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Satellite Images Demonstrate Damage Caused To Damascus International Airport By Recent Israeli Strike

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On February 13, the Israeli Air Force conducted an airstrike on supposed ‘Iranian targets’ at Damascus International Airport in Syria. The strike allegedly killed 7 people and destroyed several supposed warehouses.

Satellite Images Demonstrate Damage Caused To Damascus International Airport By Recent Israeli Strike

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Satellite Images Demonstrate Damage Caused To Damascus International Airport By Recent Israeli Strike

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Satellite Images Demonstrate Damage Caused To Damascus International Airport By Recent Israeli Strike

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Traiano Welcome

Attacks on civilian infrastructure. A war crime according to international conventions. One wonders what military objectives these strikes had, other than to make the lives of ordinary Syrians miserable.


Infrastructure and buildings used for military purposes and storage are not considered civilian. So they are a perfectly legal target. Mostly, it seems to be making a lot of Islamist Iranian military lives short.

Traiano Welcome

Fair enough :-) As long as it works both ways right? i.e If the Syrian government decided to bomb *ostensibly* civilian infrastructure in Israel, they would be justified because they can always make the argument that Israeli civilian infrastructure is dual use, and all israeli citizens are essentially extensions of the military complex.


They can try that and die trying. There are plenty of Darwin Awards available for them. Be a man and join them instead of just spouting.

Arch Bungle

They could also try that and come out on top.

Let’s see how the wind blows.

Nobody has a monopoly on the future …

Zionism = EVIL

You are kidding, the Jew scum and Americunts have no respect for any law. They only understand strength.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

The strongest survive in this world. The weaklings perish. Darwin’s Law.


What a truly wicked thing to say. You are Godless.


Palis are roaches, the filth of the filth in this world.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

The Palis are also very rough on the eyes lol


Wow, such hate and wickedness and you joke about it. So sad.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Don’t worry, next Lebanon War will humble them again

Arch Bungle

Actually not. Unlike Israeli jews who look like inbred rabble.

Zionist Internet Warrior

There are alots of Christian Palestinians who are great people. Your hatred of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims is nothing short of Fascism.

Arch Bungle

Israeli Jews are parasitic filth that should he eradicated.


Come and try then, we might decide to remove those filths once and for all.

Arch Bungle

Sure, why not.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

I believe in God, what are you talking about?


Which God?

Arch Bungle


Lilian Turin

what a sad comment, you guys are forced to live in a country of size of a town, sorrounded by 15tm high walls, you need to watch your back constantly for anyone trying to stab you, shoot you , stone you or bomb you, everywhere you go not just in your holy land, this is the world that your great leaders have created for yourselves.

Great consolation to be “the strongest”, isn’t it rabbi?


AH killed more than 6M of your people with that excuse

Arch Bungle

Therefore Israel will soon perish. It is a weakling kept on life support by a superpower.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

maybe you should shut you mouth, little twerp

Zionist Internet Warrior

calling others a twerp with a weasel face like that? not smart

Bubba Junior

Jahoodi non grata

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

You mean Mullah Regime infrastructure

Traiano Welcome

You’re confused. Syria is a secular, multi-confessional state, not led by Mullahs.


finish the squatters once and for all never to graze this earth’s surface ever again – they have earned a harsh and brutal end and only the world can administer such an end – brutal – since the world don’t need the jews one way or the other and the jews have in every respect forfeited the right to continue to live on occupied territory in palestine the world might just as well decide that the jews have no reasonable right to exist – like a court of law might pass a sentence that a person’s crime is so severe that his life will be taken from him and in a similar vein the world can pass a sentence that the jews have long since passed the point where their existence is seriously in doubt – after all the world can’t have the jews killing, maiming and stealing and lying on a never ending pattern which would indicate that the world without jews would be a better place.


“To grace the face of the earth” – standard English

“To graze this earth’s surface” – Verner’s english الفصحى

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Jew PUNK, you ain’t exactly a Rhodes scholar or a brain trust either :)


LOL…and you are?


More calls for genocide allowed on this Kremlin oriented site. Not nice. This should absolutely be banned.

Traiano Welcome

You mean banned like in authorotarian regimes? That’s so 1984. You sound like “Big Brother”.


If you missed it, he and others were pushing to have me banned here. So turn about is far play.

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha California hasbara liar posting from 2 am to 6 am ROFLMAO, you dumbasses think we all fell off the back of a Alabama cotton pickin truck.


I thought that was your Vodka delivery truck, Igor? You do realize you post on Moscow work time and NOT Alabama work time, when they have work. As I noted, you will find I post when I feel like it since I don’t need much sleep and have the freedom to post when I like. But mostly I post at night or early in the morning here in lovely Cal since when I work it is also on my time but for the sake of others, I work during the sunny day.


Why hasn’t there been some kind of a military response from the Syrians to these aggressions? The Israeli anti-missile defence make anything but massed rocket attacks on Israeli cities unfeasible, but what about massive MSRP bombardment of Israeli sites adjacent to Syria?


Unfortunately going to war with Israel will provoke an incoherent backlash from the US where many Christian zionists reside, notwithstanding that the idea of a Christian Zionist is an oxymoron


Yep, and Syria would lose its fourth war with Israel.

Concrete Mike

That would open a new front in the syrian war, you dont do these things when your are winning the rest of the war.

Golan will be dealt with last and it will be dealt with peacfully.


