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Saudi Arabia Expels Canadian Ambassador, Suspends Flights To And From Toronto, Freezes New Trade And Investment Transactions

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Saudi Arabia Expels Canadian Ambassador, Suspends Flights To And From Toronto, Freezes New Trade And Investment Transactions

The Saudi Arabian Embassy is shown in Ottawa, Canada, on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018. IMAGE: David Kawai/The Canadian Press via AP

On August 5, Saudi Arabia expelled Canada’s ambassador and announced a decision to freeze new new trade and investment transactions with Toronto.

“We consider the Canadian ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia persona non grata and order him to leave within the next 24 hours,” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry said on Twitter.

The Saudi ministry added that Riyadh is also recalling its ambassador to Canada.

The move came two days after Canada had publicly criticized the arrest of women’s rights and human rights activists in Saudi Arabia. Global Affairs Canada said in a tweet on August 3:

“Canada is gravely concerned about additional arrests of civil society and women’s rights activists in Saudi Arabia, including Samar Badawi. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful human rights activists.”

The Saudi Foreign Ministry described the Canadian position as “an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs” of the kingdom.

On August 6, Saudi state airline Saudia said it is suspending flights to and from Toronto.

Samar Badawi is a Saudi Arabian-American human rights activist. Badawi, along with Nassima al-Sadah, were arrested by Saudi authorities on July 30 in the framework of the ongoing crackdown on activists, clerics and journalists criticizing the Saudi regime and the human rights situation in the kingdom.

Since May, more than a dozen women’s rights activists have been targeted. Most of them campaigned for the right to drive and an end to Saudi Arabia’s male guardianship system, which requires women to obtain the consent of a male relative for important decisions.

The real humantiarian, social and political situation in Saudi Arabia as well as the Saudi regime itself are far away from being not “soft” or “free”. However, this does not stop the West, led by the United States, from active cooperation with the kingdom. Riyadh has been for a long time remaining one of Washington’s key allies in the Middle East.

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SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

Watch your Back Canada! the Wahhabis aren’t scared to use their Jihadist Cells!


S Melanson

Yes we will and in fact, we have challenged them. Let them do their worst, it will not stop us from doing what is right.

Concrete Mike

Yes, we will.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

God bless your Country.

Chris P

My Grandmaw challenges you and your stupid comments. Suck on MEIN COCKEN you coward. I aint scared of you nor any MAFIA. LONG LIVE CANADA. We must do the right thing and stop are alliance to USA AND MF’S like you who talk stupid shit. LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION AND CANNABIS AND FUCK COWARDS.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

Easy. I think you misunderstood my Comment.

Chris P

We aint scared of no Nazis, nor any Jihadist, or even AMERICANNESS. I dare challenge them, and my righteousness challenges them. I dare do that. You scared to say the right thing or just want to be provocative. Them SOB attacked the TOMD of DEAD in Canada, and we hate all of you. You JIVE TALK and turn around and pretend to be neutral. I dare speak out against wrong, you got a problem with that? Why? You scared to say the truth. FUCK THE SAUDIS’ and fuck those who support them. LONG LIVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND WOMEN. FUCK SAUDIS.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)



I agree on SA but will give the US six more months to get their act together. If they fail, then we should build a wall.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

South Park reference?


Of course! :-)

S Melanson

Canada was known for taking unpopular but courageous positions regarding her foreign policy. This is a long time coming after Trudeau took heat for arms deals with Riyadh. Hopefully our country will return to those day when we stood up to strong opposition from the US and other powerful states such as when we led the initiative for a global ban on land mines. This turn of events is promising.

As for the suspension of flights between Saudi Arabia and Toronto, Torontonians like me will not lose any sleep – if anything sleep better.


Canada has been sliding on a slippery slope for many years. There was a time that the US vacationers used to sew Canadian flags on their clothing and luggage so that they would receive better treatment in foreign countries. Those days are long gone. We are now common NATO thugs.

Even so, we have always been under the authority of the queen. The only reason that Canada has ever appeared to have a decent foreign policy was because we were allowed to.

Like you, I will more than likely sleep better tonight.

S Melanson

Your comment got me thinking about being allowed to chart our own policies. I had a conversation at a party with Bill Graham, then Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, on Canadian attitudes toward the US – Canada was not willing to join the coalition to invade Iraq without UN sanction and this upset Bush. I remarked Canadians are not anti-American, we are issue oriented – Iraq war was illegal so we correctly refused.

This was actually beneficial to the US because Canada was seen as a fair mediator that could bring parties together that distrusted each other. So Canada could use diplomacy to de escalate situations that the US wanted to resolve but was not trusted by the other side making negotiation very difficult – This is the role Russia is playing and their efforts are to be applauded.

Graham commented the US did recognize this in the past but recently, there has been a change – either you are with us or against us. Seems to still hold true to this very day. This may be why Canadian independence in Foreign Policy was permitted in the past but ended post-911. And our mediator role got thoroughly blown up by PM Harper who was more pro-Israel than Israel.

But there seems to be a change, like balance is returning in foreign affairs as the age of the hegemon is coming to an end. And Canada should work to regain the trust it lost among nations.

Ivan Freely

Upset Bush? Senior or Junior? I didn’t think Junior cared and only did whatever Cheney wanted.

S Melanson

You are right. Commander and Chief Cheney instructed Bush to be upset with Canada. Bush responded in a robotic voice ‘by your command’.


Yes, well put.

