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Satellite Images: Impact Of US Strikes On Positions Of Kataib Hezbollah On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Satellite Images: Impact Of US Strikes On Positions Of Kataib Hezbollah On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Late on December 29, the US Air Force bombed 5 positions of Kataib Hezbollah, a part of the Iraqi Armed Forces’ Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), in Syria and Iraq. On January 2, Israel’s ImageSate Intl. released satellite images showing the impact of the strikes on the area of the al-Qaim border crossing on the Syrian-Iraqi border.

Satellite Images: Impact Of US Strikes On Positions Of Kataib Hezbollah On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Satellite Images: Impact Of US Strikes On Positions Of Kataib Hezbollah On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Azriel Herskowitz

Excellent work by the USAF. Shia terrorists didn’t know what hit them. Maybe this will teach the Russkies how to hit military targets instead of bombing schools and civilian targets.

Rhodium 10

US Embassy personal were hide 48 inside a bunker….US ambassador fled before the US airstrike to avoid the same fate as US ambassador in Libya ( Bengasi)…


The Russians bomb schools and civilian targets because it creates stability, at least thats what rubber face Putin thinks

Stability in this sense is propping up a criminal family dynasty, the Assads, who’ve destroyed their own country, either through this stupid war against reality, ie, a modern state capable of serving the needs of Syria’s citizens, or by following the delusional economic policies in the past of the patron, the old Soviets

This is what happens when you combine decades of corrupt vacuous stupidity, ideology, and anti western hubris, a broken and divided country, Assad must be really proud, he’s basically handed his country over to foreign powers, what an idiot!

AzrieI Herskowitz

Russkies just trying to imitate us, as always. Bombing schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, kindergartens, bridges, tv stations, even chinese embassies is the USAF specialty. No one in the world can bomb civilians efficiently as the USAF! Except Israeli AF perhaps (same shit anyway, USA- is just an israeli vassal).

USAF – mass slaughtering civilians since 1943! Dresden, Tokyo, Saigon or Raqqa we destroyed them all!


Russians had more success killing their own people, besides you’ve gotta give credit to the RAF for Dresden, but yeah point taken

AzrieI Herskowitz

Yes, the RAF of course! Russkies can’t even kill their own people without our help. “Russian” revolution bah, nothing russian there:


Zionist Internet Warrior

Rabbi Schwartz! The Goyim will know!

John Wallace

It was an RAF / USAF combined operation , one by night , the other by day..

John Wallace

Yes Russia just can’t seem to get the hang of how to kill civilians like the Yanks even though the Yanks keep showing them all the time.. Those Russians must be a bit slow or something else … not sure what.


Yup slow all right, just a big daft country without much of a future

Poor old Russia, the eternal scruffy performing bear act, locked into its own daft three ring circus

John Wallace

How come your name is Bob although it is an apt name. I was doing some work at a smelter and there was an idiot there. They were using tools that were red hot which were supposed to be picked up with heavy duty gloves. He didn’t have any gloves on and picked up a very hot tool and burnt his hand badly screaming out ” Fuck that’s hot” So what did he do . He then went and tried to pick it up with his other bare hand screaming ” Fuck it is still hot ” . Two badly burned hands wrapped in bandages for weeks. Of course the point of this True story is , yes you guessed it , his name was Bob.. So well done Bob , another fuckwit..


What you’ve described is more like your intellectual capacity,or rather lack of


The analysis showed that this was not a russian attack by rockets on the school (which was not used as a school, but a shelter), but a mortar attack, most probably by terrorists from Idlib. But what would a troll know?

Peter Jennings

Bollocks, absolute and complete. However, you do describe the US to a tee.


No its not!

Its done to maintain a dictatorship, which Putin thinks is preferable to the country blowing apart, the lesser of the two evils dear boy, thats Putin brilliant strategy,or, lets keep useless people in power who’ve run a rotten corrupt system for decades which a significant proportion of the Syrian people hate!


US has killed a lot of civilians look at what they did to Raqqa its 90% destroyed Israel is no better they destroy whole residential areas just to get at a few targets


Well done U.S, that’s the price when you kill an American. Their Lebanese friends leant the same when they killed Israelis, most of their country is still in ruins since 2006.

