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MARCH 2025

Sattelite Image: Impact Of Recent Israeli Strike On ‘Iranian Weapons Depot’ In Damascus International Airport

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Sattelite Image: Impact Of Recent Israeli Strike On 'Iranian Weapons Depot' In Damascus International Airport

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On January 14, Israel’s ImageSat Intl. released a sattelite image, which shows an impact of the January 12 Israeli airstrike on Syria. On January 13, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that an Israeli airstrike had hit “Iranian depots full of Iranian weapons in the Damascus International Airport”. However, the image shows one alleged “weapons depot” with speculations that it may have been used to store Iranian Fajr-5 missiles.


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We killed some folks, but they weren’t Jews so it’s all good.


So much for those S400’s : D

When will you learn

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Most of the missiles got shot down, as they do every time. Yes, some of the missiles gets through, but that is expected when you just spam missiles.

US and Israel knows that that is the only tactic that have some hope of working. And the Pantsir is also part of the airdefence.

Taz T

It was probably carried out with Russian understanding after all there are 1.2 million Russian speaking Jews who make up about 20% of Israeli population. Russia has never fired at Israeli planes.


Because they’re pussies with shit weapons

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russian weapons have defeated terrorist in Syria…also isreli jets never fly over Syria..just launch long range cruise missile from lebanon coast..Syria dont retaliate because idlib are still occupy by terrorist backed by USA and israel!


Israel has completely resorted to long range attacks outside of Syrias firing zone. The Syrians don’t want to fire into Israeli or Lebanese air space to intercept Israeli aircraft given the ever increasing propensity of Israel using civilian airliners as radar cover for their operations.

Syria is just stuck between a rock and hard place.


Well that’s true, but only Americuns will sell weapons to Jews, other races aren’t as comfortable with Israel killing children like Americuns are. You got any children for sale, for rituals, or body parts?

Luke Hemmming

When will you learn that your mother abandoned you as a child when the colony of apes that she was part of moved to another mountainous region and how no one really cares about your stupid comments or your complaints that you wished your dick was longer than the 1 inch it was because paying for 10 dollar hookers is expensive. Even the trailer park trash ho’s won’t touch you now they know that you have caught every STI that one man could get. And stop getting that hookers 8 year old son to type your stupid comments. LOL bwahahaha


His comment hit you hard boy

Luke Hemmming

Nah just fucking with him.?

Tommy Jensen

Whats wrong with 1 inch dicks?

Luke Hemmming

Well They look quite disturbing when they are on your forehead.

Zionism = EVIL

Love the burka :)

Luke Hemmming

Thanks. Keeps the flies out of my mouth. :-)

Zionism = EVIL

You live in Australia? lol

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Well, Thats five buildings less to maintain. Do we have any confirmation from the Syrian side?


The physical evidence confirmed the strikes, the Syrians still think they won the 73 war. That’s why Syria owns the Golan ; )

R PLobo

Back to hebrew school retard.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Im so used to US and jews faking photos and history that i do not believe anything from those two.


Maybe Nasrallah could help you out.

“This is the first time in 7 years the Israelis have deliberately killed Iranian revolutionary guards in the airport,” Nassrallah said. “Attacking a T-4 airport is a pivotal incident in the history of the region that can’t be ignored”


Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

That article have nothing do with the attack in question. The article is dated back in april


Syria has had Pantsirs for many years, the article is an example of many Syrian Air defense failures, comprised of even “modern” Russian equipment

John Whitehot

what physical evidence? the part of brain someone lobotomized away from your head?

Taz T

Not very clear I thought these satellite are able to show everything within a few meter clearly. Must be a Jewish camera.




Still no sign of the missiles with which it was allegedly filled?

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Waiting for that also

John Whitehot

guess it’s too difficult to photoshop


“This is the first time in 7 years the Israelis have deliberately killed Iranian revolutionary guards in the airport,” Nassrallah said. “Attacking a T-4 airport is a pivotal incident in the history of the region that can’t be ignored”


Israel wastes Iranians and Hezbollah all the time

Daniel Miller

Sorry but anything you say will be taken with a massive sack of salt now that you claimed the “A-10 never got shot down”.


S400 lost again lol, from a 40 year old F16


One Older S-200 down one F-16I After bomb near Palmyra. The best After theirs F-35. Until today no one S-400 and S-300 are using in Combat over Syria.



