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MARCH 2025

Sattelite Images Reveal Impact Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria’s Damascus

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Israel’s ImageSat International released sattelite images showing the alleged impact of the December 25 Israeli airstrikes on targets in western Damascus. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the strikes destroyed a warehouse with Iranian Faj-5 rockets, which were set to be delivered to Hezbollah.

Sattelite Images Reveal Impact Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria's Damascus

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Sattelite Images Reveal Impact Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria's Damascus

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Daniel Miller

So this confirmed the statment form before that only 2 missiles made it thro.


Anybody hear of PHOTOSHOP ?

viktor ziv

It might be just me, but left and right side of the pictures seems to be not from the same spot. Understand that pics are from different seasons, but to many anomalies are present here.


It seems fake.

Jaffar al-Majmuni

Looks like a similar propaganda stunt when the u.s. bombed syria last time and released images of an destroyed object somewhere in the suburbs of Damascus. The only problem was that the object was already destroyed by terrorists long before Trumps “smart” rocket strike.


Whats the height the satellite shoots the pictures from? Why don’t they show spy satellite pictures with state of the art resolution?

Pave Way IV

Because it’s classified?

Hisham Saber

Actually, the opposite is true. If any of it were true, Israel wouldn’t hesitate to show the world ‘ the high resolution, multi-spectrum stuff. ‘

We all know how the Israeli’s love to brag. But the truth is, they are the fathers of deceit and disinformation.

Where was Israel’s ‘ Eros B and C….with resolutions of .7 m (700mm) during the 33 day war with Hezbollah in 2006 ? When they couldn’t put a dent into Hezbollah, nor take over a single Lebanese village with 75,000 troops and two armored battalions, against 4500 determined, highly mobile Hezbollah ATGM teams and regulars.

Instead, the Merkava’s were shredded (44 out of 400), and discontinued, and Israel’s naval flagship was nearly sunk by a cheap Chinese C 108 anti-ship missile.

We all saw the clear evidence of all these loses crystal clear all over the internet, taken by journalists among others. No need for deception then. But now, Israel is just making shit up. I understand, they are desperate.

Pave Way IV

Turns out they still haven’t launched EROS C yet. EROS B was launched in 2006 – it’s an ancient commercial satellite, not a military or state intel satellite. At the time, there were less than a dozen commercial satellites in orbit and 70 cm resolution monochromatic was about the best they could manage for commercial micro-satellites.

Israel (like the US, Russia and everyone else) never publishes anything about their full-sized military and intel satellites, nor do those governments ever provide imagery from them. If they do publish something, it’s crappy 70 cm commercial sat imagery like that from EROS B because it’s cheap, and it doesn’t reveal mil/intel capability. There are maybe 50 or so sub-200 cm commercial satellites today and a few with 25 – 30 cm resolution. WorldView 3 with 31 cm resolution in color shown below. Israel doesn’t own them, so they would have to pay top dollar to acquire those images. Why bother? Photoshop and EROS B are cheap and seem to be more than enough to fool their intended audiences in the west.

I have no idea what mil/intel capability Israel had in 2006 or how it was used in the 33-day war, but they were not relying on EROS B imagery. They were simply publishing imagery from it because it was cheap or free to them and any other paying customer could get it without restrictions. Even then, you could only get an EROS B image of the same spot/building once every six days – three days for a different perspective off-nadir ‘sideways’ angle, but the apparent resolution suffered.

Israels mil/intel capability (or whatever the US provided to them) was better than that in 2006, but still maybe only a couple of images at different times during daylight. Sat imagery – at least back then – sucked for tactical use. Hez wasn’t doing mass armor attacks or defending huge fortresses – not sure what advantage Israel could have had from any sat imagery back then. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e7d598c04c480081a3d34245c6df5a08a76d83619853d910213881f2caf814d2.png


John Whitehot

sure, and why did a house completely change shape, because it’s classified?

Pave Way IV

The answer to “Why don’t they show spy satellite pictures with state of the art resolution” is not the same as the answer to “Why don’t they show commercial satellite pictures with state of the art resolution” or “Why did they just use a cheap-assed, low resolution Photoshopped imagery here?”

