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MARCH 2025

Satellite Images Show Impact Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Base In Iraq

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The Middlebury Institute of International Studies and Aurora Intel shared satellite images showing the impact of the January 8 Iranian missile strike on the US-operated Ayn al-Assad airbase in Iraq.

The images made by Planet Labs clearly show at least 6 structures destroyed by the strikes. The images fully denounce speculations by some mainstream media outlets that the strike caused no damage. They also bring into question the Pentagon version of events, which claimed that there were no casualties among US personnel. However, if US troops really evacuated ahead of the strike, this could be very possible.

Satellite Images Show Impact Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Base In Iraq

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Satellite Images Show Impact Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Base In Iraq

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Satellite Images Show Impact Of Iranian Missile Strike On US Military Base In Iraq

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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

aall the buidlings hit look similar shape and design, were they barracks?


US soldiers were in bunkers waiting for missile attack to pass….So no point hitting barracks. Because US have early warning system for ballistic missiles installed in the region.

namulit emperor

US had advance warning via the Swiss embassy in Teheran…


Yeah Their cleaning lady is German origin tranny from New York,a US spy. So she has sent VERY long distance pigeon with the top secret message up the pigeons arse…. But if that doesn’t work US usese military early warning satellites also…just in case pigeon take shit and loses top secret message !


Oh I don’t know, if I had of came out of the bunker and my underwear was all blown up I would have been pissed.


And what about your media, (very) hard disk full of latest porn?


Yeah I’m going to miss that, could you send it back to me?


To late. Mine hard disk, has expired and I tried everything from Voodoo to blue pills.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

erm, iraq told the usa there was going to be a strike.

the point is, if they could hit just the barracks, they can then go in and take the equipment.

very accurate on the shots. you do understand the implications of Iran launching from its own territory missiles to hit a base in the ME?

they can reach every base in the ME.

moral is, buy some s-300’s

and if this warning device does exist, then you target communications, supplies and equipment. soldiers cant fight for very long without ammo dumps


I do understand “the implications ” What I do not understand is why naval AEGIS, THAAD and Patriot PAC3 missiles stems didn’t have any success in intercepting those VERY ORDINARY ballistic missiles on early warning from satellites and their own radars?!?!? Triangulation of the ballistic trajectory and preemptive hitting those missiles normally should have been CHILD GAME.

Yeah they “should buy some S-300” since they are obviously not capable to copy them anyways !

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

because the patriot system is absolute shite with a less than 10% accuracy rating.

and as USA is al qaeda / ISIS they do not have regular security patrols in their areas

their bases are not equipped for aerial threat or bombardment as Russia and syria have never attacked any usa installations during this conflict

USA is woefully undermanned, out of position and very exposed to what iran could do to them


Interesting info. You should work for the Russians …the pay is lousy though.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you forgot to call me a russian bot #orangemanbad


?! I was IRONIC in my comment! That was just bad joke.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

luckily iran purchased s-300 systems, the question isnt why didnt usa defense systems work, it is more a question of, will irans missiles work on all usa bases?


S-300PMU2 (older brother of S-400) primarily anti-aircraft system that can be used against ballistic missiles as well. That system came with Russian instructors and it will be switched on in service soon when Iranian crew is ready to take over. I don’t remember any longer exact month for switching on S-300. Rumor has it that S-300 is on steroids and is “S-300” only in the name. Since regular export S-300 used to come with only 200km range missiles. This might have export version S-400 radars (anti-stealth) thus also missiles with 300km (export) range.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

s300’s were delivered to iran a while ago. turkey bought some as well


NO Turkey bought S-400 S-300’s were delivered to Iran LAST YEAR and it takes a while to train the Turkish crews by Russian experts for them to get ready… S-300 is either not yet operational or about to become…..


Patriot doesn’t work since the first Gulf war. USA have no AEGIS (SM) or THAAD in the Middle East, since operating in the Persian Gulf is now too dangerous with surface ships.


WTF?! You are actually saying: it is dangerous for the Navy so they can’t possibly come to the region ?! Like their only purpose is to float around like big turds only in PEACE TIME?!? And war is too dangerous for them to even come closer to the region?!?! Why is not “dangerous”for UK destroyers also, than? — These are PAC3- Patriots and have nothing to do with those 20-30 years ago. So why would you compare them directly?! I am almost sure that Saudis have THAAD…. And what about AEGIS Arleigh Burke-class destroyers?! Don’t they have at least one in air-carrier battle group?!? I just can’t believe at all that they don’t have single AEGIS Arleigh Burke-class destroyer in the region considering situation… And who told you that destroyer must be very close to Iran and even if so why it would be more dangerous for destroyer in Gulf than for air-carrier?


As far as Aegis detection from a ship, Kuwait city is about 700km from Ain Al Assad. Missiles probably launched from well up north in Iran.


Carrier air groups don’t go to the Persian Gulf anymore like they used to, due to more rapidly advancing anti ship missiles, new and quieter electro-diesel subs and mine warfare. These are all called area denial tactics. They would need to operate well outside the Straits of Hormuz. Maybe there still are some destroyers or smaller craft there, because they are more expendable.

Regarding PATRIOT, they have some updates but fundamentally they are probably the same. In the recent case, satellite imagery showed that the Iranian missiles (or MARV warheads) hit quite accurately several different buildings inside the base, despite 24h and 1h advanced warnings and the pre-knowledge for SAM crews, where Iran is located geographically compared to their situation, and thus from which direction the missiles would be coming from.


Do not give me explanation speech on the subject if you are not an expert (just because you have seen some article). “due to more rapidly advancing anti ship missiles” Iran has Iranian copies of Soviet anti-ship tech, just like China has. They have also Russian coastal “Bal” anti-ship missiles system (maybe even “Bastion”). There is nothing so “new or unknown about them” And US air-carrier group was usually staying in US Gulf naval base. If they don’t do that now it is not because of some “new” anti-ship missile. But because they are not sure in their own defenses.

“new and quieter electro-diesel subs” Those are not “electro-diesel subs” but “diesel subs”that use batteries for electromotor in the situations when they must have extremely silent motion. They are NOT new thus not “quieter” either. Only”new” is their new capacity to launch Iranian anti ship missile from those midget submarines (“cold”vertical launch) while under the water (like SLBM). Those subs are of N.Koera origin and N.Korea has bought them from Ex-Yougoslavia and they have copied them. So Iran has bought them from N.Korea to do their copies of that tech. They are perfect for shallow waters warfare .