Maybe if Syria signs a peace treaty with Israel and recognizes Israel as Egypt and Jordan have. I would like that.


Jews don’ t recognise the terrorist entity as a State , why should Siria …???


What the F are you spouting about?

Traiano Welcome

Why should they? Israel has no defined borders.


Since Syria would be the final bordering country to sigh a treaty, the borders would be defined as part of that. The Palestinian border, if any, might or might not be part of this.


Nor does it have a constitution. The zionists entity supreme Court gets a slap in its face everytime by its political and military leadership.

You see, the zio-‘israel’ has long been known to twist truth, fact and law. And when that doesn’t work they just rewrite what they can. Israeli society is in a downward spiral. Split, on many fronts, inevitably leading to their own demise. Israel is in its last throws like a cornered rat. they’ll have 2 options, to die in vain or leave on ships sent to evacuate them. The only way out is for israelis to jail their true oppressors and hold a referendum. Thus putting them on a path to true democracy and peace. Israeli scholars know this, their politicians are sociopaths and short-sighted…it’s just a matter of timing difference which will occur first.


Sadly this would amount to suicide, despite what some dreamers here believe. And Assad knows this. This would only jepordize the liberation of Syria. And the relation to Putin.

Both NATO and Putin have declared again and again, that they would protect Israel, even with nukes if needed.

And Assad said himself, that he will leave the liberation of Golan to “the next generations”. This is the sad reality. But in the end, liberation of Syria from Jihadis, Turkey and US is much more important.


A lot of reality there. But till Islamist Iran and their lap puppies, Hezbollah, are on your get rid of list, expect the US and Israel to let their presence be known.

Fleecing Rabbi

meshuggenah putin the putz works for us.


Nahhhhhhh…he just sees Israel as another potential Russian state as part of his Greater Russia Follies. Part of his way to make up for the failure of ethnic Russians in Russia to procreate. And he never liked Muslims much.


It’s precisely what Israël is looking for: find a pretext for full war against Syria and achieve their “Great Israël” fantasy


Maybe. But Syria is not part of the idea of Eretz Israel today. In the Bible a large part was. But Israel is great nonetheless. About the only ones who might still hold to the old meaning are just those ultra-orthodox Israelis who refuse to serve in the IDF. So not to worry…too much.


…ultra- orthodox …?! Just real jews .


Among many many others who are real Jews as defined by Jewish and Israeli Law, not you.


Bye bye Assad and Syria. Next silly suggestion.


Attacking an international airport when a passenger plane was inbound & had to be diverted is the height of recklessness but thats the IAF for you.


Bring that up with the Islamist Iranians. Seems they don’t have the skills to avoid the airliners.

Ralph Conner

The Zio Nazis are increasingly desperate. They know that they’re next.


Next? Ooooo, next for what and from whom? You?

Ralph Conner

Syrians, little trollie.


One country can’t simply just attack another one’s capital international airport you know! That is illegal in so many ways!


A storage used to harbor/transport missiles to an internationaly recognized teror organization is a legit target by any means.


What is a “terror” organisation? Please define that.


Hezbollah for one. It is an internationally listed terror organization on about the same level as ISIS. Hope that helps.


I didn’t ask for an example, I asked for the definition of a “terror” organization. Can you provide it?

Traiano Welcome

There is no single accepted definition of terrorism. Jake321 cannot and will not provide one for fear of being driven into a logical corner.


Nahhhhhhh…guess again.


Lots of definitions. Here’s one short one:

“premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents”

But as that Supreme Count Justice said about pornography, “I can’t define it but I know it when I see it.”


Sounds like the history of Zionism


So which one is it? There’s a clear definition or you can’t define it?

Traiano Welcome

Hezbollah is also a democratically elected part of the Lebanese government. International designations are meaningless when such designations are political in nature.

Zionism = EVIL

Dude you are arguing with a worthless Jew punk and a world class liar.


Wonderous what you find at the bottom of your Vodka ration bottle, Igor. Or was that in the belly of the road kill you had for dinner, Adolf?


Nahhhhhhhh…they carry the weight of law and can be acted on. And they are acted on. Hezbollah is internationally designated as a terrorist organization and that makes them and those who help them fair game.


Lavrov definition you might like.



something can be said for that argument, but who determines international opinion, are it the people in the streets of many different nationalities that feel the us army is a terrorist organisation, or should we listen to our leaders, the politicians?

politicians like Bin Salman who put a big bag of money on the table to have hezbollag blacklisted by the arab league while having his opponents strangled in his embassys?

or is it erdogan who really lobbies hard to have the pkk blacklisted everwhere while supplying manpads to al nusra?

In the there is no such thing as legit, politics is a game of power and perception and selling that to your voters.


I pretty much agree with this.




Maybe also Israel air basis are legit target too, as well as DImona.


Sure, but any foolish country that tried that would likely make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor, if need be.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Russia’s got nuclear ballistic missile submarines right in the Med Sea, 100% prepared to eradicate Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and all US bases in the region in event of global/nuclear war ?


Let them try that, if they dare ofcourse.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

only in your dreams. Iron dome and Patriot would intercept any missiles trying to harm the IDF airbases


its only illegal if you get caught and be brought to justice,


You mean shouldn’t. Israel sure can do it and has done it time and again. But the legal question is a good one. Since Syria is still officially at war with Israel, under international law and the rules of war Israel has the legal right to attack Syrian facilities as enemy facilities. Or so it seems. Now less clear is the claim of the internationally recognized right of pre-emptive attack. And then there is the age old concept of might makes right in this big bad world. Oh, is this civil enough for you? Damn, I’m on my way to 50,000 posts over the past decade or so. That IS kind of frightening…

John Wallace

Of those nearly 50k comments how many have changed the mind of anyone. Less than 10 ? or even less. Sounds like a real waste of time but that is your time wasted so that is OK..


less than 1…


That’s a better retort.