Israel does not care that the skeptical here on a SouthFront comment thread (including me) are not convinced. Israel only cares that the MSM and their shrinking western audience will accept their claims despite the grainy imagery provided, so it’s good enough.

The fact that Israel could have used higher-resolution commercial imagery is (to me) irrelevant. Would you believe their claims more if they published the same two images in full color 31 cm resolution?

John Whitehot

understood. Thanks for the clarity.


we had better resolution in the late 80s when I was in the German army.

Pave Way IV

ISI sells ‘quick’ to their commercial customers.The imagery is probably good enough for its intended pro-Israeli propaganda purpose. The IAF isn’t going to share its razor-sharp drone imagery it actually uses for BDA, and there’s no way they would rely on something like ISI/EROS sat imagery for that purpose.

Jens Holm

I wonder why several here name it as fake and photohop.

When it happend, there was a lot of picture. You in the cheepist way try ro indicate, that nothing happend. Cheep.


cheap I s’pose u mean

Jens Holm

Yes commenting on a flock of pictures, which all also could be photoshopped andsome new one maybee photoshop, because they might be photshipped as well.


learn to think and then to write – it will help whatever it is you think you’re doing and even better, find another forum than southfront, where views like yours are as popular as a bagful of piles, so please oblige!

Hisham Saber

You cant reason with the little miserable Jews like Jens. Just got to ignore it / him / her .

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Quoting myself here from an above post:

Why are they using Google Earth, did they pay Google Earth to fly a sat over there and snap a photo?

The quality is pretty bad, deliberately made, why would you do that; well, either to hide bad photoshopping or they have to be degraded to be releaseable to the public, wich makes no point for me.

I would also appreciate a photo of the site the day before or close to it. Comparing it with a shot taking 7-8 months ago makes it impossible to compare the terrain and surroundings; a deliberately move i think, once again to hide something.

If the warehouse was full of rockets, i would expect to see scars on the surrounding area, i can see nothing.

It more looks like a demolished building; all the rubble and debris is nicely placed inside the foundation.

Or are the SAA the most effective cleaning company in the world?

I could be wrong, but i have a hard time believing those sat photos

Jens Holm

Well, thats what I wrote.Its not my pictures whatever they came from. They are as good as any and could be true or false as You wish.

John Whitehot

“When it happend, there was a lot of picture”

complete bullshit.

this is the only picture that has been released to assess some purported damage, and it’s even badly done.

if Israel is really looking to quell some kind of threat, they would not release anything publicly.

all the garbage they’ve been dumping on the internet since the il-20 incident is just evidence of a clique of butthurt zionists feeling completely impotent in front of what is going on.

Hisham Saber

Exactly. There is a air of Israeli desperation all over the place. But then again, Jews are the fathers of deceit and lies, and lets not forget fake news and disinformation.

John Whitehot

i’d say that the desperation is with Netanhyau and the jewnazi party he’s from.

they are using their countries institutions, armed forces and medias only to prevent their political demise, forcing them to pass lies whose quality decreases every day.

and as for their servant(s) on SF, if they asked them to dress up as clowns and jump into rings or kick each other asses to preserve their public image with the israeli people, they would do it gladly.

all in all, it’s a miserable spectacle we are witnessing – even talking about it kind of hurts my sense of decency.

Jens Holm

I meant the pictures missiles as ” a lot” but bot to rely on, what was. From those, You cant conclude “a lot”.

You/we almost only can conclude something happend.

Justlook at Misham Haber right here “Israelei desperation a.s.o. … blah, blah …


“I wonder why several here name it as fake and photohop.”

Maybe it’s the funny little character down in the corner with the “Where’s Jens” caption?


FAKE. Even the wreckage they erased …


Whatever the Syrians and Iranians et al might or might not be, according to ones perspective, they are rational and logical. If thay had not been so, the US Coalition of Terror would have succeeded in taking over Syria years ago.

