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MARCH 2025

Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China

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Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China

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Originally published by ZeroHedge

Infrared satellite imagery designed to measure moisture levels and the health of farmlands suggests that staple crops such as wheat are in poor condition and in sharp decline among major exporters including the Ukraine, the US and India.  Two countries do have bumper crops so far though; namely Russia and China.

It is hard to say which governments and institutions monitor this data, but a few months ago a multitude of political leaders and global banks issued simultaneous warnings of a “global food shortage” and an impending crisis.  Such institutions included the IMF, World Bank, the BIS and even the White House.  So far, a perfect storm of stagflation, supply chain disruptions and poor weather conditions have combined to disrupt food production around the world.

Price inflation due to central bank stimulus measures has been enough to do incredible damage to the many national economies, but a single bad year for crops on top of this could spell disaster.

Russia and China, on the other hand, are enjoying a strategic advantage.  As we entered spring of this year, the mainstream media heralded the end of the Russian economy and the swift collapse of their war efforts in Ukraine.  Today, Russia is selling more oil and exporting more commodities than ever before, and both Russia and China now have the most healthy staple crops in the world.  It’s almost as if the public in the west has been deliberately misled about our economic strength.

Sadly, many people in the west have forgotten the importance of commodities, industry and energy in terms of geopolitical leverage.  Without dominance of these three arenas there is no chance for a nation or group of nations to dictate terms to a country that has such advantages.  Economic warfare is about independent production and adaptability; these are two things the US and Europe do not have right now.

Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China

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With declines in crop exports, food prices will rise even further this year and there is also the possibility that Russia could cut off the EU and other nations from access to their agricultural market.  Though the Kremlin says this will not happen, given the right trigger event it remains a legitimate threat.  Already this month Europe is on the edge of an economic cliff as they wait to see if the Russian “maintenance shutdown” of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is actually temporary, or the beginning of a full bore energy crisis that will last for years.

In other words, the temptation for the eastern nations to use food as a weapon against NATO countries will be just as high on their list as oil and gas.  With food and energy stability in doubt there is also a considerable danger of civil unrest.  Third world nations are likely to see the worst of the shortages, but price inflation in necessities is here to stay for first world countries as well.  And along with that comes all the associated economic problems, including rising crime, rising unemployment and rising poverty.


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bob bob

I never bother with cereal so it wont effect me.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Yes, it is enough to pray intensely to his god to get full.

ukraine army recruiting office

no one showed up in the office in kiev today.

Retired Troll

Most of the Orthodox Slavs have been fired by a totally crazy Jew pervert Zelensky, he is a dead monkey walking.


yes, things to look forward to…:)

Seymour Undies

He will slip out in the dark of night to Israel or America when his job is done. Jews will celebrate him, quietly.

hunter bidé lab pork !

they received new digital dildos to take in the anus till the last nazi !!!!


you so pious, I imagine you ram that head right into the toilet bowl to be closer to yaweh.


no cupcake for bobby

Retired Troll

Russia and China are doing well in everything as the western losers lose everything. BTW, the Jew pervert Zelensky has sacked almost all the Slavs in high government positions including the “Attorney General” who is now being herself charged with “colluding with Russia” LOL. The bastard Zelensky will not last long and will be shot by one of the real Ukrainians who want to rejoin the Russian Motherland. Besides wheat and fuel shortages, nothing else seems to be working out for the Anglo-Zionist bloodthirsty vultures.

Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

Ukraine Secret Service and military ’riddled with Russian agents’

A desperate Volodymyr Zelensky sacks the Ukraine Secret Service chief over claims its ranks are infiltrated by Russian assets amid high-profile arrests.

Seymour Undies

Russian agents must be swarming all over Ukraine. And having the internet running makes it easier for Russian agents to send troop position or arms shipments encrypted information to Russia. This is a good sign of Ukraine getting desperate.


Where did you read that? I read that up to 60 of their employees who didn’t leave occupied territories now work for Russia in those territories. It’s not the same.

Also, let’s not forget Russian intelligence agents aren’t as good as American/British/Israelis, seeing as Russia’s lost its soft power over the last years in all former allied and neutral countries of Europe.

