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MARCH 2025

Saudi-led Coalition Captures Another Important District In Western Yemen (Map)

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Saudi-led Coalition Captures Another Important District In Western Yemen (Map)

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On December 10, forces loyal to Saudi-backed Yemeni President Hadi and units of the UAE Army captured Hays district in the western province of al-Hudaydah, according to the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV. Hays is located 10km north of the town of Khokha, which was captured by the Saudi-led coalition on December 7, and 90km south of the strategic port of al-Hudaydah, which is held by the Houthis.

Yemeni sources said that Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted more than 10 airstrikes on positions of the Houthis inside Hays district supporting the attack of pro-Hadi forces. 10 Houthi fighters were killed, 9 others were injured and 4 vehicles of the Houthis were destroyed in the airstrikes, according the sources.

Al-Arabiya reported that pro-Hadi forces backed by the UAE army and Saudi-led coalition warplanes are now attacking al-Tuhayat district less than 80km south of the port of al-Hudaydah.

Pro-Hadi forces will likely capture al-Tuhayat district unless if the Houthis manage to pull off a surprise counter-attack in the right time.

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Rodney Loder

No one is taken back by the coordinated strategy of MbS/Kushner Jerusalem approach to the Yemeni war of attrition, even Iranian media is praising UAE meaningless statements about the eternal Capital of Palestine, when Hamas, and most Palestinian factions able to project military influence abandoned Assad in 2012 the thing that gave Assad the edge was that he said forget Palestine for now, the worm turned and they came back same as Turkey, this is not a pathetic jew thing it’s US Imperial Power coordinating King Salman, UAE, Sisi, Saleh and Haftar it looks like Hariri is in the clear because he put himself there. This is an opportune time to take the fight to Salman which is why Trump is diverting attention with the Jerusalem approach.

Real Anti-Racist Action

It is a Jew led orchestration. Just as Jews declared war against the ethnic indigenous Germanic peoples in 1933, but then they lack brave Jews to go fight the war. So the manipulated the Goyish-pawns to go fight and win the war for Jewish-supremacist, and the puppet Goyims did go and serve their Jew-masters. It was in all the news papers. https://socioecohistory.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/judea_declares_war_on_germany.jpg

Rodney Loder

Excellent article, especially the birth of an idea, but really that was written 55 days after Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, the boycott movement that it reports about was responsible for propelling the NSDP into power, so in that way your correct, the Goys were led by the carrot on the stick held up by the jews who were all Zionists by that time. But these are different times, although events then were very similar to now, that boycott movement was only a once in a blue moon situation.

Sir Mark Sykes and the British FO created Zionism virtually from scratch. Sykes was a jew hater he would doodle characteures of funny looking jews all his life, Zionism wasn’t created for the good of jews and neither is it maintained.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I have read chunks of the Talmud which which long preexist Sir Mark Sykes ever being born. And in the pages of the Jewish-Talmud are all the rules and laws and immorality that exist in Zionism today. So unless Sir Mark Sykes time traveled over 1,000 years to have some influence in the writing of the Talmud, then he definitely did not create Zionism in anyway. I also found the historical proof on the web as well…. “Jewish Historical Studies, volume 43, 2011. Sir Mark Sykes: British diplomat and a convert to Zionism. CECIL BLOOM. Sir Mark Sykes is probably best known for being the joint author of the. Sykes-Picot Agreement, an Anglo-French plan to deal with the Middle East after 1918” According to History, he converted to Zionism because Zionism already existed. I am posting the web source below. https://www.jstor.org/stable/29780150?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Rodney Loder

I wouldn’t pay any attention to Cecil Bloom “The Balfour Declaration” by Jonathan Schneer doesn’t give much credence to Leonard Stein, none that I’m aware of, but Sykes did create Zionism and as your article points out you certainly don’t have to be jewish to be a Zionist, it’s a political ideology first introduced when Theodore Herzi wrote an article (1895) “The Jewish State – An Attempt at a Modern Solution to the Jewish Question”, Herzi put his headquarters in Germany at the turn of the century Kaiser Wilhelm was his targeted sponsor, this is what the BFO was attracted to, Walter Rothschild was actually addressed person of the Balfour Declaration that’s how prominent the jews were seen to be at the time, also the Secular Ottomans were pitching for jewish loyalty particularly Enver Pasha who was closely connected to Germany, Zionism was political trophy that Sykes won and so created Zionism.

Because the Ottomans didn’t want jews moving to Palestine and had much more influence in Germany that the jews, without Sykes and the offers from the British Foreign Office Zionism would have certainly been cancelled our as a nascent movement.

Chaim Weizmann (1874 – 1952) was the leading Zionist in Britain and played the crucial role in creating Zionism with Sir Mark Sykes who as your article states died at 40 I think of the flu, obviously Allah wanted to lea

Kira Binkley

You should also read “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. It’s right up your alley, and also proven to be a hoax. Good reading.—KiraSeer

Kira Binkley

Ethnic indigenous German tribal peoples? Are you crazy? Or is that your justification for the unjustifiable, as is El Stupido’s (Trump’s) statement that “We were faithful to our God.” What the h*** is he trying to do? Pit “his” god against “their” god? What a moron.—KiraSeer

Kira Binkley

There was no “Arab Spring”, Rodney. It was a term used to describe the instigation of the “vile entanglement of Leftism and Global Deep State” in the affairs of the Near and Middle East, so that eventually a New World Order could emerge, and a One World government. It was initially used by Fareed Zakariah, I believe. That American journalist of little merit and less substance. A neo-conservative mouthpiece.—KiraSeer

Rodney Loder

Agreed and also the vile Globalisation failed aka Hillary stage left the psychopath left the building now the Clown Prince has the floor, all departed friends applauded the accolades come down from Heaven resting on Assad’s shoulders as a perfect score bound to continue all the way to Riyadh I hope.

Leftism as a public sector selective vocational corruption, is the most complicated subject that you don’t invest much explanation on, exactly what do you mean, ? we just have to make do, so don’t be surprised if a One World Government is the result of a distraction that was given rise by a lingering intention not paid attention to.

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