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Satellite Images Show Extensive Damage At Saudi Oil Refinery Attacked By Houthis

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Satellite Images Show Extensive Damage At Saudi Oil Refinery Attacked By Houthis

Illustrative image, source: the Houthis media wing

On March 20, the Aurora Intel Twitter account released new satellite images of a Saudi oil refinery that was recently attacked by the Houthis (Ansar Allah).

The refinery, which is located in the vicinity of the Saudi capital Riyadh, is owned by oil giant Aramco. The large facility can process up to 126,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

The Houthis attacked the refinery with six suicide drones of an unidentified type in the early morning hours of March 19. The attack was successful.

The Saudi Ministry of Energy claimed that the attack caused a fire that was “quickly” controlled by the refinery’s staff. However, satellite images show extensive damage at the refinery, which was hit in many areas. Large burn marks are visible on a large part of the facility.

No human losses were portably caused by the attack, which was named “Operation 6th of Sha’ban” after the eighth month of the Islamic calendar.

Following the successful attack, the Houthis launched two drones at Abha International Airport and a third on King Khalid Air Base in the southern Saudi province of ‘Asir. Only one drone was intercepted by the Saudi-led coalition.

Many of the Houthis’ recent drone and missile strikes on Saudi Arabian were successful to some extent. The coalition is yet to address this threat effectively.


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Simon Ndiritu

Let’s see how the clown Turki Al-Maliki, the spokes fairy of the Saudi- coalition will play down this excellent asymmetrical attack

Assad must stay

Hopefully the next houthi attack gets him hahaha


Militarily it would be sensible to target the al-Saud family. They are the head of the snake. There are now 10,000 “prince and princesses” who are stealing the oil wealth with lavish whorehouses, gambling and parties, if they pay a cost then the whole corrupt system will collapse. A few drones knocking out palaces would do the trick.

Assad must stay

So whats the holdup houthis need to do it already!


I think there is a warriors honor red line in Houthi minds that civilian targets should not be attacked. Hezbollah showed the same restraint despite Zionist killing civilians in south Beirut. It is time the Axis of Resistance get as brutal as the Zionist and western savages. It should be really a civilian for a civilian and an eye for an eye. Playing by the rules with these horrendous cowards is simply not feasible and does not work. Next war Hezbollah should attack airports, infrastructure and if Lebanese civilians are bombed then go all out on Tel Aviv and Haifa.


Slow down, Frank: When did attacking civilians work against the world oligarchs…? The “evil terrorist” propaganda arrayed against the Axis of Resistance being so demonstrably false is a big reason why Syria and Iran did not get hit with tens of thousands of American troops like Iraq and Afghanistan were hit.


Frankly, Iran has not been militarily “hit” as call it, largely due to its immense size and Persian nationalism as the fuckwit Saddam found out. Syria has not suffered a massive invasion by NATO because Russians are sitting in Tartus and Latakia. And most importantly the the yelping Zionist cowards can not fight a land war due to their perennial fear of casualties. The simple FACT is that Jews are nasty cowards historically and have hid behind stronger powers and made others fight and die for them. The US is current Jew patsy and has largely bankrupted itself fighting Zionist wars against the weakest Muslim nations. If they could they would attack Iran, but the cost would be too high. If pushed too much the mullahs would go nuclear ballistic, so the NATO pansies have to tread carefully, considering they have China, Russia, Iran, DPRK and half the world as their enemies now. But I would not put anything past them. A dying snake still has venomous fangs. The only deterrence is a nuclear one against these murderers and the threat of mutual destruction. Iraq talked too much and did fuckall. Hopefully, now a mutually supportive coalition of the enlightened will emerge comprising at least China, Russia and Iran.


Frankly, Frank: The “international clique” won the previous world wars. Do you really think its elites care about Iran’s “immense size and Persian nationalism”? Or Russia’s military presence in Syria? Provocations like assassinating General Soleimani and forcing Russia’s annexation of Crimea were comparable to assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and forcing Germany’s annexation of Danzig.

Even the “threat of mutual destruction:” The world oligarchs have underground cities they believe they can run to if the surface-level empire fails. Do you believe they really care about destruction of their vassal countries? On the other hand, did Iran, Russia, China, etc. pull increasing numbers of their people out of poverty just to blow up most of them…?

The US’s “late” involvement in the previous world wars had nothing to do with the elites; regular people did not want to fight those wars. Today, little has changed other than the Internet and alt media making anti-war counter-propaganda faster and easier.

