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Saudi Arabia, Allies Declare War On Terrorism. Syria, Iraq, Iran Not Invited

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Saudi Arabia, Allies Declare War On Terrorism. Syria, Iraq, Iran Not Invited

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (C) poses for a photograph with chiefs of staff of a Saudi-led Islamic military counter terrorism coalition during their meeting in Riyadh November 26, 2017. REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman has vowed to “wipe” terrorists from the “face of the earth” thanks to resources of the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance.

“The biggest danger of this terrorism and extremism is the tarnishing of the reputation of our beloved religion. … We will not allow this to happen,” Salman said during the Sunday summit of the Islamic Military Alliance. “Today we start the pursuit of terrorism and we see its defeat in many facets around, the world especially in Muslim countries. … We will continue to fight it until we see its defeat.”

The crown prince also offered his condolences to Egypt referring to the Friday militant attack on a mosque in northern Sinai that killed 305 people.

“This is indeed a painful event and it is a recurrent and strong reminder the dangers of this terrorism,” he said.

The Islamic Military Alliance, officially comprising 41 member states, does not include Syria, Iran and Iraq.

The Qatari delegation was also not present at the summit in Riyadh because of the economic and diplomatic blockade of Qatar imposed by Saudi Arabia and its regional allies in June. Qatar was accused of sponsoring terrorism and fueling tensions in the region.

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Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is putting on a lot of weight. he must me eating too many Bagels.

Cindy Carter

Thanks for the comedy!

Cindy Carter

The prince will be secretly lighting his menora in Hanukkah.


That is rich coming from Saudi crown prince.

Did you know that some countries, like Pakistan even didn’t know that they’re part of this alliance? No, I’m not kidding. You can’t make this s#it up! :))


That would actually make some sense though. Paying off troublesome tribes/groups/countries to not make a fuss has been a time honored tradition going back to the imperial powers of the Ancient world. Although the problems usually restarted the moment the imperial powers stopped transferring the money. Often with a vengeance as the troublesome tribes now came looking for that money.

And from what I gather how the Colombians managed to get a grip on the drugs cartels was because the Cali cartel offered to take care of the violence and reduce it, in exchange for the cartel heads to retire legitimately while keeping their drugs money.

As for MBS, the comedy continues. Not even the Fat Rocketman from North Korea produces comedy this rich. To quote from Southpark, if irony were made out of strawberries, we’d all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now.


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Pave Way IV

This is only the first step in a grander scheme. The next step will be to increase the western propaganda that all Shia or Iranian-backed militia are also ‘Islamic terrorists’ and must be destroyed as part of this effort. They are increasingly conflating Hezbollah with ‘terrorist’ in the US MSM. The goal is to create fake justification for a war on Hezbollah and Iran and make it look like a unified action by their fake Islamist (Saudi Wahhabi Caliphate) coalition.

At the very least, it further disguises Saudi Arabia’s continued export of the Wahhabi Death Cult. Notice they say nothing about ending the expansion of the Saudi Wahhabi caliphate to Sunni areas. This alliance is only fighting the well-intended result of the caliphate’s expansion, not the caliphate, itself. The current de facto Saudi Wahhabi caliphate will remain intact in Riyadh and continue to expand, and head-choppers will still be allowed to operate unmolested in areas where they are killing enemies of the caliphate: Shia and Iranians (and I guess Sufi Sunni, too).

Cindy Carter

Pave Way IV. I totally agree with you. Hope more people become aware of the dark intentions and propaganda of the war machines. My nephew is a marine and has been deployed to the middle east a few months ago and going to Iran in December. They are going to start a war with Iran. Division is a strategy. People united can defeat their oppressors. Send in the CIA bankrolled rebels to create conflict and say they are the Iranian people overthrowing their government. That is their modem of operation that has worked well. I don’t think Russia or China will stand for it as they need to stop the advancement or it could soon be their demise.


Funny!! The worlds leading sponsor of terrorism declaring war on terrorism. Can’t make this up.

What’s really happening is is MBS desperately trying to create an external enemy to consolidate his control over KSA because he can’t depend on Blackwater forever. I foresee more spectacular failures in his future.

Mario Ceva

Very Fanny the terrorist in Meddle East ( Saudia Arabia EUA and secret ally Israel ) made and anti terrorist alliance against terrorism victims Syria Iran Irak.

Free man

I agree that Syria and Iraq are victims of terrorism. But Iran is a non-victim predator.

Mario Ceva

Iran is not a predator. Was victim of a war from Irak. Irak was supported by Saudi Arabia. This war was wished and pushed by USA ISRAEL: Israel Saudi Arabia want war against Iran better that USA make a war to Iran.

Free man

It is true that Iran was a victim of Saddam’s Iraq. However, Iran is a country that is committed to exporting its Islamic revolution. There is no doubt that Assad would not have survived without the help of Russia and Iran. But the difference between them is that Russia wants to stabilize the situation in Syria, while Iran wants to leave Syria in a state of war.

Mario Ceva

State of war against ??

