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MARCH 2025

Satellite Images: Iran Supposedly Created New Underground Weapon Storage Near Al-Bukamal

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Israel’s ImageSat Intl. claims that its recent satellite images show a new underground weapon storage created by Iran near the Syrian city of al-Bukamal (Deir Ezor province).

Satellite Images: Iran Supposedly Created New Underground Weapon Storage Near Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images: Iran Supposedly Created New Underground Weapon Storage Near Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images: Iran Supposedly Created New Underground Weapon Storage Near Al-Bukamal

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Iranians were always anti-India even when the shah was in power.I dont care what happens to iran hope it is destroyed.These shia bastards also support pakistan.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass cunt, India is investing billions in Chah Bahar free trade zone. You ignorant attention seeking street crapping baboon.


I know that but we will abandon iran as modi loves israel more.

Zionism = EVIL

You are retarded PUNK cunt and do not try to engage with me as I would not even piss on monkey face you dumb inferior git. NOW FUCK OFF, this is middle eastern focused site, not for South Asian chimps.


GTFO you shia bastard.Your master(dog eaters) wont come for your help this time when india will destroy pakistan.:D


He is definitely not an Indian. Generally, Indians are quite balanced and progressive as India was the founding nation of the Non-Aligned Movement along with Indonesia and has been very pro-Palestine. Even Modi’s extremism has not changed that much.


Amen pp, wipe out Islamabad too.


Muslims always cause trouble whether shia or sunni

Zionism = EVIL

Look here you little Hindu or Jew monkey, quit spamming with attention seeking BS. You dumb retards have been ruled by Muslims for over 1000 years and the Persians built all the worthwhile buildings from the Taj Mahal to the Red Fort you little Capuchin street shitter, now fuck off.


How was qasim killed u shia bastard :D

Zionism = EVIL

Who is Qasim you little black monkey? go shit in the street. LOL and fuck off.


Soleimani :D


I had a bacon sandwich when soleimani died :D

Zionism = EVIL

You dumb Jew fuck, hindus don’t eat meat. Gotcha you stupid motherfucker.


Hindus have become modern now.We are preparing to fight the muslims now

Zionism = EVIL

Hush you little lair PUNK cunt, you just a troll and know fuckall. Some teenage cunt with nothing better to do.

Peter Jennings

Bullshit. Hindus haven’t changed their religious ways and never will.

I’m British and have worked with many Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, whatever.

klove and light

tell him off once or twice……but dont give the satanic jew any more satisfaction…..

they are loud because they are scared….they know they are fucked sooner or later.

Why do you think they are killing hundreds of unarmed Folks inc. Kids each year???

Because they are scared shitless.

The resistance is smart and tough.They will choose when the final attack and push will occur.The resistance, not them satanic jews.And the jeqws know it.All their bs rhetoric, and thousands of attacks in Palestine,syria,lebanomn,iraq,iran wont Change that.

And when the PUSH occurs………the fucking satanic JEWS have 3 Options. 1.lift off to .. whoever is stupid enough to take them

2. DIE



Hindus are averse to meat eating, especially red meats, you need a refresher course on India at Hasbara central. You sound really silly and ignorant and will do more damage to the Zionists.

klove and light

sooner or later… ALL of non jew humanity will wake up……

and NOT 1 JEW will be left.

We will burn you Folks, and drown your Kids.and that will be the end of this fucking satanic JEW Episode on planet earth.


klove and light

learn Swimming Little jew….learn Swimming……….you satanic Folks will be pushed into the sea, and Nothing, even your nukes will Change that. son enjoy your satanic life while you can.

and dont Forget.

learn Swimming.


good and now stock it with stuff designed to wipe out the friggin jews in palestine so palestine can be returned to the rightful owners, the palestinians. the failed geopolitical experiment called israel must be discontinued and the criminal jews there, presently stealing and killing unobstructed by the world society, obliterated to kingdom come.


Israel will destroy palestine and make new homes there.Muslims have weakened over the years and they dont stand a chance against israel.:D


This is not a Bollywood trolling site. Go somewhere else.

Peter Jennings

Yours is an apartheid regime. They never last long. Your leader is a criminal. That never ends well. None of your neighbours like you. That always ends in tears.

Get the idea?

klove and light

dont even Reply to the jew bot idiot child fucker and Killer……

the first words of his sentence says it all

“Israel will destroy Palestine……” lololololol oyeerah great , when can we all watch the jew mass suicide????? Israel is Palestine, Palestine is Israel currently,. lololol


nah the cowering cowards won’t ever have the courage to do anything openly. the rely on the disjointed morons in the whit house and they are working away on the ethnic cleansing program of palestinians and operating concentration camp Gaza or should I say the death camp Gaza (yeah that’s better) and killing kids with sling shots and starving an entire population while in true nazi-spirit stealing the palestinian’s land, called lebensraum thievery, mastered by the jews since 100 of years ago.

so you delusional idiot, the jews will be wiped off the face of this world as being totally undeserving of sharing this world with the rest of mankind – just one way to go for the jews – 6 feet under pushing up daisies for the benefit of the remaining mankind.