“Regarding PATRIOT, they have some updates but fundamentally they are probably the same.” Well you are FUNDAMENTALLY wrong. It takes only to read specs of 1st Patriot and compare them with the last version. Even blind can see they can’t be the same. It is like saying “S-200 is the same with S-400 because they are same type” Well you are WRONG, the differences in capabilities are huge.

“hit quite accurately several different buildings inside the base” doesn’t mean much. Those were just the buildings, only. If empty buildings, than it is only symbolic. The question is what was inside of them destroyed, if anything?

Kell McBanned

Hrrrm good accurate hits! Looks like they only targeted material storage areas.

Tudor Miron

Yes Iran showed restrain and maturity. Proving their point that they don’t want to escalate but will defend themselves from aggression.


Sounds like nice explanation. But can it be credible? Top Iranian general still looks like bigger loss than anonymous material storage areas. With no victims at all on US side the “revenge” looks very shallow


It isn’t the end game. The most catastrophic loss for the Occupied USGOV would be their exit from the ME. If Iran doesn’t have to fire another shot it would be monumental. The important part is that USZOG knows they will and can hit them. Armed people make polite neighbors.


“The most catastrophic loss for the Occupied USGOV would be their exit from the ME”

When I see it I will believe it.. Not that I didn’t predict myself something like that already… But it is different when it starts to happen for real in every day life…


There is a parasitic worm in Africa that lives under the skin and gets many feet long, as large as your little finger. Even today the method to remove is the same, you cut the skin at one end and reel it around a stick. It takes days to remove it. If you break it, it will poison you. That’s how to remove the US occupying army.


I can’t wait to start….’poison’ with what? With stupidity? With too many drugs in bloodstream? With story of being “exceptional” ? With CNN news? With “Russian” nerve agent “Novichok” ? With contagiously being ignorant?

Tudor Miron

Let’s see the end results. But it will take time.


The accuracy of Iranian missiles and data shared with allies like Russia will only improve their capability. Good analysis on RT by a Russian general who compared the failed US attack on Syrian T-4 base where 70% of the American missiles failed to 97% Iranian success rate. Only two of Iran’s heavier Shahabs did not reach their targets, the rest as the photos show did their job with pin point accuracy. It also highlights Iran’s GPS targeting capability. A very disgraceful day for the US.

It is also a shame Iran did not use cluster bomblets or delayed fuses to destroy the Apaches lined up in the open at the Al-Asad base.


beautiful images! :)

Prince Teutonic

Only “cosmetic” damage… Looks like low-yield warheads…


Enough to make a point though? I would not feel to good working on that base from now on.

Gabriel Hollows

Certainly not enough to avenge Soleimani. Looks like this whole thing was a PR operation.

Prince Teutonic

Only to calm down Iranians thirsty of american blood. For Christ’s sake they even warned them about attacks infront. And now they are lying about casualties…


They actually carry 700KG warheads but you are right they might have replaced them with 100kg ones to extend their range..


It seems to me that they are completely different pictures.


Might only be cosmetic shot over the bows, but is this the first time a US military base has been hit from such a range? Not sure North Vietnam or North Korea did this, Iraq scuds maybe one ‘lucky’ hit? History in the making, a game changer?


Game changer how? Iran doesn’t have nuke warheads so conventional high precision missiles are good but far from “game changing” anything against U.S.. Also: This is face saving retaliation hardly equal to Iranian loss if it stops here.


It’s not over yet


I honestly do hope so. Agent Orange would be very happy to close the chapter on this and proceed to the election campaign

Bill Rood

Correct. This was just Iran’s “official” response. Hezbollah and PMUs are not under Iran’s direct command, but are part of other sovereign states. When they take their revenge, and they will, it will not be at Iran’s direction, though the US administration will claim that it is.

And Iraq has already stated what its revenge is. The US must leave. They can leave now without a fight, or leave later in body bags.


I mean the first time a US base has been hit by range weapons, rather than close up mortar or machine gun fire where casualties are at risk. In conventional warfare, not considering nukes, that’s another level.


OK We basically agree… I didn’t want to sound antagonistic or anything. It is just that “game changer” words are trifle over the top if I understand English (which I am not sure I do… often enough) when it comes to US.

They are “game changer” as new threshold in Iranian military capacity… But not the “game changer” enough to decisively influence confrontation with US.


Its a complete game changer… It is the US being shown the exit… We don’t have any air defenses, at all. 88 Patriots in Saudi Arabia never even saw those missiles coming.


US has dramatic financial problems and problem of mission since US soldiers and US population are ZERO motivated for this war! This war is for the Jews, AIPAC, MIC, DoD, “deep state”, because they have Orange Man by the balls. This is just down to the ground common sense logic and basic knowledge of military affairs. Game changer is the weapon that changes direction of the conflict or war. US knew that Iran has that kind of missile tech. These missiles can’t change dramatically anything except inflict big casualties to US forces before Iran is destroyed by the bombs If you refuse obvious and stick with bombastic words be my guest but do not bother me too much because I do get tired with the people refusing common sense.

Trump backed down because US can NOT afford financially war with Iran and because US can NOT afford financially dramatic change in oil prices! They would bring WORLD ECONOMY TO THE STAND STILL and US economy also! By pushing first US in full recession and after that DEPRESSION and collapse of the dollar!


Yes yes and yes. but its still a game changer. Not like flight but more like elastic in the underwear and sliced bread. Kind of like when Russia brought Crimea back into the fold, not with guns ablazing but with peaceful occupation. Ukraine opted not to do it the hard way.


OK buddy everything to keep you happy.

The even bigger game changer is to which extent US air defenses are TOTAL CRAP and practically non existent against such banal cold war weapons as ballistic missile !


I’m from New Mexico so English must be my second language but that is the point I was trying to make. Not the damage done but the complete lack of defense. Imagine what Iran could have done if they used more than bottle rockets… and we couldn’t even stop that.


If you keep repeating long enough even the ” bottle rockets” can start to fly…(:D)

I don’t know what to say man. My brain is too small for all this. If US was bluffing so much and expecting that something like that will not come into the open….than their capacity of thinking is beyond my analysis !


Putin did it !

Tudor Miron



Metaphors and Similies can be very difficult to understand and use in any translation to another language, and even in regional dialects of the same language.

