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MARCH 2025

Saudi-Backed Syrian Opposition Leader Says Overthrowing Assad Is No longer Priority

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Saudi-Backed Syrian Opposition Leader Says Overthrowing Assad Is No longer Priority

On October 29, the head of the Saudi-backed Syrian National Coordination Committee for the Forces of Democratic Change (NCC) Hassan Abdel Azim announced that the Syrian opposition will hold a new meeting in the Saudi Arabia capital, Riyadh, on November 10.

Hassan Abdel Azim said that the opposition will discuss forming a unified body with a unified policy that is based on the “Geneva I” statement. Abdel Azim also stressed that the priority now is to fight terrorism, and not to remove Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad.

When asked by the opposition media about the recent reports that Saudi Arabia don’t want al-Assad to leave anymore, Abdel Azim answered:

”That’s not the position of Saudi Arabia only, but it is the international position of the US, France, UK, Europe, United Nation, Turkey, Russia and all countries, because for these countries the priority now is to fight terrorism represented by ISIS and the al-Nusra Front or Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.”

Abdel Azim added that the position of the Syrian president is part of the negotiations, and stressed that this will be discussed during the Riyadh meeting.

Abdel Azeim also criticized the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and emphasized that the Syrian opposition is against a federal system in Syria.

“As the NCC or the High Negotiations Committee [HNC] we completely reject federalism or federal country because we are not a continent like Europa or America, Syria is only 25 million [citizens],” Abdel Azeim said.

Back on October 26, former Qatar Prime Minister Hamad Bin Jassim said tht Saudi Arabia don’t want Assad to leave his position anymore.

Abdel Azeim’s statement confirms that Saudi Arabia is seeking a solution with the current Syrian government away from the US and has some questions about the US-SDF project in Syria.

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Interesting. So it would appear that if they can’t get rid of Assad, the Saudis would rather have him in charge then some US backed Kurdish semi state.

Daniel Castro

Saudis are a feudal lot, they understand the meaning of defeat very well, perhaps they can act with dignity in defeat like the last king of Andaluzia… other choice would be crying like a desperate pig in the slaughterhouse, as the zionist are doing.


No they don’t. They think they can turn a defeat into victory by throwing enough money at it.

Daniel Castro

They are just buying their right to exist.


This is hilarious. The Saudis were never fighting on the oppositions side but rather on Assad’s side. That is what most people can’t comprehend.

You must first understand the House of Saud in order to know how they think and who they are. This is game of throne for them and they give zero fucks about other countries but not when it can have directly impact on them they care. Assad nor Iran is there enemy but the same rebels Assad fought in syria is what they fear most and view them as legit threat

Daniel Castro

They know full well the monsters they spawned with the whore of Israel.


You have your Libtard Idiot Hat on again Mountains :)


The Saudis, USA, France, UK, Russia etc etc always shared the same opinion and that was saving Assad and fighting his opponents which they assumed were a threat towards Saudi Arabia.

Everything else you hear on all medias and other places is nothing more then circus paper selling

Daniel Castro

Always, like in 2017 always… until Aleppo everyone was throwing all support they could to your zio-terrorist army.

Stop being a sore loser, you lost, get over it… as it seems you have a little commom sense lasting, you should start influencing your criminal brothers to start negotiating, retreat from Golan, and give palestinians lands back, retreating to 1967 borders, the only ones you can claim some legitimacy.


It’s not about being a loser because I don’t support the Saudis but I’m telling you the truth. They are Assad’s strongest ally and have been through out this war. They had to play double game for the public to make themselves look as if they care about their countries opinion and act like wanting to cater to the saudi public opinion hence why they will never come forward outright with their hidden policies.

But they support Assad this much is certainity. They fear the same Rebels might rise up against them inside Saudi Arabia hence why they had to play double game to confuse the public opinion and appear as if they were doing something. But what they did was just generating alot of nonsense propaganda articles to mask themselves.

Things have become more and more clearer now while in the beginning things was happening to fast and hard to pin-point who is with who because everyone was lying and claiming something else

Daniel Castro

You’re being too simplistic, they created ISIS and they lost control of “it” at some point, but they also kept trying to control it back for many years, trying to focus the beast’s anger on Syria.

Eventualy every creature turns against its creator, the same rule applies to zionist golems.


