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Saudi Aramco To Invest In Syria’s Northeastern Oil Fields Under U.S. Protection – Report

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Saudi Aramco To Invest In Syria’s Northeastern Oil Fields Under U.S. Protection – Report

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

Saudi oil giant Aramco is planning to invest in one of Syria’s largest oil fields in the governorate of Deir Ezzor, the local Deir Ezzor 24 blog reported on November 14.

According to the blog, which is well-known for its connections in Deir Ezzor, a team of Aramco’s experts has already visited and inspected the al-Omar oil fields in southeastern Deir Ezzor.

“The investment will be done through contracts that will be signed by Aramco and the U.S. government, whose forces control the majority of oil and Gas fields in northeast Syria,” Deir Ezzor 24 quoted a source as saying.

The Pentagon announced that its keeping 500 U.S. troops in eastern Syria to “guard” oil fields in northern al-Hasakah and southeast Deir Ezzor.

The U.S. military presence in Syria is illegal under the international law and it does have no right what so ever to grant investments in the eastern region’s oil.

Last month, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out a series of pinpoint strikes on oil smuggling facilities near the Turkish-occupied city of Jarabulus in northern Aleppo. Back then, sources in Damascus warned that any attempt to loot or smuggle Syrian oil will be met with a similar measure.

If Aramco indeed moves to invest in Syria’s oil through illegal contracts with the U.S, without the consent of Damascus, Saudi Arabia could find itself in a serious crisis with Syria and its allies, first of all Iran and Hezbollah.

Last September, Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen struck two of Aramco’s key facilities in Saudi Arabia’s eastern region. As a result, the Kingdom was forces to lower its oil exports for several days triggering a chaose at the international oil market.

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Keep it Real

i can see the future some russian cruise nissiles will level anything to the ground!

Jens Holm

It was in the old days. Russian dont drink that much vodka anymore:)

Keep it Real

Well i remember the last couple off years were the Russian bear bombed the smugglers convoys and installations! Maybe its you who had too much wodka!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Can’t really take this fake news report too seriously.


What’s fake? Aramco’s money being poured into it?? Extremely likely, even if not completely confirmed.

But what is more salient is this, an incontrovertible war crime added to the list:

“The U.S., whose military presence in Syria is illegal under the country’s laws and international laws, has no right what so ever to grant investments in the eastern region’s oil. Many experts, including in the U.S. itself, had warned that such a step can be considered plunder, which amounts to a war crime.”


The United States or Saudi Arabia does not need Syrian oil and their objective with oil is simply to deprive the Syrian people of their benefits alongside the sanctions in order to punish the people for not supporting their terrorist friends


So you think they’re not going to steal any?


Well, let’s be real here, even if they steal the oil, how long do you think they will continue to do it? it is a matter of time before the United States leaves Syria, let us take the example of what happened in Iraq at that time, Iraq was divided and destroyed but with the political means and with the rise of the insurgents they ended up leaving with nothing and that is exactly what the Syrian president continues to say.


If so, why is US stealing oil from Iraq since they entered the country?

Azriel Herskowitz

US made the right decisions controlling oil fields in NE Syria. Can’t allow the oil to get into the hands of the butcher regime or Putin. US sending clear message that that oil is for SDF.


I see that this cheap looping propaganda tape is alive and well. What the US is doing in concert with the Israeli-aligned, Salafist petromonarchy KSA breaches international law on every level, as the SDF is not a recognized state entity anywhere on the planet nor has any representation or institutions whatsoever either hosted or recognized in any UN chamber. No matter who’s in charge in Damascus, what is happening here is foreign forces militarily invading , then occupying, and finally looting a sovereign country’s national ressources for private interests. And that is a certified war crime.

Azriel Herskowitz

Give me a break. US protecting SDF oil fields is perfectly within international law. Now barrel bombing civilians in Idlib is a violation of international law.


No,you give me a break. Israel and Saudi Arabia do the same in Gaza and Yemen, there are widespread documented instances of them bombing population centers with weapons banned under the Geneva Convention such as cluster munitions and white phophorous bombs and none of them ratify Internaiton Treaties against their use. Who the heck do you think you’re dealing with here exactly for your lamentable arguments ? some American teenage army fanboys from the deep countyside ? There is nothing legal in the US unilaterally moving into Syrian soil under any pretext not endorsed by any UN mandate. Besides, the SDF is a not a legitimate or legally binding entity either, has no legal existence or recognition ? which further erodes their use as a justification. Some retired US generals and international lawyer have been saying the very same over the past weeks.

Jens Holm

No realisme again. If Your parents paid for You going to school, You should have the money back with interest.


And my early carrier would have been badly hampered by the lack of a direly needed source of additional income that was taken away by a stranger before I ever had my first classes. And that would still make that stranger a thieve, there is no relation to my own legal return in investment. The US is no school of the Syrians, you moron. Thanks for making meaningless parallels and analogies that further harms your already weak intellectual credibility, don’t try metaphors,you punch above your weight.


Two obvious mistakes: 1. The oil is the property of the Syrian state ie all the people not the SDF alone 2. US doesnt have law on its side since they are illegally in Syria.

Azriel Herskowitz

The oil is not property of the butcher regime. They lost rights to that oil when they committed numerous amounts of war crimes.

Rahul Sonawane

which region is this oil u r talking about? North Dakota?

Jens Holm

They started that selective theft already when the first oil was find. Actually it then seemed to be a good idea making a state based on a politcal and military unit based on “arabs” (Nasser) and good structures and plans for a country hardly having any.

So they copy was a kind of Crimlin.

But that fast got out of hand. Thats where the change was – as I see it. You have to go back to Assads and a few very good reforms.

Now the removed Feudals of that times is replaced by the Baathists.

Well, thats my proivate version of it.


then Israel should loose all its rights over Golani hydrocarbons,since the entire world commmunity,nations and governments except the Trump admin considers their presnece there as illegal. As for their murderous bloodlust in Gaza and in Lebannon in 2006. One more reason to cut their access to those.

Jens Holm

if the pople in Gaza act as they are spoendables, they are. The same goes for the West bank.

Some 10 palestinians seemes worth one from Israel.