I applaud your knowledge, Z.P.


Does that mean;… that you are not the guy who down votes my comments all the time?:-)


There seems to be a Zio Tag team downvoting recently. But when has the opinion of Zionist child rapists and killers ever mattered.


It seams they are in over drive …we sure keep them motivated working even on “Sabbath”


The fact that the hasbara waste their time hear is indicative of the influence of South Front that the You Know Whose are frightened of.


It is a big game changer. if u knock the US platforms from where planes and helicopters fly out, missiles are launched, ordonance and fuel stored, troops land and are readied that is going to impact US ‘far from home base’ military capability. US is going to be very vulnerable to an extent not seen before; the MASH TV series is over.


Just in case their anti-missile systems (AEGIS, THAAD,Patriot) does not work as advertised ! If they can not stop BANAL BALLISTIC MISSILES at all, than in that case of course that those ballistic missiles are “game changers” thanks to US total incompetence. And not only Iranian ballistic missiles but ALL the BALLISTIC MISSILES on this planet would be a game changer with US. U.S. can always try to buy Russian….and blame Putin for doing that.


No worries, what forum are for: sharing different info, ideas, perspectives and qu.s we all have.

Wayne Nicholson

Not to be argumentative but “game changer” is an apt description.

Andrei Martyanov wrote about this in “Losing Military Supremacy” and The Real Revolution in Military Affairs” and the Russians have been hinting that the USA is not as strong as they appear as well.

Sure the USA could pound the iranians causing immense damage but they are vulnerable to counter attack and that was proven beyond a doubt today. The only answer the USA had to a missile attack was to evacuate the airbase leaving their aircraft out in the open.

They were lucky the Iranians objectives isn’t to defeat the USA but to get them to leave the Middle East. If that attack was a saturation attack with bigger missiles, larger payloads and a mix of HE, Cluster munitions and mines that airbase would have been wiped off the map.

Every one of those missiles hit something, the odds of that happening by luck are very slim.

So Iran shot down a drone that the USA thought was out of Irans reach, attacked an oil refinery that was defended with USA’s SAM’s and attacked a US airbase with precision guided ballistic missiles all with impunity.

The USA has been provoking an attack from Iran and when the attack finally came they were impotent and for the first time since the 20th century began didn’t retaliate.

Read Martyanov’s books …. what happened today isn’t the game changer …. the games been changed for awhile it just it’s now evident to the world.


You or Martyanov seam to know everything on the subject. So what was “destroyed” as “revenge” for the terrorist assassination of Iranian general? US pride? World premier, a US “virginity” when it comes to hostile attacks against their military bases. And can that really be called “revenge”,can it be sufficient for the killing of top general?

Wayne Nicholson

“So what was “destroyed” as “revenge” for the terrorist assassination of Iranian general?”

Who said that this was Irans revenge …. this was a message to the USA and American clients in the region. Do you think that the Saudis use the petrodollar because they love Americans? They use it because the USA protects them but if the USA can’t protect them why would they continue propping up the FEDs magic printing press. Fighting a war is about meeting objectives. I’m pretty sure Irans objectives in iraq isn’t to start a war. What they did was show that the USA is vulnerable to attack.

“And can that really be called “revenge”,can it be sufficient for the killing of top general?”

Not for me to say but if it was my general …. no. Iran even said this was a slap, the revenge is yet to come.


” this was a message to the USA and American clients in the region” Of course..so now Iran can receive hundreds of cruise missiles as retaliation in the future (when it suits to US) because US now has great excuse to attack Iran any time they want.

Wayne Nicholson

Yes they do but the question remains will that advance US foreign policy in the region or regress it and if the USA does retaliate there are big fat targets for iranian missiles all over the region that they’ve just shown they can strike.

It’s not like fighting Iraq or the Taliban or even Vietnam where even though the USA lost 10,000 never once did the Russians / Vietnamese strike US bases with strategic air strikes. They can pulverize US bases all over the region while the cruise missiles are still in the air and perhaps they are running the same Russian EW that spoof the GPS to the TLAMs and had them running out of fuel as far away as Turkey.

Remember just last year the iranians hacked US drones then videoed it’s destruction by the USAF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm8ccsp4RY0

And in 2011 they took down an RQ-170 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident

The USA’s ability to strike Iran and come out as the winner may not be as clear as you believe.


“USA lost 10,000 never once did the Russians / Vietnamese strike US bases with strategic air strikes”

So you people keep repeating like parrots! Forgetting OBVIOUS that you talk about the war 50-60 years ago!!! USSR didn’t give strategic ballistic missiles to Vietnam ever! Not even single one!! So to target US bases with WHAT when they were out of range?!

“The USA’s ability to strike Iran and come out as the winner may not be as clear as you believe.”

And WHERE the hell I did say that?!? They can strike them with few thousand cruise missiles from safe distance with no problem and bomb them with B-2 bombers also! Normally they can unload shit-loads of TNT in the size equivalent of ten small nukes….. and sit and watch the TV.

But since (with the latest attack) even to protect their own bases is NEW U.S. INCOMPETENCE….They have shown not to be capable to protect themselves from BANAL ballistic missile attack … I do rest my case! In these new circumstances of new US weakness the situation seams to show that they are the shadow of what they used to be!! In other words; It is not that Iran is as good as they pretend. It is opposite…It is US that is much worse then they used to be.

Wayne Nicholson

“So to target US bases with WHAT when they were out of range?!”

That’s my point. That war was a limited war.

You hear Americans argue the rule of engagement kept the USA from winning the war.

What is never mentioned is that the Russians also kept to rules of engagement to keep the war from escalating. They didn’t supply the Vietnamese with theater tactical weapons like missiles anti-shipping missiles and bombers. They limited the Vietnamese to defending their airspace instead of taking the war to US carriers, airfields in the south and Thailand.

“They have shown not to be capable to protect themselves from BANAL ballistic missile attack … I do rest my case!”

You got that wrong. Even US sources are admitting that the Iranian missiles struck with pinpoint accuracy and the only reason no Americans died was because iran gave them one hours warning and limited the size and scope of the strike.

The USA had everything to prove they had effective air defences after the missile strikes on the Aramco refinery complex and the sale of the S-400 to Turkey. They had a week to get air defences in place and prove to Iran and clients like Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea and the NATO partners that US air defences work and Iran is impotent. They failed. period.

