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MARCH 2025

Saudi-led Coalition Achieves A Rare Success Against The Houthis

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The battlefield in Yemen is getting more volatile with each passing day.

On March 10th, the Saudi-led coalition released a video claiming to have destroyed an Ansar Allah air defense system.

The video shows a 2P25 transporter erector launcher of the system, a nearby missile depot and an unidentified radar system. All of them had been destroyed in airstrikes.

The Ansar Allah system reportedly comprising a Soviet-made SA-6 “Gainful” was positioned in the province of Marib. More specifically, the defense hardware is a locally upgraded version of the SA-6 air-defense system dubbed “Fater-1”.

In the days leading up to its alleged destruction, a Saudi Vestel Karayel drone was downed, and the air defense system might have been responsible for it. The UAV was downed on March 7th, and the Houthis released a video showing its debris.

The Saudi-led coalition is attempting to push back the Houthis with heavy airstrike activity. The ground offensive by Ansar Allah seems to only be challenged by air raids, and little else.

On March 9th alone, the Saudi-led coalition carried out at least 32 airstrikes, including some on the capital Sana’a.

The frontline is in a state of chaos, and a constant back and forth can be observed with the slight upper hand appearing to be for the Houthis, so far.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, in Syria, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) exchanged heavy fire with the al-Qaeda affiliated “moderate opposition” in Greater Idlib.

It all reportedly began after a joint shelling by Ansar al-Tawhid and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on SAA positions in southern Idlib. The aim was to dismantle positions of the SAA’s 25th Special Forces Division, also known as the Tiger Forces.

Ansar al-Tawhid claimed that 8 Syrian soldiers were killed and more were injured. This was entirely denied. The attacks reportedly failed, as the Russian Aerospace Forces detected them early on and issued a warning.

In response, the SAA rained hell, allegedly killing dozens of militants. Videos of the exchange were released and they show the heavy shelling that took place.

In recent days, the SAA has been steadily carrying out various attacks and small-scale offensives all around Greater Idlib and the Aleppo countryside. A larger-scale operation is in the works, and it is likely a matter of days or weeks before the stage is set for a push to regain further areas, before HTS can be totally rebranded into non-terrorists.

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It isn’t like Saudis don’t try ground attacks, the problem is they don’t do it in Ma’arib but in Ta’iz! They managed to capture 4 small villages.

Maybe it’s a good bargain for losing Ma’arib, what do I know?

In the meantime, enjoy the exposition of 600 “secret” Saudi “intelligence” agents and officers: The PDF file.

Pave Way IV

77th Brigade (UK propaganda bullshiters) are absolutely FLOODING social media with this report. The Saudis have f’king F-15s and laser-guided bombs. They finally hit an AD unit? FFS, just… wow. I guess Hadi and his chimpanzee financers have won the war! Houthis will capitulate any day now considering this massive Saudi WIN. Dear 77th Brigade: Ras Tanura. Fuck off with your shameless chimp shilling. Even the MISO traitors at MacDill are cringing at your clownfuckery. Have you outsourced?

Seriously, doesn’t the Brit Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office have anything better for the psy op boys to do than shill this massive nothingburger? At least your levitating Iranian scuba divers with f’king limpet mines is entertaining.

Icarus Tanović

Al hava Hambargar, ffs.

Pave Way IV

Just to make clear, I’m not bashing SF at all for reporting this. I want to know the Saudi chimp’s side of the story, however questionable or insignificant. SF is passing on what is known (or claimed) in context and in an unbiased way. We used to call that good journalism in the U.S. before it was outlawed here.

I’m just pointing out how rabid the western intel agencies and their mouthpieces are to constantly push the Saudi narrative on social media and demonize the Houthis. That in itself is nothing special – they always do that. What’s funny is that they’re just slobbering all over themselves to repeat this WTF ‘news’ ad nauseum. Too bad Ansar Allah lost the SA-6 or whatever, but if it did manage to take out a million and a half USD Turk/Saudi Karayel first, then I would say it’s a good trade.


