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Satellite Images Show Al-Sha’irat Air Base Back To Service After Devastating Israeli Attack

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On May 1, Israel’s ImageSat International released a satellite images revealing that the Syrian al-Sha’irat Air Base has recovered from the recent Israeli attack.

Israel warplanes targeted al-Sha’irat from Lebanon’s airspace on March 31. The airstrikes hit the base’s runway, access routes and navigation equipment.

ImageSat’s photos show that the craters caused by the attack were fixed. New navigation equipment was also installed in the air base, which appeared to be in service. Several Mig-23 warplanes can be spotted preparing for takeoff next to the runway.

The March 31 strikes were meant to knock the al-Sha’irat Air Base out of service, preventing the arrival of new weapon shipments from Iran, according to several sources. In the months leading up to the strikes, the air base received many cargo planes coming from Iran.

This was not the first attack on al-Sha’irat. In 2017, the air base was the target of a large U.S. missile strike, carried out in response to the alleged chemical attack on Khan Shaykhun. At least 50 cruise missiles struck the base. However, it returned to service within 24 hours.


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Rhodium 10

Image sat int..is another pro israeli fake source…first of all Syrian air defense shot down all cruise misile as air bases are well protected…second there are not Mig 23 deployed there…only Mig 29( since Idlib operation) and Su 22…in photo a clear Mig 29 is deployed….Mig 23 and Mig 21 are deployed in Hama air base.


Shutting down an Israel plane is forbidden to SAA army. However, they can shot down the missiles.

Rhodium 10

They cannot shot down because Israeli jets fly low near lebanon coast and protected by large mountains of lebanon…IAF fired cruise missile easy to shot down and useless vs armour Bunkers which needed heavy antibunker bombs…in that case israeli would have to fly over Syria at high altitude and taking risk to be shot down!..


Or at least that’s what Bibi told Putin to say

Rhodium 10

Putin could wipe off Israel military assets in few hours…but then they will face a problem with Russian jews Oligarchs, Russian Jews living in Israel and Jews comunity living in Russia!..it is the same case with Turkey which have strong economic ties with Russia and Turkic etnics people living there like Tatars, Kazahk,Turkmens,Azerbaijanis among others and countries around ex Soviet republics!….of course Russian military and the industrial militar complex dont mind as they know that both countries ( Israel&Turkey) are US allies and have the mandate to hit Russian interests in the Mediterranean!


Putin has already defeated the israeli plan to topple Assad and the pathetic attempt from the jews with their sneak attack is just that; a pathetic, cowardly act from degenerate scum bags. Bound to upset the zionist lovers on this forum. Saker has an excellent article explaining israel/US defeat in Syria.


Zionism = EVIL

Not sure about that Putin has been colluding with the Zionists from day one. Russia is totally controlled by Jew cunts, much more than US as the oligarchs control the corrupt bureaucracy. Syria is not happy with Russia and and moving towards the Chinese who hate the Jews after the virus and the fact is that China and the 5 Eye lapdogs are heading into a major conflict soon as the Americunts try to destroy Chinese economy, they will fail of-course. Iran and China are getting totally integrated and Syria and Iraq will obviously follow the same course. Syria is getting some pretty good Chinese weaponry.


Do not be fool. Russians have only small contingent i Syria. IL is 50:1 against Russia in that area.

And nuclear weapons will not use.

Rhodium 10

It doesnt matter…just a naval and air blockade( no merchant and petrol vessels..no civilian planes) and Israel collapse!..it is an small country!..of course USA before goes to a war with Russia would stop Israel!

Zionism = EVIL

You guys should understand that the Jew cunts agenda is to coerce Russia into an anti-Chinese stance as Russia is highly penetrated by Jews and Putin is one of them. They tried to get street shitting India as a counter to China, but Indians are not totally stupid and know their worth as they will last perhaps 10 minutes against China.The Americunts, the devious Brits and the Zionist parasites will now totally target China and hope that there is a Sino-Russo conflict that goes nuclear. Russia’s only hope to avoid disintegration is to get rid of the Jew vermin or Russia is finished in the next decade as its natural resources are now top Bilderberg looter’s priority. China is now too powerful to plunder, so will try to destroy the Chinese economy, but will fail as they are two decades too late.

