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Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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Israel’s ImageSat International released sattelite images, which allegedly show an impact of the January 20 Israeli strikes on Syrian and alleged Iranian military targets in the countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus. MORE ABOUT

Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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Satellite Images: Impact Of Israeli Strikes On Syria On January 20

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The photo of the Pantsir unit doesn’t match the video which shows a truck behind the Pantsir.

Some of the Jew munitions are getting through. Which means that some of the Jew planes, if shot at, will get away. But many won’t, and that changes the equation considerably. Some of the cruise missiles may not have been air launched, and may have come from IDF bases making them targets for suppression.

Part of escalation management includes hitting IAF and IDF bases in Israel where these attacks are originating from. This may be part of the reason why the SADF S-300/400s haven’t been used yet. Because the missile capability to inflict enough punishment on the Jews to get them to back off isn’t in place yet.


Yup…good observation on that photo of the Pantsir…also there is a space of FOUR days between those ‘before’ an ‘after’ sat photos…Jan 18 an Jan 22…why on earth would a mobile Pantsir not move in FOUR days…?…that’s insane…those Pantsirs are designed to even shoot while on the MOVE…and the tactic of MOBILITY is a big part of the training of the crews…I have debunked the Israeli sat pics before, going back to shayrat…and, considering also the doctored drone footage on that latest Pantsir kill, it is obvious that Israelis are using disinformation…


Spot on. Parked at the exactly same spot for days, weeks, months? Is that even a real vehicle or just a mock-up?


That’s a good point…that ‘destroyed’ Pantsir could well be a decoy…the Russian military tactic of ‘Maskirovka’ is long established…and was used very successfully by the Serbs in 1999…it’s standard practice in air defense also…here is a picture of an inflatable s300 decoy… http://syntheticapertureradar.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Synthetic-aperture-radar-inflatable-decoy-detection-4.png

A wiki article on ‘Maskirovka’… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_military_deception

Luke Hemmming

Hmm yes decoy too.


The side shot from the 18th also shows the radar down. The Jews had probably pegged it as an easy target. The truck behind it on the video could have been a service truck making repairs.

Luke Hemmming

My thoughts too. Or at least use camouflage netting to hide them from passing satellites and recon flights. Or imbed them into fortified bunkers with camouflage netting? Or as suggested maybe decoy?

John Whitehot

“This may be part of the reason why the SADF S-300/400s haven’t been used yet”

I tried to explain you the usage of those systems, but it doesn’t get into your zombie skull.

“Which means that some of the Jew planes, if shot at, will get away”

There is no doubt that the above planes will be operated in such way to put in danger civilian airliners over Lebanon.

The combined damage of photoshop and inactive pantsirs does not outweight in the slightest the propaganda win israel would get if Syria shoots down a civilian plane outside of its airspace.


What is it about the Russians and SADF know where most of these planes are 24/7 and can hit them on the ground or in the air away from friendlies that you don’t understand?


Yes, and Russia could wipe out the USA and kill hundreds of millions of Americans, why don’t they do it?


Why do you ask stupid irrelevant questions and up vote idiotic comments?


It’s not irrelevant, if the US was destroyed the Israelis would prostrate themselves at the feet of Assad.


You’re an idiot spewing nonsense.


Keep at it Syria, Hezbollah and Iran. These token strikes don’t mean shit in the long game. Take back the country and remember all the unfounded attacks the Israelis did. They don’t want peace, never did never will.

Syria will be ready to face down the Israeli menace when all is said and done with the terrorists.

Prince Teutonic

Jews are too smart for Russkies and Arabs…

John Whitehot



Devious perhaps smart no.

Tudor Miron

Lets talk about it in several years from now. I suggest that you recall what Kissinger said about Israel’s fate. That’s if you want to know the plans of Israeli’s own masters.


Russia and Shiite access absolutely humiliated

0 Israeli planes shot down


Patriot system has intercepted 2 flying SU tubs

S400 can only shoot down IL20’s

John Whitehot

speaking about smart.


Yeah, yeah, whatever bitch, you earned your 1 shekel for today. Now go eat shit and die someplace (any place other than this).


Patriot system is a lemon – read this article about its performance – even the house intelligence committee after the gulf war says so https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/28/patriot-missiles-are-made-in-america-and-fail-everywhere/

Chris Saunders

Does this mean Bibi has your vote now Shlomo?


