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MARCH 2025

Satellite Imagery Show Damage To Russian Military Base In Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Show Damage To Russian Military Base In Crimea

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On August 9, explosions rocked Russian military air base “Saki” near the town of Novofiodorovka in the Republic of Crimea.

Satellite images confirmed the consequences of recent ammunition explosions on the territory of a military airbase. As a result of explosions, a fire broke out, as evidenced by a large area damaged by fire.

Several funnels are also seen on the satellite imagery.

Satellite Imagery Show Damage To Russian Military Base In Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Show Damage To Russian Military Base In Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Show Damage To Russian Military Base In Crimea

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Missile attack by Ukrainian forces is unlikely and is almost excluded. The approach of missiles from the sea would be seen by thousands of people who were on the beach. The attack could not pass unnoticed as it would be accompanied by a specific sound of a missile approach.

The funnels were likely caused by detonation of explosive devices planted by saboteurs and the following detonation of ammunition. An attack by a sabotage group is the most likely scenario.

The satellite imagery demonstrated that significant damage has been done to the Russian military base and aircraft.


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Shoot the security manager!

hunter bidé lab pork !

i hope they shoot Klaus the abortion nazi parazite full of fever in the anus !!!


How very Russian a response.

Dick Von D'Astard

Looks to me to be an escalation of choice by Washington/London. This shall not end well for them, if so.


The west ist trying hard to bait russia in a open war but russia seems to not want to take the bait. – The West sank the moskva with either missiles or torpedos shot from western planes operating from romania – The West used attack helicopers from Poland to attack Belgorod. – The West now used Nato Planes from Poland and/ or Romania to use US Missiles to attack Russian radars.

The West is doing everything to lure Russia in a war while still beeing able to pretend innocence towards their voters.

John Tosh


Pamfil Military Academy

That’s the goal of the Rockefeller gang mobsters: total controlling the world by subduing and vassalize the only obstacle remained: stubborn Russia ! They want Kremlin take the bait and a direct conflict, even they want a nuclear war !!!!!!!!! Those bunker rats never fear ATOMIC. They have prepared the satanic tribe for the next 50 years underground. The fate of our 99,999% lives stay in Russia’s hands now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Florian Geyer

’50 Years’ hiding in a nuclear bunker is not worth living and all of us here would likely be dead of old age anyway.

Pamfil Military Academy

It’s not about that, but genetic heritage. The satanists offspring would rule the world literally.


There was no rocket attack on the airfield, tons of people were filming and many more were around there, if there would be rockets people would have seen it.


I did not write anything about the airfield but i think thats more of some spec ops stuff or locals like some crimean tartar al quaida guys using bombs.


British SAS, its their signature.


Probably saboteurs then. A lot of Ukrainians in Russia. And Russians in the Ukraine.


Hard to believe that it was an accident or sabotage. Damages are extraordinary huge. Whats with russian air defense? Greetings from Moskva. Wondering How Russia wants to survive a real war with Nato?

Michigan Man

Exactly ! Everybody knows it was Ukraine missile attack. They got newest long-range US missiles, HIMARs expanded version, and testfired them into ru-occupied Crimea. There are also large traffic jams in Crimea now, as lots of people in Crimea now realize that they are in UKR projectile range, and therefore choose to move away (at least for the time of the war) into more secure areas closer to russia homeland. Russia should admit that Ukraine is nott he toothless tiger like the ru propaganda claims it o be.

Ru state propaganda is really absolutely low-life combination of idiocity and filthy trash. A ru air force base gets nearly completely wiped out after severe ukr missile strike, and the ru news want to sell it to us as a ‘small saboteurs action’ resp. accidential ukr success’. Very embarassing what the russian feel is appropriate information management. In short: If there is negative news which you can t hide, then simple lie, lie and again lie about it, and claim everything to be a big accident and that the enemy just by mistake or outstanding coincidence has managed to do some minor damage indeed. This lying and downplaying modus seems to be the new russian tactic,


I am ashamed to be Dutch to be honest. I am a vocal supporter of Russia, but most people here in Holland have been brainwashed to hate most things from Russia.

I hope Russia won’t give up. When the winter comes and people start freezing because of lack of Natural Gas, the western european support against Russia will soon stop.

Miki Miric

Zapad traži nuklearke u Njujorku, Parizu,Berlinu,Londonu,Rimu, Vašingtonu


Not retaliating makes absolutely no sense. Sooner or later you have too.