Rhodium 10

Russia need China( and viceversa) to only for economic reasons also military!….the main target of NATO (USA)..is to divide Russia using pro western liberal elites of Moscow, Jews influence and Turkey and his ties with turquic population&muslims in Russia and around ( Tatars,Kazahks,TurKmens,Azerbajanis,Bashkir..etc..) in the same way that we have seen in Yugoslavia with Croatian,Montenegro and Slovenian and for other hand muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia…all made to hit Serbia( close ally of Russia) and to divide Yugoslavia!


Well at least you aknowledge the jewish oligarchy in Moscow

Zionism = EVIL

You have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to. There are 1.5 million or more Jew cunts or pretend welfare Jew cunts from Ukraine and Russia in occupied Palestine who have ripped of over $370 billion from Russia banks and state agencies since 1992. Putin and his daughters are worth over $10 billion and so are most Russian officials as even Southfront occasionally publishes objective articles on corruption in Russia and even the military.


There are still around 90 jewish billionaires in Moscow

Zionism = EVIL

Jew cunts are more of a problem for the dumbass Americunt morons. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1123de0fcd0986f3eb8a81182776873aacc93575047ee45948dec93d15958786.jpg


In America the percent of non-jewish rich class is significantly higher than in Russia


It won’t stop don’t you get it? another airstrike is coming again till Iran leaves.

Concrete Mike

Stay home and mind your business!

John Wallace

Iran is not leaving until you give up circumcision.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a dickless eunuch PUNK anyway, lives in mommy’s snatch and get paid for same old crap every day.


who cars? at the end not you will laugh.

Zionism = EVIL

It is time the Zionist cunts are hit.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew PUNK living in US on welfare and posting old crap every day as Iranian footprint gets bigger and bigger.


I think that they will have alot of work to do as long as the IRGC forces use the SAA bases to transfer rockets and other equipment to Hezbollah or other militias near the Golan. The IDF can not let them entrench themselves in the Damescus area because we saw what happened to Southern Lebanon, it will come to a war if it must be so. You can bet our military experts are planning the next attack as we speak.

Rhodium 10

Israel cannot do nothing!…they would have to fly over Syria at high alttitude and drop heavy antibunker bombs…but IAF know that it means to be shot down!…cruise missile are useless!..we have seen it along 7 years of constant attacks!

Zionism = EVIL

The last failed attempt has been very costly for the Zionist cunts, Iran got hold of 3 Delilah missiles that are already in reverse engineering phase. The Chinese JY-27 radar near Qalamoun picked up all the 8 missiles and there was a roughly 5 minute warning and the SAA and Iranians mostly using ZSU-23 mm quads and other AAA shot down all of them.

Zionism = EVIL

Hush Jew cunt PUNK, same old crap every day is tiring, now upvote with the other hasbara BOT accounts, motherfucking Jew arsewipe :)

namulit emperor

So the attack more or less only put a few holes in the runways; how should that have delayed the operations more than a couple of days in the first place? Hardly any kind of devastating as it was made out to be by our forum-idiots here…

Zionism = EVIL

Syrian military’s new Chinese-made radar system shows positive results: media

Syria is receiving more weapons and technical assistance from China and that has proved very successful in repelling these pointless Zionist cunts attacks that have no real value or do any damage. This latest attack has been an intelligence bonanza for Iran which got hold of at least three intact Delilah missiles. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e4f75e48d754e7b585013094750d2e4f363e2488a212ac91bfc423cfa517f683.jpg

Rhodium 10

Chinese radar are now deployed with Pantsir system in T-4 base of Homs where all israeli Delilah cruise missile were shot down.https://t.me/Gallifreyan_technology/932


The backward ruskie military technology:


Putin betrayed Syria.


original link to SANA please not some fake posting from ALmasadar.

Zionism = EVIL

Mid-East monitor and al-Jazeera and Turkish media also have the same and many Euro sites.



Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5db34c1f9facb01a717267265b381f1a2865859a8603f6680143ae295f1bae0.jpg The Chinese weapons and radars are being stationed next to the Lebanese border on the Qalamoun plain and in the direct Zionist missiles flight path. They are protected by Hezbollah.


YO … link to SANA’s article where the bashing was done …LOL

Zionism = EVIL

Still butthurt LOL


Pretty sure that your fakeposting behind hurts very much, i did a really good job on it :)

Zionism = EVIL

Sure you did little darling :)


Good to know, enjoy.


If there is no link to the original than it means that they are all posting fake news, not that it is something new lol, but it also means that you are reposting their fakes :)

Zionism = EVIL

You sound like Trump LOL. Get over it.