It is not logical to place ‘all ones eggs in one basket ‘ and therefore it is not logical that Iranian missiles, if they existed, would be stacked together in one place. Especially when we consider the Israeli spy and intelligence capabilities.

It would be better in my opinion to store them individually in farm buildings, caves and many other forms of temporary storage whilst in transit to their destinations. We are not, I suspect, talking about thousands of missiles, but a few score at most with any shipments.


most likely so – in view of the israeli spy capacity. and syria has every reason to provide an explanation that loads of missiles were destroyed, only to let them surface when needed. say when it’s time to put those effing thieves and murderers in the right place. in the med!

Tudor Miron

I agree Florian. Also, don’t forget that ImageSat is nothing other than Israeli propaganda outlet.

Manuel Flores Escobar

It has been seen by agronomist engineer who is a surveyor..and told me that there 2 diferents spot…in left photo there are a structure( diagonal) which is composed of roof and columns without partitions ..built to park vehicles…y right photo there a building in diagonal with walls!…on the Photo ( right) someone has drawn a supposely path over the Photo in the shape of a polygon similar with paths and vegetation of the left photo with the intention of confusing and make it look like the same plot of terrain..the line that marks a supposed path in the upper part of the photo ( right) is false!


I checked it in Google Earth. The left pic (before) is similar but the data is from 2017. The right pic (after) seems doctored to me too.

Manuel Flores Escobar

look at the ground of the left photo…its is paved with gravel…on the right Photo there is not paved soil, only agricultural land because its a farm!..we can see a little house..surely a scale to weigh olives.

Bill Wilson

The pics are of the same location. The right side looks different because it appears to be covered with soot and the ground vegetation has burned up.


I remember a few years ago the Israeli’s bragging about an Iranian truck convoy carrying weapons ( allegedly ) they had bombed in Sudan I think.

Found it. It was 2009. I am crap at remembering names and sadly good at recalling events Fred, Bill, Ivan, ———— Tudor :)

Bill Wilson

Hezbollah probably does that once those are inside Lebanon but are kept at a guarded SAA military base after unloading out of safety and security concerns.


Evidence would be appreciated Bill.


Evidence would be appreciated Bill.


just a small tiny part of the story

israel attacked in 3 waves

1st and 2nd wave were intercepted to 100% 3rd wave, the israelis used two civilian airliners as cover, thus no missiles were fired from SAA…these 2 missiles hit target!!! ps. the first and second wave , was an assasination raid against 3 high level hezbollah figures, which were exiting plane from beirut, and boarding plane to Teheran on Damascus airport

John Whitehot

the only reason the israeli attacked is to make a lot of noise because bibi risks ending up in the gutter and he wants israelis to believe they can overcome russian air defences

the photoshopped picture in this article shows how insanely devoted his clique is in spreading this kind of bullshit.


This report, which is well written, says that the S-300s have been operational since early November 2018:

“Russia accelerated this effort after the Syrian Air Defense Forces accidentally shot down a Russian IL-20 while responding to airstrikes by Israel on September 17.[8] The Russian Armed Forces deployed at least three additional battalions of S-300s to Syria by October 2.[9] These systems reportedly became combat operational as of November 7, although satellite images later showed at least one of the battalions still stationed at a storage site as of November 13.[10] ISW cannot independently verify the status of the other two battalions of S-300s.”



John Whitehot

haven’t you realized you are burned?

give peace to richardD and find some other dead yank identity to exploit.


You’re spewing nonsense to unsuccessfully try to divert attention from your debate skill and success deficiencies.

John Whitehot

if you wanna fool some idiot, go on a street a put up a three card game.

you’d gain points, intellectually.


You’re wasting my time with your stupidity and nonsense.


What information did he give that was incorrect ? Ad Hominem attacks from a straw man.


This is not Oz, but you can go complain to Bibi.


Everytime another video is hosted on Youtube about Israeli planes over Lebanon or Syria it makes me wonder why that is allowed , we all had high hopes that the S-300 would stop flights over Syria and in the posts below the video’s everyone wonders why the S-300 isn’t shooting down jets , guess were all hasbara trolls lmfao


Well, lets start a new campaign, without S-n: Jews, get out of the zionazi apartheid! Migrate!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Why are they using Google Earth, did they pay Google Earth to fly a sat over there and snap a photo?

