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Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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On June 3rd, ImageSat released rare satellite imagery showing 3 separate Chinese carriers, the Type 001, the Type 001A and presumably the Type 002.

The third aircraft carrier is still shrouded in mystery, as there has been no official confirmation by the People’s Liberation Army Navy.

In November 2018, state-run Xinhua News Agency on its WeChat page reported that China began work on its third aircraft carrier.

No other details were provided, only that it was a “new-generation carrier.” The China Daily outlet claimed that he China State Shipbuilding Corp’s Jiangnan Shipyard Group in Shanghai is building a “bigger and mightier” than the Liaoning and the second carrier.

Regardless, these satellite images mark the second time activity on the presumed third aircraft carrier was reported within two months.

In early May 2019, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington released commercial satellite imagery, dated April 17th, showing significant activity at the Jiangnan Shipyard, compared to an analysis from October 2018.

Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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It is yet unclear whether the new aircraft carrier would have nuclear-powered or conventional propulsion. Most commonly it’s speculated that it is going to have conventional propulsion and have a different launch type.

It is expected to be bigger than both the Type 001 Liaoning and the unnamed Type 001A, which is expected to complete all of its sea trials and be commissioned in 2019.

Satellite Imagery Shows Three Chinese Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously

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According to the US Department of Defense 2019 report on Chinese capabilities, China began construction of its second domestically built aircraft carrier in 2018, which will likely be larger and fitted with a catapult launch system. This design will enable it to support additional fighter aircraft, fixed-wing early-warning aircraft, and more rapid flight operations. China’s second domestically built carrier is projected to be operational by 2022.

In June 2018, the alleged design of the Type 002 was “accidentally” revealed on a photograph showing the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation’s boardroom. On a photograph on its wall.

“A photograph published on social media by one of the companies that develops China’s aircraft carriers appears to suggest that the latest vessel will be equipped with a catapult launch system, unlike either of its predecessors.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) uploaded the picture on Wednesday, the state-backed tabloid Global Times reported, although it was taken down later the same day.

The image –which appeared to be an artist’s impression rather than an actual photograph –showed China’s Type 002 carrier – the country’s third carrier and second to be domestically developed –with a flat flight deck installed with three catapult-like devices.

The image was apparently a snapshot of a large poster that hangs on a wall inside CSIC’s boardroom,” SCMP reported back in June 2018.

Apart from the satellite images and an artist impression, the only conclusive information about the Type 002 is that the state-owned Xinhua news agency reported work was being carried out on the aircraft carrier. Other than that, everything else in relation to the indigenous Chinese warship remains a mystery.


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“nonsense! muh murica is only allowed to have more than 1 aircraft carriers! MURICA” -Fat_Retarded_American


More like ‘Hell yeah! Now we can fleece the US government for even more money. Order more carriers, dammit!’

Ivan Freely

The F-35, Ford, Zumwalt, LCS and Columbia SSN is doing a great job of fleecing the taxpayers.


Why rest at your laurels when you can fleece the taxpayer even more? You gotta seize the opportunity, man!


Half baked analysts always talk about the inadequacy of the aircraft carrier, yet China recognizes their potency

These are still runts of ships, they have a long way to go


Lets see how China uses them before passing judgement. Japan, GB and the USA have used them to project power to the enemies shore. Russia used them to extend their AD – A2 bubble over the Barents sea to protect their SLBM fleet. It’s in the power projection role that aircraft carriers are vunerable as shore based missiles vastly outrange their aircraft. Even back in the 1980’s carrier crews knew their life expectancy was down to hours when facing a peer … same holds true for Chinese carriers except in the AD role those carriers are mearly the first line of defence instead of your main offensive threat.


They’d be vulnerable in any capacity, the Tomahawk IV variant has a range over 1000 miles that could easily decimate Chinese ships and carriers

SLBM’s can have longer ranges than land based missiles like the Trident II which makes Buluva missiles look like wet fire crackers

Ivan Freely

While I agree that carriers still have a role unlike battleships, they will always be vulnerable to AShM’s regardless of operator. Drones and or missiles with limited AI will be the next big thing.


Yeah but every ship is vulnerable, if anything carriers are less vulnerable because of their screen and keeping at long distances away from enemy positions


Tomahawk is a subsonic land attack cruise missile. Not much good against modern air defences. I’m sure the USA is working on a modern long range supersonic anti-shipping missile but you don’t have one yet. The main US threat against enemy shipping is still the submarine in which the USA has a decided advantage. Like I said if a real war broke out navy crews life expectancy is numbered in hours …. on all sides.

There’s no point in discussing the Trident vs anything. Once those missiles are launched it’s over for all of us so what’s the point?


The Sm6 is a supersonic missile that can be used against ship and airborn targets

You literally know nothing about modern weaponry LOL


Sm6 is still an imaginary missile. It’s ESTIMATED to be ready for service in 2021 …. taking into account the US MIC’s record for hitting project milestones the realistic estimate for deployment is more like 2035.


It’s been in service for years, this is easily obtainable information. As is the anti ship role of Tomahawk IV’s

Again you’re legitimately retarded and oblivious outside your circle of fake Russian news


Not the extended range supersonic version. It’s development is a line item in the 2020 budget https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/27068/navy-to-supersize-its-ultra-versatile-sm-6-missile-for-even-longer-range-and-higher-speed


Wrong again lol

The SM6 is currently supersonic

The SMII is hypersonic

And the Trident II travels at Mach 24

Russian rust bucket technology doesn’t intimidate shit lol

Concrete Mike

Tomahawk is obsolete, too slow and its for land, not ships.

Zionist shill.


No lol, you don’t even know the absolute basics of modern combat and can’t figure out why the S400 gets skullfucked by 30 year old F16’s on a weekly basis


Bullshit. Name one instance where an S-400 has engaged aircraft or missiles anywhere. They’ve never been used.

If you’re talking about Syria, Russian weapons don’t defend Syrian forces …. they never have …. they defend the Russian bases at Latakia and Tartus.


They failed hilariously when Israel bombed Syria forces mere km’s away from an S400 battery during the IL20 incident

A fighter from the 70’s humiliated the S400’s that night :)


The IAF was shooting at the Syrians and the IL-20 was taken out by a Syrian SAM.

I’m sure I’ve explained this to you before when you made the same claim but apparently you have some difficulty understanding the difference between an attack on Russian forces and an attack on Syrian forces. I don’t blame you …. I blame the public school system. Here’s a clue …. they wear different uniforms and their paycheque comes from different countries.

You know the difference between US military and Iraqi military? They are both operating in the same country but one serves Iraq and the other the USA …. it’s the same in Syria. They IAF never attacks Russia, they have good relations and a lot of Israelis are originally from Russia. They attack SYRIA, Russia just happens to have an airbase in Syria that’s defended by the S-400. They’re working on the same project but Russia has no responsibility to defend the SAA.


Syrian air defense is controlled by Russian you naive buffoon, it was 100% Russian failure and occurred in Latakia mere km’s from a S400 battery

The official story was a joke, a Russian ELINT plane couldn’t spot F16’s trailing behind them in the middle of a fucking combat operation that lasted over 40 minutes?


Russia got wrecked

Concrete Mike

Just like america is 100% israel controlled??

Get rekt nerd!

Concrete Mike

I skullfucked your mom last night!

Jokes aside, attack russian forces if you wsnt to see s400 open up.

Syrians dont have s400 as we have been telling younfor 2 years.

Sadly you have shit for brains so you dont understand.

Im.enjoying wathing your al.nusrah butt buddies getting blow the fuck up!

Your next asshole!


It’s pretty obvious they use them to fool the US into building more.

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