It does have the smell of hyped up ‘positive’ news about the most recent example Iraq, where the ‘Surge’ and ‘Anbar Awakening’, all helped by crates of money to keep them quiet. Or in Vietnam the report of number of deaths.

Clearly the Houthi rebel videos tell a very different story on the ground, and ultimately what really happens there matters far more than what some senior Saudi commander in an air-conditioned office said. You can’t win against guys who in their traditional garb and walking on sandals in 50 deg heated rocks can coordinate well planned attacks and ambushes that see guard towers and M1 tanks getting blown up.

Speaking of outsourcing, this is why they abandon weaponry so quickly as Saudis are so lazy even their air force is flown by Pakistani mercenaries.

I wish I could tell the Saudi non-mercenary soldiers who believe they are fighting for their country. The reality is you are not fighting for your community or their ‘security’. As long as you wear that uniform, you are just an animal who takes orders from robed child rapists who spend their money on fleets of Mercedes and run their appliances 24/7, because they can. They enjoy their air-conditioning, fine wine and underaged human-trafficked slaves while you die forgotten in some unmarked desert region without a single shrub of vegetation for miles. Find a way out of it without getting AWOL charges.

klove and light

Saudi non-mercenary soldiers …

there aint any !!!

Icarus Tanović

And you guys believe in this Saudi propaganda? Are you that stupid? And how about that “Saudi led coalition” that is widely used in western msm. Why don’t you address them as they are: Axis of evil.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah Axis of Evil….

Pave Way IV

Why don’t you address them as they are: Axis of evil.

That would be confusing to most Americans, Icarus. We, for instance, are a core member of several axes of evil and also describe everyone we don’t like on earth as also being part of some Axis of Evil. If you just said the Axis of Evil attacked the Houthi, we wouldn’t know if that meant the U.S. and cronies or one of our perceived imaginary enemies. In fact, to us, Axis of Evil could be any country on earth aside from Nevis/St. Kitts and Tuvalu (but we’re keeping an eye on those sneaky bastards!).

Icarus Tanović

So they’re already using that term. I can guess: Gaddafi, Yemen, Syria, Al Asad, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam.


No problems, Russia will give Houthis new one,


Does it? Maybe they do when the hell freezes over. One must keep the hope.

klove and light

writing zionist propaganda just makes u look like a fool…

“Russia will give Houthis new on”

Fact : Russia under Putin voted YES for an arms embargo AGAINST the houthis, while at the same time selling military hardware to the invading and occupying forces of saudis and UAE.

not today or tomorrow or next year or in 10 years will russia sell 1 piece of military hardware to the houthis !!!!

ps. and look at the actions taken by putins regime in regards to weapon sells to IRAN or SYRIA…. ie. S-300 to IRAN……………….iran payed for the system in 2007, but russia would not deliver the system for years to come,… the procedure was taken to court by the iranians…….IN the SECOND when IRAN surprised the world with their OWN indeginous air defense system the Bavar 373, russia then delivered their S-300 system.

here is the story in other words from wiki ….by iranian officials..

“After the Russian ban on exporting S-300 to Iran (which was lifted in 2015), Iran decided to develop a similar system domestically: “We have planned to build a long-range air defence missile system similar to S-300. By God’s grace and by the Iranian engineers’ efforts, we will reach self-sufficiency in this regard. Farzad Esmaieli, commander of Khatam-ol-Anbia Base told Iranian media that the development of this system started by the direct order of supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei when the first information about cancellation of S-300 contract was revealed and Iranian personnel were still being trained in Russia on it.[12] He said the project was in the stage of prototype designing and that it was not going to suffer from the weak points of the S-300. He continued that in the area of detection and radars, a very good point was reached and defense ministry was working on two or three missiles each for a different range and altitude. He said that the design was complete, all the parts were going to be manufactured inside the country and it had a good ability to detect and intercept enemy aircraft. According to Iranian military sources, the system is much more capable than S-300P class

