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MARCH 2025

Satellite Image Shows Megaship Blocking Suez Canal

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Satellite Image Shows Megaship Blocking Suez Canal

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The Russian satellite “Canopus B” of the orbital group of Roscosmos made a photo showing the megaship Ever Given. The ship is stuck in the Suez Canal on 23 March and since then the canal remains blocked. Reports claim that it can take several weeks to eliminate the accident and reopen the Suez Canal.

Media reports also often call the ship “Evergreen” and not “Ever Given”.  However, Evergreen is the name of the shipping company that leases the ship. The vessel itself is called Ever Given. The ship is one of 20 container ships in Evergreen’s fleet and is named in the company’s “Ever”.


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AM Hants

Those naughty cargo ships. Remember the two that took out the two US Destroyers and now this one blocking the Suez Canal. Ooooooops and a little more oooooops.

Freemon Sandlewould

EverGreen airlines was a CIA cover air cargo outfit in the past. I wonder

AM Hants

My first thought is laughter, followed by electrical jamming devices. Or am I being cynical?

Would not be surprised if CIA Cargo Ship, hiding all types of things, or so they believe.

Clarence Spangle

It was a sandstorm.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The first time a sandstorm ever hit that area, sure. Probably a once in a lifetime sandstorm, which normally never happens in desert areas.

Completely out of the blue, who would have thought a ship would ever find itself completely blinded by the effects of weather.

Clarence Spangle

Who would have thought a ship would ever find itself completely blinded by the effects of weather?

You never spent any time at sea.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You obviously never have.

There is a thing called a compass, which can give a direction of travel. Even a rent boy like yourself should be able to keep a straight course using that. You’ve obviously never been in the military if you don’t know that.

Modern shipping also use GPS slowmo, again, impossible to not know you are going sideways.

Why don’t you go put on your leather gear and go play with all the other gay Nazis?

Clarence Spangle


rightiswrong rightiswrong

That was some beer party you had there Clarence.

I take it that’s your head between your buddies balls then.

Clarence Spangle


rightiswrong rightiswrong

And you licked them as well. lol

Like a true soldier of a thousand year reich, just before it petered out after a 12 year bash.

Clarence Spangle

Ja sam čovjek iz sjene.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Is that a reggae song?

Clarence Spangle

I don’t listen to níggers . . . you fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s what your Mother said, before a big black guy gave her the night your father hadn’t the balls to.

Hitler, had only one small ball, Himmler, had two but they were small, Goering, was something similar, But Clarence, has no balls, at all.

Clarence Spangle


Band Itkoitko

I don’t remember ever blocking anyone, but I may make an exception for you. This is not sane!

Clarence Spangle

fággot said that before

Clarence Spangle

You masochistic fágs should go get a room together.


Band Itkoitko

I’m sure you would be insisting to come join so you can express yourself by showing us disgusting pictures. Does this make you feel meaningful?

Clarence Spangle

You two masochistic fágs should go get a room together.


Band Itkoitko

You are running out of lines. Started repeating yourself.

Honestly, you need help.

Clarence Spangle

You masochistic fágs keep threatening to block me . . .


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why would I block you Clariss, you’re the gift that keeps giving.

You’re a right drama queen. Infamy, infamy, they all got it in for me.

You going to cry there Clariss, lol.

Clarence Spangle

You masochistic fágs should go get a room together.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And now you’re thinking of two guys in a room!

That’s a sex addiction problem Clariss, you can get help for that. Ask at the clinic, on your next weekly visit. You should never have used that toilet after your Mom, silly thing.

Band Itkoitko

OK. Chill! I’m not going to block you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How could you live with yourself if Clarence carried on like that other sad loser, Adolf.

Mind you, it might need less petrol to get rid of Clarence than it did the other muppet, lol.

Band Itkoitko

He seems like he might be a teenager, who might have lacked a proper father figure in life. This usually causes the lack of emotional maturity. I empathize with him.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

True, it’s the 2020s, does he think shock and awe ever shocked or awed anyone anymore? lol

Fog of War

Why are you focused on men’s scrotums ?

Clarence Spangle

He is missing his scrotum . . . the rabbi got it.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Rabbit that’s your Mom, Clarence.

There was a lion in a TV series years back called Clarence.

He had a guz eye, crossed.