That is just a copy paste of war criminal Golda Meir racist claim that the Palestinians aren’t even a people, you could at least be more original in your clumsy PR. By every standard the Isralis have demonstrated their utter disregard of law,morals, and ethics by expropriating Palestinian livelihood by the use of force alone and not an ounce of virtue and occupying and expa ding forcefully over every inch of land they can grab to this day, augmented by Caterpillar trucks destroying anything in their path. They engaged in textbook ethnic cleansing in 48 to establish themselves somewhere they had been gone for millenias or centuries at best. Nothing in the world will ever justify the regular mass murder these fascists inflict on these human beings. Israel is infamously know as the one terrible stain on the civilized order and their abysmal record at the UN or their incredibly crude violations of its every letter,abuses that they can only perpetuate because they have the world’s first superpower at their side,and nothing else.


The US is now committing war crimes under the UN charter by stealing another nations resources


Your brain is so full of shit, it starts coming out of your mouth. Do you think at least a little before you write such crap?


What a crap! Braindead idiot obviously.


there is just one butcher regime in the middle east and that’s the one situated in tel aviv. for what else can you call a regime that consistently operates an ethnical cleansing program, is hard on the heels of hitler’s lebensraum program stealing anything that ain’t tied down and operating concentration camp Gaza a la hitler’s treblinka or bergen belsen – nah the butcher regime in tel aviv has forfeited the right for the hymies to be in palestine and must urgently be disposed of or sent on to their next diaspora replete with pogroms.

Kilgore Trout


Jens Holm

And the Baathist party is not the Syrian State. They reat the rest as private property excluding millions of its population too.

Jens Holm

Three obvios mistakes: 1) Baathists pretend they are the owners of the state. They certainly has excluded and escluded. Thats a very good reason among many others having the same dirty intensions, which has made the fightings. 2) Assads dont care about so many laws, that USA is a midget swaed in those matters. 3) SDFs dont take much oil up and probatly only their part in %., and i see the same dirty lying pattern for Iraq. Sunnis and Kurds did not get their part for rebeuildning and devellopment, and there we goo. Very good base for ISIL as well.

Jens Holm

Give me a break. Thats not according to any law apart from being the strongest one by being armed and political influence.

You can be correct in a morale way. USA is not known for good moral all over. They are known for good moral here and there as well as using moral as support.

Thats how things are. Jihadist or Russian Communist and even Nazis in Ukraine and eastern Europe use exact the same argumentations finding their own good chapters supporting their many wrong ideas as well.


Azriel Herskowitz From the looks of your face, you are a Jew but not only a Jew, a Zionist. Muslims have no problems with Jews. They are the brothers and sister in faith but we have a problem with Zionists .Allah created you people to look a certain way. I am very sure of this as your political views matches the haram state of Israel. Now speaking of killing innocent civilians, you are a hypocrite in that you are a murderer and killer yourself. Btw I hate Bashar Assad and Putin the dog. oh and btw only a true Muslims knows that Putin is pro Zionist. My message is to you. Fear Allah and don’t break the covenant your ancestors made. (If you are truly Israelite as you claim). The day the Ange of death comes to take any soul will be a hard one for the disbeliever and dhalem (oppressor). Don’t change the word of Allah for small price as you did with your own torah and the injeel. If anyone understand the Zionists it’s true Muslims who have the light of the Quran in their heart. We also end your end is near. Its a promise of Allah that even Zionists know about you wish to buy more time. Come to Islam for peace and worship your Lord and stop causing corruption on earth. Don’t let this life delude. you.

Wayne Nicholson

“Give me a break. US protecting SDF oil fields is perfectly within international law.” Nope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looting#Prohibited_under_international_law

The SDF doesn’t govern anything. Kurdistan isn’t a UN recognized country …. Syria is and the Assad government is the UN recognized representative of Syria. The USA isn’t protecting oil fields it’s planning to develop the oil fields and use it for purposes the legitimate government doesn’t agree with.

THAT my friend is plunder …. right up there with the NAZI’s “protecting” European culture by seized art owned by jews.

Kilgore Trout


Jens Holm

You see, what You wish. I see USA is blocking for Assads according fuel and gas as well as from the sea.

I also recognize You very well by still telling Kurds wants a state up there. Thats not possible by Kurdish voters there and not even in Tyrkey. Even so You dirtbag insist in that kind of dirty dis information.


You retard see inconsistencies where there are none? and make intelectually bankrupt parallels between completely distinct issues. On the one hand tere is the need for internal dialogue between the central government and the Kurdish majortiy areas within the sovereign scope of the Syrian state. In now way is it related to the illegality of the US invasion, subsequent occupation and its looting of Syrian state assets,infrastructure and ressources with overt admission of guilt by its president. As always Jens your erroneous , misguided and poorly worded arguments fall dead in the water in the face of the simplest facts.

Jens Holm

Let me write it in BIIIG LETTERS. Those socalled Leaders by Damskus should be taxed with more then they fortunes.

Wars should be tuned upside down. Bad bad Leaders anytime should be the first targets for any wars, if they dont resign themselves.

Parts of the rest of Yours is partly correct.

You also dont get, there should be no Central Goverment to negosiate with having that much central Power as well as geting in all Money to devatstating routine Corruption among few, where hardly nothing is invested for any improvemnets for the rest of the population.

Illegal seemes to be a relative for You as well. Syria is hard kept in dark by Assads. The only choise in the whole world is learned by Assads. There are Jihadists, there are Communist and we are better then those threats and the rest of the world is bad.

When I se pictures from Your Arabic Stan, I only see the badest parts of ours scaled up as almost all of is live like that and not even why so many people are poor. Well most poor americans actually are poor, because they have chosen bad traditions, which make them poor.

GET IT. That goes for fx Syria and Iraq as well as parts of the Turks incl. Kurds. When You insist in non productive ways of livings based on old traditions often based on 1400 yars old svripts, I WONT PAY FOR THAT.

We hardly steal anything from You. We do pay for oil, we come paying as tourists and we buy dades for Christmas. Shat else do You have: Sand, Steppe and our storks during wintertime:)

NO. WE WORK HARD AND BY THAT WE HAVE A HIGHER LIVING STANDARD. Our women also are working and are not kept at home producing hardly nothing even kept even mpre stupid then the men.

You can condem we are like that, but You shouls not blame those well educated and hard working ladies from stealing from You raising our GDP from 30 to 40% extra.

Thats a total lack of respect of the worst kind. Men also are not born to be respected by Gender. We are respected for, what we actaully do. So we also have some lazy low respected men as well as women.

Much like so many Syrians are doing nothing for themselves or wrong.