The USA now looks like a paper tiger. Just last week Trump was threatening 52 massive strikes against ‘cultural targets’ if iran dared retaliate, as soon as the Iranians struck he changed his tune and wants to negotiate. Trump blinked …. and to be honest good for him …. because in doing so he saved the USA from humiliation and a war that would have caused immense economic damage to the USA.

Those same missiles are now in the hands of Hezbollah in Syria and lebanon and if they can strike US bases with impunity they can also hit all of Israel with impunity. I guarantee you that the phones are ringing off the hook with clients looking for Russian air defences and missile systems. The US military and the US MIC is taking a huge hit on this.

Tudor Miron

I see it differently. Iran doesn’t want war. They showed boldly that they are ready to defend themselves. When was the last time when a state (not a roque isolated group but a state) openly attacked US airbase? Bully attacked and received a punch in return. That didn’t happen for long time and world is taking notice. If no actual US/Iran war erupts (and it seems like war is not happening at list in immediate future) than this is US who lost it, not Iran. Some time ago I was saying that coup attempt in Venezuela if it doesn’t succeed will cost dearly to US international image (a thug that can do anything against the law and be successful at it), now this – being hit hard and in the open (no proxy BS) in response to its reckless actions. Undoubtedly US influence will keep eroding at ever increasing pace. Pressure against them in ME will rise ten fold (proxy attacks will only increase) and yes it is a large step towards removing US forces from ME. What does it actually mean? What happens to Israel if there are no US forces in the region? Things like that do not happen overnight without major bloodshed. Ponder looking at things as a developing process trying to avoid judging it by its current states. I stick to my opinion that Trump is simply doing what he’s supposed to do – fulfilling Kissinger’s predictions is a part of his assignment. It was said many years ago – what he is assigned to do but many still think that Tramp is an idiot. He may be looks like a clown but he’s not an idiot. Many simply do not understand his objectives and logic.


Iran “openly attacked US airbase” as face saving action. Hugely underestimated act by Trump as an attempt to close the chapter and go for new elections 2020 campaign .

Since honestly US lacks money, resolve and even military capacity to win any kind of conflict against Iran. “Undoubtedly US influence will keep eroding ” till they come to ZERO…than they’ll start with negative rates….

“What happens to Israel if there are no US forces in the region? ” According to some (me as well) that will happen also. And sooner than many could possibly imagine. If US turns into paper tiger on Iran somebody will run away to look for the matches & gasoline… Paper tigers burn so fast once they show the true color of their stripes….


I agree totally… Huge loss for US.. Iran basically vent to exchange punches with the strongest military on Earth.. Did hit US soil with rocket barrage (when did that happened last time?).. He showed the world that US air defense systems are joke…His actions were justified and he hit only military places – not like US attacking civil airports and such… Backing down is huge loss in military, prestige and diplomatic terms for USA.. But being it US, he may even sell it as victory to American public and even use the situation to destroy and shut up neocons :)

Tudor Miron

“and even use the situation to destroy and shut up neocons “(c) That’s a possibility and that’s why I posted that let’s see what happens to Pompeo. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not pto Trump but US country level elites (the other side of US internal struggle) are even worse in this point of time than Trumps handlers.


yes.. i wonder – do you by chance know DOTU, KOB or name V.V.Pjakin?

Tudor Miron

Yes, I do and it could be seen in my posts.


When was the last time when a state (not a roque isolated group but a state) openly attacked US airbase?

sure, soviets and ruskies had never balls for this.


Fuck off twat.


You shold talk nicer with your mother!

Wayne Nicholson

Actually it is game changing because the USA spends billions on missile defence yet can’t seem to defend themselves against it.

Trump threatened mass destruction of Iran if they dared retaliate. Not only did they retaliate but the USA was unable to defend the base even when they knew the time of the attack and where it was coming from.

The excuse that they didn’t need AD at the base doesn’t wash either. They brought in the 82nd airborne to defend the embassy but left their airbase vulnerable. Either they are grossly incompetent or they simply can’t defend against missiles. It’s not like they didn’t know Iran has missiles.

Seeing as US air defences failed in Saudi Arabia the USA simply had to intercept these missiles to remain credible to their allies. Remember Trump just demanded more protection money from SK and his reasoning was that USA THAAD was protecting SK from China and NK.

This isn’t a face saving retaliation for Iran …. Iran just gave the USA an opportunity to get out of Iraq without bloodshed. Look at the sat pics …. every missile hit a building. Imagine that instead of a few missiles with low yield missile this was a saturation attack with high yield warheads and cluster munitions and mines in the mix.

Nukes are a weapon of terror … they’re militarily useless. There is nothing you can do with a nuke that you can’t do with conventional munitions. Once you use them you risk escalation and retaliation and if the USA used them on Iran or any other country without nukes Donald Trump may as well take lessons from his buddy iittle Rocket Man on how to govern a country in isolation.


I don’t know… I can’t jump on conclusions like you do on some things… Still to early to say anything …to many contradictions Too many things does not ‘”sit”here well. Too many things just doesn’t make sense…. One thing is sure US will lose LOTS of reputation after all this… How much exactly yet to be seen…


I am certain that the Saudis and other despots of the Gulf States actually despise America in reality as all these states are continually being shaken down by the US for cash or to buy expensive weapons etc.

Many EU nations will feel the same way.

As the fear of the US subsides, so will the hatred of the US become more self evident as more and more gain the courage to disregard the screams of the USA.


I can only agree with your observation. The catalyst though would be US military defeat of some kind… That would liberate all negative energy many countries have hidden. Resentment towards US will grow progressively once it starts to manifest among the US “allays”.


An overt US military defeat is marching quietly towards the US and so stealthily that the radar of US Hubris cannot detect it. :)


“An overt US military defeat is marching quietly ” Yeah that’s my problem right there in “marching quietly”, because far too slow. Can’t that “defeat” start running towards them for change? Somebody should blow those f**kers from the horizon already!

US Hubris addicts would not be capable to detect elephants d**k while sitting on it.


“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: 1 He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. 2 He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. 3 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. 4 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. 5 He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


I have red the words. Now I have to think about the meaning of those words. It is most definitely right approach to the problem.


That Iraqi lucky hit wiped out an entire forward loading area and wiped out like 100 vehicles.. Its what iraq should have done instead of waiting and the only attack was by someone disobeying orders to not cross the saudi border.. Even if he got wiped out he gave a good account of taking out US military assets before air cover showed up.


