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MARCH 2025

Saudi-led Coalition Captures Key Town Along Western Yemeni Coast, Houthis Respond With “Ballistic Missile” Strike

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Saudi-led Coalition Captures Key Town Along Western Yemeni Coast, Houthis Respond With “Ballistic Missile” Strike

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On July 6, the Saudi-led coalition and its proxies launched a new ground attack along the western Yemen coast and captured the district center of al-Tuhayat after a series of clashes with the Houthis, according to the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV.

The Sky News Arabiya TV reported that the Saudi-led coalition killed dozens of Houthi fighters during the clashes in al-Tuhayat. Coalition forces are now clearing the district center from the IEDs and mines, which had been planted by the Houthis.

The capture of al-Tuhayat will further secure the supply line of the Saudi-led coalition along the western coast of Yemen. Last month, the supply line was cut several times because of repeated attacks by the Houthis on the coalition’s positions in the town of al-Faza, 15km west of al-Tuhayat.

In what appears to be a response to the Saudi-led coalition advance, the Yemeni Missile Force [loyal to the Houthis] announced that it had launched a Badir-1 “ballistic missile” at the industrial city in the southern Saudi province of Jizan.

Minutes after the Yemeni Missiles Force announcement, al-Arabiya reported that the Royal Saudi Air Defense Force (SADF) tracked and intercepted a “ballistic missile” of the Houthis over Jizan. Saudi activists didn’t report any hits, which confirms al-Arabiya claims.

The Houthis have been using their missile capabilities as a mean to deter the Saudi-led coalition since the outbreak of the Yemeni war in 2015. However, this time the coalition appears to be determined to capture the coastal city of al-Hudaydah and its port more than ever.

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Richard M

Like Napoleon advancing further into Russia! Like Custer advancing into Indian Country! Like Elphinstone’s 1842 retreat from Kabul! Welcome, Wahhabistani Orc puppets! Welcome to your doom!

Icarus Tanović

Well said. Anyways check out my scifi book “Tajna Arhipelaga Straha”. Check it out.

Richard M

Run through the Jungle!

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right. That was critique by a famous guy. ?

Richard M

I had a High School friend, many years ago. His family immigrated to Canada and then USA, originally from Yugoslavia. His name was Edhem Sadic. At that time Yugoslavia was just one foreign country, to my eyes. Now I wonder if his name was Bosnian or Serbian. Can you say?

Wise Gandalf

Can be croatian, serbian, slovenian or bosnian. -ić is the tipical surname anding in southern slavian nations. (except bulgaria)

Icarus Tanović

It cannot be Slovenian, theirs alphabet doesnt recognize letter “ć”, only “č”.

Wise Gandalf

right, but he wrote -ic. therefore can be. i was lazy to write both versions.


Go and fuck off solomon kupec.


Again fuck off solomon kupec.

Icarus Tanović

He is a Bosnian, 100%. In USA Bosnians are mainly gathered in St.Louis, Missouri, Alabama, and Arizona.

Richard M

His dad owned a motel in Miami Florida. I always thought his dad was a scary dude. He would have been teenaged or early twenties during WW2 but never spoke one word about it. :D

Icarus Tanović

Do you recollect from what part of Bosnia he is?

Richard M

No. He just said Yugoslavia! That was in the 70s.

Wise Gandalf

As V1 and V2 had no effect on ww2, so these childish and expensive missile attacks cause nothing. Iran simply misuses houthis for testing of its missiles insteadf of sending normal weapons.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sorry you are now being an idiot as you have some primitive thought about poor countries not having their own ability to build and develop copies of any missile or weapon. You should see them produce multiple versions of the west’s best sniper rifles and top quality too. Missile Technology is nearly a century old get over it and understand the human brain processes information faster today with the advent of the internet and poorer countries rely on the educating their people.

Just remember poor people know how to make money as they know how to use the mother of all inventions the mind.