F35 is impossible to down Israel has humiliated the Russians in Syria, not even a single KIA in operation

Zionism = EVIL

I would not say impossible until the Russians use their S-400 or S-300 decoration pieces. Even the Serbs downed a F-117 with a SA-2 Guideline. It all depends on the training and willingness of air defence crews. The Vietnamese downed over 4700 Americunt aircraft.

Luke Hemmming

Ah one went down in the USA just the other week. Useless piece of overpriced junk best used to make car parts for Chinese car manufacturers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47a465a3cebf713aea63e526ddc34aa1a909862c7321184dd45378012a655cc4.jpg what makes it so laughable was that it wasn’t even in a combat zone. LOL just flying along and then falls out of the sky. Yup great piece of machinery that is Hahaha


It’s nothing like the mighty Russian nuclear sub The Kursk, aka the best coral reef on Earth!


Harold Smith

Why do you jews pretend to be “Americans”?

Luke Hemmming

Stickleback SS 415 May 1958

Collision with USS Silverstein. Hmm fine example of US Seamanship and navigation, collided with own navy boat HAHAHA

Bill Wilson

That was a tragic affair so have some respect for the crew and their loved ones.

Concrete Mike

You sick peice of shit!! Go swallow a wrench and choke on it.

Last this i hope you see is…fueller…made in china!


I like this one, In May 1968, a U.S. nuclear-powered attack submarine was sent on a secret mission to spy on the Soviet navy. Seven days later, with the families of the crew waiting dockside for the USS Scorpion to return from a three-month patrol, the U.S. Navy realized that the submarine was missing. Scorpion had been the victim of a mysterious accident, the nature of which is debated to this day.


The 60’s lol, mine was better.


Thresher was a good one too , I like the the USS Cole as well

Bill Wilson

That’s no big deal since the USAF and manufacturers expect a few new aircraft to crash after they first come out. It’s called working out the bugs. Shit happens, they find out why then correct it.


Problems have plagued the F-35 for many years https://vtdigger.org/2018/02/28/problems-plagued-f-35-since-proposed-20-years-ago/

n January, the Department of Defense’s operational test and evaluation director issued a scathing report that identified more than 1,000 deficiencies with the plane’s functionality. The F-35 cannot reliably shoot straight, or deploy its bomb-aiming mechanisms correctly, the report found. It said pilot ejection safety also remains an issue, and the plane has serious cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The plane’s Engine Ice Protection System — which would almost certainly be crucial for New England flights — was also found to be faulty. Facing problems, the military appears to have abandoned the ice program altogether, instead “changing the technical orders to require pilots to shut down the aircraft if icing conditions are encountered on the ground.”

“The operational suitability of the F-35 fleet remains at a level below service expectations and is dependent on workarounds that would not be acceptable in combat situations,” the January report reads. “Reliability growth has stagnated.”

Luke Hemmming

I was thinking of you when I was listening to this song…hope you enjoy…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNqqs4h4M7c

Zionism = EVIL

Dummy, the S-400 have never been used in combat. How old you are kiddo?

Daniel Miller

Ok i realise you have autisam but for the love of god stay on topic.

Zionism = EVIL

Over a thousand Zionist attacks on Syria have been catalogued and not a single instance of even localized retaliation. Even Hezbollah which now has a minor role in Syria is getting fed up with Syrian cowardice. There is a good article on how Hezbollah scoffs at Syrian ineptitude and has backed off.

“Hezbollah has gained from the experience of working with armies and managing numerous weapons systems simultaneously – air power, armored vehicles, intelligence, and drones: all specialties of conventional armies,and has done all the heavy lifting while the Syrians have balked at aggressive operations ” said a commander in a regional alliance fighting in Syria.

“Hezbollah is now a dynamic army, bringing together guerrilla and conventional warfare.”


Surprise surprise, those bullshit Russian systems are pising in the wind. Kind of like that Pantsir Israel fucked.

John Whitehot

the one which was turned off of course.


You guys know Russia is Zionist right?

Lol fucking dumbfucks

John Whitehot

no, we know you’re a retard.

John Whitehot

as usual, these pics don’t look right. seems convenient that there’s a cloud over the place in the second one

at any rate, check out the damascus international on google earth, i could not find anything similar to the objects in the pictures.


That’s the building right in the administration buildings. just down to the freezone. These arsholes have no shame.