With letters big or small ,nonsense will forever remain nonsense. No need to go back to 1400 years of history to try to justify modern-day violations of the international order turning relations between countries back to the law of the jungle,where the strongest stumps upon the weakest’s rights. The Syrian people will have to deal with their own tyrant and internal issues in time,that belongs to them only, not some opportunistic outside actor shamelessly trying to turn this fight into a lucrative profit and geopolitical gains. Last time they tried to rise up in 2011(and back then I supported them,mind you) their struggle was usurpated by the same civilized nations you so proudly claim you belong to. It is not a question of living standards or hard work, Syrians didn’t wait for you Israelis or Europeans or Americans to build their country up and modernize it over the past 50 years,thank you very much. And corrpution is an endemic problem in the region and not specific to Assad. Syrians didn’t even wait for Assad to be Syrians in their land. This has nothing to do with their sovereinty and ressources being taken away from them from a bandit state that before that also parcipitaped in supporting hordes of murderous religious zealots painted as freedom fighters that destroyed their Revolution from the onset hand in hand with partners like Qatar, Turkey,the UAE and of course the KSA itself. Assad played the same dirty game as well by freing Islamislt from his jails and yes, I find him equally guilty in his country’s fall to the abyss. But that fact has striclty no relevance whatsover to the total lack of moral or legal legitimacy of what the US is today doing to hamper the already meager chances of recovery of the country as a whole impacting every single Syrian in the process. Now I’ll also try capital letters for your brain to maybe understand a bit :NO MATTER WHICH LEADER IS SITTING IN DAMASCUS, WITHOUT YOUR RESSOURCES THAT DEPRIVE YOU OF 35% OF YOUR BUDGET, YOU CANNOT HEAT YOUR PEOPLE IN WINTER,CANNOT ACTIVATE MACHINERY AND INDUSTRIES AT THEIR FULLEST POTENTIAL, AND SO NO MATTER HOW HARD YOR CITIZENS ARE WILLING TO WORK. THUS YOU CERTAINLY CANNOT REBUILD PROPERLY. PLUS , A COUNTRY STEALING THE RESSOURCES OF ANOTHER IS BAD AND CRIMINAL. Is that clearer to you now ?

Jens Holm

You not even believe in that Yourself.


Oh you will learn to know me better, little man. Contrary to you I mean every word I write, no matter on which topic and the consequences for me. This is called integrity, something you will forever lack.

Ishyrion Av

Azriel, you are aware that when you will die, you will go to hell because your Messiah didn’t come yet, right? So why are you digging yourself a bigger hole, breaking the 8th commandment, who says: “You shall not steal” ? Supporting the thieves is like being a thief yourself, correct? And US military is thousands of kilometers away from their homeland, in a foreign country with no permission, stealing the resources of that country. So they are thieves, and so are you!

PS. How lame is to upvote your own comment? Phuuu.

Azriel Herskowitz

ah whatever, antisemite.


you are not even a semite. You are an imported european jew, and not part of the semite tribes.

Azriel Herskowitz

Get out of here antisemite!


You little looser! I am no antisemite, but an antizionist. I dont like such idiots like you, who think that they are better then others, and that God allowed them to steal the land from others. Using your antsemite clubb just shows how intelectual incapable you really are. Pathetic little looser! Get out of here.

Kilgore Trout


Ishyrion Av

You know, he is at least funny. Something like a clown. Now he learns that the word “antisemite” has lost its power and nobody gives a damn about it. And in desperation, he is repeating the word continuously. Imagine trying to start a car with a bad battery, you switch the contact on and all you hear is ahhhhrghhh… ahrghhhhh…. antisemite…arghhhhh….antisemite….

Kilgore Trout



Voting up your own post will not make it better. Are you a retard?

Kilgore Trout


Hide Behind

Did not Trump say he wanted Syria’s oil? Is not the US Military occupying those oil fields? Did not ARAMCO just float a 2 trillion USD sale of shares, shares on known oil and gas that total all of the sale values if at 70 US per barrell value of next 7 years of Saudi/Kuwait exports ? Those who invested, did they not know that in order to get a profit upon such an investment Saudi/Kuwait would have to pump millions more barrels yearly, a quantity beyond their holdings ability? Dividend returns alone could not return a large enough margin at price per share to return original investments until 10’s of years in future. The only real value lays in knowing stock prices will raise in future,; and what, where, and how could those values come from, assuredly not due to Saudi/Kuwaits present holdings, unless oil jumped another 90 USD above todays prices. Could Saudis be hedging their bets in case there becomes a shooting War with Iran; and they know how vulnerable their present holdings are to attacks? Saudis themselves do not have technical abilities to build infrastructure or even manage the hands on daily operations in their fields, they have Royal Family members who oversee foreign contractors; contractors who have strong relations within foreign governments and worlds largest oil and gas Corporations. Nothing of such large financial movements suddenly appear, there are years of planning that are mostly unseen and unheard by public at large. Oil is one of Worlds most controlled substances and the old ways of drill and as fast as one can drain em dry, listen to news of voluntary cutbacks of production to keep prices up. Instead of buy an oil tract and building hundreds of wells immediately they buildbjust enough to keep able to control its marketing and distribution for years in future. Here is a helpfully hint on seeing that future, read their trade magazines; not just the majors glossy propaganda sheets but those of firms that construct or build the hardware, , Carlyle group, Haliburton/ Brown and Root, even private and pension fund managers read them. Coincidences, are there such things?

Jens Holm

I di not read all. am sorry.

But Aramco could invent the big impoosible plan sending all the unused gas to Europe fx by Eilat.

They also have high own consumption. It makes sense to me if the could be less independent by solar as well as windpower and by renew all old systems for sooling as well as demipermeable wall and windows.

We see the same here in my Denmark. The same companies which in the very old days almost only used cold has done as told using more oil and gas. Now th same big companies invest in windmill parks, solar electric panels and also insolation and recycling heat and cooling. They also have invested in non fossils such as wood and garbage for making heat and electricity.

Hide Behind

In a single word lies both a question and answer, “OPEC”.

Jens Holm

Hardly. Anybody in the world can be stockholders in most fossile energy and take some profit too.

I do by my pension fond, where I also have in windpower.

Most money are not even made by those countries, because hardly any produce all the things, which can be made by oil and also gas and coal making many 1000 % in profit for good reasons.

