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Satellite Images Reveal Numbers Of Russian Warplanes Deployed In Hmeimim Air Airbase

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On March 22, Obretix, a defense observer on Twitter, shared new satellite images of the Russia’s Hmeimim airbase on the Syrian coast.

The new images, taken on the 11th of this month, reveal that the air base is currently hosting five Su-24, three Su-34 and five Su-35 warplanes as well as an A-50 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C), a Tu-214R electronic intelligence (ELINT) plane, two IL-76, an An-124, two An-26 and an An-72 cargo planes.

The Tu-214R was deployed in Syrian last January to support military operations in Greater Idlib. However, the state of the art spy plane returned to Russia on March 22.

Nine other unspecified warplanes were parked inside the bases’ hardened shelters. These shelters were built last year to address the threat of rocket and drone attacks.

Obretix’s photos also revealed that several BM-27 Uragan and BM-30 Smerch heavy multiple rocket launchers (MRLs) are currently deployed in Hmeimim Air Base.

The Russian aerial group deployed in Hmeimim Air Base provided the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with effective air support during the recent operation in Greater Idlib. This support allowed the army to reopen the M5 highway linking Aleppo city with the capital, Damascus.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

You would think that some of the nine in the HAS would likely be Su-25’s.

Whatever you don’t really need an aircraft carrier floating around on the Med if you have facilities available such as this.


But one US Carrier Task Force has way more fire power than that Russian base. And that based is absolutely dwarfed by the fire power on hand near by in Israel.


Emp your sorry lame pathedic ass,flogged! But If you feel uncomfortable about the truth, geta sex change soros gimp!

Ricky Miller

One Russian Nuclear attack sub could put down an American carrier battle group. You don’t know where they all are, and neither do the Americans, or the Israelis. And Russia has dozens of long range strategic aircraft in cruise missile range of every Israeli base. There is a reason that Bibi visits President Putin nearly every other month. That reason is a healthy respect for Russia’s firepower.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The way the U.S. economy is going there won’t be any U.S. carriers (which were made obsolete with the advent of the SSN) deployed for a very long time, soon.

Azriel Herskowitz

Turkish SAM systems are in place and ready to shoot down any Russian warplanes willing to bomb civilians!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russian strategic bombers in place and ready to annihilate any Zionist Empire cities wishing to start a war over protecting takfiri scum.


I beg to differ, it won’t end well if Russians ever striked any Israeli city.

Tudor Miron

You are right. It would not end well for Israel.


Yup, just for Israel.

Lazy Gamer

How many of Israel’s ICBMs are reliable? Of those ICBMs, how many were tested to accurately hit a very far target? And how many nuclear warheads does it have? Of those warheads, were the prototypes even tested? Against a layered AA defense, only a few will make the hit if any. Sure, Russia loses a base but Israel has no depth. Russia has a tradition of utilizing sacrifices to win a war.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Jericho III ICBM has been tested against Israeli’s own AD and US THAAD/Patriot PAC-3. It is UNABLE to be intercepted. Therefore, it’s a last resort Israeli weapon that will pulverize the Russkies if they dare to attack. And they can carry multiple thermonuclear warheads (150kt-1 megaton yield, estimated)


Exactly Brandon.


https://gatherdc.org/2019/06/14/mr-nice-jewish-boy-pagaent-2019-meet-the-contestants/ Well, let’s meet “Brandon”, or should we say…..Evan?

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

All these morons and antisemites on here compare apples to oranges. Israel is a tiny country with a MASSIVELY STRONG military. However, while it can inflict major conventional damage against major superpowers like Russia or China, it would eventually be depleted and overrun since its much smaller. And that is 100% EXACTLY WHY Israel has lots of Jericho III ICBM’s on standby, ready to pulverize its major enemies to dissuade them from trying to destroy Israel or overrunning it.


Same here :)


Don’t be a clown, Israel can hit any point on the globe with a pinpoint accuracy using Jericho III ICBM’s. Israel might be small, but we have enough destructive weapons to punish any country that provokes us, that being said I don’t see any potential Israeli-Russian conflict. Iran is a different story though.

Lazy Gamer

Im sure it can, if it conducts missile exercises like Russia does hitting targets at the Kamchatcka peninsula.


You don’t show your cards, till the last round comes.