The same goes for all the MSM and western governments who made a fuss over Yemeni army attack on the military part of Riyadh airport. Hypocrisy as usual.

The building is marked on the map:


Promitheas Apollonious

the question is why no retaliation ever happens and whose stopping it from happening and why. My opinion is common sense and because something else bigger, than stopping the israelis to hit few empty buildings. Their time will come I am sure is just not now.


From these pictures it looks like Syria would have a better chance of intercepting Israelis by throwing IL20’s at them.

Pantsirs got their pants down. Bwahahaha

Promitheas Apollonious

do they pay you to behave as a retard or is a family birth defect, due to too much inbreeding?


He’s a Jew

Rancho Kareem

Family defect

Zionism = EVIL

For a dimwit you have a point. The Syrians are proving technically and militarily inept as most Arab are. They have already lost 2 batteries of Pantsir while taking a smoking break and leaving the trucks in the open. A video of that is available on Youtube. And secondly, it is beyond comprehension that the SAA has not built any underground weapons storage facility in 7 years of war, while the headchoppers in Douma were able to dig 10 kilometers of underground facilities with hospitals, command centers and weapons storage. Syria is really short of brain power and perhaps you can move there and will be considered an instant genius :)

Jim Prendergast

One missile got through and hit a furniture warehouse. What a wasted effort.

Zionism = EVIL

Must have been really combustible “furniture” then :) Made in China ?

Luke Hemmming

Nah recycled timber furniture from Israel. Apparently it had termites in the timber and needed to be destroyed.


Always a wise idea to check furniture for explosive nitrates before purchase! LOL

Bill Wilson

That’s why clear lacquer finishes burns so well!


How do you know they haven’t man? It’s not like they’re going to announce it publicly.

Zionism = EVIL

I am going by evidence and facts on the ground. The Zionists have attacked Syria almost daily and done substantial damage as they know that Syria and its “allies” are too weak to hit back. No nation state in history has been attacked with such impunity as Syria has for the past 7 years. It is almost unbelievable from a rational point of view. Iranians have also lost a lot of men and senior officers and have not retaliated even once. It is almost criminal to deploy men in a combat zone without air defences. The Zionist scum are not super-human and are more vulnerable than most as they think that they will live forever and are scared of death. The only way these attacks will stop if there is a cost to the Zionists. That is a simple lesson of history and human psychology. Either fight back or become a permanent bitch.


They highly exaggerate the number of times they have attacked Syria as well as the damage they have inflicted. There are political reasons for lack of retaliation at the moment.

Bill Wilson

It’s hard to conceal major tunneling operations. Roads need to be built to the sites then whatever is dug out is generally dumped nearby. All of that is rather obvious from outer space since all that takes time and the intel guys do photo overlays to see if anything has changed.


It’s easy to conceal it if you start digging under cover of large buildings (example: airport hangers, warehouses, factories, tunnels etc.)

Luke Hemmming

I think Syria would be better off throwing you to the Israeli’s. Hopefully you get sucked into one of those Israeli jet engines and the turbine fans churn you into a pulpy mash, the jet fuel BBQ’s you, then spits you out the ass end of the engine exhaust only then to be picked up and eaten by the Cinereous vulture or the Lappet-faced vulture.Mission accomplished.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, the fat moron Trump yesterday said that Putin and him have discussed “protecting Israel”. I believe that Russia is weak and also heavily infested with Zionists and will do nothing to protect Syria. It also shows the technical insanity of SAA and Iranians who have not built underground bomb proof bunkers for weapons storage. The hills around Damascus are ideal for tunneling. And most importantly, the only way these daily and increasingly brazen Zionist attacks will stop if there is retaliation. Trump also stated that Americunts have no intention of leaving al-Tanf or Syria unless the “Kurds and US allies are protected”. The Syrian terror war is about to get worse as Turkeys have gone back to supporting HTS which is the new name for ISIS.

Promitheas Apollonious

and what given you this idea that SAA and iranian have their weapons storage’s on the surface? You assuming what you read to be truth dont you. Kind of callable what you say and at least naive.

Also again you assuming that turkey ever stop supporting her allies (isis) or she ever been honest in anything she does, in syria or iraq. As for the retaliation part ……… it will not come from syria or russia.