The quality is pretty bad, deliberately made, why would you do that; well, either to hide bad photoshopping or they have to be degraded to be releaseable to the public, wich makes no point for me.

I would also appreciate a photo of the site the day before or close to it. Comparing it with a shot taking 7-8 months ago makes it impossible to compare the terrain and surroundings; a deliberately move i think, once again to hide something.

If the warehouse was full of rockets, i would expect to see scars on the surrounding area, i can see nothing.

It more looks like a demolished building; all the rubble and debris is nicely placed inside the foundation.

Or are the SAA the most effective cleaning company in the world?

I could be wrong, but i have a hard time believing those sat photos

Sage Durham

Demolished to falsely undermine Russian/Syrian Air defense system maybe

Jens Holm

Israel just do as they use to.

I see the promotion of those S200,300 and 400 as another example of propaganda. and the Assads being cheeted again all shouting hip-hip, we cant be hit and Israel is almost down.

Thats the tiny little world of theirs believing Israel are defeated sitting ducks. They never are learned about their enemies. They even think Assad is commander of the Russian army.

David Pryce

Another instance of Israeli aggression on a Sovereign nation using commercial airliners to attack Syria which has every right to store any Iranian weapons it sees fit, to defeat a Coup which is still apart of the US regime and Saudi Israelias agenda. Total scum, you would nearly respect them if they were willing to try take on Syria Hezbollah and Iran but they are weak and a mere blip on the sidelines. Israel and US just can’t accept there nullified.

Hisham Saber

Google is owned by two Jews. What do you expect ?


The Jews are really putting Russia in a bad light that is doing significant damage to Russia’s position in the world. With every air strike that results in the baby raper’s planes returning to base unharmed. Russia’s allies and enemies are questioning whether Russia’s air defense systems are an effective counter measure against NATO aircraft. This is creating a shift in the balance of power away from Russia to the Jews who are making the case that Russia is a paper tiger not to be taken seriously. Who can be bullied into submission and will back down when confronted. Because their equipment is overrated and not up to the task at hand. And they’re trying to cover up these deficiencies with thread bare excuses.

Sage Durham

You seem to be lowkey goading Russia into a hot war. hmmm Russia plans to wait till 2019/20 when it has modernised it’s military.


I’m trying to quell the Jew threat with a minimum of violence and preserve Russia’s deterence from a position of strength, and esteem, which the Jews are currently dragging through the mud. Once IAF planes start dropping. The Jews are unlikely to escalate from a weak position.

Hisham Saber

Truth is, the Jews have never been in a more weaker position. Russia, Syria and Iran, are just giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

The writing is on the wall for Israel. Its all over the place. It can be read everywhere. Israel has been effectively check-mated for years now. Just Russia, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran , and you can include China, are putting the finishing touches to a strategy.


sagedurham I do not agree


Richard, you risk to be confused with an hasbara, with such declarations. Some guys more suspicious could even think that you are writing from Tel Aviv.


Try looking at it from a head of state’s or government owner operator’s perspective. Russia said that they were going to upgrade Syria’s air defense capability to deter the Jew’s crime. They provided Syria with the modernised S-300 that is the back bone of Russia’s air defense system in Russia. And according to some reports, like the one below, these systems were operational almost 2 months ago. And Russia fully integrated Syria’s 1,000 strong launcher and support system into Russia’s satcom network. And upgraded their EW capability as well.

And nothing has changed in deterring Israeli airstrikes. It looks like the efficiency against missiles has improved, and that’s a good thing. But the Jews are running circles around it with their fighters. If you can’t take down the launch platforms, you’re going to get overrun in any escalation. If the Russian equipment can’t handle the Israelis, it’s certainly not going to be able to deal with NATO from a position of strength.