You have been over feed on media propaganda and taking whatever news released as gospel. You are behind approx. 20-years with you infos. You are eating basic propaganda.

You will come to know few decades from now. You will not understand this now

Daniel Castro

I have to admit I don’t have your mossad first hand info, but at the same time I wouldn’t believe one word of what they say…

You know a zionist is lying when there are words coming out of his mouth.


I’m beginning to like you. You are slowly replacing Rodney as my favourite.

Daniel Castro

Rodney can’t be replaced, his writings are a work of art… lol


Caveman Art :)

George King

The Saudis, USA, France, UK? Saving Assad? NUTS!


The Saudis, US, UK and France were the biggest opponents of Assad…..


This guy woke up a bit late. When everybody’s priority was fighting the terrorists, their priority was “Assad must go”. Now that the terrorists are almost defeated, their priority is fighting the terrorists.

They try so hard to rob Astana talks of credit by introducing Riyadh talks to no avail, as Astana talks are the most efficient panel regarding the war on Syria.

Daniel Castro

No, his priority now is keeping his head over his sholders… lol


Remember that Sauidis are just USA puppets.

Dow Jones

They the terrorists. Where have you been for the last 6 years?


All kinds of places, but not very far away.

Based on who you’re talking to, there are different definitions for terrorists, the most absurd ones are probably belonged to the US. Considering Hezbollah, PMU and IRGC as terror groups and not counting HTS, FSA and MEK as one.

John Mason

If the opposition is so keen on fighting terrorism then their first step would be to overthrow the Saudi regime.

You can call me Al

and ……?

John Mason

and what? you finish it off….

You can call me Al

No my and seem to be in the wrong place / thread – no, no, no, I remember now….

“and Israel”

The Farney Fontenoy

Everyone figured Syria would fall, just like Iraq & encouraged by the total collapse of Libya, they can hardly be blamed, but its clear they had a very poor understanding of Syria’s internal political structure. They didn’t care though, as blunt-headed brute force & bribery had always worked, when it didn’t, they figured it would just “take a little longer this time”. The fact it’s taken SIX YEARS for them to get the message shows how completely in denial they were that the plan wasn’t working, and since there was no ‘plan B’ they did not know & STILL do not know what to do…. apart from the obvious, that is.

Daniel Castro

When russian airforce came with shock and awe in 2014 it was already over for them, the only choice they had then was escalating the conflict into ww3, which was what Hitlery would do if she had one, Trumps victory was the last nail on the zionist coffin as it took something like 6 months for the swamp to sufocate him, but those 6 months were instrumental to solidify the position of eastern powers.

You can call me Al

Oh, I just think they have opened their own little Pandora’s box here. I think ISIS have already made one or two incursions into SA, couple that with the Houthis firing into the territory and the simmering unrest in in the east of the Country and next door Bahrain, in my view they really have it so wrong…….also note they have a family fight in the House of Saad between the Prince’s clan (which could erupt) to take over as the next King…….. there old mate Qatar wont help, Israel will laugh …… they made their bed they can lie in it.

Pave Way IV

You have to wonder about that. ISIS is all for Wahhabism, but doesn’t care for the Saudi royalty (just their money). If ISIS really wanted to, they could take over any big Saudi city with a few gun trucks and head-choppers. It’s not like the Saudi army is any deterrent. The US would help the Saudis of course, but I wonder how eager they would be to level a Saudi city to ‘liberate’ it? No way would the Saudis approve of that. They would probably call on the UAE’s merc army of Colombians for door-kicking if the US was unwilling to send in ground troops.


The house of Saud has to play nice and moderate now if they don’t want SA to go broke. ISIS will not like that. THe chickens are coming home to roost for sure.


And they are broke. They are burning through their reserves at a rate of $10 billion a month. In 5 years they will have spend every penny they’ve ever made from the oil.

You can call me Al

No worries, they are diversifying to tourism and industries that require some brains …..oh yes, I’ll bet they will do well there.


Yeah, spend some time yesterday looking at their plans…. The only worrying thing about it is that it seems Blackstone and Blackrock are on board. Those are about as swampy as you can get.