Zionism = EVIL

I am realist and have more military experience than most ranting kids here. I am very familiar with Arab armies and they are mostly not worth a shit. Hezbollah is perhaps an exception as it is political movement and cohesive. However, they will not retaliate for Syria and Sayyed Nasrallah has made that clear. The Syrians are used to being humiliated and will be hit harder now as both Trump and Putin want to get Iranians out of Syria and a weak truncated state. One has to take an adult view of things not emotional hyperbole. Syria is fucked.

Jim Prendergast

Hezb is perhaps an exception, Republican Guards are perhaps an exception, SAA is perhaps an exception, Kurds are an exception, Druze are an exception. What are you talking about?

Zionism = EVIL

If SAA and Republican Guards were an exception, the Zionists would not be sitting on the Golan and attacking Syria with impunity every day :)

Jim Prendergast

Syria, Iran and Lebanon do not provoke wars. They all work in accordance with the dictates of the U.N. and International Law. Eventually the occupied Golan will be returned to Syria by peaceful means.

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah sure, hell would freeze over by then too. The UN is a joke and we live in the law of the jungle era. Zionists have built up Golan and it is like Palestine now and gone for good. Sad fact and reality.

Jim Prendergast

Yes. Hell will freeze-over.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes well so have I and I know syria much better than any one posting here as well several other places around the world. If indeed you are who you claim, you also know that an army that survived and hold up to what the syrians have done coming against them after 8 years I dont think is much better army than them and with much more practical experience.

As for what you say about trump and putin…….. like they are buddy buddy and agree things together shows also the extent of your ignorance as to what goes down and whose in control in west. trump is an errant boy following orders, putin is no ones errant boy and is giving orders.

So I fail to see how you coming to the conclusions you come up with and where exactly you base them. And so we are clear I am no ones lawyer or defend any one just call things as they are.


Article by Ollie Richardson “Why Israel’s Airstrikes in Syria Are a Sign of Weakness, Not Strength”; https://thesaker.is/why-israels-airstrikes-in-syria-are-a-sign-of-weakness-not-strength/

Gives a decent explanation as to the politics behind the scenes and in International Law and how the ‘game’ is being played.

Jim Prendergast

Yes, what else can they do?


Sorry but I don’t follow that comment. What is ‘they’ and what do you mean by ‘do’.

Promitheas Apollonious

good article thank you for sharing.


No problem.

Luke Hemmming

Excellent article Jim. I read it all. Helped explain a few things for me and connected some dots. Hopefully some certain individuals read it and stop writing stupid inflammatory comments about how redundant Russia’s s300 and 400 systems are or how Russia is in bed with Israel or how great US military and military equipment is. But then again those small minds, we all know who they are, probably cannot even comprehend what is been explained in that article, so there is no hope for them except hopefully they get bored and give up on their trolling.


Not wrong Luke, that article is an eye opener and logical. I did suspect that Russia was holding back and Russia is not Syria and will not intervene in Syrian internal matters. I believe that Putin said something similar in 2016. The S300/400/500 systems do work and for Russia to activate the systems it would have to be the last option, so far it acts as a safety net and hopefully in the not too distant future there will be some sane, intelligent and humane leaders elected, if not then the S300/400/500 etc will be activated. Safest place would be on an island, very few people and make sure you have enough weapons and ammo.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Syria has some minor upgraded grad missiles. They can launch them at Israel, perhaps even dozens for a few days. Israel will shoot 90% of them down easily as they are not very fast, Syria will run out of such missiles within a week, and Israel will paint themselves as the victims and that the international coalition needs to be formed like they did to Saddam to removed Assad. Syria has no hitting power really, and their air-force sucks. Syria simply lacks the ability to trade blows with any modern foe. Russia keeps it that way. No S-400’s, no 4th gen aircraft. No modern attack base killing missiles. Basically Russia ensures that Israel has complete superiority in every field over Syria. Even Israels anti-missile system is far more advanced then the S-300 system provided to Syria. Syria has literally got nothing to work with. Israel has dozens of the most advance satellites on the planet, Syria has no Satellite.

Promitheas Apollonious

BS. as for their anti missile system can not even stop more than 10% if that of the missiles hamas is hitting it with so get your facts straight and try not to embarrass too much yourself with your ignorance on what you pendent to be an expert and give advice.

Ray Douglas

I am at a loss to understand the Syrians and Russians. I even don’t understand the Iranians. Why, if others have stated here, that the S300 can detect Israeli planes the moment they take off why don’t they blow them to pieces. Perhaps the Jews still have Russia by the balls economically speaking?