It is the SAS UK


if its sabotage . then it sure special operation done by British or US from sea they came from under water mini submarine or something. its time Russia has to do similar in Odessa or Moklavia . and another Russia has to target all command in Zaphorzia and Dnipro forward bases

Hans rauss

sabotage? hahahahahahah nice cope bro. its atacms from uncle sam its not last target. Next target will be navybase in crimea. Stay tuned…russobots atacms and how it works, this explain why whole airbase is destroyed with only 3-4 craters https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=atacms

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss

are you snorting same stuff as zelenski ?

hunter bidé lab pork !

why inst the anus of gay zelonsky not full of saboteurs ?? seems like is anus is Jozzenite anti semiotic !??

hunter bidé lab pork !

nazi girlfriends send more carbon to zugaylonsky !!!


Shows that the russians either do not have control over crimeas borders or that in fact there are sleepers on crimea who fight against russia. Perhaps some of the ukrainian soldiers who “defected”.

John Tosh

No. The Ukrainians are too dumb for this This is British SAS.


british sas are only good in movies and games lol


YES it’s their work


Send them all to Siberia, right? How difficult it must be to live in such shackles.

Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

You reap what you sow, they played against the wrong hand, they messed with the promised lands, their hand got chopped off. Do they learn?

Hans rauss

Say hello to american ATACMS, 15 fighter jets destroyed and 60 pilots and airbase personel killed. Russian army is joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
John Tosh

British SAS sabotage! Paid off a few Russians who gave them access. There were two British agents who carried out the operation.

Hans rauss

mate, they pay you to make such a dumb story ? sabotage and whole airbase is destroyed :D Russian shithole dont want to admit that their air def doesnt work against american missiles….thats it. typical russian propaganda to cover up their incompetent army.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
John Tosh

You sound like a clown Have you been a clown for very long??? You are not funny just irritating !!!

Hans rauss

john = ivan ? more cope mode about sabotege ? :D

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope, he is the english language impotent nazi vermin from beginning.


It seems to me that this is the British SAS whom we have been told are over there, MONTHS ago. It is their thing. What do you know?


still loosing the war in Donbass, doesn’t look too good for ukkies and their 30 western backers, loosing hard, lmao.


OH BOY those patriot missiles are scary!!!!!!! You are not allowed to work on Saturdays are you?


Daher — Holzauge sei wachsam!


Zelensky and his nazi parliament should be bombed. The Rada and all government buildings



Zelensky is a jew you dumbass ! Same as Putin ! But the russian and ukrainian soldiers which are now killing each others in Ukraine are nearly all christians (apart from a few putin imported mercenary chechen murtads resp. traitors of islam).

So why you not realize that it is the jews behind it all ? You call the jew Zelensly a Nazi ? Why then you not call Mr. Putin an african too ? Did the jews brainwash you that successfully that you cannot even differ between a crocodile, a mouse and your own ass anymore ? And mistake an obvious jew transvestite dancer for a white nationalsocialist ? What’s wrong in your brain man ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Hans rauss

russian propaganda and its circle of life: just cigarrets, everything is under control———-> there is no damage at all, all airplanes are safe————>ok, 15 fighter jets destroyed but its no missile attack, just sabotage :D Nobody will believe in sabotage story. Truth is that russian air defense doesnt exist and is helpless against himars and atacms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
John Tosh

When missiles hit, they make deep holes for explosions large enough to create the amount of smoke seen

Those were not missiles or drones. Those were planted bombs.

The bombs were planted by Agents organized by two British SAS officers.

Is this why the British future isles will sink below the sea???

Hans rauss

You are wrong, after atacms hit there will be no big crater, this explain why airbase is completly destroyed. We hear russian propaganda and theory about cigarretes and sabotage but its just cheap ,, save face” story to hide fact that their air defense doesnt work against american toys.


Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
Pamfil Military Academy

You imbecile retard monkey, all OBJECTS traveling with supersonic speed MAKE a VERY LOUD NOISE. Do you saw the russian Hypersonic ones how they whistle like 10 firefighter trucks ? Do you believe this important airfield was not protected with the most advanced SAM’s batteries and Radar’s, shithole Hans Rans the pedophile motha fucker ? Radar’s not got anything, the civilian alarm didn’t sound.

John Tosh

Don’t get angry with Hans Rauss. He is only doing his job. Hans wants to tell the world Russian defense systems are not good.

However even Saudi Arabia dumped the Patriot system for the S400. Why do you think Syria is good now???

The only way to beat the S400 is to use too many projectiles so as to use up all the missiles hence a few would make their target.