Only humilation is your ass in service to Israel LOL


So they admit they destroyed just one (inactive) Pantsir (not two)? Parked at the exactly same spot for days, weeks, months? Is that even a real vehicle or just a mock-up?

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, time to accept reality, the Zionist scum are doing a lot of damage and humiliating Iran and Syria daily with full Russian backing. Assad is a weak pimp and would have been better licking US arse, at least then Syria would not have been broken up.


They just overwhelmed the air defense batteries. I have seen a video of maybe 2 mins, showing at least 10 interceptions. The batteries did really well. But it’s sad that they could not intercept all of them. The ugly truth is that no defense can destroy all of the incoming missiles. Some of them will surely pass through unless you have limited number of hostile missiles or layered defense.


Yes it was a very large attack of 50 missiles…launched from three separate directions…the previous attack of 7 missiles from four F16s was repelled successfully…so that means two missiles per aircraft…which would make the second attack one in which at least two squadrons of aircraft were involved…

The big loss for the Syrians was that Pantsir…assuming it was not a decoy…as these sat pics suggest…


Russia will give them a new one perhaps!


A lot of the cruise missiles may have ground or sea launched.

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, mostly Popeyes and Harop drones and the F-16I launched JDAMS. The Syrians simply don’t have an effective air defence but did throw up anything they had. I said from day one, that the Russians are the biggest arseholes and totally in league with Zionists. They have found a piss weak pimp like Assad and are manipulating his to break up Syria in collusion with Turkeys and Zionists. Even the US is baffled by Russian games.


I don’t share your perspective. And with the Syrian government threatening retaliatory strikes on Tel Aviv according to recent statements by their UN ambassador. I’m assuming that the Russians have war gamed out escalation management and concluded that it’s feasible.

The Turks have nothing to gain by the expansion of Kurdistan from Iraq to Syria and any occupation of Syria in support of partition would be a constant drain of resources and a source of ongoing conflict that would make them an international pariah like Israel.

The Syrian government kept the Kurds from being a problem when they administered NE Syria and will do so again once the US gets out. The Turks aren’t going to stay after the US is gone.


So we can see a possible escalation on the side of the Syrians if the UN doesn’t stop the Israelis?


I don’t think that someone in the position that Syria’s UN ambassador has been in for so long would be making these types of threats if the Syrian government wasn’t in the final stages of implementing them with a Syrian government coalition back stop.

The US withdrawal is clearly in jeopardy. And unless the Russians approve something credible to get it back on track. They’re going to be responsible for the war returning to a protracted blood bath with nobody to blame but themselves.

The US is trying to get out and the Russians letting the Jews attack with impunity is very unhelpful.

Zionism = EVIL

Jaafari just blows steam and has made many lofty statements before. I would love for Syria and Iran to grow a pair and do something, but the chance is remote.

Zionism = EVIL

NO chance. Jaafari is just blowing off steam. The 5 member VETO powers are totally in Zionist pocket. The Chinese could care a less and are only interested in selling junk to western dollar shops. France and UK are mere Americunt poodles and Russia as we have seen is in total agreement with its “partners”. So it is really up the weakling Assad and ranting Iranian mullahs to do something and they WON’T as the past over 1,000 Zionist strikes have amply demonstrated.

Zionism = EVIL

Well Richard, I call things as I see them and IF am proved wrong I would be the first to admit it, but I have heard Jaffari at the UN and the Iranians spew meaningless threats at least a dozen times before and NO ACTION. The problem is that the Syrians and Iranians have a strange warped sense of combat, they are scared shitless of the Zionists, but have no problem killing half a million Syrians. Sadly, the Russians will not anything but prop up the Zionist scum due to their close links as 2 million Russian speaking pretend welfare Jews live in Occupied Palestine. Assad is too weak to take on Putin as his only interest is to stay in power. I could be wrong, but I see no Iranian or SAA retaliation. I have also been following Hezbollah media via al-Manar and they also seem to be taking a low profile as they have enough of Syria’s cowardice and sacrificed a lot to save Assad. The ball is really in Syrian court now and I believe the Zionists with Russian collaboration will keep on hitting Syria with total impunity as Trump said, Putin and him agreed on “Israel’s security”.