Hide Behind

Yes anyone including we who seek financial security can invest, but let me ask respectfully, how many of we investors have physical paper shares, and are the shares we have equal to other shares? Now then as to topic of ARAMCO and Syrian oil. Aramco has been chosen to be the “Lender of Choice, and who determined that choice. Look up a personality by the name of a dual US-Israeli citizen by name of “Mordecai Kahani, and his New Jersey based firm, “Global Developement Corporation, (GDC). As to Kahani’s interconnectivity to AIPAC and various Government Agencies , personalities and financially influential entities they are too numerous to write of here in. In early 2019 after months of negotiations with US government and foreign Nations, Mr Kahana secured an Agreement through US Treasury with the US backed Kurd SDC leaders of SDF over control of Kurdish oil in Syria. Why through US Treasury, because it describes Kurd and Syrian oil as a US owned “Foreign Asset, and Foreign owned assets of US government are under their purview. This control while under somewhat influence, legal entity by Congress is controlled by Executive Branch under priveledge of Executive Orders. A backwards look at Iraq’s Kurd oil dealings after and since US invasion finds same players involved with Kurd oil listed as a Foreign owned Asset under US Treasury. The amount of influence by Israel and its Aus based AIPAC and over 500 affiliated groups, with huge financial backers , Sheldon Adelson for one whose tentacles include Mr. Kahana can be found in multiple US, Israel and European publications. Katana with Sheldon Adelsons financing along with Israel government were responsible for Senator John McCain’s meeting with groups of Moderate Syrian Groups rebel leaders. If you and others want to further increase your investment portfolios begin looking at the behind the scenes but actually quite open and easy to follow, geopolitical financial movers . OH Katana was involved in aiding Israel’s access to both Iraq Kurds oil and Syrian ISIS and Kurds smuggled oil. Are there such things as coincidence?

Wayne Nicholson

So we’re onto plan C now. Plan A was moderate mercen ….. er rebels, plan B was Kurdistan and plan C is to seize Syrian oil which is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO5sxLapAts

The world uses 100 million bbl of oil a day. Syrian proven reserves are 2.5 billion bbl. By contrast Venezuela has 300 B, SA 266, Iran 158, Iraq 142 ….

This is by no means going to be a cash cow for anyone …. it’s not worth the cost of defending it let alone rebuilding and building pipelines out of Syria to SA. This oil field would barely be worth developing during peace time let alone having to pay contractors to work in an active war zone while an armoured battalion babysits . The insurance alone will cost more than it’s worth.

This is plan C … a desperate Hail Mary play after being defeated twice before.

Jens Holm

Hard to see USA profit anything there, as You asume mighty be possible. There is no transportation, because Assads has the pipeline as well as the old one to Iraq already is more then full.

What would have made sense even many years ago was investments to make good fuel for local use. If Aramco could do that, it would make a lot of sense and some profit as well.

Aramco also are able to fast replacements of the old and repaired facilities, which are now.

Wayne Nicholson

Aside from the obvious economic problems there are also issues about the legality of plundering the oil of a nation.

During the Bush and Obama years US politicians managed to create a layer of plausible deniability between themselves and crimes of torture and conducting aggressive war yet members of the Bush administration still have to be careful travelling outside the USA.

There is no protection here. Trump stated publicly he was taking Syria’s oil. That’s plunder pure and simple. Anyone who enters into a contract to help steal the oil is complicit in a war crime.

The USA is powerful enough at the moment to be able to get away with this crime however this may not be the case in the future and there is no statute of limitations on war crimes.

As a company owner / manager I would not enter into any contract that puts me personally at risk of prosecution and if I was a shareholder I would be very wary of investing in a company that did such work …. maybe in the short term you could make a buck off it but long term having international war crimes charges over the companies head would be a disincentive to invest.

Jens Holm

So far I only has seen Assads plundering the rest of the Syrians and next ISIS taking it from those thieves for own purpose only too.

Nothing is wrong in SDFs are taking their own % part, which they are nort even able to mainly because of destruted production lines as well as only few buyers.

I see them same for Kurdistand and Kirkuk. Bagdad shiits would not give Kurds and Sunnis there part for very much needed devellopment.

Thats a good reason for the succes of ISIS and even some few Al Kaid Asses. Kurd did fine for some few years, because the oilwas under them. They sold their % and a little more mainly to Turks by the thin pipeline.

So far Aramco has not even been there. It might be a fake. All also is allowed to make simulated plans for the future. The many plned pipelines to me is like many octuopussies fighting against each other.

Her You of course ignore, that if fx Aramco or American oil companies dont get it, You get semilar compinies and even wore then them in stead.

You and Yours never write about that even the Syrian oil production already 50% was driven by France, India and China.

Locals facts are wrong too. Syria has not even educated people for dayli life of oil production even its should be important, where the paycheck goes to. The amount of oil there is totally wrong as well. When we see maps showing empty holes ot says – empty for Syran and even Russian oil drillings. There must be up to 5 times more in most holes, whcih even the advanced small oil industry can take up by afcvanced methods. So the income from there is 0 even there could be much more oil even a little more expensive to take up.


Seems unlikely that Aramco openly engages with these fields. Don’t get me wrong, the would if they could but it’s an embarrassment for Saudis to deal with oil theft from another Arab nation. Especially if they want to reopen their “embassy” in Damascus. Even with Yemeni oil they are moving very cautiously and the situation in Yemen is very much in their favour compared to Syria.

Oil theft is an Israeli tradition and expertise. In reality, Aramco may send it’s employees (naturally all foreigners) quietly to prepare the facilities for extraction. Transporting this stolen oil will be another matter for Israelis to solve, probably directly by SDF or via Iraqi Kurdistan into Turkey and then Israel. The same way they dealt with ISIS stolen oil, in both cases (Iraqi and Syria looted oil) Kords participated.

Jens Holm

Maybee You should see, where Israel actually gets their oil from. You almost name those few and very small almost empty fields as Saudi Arabia, Iran or Iraq. Seize is not only below the belt, but Israel only has taken small amounts. That of course is wrong.

Ishyrion Av

I don’t know about this, Garga. You have a point but I think Saudi Arabia is shameless by design so probably they would do it. Doesn’t matter who benefits from the oil – from their and their sponsor point of view – as long as is not the legitimate government of Syria. This move it will enforce the kurds trust in US (since the kurds will benefit from the money as well), will create a new conflict between kurds and Damascus, will please Turkey and Israel, will create a new status-quo to this Syrian part of the country – an illegitimate but permanent occupation, something like Golan Heights… And that is exactly what the Empire wants.

