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MARCH 2025

Satellite Images Allgedly Show Iranian Undeground Infrastructure For Missiles In Syria’s Al-Bukamal

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Iran is establishing an underground tunnel to store missiles and large-scale weapons in Syria’s al-Bukamal, near the Iraqi border, Fox News reported on December 10 citing satellite images and “intelligence sources”.

“The structure, housed within the Imam Ali military base in Eastern Syria, is estimated to be nearly 400 feet long, 15 feet wide and 13 feet deep.

The first image–taken by Image Sat International (ISI), an end-to-end geospatial intelligence solutions company, where construction of the tunnel can be seen–was captured on Oct. 5,” the Fox News report claimed.

Satellite Images Allgedly Show Iranian Undeground Infrastructure For Missiles In Syria's Al-Bukamal

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“Two weeks later, a shed was used to hide the tunnel entrance from the air. Large dirt piles appeared at the opposite end of the tunnel as excavations continue,” the report continues.

Satellite Images Allgedly Show Iranian Undeground Infrastructure For Missiles In Syria's Al-Bukamal

Click to see the full-size image

Over the past year, various Israeli and US sources have repeatedly speculated that Iran is creating a large-scale military base on the Syrian-Iraqi border. These reports are used to justify Israeli military actions against supposed ‘Iranian targets’ in Syria.

Satellite Images Allgedly Show Iranian Undeground Infrastructure For Missiles In Syria's Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images Allgedly Show Iranian Undeground Infrastructure For Missiles In Syria's Al-Bukamal

Click to see the full-size image


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the iranians should employ sappeuers to tunnel their way into israel and blow the knesset skyhigh and netnyahu as well. a good tunneler can work miracles and the squatters might have an iron doom (soon to be the iron doooooom kabooooom) but maybe not so much beneath the surface of the stolen land,palestine.


Sure, they can dig their own graves as the Islamist Palestinian Hamas has been doing with not once making it into Israel for an attack.

Icarus Tanović

Hamas works hand in hand with Zionists. What else to expect from Wahhabis…


Hamas was created by Shin Beth to divide the already squabbling Fatah. Just like ISIS is also a CIA creation to use the Wahhabis for endless mayhem in the region.


We have eyes on them everywhere in Syria, they can’t hide their missiles forever. Expect more escalations between us and them, the ME will not be a safe place as long as they don’t stay away from our borders and arm their proxies against us. Seems like the war is coming even sooner than I expected, let’s start already I have some plans for their Gazan friends.


Israel is the only one doing the attacking, when has Iran or proxies launched any attack of significance on Israel other than the occasional drone over Golan or rocket landing in a field.


You know, I wish we could arm the Kurds too with hundreds of thousands of rockets aimed at Tehran, then I wouldn’t have any problem with that.


How many times has Israel struck in Syria & Iran doesnt respond, that should tell you a lot. I seriously doubt the Iranians or Hezbollah want a major conflict with Israel, it seems certain war hawks are looking for it though


You still failed to answer why they are not the aggressor. So is it ok if Israel was also arming militias to hit Iran with rockets? they do the same.


Iran is already surrounded with US bases on all sides so whats the difference, Israel has missiles which can hit Iran so why cant others have them to defend themselves.


Again, you didn’t answer what I asked or chose to avoid an answer. If Iran can arm militias with rockets against us, why is it wrong for ISRAEL (not the U.S) to do the same? or are you hypocritical?


Let them arm militias if they want US, Israel already support militant groups which have attacked Iran like the MEK, there have been numerous battles with border guards & militants so its already happening


Firefightings and shootings over the border can hardly be compared to hundreds of thousands of rockets. So I understand you say only one side can do it, the other can’t do it, and then call the side that protects from it the aggressor. Bravo, proved my point.

Hasbara Hunter

That is what you ZioNazis always do…Blame the other side…

Simon Ndiritu

Israel armed ISIS, FSA and SDF, what do you have to say


The Zionists and Bilderberg Jew corporations are also funding and sponsoring the alt-right and fascist movements in Europe, Ukraine and ex-USSR.

Icarus Tanović

True for Zionists.

Hasbara Hunter

There is an Iron anti-Zion Dome laid around ISraHell…can you Fire some Nukes to test it? Thanks in advance…I bet they will Explode above Dimona…

Concrete Mike

You do, its called MEK.