Wise Gandalf

they have not enough granades and can buld weekly dozens of long range missilaes??? the russian military industry is not able to do this. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Easy to re use scrap metal from the west and grenades require powder and properly timed fuses. If you come across M67 grenades with a 4-4.5 second fuse you know it’s made in Canada made a lots of faulty timers but they were to cheap to discard them. Besides you can always get a ton of grenades of these stupid GCC mercs means just better use of limited resources.


stop making a mockery out of yourself…. 1. jemen had its own missile development program since the 1970´s 2.before the houthis took over power, u should know donky that jemen was a so called allied nation to the usa,saudi etc….which means that their missile development program was getting help from exactly those allied nations. 3. before that jemen was constantly helped by russian and chinese technology to develop their missile program 4. during the 2006 lebanon war only 22% of hez. missiles were intercepted by israels own account……last month during the SAA missile attack on israeli targets at the golan heights only 11 out of 55 missiles were intercepted(also close to 20%)

Dont believe the saudi lies…they are suffering greatly due to these missile strikes, espeically the ones carried out by the Tochka missile(russian technology with great accuracy)….if the israelis can only intercept a meager 20-25% missiles, think twive what the interception rate of the saudis is lol………last point….check out the video on utube of the saudi patriot missile system going “crazy” malfunction during last months ballistic missile attack by the houthis.3 patriots fired off……1 explodes after 3 seconds, the 3 missile goes nuts after 2 seconds, making a u-turn and “attacking” the “host nation”.LOL thats a 66% malfuntion rate.


At least spell missiles right you Israeli jewish goat fucker.


Iran simply misuses Houthis???, you are a freaking idiot. The U.S. the UK EAU and Saudi Arabia are losing to cavemen. It goes to show what weak Spirits we all have in these nations. The poorest Arab nation is fighting the greatest militaries in the world to a standstill.

Wise Gandalf

i am with houties. but iran is sperm

Joe Kerr

Hasbara trolls are famous for their limited vocabulary and juvenile name-calling, you being no exception.

Wise Gandalf

Hasbaras are famous for their short nicknames.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many Hasbara trolls like you are nothing better than streeters.

Wise Gandalf

this is nice characteristics of you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Glad you like the old school Tel Aviv slang.


What that you sleep wit animals yeah indeed solomon, you jews are a nasty bunch sub humans.


That’s why you keep changing your name there solomon, fist it was velociraptor, then what will be after that jewish goat fucker.


Fuck of you Saudi fucking Israeli jew goat.


No military effect, but a great psychological effect on the enemy. But you are of course correct to win they need modern weapons, perhaps the free world could crowdfund a heap of Chinese anti ship missiles plus an AWAC, and take out those American warships off the coast that are preventing food from reaching Yemen?

Wise Gandalf

Ni psychological effect. Already Adolf learned this.


This dumbass comparing the Yemenis to Hitler. You’re a mutt


Well you would know, you Israeli are a pathetic version of you friend Adolf.

S Melanson

I am not sure how the Iranians can get arms to the Houthis given the naval blockade (in place since 2015) and hostile states surround Yemen’s borders. From an earlier post:

————— The coalition also claim taking the port will prevent arms shipments from Iran getting through to the Houthis. The media report this without asking the obvious:

How are the Iranians getting through the blockade and with 100% success?

Good question since the coalition have not seized a single ship bringing arms to the Houthis – if they had, it would be front page news. The simple answer is that Iran is not providing arms to the Houthis, and coalition leadership know this. Blaming Iran serves as a cover for the coalition’s failures in Yemen. —————

If you know of a way then please share.

Wise Gandalf

As i know, they send via Oman. KSA threatened several times Oman.

S Melanson

Thanks, something I will look into. If Oman is allowing this, changes the dynamics for sure.

S Melanson

I reviewed many sources and the better ones are Carnegie Center for Middle East Studies (Feb. 14 and August 7, 2017) and The Century Foundation (May 19, 2017). These sites are not pro-Iranian, particularly the Century Foundation, yet provide reasonably balanced analysis that is credible.

Oman has positioned itself as a neutral interlocutor between the warring factions in Yemen. Oman has gained prestige in this role and will not jeopardize their neutrality by openly allowing arms to cross into Yemen although may turn a blind eye. But more importantly, the Houthis have better options than using land routes across Oman that is risky.

The Houthis gets arms readily on the black market that funnels weapons from corrupt coalition commanders for example. Further, Saleh sided with the Houthis and encouraged the Yemenese armed forces to ally with the Houthis. As a result, several combat divisions sided with the Houthis which provided major amounts of US weapons which the US had been supplying for many years.

The Blockade makes it very difficult to provide arms by sea and Oman is impractical as an overland routes for weapons smuggling. Iran has treated the Houthis as a very cheap and convenient proxy to stick it to the Saudis. Iran has provided minimal aid to the Houthis and even requested the Houthis not take the capital Sanaa which the Houthis ignored. Iran is viewed with some suspicion by the Houthis but as the Houthis have few allies, they take what they can get even if mostly just diplomatic support.

