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Saudi Arabia Arrested Woman Who Was Filmed Walking In Short Skirt

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The “democratic values” of one of the key US allies in the Middle East are in action.

Saudi Police have detained a woman who posted a video wearing a miniskirt when she was walking around a Saudi town. The woman has been arrested for wearing “suggestive clothing,” Saudi state television station Al Ekhbariya reported on Tuesday.

The Washington Post (SOURCE):

The brief clips, originally posted to the social network Snapchat over the weekend by a popular user named Khulood, show the woman walking through an ancient fort in Ushayqir, a village in Najd province about 95 miles from the capital, Riyadh.

The woman wears a skirt that stops above her knees and a top that shows her midriff; her head is also uncovered.


The woman, who has been questioned by Riyadh police, told them that “the viral videos were published by an account attributed to her without her knowledge,” according to the statement. The statement adds that the woman’s case has been referred to the general prosecution department in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

On Sunday, the spokesperson for the Presidency of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice — also known as the religious police — said the group was monitoring the issue and taking the “necessary steps” to address a viral video depicting a “girl in offensive clothing.”

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Steve Dent

Its okay, people – lots of big money flows between U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Nobody can make any claims of wrong-doing against the Saudis because that might have a negative impact on the people in U.S. that MATTER.

In case you’re wondering, that does mean that YOU DON’T MATTER.

The word “democracy” means ‘Values that promote profits in accord to the interests of the tiny elite that run the Western world.’ Also note that the only ‘religion’ involved here is GREED. So many people seem to mistake actual communities of real religions when referring to this particular group. That’s a mistake.

John Whitehot

well said. The concept behind “democracy” has been circumvented and today’s west administrations are anything but.

The only “freedom” is to (still) being able to elect representatives through the vote, which has become an useless, hollow practice made to make people believe they are in control.

Those who run countries are NEVER those who sit in the democratic institutions. Try going in the US and ask some ordinary laymen what does democracy mean and how a democracy works. It’s disconcerting.


There used to be a time in the west when women would be arrested for dressing immodestly as well. Right around the time we were taking over the rest of the world. Now the rest of the world is taking over the west, but women can wear miniskirts. I wonder what changed…

Real Anti-Racist Action

As soon as it became socially acceptable for slutting around as made popular and cool by the owners of MTV, is precisely when the west fell apart and because am Empire bent on world conquest. Time to go back to healthy families. https://www.dailystormer.com/should-white-women-be-forced-to-wear-burkas-until-they-learn-how-to-be-feminine/


> West fell apart with MTV > Sperglin https://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/1413485853917.jpg https://images.encyclopediadramatica.rs/b/b1/AndrewAnglinRACEMIXER001.jpg Feminism is why he has a thing for Flip jailbait.

Try 1913 for the US and 1814 for the UK, because both had hundreds of thousands of (((subversives))) within their borders and let them take control finances without a fight.


Stupid dark age goatfckrs


Stupid age for the U.S with single whore mothers.


“stupid” response to a comment as the US and its single whore moms have nothing to do with the story! Other than a pathetic attempt to link this shit story by title “key US allies” it has nothing to do with anything South Front should waste time and resources on. Whats next British bat boy! Its like a bad tabloid pure crap!

Hey SOUTH FRONT, Could have used something of value, maybe cover the DPRK’s Kn06? Or Storm Tiger? Something you cant find much info about? But no we get girl in short Skirt in Saudi arabia! Who gives a rats ass! A story about the Houthis other sandal would be better suited and more on point!

Анрэс Суарэс

Boy, makes sense to notice that those medieval people constitute the very much appreciated and cherished puppets of the US empire.

See the irony of pretending to “promote democracy, freedom and the fight for ‘good’ as the ‘indispensable nation’ ” while arming, supporting and licking the balls of the Saudis??

John Whitehot

if by western standards Assad is a dictator, then the saudi monarchy would be comparable to nazis.