Remember when Trump fired 83 missiles and most of them did not get to Syrian targets??

Hans is nowhere to be found !!!! What a childish secret agent Hans is. If they hire people like Hans, you now realize why the West is collapsing !

Hans rauss

Thatsd why ukie every single day destroy bridges, ammo depots and radars in kherson with old himars ? its time to face facts – russian air defense is shit and nothing more left for russian mod than operation ,,save face” aka sabotage or cigarrets :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
Just Curious

You have a very dirty mouth, no knowledge just dirty words. No educated people will listen to this kind of talk.

Hans rauss

its protected by russian air defense, thats why they are helpless against american atacms, its simple as that. Thats why russian propagandist paid by kremlin must create story ,,its sabotage,,. :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss

Does it really matter? It was a small victory for Ukrainian forces in the sense they hit an air base in some manner …….. If your belief is that it was American missiles that the Russians cant defend against? Then please tell the world why after seven months of fighting the Americans decided it was time to destroy five su24? Time for the first and so far only strike in the area. I mean after all the Russians can do nothing to stop it wars over now right?


Shut up and stop proclaiming your ignorance


Stick to the City and strategic areas.. and leave a bit for those living there

Pamfil Military Academy

A cold shower for the russians is extremely good. They not learned almost nothing from the Moskva sinking, and not escalate the operation on the level needed for those nazi fuckwitts. I told numerous times: VOLUME FIRE DAILY on Ze fag cocaine head. The big mystery is why nobody hear anything and I saw a lot of realtime videos. So, shit imbecile RAUS HITLERUS with ATACMS is pure horseshit just like his low grade monkey brain. Plus an 1.5 ton ATACMS will make a 5x larger funnel. Military Academy confirm this: It’s another SAME SpecOP frogmen attack, just like Moskva was. MI6 and NavySeals using romanian submarine. Just look how near is the airfield from the nearest beach !!!!!!!! We will work to determine with what weapons: missile or some mortar-type weapon.. I bet on the last one. Another very likely situation is indeed the work of native krimeean saboteurs.

V for victory

This one is the best one i think. Look, an airbase is VERY POPULATED one, with thousand workers inside. As example, Italy lost atleast one battleship in WWI from an almost certain sabotage inside the port. Think about it: in a war the ammo depots are open very often so any worker with an explosive device could plant them inside. This, and not certainly an ‘ATACMS’ never seen or heard by anyone except Hans Gestaporauss, could be the logic explaination for the simultaneus explosions well spaced one from another, without any known impact and relict of any type of missile or drone.


Southfront is now struggling to come up with excuses.

Hans rauss

no damage, everything is under control———->cigarrets—————>sabotage———–>our air defense doesnt work :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss

Who trusts the russian MOD? It always comes with childish claims like nothing happened. They claimed no warplanes were damaged. Now, everyone sees. Pathetic liars.

It’s funny southfront didn’t mention of damaged/destroyed warplanes in the article.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sephiroth

Nope they simply provided you a set of images to show it…….funny that….. those sneaky reds trying to trick you arnt they!

V for victory

Perhaps because there are not ufficial figures, expect the satellite images about that you can easily get a look of russian losses.


“The funnels were likely caused by detonation of explosive devices planted by saboteurs and the following detonation of ammunition. An attack by a sabotage group is the most likely scenario.”…

Which raises the most important question given the amount of very expensive military hardware on this base -more importantly now inside Russia!… How are these “saboteurs” able to pull something like this off (wearing uniforms) without their bank accounts carefully vetted, and their patterns or habits carefully examined by the Russian Federation’s military given the espionage post Maidan inside Russian since 2014?….

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Ed Theman

What I want to know is why would Russia store that much ammunition so close to all those multi million dollar jets?

You would think they would keep the ammunition depot far enough away so if there was an attack and an explosion, it would not wipe out all the jets.

The ammunition should have been kept further away.


Good point!

Florian Geyer

I agree. The aircraft need more protection and dispersal as well, in my opinion.

Ammunition storage has been a big problem for all parties in this conflict and will have to evolve for future conflicts globally.

V for victory

and even more important, there are not hardened shelters available in Odessa airbase, strangely enough as soviets built literally thousands in Cold War.


They just came up with a lame excuse.