I don’t agree with your assessment. Syria has 3 or 4 years to catch up with decades of $10s of billions of US support for Israel in the middle of an extremely brutal civil war.

You seem to expect miracles from the Syrians and anything less makes them fools and cowards.

The war isn’t the Syrians to lose, it’s the Russians. The Syrians are in no position equipment wise to deal with the Israelis on their own. The IDF is far more modern and better equipped. The only smack down that the Jews are going to get is one supported by Russia.

I also disagree with your assessment of the SADF. The one area that the Russians have brought the Syrians to far beyond parity with the IDF is air defense. Which is close to peer capability with Russian domestic air defense capability. Assuming that the Russians fully support the hardware that the Syrians are running with proper satcom, EW and ECM capabilities which only the Russians have.

As far as statements by Syrian and Iranian UN diplomats. Feel free to post quotes and links supporting your contention. I’m not familiar with them, and I’ve disproven enough of your ignorance, premeditated disinfo, or both, to reserve judgement on the topic until I see credible proof.


Very rational assessment and I agree for the most part.

Just curious do you have any military background?


Some USMC and mercenary special forces experience. I worked in heavy military electronics as a machinist, toolmaker and in management on classified SDI directed energy projects and have extraterrestrial contact special forces experience.


E…extra..extraterrestrials? Like as in Aliens…not from our Earth…

I don’t doubt that aliens exist but are you saying that you’ve met them first hand and have seen and or used energy weapons as well?!? Whoa man, idk what to say. Would you be open to a private conversation about it? Genuinely curious.

I appreciate the rather brash nature of your comment but you can understand how difficult is it for me to believe your accolades? Only being honest due to the out of left field comment you know?


“brash1 /braSH/Submit adjective self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way. “he could be brash, cocky, and arrogant” synonyms: self-assertive, assertive, cocksure, full of oneself, self-confident, arrogant, thrusting, bold, as bold as brass, audacious, brazen, brazen-faced; ”

Why are you insulting me?


Apologies, brash was the wrong word to use. I thought it meant something like along the lines of, out of left field or something. My bad.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry that is typical lame apologist rant. I live in the real world and deal with real military facts on the ground. I have seen both Russian and Iranian militaries operate and not impressed as for Syria, its successive losses to Zionists in all wars and loss of Golan speak for itself. I have gator far in Florida to sell you if you think that Syria can be put back together or Americunts or NATO will ever leave Syria or Iraq. But I guess fantasy is good for the soul :)


Your type has been peddling this type of nonsense since 2015. And in the process Syria has gone from controlling 10% of it’s territory to 60%, with the US trying to get out of 30% of the remaining 40%, and the Turks aren’t going to stay in the remaining 10% once the US is gone.

The FACTS speak for themselves.


I think 2 pantsirs were hit. One was active and another one doing nothing. Anyway, pantsirs are doing a great job to be honest.


why would you think that two Pantsirs were hit…there was that onboard missile video that showed ONE getting hit…but many of the pro-Israel or anti-Syrian news reports also included a similar video from the Pantsir kill last May…


No no, I am talking about the video that IDF itself posted. I think there were to 2 different pantsir in the video. One was actively firing and the second one (last hit in the video) wasn’t probably on duty.


Yes…that is obvious…the footage from two different missile cameras was spliced together…I noticed that right away…there is a big jump in picture brightness…plus the angle of the camera is different…a clearly doctored video…but you said… ‘I think two Pantsirs were hit’…that is not correct…


I maybe wrong though, but what’s your explanation about the pantsir unit that was actively firing missiles? I’ll tell you why I think there were 2 pantirs.

I saw a unit firing interceptor missile, and since it was firing, its radar was turned on. This unit probably got hit twice. You can see an explosion in the video recorded by the on-board camera of the missile before it landed on the pantsir. This means there was another missile rushing toward the target ahead of the missile that was recording the event. This missile hit the target first followed by the missile with the camera, so 2 hits.

In the second camera angle, you can see a missile with the camera hitting a pantsir unit that was clearly off duty since the radar was turned off. The radar on this one was off and this why I think it was a different unit.

My point is that I saw a pantsir was active and another one was inactive. That’s why I think there were 2 different pantsirs.


ALSO, why such low res?

Tudor Miron

IDF itself posted – that’s a key issue here. Don’t forget that main objective of this attack was not military targets but influencing Israeli electorat.


