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Saudi Arabia Poisoning Yemen’s Water by Biological Weapons – Report

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Saudi Arabia Poisoning Yemen's Water by Biological Weapons - Report

The Iranian media outlet FARS News reports (source):

Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Sharaf Qaleb Luqman dismissed speculations that contagious diseases like cholera are the result of sanctions and lack of hygiene in his country, and said Saudi Arabia is using biological weapons to spread such diseases among people.
“Poisonous gases were spread in the sky after the US, Saudi and Israeli fighter jets’ direct airstrikes and they came down to the ground with the rain and penetrated and contaminated our underground waters,” Luqman said on Saturday.

He added that after the latest airstrike using the banned gases, symptoms of cholera were seen in the Yemeni children.

“Therefore, it was a biological war as Saudi Arabia has already used all types of banned weapons against us,” Luqman said.

Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen since March 2015 to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 15,000 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

According to several reports, the Saudi-led air campaign against Yemen has drove the impoverished country towards humanitarian disaster, as Saudi Arabia’s deadly campaign prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country.

The cholera outbreak in Yemen which began in April, has also claimed 2,100 lives and has infected 700,000, as the nation has been suffering from what the World Health Organization (WHO) describes as the “largest epidemic in the world” amid a non-stop bombing campaign led by Saudi Arabia. Also Riyadh’s deadly campaign prevented the patients from traveling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country.

According to reports, the cholera epidemic in Yemen, which is the subject of a Saudi Arabian war and total embargo, is the largest recorded in modern history.

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MD Ranix

no words can express how vile these saudi cavemen are

Richard M

The UN says nothing. Just puppets of their paymasters in Washington, Riyadh and Jerusalem.

Rodney Loder

While the world continues to support a fabrication of existence that denies perceived meaning the grubs projected by economic imperialism will expand their influence in the end only wealthy people with remain with their slaves , they will be what Christians became after they deceived everybody, Allah is doing His best to help overcome the Christian malaise, Salman is doing what he’s doing because Ronan Catholic and Evangelicals in the US propositioned him to do it. There is a greater cause with a greater good which is to expose Christianity as evil.

888mladen .

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Rodney Loder

That was only understandable when we were dealing with an eternal Universe, there are lots of discussions about similar figurative patterns of imagined beginning, the dichotomy between graphic and symbolic is the best for realizing what othe People can accept, Christians don’t believe a word of your statement it’s a dogma to inspire escapism, I am the Christ and was recognised as that immediately, Christians knew the Philosophical context of God being man or vice versa was untenable so they opted for me being a aberration of nature that their benevolence turned into a saviour of wealthy people’s wealth. If a man could be God then purpose wouldn’t be development, because judgment would be past tense, every Christian would be dead already, don’t think I haven’t tried and have had some success.

888mladen .

The Bible has only so much to say about your false prophet.

Rodney Loder

That reason Deuteronomy is so important is because it was written by the very Kings that it incriminated the most, that was in the 7th CBC (2.Kings, ; 22 and 2. Chronicles , ;34 1-2) the reason that came about was the result of Allah’s intervention impounding Himself into man’s narrative and yet remaining impartial of cognitive development as Life’s complexity so He can be satisfied by the dramah it presents, that scenario also happened Numbers, 3; 40, the Levites belonged to the Lord. The reason Allah knew He would be discarded is because of the impediment that only I can put paid to, but even so it happened just as Allah knew that it would, the Christians had to be the first cab off he rank otherwise how would Muslims and Christians know that I was Jesus if I was born a Muslim, on the other hand Muslins now know that I am Isa because Islam is the safety net Religion to protect the Ambition of God which is to correct the impediment, so you can see why the the Prophet Muhammad (pbuH) was left out, Christianity didn’t have to betray me, that was the narrative of man.

Pave Way IV

The cholera outbreak actually started last October. And there’s 863,000 infected with cholera according the the lastest (26 Oct) WHO reports. The 2,100 cholera-related deaths was from a couple of months ago and is likely understated. Most cholera cases and deaths are in rebel-held areas and no reliable numbers are available. Families have no medical facilities to take their children to and they just bury the dead. There’s no way the Saudi-backed Hadi government would know of the actual number of victims and it’s in their interests to undercount or just lie about deaths in rebel-held areas. The Saudi blockade ensures that very little medicine ever reaches civilians in rebel-held areas.

Also note that the mere suggestion of biological weapons use in Syria would be enough to send US Tomahawks to rain down on Syrians as ‘punishment’. That’s even before the rigged UN inspection teams could be sent out to ‘verify’ Assad used biological weapons.

Now in Yemen, the UN wouldn’t even entertain the idea that the Saudi-led coalition of evil was using biological weapons. Pity the locals couldn’t collect samples of this ‘rain’. There is no weapon that I know of that disburses droplets of anything except chemical and biological weapons. And even if this outbreak was not caused by biological weapons, then it was most certainly caused by US-supplied conventional weapons. Rebels have repeatedly accused the Saudis/UAE/Israel of intentionally bombing civilian water and sewage treatment facilities, ensuring plenty of contaminated water and water-borne diseases. The US loves to use that trick, too. Punish the little people until their leaders obey the US.

