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MARCH 2025

Satellite Imagery Confirmed Damage To Runways At Israeli Nevatim Air Base

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Satellite Imagery Confirmed Damage To Runways At Israeli Nevatim Air Base

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On the night of April 14, Iran launched the first-ever massive direct attack on Israel from its territory. One of the targets of the attack was the Nevatim airbase located 15 km east-southeast of Beersheba in the Negev desert. The large air base is located near the Israeli Dimona nuclear facility.

Also known as Air Force Base 28, this is one of the largest bases of the Israeli Air Force, which has three runways of different lengths.

The spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces confirmed ‘minor damage’ to the Nevatim air base of the Israeli Air Force as a result of the Iranian attack. Forced to admit the damage, the Israeli military tried its best to assure the public that the attack did not thwart the operation of the strategically important military facility. According to the Israeli military, Iran planned to paralyze the base but failed. The IDF shared the footage of Israeli aircraft landing at the base.

“As you can see, the base is functioning and continues to perform its tasks. … Air Force aircraft continue to take off and land from the base, as well as go on offensive and defensive missions, including F-35 aircraft, which are now returning from a base defense mission,” the IDF official said.



At the same time, the official Israeli sources published footage of the craters and repair work at the Nevatim airbase after the strikes of several Iranian missiles.



On the other hand, Iranian media reported 15 strikes at the Nevatim airbase in southern Israel. As it was expected the both sides attempt to declare their victories. The United States and Israel downplay the consequences of the strikes. In their turn, Iranian sources may exaggerate the success.

Finally, the satellite imagery confirmed that at least several Iranian missiles reached the target. Moreover, the imagery confirmed that at least two of the three runways of the air base were damaged as a result of the strikes.


Satellite Imagery Confirmed Damage To Runways At Israeli Nevatim Air Base

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Satellite Imagery Confirmed Damage To Runways At Israeli Nevatim Air Base

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Indeed, the Israeli military is likely to repair the highways very soon. The damage itself is not critical; but the fact that Iranian missiles managed to reach and precisely struck the runways of the strategically important air base located near the nuclear facility in the area which is most densely protected by the vaunted Israeli air defense is a great victory of the Iranian military. The massive attack on Israel was not aimed to reach a lot of targets but to probe the Israeli air defense.

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the iranian response was never about doing material damage, it was a real warning of the state of affairs and the changes to the rules of engagement with the zionist entity. a direct strike of this magnitude with pre warning and ignorance of all threats from the west and then following it through itself makes iran the real victor of this exchange.


the inability and ineptitude of the entity to repond with direct attack on iranian soil shows the head of the snake got the beating. the next time, the head will roll.


do you two jack each other like this often?

iran didnt do shit.


bullshit. quit making excuses for their failures.


the time has come for the end of the jew filth.

we all saw israels air defense failures.

tel aviv and haifa are sitting ducks.

pity the only blood libel on earth are jews. noone else is as evil as the jew to bomb civiliians for sexual pleasure like the jews do.


very good!! iran has satellites, hypersonic technology and soon, nuclear weapons. israel has to be put into place, they are a disgrace to civilization


ei… gropi in asfalt avem si noi in bucurești, e romania plina. i au atins destul cat sa aflam ca iranul poate si mai mult

Massa John

the mullahs destroyed a jewish dessert pit, very nice


destroyed the circumcised ego of the zionist entity


you’re moron. to others: look at extracted ground near the pit. jews digged that pit, it wasn’t a missile strike. and we don’t know about date of flight of that plane. 2 of 3 strips are inactive, but one can be used for propagandist materials or just old video.


exactly. and these dumbasses act like they actaully did something.


everyone in the world is now laughing at iranian missiles and drones 😆😆😆

Last edited 10 months ago by _TomSawyer_

exchanging 38-60 million $, for 700mil -1.5bil $ is laghable indeed, without even the need of mobilizing any hypersonic equipements, or follow the first wave with more consecutive attacks.


did you see the tiny holes made by high-end hyper mega sonic iranian missiles? it took the idf 5 minutes to repair the damages done, iran is so strong lol


not sure what your on about, but no hypersonic was used, more importantly, the pile of dirt by the side, coincidently match the crater size. {thinking}

Last edited 10 months ago by Oulux

‘everyone?’ no, just the really, really stupid ones. this wasn’t an attack but a warning.


what people should realize is that iran struck only what it meant to. they gave fair warning and used basic means. furthermore, it took israel and all the nato forces in the area to track and shoot down what it could. furthermore, if this was a serious strike, hezbollah would have launched too. they didn’t. that means that the defense sites and other information was collected and is now provided to them. hence why israel is mobilizing and worried.

