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On January 16, Saudi forces reportedly intercepted a ballistic missile launched targeting Saudi province of Jazan. According to the Saudi side, the missile was launched by the Houthis from Yemen.
“Iran supplied the Houthis with missiles that have targeted Saudi Arabia,” Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters hiting to the recent missile attacks.
Iran provided the houthis with missiles, so what! The US of I supplies Saudis with their weapons. What do they produce themselves? (Other than hot air)
Hell no one can even get any Medical aid into there let alone Iran providing missiles , they must use Aladdin’s magic carpet and several Djinni’s to do this.
this is not so
The Saudi blockade was an act of genocide against the children, so they where forced to relax it after international pressure. But still not enough aid gets through. SUCH A SAD STORY :((((((
I know the Houthis can put up a great fight. But I was saddened by the death of Saleh, Perhaps he could have worked out a deescalation with the Sauds? We shall never know. And now the civilians and children of N Yemen are dying in ever increasing numbers as we speak about war.
you are right. see also my answer to Pave above.
oartially. but the longa range missiles come also from Iran
Do you get your news from Saudi Arabia or Nikki Haley ?
from teheran
i dion talk about ibcm, but yeme. here long range = able to attack riyad
aplly on yourself, troll!
as captains
“iron cased missiles”… who knew?…. Does the bullshit never end?
An underwater drone has radar? Who knew……
Perhaps the Yemeni missile are using sonar instead?
I have to agree with Krupi here. Aid *is* getting in because the Saudis temporarily lifted the land/sea/air blockade of north Yemen last month.
The Saudis and their Coalition of the Evil Orb never had a blockade on southern Yemen, where their lapdog Hadi and the US proxy army (UAE mercs) are in control. Unfortunately, the major Yemeni population centers and people in most dire need are in the north and almost entirely dependent on imports through the Houthi-controlled port in Hodeidah and the Houthi-held Sanaa airport.
The south and it’s port in Aden are sparsely-populated, backwater (dare I say it) shitholes under Hadi/Saudi/UAE control and have always been open for arms trade, black market food and medicine and Hadi’s Saudi-sponsored organ-harvesting operations.
The magnanimous Saudi act of opening the Port of Hodeidah and Sanaa Airport last month for aid deliveries are mostly meaningless. Hodeidah was a commercial port capable of handling large, containerized cargoes. The earliest act of Saudi punishment against the Houthis for resisting Saudi occupation was to destroy the Hodeidah shipping cranes back in 2015. Since then, everything has to be unloaded pretty much manually. The US did send four large truck-mounted cranes to help with unloading, but they just got there last weekend. The Houthis probably don’t have enough diesel to run them for more than a few days. The Saudis permission for aid deliveries ends this Friday – they have said nothing about allowing any more in, so nobody is sending any.
The Sanaa airport was able to get a few shipments of aid and much-needed medicine, but a drop in the bucket for what north Yemen’s 12 million people need. The Saudi Evil Orb Coalition still imposes no-fly zone and air blockade of any other aircraft to the Sanaa Airport (and anywhere else in the north). Nobody can get in, and nobody can leave. Yemenis can’t evacuate even if they could afford it.
Look, saudis block many routes, ports. Thereore the aid, which is coming via liagal routes, is blocked. But the smuggling flavourishes. Mainly through Oman. Saudis are very angry on Oman.
This is not a new map, but gives you a general idea: http://iranprimer.usip.org/sites/default/files/Who%20controls%20what.jpg
Do you know that between Houthi territory and the Yemen/Oman border there’s more than 800km of Saudi mercenary and AQ infested distance?
And that this border (and other parts of Yemen) is under constant surveillance? We’re talking about constant shipments of large missiles, are we not?
OTOH I like to believe your version too because it shows Iranians are very competent. ;)
according your logic in east ghouta could not smuggle nothing. also isis guys had no chanc to mof from southern borfer into hama. oh wait, ..
Do you realize in one instance we’re talking about large trucks and semis, carrying big missiles and in another instance about individual fighters and their small arms going from one zone to another one less than 300km away? Have you seen pictures of the large missiles that you claim are being smuggled through Oman/Yemen border and all the way +800km of Saudi/AQ and US controlled area? Nevermind that if that happened, the US and co. had the proof they needed to show the world.
Like I said, smuggling these large missiles right under the Saudi and US nose is no small achievement if that’s true.
it is easy. smugglers have safe routes. they pay tribute for everybody in the way.
Good, nice. So Saudis take bribe and let Iran and Houthis smuggle the missiles which will be fired on them later , am I right? They also pay American spy planes and sats to turn their cameras away.
Man, corruption is rampant in KSA and USA!
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Fake news.
Honestly speaking Saudi arabia should attack Iran in my opinion. If this don’t stop within 6 months. Bomb Tehran and all other nuke installations. The saudis are very much capable of destroying Iranian infrastructure rather quickly.
Punish Iran for the houthis crimes because Saudi arabia is apparently the holy land and I think this might be perhaps a punch to much for iran. They are not doing the saudis any favors to de-escalate it’s like pushing a cat with Nuclear bomb(KSA) into a corner
you kikes are getting dumber by the day, which is good news.
Why? Is the information of Saudi arabia having Nukes new to you. Honestly if this continues they should consider wipping out Iran completely of the Map. The KSA leadership there is being very diplomatic and restraint. But if pushed to much ”the enough is enough incident will eventually come” and it will not look good for Iran
Well I have to agree. If someone actually believes that Iran got any chance in 1 on 1 with Saudi Arabia is delusional. For Iran that will be full blown disaster. In a blink of an eye they will be sent back to stone age and for good.
The Saudis can’t even handle Yemen, how could they possibly take Iran? The thing is that if the Saudis attacked Iran, the Americans would have to get involved. Iran would cut off shipping in the Persian gulf, oil would spike to $300/barrel. The Americans would start shitkicking Iran, sure, but it’s hard to predict what Russia and even China might do at that point . . . and even the EU might be too horrified to back the Americans’ play, what with the sudden oil crisis hammering their economies. It would be a very bad scene all around, and Saudi Arabia would probably be bankrupted because most of their oil ships through the Persian Gulf.
but it’s hard to predict what Russia and even China might do at that point . . NOTHING
That’s a Mountain of trash Porky !! LOL https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4633a891c873f911df9dc2054289bcac6eb89cdef3f2ecef60e924524f1e0f01.jpg
Are you absolutely mental? you absolute moron. Saudi Arabia is a country full of terrorists and you want to attack Iran? How far do you have your head up your ass exactly?
Saudi Foreign Minister’s comment is just more excrement coming from his mouth, so it is OK to murder civilians in Yemen, supply terrorists weapons, money etc. that commit atrocities but not OK for the Houthis to use missiles. Who cares where they come from, UN doesn’t care who’s missiles and weapons kill Yemenis so why should anyone care what kills Saudi trash.