Hide Behind

Legal, illegal, there is no crime without a decision by a legal body to declare it is a crime. Legal precedents determine current understandings upon which judgements can be made, and what was once understood to be illegal can be made legal by passage or acceptance of current situational ethics. Are laws based upon ethics, and if so why are there so many loopholes for situational ethics exceptions. If there is no authority capable of enforcing, by force of arms if necessary, their Laws, then who are the real authority but those who can make laws and be able to enforce , by force of arms if necessary their own laws. At Nuremburg trials the victors declared what was illegal acts COMMITED by the losers, but nowhere were the victors own crimes , even by their description of crimes, nowhere, was there a penalty placed upon the Victors, nor even ability to discuss them by the defendents, or Judges. How many angels can fit on the head of a pin, thumb tack, nail, railroad spike, the world, or upon all of mankind’s shoulders?

Jens Holm

The last 5 lines are highly incorrect. Best known is Parron punished for good reasons several times. The same for Pearl Harbour, where the wrong people was punsihed.

The difference was very much dirty laundry was hidden and not all dirty laundry was taken or was destroyed.

You also could see the Briitisg very clever retreat in Begium by a Brittish General, which made it possible to evacuate so many britts by the sea back to GB. That general didnt die as he should as a hero. His highest rank then became leader of small Malta during WW2.

So You at least has to modofy Your version.


Why are the last five lines incorrect? The Nuremberg trials would not have been possible without defining the crime in the end of 1945 by the winning parties. Befgore that the “crime” did not even exists. And if you look into it, the wittnesses and their statements are highly questionable, as well as the statements given by the accused, which had been tortured until the right answers were given. Did something like this happen after the Vietnam war? Or after the war in Iraq, Libya, Jugoslavia…

Jens Holm

One correction. I should have written marshal Patton but did write Parron.

And th 5 lines. I certainly has my own oppinions about those trials. Its true the courts were constructed and biased some. But the alternative should be none?

I believe You are correct abiut cries did not exist as crimes before Nazis invented new terrible ones including putting people in owens and before that had killed a lot of handicapped persons as well.

Those in Nürnberg also everyone of them should have had 50 or 100 cases each and not one. In the other hand only hindus and cars can die more then once.

So I do accept those processes.

In several countries the revenges against relative innocent nazis was much worse with or witout triaL.

So thats my oppinion. If I compare whats written here every day against each other the Nürnberg was something too. It was written and by weekend shau om Kino a facts, that all Jews, Gypsies and Slaves should be exterminated apart from a few millions needed as slaves, where they after need could be reproduced.

How can I feel for those people should have fair trials better then that.

I am the same for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If the estimates for american and partly british and chines losses was 200.000 – Iany time wqould have used those 2 bombs if I was related and born to those days of war in 1945.

200.000 extra dead againts a random number of Japanese is fair trade. We under WW2 as well as after saw the Japanse treat all prisoners and they even – as germans – took out vomen random for prostotution and after they were kind of damaged just were replaced by next big group of Koran girld, boys and vomen.

Why should american soldiers goo in and take japanese soldiers one by one, where those soldiers even are supported by raised civilians in a culture like that.

And a propos children, we certainly saw kids named Hitle Jugend met western troops with fight and hate even they at first was treated as big kids with some kindness. They even tryed to make rvenge after they had pretented to give up.

Things like that does it. Parts of the parts in Syria hardly know any human laws for civilians as well as soldiers, and we only has seen smaller parts of ot yet as well as we for many years will find many many tortured bones ven being hidden well. Assads alsos have corpses and many, but being in power, they has been hidden well being burned or by use of acid or something.

But let me remind You, that after WW2 we actually has tryed to make more sober courts. Its very complicated.

I yesterday changed oppinion about active warfare. In stead of many soldiers and civilians got killed, the targets mainly should be all the bad Leaders. In those days its also tempting to make friday killings at any gathering.


I agree with you. One thing however I don’t agree with. You should not kill 200000 civilians because you are not able to win militarily. There was the Haague convention, which regulates war on land and what is allowed and what not. The target for an army is the oponents army, not the civilization. US and UK did ignore this on purpose in many way, even as signee of the convention. USSR did not sign the convention and also not the Geneva convention, hence these rules did not apply for the USSR. For the case of extermination of jews you should educate yourself. if your law allows this. In Germany only the official version is allowed to follow, anything else is deemed as holocaust denial and is punished by prison terms. However if you have some insight in certain aspects like how prussian blue is a side product of the use of the claimed poison gas, but cannot be found in any walls, or that a crematoria oven takes a certain time and energy to burn a corps completely, but will need double the time when it shall burn two corpses, you wonder how accurate the story really is. Also, if there was a separation of families when they arrived at the so called extermination camps, why were there marriages, birth and death certified? Why were so many children born in the camps? Why did they let the sick be treated by doctors if they were supposed to be killed anyway? And how many people died when? Looking in the documentation of Auschwitz and Birkenau, which were found in Russian archives after the fall of the soviet union, one has to wonder. The death figures correlate with the report from the international red cross of 1947, which claimed, that the majority of inmates died on deseases and mal nutrition, caused by the destruction of transport infrastructure through bombing, mainly 1944 and beginning of 1945. Unfortunately there was no research done whatsoever yet to confirm the official story. Instead any research is prohibited by law in several countries. Remember Ahmadinijad? He claimed that the whole thing is a big hoax and that he has proof. All media in the world did not look into the proof but used whatever available means to discredit him. why is that? Who fears to be wrong?

Jens Holm

I kind of love and enjoy thise even it might be a fake provocation.

Only 50% of those fields are private property od the Baathists by Assad. The rest is owned by Frech, Indian and Chinese investors.

And why not. Today we see exact the same for Libya. So many think the fightings there is a country making thing about people living there. But if You dig just a little, You see oil for weapon.

One thing is taolly wrong in the article. Syria already is enemy against Saudis and others. That hardly can be scaled up compared to the Saudi support for ISIS until USA stopped it.

I really laugh and laugh reading here below. Many are not only diaperju,ping both also pea in their pants and shoes about it. Ha ha.

But it can be even more funny if Assads having no other options the being pipeline transporters to Europe by the coast of Saudi made crude oil and USA making a couple of cen pr barrel.

Haha: New version of Monekey Biusiness and who are those belowed creatures…

Concrete Mike

Your enjoying watching usa.cockblock syria.

Weird eurotrash!

Jens Holm

I do prefare blocking for war. And true, I dont like many in the ME.

Jens Holm

Very good for the Syrians. Assads are nopt able to make any parts a modern productions a part pipelines and stealing money.


yes ,very good for Syrians indeed? as a lot of them will have no fuel to heat their homes during the coming winter as a direct co sequence of that looting enterprise. I’m sure the Saudis are honnest brokers here as well. Very good indeed. I’m sure they agree with your brilliant assessment here, you dumb fuck.