Zionism = EVIL

More than dozen hasbara bots posting those 50,000 comments from different time zones. I ran an analysis yesterday and it just shows how desperate and stupid they are.


Nahhhhhhhhh…just me. As I noted, I don’t need much sleep, I can multitask and these abilities have enabled me to have the means to spend the time in my semi-retirement here and at other enemy sites.


As I’ve said many times, I’m here to learn about my enemies, not convert them. And to bring a little real world reality and opposition to these threads. But I do sometimes spend too much time here.

Traiano Welcome

Doesn’t look like you’re learning much though. If the IDF is sending people like you to do their ‘learning’ no wonder they lost a war to 1 brigade of part-time coffee-sippers and khofta munchers in Lebanon.

“The Hezbollah fighter wakes up in the morning, drinks his coffee, takes a rocket out of his closet, goes to his neighbor’s yard, sticks a clock timer on it, goes back home and then watches CNN to see where it lands.”

— LTC Ishai Efroni Deputy Commander, Baram Brigade


In all seriousness, considering ‘real world reality’, how does one support the fascist regime that is Zionism? A truly wicked political ideology that systematically subverts justice and human rights. You could of easily been born a Palestinian whose parents were killed and your property stolen from you, living in a refugee camp somewhere. What would your opinion be then? Is that real enough for you?

John Wallace

Whose pud are you trying to pull with that one. Reality is a single gold futures contract has increased in value by US$20,000 in the 12 hours since you made that comment and I am making this one. Those that were short will be crying and those that were long will be celebrating.. A silver contract increased by only US$2000.00 . That is a little real world reality not your pud pulling horseshit.Have a nice day dreamer.. Wasted days and wasted nights. Do you remember the time you had a real life.

Traiano Welcome

I agree with your concept of might makes right.

Remember it when the shoe is on the other foot.


Fine with me since Israel has so much bigger feet.

Traiano Welcome

Those feet are on loan from the USA. Also, legality works both ways, so what’s legal for Israel is llegal for Syria. Remember that in future when the first Syrian missiles are falling on Israel’s major cities.


So what you’re saying is that Israel can and will continue to bomb its neighbor, Syria, but that such may not be legal under basic international law? Do I have that right?


Yes and it is likely legal under international law in at least one of three accounts. And that’s all it takes. If you or Syria don’t like it, sue them in court, if you can find one with jurisdiction.


Under which provision of international law is it legal for Israel to attack it’s neighbor country, Syria?

Lazy Gamer

Thats an intl. civilian airport. Even if it were a military target, Israel will not admit, it did it, nor will it classify the same as according to a war. Actually, this is already a violation of the disengagement agreement.


The facilitating of arms shipments to Hezbollah terrorists is a violation of that agreement, not to mention UNSC Mandates. Thus Israel has the legal right to bomb the hell out of them.


you are simply fascist and defend state terrorism. i hope, one isis member will meet you.


Since they are way more likely to meet you where you are than me here in Sunny California, good luck.


These Zionist bastards expected to destroy weapons Syria receives daily by air from Iran. Don’t worry, tomorrow they will get more! One more evidence Israël has no honour, and fully collaborate with terrorism and world chaos. They will pay it.


Did you notice that in Israeli “Before/After” pics you rarely -if ever- see any kind of debris? The “warehouse” in those pics has a roof built by large sheets/panels. Did they evaporate or are Syrian cleaning crew so efficient that they squeaky clean the attack site in less than 4 days? Strange thing, when comparing them with for example Ayn-al-Assad base pics.

This nuisances will finish. Syria will be cleansed of terror groups, no matter how many times Israelis attempt to help them.


yes i wonder where the debris is, the surrounding building also seem relatively unscaved, wich could be a testament to pinpont accuracy of the missiles, but the debris ????

Anyway i think they better use tents as wharehouses and have many dozens of them on the airport, and load/unload them with fake crates on a regular basis so you can only guess what tent has the real goodies.

Alternatively they would have to move operations to recently opened Aleppo International airport to be out of the range of glider missiles fired from lebanon airspace


If you missed it, Israel has been attacking anyplace it likes with impunity. So will make no difference where they unload.

Traiano Welcome

It has not been attacking Lebanon with impunity.

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah would retaliate with precision guided missiles in less than a few minutes. It is called the power of deterrence.


Deterrence is a two way street. And if push comes to shove, Israel’s deterrence is a hell of a lot greater than Hezbollah’s. But anyway, Hezbollah is getting itself killed in Syria and even Iraq. And weekly there by Israel. No need yet to bring it home to them. Note when your enemy is getting killed off at no cost to you why kill them at a cost until you have to? I think that is one of those old Chinese rules of war.


No need to yet. But they sure use Lebanon’s airspace with absolute impunity to bomb the Islamist Iranians and their Hezbollah lap puppies in Syria and sometimes even in Iraq.