Breaking: Esper / Trump check out Russia online store for SAMs ‘in stock’ post christmas sales. https://www.fromrussia.com/sale/russian-dolls-sale

Daily Beatings

Jake321 – “Missiles just hit dirt”. I guess the dirt was under the buildings that were struck?


Your blind and dumb.

John Wallace

Didn’t read his comment properly.


No, I just realised, my apologies Daily


I think that description may be applied to US air defenses blind and dumb

Why did they fail to prevent this attack. As an overburdened taxpayer, I want a refund from Raytheon. I also want somebody in the pentagon procurement process to be fired. Which army, navy or air force officer gave this system a passing grade, while putting real GIs in danger.


The 88 Patriot batteries in Saudi Arabia didn’t even see the missiles. They don’t even really know where they came from.

Friend of Russia

It’s not a failure. Patriots were looking towards the north


Is that a joke? So which army does need such a system?


LoL, Patriots only look ONE way at a time? great news for Hezbbollah, now they can attack Yiddishland from the west!


“Which army, navy or air force officer gave this system a passing grade”…more like lobbyists and Congressmen.


I read its radar systems were Jammed with electronic warfare weapons. (DEWs) both china and russia have worked with iran on this front because to them its a field test. Both cases they worth worthless


of course, thats all Iran was lacking…solid EW hardware that the Ruskies and Chinese have. In 2nd Gulf war, US was warning Russia not to helpSaddam as it lost many tanks and a few planes, so the russians left, but that was before Peter the Great 2 (Putin). Now, Putin can fly around Syria while a hot war is raging around him supremely confident that yankee missile tech is ancient Sh!t.


I saw a video where IS shot at a Russian helicopter with a manpad and the helicopter spun about 180% and shot right where it was launched from. No real evasive maneuvers and it wasn’t hit. Pretty good electronic counter system.


Aren’t DEWs what they burned up California with and are destroying Australia with as we speak…


I thought I was responding to joke321braincells. My mistake. 13 dislikes.?


You got it :) There is always a drop of reality to Jakes lies. A tiny drop.


The damage and the sheer audacity of this rather cautionary attack confirms the lethality and capability of Iranian missiles. They seem to possess some heavy payloads as whole hanger and warehouses have been obliterated. No wonder the US backed-down. More than likely Hezbollah has similar firepower.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Also Jake321 after discovering satellite photos of damage https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/306bfedb5aa652b67f3c28d82014769cd86040695bf4e299567383a006590124.gif


Trolling aint easy whilst hiding in a Tel Aviv bomb shelter. Jake321 waiting for them Hezb missiles to rain down on his patch of stolen land.

Guess jack khoury got it wrong then.



Iran clearly chose targets of minor impotence en clear of people.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

A surprise the precision of iranian missiles. How far was the target?


At least 800km.. near the extent of those old modified liquid fueled scuds.. They are obselete..

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Maybe, but they did the job…


” They are obselete.. “What does that make the Patriot?


Scrap metal ?


No, yard ornaments… they’re not dangerous.


send me a dozen of those ornaments.

/btw., your dictionary shows, you are a russian troll/


They’re kind of expensive but Saudi Arabia might let about 90 of them go pretty cheap. It won’t be free shipping either… A Russian troll huh? Well there’s worse things, like Americonned… The dictionary makers don’t like those that go off the script do they?

Wayne Nicholson

They are only obsolete if they can’t serve their intended purpose. Obviously they hit their targets … what more can you ask of a missile?

Scuds are are a copy of German V2’s. They are a terror weapon meant to scare the population with little military use because they are too inaccurate …. they can hit a city but not a block in a city let alone a specific building.

These missiles are obviously much more accurate than that


Not bad accuracy from 500kms away. These ballistic missiles are lethal and accurate. I see Israel becoming very somber considering Hezzbollah can inflict some serious damage with technologically similar missiles


I am with the Jesus on this one.

Damien C

I always thought you were an atheist …. there you go you learn something new everyday


Just ask about ballistic missiles and Jesus will be with you as well.

Daily Beatings

According to moonofalabama these were older Soviet SCUD derivates. The Iranians didn’t pull out the good or “top shelf” stuff, well not yet.



They used their old clockwork rockets just to rub it in!

Rüdiger Preiss

It would make not strategic sense to pull out anything new at this point – it would be giving away free intel !


Yeah it was like a Gatorade shower for Israel without the winning part.


Seems accuracy is within 10m.. Not PRECISE but it could kill.. Wonder if they used GPS.. I did not think Iran had this technology.. Only 800km but the error correction is very good.. considering some US tomahawks ended up in turkey..


Why would they use GPS if that is the 1st thing Americans switch off to the enemy during their military operations? Also there is huge difference in accuracy between military GPS and ordinary one. They probably use Chinese electronics and Chinese Baidu or dual system with Russian GLONASS also China already has more satellites than US. So in 10 years time Chines will observe even the sex of the mosquito if they continue with the same build up.


these iranian missiles were on the level of V-1. The V-2 was more precise and destructive.

Wayne Nicholson

So where were the US air defences?

I though THAAD and Patriot systems could defend against Russian missiles …. taking these out should be a routine interception. They even had an hours notice and I’m sure they knew which direction Iran was located. I can understand the argument that the Saudi air defences were monkey models manned by Saudi’s but this is against a US air base in a war zone …. you would expect the latest and greatest tech and the best crews here.

You can bet the Saudi’s, Israeli’s and South Koreans are not happy with this display …. it looks like these missiles were armed with pretty small warheads too. Russia can expect their S-300 / 400 store to be pretty busy in the coming months.


The US states that there were no AD at these bases, as ISIS doesn’t have an air force. The truth is, they may not have had Ad systems there, but only because they are the ISIS air force.

Wayne Nicholson

They don’t even have point defence systems? They know Iran has missiles. They move the 82’nd airborne in to defend the embassy but leave their air base undefended from missile attack?

Russia moves point air defences to cover their MP’s on the Turkish border the day they arrived … they’re on wheels and air mobile, it’s a no brainer. The USA has a vast fleet of air transports …. the biggest and best in the world by far …. and has been working on rapid deployment since 2002.

How incompetent do you have to be to leave yourself open to such an attack?