You remind me of him, cross eyed. How’s your Mom doing lately, or how many I should say.

Clarence Spangle

You are missing this scrotum too . . . but the rabbi got it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91939bd4e102f5da1ef5fabb567fca547ae3ae6fc8f5d1d58708821d136122fc.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You keep your pictures of scrotums Clarence, you do your thing.

Guten Barbie.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why are you so interested in scrotums?

Since you were first to mention them. Do they remind you of your Mom?

Clarence Spangle


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Same old sheet, this BS was started off by the cripple Joe long time ago.

I bet that child murderer never thought he would be mentioned in a rhyme.

Clarence Spangle

It was a sandstorm.

Clarence Spangle

It was a sandstorm.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Does hearing about the cripple Joe who lives no more upset you Clarence? Adolf was a Viennese rent boy, Goering was into animals, Joe murdered his own 6 children.

Obvious why a muppet like you would admire those creeps.

Clarence Spangle

stop playing with yourself

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s what you’re thinking of, lol.

Not a chance girl, but you keep dreaming Clariss.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Master Bating is bad for you Clarence, it can lead to feral sex issues.

But you should have thought about those consequences years ago before you started.

Clarence Spangle

stop playing with yourself fággot

Clarence Spangle


rightiswrong rightiswrong

I like to think of Adolf and Joe in that way also.

Clarence Spangle


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Let me guess, your transition era photos? lol

Did you shave?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Isn’t he cute, ahhh.

Your best friend.

Albert Pike

Sure it was a sandstorm. Captain couldn’t see, so he took the wrong turn in the straight channel…

Clarence Spangle

The wind blew the ship aground. Did you even read the articles and watch the videos?

Albert Pike

Yes – suddenly they don’t know any longer how deep that channel is and how havy a ship can be loaded to fit through. Just at a time when the airfreight prices are astronomically high anyway. Looks like a planed ooooops ooooops out of the TheGreatReset playbook…

AM Hants

Thank goodness the Arctic Route is up and running and Russia is being more than generous to offer a lending hand.


Can submarines still get through the canal? :D

Pave Way IV

Iranian ones can. There were several reports of levitating Iranian scuba divers with limpet mines surveilling the stuck ship. They were chased off with a hose after taunting the crew with snide remarks about their piloting skills.


They have only one company working on this instead of ten. No photos of them transferring the forward cargo onto others ships. No photos of groups of tug boats pulling from the stern. Another “useful emergency”, watch oil and all prices go up significantly.


They are working tirelessly day and night to fix it. This is the proof, see that loader!?


You are right about the oil price, it immediately increased %5-%6.

Concrete Mike

Good eye.

Yeah a loader would be NFG for that.

What a mess lol

Jim Allen

Like a 966. Sad. If they ever get with the digging, they’ll need a couple somethings to clear the dirt the excavators pile up as they work. Same with what is sucked from under the hull. It’s all got to be stockpiled somewhere. If I recall “Evergreen” is a South Korean Corporation. Hmm…


This is the aircraft that could unload that ship;


and some interesting history on the New Suez Canal;

New Suez Canal aerial – Suez Canal Area Development Project – Wikipedia

Pave Way IV

To give you an idea of how bad the ship is stuck, check out the picture below. The red/black waterline is just below the surface at the stern right now. The nose ploughed into the mud hard enough to raise the bow maybe 10m/25ft. Six tugs pulling on the stern did nothing but auger the nose in further. If they could raise the water in the canal by 5m (they can’t), that still wouldn’t be enough to float the ship. Likewise, imagine how much mud they’re going to have to dig out to drop the bow 5m? No cranes big enough to take containers off something that tall unless they erected a construction crane on the bank. After a weeks of pulling containers that way they still don’t know if the bow would be light enough to drag out of the mud with tugs, so they’re digging and will jet out more with water if needed.


Concrete Mike

LOL better call some barges in to excavate past where that longstick can reach.

What a mess!

Clarence Spangle

They can’t find an excavator bigger than that?

Albert Pike

They don’t want to…

Concrete Mike

Its a 50 ton hoe, they dobt make them much bigger with the long stick.

Barges are necessary at this point.

Lone Ranger

Hard to believe that wasnt deliberate to block the canal. So who would benefit from that?


Oil companies (US). What´s new?