Judging from the up votes that this analysis has been getting for 2 days now. A lot of board members ave a similar view.

viktor ziv

Richard, remember how it went with Iraq. They launched few hundreds of tomahawks for Iraq to light up AA sites, then sophisticated planes came in destroying those sites. Another wave in and troops on the ground were sitting ducks. I have the feeling the S-300 will be used as last resort (no matter those are mobile). True, SAA might move S-300 closer to cover Israel airspace and to detect planes going into the air (most vulnerable step), but yet again will SAA fire missile then, when it might be false alarm and at the same time jeopardizing civil air transport. I believe in letting “enemy” in performing mistakes without interruptions, while defending Yourself the best You can. Choose time and fight when it suits You the best. SAA doesn’t need another front with IDF, while remaining pockets remain to be cleaned. Russia can support SAA with all other means but not with the foots on the ground.

Brother Ma

Everything you say is true but credibility is important. Winning moves must be SEEN by the public every so often if they are to believe in you. Much-promised superiority in an Endgame does not mean much to me. It could be all bullshit!

viktor ziv

You are correct here, Brother Ma. “time is of the essence”, however Ho Chi Minh said once, we don’t want to win the war today or tomorrow. We want enemy to bleed. So, warfare industry in US became wealthy and population became angry ending this bloody war. As I understand Kneset is disbanded, Bibi facing serious charges, so Israel government is like wounded animal these days, dangerous and unpredictable, so proper answer must be placed in proper time. ;)


Iraq had a robust second tier system that was effective against regional threats like Iran. They didn’t have S-300s, which were and still are the primary component of the Russian air defense system.

Syria’s air defense system is designed to handle first tier threats like Israel and NATO. Syria already has a front with Israel. It needs to be shut like the one with the US is now being shut. Failure to deal with Israel is going to cause Russia more problems than following through on what they said that they were going to do.


This isn’t an analysis, it’s mere affirmations:

“Russia’s allies and enemies are questioning whether Russia’s air defense systems are an effective counter measure against NATO aircraft. This is creating a shift in the balance of power away from Russia to the Jews who are making the case that Russia is a paper tiger not to be taken seriously.”

First, where are the declarations of Russia’s allies and enemies questioning the russian air defense capability, second, propaganda can’t make a shift in the balance of power, neither correspond to a tactical shift, and the tactic is to cover the attacks under any kind of plane, now civilian planes, what is more than despicable.


From my experience, and in my opinion, heads of state are questioning the viability of Russian air defense systems against NATO aircraft for several reasons. The S-300 has never taken down a target in combat. The Syrians have only taken down 1 IAF plane out of many attempts. And the current SADF force is probably the closet thing to a peer force of Russia itself that any customer of Russian equipment has ever been. With the possible exception of Vietnam. Most customers of Russian air defense equipment have faired poorly in previous hostilities against NATO or Israeli fighters. The S-300s are in service or should be according to numerous reports, and aren’t being used for the purpose that they were deployed to Syria for. No competent analyst is going to over look this volume of issues on an unproven system and not voice reservations about it’s effectiveness.

Right now the Jews are having a field day making fools out of the Russians by running circles around Syria’s air defense capabilities with their fighters. Until that changes, no rational decision maker is going to be without serious questions about whether the Russians are capable of delivering on their commitments.


Okay, but once more time, these are your and only your affirmations, nothing more, and don’t agree with the facts. Only two facts, as mere examples: 1- the planes of the U.S. and allies don’t fly west of Euphrates; 2- the Israelis are making their attacks (two) only under the cover of other planes (the Ilyushin and now 2 civilian planes).


There was an IAF attack a week ago with no reports of human shields. There were reports of SADF fire at IAF planes over Israel on the way back to the base on this attack.

There is a no fly zone over Syria, but most of those system are short range, and there are a lot of them. They’re not a factor over Israel, Lebanon, or the sea. The Buks and S-200s aren’t getting the job done against front line IAF planes. And the S-300s are untested in combat. If you’re a customer, you want enemy aircraft taken down before it gets in your airspace if possible. That’s where the Russian equipment isn’t getting the job done. And in this case it’s where the job needs to be done. And until it is, Russia’s position in the world is suffering. And if it’s corrected, Russia’s position will strengthen considerably.