Traiano Welcome

So, as I said correctly:

“It has not been attacking Lebanon with impunity”


Israeli actions are purely masturbation. They have not and can not change the thrust of this war. Their multi-decade attempts at overthrowing assad have come to a miserable end. Not only that, but, as a result of their racist and supremacist stupidity the Syrian army is now, like hezbollah, battle hardened. It is a force to be reckoned with. The syrians are prepared to stand and fight. Just like in Lebanon 2006, the ISraelis will go running home with tears in their eyes if they challenge the Tiger Forces on the ground.


Such a brave man. Go join your friends and get your Darwin Award. They were prepared to fight last time…and lost. They were prepared to fight the time before…and lost. They were prepared to fight the first time…and lost. Are you a betting man?


When we do decide to start an operation on our northern border vs Syria or Lebanon, you won’t be writing that shit.


A thief and a murderer.


What’s the problem Paul? but..they won in 2006 you guys say, I’m sure they can “win” again.


A thief, murderer and a liar.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Only delusional antisemites and Muslim sympathizers like Paul believe Hezbollah really won in 2006. The entire world knows the Hezbollah terrorists took 600 KIA and 1000 casualties, while the IDF unfortunately took around 120 KIA and 5 destroyed tanks. Their fantasies of 30+ tanks is nothing but a lie. True that 30 tanks were damaged, disabled, but not destroyed.

Also the IDF commandos managed to sneak into Lebanon and calll in airstrikes on over 100 Hezbollah rocket launching positions, destroying all of them in OPERATION BEACH BOYS :D


True Avi, they amuse me :-)

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

It’s hilarious coming here to talk, because all the people here unleash their true colors.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Merkava IV completely destroyed by perfect hit Kornet 2006 Now this is funny ?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f4471a5b4698a0012803f2ef30a6aebbff09aaf447eb98caafaeed3a1044f999.jpg


I’m not a Jew hater. Zionism is not Judaism and Judaism is the Old law superseded by Christ. Zionism is wickedness, and you have proven to me that your heart is wicked.


Don’t tell us what is Jewish or not you imbacile, Israel belongs to the Jewish people and if the Palis don’t want a peace deal then we deport them back to Jordan to live with their Arab apes.


It is you who doesn’t know what Jewish is. As a born again follower of Jesus, filled with His Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that was in King David, forgiven of my sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am now an heir to God’s kingdom, a spiritual seed of Abraham. The borders of Israel that God set up are no more, because the old law has been done away with. God’s borders are now in the heart of the individual, those who believe on the name of Jesus.


Actually a Jew is someone who quiets his mind and becomes one with God. Basically, stop giving in to your mind and meditate. Listen to your heart. Jesus is overrated and has been obsessively turned into an Idol – totally against what Jesus preached. We have a direct connection to God. You don’t need a third party/character mediator. And no, Jesus never was God incarnated. Jesus showed us that God lies within us all and that we need to lead by example. Not worshiping Jesus.


Want to become a Jew? Convert to Judaism and take Israel’s Jew-by-choice pledge and be welcomed by Israel as a fellow Jew. Seems like you are as confused as a chameleon on a Jackson Pollock painting.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Nice bullshit there, clown face. Hezbolllah lost 250 fighters, IDF lost 121 and 30 Merkava III/IV tanks, and a heavily damaged warship. 5000 IDF failed to defeat 100 brave Hezbollah fighters. The IDF never won a single battle during the Lebanon War 2006, Hezbollah fighters drove them out of every town/village. Without an air force and navy, Hezbollah still won. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b7ec326c7b04904005e099f2eae1ef7d136c0f81c8e3da88aea3ac8d71d05b9d.png .

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

If the IDF mobilize 100,000 troops to the Golan and 500 Merkava IV, they’ll be at the Gates of Damascus within 10 hours guaranteed. The Syrian Army without aircover will be obliterated and forced to retreat/surrender to the IDF.


Ofcourse, they only bark alot on the media like good Arabs.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Not a chance, but do dream on :)

Zionist Internet Warrior

Bring it on. Want some more roasted merkavas? Hezbollah has major surprises this time in Lebanon, Israeli Diaper Forces will be embarrassed like never before.


You must have missed the news of getting an israhelli’s drone destroyed and a f 16 damaged in those recent airstrikes. In my village this does not translate as ‘impunity’.


You mean Russia will have to kick Islamist Iran and it’s lap puppies, Hezbollah, out? Fine either way.

Zionist Internet Warrior

How hard will you cry when Russia creates an airbase in Damascus, deploys S-400 and SU-35s?


Why would I cry? My guess from here in California is that Israel will agree not to bomb too close to that base if the Islamist Iranians are not too close to it. And Russia will say fine. And make the Iranians stay away so Israel can continue to bomb them with impunity. But given the significantly falling price of oil due to the Coronavirus, Russia won’t be in a big rush for awhile to use up its dwindling financial resources on token military adventures.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Russian AF has already intercepted and prevented 10 Israeli airstrikes since 2019, however they cannot always prevent strikes from F-35’s coming from the Golan or Al-Tanf since their radar is in Latakia over 300km away. If they deployed S400 and SU35 in Damascus they’d be able to immediately intercept them before they can strike Damascus. Meaning no illegal israeli attacks anymore. Israeli pilots always back down like the little cowards they are, they even said they had to retreat “nervously” after a pair of Russian SU-34 intercepted them ?


Good observation….strange.


I do not put too much faith in idf photoshop. Where are the close-up obliques? These ‘aerial’ views are easiest to change.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

The debris was quickly cleared by Syrian personnel. You think they’re going to leave it there for an entire WEEK? Moron


Werent all missiles intercepted by russian magic airdefences?