Seymour Undies

No they won’t. More likely they will all die as they are sent to the front for their Jew.


BRICS food supplies are undoubtedly secured, on the stark contrary, the west kept digging its own grave. Hilarious.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Are enough of those who worship their god and afterwards go to the mosque and are given food.

They have no problems because they are protected from hunger as long as they pray.


All the bacon they can eat?

At least four people were killed, including the shooter, and another three were injured following a shooting incident at a mall in the US state of Indiana on Sunday.

The incident took place outside a shopping mall in Greenwood after a man carrying a rifle and several magazines of ammunition entered the mall’s food court and started firing, local police said.

The authorities did not suggest a motive for the shooting and did not identify the white gunman or the motive for the recent mass shooting.

jens homo baker

jens, we advise that bread Austrian croissants now double–u must pay in rubles


Apti Alaudinov, the highly decorated commander of Chechen forces fighting alongside Russia, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s operation to deNazify Ukraine, calling it a “holy war” against the “Satanic” values of Europe and the United States as well as the LGBTQ community.


Apti, got a point, there.


the Chechen animal symbol—volk—-wolf in English….volk can never be tamed

ukraine army recruiting office

looking for some able bodies. more incentives given to recruits specializing in tactical retreat.

Last edited 2 years ago by ukraine army recruiting office
Ashok Varma

Indian media embedded with Russian and Chechen units is reporting from the frontline 15 kilometers away from Nikolaev city limits, and showing complete breakdown in AFU ranks as many units are now openly collaborating with Russians and giving away locations of NATO weapons, this has caused paranoia among the NATO criminals and their Jew cabal, causing the sacking of hundreds of senior officers, including the head of SBU, several generals and even the top law official prosecutor general who deluged secrets of Zionist and Nazi atrocities to media. JAI RUS!


I saw an interrogation of 2 conscripts, spilling the beans. They wanted out and surrended. Then they gave a good expose of the morale in the Ukie army, enlightening.


Join the army, party all night and choose your own apartment. You also can kick out the plebe from the supermarkets when you get hungry. Girls are easy to get, just rape the one you like. Come, join the ukie army, it’s only benifits for you. And don’t forget, you carry a gun at all times.

Muhammad your Prophet

Yeah? Then why the fuck is a demented terrorist like Vladimir Putin stealing Ukraine’s grain to sell it in Egypt and Lebanon? Fucking piece of shit has just provided a solid motive for his war crimes. Aside from being a sadistic lunatic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Ashok Varma

Dear chap, you are totally insane. Ukrainian puppet Jew regime is crumbling. JAI RUS!


text received from 2 days ago from Austrian friend: “my mum says we will be freezing for Ukrainians—can Putin come to Austria and save us from the amerikans”

Muhammad your Prophet

Can Putin come to Kiev so he can see his shitty Russian tanks one on top of the other?


His travel plans are already booked, but , SURPRISE!!! The City will hold a new name when he does. Kiev will no longer exist and will just be another Russian City, most likely named after Vlad for destroying the nazi enemy and all the little hitler judens in the fabled non existing historical country of “Ukraine” will just be absorbed again like under Catherine. Good run though Ukraine! (low whistle) managed to be a “Free” country from 2005 to present and only lost that by the glorious decisions made for the fatherland, Georgie Sorrows and all things great and communist. well done!


Everything described by yours truly reflects your attributes,except as being seriously woke broke! Lies wont cut it,such sodomised establshments getting purged for the better and Russia is baking more fresh bread to provide for the peaples,unlike your soros/wefs what have such poofs contributed this century? fk all demented starbucks employees,bio lab pathogen lab rats and decay of the west, Demented is just a figment of imagination,best get off shit drugs,deadset they will kill you too! Fake news addict. God Bless Mother Russia:

Muhammad your Prophet

Your psycho babble sounds even more demented than the others. Because you managed to say nothing aside that you love being a terrorist freak. You’re proud of being one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Muhammad….. As demented as usual. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv? must be a hot day today, enjoying watching Palestians get a beating from your snipers, while you relax by your mom’s pool? It’s good to take the sun, you know, but not too much, you could get even more demented or even turn into a dotard, like Biden, so watch out. Your mom said to visit the synagogue more often.