Promitheas Apollonious

if they shot them down out side the air space of Syria that be a declaration of war. That is a lame excuse but is what is been said up to now .

Ray Douglas

That is a ridiculous argument. Surely they don’t expect anyone to believe that? It may be that they are concentrating on negotiations to liberate East Syria. i suppose they have agents in Idlib looking for where the chemical weapons are stored so as to neuterlise them.

Promitheas Apollonious

ridiculous or not that is what is been said. If someone agree with them or not that is another story.


There are rats the terrorists in between Syrians and Russians that breach the security of Syrians and Russians.

Both Russians and Syrians should be vigilant to avoid this type of incidences.

Emanual Macron

that assholes that have no shame you are correct, they are Iran and Hezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbesuckadickola who try to hide their arms in a fucking airport. You can run but you can’t hide. Scum of the scum scum scum you are. I am happy to know that you will be suffering in hell for many millions of yours long after you die, so this brings me much joy at the very least.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, they are far worse for not hitting the cowardly Zionist scum, true FACT!


This is because the MSM doesn’t check facts anymore, they leave that to others, socalled fact checking groups. They used to do it, but nowadays they just print whatever comes off the wire. Similarly with interviews, politician or lobbyist sits there, gets asked a question, spews his bullshit, and instead of being called out on his bullshit gets asked a new question to spout more bullshit. Its embarrassing to watch.


Ironically, this is one of the few times SANA, South Front, and the Israeli PM agree with each other.


+ smaug


More dead IRGC I bet. Those pussy Jranians take it up the ass all the time


“This is the first time in 7 years the Israelis have deliberately killed Iranian revolutionary guards in the airport,” Nassrallah said. “Attacking a T-4 airport is a pivotal incident in the history of the region that can’t be ignored”

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

So have 7000? US soldiers since you illegally invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. I guess those “tribal sheep shepherds” did put up a resistance that the US never ever was able to defeat.

And what about the 58.000 US lives lost in the Vietnam war? Who did they fight, the feared Red Army or another farmer/shepperd resistance? Did they win that war or was that another waste of lives?

Luke Hemmming

You keep reposting an old article from April that has nothing to do with this current attack. Ok so I will repeat myself too then. The USA got butt fucked by little ol vietnam. Somalia dragged the bodies of your beloved ‘invincible’ military personnel through dust covered street’s. Afghanistan is a complete WOFTAM. Iraq 1 and 2 are failures too. Anyone else would like to point out other USA failures including not euthanising Patriotic White Butt Fucker.


Yeah the IRGC always travels by bus. It seems that American missiles can’t tell the difference between a missile and a bus, typical American technology, designed to be SNAFU.


They travel by coffin these days it seems


He’s another Tel Aviv man. Nothing he says speaks of patriotism, he’s a fully fledged imperialist/globalist enjoying the destruction of assets in a country that never did anything bad to the US of A. He’s white (globalist identity politics) only when it suits him, the rest of the time he is probably a jew, but he could be black for what anyone will ever know. Anyone can make a claim online to be an American and then proceed to make comments that create more hatred of Americans. It is the MO of the exceptionalistan of the ME. He doesn’t deserve a single response!


Yes you are right, the good news is Jews are paying this guy to spread hatred and disinformation. That means that SouthFront has attracted an audience, and it scares the Jewish Nazis(Zionists). Anything that scares the Nazis has to be good.


Article is from last year, kike

Angelo Cinarelli


H Eccles

A blatan act of internationl terrorism courtesy of that scum state…

Daniel Miller

It seems that only a cople of missiles hit their mark.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why have the Israelis suddenly become so bold after such a long hiatus, something’s happened we’re not aware of yet, something important.


Hard to word any sort of response that doesn’t acknowledge just how weak Syria, Russia and especially Iran look during the course of the war regarding Israeli strikes on NUMEROUS targets within Syria.

Has there been a time in history where one country would attack with impunity another nation resulting in little to no retaliation from said attacked nation? I would understand if it was a few hits but years of air strikes and no real hard hitting retaliation?

Damn….I said it before, Israel doesn’t want peace with its neighbors, it wants capitulation and it wants to expand. So war will be coming to Lebanon again….but I digress. Israel has it coming but does the nations it has work God have the means to dish out what Israel gives? I think so if the right initiative is taken.