Pave Way IV

Keep in mind also that the contaminated gas / rain does not, itself, have to be the source of cholera. Newer-generation biological weapons developed in South Africa (now probably Israeli-owned) are powerful water-borne immune system suppressants – which are especially effective on infants, the elderly and the weak (like from malnutrition). There has always been water-borne cholera in Yemen, but in such tiny amounts that most people could tolerate it. Chemically weaken their immune systems, and Rebels (and their families) become susceptible to all kinds of illnesses they could normally fend off. Nobody looks for weaponized immune suppressants – you can just blame it on malnutrition in Yemen (ignoring the fact that the Saudis are responsible for that as well). Wahhabi clerics no doubt get a boner at the thought of such an insidious and effective infidel-exterminating technique. Time for some more Wahhabi mosques and madrassas in Yemen!


I feel sometimes that the Western World has gone completely mad. We are all fed the MSM agenda of how marvellous it is to have people who think they were born with the wrong gender, endless cooking programmes and puerile ‘Reality Programmes ‘, whilst nearly a million people are infected with cholera due to aggression from Saudi Arabia and their NATO bum boys.

Pave Way IV

Psychopathic leaders always do this to ensure obedient worker/debt slaves in their Stazi-like evil states. Encourage indifference to, ignorance of, or a sense of helplessness with regards to the inhumanity committed by the state. Couple that with overwhelming valorization of soldiers, cops, spooks and federal police regardless of any acts of inhumanity committed by them. Add in compliance patriotism, nationalism or religious zealotry.


Its so obvious when one opens ones eyes and ears , yet all to many are oblivious to reality. Things appear to be changing faster now though.


Agree with you. Only in the last sentence I would exclude patriotism and nationalism. The globalist corporate kleptocracy does not like any moves towards patriotism or a strong nation (the only exception is places like Kurdistan where the national fervour could lead to destabilisation of other existing nations). The reason is that traditionally a patriotic nation protects its citizens from all foreign incursions/scams/pressures/attacks. In other words they do what governments are supposed to do. Only these days the globalist stooges in leadership positions do no such protection – i.e. Macron, Merkel, May, etc. (Hmm… they all start with ‘M’; is that a code or something?)

Gabriel Sigouin

We need to make an online campaign to expose this disaster. Main media dont give a buck, so bypass them.


This is a serious accusation, and must be investigated by UN. Ofcourse, everybody knows that UN acts with bias against Syria, Iran, Russia, N Korea, China…

You can call me Al

Just read that again “Also Riyadh’s deadly campaign prevented the patients from traveling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country.” ……” blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country” ….. this breaks every rule in the book and apart from a few mentions by some agency; our European government keeps quite.

What an absolute disgrace.

Tudor Miron

This is news for you? Did you know that due to western sanctions there’s severe shortage of medicine in Surya?

Keith Smith

not really, Russia can bring in medicine on planes in syria.

Tudor Miron

Yes, and it does but this is by far not enough.

You can call me Al

Its not news, it was more a case of writing a comment, but becoming so angry that I forgot the end bit -sorry.

I mean when the Saudis destroyed the docks and cranes – surely that was enough to not only criticise them but to stop it by sending UN troops in or something; but I thought after the criticism, the UN were at least airdropping food and medicine.


The same thing happened to my country, when Iraq attacked us (1980-88) and ironically, to Iraq after they attacked Kuwait. It’s one of the empire’s most effective but silent weapons. Luckily Iran managed to create a powerful medicine manufacturing base, enough to supply the domestic needs, although patented medicines still has to be imported..

Gary Sellars

If the filthy Zionists can push their Murican goyim slaves to attack Iran, the medicine manufacturing base will be one of the first targets to be hit.

Filthy evil Zio-monkeys…

You can call me Al

Did you know that the US funded both sides of the war ?

I do like Iran and it’s people – I wish you my best.


Thank you. I had no idea the US funded us or helped us, while I know they backed Saddam’s Iraq.

There was an affair, the Iran-Contra mess. I’m not sure if you refer to that particular case or there was other cases as well.

You can call me Al

No I was talking about the Iraq / Iran war.

I’ll find some info for you in the morning.


Thank you. I Look forward to receive it.

Keith Smith

yup, no food or medicine into the country and no people out. been sanctioned since the start of the war

You can call me Al

Yeah sorry, somehow I thought the UN were dropping medicine and supplies now.

Keith Smith

UN supporting the sanctions. the medicnes get sold to the UN and YEMEN. nobody really gets any


There should be a war crimes investigation into this.


Sadly, such investigation will be the responsibility of human rights counsel, the one which is headed by Saudis.

Keith Smith

Mugabe will probably jerk off to it


What does he have to do with it?

Keith Smith

he just got promoted by WHO


It was for non communicable disease and was rescinded:

Mugabe: WHO can’t take back what it never gave me… http://www.news24.com/…/mugabe-who-cant-take-back-what-it-never-gave-me-20171024

Keith Smith

link doesnt work. and his title was ‘GOODWILL AMBASSADOR’


For non communicable disease. He wouldn’t have had anything to do with Yemen.

Keith Smith

ahh found out he was removed. links didnt work, and no searches were coming up a week ago (my search is heavily censored it seems lol). yeah there was an outcry over it and apparently the WHO ‘listened’ .. makes you wonder why they didnt notice beforehand really. (or hoped we wouldnt). thanks for letting me know tho :)

Gary Sellars

Fucking moron. What has Mugabe to do with this?????

Keith Smith

he just got promoted by WHO

Keith Smith

UK disgustlingly assisting in attacking yemen with saudi butcher dogs :/

Some eyewitnesses among them observed Israeli planes flying overhead releasing powder substances over Yemen. Obviously the Jewish-supremacist plan to eradicate the Goyim continues unabated. Now I understand why the indigenous natives fought in the 1930’s and 40’s to deport the invading colonizing Jewish-supremacist-bigots out of the Japetic home lands and send the Jews back into Asia-minor.

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