Lazy Gamer

I call. lol Seriously, there can be irrational state actors who will not care at all about the Jericho 3. Even worse if Iran suddenly breaks out and also starts exhibiting nuclear ambiguity.


You realize that it would take just 1 single RS-28 Sarmat warhead to destroy your occupied state? Meanwhile you’d need hundreds to totally destroy your enemies, that’s the difference.


But your Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll Houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg would then make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor, Igor. So, Russia would never attack an Israeli City. Get real.


Why don’t you quit and bet a sex change feminazi slut! You are in no position to win (period) You cannot defeat truth asswipe!


Ricky Miller

Again with your fantasy. Israel is not a nuclear power on the scale of Russia. Not even close. Israel has no, as in zero, SSBN’s. Her diesel electric submarines are both respectable and cruise missile capable but do not have the numbers to overcome Russia’s air defense network. Israel is small and Russia could destroy the entire state with one quarter of the missiles and warheads emplaced in just one of Russia’s fourteen ballistic missile submarines. You know, if Israel was stupid and on drugs enough to launch any kind or type of munitions at any Russian city…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Darn right they wouldn’t, unless they want all 80 of our DISCLOSED NUKES to flatten 80 of their crappy russkie cities using Jericho III ICBM, which no man-made air defense system is capable of intercepting, not even THAAD or Patriot Pac-3

Tudor Miron

Well I believe that Patriot can’t intercept it as they proved in Saudi Arabia they can’t stop much at all. But really believing that those jericho’s are unstoppable really shows that you should seek medical help :).

Fred Dozer

So many morons like Brandon in charge of countries, that hate Russia. I think Russia needs to retract certain parts of their constitution. Like ! No-First-Use Policy on Nuclear Weapons. Israel, US, French , can and did unilaterally attack sovereign nations, and still are.


This website is not for you, Smelly Jew


You can thank Russia only you didn’t end up like this


Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Russia is in a bad position in their airbase. A combined Israeli IDF ground, air and naval strike would completely annihilate their base in 1 go. IDF have hundreds of ground based Popeye/Rampage and missile/rocket launchers. Plus they currently have loads of cruise missile armed submarines off the coast ready to smash hmemem airbase. And on top of that, they have hundreds of F-16’s, F-15’s and F-35s on standby to level their airbase once and for all.

Russia has NO chance to defend against this, and you KNOW it!

Tudor Miron

Creature… why do you hate Israelians so much? According to Russia/Syria treaty, while Russia is renting this base it is considered Russian territory. If IDF ever dares to attack Russian territory than retaliatory strike will simply end existence of Israel turning it into glass desert. Simple as that. We don’t start wars. We end it. And every time it ends with a Russian flag over enemies capital. You’re like a little dog barking at the bear. Bear doesn’t pay attention until this little dog somehow manages to provoke it. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs – they are great creations of God. Unlike many on this site I don’t wish bad to common Jews (even if some of them consider the rest of humans as inferior goyim who’s only purpose is to serve the “chosen” nation) But you guys are always digging your own grave. “History doesn’t teach anyone. It simply punishes those who didn’t learn its lessons.” (c)

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Oh well, I never said IDF would attack. I’m just saying that Israel is ready to annihilate Russia in Syria if they are threatened or attacked by the Russkies themselves.

And no, Israel has been seeking peace and diplomacy since 1948, but its arab neighbors backed by the Mullah and the Russkies don’t want it. So that leaves the IDF with no option.

And Israel is 100% prepared to use their Jericho III ICBM’s to flatten Russia if they ever attack. An Israeli response is not limited to Hmemem airbase.

And who are you calling creature or “aliens”? You look like ET from the movie! Now go “Phone Home” and get lost.

Tudor Miron

Flatten Russia? Jericho? Lol. How old are you, creature?

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

It’s in my BIO, 25 soon turning 26. I have a long history of arguing and verbally demolishing Russkie Trolls.

And yes, Jericho III is UNABLE to be intercepted by any man-made air defense system Now get over it.

Tudor Miron

Creature, at age 25 you’re still on mental level of 4 year old child :)

Maninder Singh Batra

Russia has Casaba Howitser directed nuclear EM warheads in its S-300/S-400 missiles and high power Narrowband HPM weapons to deal with Jericho ICBM’s and American Trident SLBM. Also the Peresvet High power nuclear laser.