I was proud to be a Canadian the day that Canada said “NO!” to entering into the Iraq war. I enjoyed watching Condoleezza Rice throwing hissy fits and spewing threats at us for at least 48 hours after that. Priceless comedy material that.

We are living in rapidly changing times. I would love to see balance return in foreign affairs globally and to see our country return to a trusted member state again.

I would also like to see us free of the Royal baggage that we continue to drag around behind us like a bloated tick. Queens land indeed!

Congratulations on being so much more eloquent than I am. :-)

S Melanson

You are among those posters I make an effort to read. We are all eloquent in our own way.


Thank you. :-)

northerntruthseeker .

Oooooooooo…. As a Canadian, I am suddenly so scared… NOT!!

I will not lose any sleep over this sudden cutting off of ties between the criminal and murderous Jew run Saudi regime, and the criminal Jew run Trudeau regime……

The only thing that may come out of this is an uptick of Saudi (Jew) run “terrorism” in Canada….


Can we send Trudeau on the last flight out? It would be a huge improvement for our country. He can pack up his rainbows and take them with him too. I hear that Saudi jails are nice this time of year.


oy vey!

Richard M

Trudopia is run by a GirlyBoy. Why didn’t Wahhabistan get their kerchiefs in a whirlwind about that? :D

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

Trudeau is letting Jihadists into his country without worrying. and that is also means they’re knocking on our door! (US)


…a FLAMING GirleyBoy!

S Melanson

What brand of fishnets does he wear again…?


I can’t recall the brand, but the color is fuchsia. ;-)

Ariel Cohen

You really shouldn’t talk about girlyboys and gender fluid mutants in such a derogatory way . .

S Melanson

You are right. Our apologies to girlie boys and gender fluid life forms of the Universe. Maybe our PM is tougher then he looks, he did serve in the military, commanding the first pansy division stationed in Swish-poofter Germany

Ariel Cohen

first pansy division . . lol

Feudalism Victory


Damn those brazen terrorists.


Sodom Arabia better watch out Canada is one of our, US’s, territories

Concrete Mike

In the first sentence it says investment trade with toronto, our capital is ottawa. Other than that good articlea and screw you saudis

Tudor Miron

Interesting development. They bring in Whight Scum (helmets) and at the same time suspend flights to Saudi Arabia :) Canadians, what the hell is going on in your country? Please forgive my ignorance – that pedera$t that you have for prime minister is he elected or he was assigned directly by NWO gang?

Sorry for being crude but I’m just saying things as they are without worring about political correctness.


Directly assigned by the NWO gang…with the help of a new generation of stupefied voters. He rode in as Prince Charming riding on the coat tales of his supposed father, bowing and groveling before the queen, and dutifully following his assigned script.

With all of the gay pride parades that he has led, I am not convinced that he has found his office yet.

You are not being crude. Frankly we are all wandering around saying “WTF?!?!”

Concrete Mike

Trudeau still better than Harper…..matter of fact, Harper spoke at that MEK in Paris a couple weeks ago, he was an open Israeli first. So I’ll take Trudeau over Harper any day….anyone miss Chrétien yet?


weird……a country full of pigs , dont eat pig

paul ( original )

Quite a lot of anti Saudi comments posted here. I am not joining in. In a comparison of who is the most loathsome – Saudi Arabia or Canada? Then Canada wins hand down. A cucked nation with a soy boy leader if ever there was one. If all this sound gratuitously offensive then you are reading this correctly, some things like Canada just evoke revulsion.

Concrete Mike

Have you ever been to Canada? This whole thing was calling out how the Saudis treat women. I think it’s braves what our government did… your really saying Canada is more loathsome than SA?? Really?? Really??? We’re comparing Canada to Saudis here…you must be single for hating on women that much. I wish well to you and the Saudis have been pissing Canadians for quite a while now, especially with how they keep the oil prices low…it really hurts us. Don’t worry though, our fm is still nazi SS, just our women that don’t take shit lol

paul ( original )

This will be my only response. Yes I have been to Canada. No I am not single. And Yes I think Canada is the most loathsome. Now go and make sure you learn by heart the correct pronouns , you would not want to not fit in would you?


You obviously have not been to the Sunni Muslim nation, the KSA.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi nation, the KSA, rather.

Icarus Tanović

He’s out of his fuckking mind.

Igor Dano

Dear Canadians, Let Saudies kill and torture their women. I couldn’t care less. Ideology from 7th century.

Icarus Tanović

Ideology from 9th century BC.


Yes, this is good, Canada is discovering the wonders of the Wahhabi “pure” mind set. Any point of view opposed to the king’s, is not allowed. The king who claims that Iran is the problem. Authoritarianism el Maxamus. Possibly Trudeau will have second thoughts on inviting the Wahhabi “White Helmets” into Canada ! Canada has not helped finance Al Qaeda’s video marvels, has pulled its Air Force from Iraq, and even stopped training the Kurds in Iraq after their failed attempt at “Kurdistan”. Following Orders ? It would be very good if Trudeau quit following orders.


Saudi Wahhabism sharia law is a piece of shit of a law. And as for Canada good thing though when they stick up their ass everywhere. Saudi Arabia Wahhabi is the most oppressed place on Earth for women, they are all forced to be black ninjas, to not drive, to not show anything from your body to face, to not go outside without a companion either the husband or another female, they cannot do nothing, as women don’t exist there. Saudi Wahhabi Arabia is still lives in 15 century.

Icarus Tanović

In stone age, rather.


Wag the Dog. LMFAO

Icarus Tanović

Love these kind of news. Saudiya getting lonlier and lonlier. Their Zionists creators won’t be pleased with this.

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