S300 and modern Syrian Air defense infrastructure is actually pretty incredible given that they are intercepting the majority of Israeli saturated air strike raids. But the ones that get through seem to be doing extensive damage. They could be hitting empty buildings or actual targets but both situations is still shameful.

What are your guy’s thoughts and opinions? Be civil and realistic please.


There could be a strong Israeli SIGINT/ELINT operation going on within Syria coupled with on the grounds informants that are constantly providing information to Israeli high command. Or they could be using their satellites to infer where possible weapons caches and command centers are.

Idk to be completely honest.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran and hezbollah have thousands of its fighters deployed in Syria…and israel only 3 times attacked them seeking kill fighters( t4, Dara, Damascus)..Hezbollah retaliate with ATGM attacks which kill 2 israeli captains and 4 wounded, a IED attack caused 6 wounded…while Iran launched 55 rockets vs Golan military assets to retaliate for T4 attack!…Israel now only attacks warehouse or ammo depot during night to avoid casualties!….why Syria dont retaliate?..because they want that Russia provide them with modern offensive weapons like Iskander M/K, more Smerch rockets launchers and modern aircraft with long range air to air/ ground missile!


Going to have to disagree with you on the amount of times Israel has attacked Iranian targets officially, since if we go by public records of Israeli officials then they struck many times, but I doubt the efficacy and efficiency of the strikes as well as the overall impact they have on Irans influence and operational capabilities in Syria.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I wrote only 3 times only seeking kill fighters ..and as well HZB as Iran have retaliate that attacks!..israel only seek to destroy ammo depot include warehouse and factory where they think that indeed is a ammo depot..

Tommy Jensen

So its Syria´s fault again.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Again fake photos.. diferent places


So the mighty IDF using the latest American technological smell, blew up a bus stop. Let this be a warning to others, only use kosher buses.


When the cameras are off and no one is watching Syrian Air defense is the best. Haha.


Why do you make women sit at the back of the bus?


This is for that so called patriotic american niga that likes to get his a kicked to z in the comment section every time.


Tommy Jensen

Wall Street had to invent something to keep up with the hippies, their smiles, their peace and love sh.t. Ask Alice……………………LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl89g2SwM

Tommy Jensen

Putin and Kremlin call it a row of unfortunate and unforseen circumstances. Putin gave his permission to Israel bomb raid no. 202 but had not expected this outcome.

After all we have a war, and war includes killing of SAA, Iranians and Syrian civilians yes…………….LOL.

S-300? Not delivered yet to Assad, still in the training and maintenance phase…………….LOL.


It’s crap. The building probably had costumes for Carnaval.

Douglas Houck

From Sputnik: “The minister said that apart from planes, several buildings at the airport were also damaged in the airstrike. He added that an aircraft repair hangar was among them. It had already been damaged in an earlier Israeli strike and hadn’t been repaired by the time of the last one.”


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Don’t read this if you never believe what the Israelis write or say, just ignore it and move on, but if like me you get your news from anywhere you can, check this out. ……

A new Russian threat was received in Israel on Wednesday, Dec. 26: Any more air strikes and Syria’s SA-5 air defense missiles will be fired deep into Israel – like the one that shook several towns on Tuesday night in the middle of an IAF attack on Iranian sites in Syria. Israel’s air defense system missed the intruding missile; it exploded harmlessly in an unpopulated part of Mt. Carmel. By issuing this threat, Moscow confirmed that the Syrian missile was aimed deliberately at the Israeli heartland, and was not a stray from the attacks on Israeli aircraft, as some Israeli officials have claimed.

People living in the towns of Hadera, Caesarea, Or Akiva, Zichon Yacov and Binyamina reported that their houses shook under the blast and for many hours the air reeked of gunpowder. A quarter of a million Israeli civilians were affected. That would be a mild foretaste of what is to come if the Russians carry out their threat of payback for any more Israeli air strikes over Syria. And that was a single SA-5 missile. The impact of five or 10 fired by a Syrian battery does not bear thinking of.