Arrogance and hubris relying on one dimensional warfare, air power without air defenses. How many sorties can one fly when ballistic missiles decimate your runways and logistics facilities? Ballistic missiles are much cheaper and better than aircraft.

Wayne Nicholson

That’s it. If NATO ever does decide to attack Russia they are going to be launching a shitload of planes all at once. All Russia has to do is make sure they can’t lane using missiles. All their stuff is road mobile and they can jam US GPS and coms.

Perhaps the F-35 was designed as a single use disposable aircraft?


Comparing apples and pears and declaring your love to apples?! Why? Let me try compare incomparable for your sake. Ballistic missiles need pre-defined fixed targets to do something if not…. forge it… Because of previsible ballistic trajectory very easy to be shot down with competent air defenses ( Russian of course, not American )Much easier than good jet (even though much bigger target) can make evasion maneuvers. ”Better” than some aircraft maybe but definitely not “better” than all aircraft …have different purpose for sure…. Ballistic missile can’t hit plenty of targets that airplanes can, can’t hit airplanes also while airplanes can hit them easilyif located etc.etc. etc…


I am not comparing apples to oranges, I am fully aware what ballistic missiles and aircraft can do. Considering Iran lacks an air force capable of carrying out offensive operations, bombing targets outside its borders, ballistic missiles are one weapon Iran can use to project offensive power. Later when they can acquire more sophisticated aircraft like Suk 30 or MiG 35, they can have air ground capability. And btw modern ballistic missiles are not limited to fixed targets, China deploys DF21-26 ballistic missiles as carrier killers.


“btw modern ballistic missiles are not limited to fixed targets,” Iranian yes, for now!

If you have wrote what are you writing now…I wouldn’t have any objections on your comment. Take care


We had Patriots there, but they are nothing more than yard ornaments… there’s going to be a firesale on them soon after Saudi Arabia and now Iraq.


it was not necessary to use patriots agains toys

Concrete Mike

So your telling me, letting the missile hit the building is cheaper than intercepting them?

Think about the absurdity of what your saying.


yes. this was a background deal. and the stupid masses on both sides masturbates.


iraqi buildings

Wayne Nicholson

Did you look at the satellite photos? Every missile hit a building. The USA was warned an hour ahead of time and they had low yield warheads.

They might be ‘toys’ but if this was a saturation attack with a mix of HE, cluster and mines that air base would be flattened, exposed aircraft destroyed and runway cratered and mined. and the runways unusable until the sappers and engineers were done.

Forget the threat of hypersonic missiles …. the USA can’t defend against missiles period. I would believe your post about it being a deal if it wasn’t for the attack on the Saudi oil refinery. The USA had something to prove to everyone in the arms market after that fiasco.

You can bet the Saudi’s are on the phone right now to Russia ordering a variety of SAMs and they are asking themselves why they prop up the petrodollar when the USA is unable to protect them and their fancy F-15’s are just targets on the ground.


you wrote 10x more damages compared to reality

Rhodium 10

Sorry but USA have deployed NASAMS and Centurion C-RAM Phalanx systems in all US bases in Iraq!..wiki in spanish ( spanish soldiers are deployed in Iraq bases) write that Phalanx guide system protect Iraqi bases vs incoming missile, rockets and artillery.


” I’m sure they knew which direction Iran was located. ”

We are talking about the US military , so its not beyond the bounds of probability that the US air defence crews were uncertain as to where Iran is in relation to the air defence boys and girls locations.

Add to that an officer with the abilities of Pompous Pompeo and its quite possible they are not sure what country they are in :)


Well, if you’ve read Catch 22 you get an idea.

Tudor Miron

Let’s see what happens to Pompous after dust of this story settles down. Just a thought.




i see u were busy



What do you expect to happen? See this video where adults don’t know stuff that 5 year old children in my country know 10 times better at least… He will get re-elected by those morons..

Tudor Miron

I was talking about Pompeo and not as distant future as their president elections.


Yes , I did wonder about that. In fairness to Trump, he is surrounded by scoundrels of the worst kind whose only loyalty is ‘Me 1st, Israel 2nd’ .

Trump is essentially a Carpet Bagger and Military Protection Racket boss. Tactically a bully, and strategically a Dunce.

He is the best thing to happen to Amerika since WW2 :)


He was a laundry man for the Jewish Russian mafia so not much has changed.

Tudor Miron

“Tactically a bully, and strategically a Dunce.”(c) Lol


I am sure that we have both met people like that :)

Wayne Nicholson

I suspect you are right



What a fabulous video, thank you. Such ‘very smart’ people as well :)

The kid was obviously a White Supremacist :)


Italy ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68eb96320a86e5117ca5b0212a600043a1887f109d4dd808ef048d436a852841.jpg


Are you trying to sound more stupid than those guys, girls from the video? Well you CAN’T because they are absurdly stupid!

That was ignorance brought to perfection ! So still plenty of hard work for you and necessary working trip to US to perfect you ignorance much further than this.


Have you ever seen Mark Dice on the streets doing this? In one he offered a troy pound of silver($180) or a Hersey bar and they all picked the candy bar.


The moment one thinks : That’s it…Can’t go further than this! They open new horizons! They never stop to surprise !


You are soo wrong. Its Somalia :)


Congratulations Canada!

You’re one of the most ignorant countries in the world, according to a new survey from Ipsos MORI.

The report is bound to send denizens of the Annex and other CBC-friendly hubs into a virtue-signaling frenzy.

But there is good news: we’re not as bad as the United States.

According to Ipsos, the study is based on a survey of how much knowledge people have of their own country. Americans topped the polls in their sheer ignorance and lack of general awareness of the world.


Canada is beautiful, no need to travel elsewhere and remember Geography! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/517a4fff6aceea81d3ec2b2579f02f751a29aef896c37841c2748d1e313e9e9d.jpg


But quite Jew infested, especially Toronto. But not as bad as US.

Wayne Nicholson

He was probably home schooled. I went to workshop in the USA on recruiting and educating apprentices for the trades. In Canada we require a high school education to get into an apprenticeship and our apprenticeship program is run by the ministry of colleges and Universities.

They suggested recruiting out of remedial high school classes and prisons and their training programs, which aren’t really a program but workbooks you can purchase to set up your own “school”, begins with grade three math and is written in what I call ‘English for dogs” …. a 20 word vocabulary.

It’s just pathetic.