“Dissent is brewing at the Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook page. In series of anonymous posts, a number of uniformed service members have taken a stance against a potential engagement in Syria against President Bashar al-Assad, using political arguments that have sparked a debate about the behavior’s legality. ‘I didn’t sign up to kill the poor for the rich,’ reads another posting on the Armed Forces Tea Party page.” ~ “Tea Party Troops Protest Syria Strike On Facebook, Raise Questions About Military Code Of Conduct,” Nick Wing

Simon Ndiritu

true, some whorehouses with princes need to receive a good size of flying shrapnel from Qasef drones.


There is already unrest amongst the pimps. Nayef is under house arrest with all his sons, the regular military has been disarmed and only loyal Wahhabi tribes in the national guard are now trusted. One of the reasons the Saudis hire mercenaries is that besides being inept cowards, the military is not trusted. Pressuring the corrupt and fragile House of Saud is the best option along with economic pressure on the oil infrastructure. If the average Bedouin does not get free money, the lazy cowards will revolt like during the Ottoman era.

Simon Ndiritu

The fall of the Saudi house of evil cannot come down soon enough. The state sponsoring head-choppers across Syria, Yemen and Somalia would be removed from the map, allowing neighbors to live in peace. This will also help the lazy citizens to do something useful with their lives and not waste them becoming head choppers.

Jihadi Colin

Most of them are irrelevant. The only ones who matter are Bonesawi himself and any potential rival claimant to the “throne”.

Simon Ndiritu

It would be the greatest gift to humanity in the recent history.

Liberal guy

It’s the greetings of nowroz from the yemanis to the cowards hahahahaha

Assad must stay


Jihadi Colin

Jambo, rafikiwangu. If Ansarallah tanks and technicals are poised on the outskirts of Riyadh (not an impossibility given that the Houthis are getting stronger and the Barbarian headchopper regime steadily more dysfunctional), I would be unsurprised if al Maliki denies their existence or claims that they are Iranian.

Simon Ndiritu

Salama sana ndugu. True, Saudis are so obsessed with Iran and will blame Iranians for everything, maybe including when their women do not get pregnant.

Simon Ndiritu

We can say the projectiles went through the targets before hitting the ground and making craters, hahahaaah!

Emad Irani

shit happens, not even zionist Iron Dome would help Saudi Satania


Actually it could help them, but only the U.S has 2 batteries of them besides Israel. Maybe UAE too under the new peace deal, time will tell.

Emad Irani

normally I don’t talk to guys who don’t have any professional know-how and clue about drones and missiles like you, but Iron Dome would not save them. And it will not save UAE from swarm drones and missiles


I know exactly what our systems can do Emad, Hamas rockets are intercepted at 90%+ rate. It has been battle proven since 2010, keep denying it all you want.

Emad Irani

hahahaha you know a shit because Hamas “rockets” are assembled somewhere in the kitchen, not to compare with Iranian and Yemeni drones or missiles. I studied it all and have a phd in mechanical engineering. Iron Dome cannot even deal with Iranian early 2000s Fateh 110 or Fateh 313 let alone some Raad 500 Hypersonic missiles. Now help your Saudi Satania friends over there


You might be an engineer, but our engineers know better. if the Iron Dome can intercept a small DIY rocket coming from Gaza, what makes you think it can’t intercept even bigger targets with higher heat sign? it can and it does. I’m sure in the coming conflict with Hezbollah it will be proven beyond any doubt, but for now keep thinking it’s useless.

P.S, for your bigger missiles coming from Iran we have the Arrow3 and the David Sling for the interceptions, but after the them comes the Jericho3 which I hope you won’t ever have to find out.

Emad Irani

your engineers means US engineers because it is all their work not your work :) Beside that Idiot, small or big is not the problem, the issue lies on the speed and acceleration of a missile and the material of the missile. Not big or small hasbara troll hahaha

Arrow 3 is exo atmospheric ADS, it can’t intercept and destroy something in the atmosphere. David Sling, Barak-8 etc. systems will be knock out when a 8 or 12 Mach missile arrives because of too much speed and exhausted energy.

Jericho 3 as an IRBM too expensive to use it for a country only 1000km away from you. But no matter, we tested larger diameter solid propellant motors. We have 1.25m diameter Sejjil which is enough for your tiny country 1000km away.

Now eat shit


Why so mad Emad? is that because you know wheat might happen if you push us too much? always keep that in the back of your mind.

Don’t worry, soon Garga would come and chill you out. Hey Garga, could you please tell your Iranian friend there is no need for hostilities? better to save that energy for other important things.

But anyway, Mach 8 or 10, it doesn’t matter. Any missiles coming from Iran (or Yemen in that case as the Houthis promised) would force us to respond in a way that would make Saddam scuds on you look like a toy. So don’t wish for something like that to happen, I don’t.