The US strategic policy against Syria originates from US Neo-Con think tanks and CIA was tasked tactical responsibility over it – and latter ultimately settled on a proxy-hybrid war. But it was all long time in the making – CIA had been tasked with looking into regime change in Syria since the early 2000’s – and they were initially focused on manufacturing a standard military coup but failed to find suitable upper level participants. Thereafter, their focus shifted onto exploiting internal popular divisions within Syria and sectarian potential of the highly conservative Sunni fundamentalists who had long run up against the secular Syrian state – and so no surprises as to who exactly became the basis of the armed Syrian opposition.

Brother Ma

Those sunni rural conservatives? Just call them jihadist moslem dogs that the assad family put down.if they had taken over in the past ,syria would have had the living standard of taliban afghanistan rather than the paris of the arab world.

Brother Ma

Only thing that has saved syria is russia. Yes ,syria was brave etc but without russia it would have fallen just like libya and iraq etc.

Saddam ,taliban and ghaddafis ,mistake? Not having russia as a friend. Erdogans luck? Now having russia as a friend!


“H-hey guys, haha, w-we were just joking when we said we would take you down, ok? Haha… [muffled swearing]”

Suyanto Ng

what the point to saying “that the priority now is to fight terrorism”, while their own was foreign-backed head-chopper terrorist.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Qatar has reveal the truth which I really respect.Of course terrorist grab has been destroyed by Russia and allies but there are still remnants.This war can stop over night if Saudi,UAE and Turkey can acknowledge their wrongs and call on all the remaining terrorist to lay down their arms. President Assad is a reasonable man he will pardoned the terrorist and give the choice to joining his force’s or go back to their native countries.

Syrian army has lost many soldiers through fighting and defecting because of promises.Syrian army needs also terrorist who will be willing to reconcile and stand up for Syria and fill up gaps of the true compatriots and fallen soldiers while defending Mother land.Now is the time for Syrians to forget the pass,finger pointing, criticism and joint hands for peace,prosperity,stability and rebuilding of mother land.All foreigners land grabbers USA and friends must pack up and leave.Instigators give chance to All Syrians who lived in Syria.

Dow Jones

Mentioning the word “democratic” in any sentence together with the fecal filled feudal abomination “Saudi Arabia” is nothing short of ludicrous. It’s already over as China’s gold backed Yuan brings the Saudi Barbarian oil peddlers under its wing. Now that the USSAN banksters have stolen back all that “treasury” debt owed to the feudal crypt of Saud and tried to frame them for 9 11 (the “28 pages” meme) . Kiss the IOU Petroscrip (no longer) I$I$ backed Saudi Mercan toilet paper free loader dollah goodbye. Jim Wille’s Scheiße dollah is coming home to Slumville in a tsunami of toxic derivative shit after all the lost judaic wars and bananas republic debt splurge and it’s going to guarantee overnight Third World status for 98% of USSANS, already on the edge of ruin. No one likes a slacker and a hustler and the “exorbitant privilege” reserve currency gig is over as the Pentacon mob fizzle out in a swamp of hubris. China’s Korea and China’s “big, beautiful” South China Sea “resort” islands are bristling with big sticks and USSA can do NOTHING, and the rest of humanity knows it and enjoys seeing the snaggle-toothed, drug-addled, big mouth dumb a$$ mutt get kicked in the face. Ya’ll had a good run as long as the anglozionazi abomination lasted but now it’s high time to get out while you’re still ahead. Dump the petroscrip and prep before the big flush washes you down the Wall St bankster sewer in the imploding shitter of the Potemkin Village idiot “economy” of misery and carnage for the Zero 1% scum that own US.


You got voted up for “fecal filled feudal”. Should be a rapper mate.


You will be lucky if Assad does not throw you out. Assad is winning and now you still talking big as though you have the power or relevant.

Assad wins

Rafik Chauhan

Saudi are already cooperating with SDF. recent meeting of Shaban in SDF held area confirm this . SAudi want to use SDF against ASSAd . Shabaan went to negotiate With SDF to recuirt more Arab fighters and slowly include ISIL in SDF. Saudi main aim is still to divide Syria in 2 so their pipe line project continuie t Europe with isreal and US help so they can tear down Russian oil line . to weaken them

Brother Ma

Nice cushy job for azim, give him a shave, dress him in a suit and tie , and put him in charge of some nebulous alphabet group NCC. Maybe it will fool some dumb average joes in zioyanquistan afterall.

Richard M

LOL! This guy is as relevant as some idiot pretending to be the Czar of Russia! :D

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