Zionism = EVIL

Listen to your elders kids, Iranian footprint in Syria is so deep now that it can not be reversed as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah wisely said that the Axis of Resistance is at its peak. The dumbass Zionist cunts are in serious trouble.


yep and it’s bound to get worse, until they are well on their way to somewhere else.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranians have figured out how to neutralize the Zionist missiles, I will give the details at this stage but the capture of a dozen Popeye and Delilah HARM missiles has given Iran the edge. I spoke to a few senior Iranian officers on active duty in Syria recently and they have nothing but contempt for Zionists and believe they can wipe out the Zionists at will, but this is not right time.

Assad must stay

do the israelis know they captured those missiles? i hope not

Zionism = EVIL

Yes they do. They have called in an Americunt team to change the electronics and the fat pimp Pompeo was there to work out how to deal with it. It also makes the US ARM & HARM missiles useless.

Assad must stay

when was that? i hope they are not successful in changing the electronics

Zionism = EVIL

According to most intelligence services, the Zionist systems have been compromised as the Russians with ELINT ships in the Mediterranean may have given Iran crucial launch data as well.

klove and light


klove and light

ggggggggg. spot on.


contempt what else would you expect since the world at this time and day is equally contemptuous of the jews and would like to see them gone once and for all and they’re right, that they can wipe out the jews from the middle east with no come back ever – the jews embedded/entrenched elsewhere will be a later project and sure as a clucking bell they’ll be dealt with decisively, rest assured.


I was going to post something along those lines actually lol.

It’s now more than clear that Israel’s effort to “uproot” Iran from Syria are not working and might actually be backfiring since Iran can replace what is “destroyed” (what is actually being, we don’t quite know) and Iran is somehow able to help fix what was damaged, build more at the areas that were hit as well as expand in other places they deem necessary for expansion.

I do suspect that Iran, Syria and Co. are using fake depots, warehouses and bases to divert attention away from the real ones but I’m not all the sure about it although it is a possibility. After-all, you could load up random warehouses with left-over explosives and allow the Israelis to waste their munitions on them thinking it was some sort of weapons depot etc…

Anyways, this is surprising news, Iran hasn’t budged all that much it seems.

Assad must stay

they never will


It is naive to even assume that after a decade of blood, sweat and money, Iran will somehow just abandon its closest ally in the region and the lifeline to Hezbollah. If anything, the real combat experience against the most modern western weaponry and defeating the most sophisticated Zionist/NATO weapons systems, Iranian military is now more confident in its own firepower and deadly capability as the Noor missile’s unfortunate mega effective strike amply demonstrated. Western and Northern Syrian terrain is ideal for deeply tunneled fortifications, and is similar to Hezbollah’s Bekaa and Qalamoun bases which are buried deep into the rolling hills.

The most glaring reality is that Hezbollah and Iranian casualties in Syria are now totally negligible as the pin-prick Zionist stand-off missile strikes have proved totally ineffective and provided Iran and Russia with a plethora of real time operational intelligence on western weaponry and they have designed cost effective counter-measures.

Russian position against the illegal US weapons embargo against Iran is also hardening and for the first time the Russian ambassador at the UN specifically held a press conference in English to dispel even a notion about the continuation of any more embargoes. China had earlier supported the Russian position.

Assad must stay

Yes they (israel) lack strategic and long term thinking

Free man

“Yes they (israel) lack strategic and long term thinking” – This is my feeling sometimes. But it is still the most stable country in the Middle East in the last 70 years.

Simon Ndiritu

You can’t live destroying other countries (to steal oil and land) to claim that yours is the most stable. Its unfortunate.

Swift Laggard II

Russi will stab the persians in the back 100%. wait and see

Free man

As they had done many times in the past. People here don’t know or don’t want to know that Iran and Russia are enemies historically .

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian and Shia militias footprint is too deep now and permanent, that even if they could it is not possible to dismantle. They are now part of Syrian demographics and same in Iraq.


both us and israel was monitoring the lebanese border for years and thought they had it all mapped out in detail.. Then they found out they were bombing just some holes.. They never found the thousands of staches left out in the open.. So the Hez just went to the next one took 5 mins to set it up and fired them off.. So israel dropped every single cluster bomb they had on the area and it still did nothing but blow up goats and children.


a new party from the leper colony is present as pp. might be an extension of joke321 or some such israeli troll.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, he is a Jew cunt, no Indian I know is that stupid or ignorant. This others Indians have caught him out as he uses a few google translate words and did not know that Hindi/Urdu is the national language of India and the Tamil terrorists killed Rajiv Gandhi and Sikhs killed Mrs. Indira Gandhi, his mother.