Israel is the invader, so the people arent allowed to defend themselves?

You always claim the right to defend, its a 2 way street buddy.

The problem now is a tense situation has been created, where its easy for one side to blame the other for small provocations and vice versa. And this is the loop you are currently in.

So now its time to break the cycle, in a non violent and genuine way, anything else will be like opening pandoras box.

Progress comes from doing things differently.

Hasbara Hunter

Can you answer my question? Why does the Mossad use little Girls & Boys as Bait for Presidents?


LOL…they don’t want it because they know they will lose big time. Try to get the simplest things correct.

Simon Ndiritu

Israel is a clear agressor that has managed to turn all neighbors into enemies. It is indefensible to term syria, Iran or hizbollh as aggressors when they always absorb the first, second and third strike before responding if they ever do, Israel will have itself to blame when these neighbors respond firmly

Hasbara Hunter

I personally think that you ZioNazis got problems enough…. No more American Technology to sell for ISraHell? Don’t you get any American Taxdollars anymore? You folks always got Billlions from the Americans… more then enough to give the Kurds a couple of AK-47s & shit right?

In this movie you can see Red-Cross Boxes stuffed with Dollars…It seems someone in ISraHell got plenty of money if they have got to Smuggle money that way


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you kidding, …….

“Israel has been accused of selling weapons and military services to human rights violators around the world for decades, including to apartheid South Africa, Rwanda during the 1994 genocide and in recent years to South Sudan, despite a near-universal arms embargo over the bloody civil war there.

Most recently, Israel has been accused of supplying Myanmar with “advanced weapons” during the country’s ethnic cleansing campaign against its Rohingya Muslims. The Foreign Ministry admitted last year to selling Myanmar weapons in the past, but said that it had frozen all contracts earlier in 2017.

In 2018, controversial Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte told President Reuven Rivlin that his country would henceforth only buy weapons from Israel due to its lack of restrictions. He has said in the past that he sees Israel as an alternative supplier of weapons after the US and other countries refused to sell him arms over human rights violations.

The recent warming of ties between Israel and Chad was reportedly conditioned on Jerusalem’s willingness to sell arms to the African country, which critics say is guilty of human rights violations.” …..

You ignore your own peoples distasteful behaviour and condemn other who would try to stop you. Iran’s behaviour is just a by product of Israel’s reprehensible treatment of other less powerful nations, it only behaves the way it does because your people have provoked that type of response from them and others. You can throw stones at a bull on the other side of the fence if you like, just don’t complain when the bull breaks through the fence and starts running at you, it wouldn’t be chasing you if you hadn’t been throwing stones at it in the first place, and no one feels sorry for the cruel antagonist when the bull tramples them in revenge.

Hasbara Hunter

Hey Iron…can you explain this shit: This Epstein Paedophile was working for the Mossad…Virgin-Islands and all that…They were putting up Honeytraps (little Girls) for Clinton, Obummer, Prince Andrew & other Filthy Demonic Paedophiles…you are closer to the Mossad than I am perhaps you got some more info?


Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

oy vey! the goyim know

Icarus Tanović

Huntrr, thank you very much for this upload.

Hasbara Hunter

My pleasure my Friend…got it from one of our brothers…Butterfly Effect…hehehe


Every Jew I have met has some Mossad connection as they operate like a locust plague. It is a tribal connection system that relies on informers and active agents with mostly US, Canadian, Australians and EU nationalities. Many of them quietly co-operated with the Mossad by providing information, intelligence and logistics. As Pollard and many other Jews have shown that they are a real danger to western host societies. Every assassination and terror act is largely committed by these dual passport holders. China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries are now creating a huge database of dual passport holding Jews even if they adopt goy names. Their peculiar look is a dead giveaway.

Jimmy Jim

y’all evil kikes will do squat but beg us goyim for more blood and money…..


I thought you said they owned all the banks and it was you schmucks with ear laps who have to do all the begging?