Wise Gandalf

Thank you for your detailed answer.

I never analysed the situation, only regularly found articles about this smuggling route.






S Melanson

Glad though you pointed me in the direction because I thought Oman backed the Saudi Coalition and that is not the case. Also my research lends support to some of your statements about Iranian attitudes toward the Houthis in Yemen.


Your view of how Iran sees the Houthis is cynical and wrong. Iran and Hezbollah do what they can and what is needed. They support the Houthis against their common enemy. Whatever Iran or someone in Iran said about Sanaa is not the same as the reality that Iran actively seeks. I guarantee that Iran and Hezbollah aided the AnsarAllah greatly in their developing years. AnsarAllah was founded in 2004. 100% they supported Houthis in weapons and training and guerilla warfare. Eventually Houthis need to take care of themselves, which they have. Just like Hezbollah took care of itself from 1983 to 2000 and then 2006. This is AnsarAllah’s blooding.

Have you even read what Abdul Malik Badrideen Al Houthi has said about Iran and Hezbollah for you to say that they view them with suspicion?

S Melanson

I would not say cynical, it is based on the information available and my interpretation – I am sympathetic to the Houthis cause and strongly oppose the Coalition intervention in Yemen.

Note I am focusing on the time period from 2014 to the present and if Iran provided what you say in their formative years, we are talking about events over a decade ago and a lot can change in that time. Also, I am unaware of any sources that corroborate your claims of such support. Still, I may be wrong on this and if you can cite some sources I will certainly review.

I do read what they say and in diplomacy, they will not say openly their is some level of distrust. But symptoms of some level of mistrust will from time to time manifest such as when Iran advised the Houthis openly against taking Sana’a and yet the Houthis ignored this advice.

Also Hezbollah and Iran have provided diplomatic support but deny providing any significant direct military aid to the Houthis. The Houthis also deny they are being supplied by either Hezbollah or Iran. Iran provided some humanitarian aid for a brief period to the Houthis by flights from Tehran to Sana’a but this ended when the Coalition commenced hostilities.

So are you saying Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis are being dishonest, and the Coalition claims have merit? Even right wing think tanks doubt the coalition claims the Houthis are getting significant aid given the blockade.

I also reviewed some of your past comments on this issue and you state you do not know how the Houthis are getting aid with the blockade in place, but you are sure that somehow it is getting through.

I too would like to take it on faith that the aid is getting through but I deal with the harsh reality that this is very unlikely. Now if what you say is correct, I think humanitarian aid is what is needed desperately given the dire circumstances of the Yemeni population.


Depends what you mean by significant, not as significant as what is being said by the mutts of Israel, but it is significant. Of course there are no actual soldiers or advisors with the AnsarAllah.

The Shia brothers have no issue practising Taqiyah when it will protect their fighters and improve their position.

As for what you say about Sanaa’, just because they forge their own path, does not mean there is distrust. Iran many times has advised Hezbollah to do certain things and Hezbollah has done different. Iran is not some commanding officer. Iran is a friend, and it understands when sovereign groups have their own ideas and strategies as Hezbollah has, as the Syrians do, as the Iraqis do and as AnsarAllah and the Yemeni army do.

I just think you’re selling Iran short. I doubt it, though maybe I am wrong and you are correct. When this war is over we will see more info coming out and I will happily eat crow. If the AnsarAllah really had no or very minimal aid from Iran and Hezbollah in their formative years and in this war I will happily eat crow, and my admiration for these men will only increase.

As for you being sympathetic to the Houthis I apologise if you thought I was judging that. I have read much of what you comment, and find you to be a very decent, intelligent human being, and your reply to my comment further empasised this. Thank you very much for your time, rest assured I have read everything you said, am mulling it over, and am willing to change my opinion as time goes on.

S Melanson

Thank you and well said. Very good point about following ones own path as opposed to mistrust, agreed. I also find the situation in the Middle East to be highly complex, volatile and hard to predict. So putting ideas out there is the best we can do.


Far better fighters then you child murdering Israeli will ever be.

Promitheas Apollonious

It be safe to assume now that houthis have an open hunting season in everything is moving and is not them.


The Houthis need help, they are fighting Saudi Arabia the UAE and the USA(the same gang who tried to invade Syria) and they are a poor people who only have their courage to resist these most evil enemies.