Well, it’s your opinion, and how you put it in the last post it’s more reasonable, in my view. And now there’s a real fact: “the S-300s are untested in combat”. I don’t think Russia is suffering with that, you think otherwise, that Russia suffers, it’s okay, yours and mine own are two different points of view.


The difference now is that they’re being tested in combat for the task that they were designed for, and they’re failing the test. So all of the people who have them, and are considering buying them are wondering what’s wrong with them? You obtain a system on the premise that they’ll be operational in 3 months. And now there are reports that they’ve already been operational for 2 months. And the only thing that they’ve done is allowed people to be injured and buildings to be destroyed. Which is the exact opposite of what they’re designed for. That’s a problem for Russia, Syria, everyone that as these systems, and people looking to Russia for security.

And whose right in the middle of this debacle? Jews. They’ve been a curse on Russia for hundreds of years. And they’re thumbing their noses at Russia and making the Russians look like fools. Russia has just completed a quantum leap in improving Syria’s air defense capabilities to get this problem corrected. And nothing has changed. The Jews are doing the exact same thing that they were before the upgrade. And it’s been completely ineffective in getting the problem corrected.

You don’t see that as a problem?




“On 8 October 2018, Russian news agency TASS reported that three S-300PM battalions had been given to Syria free of charge, citing “On 1 October three battalion sets of S-300PM systems of eight launchers each were delivered to Syria,”. According to the source, the deliveries also included more than 100 surface-to-air missiles for each battalion.[143] It is operated by the Syrian Air Defense Force.”

– S-300 missile system –



Either he got converted to judaism and zionism over night on Christmas or someone has hacked his account. All of a sudden his impeccable English is gone to begin with. The rest… is not RichardD that we know. My take.


May be it’s an account of several guys. But it’s true that his “theory” has put me wondering strange things, imagine, the most anti jewish member of the board an hasbara officer!?!?!


Hard to believe, yes. Something is fishy.


My English hasn’t changed and my account hasn’t been hacked. What is it about this position that you disagree with:

“The difference now is that they’re being tested in combat for the task that they were designed for, and they’re failing the test. So all of the people who have them, and are considering buying them are wondering what’s wrong with them? You obtain a system on the premise that they’ll be operational in 3 months. And now there are reports that they’ve already been operational for 2 months. And the only thing that they’ve done is allowed people to be injured and buildings to be destroyed. Which is the exact opposite of what they’re designed for. That’s a problem for Russia, Syria, everyone that has these systems, and people looking to Russia for security.

And whose right in the middle of this debacle? Jews. They’ve been a curse on Russia for hundreds of years. And they’re thumbing their noses at Russia and making the Russians look like fools. Russia has just completed a quantum leap in improving Syria’s air defense capabilities to get this problem corrected. And nothing has changed. The Jews are doing the exact same thing that they were before the upgrade. And it’s been completely ineffective in getting the problem corrected.”

You don’t see that as a problem?


Nice try but no, I am not buying it. I stand by what I said. You can go bullshit your jew brothers.


I don’t have Jew brothers. You’re the one whose OK with Syrians being killed when the systems set to protect them don’t. What does that make you, a hasbara troll? Do you have a problem with IAF planes being taken down, and how does advocating that make me a Zionist shill?


I have no problems whatsoever with IAF planes falling down. Get lost.


Then why are you criticizing me for advocating it?


You are not RichardD. Get lost.


No one has hacked my account, and unlike you, nothing that I’ve written is untrue. You’re the one who has a problem with truth, not me.

Brother Ma

I agree. The other Sf article said Russian troops would be placed within all military sites. Well this site is syrian so it must have had Russians embedded there. Why didn’t the syrorussians attack an airport for an airport,as they loudly Promised?


The airport for airport published report wasn’t subsequently officially confirmed at the government level that I’m aware of. But the official statements on upgrading Syria’s air defense capabilities were pretty clear and repetitive from multiple high level named sources.