Clarence Spangle

It was a sandstorm. Most of these dorks have never been to the Suez . . .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When was the last time a sandstorm blocked the Suez Canal?

Sandstorms would be regular to the area, but in over 50 years, I’ve never heard of a single ship turning sideways with modern equipment to block the canal. I doubt one could do that to a ship without it being deliberate. How hard is it to stay on a straight course with GPS and other devices. These ships travel at night, and have no problem steering in the dark, or stormy seas.

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, it’s a duck.

This looks like a deliberate ploy. Who benefits, I don’t know. A rise in oil prices is good for Russia or the US, as well as other oil producing nations, but there are other ways to do that and not block off a strategic waterway.

Clarence Spangle

Sandstorm didn’t block the canal, a ship did.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Which is the reason given for crashing the ship. A sandstorm.

I can see why you are such a dunderhead, too much listening to the gay rent boy from Austria.

Clarence Spangle

Boka yemek, ibne . . .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Is that your Moms language before she was deported?

Clarence Spangle

Gehen sie saugen eine Schrotflinte, Schwanzlutscher.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Wrong edition, that’s the language of losers boy.

Clarence Spangle

stop playing with yourself

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m playing with you, cos you can’t take it.

Not like your Mom, she takes on horses that one.

Clarence Spangle

You fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I bet you say that to all the boys, Clariss.

Then Clarence when you go home to Mom. lol

Clarence Spangle

Fúck off, you fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Is the prompter stuck Clariss, or is that your only English, what a muppet.

Gutten Barbie.

Clarence Spangle

You two fágs should go get a room together.

Captain Freedom

I heard you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I heard him to, lol.

Squeal like a pig, Clarence. lol

Clarence Spangle

You masochistic fágs really should go get a room together.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How’s your sister after transition?

You’ll be next, I bet you wet yourself every day waiting for it.

Gutten Barbie.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You’ve never climbed a mountain ridge in thick cloud cover little girl.

A compass keeps you straight, but that could never work for someone as bent as you.

Clarence Spangle

You masochistic fágs need to go get yourselves a motel room.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You leather sucking Banderites have booked them all out.

Clarence Spangle

Власть на Украине находится в сговоре с Еврейский олигархами, им никто не противостоит… мудак.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So your computer can do language translations too, wow.

Who’d have thought a leather clad rent boy could manage that.

Clarence Spangle

Fúck off, you fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

lol, you getting all flustered little boy, lol.

That’s good, now go play with your leather Barbie.

Clarence Spangle

you fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

lol, you getting all mad remembering that big black guy with your Mom.

He sent on the pictures. Luckily he was masked up, and put the bag over her ass and beat the head off her, you gotta laugh at that.

Clarence Spangle

Fílthy fúcking kíke fággot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Behind you of course Clariss, the way you like it.

Clarence Spangle

Fílthy fúcking kíke.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You seem to be in to the 3skin fantasy, you sad old dog, lol.

Is that a fetish, or do you just like to cut yourself?

cechas vodobenikov

mudak projecting again


You might have a point Clarence, visibility may have been a factor in a narrow passage for a megaship. I will upvote you ounce, but may take it back for the trash you wrote below. :)

Muriel Kuri

Who indeed? The globalists who are trying to take over the world and are anti-China and anti-Russia, since they believe in sovereignty. This is their end game, now that they have Trump out of their way – they need to make hay while the sun shines. Divide all of us, racism, religion, monied interests . . . just some of their ways of getting their way to conquer the entire world.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

More pressure on already struggling Covid hit economies.

Blas de Lezo

Now would be a good time to block the other choke point and get sanctions lifted.

Pave Way IV

You’re right. I never thought about that. Block the Straits of Hormuz now and everyone goes ballistic. Plus, the death clock starts ticking for the Saudis. Either their storage would get full or they go broke. Matter of weeks. China would be pissed, but they got something like six weeks of reserve crude stored up. Not that I would want this to happen – too much little people misery involved. But I would pay good money to watch the Saudi reaction if oil went to $200/bbl and they could only load a few tankers at Yanbu and Jizan. And both ports would be vulnerable to attacks from the pissed off Houthis.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Ivan Freely

An Egyptian official who spoke to the Associated Press confirmed that efforts to remove the ship would take at least two days and blamed a strong 50 km/h gust of wind for the accident.

