virus and died of it as the only cause, which is almost no one, and how many died of it as a contributing factor of death.

If the Italian health ministry reevaluation of death certificates findings hold up elsewhere. Almost 90% of those who died with the virus didn’t die of it, and only about 10% actually had it listed on the death certificate as a causal factor of death, almost always as on a comorbidity.

A similar approach can be used for nations also. To determine who’s running a virus scam.


The study at top of article is interesting, which included antibody testing. It had a X7.5 of confirmed cases is the actual number infected. So if you apply it to the world numbers 18 million are infected, many showing no signs of infection. Compare it the official number of deaths, mortality is .9% For sake of argument, lets say 20% did not have it as a contributing factor of death with pneumonia. So the rate would be .7%. But of course both Italy and Spain may have a larger retirement community and where not well prepared.


Po River Valley- Lombardy Region in N Italy- is the most polluted place in all of Europe. Last I checked 84.6% of deaths in Italy were from that region. Lungs and immune systems are being bombarded with pollutants- aging population and heavy smokers to boot. Field day for any kind of virus du jour.

They have been having high numbers of excess mortalities in that region for years- in the 16/17 season e.g. they had nearly 25,000 excess mortalities in that region due to what they called influenza- year before it was around 22,000 due to influenza- this year they are calling it COVID. Might want to call it industrial disease.


There are other studies indicating that up to 15% of the population has been infected. That’s 50 million in the US alone. Which drops the death rate lower. And is similar to the 45 million infected with the flu during the 2017 2018 season. Which ended up coming in at 80,000 deaths when the final calculations were released. If the virus deaths in the US are being multiplied by 10 like in Italy. That drops the death rate lower still. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/images/about/burden/Influenza-Chart-Infographic-high-res.jpg


Would you have a specific study that corroborates what you say is the case in Italy. Most certainly what you say is the case here in the US as well. Why else would the CDC in early March demand protocol reportage of deaths would be changed from the way they had been doing it for years. It has now become practice that if a body is “presumed” to have COVID, with no testing or diagnosis, it is deemed a COVID death. That is fraud.

No doubt everyone is hearing of the “horrid” conditions in NYC but first keep in mind that in NYC alone there is a death every 9.1 minutes in the “best” of times.

Now over the last two weeks, the city’s fire officials said more than 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year. On average there are 25 deaths in home per week in NYC- last Tuesday for example there was 256. The reason? People are afraid to go to the hospitals, cardiologists are confirming this, lest they get infected with the “killer virus.” This means when they are in the early stages of cardiac arrest, for example, they stay at home and some don’t make it.

NYC officials stated that they WILL NOT be conducting tests on these at home deaths nor will they be doing any diagnostics on the cadavers.

NYC officials also confirmed that they will begin to count suspected COVID-19 deaths in addition to cases confirmed by a laboratory.

Stephanie Buhle, a spokeswoman for the New York City’s Health Department, confirmed the change in protocol.

“The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the NYC Health Department are working together to include into their reports deaths that may be linked to COVID but not lab confirmed that occur at home.”

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in his infinite wisdom acknowledged that the vast majority of deaths taking place at home were likely also due to COVID-19. No tests, no diagnosis but the mayor with his crystal ball stated:

“We do want to know the truth about every death at home, but it’s safe to assume that the vast majority are coronavirus related.”

That’s his exact quote.

What will this do to the COVID death count? What will this also do to the excess mortality rate as people are fearful of getting immediate treatment for very serious life or death conditions?


Both New York and New Jersey are in a tough spot. Testing versus Confirmed cases is about 40%. This is not normal so most infected are at home and not counted. The CDC and Trump administration really screwed up early mass testing for Covid-19. :(

John Wallace

Is that the same Trump who claims many leaders from around the world are phoning him and congratulating him on his handling of this situation. What a choice for elections later. Trump or a corrupt blithering idiot with the onset of dementia. Here I was thinking it couldn’t get any worse than last time..


The bio-tech corps had to be consulted first and discussions re: who and how they would get in on the diagnostic test patenting bonanza that would be part of a pandemic thus for later contact tracing and mass testing….which won’t happen for many reasons unless made mandatory and the FED pays (loans treasury the money) ultimately all paid by workers in lower wages, austerity measures.


“I want to stress that they have died having coronavirus, not because of it”, the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli said at a briefing.”

– Italy’s COVID-19 Death Toll Surges by 627 to 4,032 Over Past 24 Hours – Health Official –

“Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus. …

“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.”

– Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?

The country’s high death toll is due to an ageing population, overstretched health system and the way fatalities are reported –





The mayor of NYC is looking for a fed bail-out. There is a reason to ramp up the numbers, he would get a ‘bonus’ for his ‘good’ work.


Very good point. Now, who is going to run a study to determine if there would have been a cause of death, had not the virus been present?


It’s on the death certificates in Italy in 88% of the cases. I assume that you’ve already read that here. I’ve posted it many times.


We can check if an autopsy was done along with the declaration. If no autopsy, consider the declaration fraudulent.


What is chilling about this is that millions of people were locked up at home and too scared to seek medical help for conditions that have N O T H I N G to do with COVID. So whoever perpetrated the house arrest should be had up for murder.


That’d be Bill Gates, among some others!


In the USA, doctors kill between five hundred thousand to one million people annually. I’d say some lives were saved.


you have a point…


You guys are all so convinced that it’s a cover-up that you’re not looking at any other possibility, namely that it’s indeed a pandemic and that you should all shut the fuck up. Read moonofalabama.org, the ONLY serious journalist that bases his opinion on SCIENCE, unlike this shitfront blog filled with brainless shitfront readers.


Why is is that the zio shills are all over this?


