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Satellite Images Show 8 Supposed Warehouses Destroyed By Alleged Israeli Strike On Al-Bukamal

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On September 9,  Israel’s ImageSat Intl. released satellite images showing the aftermath of the alleged Israeli strike on positions of ‘Iranian-backed forces’ in the al-Bukamal area. The images show that the strike allegedly destroyed 8 supposed warehouses at the facility near the Syrian-Iraqi bordercrossing.

Satellite Images Show 8 Supposed Warehouses Destroyed By Alleged Israeli Strike On Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images Show 8 Supposed Warehouses Destroyed By Alleged Israeli Strike On Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images Show 8 Supposed Warehouses Destroyed By Alleged Israeli Strike On Al-Bukamal

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Satellite Images Show 8 Supposed Warehouses Destroyed By Alleged Israeli Strike On Al-Bukamal

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Simon Bernstein

Haha ok :)

Simon Bernstein

IDF destroyed 8 huge IRGC buildings in 5 minutes, eliminated 100+ shia fighters. Mission accomplished.


You have no proof…………….nothing………………..just more yiddischer hot air…………….Liar, liar,pants on fire…………


100 is BS now you are making things up.

Rhodium 10

I dont see nothing in that satellite photos always posted from long distance….

Zionism = EVIL


Simon Bernstein

get the hell out with this antisemitism you little shrimp. bet you live in your moms basement and are so fat haven’t even lift up a dumbbell in your life

Simon Bernstein

Coward shia terrorists wont do anything except launch a TOW missile at a road

Tiresia Branding

if it is true they died is because they stay in their position, not like the israeli cowards dummies that abandoned their bases.

Jens Holm

They didnt know it was comming.

What a stupid remark being killed for stupid warfare not taking cover well or be fx mobile somwhere else.

People likeYou still dont understand, why ISIS have had that much succes. They takes cover well or leave in time.

I see Iranians in little bew tents aroubd those buildings not covered from their worst enemies. First class planning for Israel and ISIS too.

Tiresia Branding

or the news of this attack is a total fake, or someone is dangerously playing with fire. Personally I opt for the first version https://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13980528000365


Cowardly IDF only kill women & children or shoot medics

Rhodium 10

Coward IDF who fled his base in lebanon…

Wolfgang Wolf

Toronto Tonto is it you? from gay Ukrainian changed to gay Zionist?)))


Long live the S-400!

Simon Bernstein

IDF F-35s making a mockery of s-300/400s

Rhodium 10

Similar when last day 2 palestine rockets hit an Israeli city protected by a ring of Iron Dome, Patriot and David Sling….

Tiresia Branding

Russian MoD thanks for free signature data


Man , you do look like a paedophile…………..are you related to Epstein ???????

Tiresia Branding

they are all in the same boat; in the Talmud it is written that it is permissible to have sex with girls three years and one day old. They’re the mankind cancer


They are the chosen children of a lesser god, namely beelzebub, satan, the fallen one. They are evil beyond your wildest imagination.

Jens Holm

They came down from Mount Ararat with You as family.

More like You have done terrible things and Allah try to punish You harder, but You still dont understand.

Jens Holm

There we go again :)

Tiresia Branding



There are no S300/400s covering AL-BUKAMAL lol

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

No proof that the F-35 was able to fly that day and if you know your facts, you would know that S-400 is not deployed there.

In fact, theres no evidence stating how the alleged targets was destroyed.

Concrete Mike

Yournmaking a.mockery of judaismn.

Why havent you amswered me yet prick its been a month now, go on out with it!!

Zionism = EVIL

No you moron, it is Harpy 1drones from Kurdish areas that are being used. The F-35 are mothballed and the Zionist cowards would never risk getting shot down and captured. Iran has excellent drones and needs to use them.


Simon Bernstein

excellent? irans drone compared to Israel’s Harpy looks like a VCR player compared to an Iphone


RIP Patriot!

Zionism = EVIL

These are subsonic Zionist drones operating from Al-Hakasah in the Syrian territory controlled by YPG pimps who have let over 500 Zionists operate from there. Iran needs to provide air defence systems to the militias and also use drones to hit Zionist hovels. A few direct hits in upper Galilee targets would get the message across clearly as Hezbollah has amply demonstrated.

Rhodium 10

we dont see nothing!..please post image clearly, in colour and amplified!..I remember when photo of Shim Shard depot (posted in Internet in colour and amplified) that was attacked by US&Allies with cruise missile… only 3 small warehouse was destroyed and 3 more intact beside bunkers…then USA told that 22 cruise missile hitted that place…and Russia told that only 3 impact…


you are blind

Rhodium 10

sorry i am not an eagle..i cannot see nothing in that photos


All right, sorry bro!

