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Saturday Live Stream: Syrian-Russian-Iranian Alliance, Turkey And Battle For Raqqa. FINISHED

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Today, SF Team is going to launch another live stream on Youtube.

TOPIC: the Syrian-Russian-Iranian Alliance, Turkey and the battle for Raqqa


Dear friends, you can ask questions about the live stream topics and other issues related to SF in the Youtube chat. (It’s available if you open the live stream in a separate browser tab)

NEXT LIVE STREAM: July 26, 21:00 CET (Central European Time)

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Shylo Duffy

All these deaths of innocent people just wanting to live their life’s truly breaks my heart.These are not wars these fights are to break down what little security these people enjoy. When I think of how certain people sit around planning their attacks on these Countries I’m left wondering how can these war mongers live with the knowledge that their killing people, babies included? They may not be held accountable in this life, however each and every one of us will be when the Lord judges us all.May God have mercy on all our souls.


Is the Lord Jesus Christ your God?


Does it matter, Christians, Jewish, and Muslims believe in the one and only God.


Yes it does matter because two out of the three faiths make God a liar. Jews say Jesus did not rise from the dead, Muslims say he did not die. Christians say He both died and rose from the dead. so it matters Very Much. If what we say about Jesus does not align with what God says about Jesus; because Salvation and where each of us spend eternity are at stake.

Shylo Duffy

We have but one God ..Let’s hope everyone seeks him bc the time is honestly near…


Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the light” He is the only path to God. The other two paths offered by Islam and Judaism will lead to dead ends. Even Christians need to be careful how they worship God.

Mathew 7:22-23

Shylo Duffy

Amen my brother! I’m Christian in my heart and my soul.When I 1st read you’re previous message, I’m sorry to say I thought you were being like so many today who either make fun of our Lord or call him names. Please forgive my assumptions. I’m truly sorry.


It is an honour to meet a fellow brother in these forums. Look me up when the Lord returns… I’d like to meet you in the rapture

Shylo Duffy

I will. However I a sister to you my brother..


OOps soo sorry for my mistake

Shylo Duffy

No worries Sam, it’s great seeing the truth in these days of good being bad.everything happening today has been told to us.but it’s also clear there are those who wish to speed things up..God bless you ..


is the human nature to think you are superior to other people since something got you in power, only communists and retards fail to assume this truth

Shylo Duffy

Why do you know him?


that’s all you can?

Shylo Duffy

What did you want me to say to say?


Amen, Shylo.


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John Wallace

fuck off with your bullshit scam


These wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria are Zionist programs to destroy possible threats to their hegemony in the region. Now that their number #1 enemy (Iraq) has been destroyed, Iran is the next target, so they have fomented the war in Syria to destroy Iran’s ability to project power and to indirectly hobble Hezbollah, who have been single-handedly resisting Israeli aggression against Lebanon for the past several decades. The Zionists behind these horrific wars do not care about civilian casualties, or collateral damage. They have no pity or mercy towards non-Zionists, but rather, view them as sub-human enemies who they have every right to destroy for the furtherance of their dominance in the Levant . As God Himself said in His Word: “They are a stubborn and stiff-necked people . .” , and most of the wars and strife, killings and injustice can be directly, or indirectly attributed to the unloving, hateful, racist attitude of the Zionists towards others of a different religion, culture and ethnicity. .

Shylo Duffy

Yup you’re apsolutly correct…

Night Hunter

I love to see live discussion, in-house, there are plenty with lots of usfull inputs. I’m new here, but like any other discussion boards, here we have a lot of talent whom can enlighten us with theirs thoughts.

Keep up the excellent work south front.

Night Hunter

I listen to LBC, national UK radio, the discussion that come up is allways informative. Here, there is a lot of room for improvement.


Dear friend, SF constantly works in order to improve our content. Live streams are something new for us, but we are determined to turn them into a useful tool for any person interested in receiving more info about the conflicts around the world.


Hello, SF, you have been making a lot of analytical videos about military groups “tiger forces, desert Hawks brigade…” , so I am asking if you can make one about Hezbollah. Who it is, how it was formed, goals, achievements, support, capability, and experience, and most importantly its role in Syria.


Hezbollah is in the plan. However, we cannot forecast when the video is ready. SF is a crowdfunded project and we have limited resources.

Shylo Duffy

Hezbollah is a blessing to many who are on the side of righteousness, never believe the lies spread about them.The way to know the truth is by researching so that you can form you’re own opinions.It wasn’t that long ago that I fell for every lie told to us and when I found the truth I have to admit it took me awhile to actually trust what the truth was showing me as well as get over our Govts just don’t know how to be honest.Today we understand we can’t rely on msm so we look to others for our facts..I promise you this truth right now Hezbollah are the good guys…White helmets are the worst if the worst. So what they tell us is good is usually bad and so on…


A request for a background of the MLK , the Iranian terrorist group working to overthrow the present government . Backed by France ? or US ? Thanks !

Shylo Duffy

I agree it’s great seeing the opinions of others,as long as they remember to be polite and not call other people down, we gain so much from others and truth is we people are on the same side. We all want peace!


looking forward to livestrean project

can you sync the volume between all hosts


Thank you for the feedback. This was a test stream in order to check what we can do in this direction. We are working to expand quality of our live streams.


Interested in doing radio streaming ?


SF is going to develop our Youtube live streams. This is the goal now. P.S. For sure, the team will continue producing war reports, video analyses and text analyses.

John Mason

Lets’ hope that YouTube doesn’t classify SF as ‘false news’. Good luck.


Where can we find the live stream if we didn’t listen to it live? Please don’t tell me it is behind a paywall.

Dear friend, no it is not behind the paywall. Unfortunatelly, this live stream was not recroded. It was a test of our new format and various technical issues were appearing during it. Further streams will be avaliable online for people who have missed the live. In general, we hope making live streams every Wednesday and Saturday at 21:00 CET. P.S. There was another live stream on July 19. You could find it here: https://youtu.be/o6KVG39CXsY


Cool. Thank you Southfront!

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