Jens Holm

Thats crap. Any map show Assads has as a minimum 1/3 of the oil poduction as well as it can be expanded. By that the northern oil can be seen as a reserve, which can be used later.

The assumption and accusasions of Yours using own inhabitants as hostages is infame. There are so many fields in the Assads of today, which by normal advanced methods soon can be reopened being half empty or half full.

I remember the sceeming and shouting about SDFs probatly would steal the fields west of Tabqa airport even they againand again didsay, they had no use for that in military mayyers at all. We hardly coulld see Your heads and only Your big mouth in those days.

So what about them. Ther was no oil ? There is no rebuilding?

I also see where the oil goes Ypours driving around Your army as if You were in the middle of oildfields of Emirates or Saudi Arabia having so bad done transportations and bad miliatry plans. Thats where the Syrian oil is wasted and A LOT of it.


What the hell was that supposed to even mean ? are you serious ? Even if 0.1% of the oil infrastructure, or one building in the entire country is seized and utilized by the US or any other foreign country, the action remains a state crime, that is morally and legally bankrupt. There is no rationale in the world that can possibly hope to even remotely justify that. The basis you choose tu support their theft is actually he worst possible approach and is laughable.

You’re going like” they can still rebuild since some oil remains under your control, so it’s ok if the US steals the rest” LOL, so tomorrow I can say 50% of Saudi infrastructure can be confiscated since half their production is still enough to sustain the fat petromonarchs hoarding 100 billions of it from the people per year. That shows how simplistic and ludicrously empty is your own philosophy of relations between world nations, and your high regards and/or basic comprehension of sovereignty and integrity, these are just words for you, and I can totally understand your stance since Israel itself is based on utter land theft and expropriation itself from its inception, and continues to eat away land and ressources from its neighbors as well as Palestinian owners, so I understand why it’s completely tolerable and normal to you for a country to do that to another, your logic is the logic of an usurper, nothing else.

If you recognized the illegitimacy and illegality of the US action in Syria, you would have to expect the same from Israel, hence your total incapacity to acknowledge the simplest facts ever : foreign troops advancing into a country and forcefully seizing its ressources to sell it abroad is plain wrong, has no justification whatsoever, and you make yourself a partners in crime if you cannot even denounce it. You cannot possibly discuss internal politics of a country and simply dismiss external theft as “allow because negligible in scope”, what kind of totally fucked up rationale is that to begin with ?

So tomorrow I come to your home, seize a piece of your garden to install my tent and live there, while leaving the rest for you, is that ok ? after all it does not prevent you from continuing your life in your home and the rest of the garde, since I only use a small corner right ? See how stupid and void is your mindset ? how abysmally weak is your argument ?

Instant example : Israel wouldn’t loose all of its water should the Golan return to the Syrians, only 30% of it goes to its need, so based on that assertion alone I can also demand that Israel gives back what the entire world considers as stolen land to its rightful Syrian owners. Laws say that, all of the world’s nations and government say that, but Trump protects you, so you thieves keep your treasure.

You say Assad is corrupt ? who isn’t ? your Israeli PM risks going to the cage because of his misuse of state coffers. All US and Israeli-aligned GCC Sunni state are corrupt to the bone, the US itself is, that is internal politics and the people of the said countries decide what to do with it, period. It will NEVER serve as a justification for an external actor to come in and steal it away for personal gains, what happens inside the country is another matter, what the US is doing here, just like Israel does itself, is THEFT, PERIOD.

Jens Holm

Its Your kind, which talk about oil oil and oil thaft.

The main goal for USA being there was to and are to reduce or remove Assads.

Here oil is one of man good ways

You blow he oil and gas part up as its the center of it. Thats totally constructed lies just as Your everlasting socalled problems with most kurds, where the probæem is You.

The same goes for the everlasting crap about Western Economics almost is collapsing, USA is collapsing and Jews/Zionist are running even my littrle Denmark.

Its crap crap crap.

You also systematicly accept to be kept down by Syrian(or fx Iraqoan) chgoise only are Jihadists or Kurds will take over. Thats crap crap crap.

Your main pronems seemes very well based on religion and traditions based on old crap crap crap.

We have not made those many problems of Yours and You correct none of them because You insist in re´maining in corrupt primitive classical dictator systems, wheere every change to the better is forcidden.

How can a country having a lott of simple and complicated things for improvement before this dirty fighting have an unimployment rate of 50% for men as well as its much much higher for women.

And thats were the base for the uprises are. Those people for those reasons just want to get rid of Assads even Assads systematicly has jailed, tortured and killed all possible secon oppinion of anything.

And the reasosn and the solutions for it is page up and down and even on Internet as Youtubes. ALL THAT IS IGNORED.

Here – of course – kurds again is the main sinners – as the only ones having a sober devellopment programme.

So what happens with that right now. Well their try for most needed local influence motivating people to educate and produce better RIGHT NOW are SLAUGHTERED.

You give all those bad names, tye are communist which of course in your tiny worm brains makes them into inedection itself.

And here again disputes about oil instead of why USA with a lor of mainly arabic countries dont like the Assad Regime,

If You intead had had united Syria by including all there by creating jobs, there was no base foruprise as well as local independensy. But OH NO.

Where do those many soldiers by Jihadisme as well as SDFs come from. The main base is at least to have a job having an income no matter where it come from – And of course some indoctrination too. Syria has world record in making Jihasists.

We see exact the same crap crap crap for AKP/Erdogan. They do anything to be on power, and isnt it Kurds so its greek oil, and isnt ot so its Cyprus oil ot libyan oil and a long line of all other kinds of mainly wrong accisations among any others down to Dutch and Germans are Nazis.

Jens Holm

You are not even learned to understand simple things I write veing quite a quite sober western about it.

I see the same infection in You military forces and alll over. You see what You have – often free gifdts from Russian, Irand and Hesbollah, and say: We are so strong.

But You are not even allowed to know Your enemy or for that sake the few ones, which will be Your friends.


Man, you do love talking and agreeing with yourself. This is the perfect reflection of the underlying insanity. Covering your ears and eyes away from the real world and going in perpetual mental circles. You think you’re on top of the world with such deep understanding of your world while you fail to see and acknowledge something that even a child could see. Your total inability to adress any , not one of the philosophical and legal points I made throughout our exchanges show the lamentable bankruptcy of your take on every level. Now I let you enjoy yourself while defending ethnic cleansing, colonization and the killing and expropriation of the weak by the strong. You and those crimials you support are the antithesis of a civilized order and your kind is the very reason why the Earth is so fucked up right now.