Zionism = EVIL

Silly child :)


It seems that i’ve got you cornered, no proof and you are just spitting poison, hilarious :)

Zionism = EVIL

Syrian media slams Russian AD systems as backward as China moves in

Syrians are tiring of Russian collusion with the Zionist cunts and the ineffectivenes of the Russian AD systems. Putin in his eagerness to please his Jew masters has undermined Russia’s military credibility and that is a danger to Russian weapons sales and military security.

The news agency, however, was quick to slam the Russian-made air defense systems, claiming that they have proven ‘backward’ when confronting hostile targets.

“Currently, most of the weapons in the Syrian Armed Forces, includingair defense missiles, are produced in Russia. The Syrian air defenseforces, armed with Russian-made air defense systems, are backward,including this also applies to such air defense systems as the S-300 and the Pantsir-S1 – they had no real success. Others, including the S-125,Osa, and Game air defense missiles, are even more backward,” the newsagency stated.

The Sina report claims that since the Syrian air defense units began using the Chinese radar, in particular, the JY-27, they have experienced positive results in the field. Syria and Iran are now both negotiating the purchase of the latest generation of Chinese SAM system HQ-16.

“But due to the fact that the Syrian air defense system uses radars made in China, there are results. Syria previously received a number ofChinese-made radars, including at least the JY-27 long-range radar,-reports with reference to sources in the Syrian army,” they said.“Using the Chinese anti-stealth radar to identify the target and then launch the S-300 missiles, Israeli attacks could be successfully repelled,” the publication added.


Could you post a link to the article on the SANA site ?

Zionism = EVIL

I understand that Al-Masdar also has an English version. I can post several links, most are in Farsi and Arabic, but English links are posted below:


Zionism = EVIL

This is from Avia.pro a site linked to GRU

The Syrian military has criticised the Russian S-300 missile defence system, saying that it is largely ineffective against Israeli air strikes, Avia.pro reported yesterday. A Syrian military source told the Russian outlet that the radar used on the S-300 and the Pantsir-S systems has proven to be incapable of detecting and hitting Israeli cruise missiles on numerous occasions.

Other Russian air defence systems incorporated into Syria’s military infrastructure were said to be even more “backward”, such as the S-125, Osa and Igra air defence missiles.



Zionism = EVIL



Main page of SANA, really .. this is the best that you can do IMHO.

namulit emperor

They work hard to push the ‘Russia has betrayed Syria’ talking point, hence the circle-reporting of bullshit 24 hours a day. They are only sorry, simple-minded morons…


Ikr, but it is fun to put them down:)

Rhodium 10

Stop say nonsense..look at Pantsir air defense deployed near Hasaka( photo posted in South front)…there are a Chinese radar YJ-16 and 2 Pantsir systems!


What nonsense, i’ve never said that there was no chinese gear in Syria, there will be even more since China has agreed on rebuilding Syria after war, they will integrate pretty hard in there.

What i would like to see from you in a LINK to SANA website with the article where they are bashing the russian made radars.


You have mentioned/quoted the almasdar’s article in your comment but i have asked for the original link to the SANA where they have slammed the russian made radars not some third party gossips .. i’ve heard .. he said type of stuff

Zionism = EVIL

Russian media is reporting the same, no point arguing with FACTS as I always check sources and even call people in Syria or anywhere to verify.

Throughout Syria’s ongoing civil war, Israel has regularly carried out air strikes in order to destroy military sites, bases and facilities belonging to Iran and its proxies, who have been supporting the regime of Bashar Al-Assad. Russia has prior knowledge of Israeli airstrikes and has given tacit green light. The Syrian government is tiring of Russian collusion and many in the Russian military which has suffered casualties at US and Israeli hands in not very happy with the strict rules of engagement imposed by Putin who is micro-managing the Syrian deployment.


I don’t care about russian media, you have reposted some piece claming something about SANA now i want the proof of that, where has SANA posted something like that LINK TO THE ORIGINAL PIECE PLEASE

Zionism = EVIL

Stop being a silly child like Trump. Russia has been colluding with Zionists from get go.


fact is you have shitty weapons. as you alwaays had. i remember mig-29, shit combat abilities, large fuel need, low liftime for engine. the shitty t-72, etc.


I don’t have any weapons, i asked for the link and the fakeposter failed to deliver … and your blabber won’t save his face :D


sana is controlled by putin


Eh ?

Svincius Savickas


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