Please see the comment below. I replied to FB

Tudor Miron

That is if you take those Israeli videos for granted. I don’t. May be SAA lost some Pantsir and may be not. If we have more confirmation from reliable sources (Israel is the last one in such a list) than we can make a conclusion.


The could actually have tried the pantsir cannons on the active one, I don’t know why they didn’t. The cannons are there to deal with the threats for these kind of situations.

Joe Doe

How this can be large attack of 50 missiles, when Russia indicated that only 4 F-16 fire missiles, therefore is impossible 4 F-16 can have 50 missiles

Zionism = EVIL

The Ruskie arseholes are liars, the Zionist used Harop drones and over 8 F-16 and F-15. Like I have said before, based on the damage at least 25 TONS on high explosive ordinance was dropped. It is was combination of Popeye, Harop drones and 500 lb US supplied JDAMs.


Whatever they used, it cost 35 million PLUS! Estimated costs to Syria was about 14.2 million!

Keep in mind they only got one Pantsir, if they didint succeed in that then it would have been much worse!

Plus the editing of that video shows desperation! they are lying to their own people for fake feeling of security!

Cruise missiles are worth 1 million each! Smart bombs werent used since the distance was too great! Harop’s are suicide drones and just as expensive as a cruise missile! Guided munitions can manoeuvre slightly and are constantly descending! They are limited in what they can achieve!

The Israeli’s threw everything at the Syrians including the kitchen sink! Yet they got one Pantsir with its radar down and a loading vehicle next to it (which means it expended its munitions)!

If the Pantsir expended its munitions than that would tell us the Israeli’s saturated the airspace!

So from now on its gonna be very costly for them! If the Syrians can get their s-300 up and running in the T-4 airbase then life is going to become very hard for Israel!

Keep in mind that Russia flew in 4 heavy lift cargo planes the same day! An-124’s!

Id say the Syrians are purchasing air defence systems as often as they can and they are being flown in (even greater cost) and then deployed!

If they failed to even get one launcher (which has a price of about 14 million) then it would have been a massive failure! i know for a fact that Pantsir missiles only cost 2000 dollars each! (was on an RT documentary u can see on youtube)

So, i see this as a desperate attempt! The edited video shows how desperate they are!

Tudor Miron

Joe, don’t you actually look at the news? There was two attacks – first from 4 F-16 that fired 7 missiles and all of the were intercepted. Second was a massive saturation attack where actual cost of the ordnance used was way way more than damage that it could inflict.


Yes i was saying this on another site! Imagine the cost of a sortie, then times that by say 4! Now calculate how many missiles (very smart bombs) u need to fire to get through the defences of the very cheap pantsir missiles! They would need at least 6 to get 1 hit! A smart bomb is admitted by the USA as $50 thousand! A cruise missile is worth $1 million Plus the cost per sortie is $30 thousand per hour for f-16’s or f-15’s Pantsir missile dont travel far! Costs per missile is about $2000 Pantsir launcher costs $14 million (export price but not Russian cost)

So if Syria’s defence cost them 14 million for the launcher plus 200 thousand for missiles fired! Then just for that alone its expended $14,200,000

Israeli missiles: 1 million per missile! They didnt use smart bombs because they were fired from far away! Only guided munitions, cruise missiles and anti radiation drones would be used! To saturate the air like that must have costed a fortune! Then to go and edit the video they made to fool their own citizens shows signs of desperation!

One Pantsir is nothing! Replaced very easily and quickly! i hate to say it but so too is the man power!

I think the Israeli’s spent about 20 to 30 million on this raid! compared to say 15 million the Syrians spent! Those HAROP’s arnt cheap! probably cost as much as a cruise missile since they are “Suicide” drones! They are brand new!

When Russia has the Syrians up and ready and trained for the S-300, its gonna become harder and harder for Israel!

In fact i think the Idlib attack is dealyed only until the Syrians are trained and ready with the S-300! Because we all know the Israeli’s will aid HTS where ever they can!

looking forward to it!


US taxpayers paid the 30+ million. But nice analysis.


Yeah but i feel better thinking that this cost comes out of their 3.1 billion the US gives them per year! We all know how tight the Jews are! God i hope its coming out of their own allowance lol!