Emad Irani

no only talking to a hasbara troll who don’t even know the basics of missiles and drones. I hope your lovely engineers are not like you because it would be a disaster for your country. If your master US can’t destroy Yemeni drones, then you can’t either destroy Iranian missiles.

Scuds were old 60s technology, the thing Yemeni Army uses against Saudi Satania and Patriot PAC-3 fails to destroy it. Saddams Scuds fired against Israhell landed somewhere in the desert with an extreme low warhead something around 200kg only. Israhell didn’t destroy them

You don’t want to experience HGV warheads with Mach 8 speed over your cities… believe me.

This is your lovely Davids Sling failed in Syria. This piece is already in Iran somewhere in the hands of our engineers. Thanks




Don’t worry about our engineers, I admit my specialty is in ground combat which your proxy friends felt really good and not rockets. However, it doesn’t change the fact that even though you have more knowledge in that area, you won’t dare to do anything against the State of Israel. If your mullahs are smart, they will never cross that line.

Emad Irani

yeah the ground combat with special pampers I know. Good luck with that. And don’t talk about things you don’t have any clue about it. We know what to do when and where :) no need for your advises troll


I didn’t wear pampers the last time I was in battle, and sent some of your friends to meet Allah. However, it will be my humble pleasure to come for your Hezbo friends too like in 2006. I guess the IDF doesn’t need me, for now.


In 2006, you would have been a stain on the sheets Frankly. Hezbollah whupped the Zionist child killers true and proper.

Emad Irani

there are videos from 2006. Was about crying Israhelli soldiers while being in a trap


Come face us then if we are such a crying babies, it’s much easier to send others to die against us, isn’t it?


If the US gave billions of money and the best weapons to Somalia, Somalia alone can beat the entire African nations. The Jew went running to the US when Egypt and Syria hit them hard on their faces.


That pretty much sums up this kiddy hasbara troll.

Simon Ndiritu

Very shinny, its made from the most expensive metals stolen from central Africa, using Arab’s oil and free money from American middle-class losers!


Hamas has only home made Soviet era 122mm grad rocket replicas and even they easily evade the Iron Dud.


Pipe dreams at best. Zionist parasites have no engineers as such. It is a welfare economy based on stolen western technology.

Rhodium 10

90% rate?…when Hamas launch more than 10 in a single barrage the ratio is 60%…when SAA&Iranians forces launched 55 rockets in retaliation of T-4 base airstrike….only 4 were intercepted.


https://i.imgur.com/oGQdiXL.png?1 Who is stopping you from returning home? Notice that the millions of Jews who were living in Russia, Romania, Poland, Lithuania were not far away from where their kingdom of Khazaria used to be.


Center would be North of Kaukus to Volga (Cap in lower Deltaic region excvavated by Soviets, I have the reference at home, no good online source for that) and then to Kuban, across Don River into Donbass (NOT really as far as Dnieper, this is a TURKIC steppe-type culture like Pechenegs). In Russia/Ukraine, the names often sound German (thus Trotsky real name BRONSTEIN, Zinoviev APFELBAUM etc.)…this is a property of the Yiddish (sometimes). The Slav names are affected not real in these cases. INCORPORATED tribes did NOT convert (ALANS to Christianity…these are today’s OSSETIANS, including those involved in the 08/08/08 conflict, Volga Bulgars (Asiatic, not Slavic) to Islam I think.

Jens Holm

You should see Europe as a kind of harmonika. Everybody from the east malkes pressure on the west.

Here You has the Indoeuropeans and Europeans leaving the area to west and south.

After that wave You get the Slavic and next the Turkish wave.

By that those names are leftovers from the older cultures and languages and language groups and not as Your science fiction.

Anglo Saxians as GB actually are emmigrant from norrthern germany where Angel also was a part of Denmark. They integrated in england where many others were living.

But those Anglosaxians was expelled west under hard pressure by the slaves.

You got in the Hungarians too and before the “real Turks”, the Bulgarians went in.

By tahts You should see Khazarians as turks too and not some jews on horse moving to Poland or something.

Arch Bungle

APFELBAUM-> Appel Boom -> Apple Tree …

Jens Holm

They must have been pretty old, if they lived in Khazaria too:)


The latest version of Iron Dome is capable of defeating such an attack

But the Saudis aren’t onside with Israel’s Agenda vis a vis the Pals … eh?

Emad Irani

on paper everything is possible, even your little dreams


I don’t write down my dreams … eh?

mr hypersonic missiles … pmsl

Saso Mange

Houtis need to send more drones and rockets as this is far from being proportionate response.