So SF, you think social distancing is a bad idea?

cechas vodobenikov

covid death cult exposed at anti-empire.com sweden=no police martial law….little c19

cechas vodobenikov

covid fascism is hilarious—75% of the cases occur in NATO nations…another hysteria created by ruling elites and the USA bioweapons industry….preparedness varies as do national approaches…Japan, S. Korea, Russia possesses the most hospital beds per capita; the USA ranks below Turkey…it is doubtful that most amerikans can pay the exorbitant fees required by US hospitals, in any case

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ukcolmun.org and vanessa beeley have both done great work on this covid BS


It’s the tests! It’s the same game running again that made HIV the “KILLER” virus that wasn’t. RNA virus and 100’s of thousands of virologists looking for a new virus to attach to an old disease, win a Nobel Prize. Ignore other glaring causes such as environmental carcinogens, product carcinogens, food toxins and carcinogens, drug abuse, pharma meds, poppers, AZT, poison water, air and earth. Watch Wolfgang Wagort video re; start of this CoV19 phantasm….https://youtu.be/p_AyuhbnPOI


As I understand it they are not testing for a virus they are testing for an RNA sequence from a reaction to a virus. They then put it in a PCR test which means they amplify it so if there is any shred of that RNA sequence, say from a damaged cell in your lungs or nasal passages, you will test positive- this can come from cancer e.g., many things- and voila- COVID.


And then still, that only detrimentally affects a tiny minority of people.


They are testing for viral RNA. The unique viral RNA sequence is converted to a unique viral DNA sequence and multiplied (PCR) so that a fluorescence test can be utilized.

The viral RNA can only originate from the virus. Not from cancer or damaged cells or anything else. There would be no point in a test that couldn’t distinguish viral RNA from human RNA.


Meanwhile, David Crowe’s latest Infectious Myth podcast: https://infectiousmyth.podbean.com/e/the-infectious-myth-simplifying-rt-pcr

The Infectious Myth – Simplifying RT-PCR Following the very deep discussion with Stephen Bustin in Episode 251, David goes back over the same ground, hopefully in a way that simplifies everything and will enable you to get a better understanding of RT-PCR, and it’s application to coronavirus testing. He starts by describing RNA, including the fact that it is found in every living cell, not just viruses, then the extraction of RNA, the conversion of RNA to complementary DNA using Reverse Transcriptase enzyme, and then the PCR process used to approximately double the DNA at even step, until the Cycle Threshold is reached. And the Cycle Threshold is one of the big problems of RT-PCR testing for coronavirus. Some of these thoughts are also in written form at: https://theinfectiousmyth.com/coronavirus/RT-PCR_Test_Issues.php

Episode 251 is here: https://infectiousmyth.podbean.com/e/the-infectious-myth-stephen-bustin-on-challenges-with-rt-pcr

The Infectious Myth – Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR RT-PCR is the main method for declaring that someone is COVID-19 infected or not, as well as having numerous other uses in molecular biology research and biological testing. Professor Stephen Bustin is a world expert on the technology, and the potential problems with using it to produce accurate and repeatable results. Although the coronavirus test is presented as a binary test, it is actually based on whether the production of DNA is detectable prior to an arbitrary number of PCR cycles. If there is variability in the quantification, then samples will be above or below the limit, when they should not be, resulting in false positives and negatives. David and Stephen walk through the steps, from the extraction of RNA from the original sample, the conversion of the RNA to complementary DNA, and duplication of DNA using PCR, and the optional step of sequencing. While this is dense technical information at times, it is presented logically, and the limitations of this method cannot be understood without taking the cover off the black box. We suggest not listening to this episode when you are trying to do anything else, but sit down in a quiet place so that you can concentrate fully. Stephen Bustin’s detailed 2017 paper is here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/eci.12801


I’m not an expert. But either the PCR test works or it doesn’t. The concensus is that it works.

IMO the issues related to the amplification stage would pertain to quantification errors (i.e, determining the AMOUNT of viral RNA in the original sample), not as to whether the test failed to distinguish between human DNA/RNA sequences and the target viral RNA sequence. In which case one might statistically expect a small number of false negatives. Precluding contamination, false positives, however, should not be a problem.

Doly Garcia

So the mortality may not be what you first naively thought. OK.

Does that mean that the actions of governments all over the world, with very different political systems and attitudes, are all wrong at the same time? What is more likely, that you are smarter than the vast majority of world leaders, or that there is something else that you failed to understand about this virus, besides mortality?

Let me tell you something: world leaders don’t even give a damn about what the mortality rate is. What they give a damn about is whether hospitals in their country can keep running, or they risk having to shut them down after too many doctors and nurses fall ill.

Do you know what the mortality rate would be like in the country if hospitals shut down? No emergency treatment for anyone that may need it, for any reason?


World leaders? They only care about being in the club and not being exposed as sexual deviants. Everything else comes second.



Miguel Redondo

Well , the german numbers are not prone to provoke panic in nobody.

27/01/2020 First positive case of SarsCov2 in Germany.

Today 23/04/2020 after 86 days of “deadly pandemic” in Germany

5315 deaths attributed to Covid19 desease.

Is that high or low?

Lets see….

German general mortality:

2018 : 83.019.213 Inhabitants , 954.874 Defunctions

or 2616 defunctions daily in a normal year.

So the “deadly pandemic” has presumably killed in 86 days the same amount of people who die in Germany in two days on a regular basis.

Another number: Estimated Influenza deaths in Germany during 2017/18 Season of Influenza : 25000.

So SarsCov2 kills 20% of the number of people who die on Influenza on a comparable Timeframe.

And I don´t remember any sanitary catastrophy in hospitals or lockdowns or “social distancing” measures in Germany in 2017/2018.

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