‘ Smart Learning ‘, :)


I couldn’t have beaten the kid but I could have got about 2/3 of them.


If it ain’t West Virginia what difference does it make…


In a global PEW poll, US ranks as the most ignorant country on the planet. 60% of Americans don’t have passports or have ever ventured outside of the US.

The USA, one of the richest country in the world, ranked as one of the most ignorant countries, below many less developed countries. UK, Canada and Australia are also at the peak of their ignorance.


The Sauds are old hands to how well the Patriot works they have $88 billion worth(less) of them.

Damien C

Russian arms manufacturers must be wearing grins bigger than those airbases after that dismal failure by the Patriot systems


Have Ratheon stocks collapsed yet?

Duc Palatine

They know their fucked now and that’s what’s so pleasing to the whole world.


“I though THAAD and Patriot systems could defend against Russian missiles” – Of course they can, but only in the Sales Marketing Ad of the US arms manufacturers!

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Are the type and name of those missiles Known? I have read multiple versions…


Iran just demonstrated to the world that we don’t have any air defenses. The $1billion(each) Patriot yard ornament.


According to Iranian source’s 20 targets were destroyed by 15 missiles! Go figure

with maths like that no wonder their economy is in sh#t

I wonder if this how they steal all the money off their citizens?


Two targets close together probably. Go and crawl under a rock somewhere like your mate Trump did.


Must have been Allah, more magical thinking to keep the Iranian kiddies happy


Here’s some magical thinking, you think the US has the upper hand in this situation. The US has been humiliated by Iran. The world has just witnessed a nation attack Amercia and see Amercia do nothing. Iran has shown its capabilities and the yanks realised that they aren’t in a position where a hot war will benefit their foothold in the Middle East. Trump Is clearly shit at chess, because that was a bad move.


You’re obviously obsessed by wiz bangs

What happened to all these supper mad mullah missiles,only six hits???

I’m now gonna sound like you people, are you ready?

No missiles hit, they we’re all hacked into and safely landed at Cape Canaveral, were they’ll be taken apart and studied by the US military who will then reverse engineer them!

They’ll then threaten Iran with its own game changing ultra high tech world beating weapons!

Got that!, NO MISSILES HIT!,the Americans blow it up themselves, got it!


The missiles will then be sent to the state of Denial.


Oh you mean back to Iran!


no no not like that at all. More like to your home state. What’s the symbol on your state flag, a Question mark???


The average Americonned tax payer pays about 81% of his earned wage as taxes… and Iran is the one stealing from their people…


Oh yes they really do steal, apparently the bloke who got liquidated recently was up to his eyes in dodgy money stuff

But Iranians don’t mind,do they?

You know thats why they’ve been protesting, and getting shot, arrested and probably in some cases tortured for good measure, welcome to modern Iran, a country rich in oil, but one that doubles fuel prices then kills its own people, plus just to rub it in, they’re gonna give over 200 million dollars to this qauds lot! To spread dictatorship around the middle east

Wow lets all be as piss poor as the Iranian shall we!


We are. It takes 2.5 minimum wage jobs to make a living wage. 85% of what we consume is imported. Our only export is the Federal Reserve $ backed by the the full might of the US military. Ask Qaddafi how that works out for any nation using a different $… Oh yeah he done met the backers of the US$…


I’m not talking about America, the future belongs to Iran doesn’t it?

Iran will simply out manufacture,out think,out perform, out consume out do everything better than America won’t it???

No it won’t will it!

And that’s because its a bent criminal corrupt theocratic dictatorship heading for failure


They will if they join the Brick-s nations and dump the IMF world masters.


BRICS has ended up as RICs and its doubtful if even the Indian like it much, they don’t trust China

Besides which what is it exactly they’re gonna bring to the party?


Hey DoucheBobSquarePants, look at sat pics close! 3 targets, 1 strike.


Thats magik

John Wallace

Whatever but it was enough to make Trump shit his pants and realise should Iran attack in strength then they will cause massive damage and casualties. Wise choice for him to say ” Iran is backing down ” so no need to do anything else.. His bullshit . bluff and bluster just took a massive hit no matter how much he wants to wrap a turd in chocolate. It is still a turd.


Oh you people really are easy to get excited

Iran will be punished very soon with more sanctions, and so will anyone doing business with them especially the EU, forget the UK they’ll take Trumps side, so will the French as for the Germans, they don’t matter, which leaves Russia and China who will be forced into a very difficult position, either go against the international community and UN sanctions which will incur the wrath of America and its friends or cave in

No amount of wiz bangs will change that, the more the Iranian dictatorship trys to threaten the rest of the region the worst it will become for them


Here’s the deal *** Iran demonstrated that we have absolutely we have no air defense. We already knew that but didn’t want them to know. The very worst retribution they can do to us is kick us out of the ME. They just showed us the door.


Not only 0 A D, they’ve demonstrated much more…think of payload variables. Now add that ingredient to israel, KSA, etc…move on, US carriers; precision ballistics from 70 year old russian missile tech upgraded with chinese tech…ahh, you get the picture.


Is that you President Putin ? :-)))

No need to get all fired up… We will find out soon enough how much of “paper tiger” US really is. If Iran continues and no missile is ever taken down that will be the clear sign.


No this is his little brother, the story line where the Joe Dirt movie was scripted from… no mullet tho… Iran and Russia are going to do this like flooding locks on the Panama Canal. Just squeeze us out. The only hope the US Occupied government has is to pressure the pseudo Iraq PM into allowing it to stay but even proxies have to worry about being hanged by an irate populous.


Seriously, is this the Iran’s retaliation promised vowed ???? What a shame !!!


Why? Because all THAAD , Patriot, AEGIS anti-missile systems have missed few ordinary ballistic missiles?


Because they said they will hit back badly , now we looked thoses hits was an arrangement. No casualty


Are you avoiding to answer my comment? The problem is that to hit Iraq from Iran those old ballistic missile tech had to fly under the US satellite surveillance and over the heads of ALL U.S. anti-missile defenses like THAAD, AEGIS, Patriot.

Why oh WHY they did not, could not shoot them down? Is the US air defenses the biggest fallacy (and phallacy) is that those systems does not work at all ?!? And that would make the biggest paper tiger of all times ever, out of indebted would be “super power” ! Do you catch my drift?