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re defending a demented terrorist cockroach who just turned Russia into the most universally hated country on Earth. Ponder that for a second. But first you need to find the word ponder in a dictionary, you fucking terrorist loving idiot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

mummy made profit in brothel–you have 17 daddies


Looks like our Ruling Class Elites in the West are trying to create a famine.


It sure does, all the signs are there.


Sen Shiff wrote an amendment to a law stuffed within NDAA to the Posse Comitatus Act during martial law to prevent them from being tried after it ends or from the supreme court intervervention!


WHY to do away the Posse Comitatus Act during MARSHAL LAW NOW ?


Ashok Varma

Looks like Ukraine will have coup first and Zelensky either fleeing or being lynched.


The world is far more intelligent todays than any a globohomo wef/nazi/libba goys ever were (period) Meaning their dirty old tacts shan’t prevail over steadfast developed economys,meaning imf is destined to doom,they can try to bluff naive nations,but in the end their cretins will be forced out of governance in these rapidly changing times of the present and indeed well into the future.

Nations that aspire toward diabolical ban of tractors,machiney,fossil dependant enterprises will be the first in line to be the new gen 4th world status whom the only ones entitled to consistent salarys will be only they whom combined cannot contribute even 0.01 % more likely minus 90% gravely, towards basic essentials,which is why major revolutions will continue across imf recipicants. Enjoy the show.


GMOs anyone? Last I was paying attention, Russia was one of the last holdouts against GMO agriculture, and China might be too

hunter bidé lab pork !

so the ukros are wining eating missils in the anus !!! Biden gang pedo family are wining changing sex now joe is a little Pimp senil and its putin fault !!! so europe must go down for klaus pedo bolchevic gay faggot eat cereals in the anus !!!!

Natalie Biden was 13

By supporting the good guys, God, the almighty, is on the right side of history.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Religions are the biggest deceptive scam created by mankind and still persist.

To me, it’s ridiculous entertainment to see religious worshipers fight and kill each other.

Natalie Biden was 13

“Zelensky fired prosecutor general Iryna Venediktova and security chief Ivan Bakanov”. The cabinet is falling apart. I wouldn’t be impressed if there will be a insurgence against him, the Clown.


IMO, Russia should stop trading anything with any country that enforces sanctions. No oil, no gas, no grain, no sunflower seeds, no gold, no nothing. Russia would take a hit, but trade with the likes of China, India, Iran, most of Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and many smaller nations would make up for most of it. And pretty soon those nations on desperate need of Russian oil, gas and grains (about 99% of the world) would start trading again. In roubles, of course. Then bye-bye sanctions, bye-bye dollar hegemony, bye-bye NATO bullies.


You mean you havent handicapped your farmers with inane ridonkulous non scientific explanations about a chemical you breathe in every breath at 79% and only becomes dangerous at depth pressures to divers? has never killed a single person on planet earth in it’s natural quantities and has only slightly changed in nearly 4.5 billion years? You mean you guys arent willing to kill every single last member of your public for kickbacks from lil jew killer Georgie Sorrow’s? …just wow


Is it Raytheon who has the prerogative of using HAARP weather modification systems? All of the airlines seem to have complicity in some of the weather modification spraying. It is called SRM solar radiation management and it traps heat into the atmosphere, makes the nights and mornings warmer and the breezes are hot too. These can cause raine and using other parts of the technology, they prevent precipitation and rain· I cry to God for an end to the constant evil tampering with our weather. These weather technologies also are used, not to mitigate flooding and severe weather systems but to increase their severity. They could be used to move the cold from the ANTARTIC further North or to generally move weather fronts. Also rain can be moved from one nation to another and drought is deliberately caused. They have fun playing with our weather while they screw us with it. Lots of patents are held for this technology.

mike l hutchings

so…. the rug wasn’t big enough to sweep Russia under it; it’s one thing to take Russia apart but you best get it right the first time or it will come back to bite you. you have the wolf by the ears but its hard to let go. western Europe and their green revolution is designed to impoverish the third world, the second world and the first world so the Elites can play God

Christian J. Chuba

‘Russia, a gas station masquerading as a country’ and a grain exporter, bridge builder, a space program …

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