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Satellite Images Show Significant Damage Caused By Recent Strikes On Syria’s Al-Bukamal

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On March 19, Israel’s ImageSat International released satellite images showing the aftermath of the March 11 strikes on the vicinity of the eastern Syrian city of al-Bukamal.

The images confirmed that the mysterious strikes targeted the Imam Ali Base, southwest of al-Bukamal. The base, which was reportedly built by Iranian forces, sustained significant damage. Most hardened shelters and storage facilities were completely destroyed.

The strikes, however, didn’t target an under construction tunnel within the base, nor a nearby unofficial crossing on the border with Iraq.

Initially, the strikes were thought to be a response by the U.S. to the March 11 rocket attack on Camp Taji in Iraq. The attack killed three U.S.-led coalition service members. However, the U.S. responded to the attack on March 13 with strikes on Iraqi military positions.

According to Israeli and U.S. sources, the Imam Ali Base was meant to be used as a missile site by Iranian forces. There is no solid evidence backing these claims.

The most possible scenario is that the Imam Ali Base was attacked by the Israeli Air Force (IAF). Israel is reportedly behind a series of airstrikes that targeted the same base over the last few months.


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I categorize ImageSat International as part of Israeli intelligence. It doesn’t shed any light on if USA or Israel was behind the attacks only that it was in Israel interests. But this article comes to mind. https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-agreed-to-fight-iran-in-iraq-israel-to-counter-tehran-in-syria-bennett-says/

Jens Holm

Good link. Dividing jobs often makes focus better.

Free man

US and Israeli interests in the Middle East are similar but not identical.

Lone Ranger

Google Earth has better resolution and in colour…

Jens Holm

We never get the high resolution pictures.

Lone Ranger



I was thinking how the Russians visually identify terrorist targets in Syria. IIRC at least a decade ago mil satellite cameras could read license plates of cars?

Lone Ranger


Pave Way IV

Only a matter of time until the SAA and/or Iranians have air defenses set up in the southeast. They’ll have no problem at all firing at hostile aircraft attacking from Jordanian (or Iraqi) airspace. Jordan might complain a bit, but nothing else. Iraq won’t give a damn.


I’m curious on why the Iranian wioild built base on Syria but with no air defense,its either putin won’t allowed them and want to have complete control over Syria airspace or they have an understanding with Israel,its odd if you ask me

Jens Holm

I dont know either, but theay also are at Al Qaim. Here they annouced some transport center, because the road from Iraq to Syria now could open.


I tend to believe the israel opposition and iranian deep state are on the same team,but enemy?

Free man

Or the Iranians know that the Israelis will easily destroy their obsolete air defense systems.


Empty buildings destroyed! The weapons are under the ground.

Jens Holm

You dont know that at all.


ok nordic shlomo, you must know everything


Good, IAF or USAF it doesn’t matter, in the end the Iranians lost more missiles storages.




Good job SS, Wehrmacht for annihilating 500,000 belarussian kikes in 1 month!


Lmfao…no secondary explosions or proof thereof.

Fkn moron. Persians invented chess and Polo. Ya’ll invented theft and deception, backstabbing, etc Get your head outta your @ss.


Persians did invent good stuff, but that was when they had a normal leadership and not religious regime like the mullahs. I hope for the regular people that they can become free from the regime, would be beneficial for both Iran and Israel. Till then, we are enemies.

Séamus Ó Néill

Oh the dreams of the zio-morons with limited intelligence…..very shortly the nomadic Jews will be on the move again, but they’re running out of options before Satan reads their final roll of honour !!


Oh no, evil Jews did it again. Go see a shrink.

John Wallace

Oh the joys of being a grunt on the ground. Had a busy day and spending a quiet evening with Dolly the doll for company watching the latest XXXX video and someone takes the roof off and lets a strong wind in.. Who would want to be a grunt in the next war.


Putin is an Israeli whore

Free man

Russia is not in Syria to defend the export of the Islamic Revolution of the mullahs regime. Putin is the president of Russia not the president of the Islamic Jihadist Republic of Iran.

Luke Hemmming

I wonder if, maybe they do already, Iran sets up fake storage facilities to make it look like they are storing arms whilst using other methods to disguise the true shipments? A distraction one could say. While the eyes are watching the obvious the hand is sleight and moving unnoticed.


0 proof of secondary explosions. Does that answer your question?


Iran should improve their detection of stealth fighters, otherwise it will lose an absurd amount of money for minimum advances, as IDF will keep their sabotage. With the war on hold it’s a good time for Iran to re-schedule their advance program


We will just hit them harder, more targets for the IAF.


Your logic is irrefutable. Bravo

Séamus Ó Néill

Where are you going to get the civilian aircraft ( or women’s skirts ) to hide behind ??


No need they shoot it down even without our help, i.e IRGC blowing up their own people on the plane in Tehran.


No proof of secondary explosions, Israel knows this…they hit nothing. Iran is learning and developing how to deal with such targeting practices.



IRGC stronk, very scary, stronk.

Séamus Ó Néill

Syria has enough on its plate with trying to fend off American paid Jihadi’s in all their shapes and sizes and a Turkish Trump with about the same intelligence, without having to contend with the most cowardly, child murdering army in the world…..sneaking in behind civilian aircraft. Very shortly, and I’ll take bets on it, Israel is going down…along with the exceptional psychopathic nation of morons !


Why so mad bro? go drink some poison, no one will miss you anyway :)

Séamus Ó Néill

A very constructive answer, but I wouldn’t expect anything else. The Jewish people, who are incidentally, a religious nomadic tribe and and not a distinct race of people, have being fooling the gullible in mankind for century after century….stealing, looting and murdering are their trademarks. Their biggest fraud was the “Holohoax” and it will eventually be their undoing. Even the ” International Red Cross ” puts the Jewish dead at just over 200,000, ( a far cry from 6,000,000 )…mainly from starvation at the hands of the Allies…..no gas chambers, no ovens nor any other fictitious means of removal. I say it’ll be their downfall because the tiniest research on the internet reveals this magical figure of 6,000,000 poor starving and dying Jews has been doing the rounds from, at least, the 1850’s


I give zero fucks about your opinion man.

Séamus Ó Néill

There is a vast difference between an opinion and facts, I only deal in facts You may like to appear that you give “zero fucks” but psychology tells me that your little comfort bubble has been burst, the truth is sometimes hard to accept…but it’s still the truth !

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