Peter Jennings

It’s probably a school or a hospital. That’s how the isreali apartheid regime rolls.


Last missile strike on Homs was a disaster and most were shot down and the rest fell in Iranian hands while three hit sleeping Syrian children in a residential neighborhood. There has been no attack since then, largely due to Zionist embarrassment.

Peter Jennings

Are they embarrassed? more likely they are keeping their heads down in case of criminal charges for what the USMIC regard as ‘collateral damage’. IMO, they needn’t worry about that, as the UN really isn’t interested in the deaths of Syrian children.

Unless, of course, they are ‘pulled from the rubble’ by a white helmet terrorists and then photographed by the same ‘photo journalist’ who just reveled at the chance to record his heroes decapitate a 14yr old child kidnapped from hospital.


Keep crying.

Peter Jennings

I’m as happy as Larry. It is you doing all the bitching and downvoting. Piss your pants much?


Doesn’t seem to be that Israel’s ill-fated operation “kick out Iran” is going all that smoothly, and from a kinetic point-of-view it makes perfect sense why it won’t work.

Israel would need to be running deep-strike operations with heavy sortie rates day-in and day-out to actually remove any Iranian presence but what they’re actually doing only amounts to annoying jabs at the Iranian forces sides.

Assad must stay

right, and they would definitely suffer losses if they did that, and would reconsider, so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place (israel), they probably think they can have it both ways, kick out iran whilst not suffering any losses or igniting an all out confrontation, they are totally delusional


What we do know though is that Israel’s long-range air-strikes are helping them test out their different long-range munitions and working out the kinks to help their own military as well as weapons sales since they can use these operations into Syria as a sales-pitch.

I think what Iran, Hezbollah and Syria has tacitly accepted is that they need to secure the country from ISIS, Turkey, FSA the Kurds (American owned ones that is) and the Americans first before any long-term consolidation of forces, fortifications and weaponry happens that will aid in symmetrically countering Israel for any foreseeable conflict.

These attacks aren’t causing any strategic change, maybe some temporary tactical ones but those don’t matter all that much in the grande-scheme of things all things considered. So it’s best to let the Israelis think they’re doing something whilst they continue on with their mission of clearing out the country for the time-being.


Even the US after dropping more tonnage on Afghanistan for two decades, more than were dropped during the entire WW2 bombing campaigns, they could not even make a dent in the Taliban, so a few small warhead missiles aimed at empty buildings in Syria will hardly make any difference. It makes the Zionists look very weak, impotent and incompetent. Only boots on the ground and determination wins wars. This is an intelligence bonanza for Iran as the missiles mostly fall in Iranian hands and are then examined and counter-measures developed.


Don’t worry, it will come to boots on the ground if they push us too much. You think I’m kidding? we shall see.

Zionism = EVIL

Pisrael is a myth and too weak to take on Iran, Sayyed Nasrallah made a very good address today and confirmed that Hezbollah has domestic missile production facilities in both Syria and Iran. Under President Ahmadinejad who was an very good engineer, Iran excelled in tunneling and now every Iranian military facility is literally thousands of meters deep. They have done the same in Syria and Iran. Most can with stand a nuclear blast.



and that is why the leper ironzion is around pretending it’s otherwise since he knows fully well that the jews stand not a chance when it hots up, and rest assured, it will and the jews will be running as fast as they can.

Sylvain Jeuland

Tunnels, so that’s why the aero-commander was in Al-Bukamal several weeks ago

klove and light


Little satanic child killing jews LISTEN

” TOO Little, TOO Late”

sooner or later, the resistance will push you into the mediteranian.And no satellite Images or “Stealth” fighters will Change that equation.

so enjoy killing Children while you still can, you fucking Evil satanic jew motherfuckers


Cool, I see more targets. Light up the engines, some Iranians are going back home, dead.


No I see Iran digging holes in the desert to get Israel to waste millions on missiles doing no damage.

Free man

I wonder if these bunkers will be bombed now or after they are filled with missiles. I have always admired the Persian / Iranian determination and perseverance. The Mullah regime will stubbornly continue to waste the money / wealth of the Iranian people .

Pave Way IV

I’m starting to wonder if Iran is just bulldozing around piles of dirt at Imam Ali to troll Israel? Every few months, satellite pics show more new bunkers or a new tunnel entrance that ‘needs to be bombed’. It doesn’t make any sense.


There is a very high chance that what you just described has actually been happening for quite some time now.


I bet the iranians are just digging dirt just to give israel an excuse to bomb some dirt.. They are masters by now on how to fool the exceptional zionists.. No one will know the real underground depos..


Underground tunnels Vs MOAB ….. Luckily for tunnel 75% of explosion is sideways and up. :)

Luke Hemmming

Israel is helping Iran dig the holes. Iran started to dig. Israel bombs leaving craters. Iran uses craters for entrances. Saves a few hours of digging. Winning!!

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