AzrieI Herskowitz

Exactly, most of their country is still in ruins, we completely failed to destroy military targets but we destroyed everything else, especially civilian infrastructure hah! Not just Lebanon, but Iraq, Syria, all in ruins thanks to us (/U.S.). Nothing but desert and wasteland all around Israel. Perfect.


Isn’t that what Israel is all about, attacking civilians? You immoral sick bastards deserve Nutsack and the Orange Buffoon. When it starts happening to Israel, the pissing and moaning will be a cacophony. It certainly is no accident that the US and Israel commit the worst crimes against humanity…as that IS their MO. If Israelis weren’t so fucking stupid, they’d realize they were digging their own grave…or is that the goal? The idiot Christian Zionists that back you asswipes think so, that’s the only reason they send money to your shithole…so Israel evaporates and Jesus returns. Now where does that leave idiots like you? Vaporized.


Deuternomy 20 and Sanhedrin 2 – your nation’s downfall, at least not without reform.. and that has not been coming since the big Jee diatribed against your materialistic faith.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkish propaganda is so childishly obvious, so how the hell do you get away with it, you have nearly everyone fooled on SF but it’s just so obvious you’re a paid for Turkish troll, I’m totally gobsmacked.


And chickenshit Israel hasn’t been back since. Guess that shows who kicked whose ass. Sooner or later the Israeli cowards (and that ‘s what they are), are going reap all the seeds of destruction they’ve sown. Unfortunately, even if tomorrow, it will be 60 years too late. Can’t wait for the screaming of deluded Israelis when they realize their Iron Dome is as phony as their state, sold to them by corrupt corporations as criminal as their PM. Then the realization will come as to how ‘chosen’ they really are.


zman, don’t pray for something like that man, rest assured we will destroy what is left. Israeli generals and the chief of staff have already said they are going to use “unproportional force”, take them seriously.


These people are mentally ill they seriously want a blood bath, they honesty haven’t looked at a map, as they somehow think it’s America who’ll come off worst, oh and of course Israel!


God you fuckers are stupid. As if you are going to convince anyone with a brain that Iran/Syria or Iraq instigate this crap. Yeah, that’s why ISIS has US/Israeli weapons and US/Israel supply air power for them.


I bet more people have been killed in the Middle East due to ex Soviet/ Russian weapons


Are you referring to the ones the west has been buying from that Nazi shithole Ukraine and shipping to their ISIS buddies? Or are you referring to ones they bought from Bulgaria? Easy to recognize, as they are all old weapons, unlike the US TOWs and other western and Israeli weapons that are new. Tracing weapons through their numbers exposed it all…just not in the west.


Nope I’m talking about all the crap old man Assad got from his mates in the Soviet Union, oh plus that rather embarrassing stuff from rubber chops Putin, which doesn’t seem to be posing to many problems for the Israeli Air force


Yeah, Putin is pussing out…he should do like Israel…hide behind airliners, shoot from other countries and generally lie about it all.


Well it was Russians who shot down MH 17 easy target, obviously those stupid Russians thought they’d got themselves a real juicy target,nope all they got themselves was isolated and sanctioned, and things ain’t gonna get any easier for them any time soon


Boy, you’re a fountain of brainiac BS aren’t you? Tell me, how do you get round 30MM cannon holes in a jet from missile frags? Since it resembled Putins plane, one version says he was the target. Nah..it was just a North Woods type FF to start shit by accusing …you didn’t guess it…Russia. Hell, Gladio worked for years. BTW, check Russia’s debt vs US debt. Better sit down first. Then look at the seriously floundering fracking numbers in the US. So much for US energy independence. Have I mentioned the masses of stores that are closing in the US?



You are David icke,i clam my £ ten quid

Priceless, absolutely priceless!

Oh you forgot 9/11 go on,goooooooo on, go on, what a fecking loon


Bla de bla…Sampson option…oooh, the world is shaking. But not near as much as Israel will be when they see 1,000s of missiles coming their way. But hey, it’s what they have been asking for. Maybe those nukes will never leave the ground.


I’ve said it before, if they wanna shoot rockets then be my guest. I already know how it’s gonna end, I’m not worried :)

Harvey Swinestein

Shlomo . . your court case is due soon. Your lawyer is waiting for you. You had better get ready for it. Masturbating in public is going to be a hard one to be acquitted from . . .


