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Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Construction is still ongoing in an alleged Iranian military base on the border between Syria and Iraq, Israel’s ImageSat International and FOX News reported on November 18.

The base, which occupies around 20 km2, is located in Syrian territory, to the southeast of the key city of al-Bukamal in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside.

ImageSat released satellite images showing that the large base, dubbed Imam Ali, is witnessing intensive construction. Eight areas in the base and its vicinity are being built, in addition to various military posts, fortification, and revetments.

Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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The images also reveal that an illegal crossing on the Syrian-Iraqi border, allegedly established by Iranian forces, is still closed.

Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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The Imam Ali base was reportedly targeted by Israeli warplanes last September. The strike destroyed several buildings in the base. However, this didn’t hinder the construction.

Satellite Images Show Intensive Constriction At Alleged Iranian Base On Syrian-Iraqi Border

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A previous report by FOX News and ImageSat suggested that Iran may be planning to store precision-guided missiles in the base. The recent satellite images don’t confirm this idea.

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I hope Iran puts in its own air defence to ward off zio scum.

klove and light

dont worry ..These are clearlyx “false” Targets for the jew scum..no Need to worry….IDF cant even get rid of the thousands of Missiles stored in Tiny gaza…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope u are right


Light up the engines IAF, another target was just spotted!

klove and light

is it true to become a satanic Zionist jew bastard you have to suck your dads cock????how old were you when sucking started???

and dont Forget Little satanic jew…..sooner or later…may it be in 1 year or 100 years we will get rid of ALL satanic Zionist jews from OUR Beautiful planet…..we will drown your satanic Kids and burn the rest of you bunch!






Soap bar

Monte George

As they say in the TV ad, you’re not yourself when you are hungry. Go eat a pork chop.

klove and light

lolololol…if somebody , like the satanic jew bastard iron Zion, believes, that the persians are storing their Missiles in These ware houses..lololol…sure bomb them…u will bomb absolutely Nothing…..persians are toooooooo smart…These are clearly “false” Targets for the satanic IDF bastards…..the Missiles are stored in totally different Areas…

ps. so iron Zion….your “great” IDF cant even target the Missiles stored in Tiny GAZA…hahahaha..was a Beauty last time islamic jihad made u jews quit the bombings and sign a new Agreement…hahaha

IDF…good at killing innocent civilians but pee in the pants man to man Fighting Folks (2006-hezbollah cracked your assholes Pretty good..lolol)

Joe Sixpack

Stopped reading at “Israel says , FOX news reported.”

Joe Sixpack

Stopped reading at “Israel’s Image Sat and FOX news reported. “

Free man

The Iranians build bases and the Israelis bomb them. Funny Middle Eastern ceremony.


Well , the Israelis never bombs any significant Iranian targets…. All their Iranian targets are useless, it’s just propaganda to Zionist cock-sucking dudes like you. The Zionists scums could have stopped completely the construction of this base…. But they very well know that attacking it will attract devastating retaliation from the Iranians… Remember the Iranians have as part of their political and military doctrine what they called STRATEGIC PATIENT. STRATEGIC PATIENTS means you hit back very had when you’re ready for all sorts of scenario. Besides the Iranian understand that Syria is in difficult situation and they never want to complicate the situation on the ground… They always preserve the interest of Syria first.. But there are preparation on the ground to establish Hezbollah type of fighters on the Golan… Sources say that these fighter are already in position. Iran’s main interest is to open up Iraq, Syria and Lebanon for trade… This will allow it to reduce the economic pressures the Satanic axis imposed on it.

Free man

The mullahs regime is good at murdering unarmed Iranian protesters. They are afraid to fight against a real army so they use their jiadist militias. Syria will live in peace when all jihadists, Sunnis and Shiites, are defeated.


That’s what happens when hate for a people blinds you, you can’t differentiate between protesters and rioters? Over 60 banks and lots of fuel station were set ablaze….you call these hooligans protestors?And by the way do you work with amnesty international who made those claims?? AI got no credibility we already knows who’s side they are. If there is any army that is afraid to fight the coward Israelis then it is the Russian army by your standard. It was the Russians whose IL military plane was shot by the calculated activities of the Zionist… All troops and scientists dead….Iran has not lost to that level by comparison. Su24 was shot by the Turks. What did Putin do? Erdogan best friend now… There is clear difference between jihad and terrorism…

Free man

1. I support the struggle of the Iranian people against the oppression of the mullahs. 2. Russia saved Assad. Only thanks to Russia there is today a country called Syria.


Murdering unarmed protesters is what the IDF have been doing for years with the Palestinians.

Alan Foo


Free man

What do you mean ? Apart from killing unarmed Iranian protesters and blowing up oil tanks and oil pumps against whom else do they know how to fight?


Hope the Israelis level the buildings again, like they did the five previous times. Start looking a routine bombing that location, bed those jews know the way blindly.

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