Free man

Anyone who is unwilling to be enslaved by Iran. Ie most of the residents of the area.

Mario Ceva

Irakies welcome Iranians. Remember that Iranians save Bagdad from ISIS.

Free man

Especially the American coalition and the Kurds, but also Iran, saved Iraq from ISIS.

Mario Ceva

Irakies authorities acussed USA to help ISIS with munitions supply.

Cindy Carter

You are so uninformed. The U.S. didn’t help Iraq. I am an American and I know that much. They created the problems and won’t leave because they and their croanies are profiting from the oil, child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and more. Man, you are a CIA, aren’t you?

Mario Ceva

Free man is MOSSAD

Free man

“child sex trafficking, organ harvesting” You’re not an American you’re crazy.

Cindy Carter

Oh, you hurt my feelings. Lets let the victims of intentional murder and displacement of hundreds of thpusands of people decide whether I am craxy, not a brain-washed American who thinks watching CNN is real news. I am proud to be an informed American but I am not proud of what the criminal governments of the world are doing, including our own. Do you think they care about you? We are all one in humanity. You are a simple man with a simple mind and don’t waiste my crazy time because I could care less what you think of me.

Cindy Carter

Isis are CIA recruits. There are no terrorists except those created by injustices or purposely to cause chaos and reasons to invade innocent countries.

Jaime Galarza

Stop regurgitating CNN and Faux News diatribes.


Wahhabi Sunni Islam is the religion committed to “Islamic Revolution” or Jihad , That religion because they believe in conversion by force, is a threat to mankind.., its home is Suadi Arabia .

Free man

On the contrary, lately, we hear new music from Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, the Iranians are trying To impose on Assad a Syrian Hezbollah.

Mario Ceva

Israe USA make many mistakes. Invasion to Irak made Irak pro Chiita ( Shia). ISIS invasion to Syria introduce Russians a Iranians in Syria Israel borders. As you see Israelies are not so clever as they think they are.

Free man

1. The unbalancedand and unsuitable American approach for the Middle East, turned the Shiites into the rulers of Iraq. 2. What is the connection between Israel and ISIS? The Iraqi government’s sectorial approach has contributed greatly to the creation of ISIS. It’s always “easy” to blame someone else, instead of dealing with the real problems. 3. Russia is a stabilizing factor that will do well for Syria.

Mario Ceva

You has to know that USA is Israel Golem.

Cindy Carter

Free Man is CIA.


Find it hard to believe you have ever been to Saudi Arabia , or Iran .

Cindy Carter

Iran is on their list of countries to take over. Funny how the list of countries are getting smaller and are also countries who do not participate in the Rothschild banking monopoly.

Free man

From what I see, Iran controls Iraq and Syria. I think you get confused. The Rothschilds are not Iranian.

Cindy Carter

There is a bigger picture than just countries such as Iran controlling another country. It is a fight for survival by preventing the U.S. puppets from controlling the world. Rothschild is one of the main players involved in the grand plan to control the entire world. Propaganda is a tool to accomplish this.

Free man


Cindy Carter

You are entitled to your opinion but research the facts before taking a stand, if the truth hasn’t been blocked on the Internet. Maybe you are a CIA online operative, aye? If not, people not using critical thinking skills is the reason Hitler was able to convince masses to follow him and the reason we live in a fantasy about reality today. The real terrorists are not Muslims or countries like Iran, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Korea, Russia, Venezuela, but the promoters and profiteers of war and suffering. Do you know who that might be? Why do you think they do it? Do you think they could have a master plan?


Very correct !

Rafik Chauhan

all this foolish people are following this Saudi coward . Alliance of cowards. cannot do anything for plaestine but want to support Saudi who is the biggest sponser of terriost toghter with Israel and US . useless leader of muslim country.

Cindy Carter

They are not an alliance, but a gamg of organized criminals against humanity. Don’t worry, they will take Saudi Arabia eventually. I hope God intervenes soon to create a new heaven where there will be a natural order of justice!

Diana Ghariany

If it wasnt serious i would laugh to tears, look who’s talking the TERRORIST bunch who caused havoc to Afghanistan,Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt and now they are going for the kill in Lebanon….. Really how serious can this person be when he wrote the article? Was he on medication? Or was he given so much money that he wrote something nice about this terrorist group who believe they are god given right to destroy millions of Muslim brother and sisters just because they are in bed with the Zionists…. THE ONLY THING I CAN SAY SHAME ON NEWSPAPER & ON THE ONE WHO WROTE IT & please prove wrong that you will allow this post to shine on your board, otherwise you are not democratic i.e freedom of speech… which the above countries do not allow it.


“The biggest danger of this terrorism and extremism is the tarnishing of the reputation of our beloved religion. … We will not allow this to happen,” Salman said during the Sunday summit of the Islamic Military Alliance”…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH, WHAT A JOKE!!, now S.A is going to “fight” SAUDI ARABIA, ISRAEL, UNITED STATES AND THE UK, THE BIGGEST SPONSORS OF TERRORISMS.

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