When their Israeli elite troops were fighting in Lebanon and Gaza(2014), to move forward, their soldiers and officers must be preceded by armored vehicles, followed by war ambulances and above them, there must be helicopters and air force. Without all that, they do not make a step forward. Such a soldier is defeated beforehand, he is a coward who has no will to fight, despite all materials and capacity provided. because their problem is not with tanks, planes and weapons. Their problem is men. and it’s becoming obvious by the day, and the last experience with Hezbollah is a clear evidence.


They were chosen by the Rothchilds to be the fall guys at the end – spare a thought for them. They are deeper in shit than anyone else in the world, despite appearances to the contrary. The misinformed are collaborating in their own destruction.


They will bring up the holocaust and their 6 million dead again, just wait for it.


They have to…it’s their go-to whine. Poor us, poor murdering psychopathic us…and our made up 6M storyline.

John Wallace

How did you manage to upvote twice Azriel.. That is impossible … unless … :-))

Zionist Internet Warrior




Willing Conscience (The Truths

Another paid for Turkish troll. Hello again Mustafa, I know it’s you, you can’t fool me.


I’ve been reading multiple accounts of this around the web. The US/Israel are going gung-ho on this as expected, with one lie after another. The propaganda war is in full swing with those like the troll on this page spewing their eternal garbage. Looked at twitter and read some of the stupidest crap ever. Idiots that are obviously either braindead or hasbara continuing the US brand of truth…absolute BS. If I ever had a doubt that Twitter is a psyop, I have no more…either that or the majority have the intelligence of the Donald and believe every retarded line of crap they hear. Moon of Alabama has an article saying the US will have to leave after this and I tend to agree. In fact, I’ve always said this would be the only way the US will be forced to leave…by continued actions by the Iraqis against US bases/personnel. Crap, like the crap post by Azriel, continue the BS that PMUs are nothing but Iranian terrorists…yeah, because they destroyed ISIS, regardless the BS the US continues about it killing ISIS. I guess the topper in this abomination of policy, is that US officials informed the Iraqis that they were going to do this and the op was imminent. When they asked the US not to attack, US officials refused to relent. Now, all US forces and bases are going to be subject to attack over this. Are we to believe that the US military did not know what this would beget? Only if they are no smarter than Trumpstein. Now, these events will grow…will the US will double-down and attack even more ‘Iranian’ assets? At any rate…this is a start of a new Zionist strategy…and it does not bode well for Iraq or Iran…nor the entire gulf region. Whatever happens, the US/Israel has been asking for it…and they’re likely to get it.


Hang on a mo, your last sentence doesn’t make much sense, surely you mean its Iran and Iraq who are likely to ‘ get it’ they aint gonna form some bromance, sing kumbaya, or join hands in some sort of happy slappy big tent against the USA or Israel, they’re to divided, they have crap economies, and far to many young people with zero hope of a better future

Frankly the USA wont ‘get’anything, as you put it,all the pain will be felt in the Middle East, thats a fact

John Wallace

Another bullshit Troll who no one , other than the other bullshit Trolls , agree with. Go grab your M16 and take your gung ho arse to the action.


Well its a fact, this war between Iran and America, which all you Putin/Assad/ Mad mullah fan boys want wont destroy anything in America will it?

It’s not as though its gonna happen on the US border is it, it’ll happen in the Middle East, it’s iran that’ll get blown up, oh and its Dr Strangelove strategy of burning down the rest of the region wont work either, it’ll just get the Chinese very,very cross as it’ll interrupt energy supplies they need

But i suppose all you fan boys can masturbate wildly over Russian wiz bangs


Let them dream bob, they are not a match not to the U.S, not to the U.K and not to Israel. They are welcomed to try if they want :)

Shlomo Shekelstein

Nah, we masturbate wildly over your bitch face.


Hahahahahaha i like that, honestly i did actually make me laugh?

Shlomo Shekelstein

I’m sure you do!


Yes and their BS isn’t getting any better. Guess they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Sad and pathetic. Of course there are retards that believe some of the propaganda the west puts out. Some even stupidly (and I do mean fucking stupid) believe an ocean will protect the US. They should probably look up the definition of ICBM…of which Russia has the lead in for the foreseeable future.