The lack of an effective response to the launch platforms is a clear failure to implement Russia’s official government policy. It’s possible that the Russians deferred to Syrian requests not to escalate. But if the IAF reports are true that their planes were being shot at from Syria while they were in Israeli airspace on the way back. Then Syria probably didn’t request an ineffective response.

Brother Ma

So Israel says that Syria did shoot back at Israeli planes when they were over Israel? Well that is worse! If it had such good sams it should have hit them.

Floyd Hazzard

People keep putting false hope in Russia and Poo-Tin. It’s been a while now that I and others keep pointing out that the Russians are treacherous, traitorous snakes of the worst kind. They even allowed the massacre of their own countrymen in Deir Ezzor without lifting a finger to attempt defending them. These people are all about Moscow, that’s it. Everything else is convenience to be used as cannon fodder and disposable collateral when needed. Being in a pit with snakes, it’s not if you’re going to get bitten, it’s when. https://www.globalresearch.ca/israels-christmas-attack-on-syria-wasnt-surprising-but-it-revealed-an-inconvenient-truth-about-russias-s-300s-anti-air-missiles/5663899?utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fzen.yandex.com

John Whitehot

there are no others, just tens of other identities you use, you pile of toxic garbage.

Hisham Saber



If you read back through the author’s articles that he links to. He’s been getting it wrong for a while now.

John Whitehot

yep, completely destroyed by photoshopping.

no craters, no sings of fire – it’s just been deleted. also notice how large are the pixels in the second picture.

also explain why the structure at the top right looks completely different.

israeli propaganda has gone completely insane.

Bigaess Wangmane

Bibi is catering to a domestic audience that places no value in truth, only propaganda. The Syrian military handled it well, considering the 2 commercial airliners that were put into harms way by Khazarian Fake-Semite forces, on Christmas day no less.

Hisham Saber

Deceit is a major Jewish characteristic. They are the fathers of lies.

Tommy Jensen

The most important in the Israel´s new strike on Damascus story, is that Kremlin again gave Israel its permission to bomb SAA, Iran, Hezbollah and Russian casualties in Syria.

It says nothing have changed in Kremlin´s relaxed attitude on Israel´s murder of 15 high qualified Russian servicemen and downing of their II-20 plane. Pls dont come up with hundreds of bad excuses.


Russia’s good reputation is being seriously damaged by this.


If these were truly ammo/rocket storehouses as jewish colonists say, there would be secondary explosions and ammo cookoffs and domino effect explosions, which was never reported. Just empty buildings, maybe with vehicles… but no ammo or rockets.


kike airforce jets using lebanese commercial airliners as human shields, flying within 1000m of them while launching missiles at syria and while they retreated. They followed the paths of these commercial planes to confuse Syrian operators and cause a tragedy. Thus, SAA had to limit itself. Imagine that, attacking a neighbor on Christmas, while thousands there are celebrating Christmas, and using two commercial airliners as human shields to illegally attack a neighbor.

Parisa Zoorgoo

using civilian airliners as shields…. death by torture seems about right for these dancing child burners!


Russian air defense is a plaything haha

Gregory Casey

Interesting that the comparator photograph is from May last : Who knows what was destroyed without photos of extent of what was on-site on 24th December 2018. For all we know, the site was a vacant lot!


gregory_casey important


Believing Israeli propaganda is foolish. The images are Israeli Government https://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/company/imagesat-international The dates locations and in fact the whole image could be fake.

Israel claims to have bombed Iranian rocket warehouses many times in the past. Now most nations after being repeatedly attacked would store their missiles in bomb proof bunkers.

So either the Iranians are really stupid or the Israelis are lying.

Israel has been claiming that Iran/Iraq/Syria is 18 months away from deploying nukes for 20 years, so they are known liars.

Iran has developed its own missiles and has mastered the complete cycle of uranium enrichment, so they are not stupid.

It’s possible that the warehouse was attacked, but more likely contained medicine or books.

Ignorance and disease are the favorite weapons of Israel and its American master.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x