Zionism = EVIL

All paid for by the dumb Americunt TAXPAYERS, so I don’t the parasites really give a hooked nosed hoot. Sad but true.

Lazy Gamer

You forgot the warehouses and contents though.


yes i did! Thanks for reminding me lol! But come to think of it, that would be a cost to Iran, not Syria! Syria lost men and a launcher but gained respect! one launcher is nothing especially when it was proven to have expended its munitions! When more launchers arrive, its gonna cost even more for israel! And when the T4 Airbase has fully trained syrian operators in March / april, its gonna be hard to even launch and escape them! I just read that s-300missiles travel between Mach 4, Mach 6 and mach 8.5 (depending on which missile is used)

Holy fuck dude, mach 8.5, thats insane! 220 km from T4 airbase to the Golan heights! Mach 8.5 covers 220 km in 76 seconds (1 min 16 secs)

And the T4 is very far away! Thats insane! They shouldput it much closer, like near damascus! only 53km to Damascus! Thats 18.5 seconds to reach the golan heights!



Combination of surface to surface, these drones they launch from the ground and also those small gliding bombs!


Yet Russia has flown 4 cargo deliveries in one day from Russia! AN-124’s and il-76!

Zionism = EVIL

Source please, I am from Missouri SHOW ME?


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ad32863e9319a36332827683667da0b55adf109eeff1de79a02a5fddca2106c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/190fc54e24c516ffbb2b6680512818a37fcdda41abe49ea6e924a85dbf8aaa50.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c598c75aa7f35ae7a80efb4cb42e12f26f7c12dd10e753b50fafbeb355a2af99.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47fbee35c4da167d50f7746996926eac28586ab27f30aa72ea4def4f08c26a1f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3fba83b628e98c62e03b6ef863404cf0036173d4137bcbe056ebb5e751b61c9a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9948637a1cbe9cd36a848da98798de313c06028f89105f62f28e75ba151c682.png


Hope it was a blow-up balloon decoy. Russians DO make these for their air defense.


Syria has up to 100 modern Pantsir units according to credible sources. A percentage of a fleet that large is always in service, repair, reloading and crew training and rotation. Even if they lose 1 or 2 out of service units. It has next to zero effect on the capability of the fleet as a whole.


Interesting, thanks.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Zionist scum did not overwhelm anything, the Russian cunts have given Syria just a few antiquated missiles and pass all the operational info to the Zionist masters in real time. They played the same game with Arabs for 60 years now. Syrians and Iranians are being slaughtered as Putin licks his Zionist masters arse. If anything, Syrians should start kicking out the Ruskie pimps and follow the Hezbollah model of asymmetrical warfare. The Ruskie bases should be closed as they are infact Zionist outposts.


If only Paulus had photoshop at Stalingrad (things might have turned-out different)….

Tudor Miron

Things would turn out the same but you are right that some German sheeple could be happer for a while… till they started to receive notifications of their relatives not coming back from eastern front.


You can also finally take Pavlov’s House, at least with Fotoshop.


In the pics of the destroyed Pantsir I can see 4 redoubts, but the Pantsir is out in the open. A 100 dollar camouflage net might have saved the Pantsir. No wonder the Israelis find it so easy, and the Syrians need Iranians and Russians to protect them.


Probably a decoy…see my comment below…

Dušan Mirić

“Launching missiles into neighbour country without UNSC mandate is war crime, so we are talking about war criminals” Miroslav Beran

Manuel Flores Escobar

I have seen a Photo of a clearly GBU guide Bomb debris Mk 83+ wings carcasse shot down..surely by Pantsir system!…few AD System in the world are capable to shot down an aerial Bomb in flight since dont leave traces of heat and have a low radar signature!


If Pantsir truck has wheels maybe you need to use them to move it away from time to time… is not written in the User’s Guide? OMG it was stationed 2 days at the same point when everyone knows that Israel has planted a satellite over the skies of Syria!


Syria has 1,000 air defense systems. They can’t all be stored in hardened revetments. The Russians don’t even have revetments for most of their planes in Syria.


That maybe so but the Pantsir is a mobile system so perhaps they should move it around every few days to a new location – its a certainty that Israel with its satellite network will be monitoring Syria daily. Why make it easy for them


They need to start taking down the fighters launching the attacks. The non use of the S-300/400s may have more to do with escalation management than any issues with anti aircraft missiles. The Jews used a lot of cruise missiles in the last attack. More than they would probably use planes to launch. Which means that they were land and or sea launched.