Lone Ranger

Take your meds Shlomo… You are the proof why inbreeding is a bad choice…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

ok antisemite

Lone Ranger

Anti zio and hasbarat.* Jews are ok.


You are aliens you came here about 5000 years ago and have rewritten history the land of isreal is mythical there is no solid archeological evidence of isreal existing


My God that nose of yours is longer than a Missile

Ricky Miller

Please. Delusions of grandeur. Israel is a powerful country but in any weapons exchange with Russia the Israeli forces would be at a disadvantage in firepower that would grow steadily over time. Not that Russia would attack an Israeli city. Israel would have to do something extremely stupid to take events to that point.


Russia is at a major disadvantage to Israel in that region. So they will never pick a fight with Israel. Besides, Putin likes all the Russians in Israel and has never liked Muslims much.


You are wrong kweer,fear is to become the death of you soros trolls,never likes?

On the contary Israels disadvantaged,russia is keeping them honest (period)


Ricky Miller

It is true that Russia seemingly has an immediate firepower disadvantage to Israel, in the region. Until you figure in where Russia’s strategic aviation is based. One sortie out of Saratov could devastate the IDF via a cruise missile Salvo. I’m talking hundreds of cruise missiles. Although I agree that even thinking this way is pointless; Israel and Russia are not going to fight one another and have much more in common than they have driving them apart.


Not the least of which is Putz Putin’s Russian Nationalism. The Putz likes punching above his class and in his mind needs every last Russian anywhere to justify his sense of national power. Way too many Russians in Israel for him to attack Israel. And he sure as hell won’t do it for some Muslims.

Zionism = EVIL

White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says The alert was sent to local police agencies by federal officials.


Oh yes you can try to rule the world with your homosexual heros who think russia is weaker than you soros trolls alike,save the bullsht for the gay bar ok! North koreas got ye mapped,assuming if russia has no such capability,flogged! You need to focus on iran but you can’t because you are hired by soros + lgbtq!

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

If the Russkies dare try that, Israel would instantly retaliate via a GROUND, NAVAL, and AIR operation to completely decimate and level the entire hmemem airbase to the ground!

IDF Rampage artillery/long range ground based artillery rockets would fire salvos of missiles at Russia’s base. Meanwhile Dolphin Class subs and destroyers would rain hell on their airbase.

And then comes the airstrikes, IDF would unleash waves of F-35’s and F-15’s/F-16’s using glide bombs/harpy drones and massive missiles to destroy the airbase.

In short, Russkies would be devastated by 3 types of attacks from ground, air and sea. They wouldn’t have a chance. Their entire airbase along with its 6000 troops, and all those precious S-400 systems turned to rubble.


Their I fixed it for you. I beg to differ, it won’t end well for Israel if Russia ever strikes any Israeli city.


It would be mutual, but Russia won’t start WW3 for some Shia apes.


You realize Jews and “Israel” ONLY exist today because of Russia defeating Hitler? You can thank them instead of hating on them 24/7.



Almost none of those Russians are around today. The new bunch represented by those on this site often seem hard to tell from the Nazis.


They’ve got chicken little here locked up as prisoner under house arrest and martial law in a bankrupt state committing economic suicide that he called for begging for help. Just waiting for the concentration camps to open. Anyone that wants to end up the same should follow his advice. 2

Icarus Tanović

Yes, Wahhabi scum.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

In place? You mean in their normally stationed hangars and airfields? Nothing out of the ordinary. Plus they’ll be intercepted by US F-22’s long before they can fire their missiles towards Israel or any of our NATO allies!

Lone Ranger

Craptors are too busy suffocating pilots and getting wracked by hurricanes in Florida ;)

Rhodium 10

3 warship and 2 submarine with cruise missile beside some P-800 antiship missile ( with ground attack capabilities) and Iskander M/K were deployed to avoid Turkish temptations to attack Russian bases….

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

WRONG! 3 kalibr armed frigates, big deal. We all know how Kalibr missiles failed big time in late 2015, US CENTCOM confirmed at least 5 of them crashed or self-destructed before target impact.

Each of those frigates only carry 8 Kalibr, meanwhile a USS Destroyer like Donald Cook can carry 90 TOMAHAWK MISSILES, 90! And Tomahawk’s don’t fail like the rusty crappy Kalibr jokes.