The first prototype was built on 22 November 2011.[14] Iran announced that the system was designed and built by defense ministry, domestic industries and some Iranian universities. Esmaieli said that Iran doesn’t even think about S-300 anymore as Bavar-373 was much more capable. Iranian sources suggest that the Bavar 373 will be mobile, with four missiles loaded on each mobile truck launcher.[citation needed]

The Iranian defense ministry is due to equip the country’s Armed Forces with a new long-range air-defence system by 21 March 2013, a senior Iranian military official announced on Saturday August 25, 2012.[15] On 3 September 2012, Farzad Esmaili said that the development of the system was now 30 percent complete.[16] On 1 January 2013, the same commander announced that the sub-systems of the homemade air-defense system are being tested in laboratory.[17]

Esmaili updated his estimate in February 2014 and said the system would be ready by the end of 2015.

and what a xxxxx coincidence…..on April 2015, russia lifted its bann and sent the S-300 that was purchased in 2007 to iran !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Putin you treacherous zionist pig…you can fool the 99% dummies!!!

Michael Apanian

MESSAGE OF ST.MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL TO THE LUZ DE MARIA MARCH 04, 2021 Beloved people of God: RECEIVE THE BLESSING THAT EMANATES FROM MY FIDELITY TO THE SACROSANCT TRINITY. OUR QUEEN AND MOTHER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH KEEPS YOU UNDER HER MATERNAL MANTLE. You do not remain alone, Divine Protection is at work in each of you, for this the state of Grace is necessary. Humanity is on the verge of chaos; the Earth threatened by the various bodies coming from Space (1) and having interference on the climate, on the volcanoes (2), on the tectonic faults of the Earth (3), on the human body and on animals. Those who have lived in opulence and financial security, at this time have come to experience the fragility of the economy, how destructible the Earth is. They watch The Sun radiate its light in the firmament with splendor, that Sun is agitated like everything in Creation and is emanating magnetic storms and coronal mass ejections due to its eruptions. (4) The Sun star will change and they will live what before a change happens as at this moment. The Earth’s magnetic field weakens until communication and electrical networks are annulled, (5) at the same time by a very strong volcanic eruption. (Mk 13.24) REPENT, NOW! BE RECONCILED AND CONVERTED WITHOUT EVER TURNING AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, FOR WHAT HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED TO YOU WILL BE FULFILLED AND EACH ONE WILL BEAR THE BURDEN OF THE TRIALS TO COME FOR MANKIND. It will be when you feel lost and abandoned, not by Divinity or by the Queen and Mother of Heaven and Earth, but by yourselves who have not obeyed. (Rom 5,10) CREATURES OF LITTLE FAITH! YOU HAVE TO STAND FIRM ON THE ROAD. FAITH HAS TO KEEP THEM STANDING WITHOUT HESITATION. IN DOUBT THE DEVIL DRAGS THEM ON THE GROUND AND SHAKES THEM. (1Pe 1.9) Every human creature has its mission to fulfil on Earth and this is the time for them to take it seriously. Bear in mind that the time is coming when, in the face of the urgency of the world elite to keep humanity under their control, the demands for moving from one country to another will be impossible for God’s faithful children to meet. Do not panic, every child of God will be protected wherever he is. To each refuge of the Sacred Heart’s will be reached by the human creatures who must arrive, as well as the homes consecrated to the Sacred Hearts are and will be protected, if they live in fulfillment of the Divine Will. People of God, this is the moment of awakening of consciences and preparing for the attacks with which evil attacks on all humanity. You are in the time of Lent, keep in prayer, reparation, internalizing the daily works and actions and improving. This is the moment of maximum effort for you, creatures of God. THE ARK HAS BEEN BUILT, I HAVE CALLED MAN AGAIN AND AGAIN TO ENTER WITH FAITH AND KEEP SUPPLICATING. The Ark of active prayer, of action and love for one’s neighbor, of the certainty of the Faith, of the right path so that they may prepare themselves not to fall paralyzed before the approaching schism. People of God, do not say: “the day is beautiful”, because you see the Sun shining, do not say: “it is cloudy”, because you do not see the Sun shining. The Sun is going to be overshadowed by a large volcanic eruption. Get ready! AND DO NOT FORGET THAT YOU WILL BE EXAMINED, THROUGH THE ACT OF DIVINE MERCY THAT IS THE GREAT WARNING. (6) Then they will come to like the Heaven in advance, then…