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

There a lot of Photoshop in that photos and Russian military insist that no damage in aircraft while many Russians who served in that base told that ammo depot are 1,2 km from planes..the last photo a SU 30 is intact despite the explosión is close to… a SU 24 are intact and the parking runway impolute despite explosion is close to…

Hans rauss

you are cope master

Ruskie Cheerleader

Took South Front long enough to report this. Happened days ago. Major loss of important base for Russia.


no it was not a major loss nor was it the loss of a base. As matter of fact they lost some SU24 which has not participated in the war in Ukraine , (much if at all) which is also the most numerous aircraft they posses and easiest to replace. The images show the air base intact and aircraft many aircraft in the open on functional tarmac runways next t the burnt out air craft

It was a simple lesson to the Russian air force who learnt the hard way about dispersal.

In addition the story was run days ago as a accident munitions explosion ……then it was stated possible sabotage now they show images which clearly show it was a strike. I doubt southfront had these images for the last week and choose now to put them up


At first I thought the idea of it being an accident was hard to believe and seemed like a lie by the Russians, but come to think of it, armed conflicts do encourage being reckless with ammo and skipping safety checks and some of the worst accidental explosions happen in war. Nevertheless, I think this event is nothing to Russia. Russia is serious in Ukraine, viewing it as essential to their national security, in which case it would probably take a nuclear war to actually stop them. Western views and strategies seem to rely on this not being the case and the idea that Russia is still largely bluffing or trying to make a point to us, rather than actually liquidate threats to itself.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo
M from Romania

at least 7 planes show as destroyed in satelite pictures, yet Russia says no plane was damaged. What is the truth ?


Its kind of like where I live in the US we are not in a recession economics wise its a new period of growth. Azov was not captured it was evacuated. Remember Iraq? Mission accomplished!

Its been said a million times because its true… the only truth to war……….The first casualty of war is the truth. Nothing you read or see is done without someone approving it. Even the you tube combat on my go pro and cell phone shit is being allowed or removed by choice of someone else. Its way easier to control now than it ever was.


This just shows how difficult it is for Russia to maintain control over it’s own borders let alone Ukraines….Incompetence with internal security…….


Your belief in the ability for any nation to control its borders is perplexing…. have you not seen the mass migrations of people the transfer of Drugs….. gangs, smugglers…. you really think you can control a border tens of thousands of kilometers long? Hell can the IDF stop weapons going to the Gaza strip its tens of kilo meters and blocked by air and sea! A border is nothing but a line on a map.


That because of Russian soft War against Ukrops. Yes Russia,go ahead with your stupid soft War👍


“The funnels were likely caused by detonation of explosive devices planted by saboteurs and the following detonation of ammunition. An attack by a sabotage group is the most likely scenario.” Is the writer of this text stupid, crazy or blind? What I’m interested in is the following: if, for example, Poland, Estonia or some other fascist creation rocketed a Russian military base like this, would Russia declare war on that country or, like China, organize “dangerous and threatening” military exercises, talk a little and that’s it ? Would Russia declare war on, for example, Azerbaijan if they did that? Iceland? Micronesia? Would you declare war if the base was, for example, somewhere around Moscow? Vladivostok? If you were to declare war, what is the problem with officially declaring war on Ukraine? Why did Putin start this in the first place if he did not intend to see it through? Another country rocketed your military base in Russia (at least you claim it’s Russia) and destroyed many planes, probably killed a few Russians, why not declare war on that country and go into it with everything you have, including nuclear weapons? Are you afraid of NATO? Because if you are afraid, I have news for you, you are already at war with NATO. I’m sorry to have to say this, but Russia and Putin are already starting to act sleazy on this matter of war, as if you were Americans, calculations, some kind of politics, etc…

lucas grijander

The level of incompetence of the Russian armed forces is very anoying. The store ammunition out of ammunition bunkers that prevet tehse kind of attacks They also have their SAM and AA switched off as they did in the first stages of the war,losing a lot of soldiers. Honest I hope that some officers would be court martialed and shot.

V for victory

I hope not. I hope that the truth will be established and IF there are proof of sabotage, it will be corrected before it will happen again. I am not interested to put someone in a prison for ‘negligence’ rather i want Russian AF will be safer from those insiders.

Miki Miric

Treba streljati šefa obezbeđenja aerodroma,objesiti na ulazu u bazu, amaterizam.


So much for Russia’s big bad red lines. The U.S. laughs in your face.


It was British and the foreign minister is so proud of it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Qw1kt0NZCKT/ RUSSIA ARE STARTING TO FAIL he says, as he pockets his bonuses from shares in the military industrial complex.

Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

Gods work 👆🇮🇱🦾

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