The US and Zionist relationship has now been accurately described as that of a catamite.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Paper_Zion, how do you feel after 4th generation SU-35’s intercepted and chased away your beloved Israeli Airforce STEALTHY F-35’s? They were detected from over 250km away by S-400 radars in Hmeimim Airbase XD https://www.jpost.com/International/Russian-Su-35s-scrambled-to-stop-Israel-over-T-4-Russia-Iran-media-claim-610329


And yet day in and day out the Israeli’s have one way or another been blowing the sh*t out of the Islamist Iranians and their Hezbollah lap puppies with absolute impunity.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

still butthurt about that Russia Insider Ban? Or maybe you can’t get over a 4th gen SU-35 chasing away your INVISIBLE F-35? Try attacking Lebanon, see how fast you’ll be needing psychotherapy in underground shelters XD


Who’s been banned from Russia Insider? Not me. You lie as usual. And from here in Sunny California all I see is more and more Israeli and US bombing raids on the Islamist Iranians and lots of body bags with pieces going back to Iran. And no response from the Iranian losers.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

lol ok buddy, barmitzvah tomorrow at 9AM, get some sleep and dream of some more zionist fantasies


Don’t melt on the way home, Snowflake.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

You’d know a lot about melting, kike. *Aushwitz*

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Promise not to cry when Aramco 2.0 happens against Pissrael :)


You are the new ugly punk face of hasbara. Believe me , your propaganda is now being exposed and people are on to your lies and insidious agenda. No wonder there is growing hatred of Jews in Europe and even in US after all the banking scams and wars.


Liar Jew rat!

Sorna Karbaschi

Iran, does not need to dig any under ground tunnel, thousands of kilometers of these under ground tunnels and infrastructures, have all ready been dug up in the past 5 years through out of Syria by Jihadist, with no map of theme available, and many of those how dug them either killed or disappeared for good, Now all these tunnels are getting modified and up-graded for better use and all of these satellite imagery, are just bunch of propaganda BS!. They really don’t know any thing about what is going on in Syria!

Hasbara Hunter

By way of Deception thou shalt do War

Sorna Karbaschi



That is the Jew way historically. The only countries that have done well have no Jews. In the old USSR, Armenia, Georgia and the Stans are Jew free, thanks to Stalin. The worst to fare has been Ukraine which is now totally in Jew plundering hands, who are creating a nexus with Nazis and other terrorists and fascists.


The vile Jew rat will lie, it is their filthy DNA.

Hasbara Hunter

They get a little taste of their own Medicine at the moment…


Well, we do know that both Israel and the US have been blowing up the Islamist Iranians at will with absolute impunity. So much so that the Iranians are withdrawing from southern Syria and have reduced their troops there to only a couple of thousand.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Lots of them are decoy targets, just as shown in Serbia, when the USAF/NATO struck hundreds of inflatable tanks, empty buildings, and fake targets. lots of those struck IRGC buildings were empty and abandoned, just so you know


Maybe. But all those body bags going back to Iran for public funerals are sure not decoys.


That is Zionist propaganda. Iranian presence in Syria and Iraq is very limited, perhaps a few hundred. Iranian influence is via affiliated allied militias.


Icarus Tanović

Hezbollah, PMU, various Iraqi parties, just waiting to see that influence in Libya.

Icarus Tanović

Those buildings he is talking about , and those tanks were actual tanks.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Yet no proof. Funny because the claims come from zionist twitter tards with no valid sources, they even fake names after idf kike strikes


I am a regular visitor to Iran via the Yerevan – Goris – Tabriz/Tehran highway, the Iranians are too busy integrating their economy with Russia, Armenia, the Stans and mostly importantly China’s one Belt. Iran despite the Zionist nonsense is doing quite well and not about to collapse. Also, the Iranian footprint in Iraq and Syria is very small as their influence is mostly via local supporters, rather than military. One has to keep in mind that Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan along with most of the Caucasus were part of Iran, so affinity with Iran is natural. In Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon, Yemen etc, Iran shares a common religion and strong cultural influence and that is what makes the Zionists very uncomfortable as their delusion Yinon plan is unraveling faster than Trump’s orange wig.

Hasbara Hunter

You forgot to mention spreading false Intelligence…

Hasbara Hunter

It’s a Cat & Mouse game….guess who’s the Mouse boy….


LOL…damn, it’s the mice eating the cats’ lunch, I guess. You sure aren’t the brightest White bulb in the pack, Adolf or Igor as the case may be.

Hasbara Hunter

Question: Why do ZioNazi-HasbaRats like you love to swim in fish tanks filled with Piranhas?