By the way those 2 submarines are KILO-CLASS, meaning ZERO cruise missiles. They’re only armed with outdated, 1960’s era Soviet torpedos and some short range air defense like Igla-S, which proved worthless in the Gulf War and 2003 US Invasion of Iraq.

Rhodium 10

jajaja keep dreaming…improve Kilo class submarine have cruise missile…Donald cook cruise have 60 cruise missile while update Russian Oscar class submarine have 72 and YasenM class have 50……of course 3 frigates and 2 submarine can launch total of 40 cruise missile enough to wipe off 2 Turkish airbases…but if it not enough can lauch 400 cruise missile more from 20 TU 95M that can take off from Saratov airbase …if its not enough can launch another pack of 56 cruise missile from 3 corvette Buyan and 4 kilo class from Black sea….if its not enough can launch 120 cruise missile from 10 Tu 160…and now the dessert.. 60 Kh 32 from 20 TU 22M!…at the end of the day all Turkish military are destroyed!…..use your kebab brain before write nonsense!

Rhodium 10

Bonus: another pack of 32 cruise missile from 1 frigate gepard and 3 corvette from Caspian sea….10 Khinzal Hipersonic missile launched by Mig 31 from Krasnodar air base…Iskander M/K from Syria and Armenia…Bastion P-800/Brahmos from Syria…Fatheed 110 and Scud from Syria….in just one/two days Turkish army will be collapse!….thats why USA need NATO ( 30 countries) to stop Russia!


same cook that almost sunk from fear after a SU25 buzzed them a few times???

Lone Ranger

Better luck next time Shlomo…

Ricky Miller

The improved Kilo’s project 636.3 all carry cruise missiles, up to a maximum of six. The Russian anti ship missiles are way more dangerous than the American anti-ship missiles because they attack at supersonic speeds. And the U.S. claimed multiple failures of the Kalibr Salvo from the Caspian flotilla but presented no evidence. The Russians presented evidence of their effectiveness by displaying the images of them destroying more than a dozen targets inside Syria. All missile systems have failure rates which is why mission planners launch more than one for each target. Russian frigates and Corvettes do have vastly smaller missile complements. This is because Russia’s Navy is designed to fight near Russia’s shores in a defensive role to whereas the U.S. Navy is armed for the attack, what with so many small countries to bomb to smithereens.


Breaking news: Trool Azriel banned from the internet due to having Corona virus on his keyboard and mouse. :)

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

You wish he can be banned. Will never happen, and if it does. I’ll delete this account. Until then, get lost you antisemitic German Nazi.

Arch Bungle

Time to remove kebab. And kippah.




you mean “russian warplanes willing to bomb terrorists”

Lone Ranger

Tel Aviv called, they want you back…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

darn right! And I hope they do. It’s about time the Russkies learned to fear an enemy that strikes back, they’re only used to innocent moderate rebels without any defensive weapons. I hope they’re prepare to be kicked out for good, because the USA, IDF and Turkey will soon throw a can of whoop ass towards them!

Azriel Herskowitz

That’s right! History has shown that the Russians are only tough against weaker enemies. If they met the combined force of NATO and Israel, they would be out of Syria in 24 hours.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Exactly. Russkies forget that America and Britain SAVED them during WW2! If not for USA/UK defeating the germans, Russkies would’ve been defeated and lost to the Germans for good.

Lone Ranger

It was the other way around Shlomo. If not for Russia you wouldnt be here because your grandparents would have ended up as fertilizer…

Lazy Gamer

HISTORY has shown that the temple has been sacked and destroyed a few times. After Masada, the Israelites scattered to the four winds and for almost 2000 years never made an attempt to go back.

Azriel Herskowitz

And look, we’re back! And there’s nothing you or your Nazi friends can do to destroy us.

Lazy Gamer

Why does it always have to be a Nazi or an anti-semitic guy? lol The victimization is just too much.

Lone Ranger

Except you are the nazis today…

Lone Ranger

Swap Russia with usaisrael and its legit Shlomo.

Lone Ranger

Moderate rapist cannibal headchoppers… Condolences to your fellow mossadisis operatives. May they rest in pieces along with al big daddy…


Pinocchio also had a massive nose. Just sayin’.