This time, your unintelligible gibberish is beyond belief. Even google translate would do better.

And I will not take your schoolboy insults a second more, even a 3rd grader would do better than frenetically drop meaningless sentences mixed with repeated triple “crap” like you did all along.

Go get a life and next time you want someone to waste a minute of his valuable time for you, at least have the decency to be coherent and present a resemblance of answers to the points he made before you.

Not only your semantics and grammar are intellectual non-starters and make it impossible to make out of anything of your mind, as it stands your pathetic rant doesn’t even come close to address a SINGLE argument I made earlier, so my position stands, supported by facts and a defined, clear rationale, hate it or like it. You miserably fail to demonstrate or even represent your stance, your anger is all over the place and transpires a chaotic yet toothless mindset.

All in all, you support the law of the jungle over a civilized world order, for your kind, might is right, a few elites should decide which people have a right to a country, ressources and sovereignty, this in turn is outright neo-colonial fascism. And that’s why your brain is unable to tackle even the simplest abusive realities : one big and powerful country plundering the ressources of another while accusing its people of being responsible for their own fate.They won’t have fuel for a winter and all you have is unemployment and lack of salaries, you are a damn JOKE.

You consider people “expendable”, that alone could cost you a legal penalty in many “democratic countries”, this is textbook racism and you don’t even realize it, you are complete garbage and a waste of DNA unworthy of your own kind, Jens, you shame even those you support with your level of mediocrity.

And when did I ever say Assad bears no responsibility in this mess by creating rifts and division within his own country ? are you illiterate too ? have you actually read my many posts suggesting overtly that he SHARES responsibility with outside attackers that opportunistically took on his country at its weakest to plunder it while claiming it’s all about taking out bad evil Assad working hand in hand with Salafi jihadists and the Muslim Brotherhood from the KSA/EAU and Qatar/Turkey for several years after 2012 ? I’m speaking of state theft and military occupation and a US President TWITTING HIS THEFT IN THE OPEN, and you answer with the lack of hard work among ordinary Syria, you sick bastard !

Erdogan here, AKP there, Jihadists, “unemployment”, “hard work”, you simply pick words you heard around in one and the same paragraph to look smart but there is never one true consistent construction, nothing makes sense, you just spray unrelated pre-conceived ideas around without method, it’s simply pathetic. Mediocre propaganda in very bad English at best, utter nonsense at worst.

Case closed, you were never able to counter my stances in our many exchanges ever, not once, and you have zero credibility on matters you touch upon. I’m done with you. Please continue to dig deeper in despair by trying to pathetically respond to this, be my guest, come on, do me a favor, entertain me.

Jens Holm

My version is what most of the world see and think about it. You deny that.

And Your version of what my english is, is completly wrong. Yours mainly are simple translations from Your head thinking in simple languaages not covering the english laungauge well.

I dont blame Yor for being born and raised by those languages. But I certainly blame You not knowing there are so many ythings which are so more advanced, so Your world not even has words for it.

You are only used to Lawyers and Doctors English, which I learned in school onece upon a time ago. So I can and will never go back to Your pidgin language version, because You then demand me to not to be able to cover, whats in my mind.

Much like Your mind – as written – certainly dont cover much compared to mine. And again: I dont blame You. But I blame You for not even being able to understand that very big difference and there remain unable to understand, what normal people here has in advanced sommon english.

We are not all lawyers or doctors and our world would collapse, if we only used those simple sentences, which are well covered by a translate machine.

You also forget, that I have the same problems around Your short messages, but I dont complaint about it: I ASK.

That might be the main difference from raising. We are from the beginning learned to ask questions in exact same level, where You has to bend Your heads and behinds in obeying. We learn by that and find our own oppinion listening to other and dont eat crap as facts written on stones as by Moses in the desert from high above.

The same goes for women, where I live.


Yes absolutely mate, I talk about oil, oil and oil theft BECAUSE IT IS OIL, OIL AND OIL THEFT , and that is a STATE CRIME, nothing less, a heinous abuse of epic proportions and will remain so no matter your gesticulation trying to sidestep it.

And contrary to you, my belief system includes the notions of respect for peoples and nations’ sovereignty and state assets, something which seems to be utterly absent from your zionist-supporting neo-colonial mind, which is all but a surprise. You consistently fail to realize that he core flaw and intellectual non-starter in every of your weak and clumsy counters you try are the abysmal level of moral, philosophical, and legal legitimacy of the US you dear so much as the savior of Syria it helped destroy and turn into a jihadist mess. You say you support the Syrian people ? HOW ? by supporting it being torn to pieces first by Jihadist hordes THEN by an embargo and the theft of 75% of its oil further making it dependent on Russia, China and Iran that you happen to hate so much ? see how stupid is that rationale ? it goes in circles and by ripple effect does the very opposite of what you wish, it’s crazy.

Yes, absolutely, the USA cared about only ONE monomaniac goal : removing Assad. And went as far as playing with the worst kind of devilish scum of the Earth to achieve that. What it entailed for the Syrian people was the quasi collapse of their secular order and institutions that preceded even Assad, and without Russian intervention would have transformed Syria into a GCC satellite littered with independent caliphate from different Saudi or Emirati, or Qatari/Turkish funded warlords of all sorts. Idlib would have been one in many areas of sectarian divide and people would have continued to suffer extorsion, torture, sex enslavement, and Charia law

I said a DOZEN TIME already that I consider Assad as being one of the culprits of his own nations’s demise, but you stubborn and shortsighted illiterate did not comprehend this, and are only able to obsessively see one side of the coin.

For you it’s all about ASSAD , ASSAD , ASSAD , ASSAD, it’s like your brain is stuck in his name no matter what happens on the ground in the real world.

And you know what ? all of this is partly true, I’m the FIRST to say ! I hate Assad as much as I hate your kind, that’s the difference !

You forget who came into the mix after the initial revolt of the nationalist people of Syria that I openly supported a full year in 2011 : Saudi Arabia, the EAU, Turkey, Qatar, all supporters of either Wahabi or Salafi groups that immediately usurped the core pillars of the true Syrian popular revolution and rerouted it to their advantage. You fail to see the whole of this important dimension all along your pseudo-argumentation.

Europe and the US also played ball with Al-Nusra and gave them weapons and ammo through backchannel deal handled with their GCC allies, while knowing FULL WELL what kind of Al-Qaeda derived scum its leader Al-Julani was, right hand of Al-Zawahiri himself, and declassified transcripts from Hilary Clinton EXPLICITLY SAID AL QAEDA AND THE CIA ARE ON THE SAME SIDE IN SYRIA.