Rhodium 10

and How many times IAF have attacked that airport along these years?…about 200 times…and so what?..thats why they need photoshop to show us that IAF hit something!


They? Who is this mystical “they”?


The IRGC hides their true death toll from our airstrikes, otherwise their own public would revolt against the mullahs.

Rhodium 10

Yeah sure!..meanwhile IAF wasting expensive long range cruise missile because cannot fly over Syria air space…it needed 8 to destroy a warehouse which cost 1% of each one of them!


So says you. And it wasn’t only the warehouse that got destroyed but what was in it. Plus a lot more dead Islamists Iranian officers. Oh, but you don’t value Iranians much anyway.


You have no idea what kind of targets the IAF bombs in Syria, only what is reported on the media. I have no doubt it’s more than just regular warehouses.

Rhodium 10

Israeli media would have posted that targets if they have managed to hit them!


Not all but some will always get through.

Rhodium 10



When the pictures showed Islamist Iran did less than this to the US base in Iraq and killed no one, folk around here cheered it as the greatest military victory of all time indicating Islamist Iran would now rule the world or at least the entire Mideast. Guess these things are in the eyes of the beholders. But if you missed it, Israel kind of combined what both the US and Islamist Iran did. They took out some top Islamist Iranian generals and military base facilities. Guess that would be a twofer

Traiano Welcome

The scenarios are different, one was a military base of occupation, the other was at best a civilian airport at worst dual use.

Please provide evidence that no-one was killed in Iranian strikes on Ayn Al-Asad base?

All the evidence points to dozens of casualties.

Statistical and circumstantial evidence indicates highly likelyhood of numerous deaths. Economic loss as well in the form of expensive equipment destroyed on the US bases.


If you missed it, your Islamist Iranian friends who know way better than both of us say NO Americans were killed. Period. The US sure got the better of the deal. Oh, since the US used that base with the express permission of the Iraqi Government, no occupation. And even if duel use those facilities in Syria are fair game. Try to get the basics correct.

Traiano Welcome

Sorry , nothing you said has any credibility. You’re going to have to try harder to convince me of your nonsense.


LOL…I don’t have to convince you of anything. Anyway, tinfoil hat folk like you can never be convinced to change their view.

Traiano Welcome

Quite right, but regardless, I’m just letting you know that none of your arguments have the intellectual quality or logical force to convince me. It’s not that you *have* to convince me, it’s that you do not seem to be *able* to convince me. There’s subtle shade of difference there, hope it clicks for you …

Traiano Welcome

If I were Syria I’d build about a dozen decoy warehouses around each significant target and get some kind of kabuki show going to make like they’re military use. I’m sure the cost of some expensive missiles are not worth a few thousand dollars worth of tent material.

Zionism = EVIL

One of worst tactical and strategic mistake Syria made was not to retaliate after the first Zionist air strike in 2012. If low lives like the Zionist scum think you are scared to hit back, they get emboldened and as Putin is in their pockets, they now think they can attack with impunity. Iran has lost over 30 officers and men to the Zionists and also done fuckall. This is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.

Traiano Welcome

Israel has big brother USA behind it. Were that situation to change …

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, that is not a valid as Iran is the only country since 1945 to have brazenly attacked Americunt bases in broad daylight. For some reason the Zionist scum have created a myth that they are invincible, they are infact weaker than a spiders web and have no strategic mass to fight a long asymmetrical war. Hezbollah blew that myth to smithereens in 2006.


Stop insulting the Vietnamese, the North Koreans and the Chinese. Guess the folk in the know whose lives and countries would be on the line disagree with. But heck, you know better from your safe troll house in Moscow, maybe.

Traiano Welcome

Hmm. I’m sure you’ve reused this straw man a number of times now. Don’t you think it’s worn out by now (aside from being a complete product of your imagination!) ?


Just telling it like it is. If you and yours want to keep posting the same crap, I guess I’ll just have to be repetitive.

Traiano Welcome

In that case I’ll just ignore all the repetitive comments from now on.


Unicorns would inherit the Earth.


Nahhhhhhh…quite satisfactory. Oh, and if Syria had done what you suggest in 2012, Assad & Company would be long gone. And 500,000 Syrians would still be alive today who are not. And millions of Syrians would still be in Syria instead of Europe, Turkey and Jordan. So maybe this is one of the better suggestions you’ve made.


Guess they will just have to use CBU’s.

Traiano Welcome

Even better for the Syrians. The more Israeli money (Expensive over-engineered American weapons) down the toilet the better.

Friend of Russia

Photoshopped images


If you say so.

cechas vodobenikov

empty tents designed to provoke uncivilized amerikans/israelis


If you missed it, Mossad and the CIA have plenty of spies on the group all over Syria. Even some in your Russian military. Try to keep up.

cechas vodobenikov

the durak packuda little girl again bleats like a sheeple


More to come, and if they don’t force the Iranian militias out then a ground offensive should start aswell.


the jew trolls are out in force it seems, joke321 among them and since he’s the most odious and worthless one offering tripe of no value he’s better shunned as you would shun a leper, in fact the jew trolls are like a colony of lepers which we are all well advised to avoid hard and in particular joke321 and ironzion, both stupid under-educated gits/lepers.


Actually, I wasn’t here when you posted this. You just can’t sto being wrong.


