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MARCH 2025

Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill Dozens Of Children In Northern Yemen (Photos)

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On August 9, a warplane of the Saudi-led coalition launched a missile at a bus carrying children and teachers in Dahyan market in the northern Yemeni province of Saada, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV.

Yemeni sources told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that at least 50 civilians, the majority of whom are children, were killed and 77 others were injured as a result of the coalition’s airstrike.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen confirmed that dozens of civilians were killed and injured and said on Twitter: “Under international humanitarian law, civilians must be protected during conflict.”

Commenting on the incident, a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, Colonel Turki Al-Malaki, said that the coalition targeted “militants” responsible for launching a rocket at the southern Saudi province of Jizan a day earlier and described the airstrike as “legitimate military action.”

“The Coalition will take all necessary measures against the terrorist, criminal acts of the terrorist Iranian-Houthi militia, such as recruiting child soldiers, throwing them in battlefields and using them as tools and covers to their terrorist acts,” Col. al-Malaki said, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Last week, more than 55 civilians were killed in the western Yemeni city of al-Hudaydah by Saudi-led coalition warplanes. Back then, the coalition accused the Houthis of being behind the massacre.

The Yemeni Missiles Force, which is a key ally of the Houthis, may carry out a missile strike on Saudi Arabia in the upcoming hours in response to this new massacre.

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Ivan Freely

Hopefully this time the Yemeni Missiles Force hits something valuable.


Hopefully they get more ATGMs….


From your lips to Gods ears.

Tudor Miron

Dirty rats! Soon they will have to pay for their crimes.


Sorry to say that russia is silent.

Tudor Miron

It is not. http://www.mid.ru/konflikt-v-jemene-i-rossijskie-podhody


Russia is the hope for worlds oppressed

Tudor Miron

At this point Russia is not in a position to intervene militarily in Yemen. Overextending at this point in time would be suicidal.


when did i say that militarily? On political forums


I just wonder…why doesn’t Yemeni bomb Saudis oil fields and refineries ? did their missiles have so bad precision ?


poor third world country. no connection with with allies. totaly besieged. Imagine what can they do . Oppressed yemeni. But the most brave and valiant in the whole world.

Pave Way IV

They use relatively small warheads in order to get the extended range out of their Scud clones. In addition, the GPS resolution over major Saudi cities and oil facilities is very coarse – the U.S. can selectively mask designated geographic areas to reduce resolution. Whatever internal navigation the missiles have isn’t that precise. In addition, any valuable target is covered by layers of air defenses.

That means the Yemenis can get a missile half-way across Saudi Arabia to targets, but can’t hit anything with precision. The effect is more psychological. They could get lucky lobbing a missile at something like a refinery, but there’s not much of a chance of the single, small warhead doing anything but creating a spill and starting a localized fire. The Saudis have plenty of slave labor at those facilities trained to fight fires, and they were able to handle the (maybe) one or two hits so far on such facilities quickly. The Houthis could always get lucky of course, but have precious few missiles to use. Sending one to the military airport near Riyadh gets a lot more attention than a random fire at a refinery – which the Saudis always cover with some other excuse (transformer fire, equipment malfunction, spontaneously combusting camel, etc.).

Chris P

The best option is to sink a Saudi Tanker, Insurance companies will no longer insure them which will devastate there money. This is where they should attack. Remove the Saudi money and drive up oil prices. Saudi needs tankers and without them they can’t ship their oil. Instead, they try to hit useless target that will have little effect. Sink three tankers and the Saudis can’t sell there oil anymore. Oil is shipped from foreign companies that need insurance to sail. A win win for Iran too, who does not need the ocean routes as much.

Pave Way IV

Saudi Arabia tries to use its own tanker fleet. Bahri, the state-owned shipping company, owns 46 VLCCs. They do charter tankers for Asian markets, but I don’t think they do for European/Med markets.

In fact, I wonder how many Saudi tankers even use the Bab el Mandeb Straits? Saudi Arabia built the East-West Pipeline and Port of Yanbu specifically to avoid tankering crude from the Persian Gulf, around Oman and Yemen, to the Red Sea. A tanker loaded at Saudi’s Yanbu doesn’t sail past Yemen on the way to the Suez Canal – Yanbu is north of Yemen. The Suez Canal Authority said transit through the canal wasn’t affected in the least for the few days when the Saudis claimed to have stopped shipping through Bab el Mandeb. They also said canal traffic has never been affected by any Yemeni attacks on shipping over the years.

I kind of doubt the Houthis even attacked Saudi tankers – tankers that probably already sail well away from Yemen’s coastline. The Houthis claimed they attacked two Saudi military ships close to Hodeidah threatening them. That makes far more sense than provoking the U.S. (or Egypt) to attack them for threatening European oil supplies or Red Sea shipping. Not to mention the scorn of almost everyone else on earth if they caused a massive oil spill in the Red Sea. The Saudis wouldn’t even name the ships supposedly attacked, so it smells like cheap anti-Houthi propaganda fed to western MSM and dutifully spewed out by the same.