So will you just shut the fuck up and do the math, your research about ALL facts regarding the Syrian civil war before coming here posing from your high horses and HORRIBLE grammar and diction, even Google Translate could do better for Christ sakes.

Just as you are laughable in your overt support for Israeli colonial expansion decried by the whole world, you are dumb and crazy enough to follow suit and not see that a US President claiming that he “likes the oil and took the oil of Syria” is something akin to the primitive era of nations, and has no place in the 21st century and the order of nations.

You have a lot to learn, if you ever learn.

I’m done with you, you were unable to address even one point I made throughout our exchange, you are not convincing one bit and your cheap wording doesn’t help you.


Oh will you just shut up with your self-victimizing tales of conspiracy, I never said “Jews ran” anything but occupation of US Congress through AIPAC and Palestinian land through their US-supported IDF. Beyond that, I perfectly recognize Israel within its internationally accepted boundaries which stop at the 1967 separation lines. Just as you don’t recognize even the Palestinian as a people, in good classical fashion of reactionary nutheads that you so passionately and blindly support for God know which twisted reasons. Racism could be one of them.

And, yes absolutely, I talk about oil, oil and oil theft BECAUSE IT IS OIL, OIL AND OIL THEFT , and that is a STATE CRIME, nothing less, a heinous abuse of epic proportions and will remain so no matter your gesticulation trying to sidestep it.

And contrary to you, my belief system includes the notions of respect for peoples and nations’ sovereignty and state assets, something which seems to be utterly absent from your zionist-supporting neo-colonial mind, which is all but a surprise. You consistently fail to realize that he core flaw and intellectual non-starter in every of your weak and clumsy counters you try are the abysmal level of moral, philosophical, and legal legitimacy of the US you dear so much as the savior of Syria it helped destroy and turn into a jihadist mess. You say you support the Syrian people ? HOW ? by supporting it being torn to pieces first by Jihadist hordes THEN by an embargo and the theft of 75% of its oil further making it dependent on Russia, China and Iran that you happen to hate so much ? see how stupid is that rationale ? it goes in circles and by ripple effect does the very opposite of what you wish, it’s crazy.

Yes, absolutely, the USA cared about only ONE monomaniac goal : removing Assad. And went as far as playing with the worst kind of devilish scum of the Earth to achieve that. What it entailed for the Syrian people was the quasi collapse of their secular order and institutions that preceded even Assad, and without Russian intervention would have transformed Syria into a GCC satellite littered with independent caliphate from different Saudi or Emirati, or Qatari/Turkish funded warlords of all sorts. Idlib would have been one in many areas of sectarian divide and people would have continued to suffer extorsion, torture, sex enslavement, and Charia law

I said a DOZEN TIME already that I consider Assad as being one of the culprits of his own nations’s demise, but you stubborn and shortsighted illiterate did not comprehend this, and are only able to obsessively see one side of the coin. For you it’s all about ASSAD , ASSAD , ASSAD , ASSAD, it’s like your brain is stuck in his name no matter what happens on the ground in the real world. And you know what ? all of this is partly true, I’m the FIRST to say ! I hate Assad as much as I hate your kind, that’s the difference ! You forget who came into the mix after the initial revolt of the nationalist people of Syria that I openly supported a full year in 2011 : Saudi Arabia, the EAU, Turkey, Qatar, all supporters of either Wahabi or Salafi groups that immediately usurped the core pillars of the true Syrian popular revolution and rerouted it to their advantage. You fail to see the whole of this important dimension all along your pseudo-argumentation.

Europe and the US also played ball with Al-Nusra and gave them weapons and ammo through backchannel deals handled with their GCC allies, while knowing FULL WELL what kind of Al-Qaeda derived scum its leader Al-Julani was, right hand of Al-Zawahiri himself, and declassified transcripts from Hilary Clinton EXPLICITLY SAID AL QAEDA AND THE CIA ARE ON THE SAME SIDE IN SYRIA.

So will you just go back to school and do the math about ALL facts regarding the Syrian civil war and not only the ones that you like to believe in, and so before coming here posing from your high horses and HORRIBLE grammar and diction, even Google Translate could do better for Christ’s sake. Just as you are laughable in your overt support for Israeli colonial expansion decried by the whole world, you are dumb and crazy enough to follow suit and not see that a US President claiming that he “likes the oil and took the oil of Syria” is something akin to the primitive era of nations, and has no place in the 21st century and the order of nations. You have a lot to learn, if you ever learn. I’m done with you, you were unable to address even one point I made throughout our exchange, you are not convincing one bit and your cheap wording doesn’t help you.

Mehmet Aslanak

Yeah, if that was a real news, then Trump would be a Santa Claus. Legalizing oil stealing from Syrian people would be interesting.


as if saudiaramco would be interested in what 300000b/d. not likely. 30million bucks per month – chickenfeed and you could possibly interest some minorminor petroleum company provided you lent them the cash to operate the fields.


Saudi Arabia can go fuck themselves


Pffft, next it will be somebody has been found to foot bill for fast food restaurants there. :P Whatever is going on it changes nothing. My country is on the way out of Syria, albeit kicking and screaming.

j. jaxson

It would be real hard to get the oil out under missile strikes and bombardment.


The Euphrates River is uncovering the mountain of gold.

Kilgore Trout

Time to stat shipping POS ameri3kan war criminals home in body bags!!! That goes for the POS sauds as well!!


How could this happen?

It means the US sold drilling rights to aramco. America made its money already, without taking the oil for themselves.

The saudis have to figure out how their investment can be profitable. Probably selling to local black market, which means kurdish terrorists.

The black market sells to all sides, turkey, syria, iraq, or even isis.

Hide Behind

Aramco has been designated as Financial investors that will be repayed by sales of oil. There are no coincidences, and Aramcos recent, THREE YEARS IN PLANNING, sale of now over 2 trillions of US $, ALL FROM WITHIN UAE AND US ALLIED NATO NATIONS SOVEREIGN AND PRIVATE CORPORATE PARTNERS MADE IT POSSIBLE. Stop and think , what % of worlds total wealth that 2 trillion Dollars represents,: that amount is far larger than majority of Nations are valued at. So where exactly did 2 trillion US$ suddenly appear from. Why is Syrian Kurd SDC oil listed under US Treasury as a US owned foreign asset and oil rights sold to , a New Jersey based firm owned by an Israel US joint citizen, Mordecai Kanna, Global Development Corporation, GDC?

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