He’s either a fanatical liar or a shill paid to harrass anti Judaics. In either case he’s an embarrassment to his cause. Not that they need any help in that department. He just adds to it.




and fact remins, the world is in no need of the jews on their stolen land and thus the world should pass sentence condemning the israelis to a new diaspora endured under the harshest of pogroms imagined.


Go for it big man. Some knowledgable Russian around here said you were Palestinian. Damn, if so, you have a lot of opportunities to earn your Darwin Award.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Yet again advanced Syrian Pantsir SA22 systems are completely unable to intercept a single Israeli missile. Syrian ultra advanced Syrian operated S-300 systems are also unable to detect or intercept Israeli aircraft/planes. Meanwhile Russian S-400 radars are blinded by Israeli electronic warfare and cannot spot a single IDF fighter jet let alone stealthy F-35

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

S300PM2 and SA22 Pantsir – 2 highly sophisticated/advanced Syrian-Operated air defense systems have been shown to be nothing but jokes, unable to detect or intercept any Israeli missiles or planes for over 2 years now

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Not to mention 5 pantsirs have already been destroyed by IDF loitering munitions like Delilah and Harpy in only 2 years

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

No wonder none of the more developed, wealthy nations stay far clear away from russian air defense equipment. it’s all a joke. a giant, cheap crappy joke. they use very old, cheap computers, half-ass electronic components, and their missiles are all based on outdated designs. that’s why they cannot intercept anything, and always get jammed by the weakest electronic warfare attacks

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Russkie S400 and Syrian S300 cannot detect or shoot down Israeli F-35’s. IDF routinely fly into Syrian Airspace undetected for hundreds of miles using F-35 Adir stealth fighters https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd18bd408459e7c7cf72dc2eadb90132ddec0d403e3428ef6abf0abf32e7da96.jpg

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Major embarrassment for the Russkies. More proof their S400 cannot detect a drone let alone an advanced $100 million dollar stealth jet. A Lockheed Martin engineer told me that the Radar CROSS section of an F-35 is less than a Mosquito <0.0001 meters squared, meaning an S-400 radar can only detect and shoot down an F-35 at 17 kilometers or around 9 miles away! Crappy junk russian shit

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

F-35 would mop the floor with S400 no doubt.


I’m waiting for the day the SAA operates that system Larry, it won’t last 2 days.

Zionist Internet Warrior

And then the 40N6 missile crushes your dreams :(


And the Russians have given these to the Syrians? Do the Russians have a death wish for their airborne spies? Nahhhhhhh…

Zionist Internet Warrior

One day they will

Zionist Internet Warrior

First, these flight paths are 200km away from the nearest S-400/300 batteries, well out of the S-400’s anti-stealth radar coverage (according to the designers themselves).

Second, that radar cross section claim you make is complete BS and unfounded, 0.0001 was only achievable in LAB conditions/experiments for the FRONT/nose section, not for all aspect and not in the actual combat environment itself. More realistic cross section is 0.005-0.01 m^2 in real life, not in the laboratory. It’s impossible for the all-around RCS to be that small due to the sheer size of the plane itself. Also note that Russian 91N6E locates active/passive jammers up to 600km as well, meaning it could pin point an F-35 electronic warfare emissions, guiding a 40N6 missile to the source, which would then find the F-35 on its own using the AESA seeker head. This is just 1 way the S-400 can destroy your beloved F-35 from far away.

Third, while it’s true that an S-400 engagement radar 92N6E can detect an object of 0.0001 m^2 target around 17-20km based off of an equation, that wouldn’t make any difference since the more realistic RCS of an F-35 is estimated at 0.005-0.01 m^2. The 92N6E radar is more optimized against conventional/non-stealth targets. However the anti-stealth radars Protivnik/Gamma-DE acquisition can detect 0.005-0.01 m^2 from 120-140km away and guide 40N6 missile. But Russia is not currently operating anti-stealth radars in Syria, they only have the 96L6 and 91N6 according to visual confirmation

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

BULLSHIT DETECTED. No S400 missile can be guided by any other radars but the 92n6e since it has 100% accuracy against a target. The protivnki/gamma you mentioned have an accuracy of 300 meters, meaning if they do guide a missile the target detected will have a high chance of surviving since the missile would miss it within 300 meters.

Learn your stuff, moron.

Zionist Internet Warrior

?you’re digging yourself into a ditch 1. 40N6 has the largest warhead with a 300 meter blast fragmentation, meaning even with inaccurate acquisition radar guidance, it will shred your F-35 to pieces 2. If Gamma-DE/Protivnik guide 40N6 within 300 meters of an F-35, the AESA homing seeker will turn on and find the F-35 by itself without help from any radars. 3. This technique only works with 40N6 or other missiles with autonomous AESA seekers 4. 40N6 doesn’t need the main 92n6e engagement radar for guidance, it can use any EW/acquisition radar to get close to a target. Then Terminator Mode commences, and goodbye F-35 from 100+ km


So looks like Israel shouldn’t attack Russia with F-35’s. Got it. Oh, we were talking about Syria. Never mind…


And you do know that all those estimates of yours are not independent of altitude?

Zionist Internet Warrior

Of course they are. That’s also why Russia has a low-altitude S-400 radar deployed in Hmeimmim. Don’t forget SHORAD systems like SA-22, BUK-M2 are primed for low-altitude radar detection, so assuming any low flying F-35 or F-16 could bypass S-400 radar, they would be picked up by the short range SAM radars and engaged.


And if they file in real low, they can’t even see them then. By the time they can it is too late.