Answer: Because you ZioNazi Epstein Parasites are Schyzophrenic Psychopaths addicted to emotional and physical pain & suffering… The BDSM-Type of Gay…You appear to be one of those desperate pathetic little kind of man that stalks his ex-girlfriend for years & years because she rejects him, ever since she broke up…That must be why you Rats sexually abuse little children to compensate the emptiness & loneliness inside…Right?


The real issue is that the so-called Israel is in perilous state both domestically and globally as it has been exposed as a fascist, non-democratic, racist, murderous Apartheid repulsive entity living on western taxpayers money and weaponry, particularly the brainwashed US population that has been feeding a viscous catamite. The Zionists have been conning the puppet Arab regimes with their “military superiority”, while the opposite is true. The problem now is that they have been exposed as cowardly and weak, and so their agenda is for the US to fight Iran. The Iranians are old empire builders and not easy to con despite the economic challenges they face.

Bill Rood

An elaborate decoy?

Jimmy Jim

ooops kikers in panic mode telling more fibs……..


Just more targets for the US and Israel to blow up as they have been doing in Syria with impunity.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

“jUsT mOrE tArGeTs” wait till Yemen 2.0 starts happening in Syria against your IDF and US :)


Is that in 2100 or 2200?

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Don’t worry, your patriots will protect you from Houthis just like Saudi’s aramco. ?


I don’t think I’ll worry much about Houthis attacking where I am in California. If they did there likely wouldn’t be many Houthis left in the world soon after.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Houthis have no interest doing that, they’re happy smashing the Saudi rats like they’ve been doing since 2015. They’ve destroyed over a 100 M1 Abrams and Bradleys by the way, plus dozens of Apache Gunships, 2 F-15s, and dozens of drones. Remember how they captured 3000 saudi troops? That was embarrassing.

Houthis have been attacked relentlessly from the air since 2015 and they’re still resisting. So USAF bombing them wont make a difference. Sorry to burst your bubble, Jakie boy.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Jake321 – banned from Russia Insider so he comes here to spew his Zionist wet dreams


You lie as usual. Here’s my post earlier today at Russia Insider:

“Jake321 19 hours ago edited LMFAO…and according to the geniuses at RI who write the headlines here, this all happened last year! But what’s new? This site treats the news and facts the same as Putz Putin and his Puppet Trump.”

See, not banned. The reason I’m here is to learn about the open Kremlin linked anti-Jewish crap now an official part of Putz Putin’s wedge issue attack on the US. The US will have its vengeance as soon as we get rid of Traitor Trump, Igor. Now go binge some more on your Vodka ration and meet an early grave like most Russian men.

Hasbara Hunter

Same goes for me Cunt..the reason I’m in here is to keep a close eye on you Parasites…watch every move you make…The only move I see up till now is you Cockroaches crawling under Rocks all the time…Can’t stand the Light boy? Too Bright for you perhaps?…I have learned a lot about you Filthy ZioNazi-Epstein-Parasites in here & RI:

1. Genocides 2. Holodomors 3. Gulags 4. Slavetrade 5. Endless Wars 6. Human & Organ trafficking 7. Drugstrade 8. Pedophilia 9. Fraud 10. Rape & Pillage 11. The list goes on and on

Every time when Evil things occurred, the same Khazarian Mobsters & their Masonic Puppets popped up in 2000 years of History…The End-Game has started


Time for your meds, Adolf or Igor as the case might be. Well, if you’re an Igor, you’re really only here for the Vodka ration which is the Russian med of choice.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

Oh look, a liberal zionist jew! I bet you’re not even religious either. The true religious Jews are against zionism and the illegal state of israel, they cite their holy texts which say until a messiah comes, they can’t establish their own state.


Thanks for so clearly stating that I was correct and admitting that you are a lying POS.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

POTUS just signed a new anti-semitism bill, do you still consider him a traitor and hate him?

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

how’s that ban by the way, still butthurt

Bill Rood

Fortunately, Durham is set to roll up the Zionists in the FBI and Obama’s FP establishment. Unfortunately, Trump is going nowhere, and we’ll have 4 years of a Republican controlled Presidency along with both houses of Congress. All thanks to Shabat Goy Pelosi’s Zionist friends like Schiff, Nadler and the 3 retards that testified for impeachment in the House.

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