“who gives a rats ass” about a woman incarcerated because was wearing a skirt? every person who still value human rights, justice and freedom.

If I had to pick a country for regime change, that would be Saudi Arabia 10 times out of 10, fucking hypocrites.


Fuck you Moussa. I hope the CIA makes you and your kind disappear

John Whitehot

u been drinking again.

Justin Ryan

Saudi men die in Yemen! They have maybe 3 wives! They become single whore slave mothers who can be bought by another man! If u buy your wife, she is a whore! If a man buys many wives, he is a pimp! Therefore Saudi Arabia is full of single, whore, slave mothers who’s fathers are nothing but pimps! And if u are not a pimp, then u are a loser!


These “men” are pimps, whores and sad losers!


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Was that written in English?

Justin Ryan

Oh im sorry was that too confusing for u to understand?

Alexey Kozyachiy

RIP girl :(

Kristy Rain

Ikr? She’s probly having the skin peeled off her back by the flogger.

So much for being the religion of peace and femmynist values yes?


Why you are not wearing hijab?!


Because it realy sucks?


Because she is not an idiot like you. -The above answer is, off course, only appliable if you are not just a troll who takes the persona of the stereotypical backwards reactionary muslim in order to turn people against muslims in general, independently of how decent may be.

She probably is going to raise $900,000 on crowd funded donations, move to the US, go on the Oprah Winfrey show and talk about how the west is bigots towards Muslim culture and become a hero of the Democrat party and slam Putin and Donald Trump and Assad on TV. I see this sort of exact scenario play out all the time. https://www.dailystormer.com/should-white-women-be-forced-to-wear-burkas-until-they-learn-how-to-be-feminine/


I agree with you for once, women should act modestly.


Why? Stupid macho, tell be one reason why?


So you are saying women should not wear immodestly?

Kristy Rain

Well! This should go nicely when the LEFTIES use the Emmy awards as a pro islamic platform and start spewing bullshit about how feminist and Democratic it is LOLOLOL

That is a great way to get raped. It happens all the time in the west. White Sharia is needed in the West now to save civilization from drunken single mother whores! https://www.dailystormer.com/should-white-women-be-forced-to-wear-burkas-until-they-learn-how-to-be-feminine/


Go back to your evangelist redneck middle west brothers and stop to bore us all with your stupid conspiracy theories. Kiss the Toches of your fafourite priest and feel happy. White Sharia? Propagaded by stupid christian White Scum? LOL, no sorry. COL!

John Whitehot

you two must be from the same sinagogue

First they wear mini skirts in public being totally single. Then they have topless protest writing ‘slut’ on their own bodies while burning bibles. Then they just stop covering themselves at all. It is the 1-2-3 step to females loosing their minds. I have the news articles of this very thing posted below. https://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/40FDB21900000578-4561784-image-a-18_1496310385247.jpg https://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/40FDB22800000578-4561784-image-a-10_1496310312394.jpg https://www.dailystormer.com/argentina-topless-sluts-burn-bibles-and-attack-men-going-into-church-because-patriarchy/


You must have a deep deep deep fear of women, and a much more deeper one of naked women. Something have gone wrong within your puberty, are you gay and your god didn´t allow your coming out?


Everyone should fear a whore with multiple STD’s, not any woman.


So, people should fear you? :-D


Hey boss, they are not women, they are ugly ones!!! No wonder so many gay guys, if thats the type of women around! So hilarious.

Rüdiger Preiss

So what? We are all homo sapiens. I have a dick, you have a dick, she has tits and so have the others. Get over it ??!


Why everyone has her mouth wide open? I assume shouting look I have t and P, but I am ugly and not got laid, never! What is the problem????