It’s really unfortunate that the launch platforms aren’t being taken out.

Zionist Internet Warrior

That’s what happens when your nation still uses 1960’s air defense radars/missiles


There is plenty of modern equipment as well. It’s not a technology deficit. It’s an escalation management issue. That will probably be addressed once the Jews and their proxy terrorists are closer to the end of losing this war that they’re well on their way to.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Agreed. But Syria lacks a large quanity of modern 3D long range early warning radars. They only have around 2. All other ones are from the 1950’s-70’s with old computers, 2D coordinates instead of 3D, and very easy to jam.


The S-300 radars are quite capable. And the Syrian air defense system is integrated into the Russian satcom system. So they watch the IAF planes from take off to landing and have the ordinance to destroy them on the ground if they want.


Haha goodluck with that, IAF jets have some of the best EW systems in the world.


What good is that when they get taken out on the tarmac when they’re turned off? You can’t even stop unguided Palestinian rockets.


We can stop it, the question is how much of them are we willing to kill in order to stop it. If it was up to me I’d carpet bomb that entire strip to the ground, till they stopped the rockets shooting or all of them died. Patience, Bibi won’t stay forever.


Syria isn’t Gaza. And US EW didn’t stop getting hit in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. And yours isn’t any better.


You really really feel lucky with other people’s lives, especially those you claim to support. You always make suggestions that would get them wiped out.


Like didn’t happen when the Golan got hammered?


You like ancient history that caused no casualties. Since that time Israel has been seriously hammering Islamist Iranians and their Hezbollah lap puppies in Syria with impunity sending hundreds home in body bags to Iran and Lebanon.


And IDF and Mossad agents have been dying and going missing in Syria for years. Israel is afraid to fight Hamas and fly in Syrian airspace. And they’re going to destroy Syria like they did Lebanon? Unlike Hezbollah Syria has a lot of offensive ordinance that the IDF and IAF can’t stop.

Your threats haven’t been backed up by action. Because the Jews don’t want to get hammered. They take nuisance pot shots from outside Syrian airspace because they know that that’s all that the Russians will let them get away with.


You saw this in another of your LSD generated wet dreams? But those funerals in Iran and Lebanon are quite real.


It’s common sense. Which is something that you’re lacking.


Your LSD fried brain seems to miss what happens next if the Syrians are ever as stupid and suicidal as you.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. Including that you’re a depraved pervert shilling for the Jew pedophile mass rape cult.


Now this is the way it goes, dodo. You make a claim like you just did about me and Jews and you need to prove it. As an aside, you have never proven any other claim you have made around here. But you have given nice descriptions of your LSD-like visions of friendly space aliens.


Do you get paid to spam these threads with hasbara lies and harrass truthers exposing Jew evil with your insanity?

You’re a habitual liar. Anyone who wants to see how many times I’ve exposed your lies and stupidity can read my feed.


LOL…you do know what “Truther” means, don’t you? This is the first truth you have posted.


I’ve posted many truths that you hate. Which is why you object to them so much.


The Syrians you suggest attack Israeli planes on the ground in Istael? Why do you hate Syrians so much that you want them killed in the many thousands? And I thought you liked Assad. He and his would be dead men in no time.


Israel is losing the Syria war.


What Israel Syria war? Israel never loses a war with Syria. If there was one, Israel would have won and Assad would be dead. Just the way the real world is. Sorry it doesn’t match your LSD fantasies.


Israel is afraid to fight Hamas which rockets them on a regular basis. And the IDF is going to fight the Syrian government coalition? You’re truely delusional.


And has their been one rocket attack that Israel hasn’t repaid? Now check with the Israelis like Iron Zion about what is in store for Hamas after the election when Bibi loses. And how many wars have there been between Syria and Israel? And who won those wars and who has incorporated whose territory into their country? You should stick to your LSD, even it makes you more realistic.


War game out for us all how Israel is going to defeat the Syrian government coalition?


Or russian made airdefence…


Zionist Internet Warrior

ah the good old testing footage you resort to showing when you have no counterargument


You can continue masturbate over your S300/400 wet dream fantasy,but the facts are that they never shot down or killed anything besides they own crew.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Not true no crewmen have been killed. But the S-300 and S-400 never been battle tested, so you’re right about that. The radars have been battle tested and have tracked Israeli fighter jets as soon as they take off and land, this allowed Russia to intercept and chase you kikes away many times. Want some links, big nose?


You retard,do you you see or read that we are bombing your asses almost daily even all your crap AA is deployed? Your “chewingkhatdeadbrain.com” links are intrested as your fairaytale world you live in.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Ha! You cannot refute what I said. Using advanced stand off munitions against a weak, battered SAA without any advanced long range air defense, of course the IDF are able to keep hitting Syria from the Golan or Iraqi/Jordan border. But Russia has blocked and intercepted your F-35’s, F-16s and f15s over 5 times already since 2018-2019 and once this year so far. Meaning they track and see your planes at all times.



Zionist Internet Warrior

daily? another dream. once a month maybe at most with the exception of this month (twice so far). each time you have to waste lots of missiles to hit only 1 or 2 targets since lots are shot down ?


Ever wonder why there are no pictures of those missiles shot down? Ever wonder how 5 Pancirs went to dust so far? Ever wonder how it is possible for a country to bomb another countries main airfield in their capital at their wish?