An ideal asymmetrical drone and loitering munitions attack against open oil or industrial infrastructure should be 100 + the Houthis need to ramp up production and then wait to overwhelm the intended target. Firing half a dozen munitions is good for morale but strategically not as effective. Hezbollah has that kind of firepower.

cechas vodobenikov

sucky arabia learning the meaning of karma


karma … ?

muslims are big believers in FATE



more of the same and when mohammed bin salman, better known as the clown prince who spent 450millon bucks on a fake leonardo da vinci, is swinging from the rafters, it will be time to deal with the jews in palestine as well and hoist netanyahu, prime scum parasite, to the rafters as well. a day to cheer and celebrate.


Very ambitious … bitch

MbS and Bibi … lol

The Saudis should buy some ‘new’ Iron Dome anti-missile systems … newly programmed for these types of attacks … eh?

Good … better … best Never let them rest Until good is better and better is best


Frankly, the Saudis are losing very badly and their ineptitude and cowardice has also exposed the inferior quality of the trillion dollar western junk weaponry they have bought. But this should hardly come as a surprise considering the “west” has never won a war and the Soviets had to bring “freedom” to Europe at a cost of 28 million lives.


Defense News says:

The new updated Iron Dome is ‘ready to confront drone swarm attacks or contend with slow and low-flying, maneuverable missiles.’

It’s operational today …

Thought I’d let y’all know … so that the frustration won’t be extreme … eh?

Always thinking about y’all … lol


IF one accepts the Saudi version that all the Houthi drones were shot down, the only other reason for the devastation of the Aramco facility can be that the US and Israeli made missile defences exploded on the Aramco facility :)


Independent analysis has confirmed that US boomerang failed patriots normally do more damage and have caused more civilian casualties on the ground. It is the height of embarrassment that the Saudis can not even protect their own capital in a unnecessary war their imbecile clown prince started. Saudis basically are losing a war of choice to some very ornery not some gentlemen in sandals toting AKs.


Give the Saudis a break, they are fighting the advanced technologies of Yemen with a per capita income in the dizzying heights of about $900 per annum. (and they still lose)


Indeed, Yemen is an economic powerhouse, at least in Khat production and churning out the most ornery warriors on the planet. Not a good mix to be attacked.

Arch Bungle

Khat = The Spice

(Dune reference)


The Saudi royals are now finding out that all the money in the world CANNOT buy class.


It is not a question of class, the Saudis are a tribal Bedouin society that has no warrior culture or work ethic. 90% of their population can barely read or write, they live off state subsidies and imported labor. They are lazy and ignorant and the Wahhabi brand still believes that the earth is flat and winged horses will fly them to heaven and meet 72 virgins in a land of milk and honey. With such ignorance mastering warfare or technology is simply not possible. The biggest challenge they face now are dwindling oil revenues and an exposed inept military that despite total NATO support simply got whupped. As Trump said, that without US protection the al-Saud would not last a week.

Jens Holm

You are right. Saudis know that and has been clever and has hired friends for oil and money. Whats wrong with that cooperation.

We danes are small but we do exist and mainly has a very good life. The reasons are many but the main is, we are allied and tradepartners with many. We schreatch their backs too.

Not all is what we love and like but needed.


NOBODY has that much money.


Quite possible…



This malfunction killed a few Indian and Bangladeshi slave labor. Since their lives are not worth anything the Saudis put the whole thing under a desert rug.

Jens Holm

No they havent. They do have financiel problems and try to regain by working more and better themself too.

This was an extra minus for them.

Jihadi Colin

I recall paid fifth columnist Indian media trying to create a popular demand for India to buy Patriots (India chose the S400 in the end): “Patriots may have failed to intercept all Scud missiles in the 1990-91 Gulf War*, but in 2003 they were completely successful. Not one Iraqi Scud missile struck American positions.”

Of course, as I wrote back in a comment the newspaper (The Times Of India) predictably failed to publish, the Iraqis had no Scuds in 2003, which is why the Amerikastani side failed to come up with any justification for the invasion.

*In fact they failed to intercept a single Scud in the Kuwait war. Some of the Iraqi locally made Scuds broke up from flight stresses, but not one was successfully intercepted by Patriot missiles.


You know what? I think the worst piece of trash is Biden presidency. USA is literally a big big trash making corporation, the only thing that will clear up all trashes in USA is nukes from Russia, China & NK.


“The large facility can process up to 126,000 barrels of crude oil per day.” The correct conjugation is “could”.

Arch Bungle

Indeed. We should not deprive the Houthi of their achievement through grammatical barbarity.

Jihadi Colin

Don’t forget their latest aircraft carrier, whatever it is called.

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