Where was hit something, there is a black smear (burned target):

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1de78a2e27bb49d81c01f7b2bd13581eb1a90025d99804e72a2d9e74fd1a2327.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9d7c211a18508a506b0c364786cb8d74502a367b84799aade02412927b3fe06.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1005ef64da4f6868c1df918322133049cc9e80c298489da6669979f21f699dbd.jpg


I guess we need bigger screens. :) Here you can see Al Bukamal as white dot closest to the border. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f574e1e11171757dc45c2f216b694bb252304b9b43febd9ef726ad796e59bfd3.jpg


Jawohl, herr Panzergeneral, but i dont understand, why this picture? :))


That’s a silly question. This is picture taken by Israel’s ImageSat Intl during the night attack.

Rhodium 10

but why too far?


I do not understand your question.

Pave Way IV

I guess nobody would object to Iran returning the favor and taking out eight ‘supposed’ warehouses somewhere in Israel, along with 100 or so IDF terrorists. See what happens when you go full-retard, Bibi?


Moron posts such fake news. Where is the proof that Israel have attacked Abu Kamal, stupid idiot.


“Israeli planes hit a Syrian army camp under construction in eastern Syria early on Monday without casualties, said a military media unit run by Lebanon’s Hezbollah, a Syrian government ally.” But who knows is the sat pix are not doctored. ISI seems to like to put out small pix with bad resolution.

Rhodium 10

IRGC launched a barrage of Fajr5 rockets vs israeli base near Quneitra after the attack in al Bukamal…Israel told that rockets landed in Syria territory…but surely have hit a military base…israel never recognize attacks which hit them..unless they cannot hide proofs.

Jens Holm

Actually we have those hits in Danish TV right away.

Its also normal good warfare not to show exact where hits are and how. That can be used as repeating and now live pr internet.

Danes has very good journalists there. They tell too in our radio.


Jens, I was hoping you where to shipped out with that Danish battalion. Perhaps somewhere in the Sahara desert. But instead you are still here. Dam, we never get a break here on SF !

Jens Holm

I only support our battalions as taxpayer. I am too old for that.

So I will continue to go strong as well as soft here.

Zionism = EVIL

They need to use Kornets or base bleed artillery to hit Zionist targets on the Golan and upper Galilee in northern occupied Palestine. The terrain from Syria with rolling hills favors the SAA and Iranians if they get serious. The first attack should be to destroy the Zionist ELINT station on the south slope of Mt.Hermon which is their eyes and ears on the Damascus plain. In 1973, the Syrian special forces had recaptured that with a heliborne assault, but the pimp Sadat sold them out.


If it was any important news definitely it would be posted everywhere, what I mean.

Zionism = EVIL

They have used Harpy drones previously but the damage was minimal. It is a Zionist PR stunt after humiliation at the hands of Hezbollah. But Iran needs to hit back as this silence will only encourage the filthy Zionist rats.


The idiots of Washington have crossed many national borders.

Zionism = EVIL

If you want to see real dirty parasites, check out the long video that RT took of the Zionist Avivam barracks, it is more dirty than some Indian military shitholes I have unfortunately seen in my life time. The filthy Zionists and their lice infected bedding in the barracks and unclean dishes make the Indians look clean. The Americunt fat pigs are as filthy. Any nationality that only wipes their arse with paper and does not wash is worse than pigs. It is basic hygiene 101. Dig a latrine and wash your arse and hands.


Hezbollah and Iranians got a lot of free intel about the poor state of IDF from the RT report. Russia saved Israel from a far serious beating by Hezbollah.


Well said.

Zionism = EVIL

It may unsettle some of the kiddies here, but I am no fan of the idiotic Iranian mullahs, they should learn self-respect from Hezbollah which struck the Zionists as promised by Sayyed Nasrallah. Iranians have been hit over 45 times (officially) by Zionists and have lost over 100 dead out of a total of 578 (casualties in Syria, according to Iranian an Tasnim close to IRGC) to Zionist air attacks and done fuckall. It is time to hit the Zionists on the Golan and Galilee or these attacks will only get worse. Most of the dead in Syria and Iraq have been Shia militia from Afghanistan and Pakistan and this situation makes Iran look quite pathetic. The fucking mullahs also need to test nuke rather than their economy bleed to death by strangling sanctions. The Zionist cowards are a third world shithole as the filthy condition of the Avivam barracks clearly showed. The Zionist arseholes simply are not prepared for a long asymmetrical war that will destroy them. Read a good analysis of Plato’s Guns which is similar to what I have been telling you kiddies for years now.

Wolfgang Wolf

zio Photoshop tales….