Zionist Internet Warrior

?you’re a funny kike. There are videos of the interceptions, SAA missiles maneuvering to fit cruise missiles. There has been photos of destroyed shrapnel from popeyes/delilhls. Are you really this retarded? Please tell me you’re a pro-Assad whose trolling here as a zionist


Its really useless to discus with a person that obviously has an iq lower then 50.Keep eating every pice of shit some khomeini khat chewer post somewhere and live in your paralel reality.

Zionist Internet Warrior

aww poor chosen nose is upset, he can’t handle facts, links and sources, he just shits out of his mouth non-stop. Have a nice life, don’t let reality bite.


Facts: 1.we bomb your asses when we will. 2.russian AA sucks. 3.you cant do shit about we bombing your asses. 4.we wipe our ass with your russian AA. 5.you cant deal with it.

Zionist Internet Warrior

I never denied you bomb Syria, but it’s only if you can manage to do it quickly enough before being intercepted by Russian Airforce. Do you realize how easy it is to pick on a war torn neighbor with 50’s era air defense missiles and whose fighting a 3 front war? Not hard, and definitely not anything to brag about. It makes you look retarded.

If Russian (hmeimmim) AA sucks, why can they track your planes at Nevatim airbase when they take off? How else did they intercept you over 10 times since 2018? These are questions for a “high-IQ” individual. And I thought jews were smart

Better yet, try attacking Russian Airbase directly, see how fast your planes disappear from the sky and the F-35 is made a joke.


…..50s era Airdefence….Lol

S-300 Russia 28 Buk-M2 Russia 40 Buk-M1-2 USSR 20 Pantsir S-1 Russia 57+ Tunguska USSR 6 Strela-10 USSR 35 Strela-1 USSR 20 9k33 Osa USSR 50 2K12 Kub USSR 150 S-200 USSR 44 S-125 Pechora USSR 148 + S-75

Russian Airbase doesnt in any way pose a threat to us.If it would,it would already been dealth with long ago.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Russian AF SU-34 intercepting Israeli F-15 f-16 over Lebanon year ago. Cry kike! https://www.timesofisrael.com/russian-jets-reportedly-intercept-israeli-planes-over-lebanon/


SU-34 is a bomber…Lol.Bombers intercepting fighters…this one is for the books!

Zionist Internet Warrior

Russian SU-35 intercepting Israeli F-35’s over Syria (STEALTH MY ASS) https://www.jpost.com/International/Russian-Su-35s-scrambled-to-stop-Israel-over-T-4-Russia-Iran-media-claim-610329


“Iranian and Russian media reported…” and not a word about F35…


And who will do that? You, big man?


Why is your cult losing the Syria war so badly? Where’s the big bad IDF to win the war? They’re a no show.


What Israeli war with Syria? You are bonkers.


Denying that Israel is at war with Syria makes you crazy not me. One that they’re losing badly. Because they know that they can’t win it.


Enough of your tinfoil hat insanity. Bye bye.


Good riddance pedophile shill.


Only for the time being.


Don’t you ever tire of being made a fool of, or don’t you care because you’re getting paid to be an idiot?


Did you ever stop downing LSD, Dude?


I’ve never used any type of hallucinogenic drug in my life. But you’re clearly a very sick and twisted depraved pervert shilling for Jew pedophile rape cultists infecting children with venereal disease:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



Since 73 you’ve been driven out of Gaza, you’re getting rocketed on a regular basis, 2334 extinguished any claim that you had under Balfour and San Remo east of the 67 line, most of the planet has officially recognized the state of Palestine, and the US veto blocking a multinational Palestinian protection force has been overturned by a 377 resolution.

Just keep telling yourself that you’re god’s chosen blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists infecting children with venereal disease and maybe you’ll start to believe your own lies.


Damn, I didn’t know California was doing all that to the Palestinians and that Hamas has rockets reaching here. Haven’t noticed any lately. As an aside, 377 even if it could do as you wrongly claim, only applies to Member States of the UN. Palestine is NOT a Member State of the UN. Oh, 377 has been around for some 70 years. Please note all the times it has been used as you claim it can be used, especially in support of a non-Member State. Oh, do note that even Observers authorized to monitor conflicts under 377 require the permission of a Member State to enter their territory. And you think that the UNGA, over a Veto on the UNSC, can send a military force against Israel, a Member State, to support Palestine, a non-Member State? You definitely had way too much LSD, Dude. Please look NK to even a non-binding UN legal opinion supporting your delusional silly claim. You are soooooooo entertaining. But I’ll have to cut back on responding to you. It’s like arguing with a Flat Earther or 9-11 Truther.


You’ve provided zero credible proof to support any of your idiotic claims. No rational right thinking person is going to accept the legal opinions of a habitually lying depraved Zionist imbecile pervert like you spamming these threads with lies and idiocy shilling for blood sucking Jew pedophile rapists over the UN on questions of international law.

“UN reports make explicit reference to the Uniting for Peace resolution as providing a mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any UNSC vetoes;[37][38][39][40] thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action, should two-thirds of the Assembly subsequently agree that action is necessary.”

– United Nations Security Council veto power –



and fact remins, the world is in no need of the jews on their stolen land and thus the world should pass sentence condemning the israelis to a new diaspora endured under the harshest of pogroms imagined.


So many should’s and no one to make them happen. Now why don’t you lead the way and get your suicide vest fitting already big man. But do practice a lot.


Justified: This is a military base hiding within a civilian airport. The targets were part of the military property. Weapons warehouses and military runways are legitimate target in retaliation for aggression on the part of another country.

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