ICBM,….OH very funny, now who’s scrapping the barrel?

Like I’ve said before you people are mentally ill, on some kind of global death wish,bad very bad, but even worse when you’d wish this on planet earth by supporting idiots like Putin,Assad, Venezuela and mad religious clerics in Iran, who you foolishly believe will create some sort of new global world order….what a joke!


I don’t know about scrapping the barrel, but I do know they are scraping the bottom of the barrel with you. You were the moron that thinks the US is safe.


Well it is safe, or is Iran gonna strap hair dryers onto some old Soviet crap and fly it clean over the Atlantic and take out Washington?


Washington’s already been taken care of by someone much more evil than those Iranian mullahs


I think your on the global death wish if you support the current western alliance are you aware who really controls the US government and its allies by allies i mean people that can’t say no to them


Oh do tell me??

No second thoughts i know because David icke told us all



Your ignorance is showing can i ask what country you are from?


The best country!




Best country


You can’t even talk / write bollocks


It’s dumb ignorant people like you are the reason the world is in such a mess


Yeah, smucks like you will say anything. Coming from someone who feigns being Israeli, apparently you aren’t. If you were, you’d know first hand how corrupt their entire gov is, top to bottom and that Israel only survives by blackmail, begging and stealing. IF the US is stupid enough to let that furniture salesman get us into a war with Iran, we will likely be short a few ships, bases and servicemen and KSA can kiss their oil goodbye.


Your right,I’m not Israeli, or jewish, or American, but then I’m not stupid either!

So what’s your point?


I might go the first three, but the jury is out on the last. I guess the point is you don’t know shit…but you spread it anyways.

Shlomo Shekelstein

No you are not…. you’re (not “your”) just some dumb, indoctrinated bitch and slave who worships his masters (must be from Romania or some shithole like that).

“I’m not stupid” lol that’s a good one :D


Calm down son you’ll blow a gasket carrying on like that

Incidentally which shithole was it you skulked out of?

Shlomo Shekelstein

I just can’t stop laughing at you, sorry. I’m not your friend (I doubt you have any), I’m not your son (lol), I doubt I’m your daddy either (you’re too stupid to be my bastard tbh), and I’m not a turd like you. Now you calm down and go ‘blow a gasket’… or blow – something else :D


That with stupid you didn’t proof yet.

Peter Jennings

Correction if i may. Iran and Iraq were divided. Now they are closer than ever thanks to 30 years of US/nato mismanagement and corruption. Even the most fervent of enemies have banded together in order to beat a threat that poses a danger to both. Iraqis now know that little will change if they allow nato or american forces to stay, and the Iranians know that they are next on the list if they do the same. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise what comes next, in overwhelming numbers probably.


Yup sounds good to me!

A bit like an Iranian/Iraqi version of the Ribbentrop – Molotov pact

What could possibly go wrong i ask myself!


I guess that the American embassy in Bagdad will be stormed and destroyed. Next woukd be their existing bases in Iraq and their supply lines.


Yea at most they will lose a few soldiers while they cause havoc in the region it’s true although to those who wish for America to be destroyed it already all but has been destroyed from the inside with help from they’re pals the isrealis


Why do you want America destroyed??

Its a totally irrational idea

Who’s gonna destroy America?




Unfortunately if you destroy America, at least in the sense i think you mean, you destroy yourself

Like I’ve said, mad self destructive behaviour, a death cult of people who hate themselves, hate America,UK,Israel and the west in general

You need to grow up, stop acting like some sort of spotty angry hormonal teenagers


I don’t want America destroyed you moron you didn’t listen to what i said it already has been destroyed from one currupted government to the next you are obviously not aware your government has been taken over by isreal and the illuminati and they have eaten it from the inside out i want nothing more than the good people of America to take back they’re country from the monsters that currently control it.


Roland the rat!


You are sleepwalking into a disaster and i am proud to rat out the theives criminals and pedos that are destroying the world



Dick Von Dast'Ard

Question is… Does Iran see war now as inevitable and just go all out to drive America out?