Solomon Krupacek

i give her asylum :)


I think Saudia Arabia has a point on this one, women should stop being jerks and saying they are persecuted and are treated horribly. Look at what happened to the West, littered with prostitutes and inappropriate websites so easily accessible ruining the mentality of people. Girls now think it is cute, or sexy, to wear shorts like Miley Cyrus, which everyone think it’s not except for some pervs. I am not saying there should be rules like Saudia arabia, but instead stop promoting girls from exposing 3/4 of their body. Shirts that cover your stomach, shorts that do not go much higher than the knee, and looser clothes (tights, crop tops)


dream on… but beware, maybe you´ll wake up and your bed is wet…

Redhunt86 .

Moussa is a prime case of what will happen if you’re only fed with the official narrative, and is taught from young not to think for yourself and to not ask questions


Why would you say that? I stated this from my opinion, not from some overly-strict parents teaching me how to think.

Redhunt86 .

shows the world that many idiots resides in the US also, due to their decades of lax immigration policies


In India , there are Sadhu women , and men who walk around naked , no one bats an eye . Purity is a state of mind , not of fashion . In the non Islamic world , religion is considered to be a personal focus , with a multitude of varieties of expression . Islam seems focused on enforcing a singular definition of what is “pure” , and what is not . What right does Islam or Christianity have to enforce their fashion morality on anyone except themselves ?


Sorry, I will pass on naked people walking around the place, not that anyone needs more of them here in the U.S


Naked people are not the problem , people who think it is “Right” to impose their religion and fashion on others , they are the problem . If you don’t like the sight of a naked person , look elsewhere . I don’t like fat women , so I don’t look at them , there are lots who I like to look at . Hookers only exist, because so many men are sex starved , because of religions claiming sex is “evil” . Hookers and their sex starved clients are victims of the “holy priests” who just squeeze them with guilt to get their 10 % .


God I hate Saudi’s. I am an American and ive watched for decades the Saudi’s horribly abuse people. This is not isolated nor the only human rights violations there(look up Saudi’s beating there “servant” from Nepal. Quite a few videos about that actually. Its not really the peoples fault(as they were born into such a lifestyle and apposing it means apostasy and the death penalty. Yes you can be beheaded in Saudi Arabia just for telling someone you dont believe in god or Muhammad. How long can we all sit here with our heads up our ass and let them keep doing this stuff. The bombings hijackings stabbings and shootings in all nations it seems from Russia to China and India and the USA. Hell they even tried to bomb the Olympics in Brazil !!!! When has South America done anything to Islam to get that

Justin Ryan

The dumbest country on the Planet! Where would these dumb cunts be without their oil! still hearding goats and riding on horses! Thats where! A man shouldn’t be able to wear shorts! Saudi sand rats will say “oh, men wearing shorts is ok”! “Women should be covered from head to toe in Black because Allah said so. Our great Profit Muhummad taught us this”. What if your profit said that men should wear all black and a women can marry 5 men! The religion wouldn’t have lasted 1 day! They are literally the dumbest people on earth! They don’t realise that their POLITICAL and religious ideology is ABOUT CONTROL and their royal families use this because they don’t want what happened in Iran (revolution) to happen to them!

Saudi’s and muslims are the dumbest people on the planet who just happen to be sitting on a shit load of oil!


John Whitehot

where are those crazy feminist collective from ukraine when you need them? Why doesn’t femen go under the royal palace in Ryadh and pop their tits out? because so far it appears they’ve been fucking with “christian hypocrites” mostly.


I have NO idea of whats going on in the heads of bearded crumpy old men, and their so called “morale”.

I suspect its much more simple, weakness, the inability to control one self, the self-discipline to not project one owns petty thoughts and minds about others, and on top of it question their motives based upon the height of the skirt. Tsk, tsk, old men, be careful, do not judge hastily, that, is an gave sin, much graver than skirts, witch shows us all, the glory of our creation, women’s legs, get an grip on your priority.

There is basically 3 things I see when I think of Arabia and Deserts. This video have everything, women, horses and deserts, I grew up with never ending plains, the big sky. I hope I live long anuf to some day go there, hehe, an caravan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gzqsmx1KGU

peace and have an nice day

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