The IAF would be quickly attritted if the SADF upgrades are effective. So it looks like the Jews are starting to augment these attacks with other systems that would require suppression. I’m sure that this is part of the Syrian government coalition’s planning and preparation. And hitting 10 IDF positions in the occupied Golan was the beginning of the implementation of the additional counter measures to shut down the Jew attacks.

It’s really unfortunate that the US is supporting the Jews when the Jews are just as much the enemies of the US as they are of the Syrians and Russians.


Jy-27 is counter-stealth, if they fucked him it means something did not work or the efficiency of this radar is questionable…



The satellite photos are part of the distraction and designed to make you think that it is all about high-tech, israeli high-tech of course. But what it’s really about is that israel has agents (who don’t have to be israelis) on the ground able to eyeball Syrian missile and other units and give real-time intel about their status, and guide in Harops or other systems to go for the kill. Without these agents israel wouldn’t be able to do F all with their “high-tech”. Syrians intel effort should go into locating these agents, and I bet there are lots of them. The agents’ main task is to locate the S-300 systems, most else is just chicken feed.

Tudor Miron

Israel conducted a saturation attack. 50 very expensive missiles/suiside drones/guided bombes + cost of the flights itself. It is obvious that actual results in terms of inflicted damage is barely 10% of what is spent on attack itself. Real target of this attack was Israeli electorat. Bibi knows very well that if he’s not reelected than he will end up in jail so he doesn’t care about effectiveness in military terms – he’s fighting for his sorry a$$. As many said – limited AD that was available to SAA in that area did very well and inflicted damage (even according to this photoshop attempt) is relatively minor.

Smith Ricky

This only makes us more knowledgeable and stronger than ever.

Django de Reynaerde

Again implausible image evidence. Here they are clearly laid with different layers on top of each other, blurred or they want us to make clear to us that the IDF can cut out parts of concrete buildings and that with some kilos TNT on laser guided missiles, … Do not make me laugh! The minimal reactions from the SAA and the Russians speak for themselves. How more blahblah by the Zionists, the worse their propaganda. With every action they perform, the more of their tricks, methods and their hiding places are uncovered. It is good that the Russians and Syrians don’t want to get provoked in an open war even when even more unguilty victims are made. In this way, the end of this tragedy comes more into view every day, so the West and Israel will brought to justice. A new Nuhrenberg is needed. We have to get rid of this fascist scumbags once and forever.

Real Anti-Racist Action

They keep coming and coming… They never stop https://bbs.thegoyimknow.to/uploads/default/original/4X/0/4/9/049489bcac5a3500a299122025570195f2c43033.gif

Abdul Majeed

…it maybe time to takeout that satellite!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Blah blah blah, the Israelis showed us all how they killed the Pantsir and what they used to do it, It wasn’t a cruise missile, and it wasn’t a long range missile fired from a manned aircraft, it was an unmanned drone that destroyed the Pantsir. The 2 separate lots of footage are shot from both the drones perspective as it flies towards the target, and the second missiles perspective as it hit the target, that’s why they have two seperate video images for us to view, but God knows why so many people can’t see what’s right in front of their faces. The footage clearly shows a drone approaching it’s target, it fires a decoy drone that moves out in front and to the right of the drone a little, then we have a ground launch from either another unsighted Pantsir or MANPAD, that travels up to meet the incoming drone and decoy missile but misses, and as soon as it misses the drone fires a second missile that quickly arcs out to the left and then hits the Pantsir from it’s side. Then the perspective goes back to the drone as it flies by the destroyed Pantsir. I can’t believe that I’m the only one that sees it, can’t anybody else?


Israel has been blowing up/destroying Syria of late..can’t BS it


Nothing to be proud of; one can assume that the israelis will post satellite pictures of their own destruction.

Last picture shows a building leaning on 18Jan2019 but in better condition, upright on 22Jan2019, strange when that building was struck on the 20Jan2019. Fake photos from a fake state and fake people.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Wow, all the Russian equipment in Syria does nothing to stem or slow the tied of Israels aerial campaign of destruction against Russia’s greatest ally!

Lena Jones

After 4000 years of hate and deception of gentiles, only fools believe what jews say.

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