Multiple reports cite local agents saying the ship lost power before veering starboard, with its bulbous bow becoming lodged into the bank of the canal. Diggers are currently trying to dig around the bow, while Egypt has mustered every available tug to shift the giant 399 m long vessel.

Shipping agency GAC reported the ship, owned by Shoei Kisen and on charter to Evergreen, suffered a black out while transiting in a northerly direction at 07.40 hours local time yesterday.

A brand new ship loses power? At least it wasn’t in the middle of the night.

Source: splash247 [DOT] com / suez-canal-blocked-by-stranded-evergreen-boxship/

Albert Pike

It was a sandstorm and a blackout – how convenient, so it’s nobodies fault…

Fog of War

And it gets stranger: Also, who uses the Suez the most for either trade or military movements ?

” Cargo ship drew a penis and butt before getting stuck in Suez Canal ”

” The way in which the ship became stuck was “the most awkward way possible,” Scott-Railton tweeted. ”


Ivan Freely

Apparently MV Ever Given’s crew are all Indian nationals. I’ve yet to confirm the rumor whether the skipper was a female or not.

zee5 [DOT] com / zee5news / suez-canal-blockage-mv-ever-givens-25-member-crew-who-are-all-indian-nationals-safe

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Could it be something as simple as a contractual dispute or lay-off resulting in the mother of all walk outs?

Fog of War

I doubt it, the geopolitical ramifications are too big. Not to mention there’s a lot of money involved in this incident. The Indian crew would end up dead if they did this on purpose.

Ivan Freely

Here’s something to mull over: Russia Pushes Northern Sea Route As “Alternative” To Suez Canal

Russia’s nuclear agency Rosatom on Thursday gave three tongue-in-cheek reasons “to consider Northern Sea Route as a viablealternative to the Suez Canal Route”.

The first reason, Rosatom said on its English-language Twitter account, was that the Arctic passage provides “way more space to draw peculiar pictures using your giant ships”.

Rosatom included a link to a news article that reported that a tracking map showed the giant ship had made the shape of male genitals before becoming stuck.

ndtv [DOT] com / world-news / russia-pushes-northern-sea-route-as-alternative-to-suez-canal-2399324

Dick Von Dast'Ard

LONDON, March 25. /TASS/. The Suez Canal blocking due to the container ship aground should not affect oil prices strongly, particular because of depressed demand for raw hydrocarbons in Europe, Head of Oil Markets with Rystad Energy Bjornar Tonhaugen told TASS in a comment.

“The destination of the oil tankers that can’t cross the Canal is mostly Europe, but Europe is also now the continent that is imposing the strictest lockdowns and where oil demand is decreasing rather than requiring more product. If Europe was in a better state in its Covid-19 battle, then the disruption would possibly create a more prolonged issue but this is not the case. That is why traders today quickly corrected some of the previous day’s gains,” Tonhaugen said.

“It is unlikely that efforts to resolve the issue and resume normal traffic will take more than a few days. Yet the downside risk exists and if weeks are needed to free the vessel, oil prices will be affected,” the analyst added.

At the same time, analysts highlight the risk of delays in supplying huge volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe.

“The Suez Canal is one the world’s busiest trade routes, and this blockade is having great implications on global trade, including LNG, as shipments to Europe from one of the world’s largest LNG producers – Qatar – essentially all pass through there,” Head of Gas and Power Markets Carlos Torres Diaz said in a comment.

“The Canal is the main route for LNG cargoes heading from the Middle East to Europe and for some cargoes heading from the Mediterranean to Asia. During 2020, close to 260 LNG cargoes were sent from Qatar to Europe via the Suez Canal, or an average of five per week,” the expert said. “The complete route from Qatar to northwest Europe takes around 17 days and the alternative route around the Cape of Good Hope would take more than 30 days, making this an unviable option, at least for the time being,” he added.

The potential interruption with gas supplies can benefit Russia and Norway in this situation, Torres noted. “Looking at who benefits most from the current situation, Russia is definitely the country that is not in a hurry to see the blockade resolved.

Norway would normally get a boost too, being Europe’s second largest gas supplier, but its pipeline system is already running at almost maximum capacity,” the expert said. https://tass.com/economy/1270509

cechas vodobenikov

an amerikan pilot trying to learn metric system

Albert Pike

More orchestrated bull for TheGreatReset…

Jihadi Colin


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