Because the only one explanation is that was ”phoned ” it’an arrangement . US lets by agreement Iran to hit these empty bases . Result is that no one was killed so no matter for escalation .


No wonder Hollywood is created in US . You Americans are such good liars and good in making up stories on just about any situation… US has been weakened dramatically with this backing off on Iranian targeting of US military bases. You will never recover from this, if you don’t plunge even lower in total Paper Tiger.

You are already on your way out of the Middle East . The only question left is : How long it will take for that to happen.


No boy, there was an agreement. Similarly, when mericans bombed one unused syrian base. The syrians also knew when will hit the US and removed the staff.


Yeah sure agreement sure and there was Santa, dwarfs, Orange Man and all that happened in NeverLand where F(lop)-35 was fantastic air-Superiority jet fighter flying Mach-2 Super Cruise and doing cobra acrobatics just for fun ! And than you woke up!


What are you saying? ??!!! Be cool, first of all im not american neither pro american . You said usa took a big slap by iran. Ok let’s see that from closer. How many americans have been killed or injured ? Probably nobody apparently . how many missiles have been fired ?around twenty and how many of them really hit their target???? May be ten or more , it’s a ridiculous number. So what happened it’s an Us scenario executed by iran . Open your eyes and your mind a little bit .it was very symbolic for honor, not like you described it


“Probably nobody apparently” That is based on WHAT?!? …. On nothing! On guessing!

“how many missiles have been fired “,”and how many of them really hit their target”

Those things know exactly only Iranians and US and …maybe some other but not many of them…

“‘So what happened it’s an Us scenario executed by iran .” I don’t know for sure and neither do you.

“.it was very symbolic for honor, not like you described it” The bottom line is that I do not know ! And you pretend to be a wise guy by speaking about other alternative while you also DO NOT KNOW ! All this is waste of time so do not waste my time with futile conversation.




Look up the official report of PATRIOT accuracy during the First Gulf war. The initial reported accuracy of 100% against SCUD missiles was gradually, over time, reduced to 25% in all silence.

Maybe they have some improvements today but I doubt that too much, there are still way too many high profile failures.


the yanks did not use anything. the calculted the misisle trajectory and found out, there will be nothing dangereaus. iran lost missiles and credibilty.


You’ve lost credibility with your idiotic comments.




ha ha ha CLOWN!!! ha ha ha ha not even you can buy your CRAP explanation you Canadian NATO twat. :-)


Still hearring crickets. I wonder who the world will see as paper tiger now…hmmm?


Duc Palatine

Jumping for joy , I hope the strikes destroyed aircraft and helicopters



Duc Palatine

Can Iran inflict a financial punishment on the Yanks, that’s what really hurts them. They live for money and nothing else. No morales no ethics they are true barbarians


Nice work SF, this really answers a lot of questions.


All of the Iranian news sites are currently blocked in the US where I’m at in the NW. Press TV, FARS, Tehran Times, Mehr, etc. But thanks to Ruca a fellow Disqus commentator here at SF. Who turned me on to a stealth browser called Opera with an embedded VPN (virtual private network) function. I’m now able to mask my IP address and browse covertly under another IP address provided by the VPN to view these sites here in the US where all of the mainstream browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Bing, etc. are blocked.



Lazy Gamer

Didnt know that about Opera. Will give that a try sometime


The VPN option has to be activated in settings once you’ve downloaded the platform. It will then mask your IP address using the VPN’s address from a server outside of the US in my case. Which was enough to get around the block that is evidently placed on US IP addresses.


Looks like Iran was playing Kabuki theatre to demonstrate a show of force but with no real intent to do any damage. This satisfies their own public & allows Trump to back off from his earlier threats.


Well depends… If they stop now than there will be something fishy. Iran will also lose credibility. So not only US will lose reputation (they are officially now a Paper Tiger) but to the extent Iran as well. Because this attack is NOT ENOUGH as payback for an assassination of Iranian top General


For the sake of the Iranian people it would be good if both are paper tigers.


Do not flatter to your failed empire they are not as dangerous as you presume them to be. And Iran is not definitely here trying to pick up the fight, at the contrary. So no need for your crocodile tears for Iranian people. It is not Iran 7000 miles away from home occupying foreign country and preparing to attack another but US !!!


These photos prove two things. One the reports about EW shutting down the US missile defense capability are true, and two the Iranian missiles are accurate. In my opinion this points to Russian and maybe other involvement in these strikes. Because Iran’s satellite system is in it’s infancy and is probably incapable of being used for these purposes. And it’s questionable if Iran has the EW capabilities of the sophistication to render US systems inoperable. Though maybe they do. It’s possible that these missiles use guidance systems independent of satellite gps. But it’s also likely that they are run off of gps.

Another important take away is that the US knew that these strikes were coming. So not only are US missile defense systems obsolete against Iranian missiles. But US EW systems are incapable of stopping them. Which is also a very important factor.

This strike just adds to the reality of US and NATO military obsolescence resulting from wasting trillions of dollars on foolish Jew wars for Israel and the Jew neocon’s insane slave planet hegemony project with the US, Britain and France as their main flunkies with governments run by Jew idiots and traitors.


You are completely wrong .


If that’s the case then you shouldn’t have any trouble disproving what I’ve written. I doubt that you’l even try. But if you want to make a bigger fool out of yourself than you already have. Give it a shot.


These photos prove two things. One the reports about EW shutting down the US missile defense capability are true,

did not happen

and two the Iranian missiles are accurate.

maybe. or not.

In my opinion this points to Russian and maybe other involvement in these strikes.

Russia was sore not involved.

and so on ….


You’re a fool spamming these threads with lies and stupidity. Saying that you’ve disproven what I’ve written is a lie unsupported by the available evidence.

The pictures in the article prove my points. Your rejection of them without providing evidence to support your claims oroves that you’re a habitual liar.


You DID NOT prove your theories. :P


Doubling down on your lies without providing proof to support your claims only proves that you’re a habitual liar and a complete moron. The missiles obviously got through. Published reports from Iranian sources attribute that to EW shutting down US air defense systems.

Denying that the Iranian missiles are accurate when the base has multiple destroyed targets is a lie. The pictures are the proof that the missiles are accurate. You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written.


Well, the Islamist Iranian missiles are accurate enough to shoot down that Ukrainian civilian airliner, killing mostly Iranian students. Damn, those Islamists are good!


You’re a Zionist shill.

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