The SA-5 (Russian coded S-200) is elderly but it has a very long range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air capacity, can function in all weathers and can be used to hit ground targets as well as aircraft and missiles. DEBKAfile’s military sources note that the Russians indicated that Syria would not launch a surface missile offensive against Israel but would employ a tit-for-tat strategy, countering Israeli air strikes over Syrian air space with missile attacks over Israeli air space. There was no indication of whether Israeli air attacks mounted from Lebanese skies were included in the threat. This warning from Moscow and Damascus prompted an Israeli official to confirm for the first time early Thursday, Dec, 27, that the IAF had struck several Iranian targets in three main locations – primarily storage and logistics facilities used by Iran to ship weapons to Hezbollah – and also destroyed a Syrian anti-aircraft battery that fired at the Israeli jets. The official did not elaborate, but the battery was the one that had fired the SA-5 into central Israel This disclosure embodied Israel’s counter-threat. Our military sources also reveal that the three targets attacked in Syria were the command center of the Syrian army’s 10th Division at Qatana, its Dimat base and the 4th Division’s compound in Saboura, which houses Iranian Revolutionary Guards weapons and ammunition stores laid in for arming the five militias Iran is building in Syria for a long-term presence. https://www.debka.com/russia-and-syria-threaten-to-fire-sa-5-missiles-into-central-israel-if-iaf-air-strikes-continue/


Interesting reading at least, even if I don’t believe it. S-200 has a warhead of 200 kg, so the effects would be rather limited. But it could be claimed that this was an errant missile and not intentional. :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep trying to work out any reason they could possibly have to lie about it, what would they gain from making it up, I can’t for the life of me come up with even one reason for why they would. I’m coming down on the side of, I’m accepting what they say as being correct, It would certainly be good for Syria if the Russians actually were making those types of threats against Israel.

Wiki info, take note of the nuclear capabilities. Each missile is launched by 4 solid-fueled strap-on rocket boosters.[7] After they burn out and drop away (between 3 and 5.1 seconds from launch) it fires a 5D67 liquid fueled sustainer rocket engine (for 51–150 seconds) which burns a fuel called TG-02 Samin (50% xylidine and 50% triethylamine), oxidized by an agent called AK-27P Melange (red fuming nitric acid enriched with nitrogen oxides, phosphoric acid and hydrofluoric acid).[8] Maximum range is between 150 km (81 nmi) and 300 km (160 nmi), depending on the model.[9] The missile uses radio illumination mid-course correction to fly towards the target with a terminal semi-active radar homing phase. Maximum target speed is around Mach 4. Effective altitude is 300 m (980 ft) to 20,000 m (66,000 ft) for early models and up to 35,000 m (115,000 ft) for later models. The warhead is either 217 kg (478 lb) high-explosive fragmentation (16,000 × 2 g fragmentation pellets and 21,000 × 3.5 g pellets) triggered by radar proximity fuse or command signal, or a 25 kt nuclear warhead triggered by command signal only. Each missile weighs around 7,108 kg (15,670 lb) at takeoff.[9]

The system utilises radio semi active guidance throughout the missile’s flight, which is far more accurate at long range than the command guidance method used by the earlier S-75 Dvina and other missiles. The existence of an optional terminal passive radar homing mode for use against AEW aircraft remains unconfirmed. Peak missile speed is around Mach 8 and the single-shot kill probability is quoted as 0.85, presumably against a high altitude bomber-type target.


“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious”(Sun Tzu)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And the Russians just said, see what just one of our old AA missiles with a 200 kg conventional warhead can do, imagine what it would be like if 10 got through with 25 kt nuclear warheads, and their just our AA missiles, imagine what our surface to surface missile would do. “People living in the towns of Hadera, Caesarea, Or Akiva, Zichon Yacov and Binyamina reported that their houses shook under the blast and for many hours the air reeked of gunpowder. A quarter of a million Israeli civilians were affected”. LOL.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I couldn’t quote one of his sayings or philosophies I’m afraid, the bits and pieces I have read or heard don’t seem that spectacular or different to any other good commander ideas though.


“Gunpowder” Are you kidding me, gunpowder, in a weapon made in the last 100 years?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Maybe High explosive smells like gunpowder, or maybe even the rocket fuel perhaps. 250,000 Israelis were affected, I wonder how many Israeli houses shook, maybe all of them if they were all trembling in fear, sirens and rockets screaming overhead, that’d get some of the homes shaking because of the trembling occupants inside.


…Meanwhile At The Castle Of Doom ..!

Ghm ..What I meant to say was :

Meanwhile at the CNN headquarters …(AKA deep state headquarters) its all about :

Collusion Collusion Collusion 24/7 Collusion Collusion Collusion !