Saddam Hussein

And Russia just sits back and watches. Sadly theyre still 100% kosher and the Arabs and Iranians are all alone in this fight.


seems like day by day , but who knows, Russians are known for their smart chess moves


Russians are known for their smart chess moves

sure not :)

they lost always their games


russians historically are the best chessplayers. sure enough


sure not. in 1905 lost manjuria, in ww1 lost 20% of territory, in ww2 lost 30 000 000 people (due to big chess player Stalin, who played chess with nazis and was not able to see, what comes), in cold war lis warsaw pact and superpowerity, in 1991 lost ussr and huge territories. so, where do you see chessmasters???

Jim Prendergast

How can they just talk openly about this unprovoked violence?

R PLobo

More occultist disinformation. This nonsense is for occupied Palestine internal consumption to fool the masses into believing that the end is not coming. The only thing the imbeciles at the iof are good at is killing civilians – certainly not taking on a military that can fight back or even finding their military asests. SF should not even bother with anything from the baby killers.

cechas vodobenikov

probably fake bases—-the Serbs created cardboard tank decoys for the idiot Americans to destroy, concealing actual military vehicles in rural barnes, etc…the US claimed they destroyed a weapons factory in Sudan—that was proven to be manufacturing pharmaceuticals


someone, like turkey and/or iran and/or syria and/or all three plus hezbollah need to close down israel. now and post haste. the jews sit there on their stolen sliver of land and will be an easy prey once the three plus hezbollah goes after the occupying scum. the world needs israel as much as a hole in the head and thus israel needs to be discontinued. israel was a big big mistake by lloyd-george and it’s time to rectify it. fortunately the world is waking up to the nefarious israel and will participate in its destruction. hep can’t be better.

Rahul Sonawane

Dont depend on Russia. They will play both sides. And then when a threat of war is thrust upon them they will back off. I am sick of Russian hypocrisy. Russia was called in to guarantee Syrian Soverignty. It wasnt able to do it. Very soon, Syrian war will start in all sides, starting from south near jordan, then israel, then turkey usa, and then from altanf. nothing much russia could do to stop.

Xoli Xoli

Israel knows were and why this warehouses were build for.This is Israel deliberate attack on terrorists combating forces in Syria. Israel is sabotaging forces that are fighting for good cause.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Israelis won’t be doing this for much longer, Trump’s just sacked one of their most vocal supporters and that means a new dialogue with Iran’s back on the agenda. Bye bye Johnny Bolton, you can now go join the ranks of all the other dismissed homosexuals Trump’s fired since he’s taken office. First he cleaned out the military and now he focusing on the bureaucrats, next in line should be the LGBTQI media stooges that have been colluding with these traitors. And everybody thought there’d be no way a peace dove could divebomb a warhawk and survive, but it’s the warhawk on the ground and the doves still flying, which means the LGBTQI media vultures will have to devour one of their own now if they want to survive. What dirty little secrets will be exposed this time I wonder, that old saying “hell has no fury like a woman scorned” should be replaced with “hell has no fury like a scorned gay warhawk”, I hope Trumps got all the dirt he already needs on Bolton, it may get really messy, LOL. This is not what Bibi needs right before an election, a warmongering party losing one of it’s most valuable US assets doesn’t bode well for very tight election, this may be just enough to tip the voters the other way, it may be bye bye Bibi as well as bye bye Bolton soon LOL. Trump and Bolton both have their noses as far up the Israels proverbial as they can get them, but the difference between them is this, Trump takes the line, “let’s do business with everyone we can”, but Boltons line was “if they don’t surrender just kill them all”, if I had a third better option I’d go for that, but alas Trump is all I have so, go Trumpy go. Lets see if he can broker some sort of mutually acceptable arrangement between the Israelis and the Iranians now Boltons out of the picture, the fact Bolton’s gone and under such extreme circumstance will also be throwing a lot of his contemporaries into disarray too, so the US/Israeli wardrums will be missing the beat a lot for quite some time to come, the Iranians on the other hand will be taking the news of Boltons sacking like “music for the ears”. Now we have a real chance at some honest negotiations without that gay retard around, all his frothing at the mouth rhetoric won’t be missed at all, and if the new round of talks are postponed until after the Israeli election, we may even get a new Israeli government too, that at the very least won’t be as hard line as the last lot were. This is the best thing Trump could do to improve negotiations between Iran and Israel, this sacking has brought both parties to a more equal footing, it’s hurting Netanyahu’s reelection chances due to the loss of Bolton’s official support, and also eliminated one of the most vocal detractors of a negotiated settlement in the US government, which is just what the Iranians wanted and needed to hear to entice them into some serious negotiations, Trump may have in fact just answered a lot of the Iranians negotiating teams prayers by sacking Bolton.

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