US is becoming a shithole

the world is laughing at israel not stopping its bases getting hit.


except israhell.


^ this

i guess “cope and seethe” must not translate well into farsi?

suka blya muhamad

a man wielding a knife killing several austrailian civilians is far more dangerous than more than 300 combined balllistic rockets and drone attackes from iran. quack quack quack

Satanic Anglo Scum!

remember it was only 1 wave and were given warnings prior to iran’s response to zionist aggression.


do iranians have some kind of cultural blindspot that makes them incapable of seeing how they look right now?

first they posture all tough in front of the *entire world*, then they fail miserably in their bullying attempt, then they claim they meant to do that all along – and actually falling flat on your face in public is a sign of dominance!

wake up and smell the copium, iranbros…

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

israel mostrou o quanto é fraco em defesa aérea. se quisesse, o irã destruiria a usina nuclear de dimona!


i think the point iran is clearly making is if we can strike your military runways then we can certainly destroy your cities. you can fill in a crater in a runway but a high rise flattened not so easy


if iran wanted to, they could have largely targeted government and civilian structures as israel does… even if intercepted, the damage would have been massive and large casualties would have been likely.


or simply strike at dimona nuclear research center to create the dirty bomb effect, i.t. radionuclide pollution. response at military targets only shows that iran is not terrorist at all despite all terrorists attacks iran suffered from zionist regime for years.


can’t you see that it’s not a crater made by a missile? it’s a dug hole, the impact of a missile does not set aside the well-covered earth, wake up, it’s pure zionist propaganda


as well as flight of a fighter made hell knows when and where. it resembles hohlo-nazist propaganda to me — “158 out of 122 missiles were intercepted” or “all targets have been shot down”, but damage on the ground says that some missiles were obviously shot down by buildings.)

Just me

politicians should meet in the desert and fight each other there… without their stupid propaganda and oppression system, these idiots would be in jail or dead. but in this system for stupid people, these guys are the presidents


even the ancient greeks knew that democracy was a terrible system – barely better than mob rule, and not much difference in many areas

i like your idea but lets make them fight on the moon instead.

then we can just launch all the politicians into space and say “good riddance”.


you nailed it: iran didn’t blow up runways, they delivered a message. now the question is whether israel and it’s backers understand and accept the message. or whether they insist on starting world war iii.


another question: the main reason netanyhu became prime minister no matter the cost for his country is to postpone his corruption trial: are we really prepared to blow up the middle east just to keep a criminal out of prison?

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

yes….in case you havent yet noticed, israelis brits yankquis would rather destory the world than not rule it


hasbarat actually speaks the truth?

i guess even a broken clock is right twice a day…

…what you are missing is that our *politicians* want that – the people don’t.

the average american is the same as anyone else from around the world; we just want to be left alone but keep getting tricked into electing stupid crooks into power.

the only difference is our stupid crooks have more toys to play with (see: abuse).


“in their turn, iranian sources may exaggerate the success.”

you mean like exactly how you did in the very next paragraph?

Peter Jennings

having their runways bombed must be a unique experience for the isreali apartheid regime. this is just potatoes. the meat comes later, and will depend on whatever the isreali apartheid regime serve up next. i’m guessing that iran’s next target will all those apartheid regime missile sites that gave their positions away.


ruin control towers, it takes months to restore. holes in airstrip takes 1-2 days to repair.


lame ass iranian attack.


why should israel retaliate against such an inept strike that did nothing.


on the contrary, the attack was a remarkable success and you should stop listening to the lying criminals in tel aviv! they will be a foregone conclusion in a short while!

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