Collusion and Impeachment ! Impeachment and Collusion !

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin …sitting on a tree K I S S I N G !

Nothing has changed in CNN since the day after D.Trump won the US elections…its like its the same tape for the past 2 years !

Who believes CNN today ? Only sheep on the fields probably !

For the first time someone who is not their puppet has become the president and they have totaly lost it!

It is just so funny …!

Everytime I want to have a laugh I put on CNN …literally not a single thing coming out of that Garbage fake news network is true !

And on top of that they now are trying to tell you that they are the ones telling the truths and the others are the fake news …!

And this plug in called NewsGuard is their instrument of controling the masses and basicly the naive innocent person who is looking to find news that are Not fake news.

Read up :

Partnering with Microsoft, NewsGuard is trying to have its rankings installed by default in US public school and university libraries, as well as on smartphones, computers, Facebook and Twitter.

Hawaii is the first US state to have installed NewsGuard on its public library computers.

Who is behind NewsGuard?

So, who are these ‘guardians of truth’, exactly?

NewsGuard was co-founded by veteran journalist Steven Brill, who also founded the American Lawyer magazine,

and Louis Gordon Crovitz who was previously the executive vice president of Dow Jones and has edited books for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Heritage Foundation — two neoconservative think tanks which were heavily involved in promoting the Iraq war.

Heritage and the AEI, are linked to the US defense industry and have also been involved in pushing for the expansion of US military action in countries like Syria and Libya.

Crovitz himself, as noted by MintPress, has been accused of “repeatedly getting his facts wrong” in his Wall Street Journal articles and even his own sources have taken him to task over “fantastically false claims.”

NewsGuard also has a number of “advisors” which might raise eyebrows.

Among them are Tom Ridge, a former Secretary of Homeland Security under George W. Bush, former CIA director Michael Hayden and Richard Stengel, a former Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy under Barack Obama and now “distinguished fellow” at the US arms manufacturer-funded Atlantic Council think tank.

Stengel admitted that some people described his former post at the State Department as akin to being the “chief propagandist” for the US government.

PS You are welcome. And thank you Sputnic.


Can you please

compress your post

so it is

easier to read. :D


If true , the Iranians has to be about the silliest people around . How can such a thing happen that allows their major weapons destroyed all in one place.

Really unbelievable.

Air strikes are normally not effective if common sense is used.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranians got rid of their professional army and purged the airforce after the so-called “Islamic Revolution” in 1979. Some of the most competent generals were executed. The current crop of idiots and illiterates that run Iran and its military are Islamist street thugs who came out of religious seminaries and have no clue about military planning, field intelligence or even basic technical issues. The mullahs are uneducated and don’t understand the need for a proper military academy, intelligence service and above all, a strong airforce. Every day an antiquated Iranian plane goes down, just yesterday a Boeing 707, military converted transport flying from Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, circa 1957 vintage took out homes village near Tehran, sadly killing 15. The mullahs also mishandled relations with Russia and could not wrangle a deal on any aircraft delivery and now have left the country totally vulnerable. Unless you have educated secular people running things, then you are truly fucked.


If Israeli claims of Iranian stocks of missiles in Syria is to be believed. I could see a point where even some in Damas see this as counter productive for the country, along with Russia. Could be why some intel about locations gets out and munitions not protected in bunkers?

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist scum make up figures. Most of Iranian and Hezbollah missiles are mostly unguided rockets. Even the Houthis have done a better job of protecting their assets from relentless Saudi aka NATO airstrikes.


Well of course they wouldn’t, they would bring them in in small lots and deploy, disperse them out of site.

Israel blows up a building, that appears to be a bus station, but claims its a warehouse with Iranian missiles inside. It’s war, they all lie.


Why is the before picture blurred? Looks like photoshop at work. If those blurred building contained ammunitions then the damage would have been far greater. What the israelis struck could have been a sewing work shop if anything at all.

Luke Hemmming

Good point there.


this attack might be the last nail in these fake jews coffins everytime they attack a brown theirs gets attacked and or die somewhere in the world and i assure u their aren’t many of em left in the world same as my tribe not many of my personal bloodline left on earth these fcks might of damned the entire white race and due to the fact that they did not heed my WARnings i am sure their will be mind boggling consequences for their species now

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