Sounds like strapping a giant suicide vest onto an entire nation if you ask me, question is do young Iranians want commit suicide just because a bunch of clapped out clerics can’t run the economy?


They have always felt that war was inevitable. The US/Israel/ISIS have done everything to make it happen and will continue until one of them makes a fatal mistake. Iran has already offered to Syria to help drive out the US. Iranians know who the instigator is in the ME, in fact the world. There are all kinds of idiots out there who continue the bogus US crap about Iran. That Iran continues to persist…like Russia, Venezuela, China and Cuba…even though they have been under constant attack for years by the criminals from the west, galls neocon Zionists to no end. The only thing they can do is lie, bluff and terrorize civilians…but attack an armed opponent? That’s when they take their lessons from the cowards in Israel…hit and run…emphasis on run.


Iranians know that the mad clerics are to blame, they imposed a 50% hike in fuel price, then killed a thousand of their own fellow citizens, i suppose the dead won’t need to now worry about expensive fuel!

the moral of this story is,Mad mullahs couldn’t run a whelk stall, never mind go toe to toe with the worlds most competitive economy,ergo they have to propagate endless David Icke conspiracies about the USA and Israel, they sound like a bunch of sixth form hysterical school girls


Why don’t you try to spread some disinformation when you get a chance? Hey, lets talk about the riots and demonstrations happening in Israel over the last 10 years…oh, that’s right…that’s not for discussion….hell, it’s not even happening, is it? Or the PM being charged with fucking over every Israeli. That;s not happening either.


It’s ffing hilarious, the criminal state are charging their PM for crimes! He was elected because he was a real badass criminal wasn’t he? Never happy, eh?

Shlomo Shekelstein

“Iranians know” says who? You? CNN? “mad clerics” mad as Trump, Pelosi, Biden and all other degenerates from Washintgon DC? “they imposed” yeah, their fault, also, palestinian babies are guilty for being killed by Israel right? “propagate endless conspiracies” about Russian meddling? Oh wait, these are not conspiracies… “hysteriacal school girls” try the US congress…

Nothing but bullshit, cheap logical fallacies and retarded CNN propaganda crap. Literally every word you say is 100% garbage.


Its all true my friend, wake up, stop playing away, the other side aint your friend

Zionist Internet Warrior

oy vey!

Christian S

Most of the victims were Iraqi army and federal police officers in these bombings. These five positions had the task of intercepting and hunting down ISIS and preventing the group’s militants from crossing the borders from the Anbar desert. The timing of the attack is really astonishing , proof of ZOG wardogs are really imbeciles. While a devided Iraqi political structure is struggling to unite in order to elect a new PM, the parties and parlement seem united more then ever now to dispel US forces from Iraq. This will propel Irans efforst to unite the political parties in Baghdad in favour of the resistance.


The formula runs like this: bomb your own base/people, assign blame long before any proof is available, bomb whoever you want and claim that it has some connection to the “crime” that is far too complicated for ordinary people to see. Then claim victory over evil, even though you are the only one engaged in evil throughout. If necessary organise a paid crowd to show their “support” for the actions and splash it on the internet with the support of G and FB, who will push it in front of everyone in the world. So, deep state, I know how this works – so are you gonna give me a job or not? If not maybe I can get a job as a Kremlin bot.

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: IRGC leader Qassem Soleimani and Lebanese Hezbollah Leader rumored to be eliminated in USAF strike near Baghdad!!!

King Cliff

I’m surprised the ayatollah didn’t make an announcement that the USA military must leaves.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

The US Airforce has just eliminated Soleimani in Iraq! Mazel Tov! :-]


Sick bastard



Dick Von Dast'Ard

Pentagon has just (apparently) made a declaration of war against the Global Shia Muslim community.

Looks like the war that Israel and Netanyahu so desperately wanted is now coming to them.


Netand yahoo would do anything to get his parliamentayry immunity not to go to jail. and he wags the dog US to get it.


It’s not about Netanyahu, as much as I hate that man. It’s about Iran’s action in the region against the U.S, Israel and KSA. If they wanna retaliate then they need to prepare alot of bodybags. we (IDF troops) are ready for a total war if it comes to that.


USA is proud of destroying anything to be possible to be destroyed. Of course, following Israel orders.

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