The Yemeni people are fighting to save their country and it’s people.So it would be disastrous to destroy their own environment. There are better ways to destroy the invaders instead of harming oneself.

Icarus Tanović

I don’t think so. Because of this massacre. Yemenis hit them hard.


The Canadian interference in Saudi Arabia internal business is similar to Saudi Kingdom interference in other countries.

Today in Saudi airstrike 20 school children butchered in a school bus in Yemen.

When the religious owners become terrorists and airstrike on children school bus, funerals, weddings, hospitals and shelters. I think these proofs are enough that they are child butchers, evils. Never trust them. Their companians are also like them.

Concrete Mike

Call it interference if you want. We have a saying in canada. Call a spade a spade….thats what we did call em out that there medeival brutes…we did it politly as we are canadians but the message was the same.

Icarus Tanović

Never trust them.


Saudi Arabia like Israel just another failed state hanging on to Americas failed policies. This will not end well for anyone who took part in these crimes.


“The Saudi-Led Coalition of terrorists will take all necessary measures against the Houthis, with criminal acts and brutal force to exterminate the Houthi people, who are fighting for their freedom. We will even recruit child soldiers, throwing them in battlefields and using them as cannonfodder, tools and covers for our terrorist acts,” Col. al-Malaki said, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Icarus Tanović



Salman and Co converting Yemen into graveyard.

Icarus Tanović

Let’s Napalm them, brothers and sisters! They GOT TO PAY!

zara ali

What else should we expect from the Wahhabi regime? Those who understand why and how Wahhabism was created and why and how the Sauds, a bandit clan of Nejd was made out to be a royal clan, know full well the Sauds are only an extension of the Zionist Deep State in the Muslim World. Essentially speaking, Wahhabism is nothing but another face of Zionism. Do we not observe dead silence in the power centers of the world when it comes to the atrocities committed by the Zionist State of Israel? Is it not the same silence we hear vis-a-vis the Sauds’ genocide of the people of Yemen? The same psychopathic philosophy is at work around the globe – to consider KSA anything but a crucial member of the Axis of Evil is a mistake people should not make anymore… but alas… they do!

Lena Jones

Wahabism is talmudic, as is christian zionism. Basically, violent, genocidal jewish talmudism has infiltrated christianity and islam.


U r right


Wahabism is still spreading throughout the sunni muslim world with the financial support of KSA. How this can be blocked? any suggestions…..

zara ali

That is a very good question peacelover – unfortunately the extent to which the principles of Islam have been defiled and distorted by Wahhabi misinterpretation is so deep and the effort in this direction has been so consistent that serious intellectuals, scholars and academics of Islam must step in to put things right. People have a tendency to not question tradition… “we believe what our forefathers believed’ mindset has to be broken through – some such voices are already effectively at work but too few… with that said as you point out, it cannot be overlooked that not much can be achieved in this direction as long as the House of Saud is still in a position to dictate its unarticulated ruler-ship over the Muslims of the world simply because they cheated their way into holding dominion upon the land of Hejaz and became the self-proclaimed ‘Custodians of Mecca and Medina’ – that is one aspect which kind of renders them ‘holy’ I guess in a sense that it has become a source of power far greater than that held by the Pope in Vatican. Few if at all are able to see through this charade of hypocritical piety. https://wannaknowthetruthblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/31/579/#more-579


Another zionist atrocity in pursuit of their greedy plans.

AM Hants

What does the US State Department have to say? Then compare their indifference, with what they have to say about Russia or Syria. The hypocritical stench, from Washington DC, whilst giving me an excuse to remind myself of Matt Lee’s ability to make them look stupid, which is not difficult.

Watch Reporters Slam US For Refusing To Condemn Saudi-US Airstrike On Yemen School Bus In Live Briefing… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-09/watch-reporters-slam-us-refusing-condemn-saudi-coalition-airstrike-yemen-school-bus


Matt Lee: So, the Russians were right about Syria? 14 July 2016… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmEK-Oaht-w

US: Russian diplomats or spies. How do you know that? 27 Mar 2018… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYksz3Sm1vI

US: RT? We have freedom of the press. 12 Dec 2017… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEUqWCqmSFU

palestine – UNESCO : Matthew Lee destroying State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU7osIl8IDI&t=39s

Blame game: NATO expanded to Russia, or Russia moved towards NATO?… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW5HV69LKUs

State Dept’s Harf accuses AP’s Matt Lee of ‘buying into Russian propaganda’… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb0nK9ztZZg

Are Y’all Working for Putin’s Fake News? – State Dept Spox Shocked By Journo Matt Lee Doing His Job… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLrU8GxKlS0

Matt Lee: Any difference airstrikes Yemen & Aleppo? 11 Oct 2016… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1yvwVltyPc

‘Anything other than social media?’ State Dept’s MH17 evidence secret… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQRvINebeok&t=8s

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