Beloved People of God: FEAR NOT, FEAR NOT! YOU ARE IN THE PALM OF THE HANDS OF GOD, ONE AND TRIUNE. FEAR NOT, WE ARE PROTECTING EACH ONE IN PARTICULAR. (Ps. 46,1) In God one and Triune. Saint Michael The Archangel HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN (1) about celestial bodies from space … SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 04.03.2021 Humanity is on the verge of chaos; the Earth threatened by the various bodies coming from space and having interference on the climate, on the volcanoes , on the tectonic faults of the Earth, on the human body and on animals. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 05.12.2020 This advocacy depicts the stars that illuminate the vault of Heaven and speaks to the human creature to prepare for the arrival of a celestial body that will keep humanity in suspense in general. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 29.11.2020 Pray, my children, a heavenly body is coming from space that will hold humanity in suspense. (2) about erupting volcanoes … SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 13.09.2020 Volcanoes will be lament for the children of God, do not be careless, stay alert. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 13.09.2020 They hear Etna roar, they wake up the colossi and humanity being prey to itself despairs. (3) About Earthquakes … SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL13.09.2020 The earth trembles with force, the creatures will run to one end and to the other before the force of nature. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 25.08.2020 Pray my children, pray, the earth trembles with great intensity, the belt is stained with blood. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 10.08.2020 Pray God’s people, the Earth continues to tremble strongly, wreaking havoc and fulfilling what you have previously received as prophecies. (4) about solar activity … SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL05.12.2020 Pray people of God, pray. Much of the tectonic faults were activated by the influence of The Sun and celestial bodies approaching the Earth, leaving underwater volcanoes with great noise. THE BLESSED VIRGIN 29.11.2020 The Sun takes man by surprise, great changes are approaching, they have to live more from the spirit than from the material to save the soul. SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL08.09.2020 Water floods crops in some places to the surprise of Man and in other places the scorching sun will not allow crops to grow… (5) about the magnetic change of the Earth … OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 18.07.2020 My beloved people, the waters of the seas are agitated with force, just as evil agitates them, darkening their minds and hardening their hearts. They will experience serious events, the Earth moves in an unusual way and will shudder magnetized by the force of the approaching celestial body. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 11.07.2020 Children of My Immaculate Heart, I invite you to pray, the Earth is shaken by the magnetism of a heavenly body. (6) God’s great warning to mankind … THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 11.12.2019 THE WARNING IS CLOSE AND YOU ARE NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS. THE WARNING IS THE TIME WHEN CONSCIENCE ITSELF WILL LEAD YOU TO LOOK AT YOUR MISERIES AND BLESSINGS, DON’T BE FOOLISH AND DON’T BE HARD ON YOURSELF. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 20.10.2019 EACH OF MY CHILDREN WILL LOOK AT WHAT HE HAS WORKED OR ACTED FOR GOOD AND WHAT HE HAS NOT DONE OR ACTED FOR GOOD, THE GOOD HE HAS STOPPED DOING AND WHAT HE HAS DONE. THE INNER EXAMINATION WILL BE LIVED BY YOU AND HOW MUCH YOU WILL REGRET NOT HAVING OBEYED!

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