Lone Ranger

Turkisis already capitulated. No more Greater Israel Project for you anytime soon… Sorry Shlomo…


I am looking for sex without obligation. Ready for any experiment, waiting for you at http://trim4.me/QRS

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Try The Wall Street Journal. (WSJ)

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

get lost you piece of crap

Bobby Twoshoes

Pots and kettles…

Bobby Twoshoes

What’s your clickthrough for this spam? You might get some of the Hasbara trolls to click if you say you have kiddyporn at the link.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

a lesser defended airbase makes a big, fat juicy target for the IDF Eagles!

Lone Ranger

Flop-35s cant evenevade old S-200s errr I mean pigeons of course…;)

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

BREAKING NEWS: The Russkie Military have sent over 1,000 soldiers to Italy in order to help with the Coronavirus outbreak. HOWEVER, it is very likely they will use this opportunity to ANNEX Italy, just as what they did with CRIMEA in 2014!

Be cautious and stay aware! The next 72 hours may reveal the Russkies TRUE intentions for Italy. Just don’t be surprised if “masked unidentified gunmen” takeover all Italy airports and military bases soon. CRIMEA 2.0


Please annex Italy, Putin. Take that poison chalice out of the EU and Europe’s fortunes will improve. Greece was bad for the Euro, but Italy has the potential to be much, much worse. Bad economic growth, too much debt, governments that like to play Santa Clause to the electorate little to no potential to pay for it all, and unlike Greece too big to fail. Because of Italy, a few others too but mostly Italy, the EU central bank has been printing money like it will go out of fashion. And it has played havoc with our saving accounts and pension funds.

So please, Mr. Putin, take those Italians off our hands, and we’ll lift all sanctions. Please? Pretty please? With cherries on top?


That would be the best thing that ever happened to italy



I knew the day would come.. PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!

next vee vill see the pope in handcuffs..



Zionism = EVIL

You Jew ingrate cunts should be more worried about the rednecks in US

White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says The alert was sent to local police agencies by federal officials.

Lone Ranger

We can only hope. In the meanwhile we will nurish ourselves with your delicious hasbarat tears ;)

Séamus Ó Néill

Israel didn’t annex Palestine, they just stole it outright….but thievery is one of the many despicable traits that these wandering satanists acquired whilst on their travels. The way things are going they’ll be on the move again , probably to the Ukraine….AH, that’s why you mentioned Crimea !


We really don’t care what most of you guys think about us, if we “stole” it like you say. We keep fighting for our land, the Palis can accept Trump’s peace plan or get the fuck outta here back to their Arab peninsula where they came from. Can’t wait to crush Hamas rats already, we are going to enjoy it.

Séamus Ó Néill

Even the war-criminal and arch-Jew, Kissenger, is on record as stating that Israel wouldn’t make it past 2024, personally I think he was being fairly optimistic….I give you until 2022, and you’ll all have your hiking boots on again !


Goodluck, just don’t cry here when we BBQ your dirty Palis once again.


It would be awesome if they did!



Toni Liu

Is that one of jew troll in here?


lol yep

Bobby Twoshoes

That’s the wrong button!




Invitation to a sex club – http://trim4.me/PPu


you should be gassed in a chamber Auschwitz style

Pave Way IV

Putin: “Hello… Smeagol? Say, Russia will be sending a few Tu-160s over Idlib for rat extermination ops. I would hope that no Turkish radars light them up – even for a second. I have some ‘special’ nuclear launch codes right here on my desk. I will not hesitate to remove Ankara from kebab on the slightest provocation. Understand?” Erdogan: “How dare you! Turkey will not… Hello? HELLO??… Damn it, Putin hung up on me again!”


Assad must stay

Hahahaha verified and true


Oi has anyone else been unable to open there page to respond to replies i can make a comment here but i can’t get into my page to respond to people

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol @ the number of shekels spent on this thread. I think we have Hasbara’s entire Southfront division out today. Can anyone speculate as to why there is such a concerted effort to disrupt this particular post?

Lone Ranger

They ate paid in Matzo balls and dreidels ;)

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, their food is as bland and unimpressive as their arguments.


This is just one person, Jacob Wohl and azriel, brandon and … did i forgot one? All the work of one disturbed little boy with nothing else in his life, but posting dumb shit on the internet.

Ikenwa Junior Anthony

Hahahah. 9 unknown. Sound scary

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