S Melanson

The Houthis are giving more then they get. The Houthis operate in the general area to disrupt supplies and pick off units. They do not hold towns as they melt back into the countryside only to appear later out of nowhere. A couple weeks back Al Fazzah was also ‘retaken’ but the Houthis had done what they came to do destroying a column of vehicles and forcing surrounded mercs to surrender. Recent reports are that Houthis continue to operate in the Al Fazzah vicinity despite coalition control of the town

The taking of Al-Tuhayat means little as the entire area remains unsecured and subject to Houthi hit and run raids. This is further belated attempts of the coalition to secure the supply line to forces south of the airport.

Meanwhile, the ‘paused’ coalition forces dug in 5km south of the airport have been very quiet. I hope the mercenaries are having warm thoughts about their Saudi/UAE commanders as they enjoy their cold half rations.

Wise Gandalf

go as volunteer

S Melanson

Gandalf, how would one get there to volunteer?


Solomon kupec( his real name) like the rest of his Israeli ilk are to much of coward for that.

S Melanson

I would consider going but I am unsure how one would get there given the blockade and being a war zone.


This coming from an Israeli coward.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You mean Real Yemeni Army as Ansrallah Government is legitimate and Hadi is a Saudi stooge as they are the Fake Yemeni Army made up from Sauds etc.


It isn’t even a faie army. It isn’t a Yemeni army that works for the Saudis, just a bunch of mercs. Yemeni army almost entirely fights alongside AnsarAllah

Icarus Tanović

Why do you call them Houtis rebels? They are official Yemeni army and majority. Screw this. Wahabistani orcs will eat some meat!

Jeth Roderet

Saudis also claimed they captured that airport like 20 times. And they never did. I do not trust their claims.


as usual , with any news on yemen and the debacle of saudi alliance , the hasbara called Smaug or Wise Gandalf (same person with multiple ID) from tel aviv also rush in to help shape the narrarive , distract the comment section with his intentionally ignorant and foolish posts.

classic Israeli IO (information ops) shaping the narrarive by lies and deceit , and falling that resort to insults and off topic nonsense , Hasbara 101.


Historically , it is easier to take a military objective than defending it. Look at the slaughter of besieged British solidiers in Al Kut or the massacre of british paratrooper division in Arnhem during operatiom Market Garden.

is this going to be the repeat of ancient “mercenary war” in carthage ? after Punic war 1 was lost to the carthage , the rich cartagenian rulers tried to abandon their massive mercenary armies and the mercs revolted and rampaged in the country almost destroying carthage..

is this the future fate of the house of Saud ? after all the islamic prophecy said an army led by african will seize islam holy cities in their version of end times..


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Market Garden was a blunder aka ‘a bridge too far” ambitious plan and at Arnhem the armored were unable to get there as the Largest SAS combined air assault took place. So easy to look back and blame something else except fact remains poor judgement of allied bomber command screwed it before it even started idiots blew up bridges the attack needed.

Well for KSA it’s demise will happen by it’s own radicals just a sad fact when is a question if it’s not happening right now.


SAS air assault ? the only large SAS operation i knew was their slaugher in occupied western europe when he german soldiers cornered their secret base and captured / killed all those SAS guys.

SAS is different than the 1st british para division in arnhem , the one that got slaughtered by german SS divisions

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That was the 1st Airborne Division not the British Para division as only two brigades from Paras and 1 from Glider borne brigade, polish Parachute brigade and the 82nd ,101st plus 1200 from the glider pilot regiment 20,000 paratroopers and 14600 Para glider regiments combined total basically most of the 1st Allied Airborne army.

Thing about Arnhem it was just a side show to the Battle at Waal (Nijmegen Bridge) the entire fight was there and most crucial position to take blame Browning for ordering the 82nd to take Groosboeck Heights as Nijmegen Bridge was the decisive point.

All these Para groups originally trained as Allied SAS groups , British had an SAS company in 1943 , Canada-US developed their SAS brigade aka ” Red Devils” in 1942 , so remember Special Air Service was what all allied Paras were called in WW2.


there you go , good info. SAS are overrated and overblown in the modern media.. they got slaugtered just as bad as any light infantry force against heavily armoured german division.

just like total destruction of US Rangers in Cisterna..


I would venture to say the reason they did not secure the coastal route initially is because the Saudis assumed that capturing Hudeidah port would be a sure thing.


Hey Rosenberg you where the idiot who claimed they would capture it a few weeks back and bring victory to you Saudi friends, so much for that you stupid Israeli fuck.


The yemeni missiles are a total fail, sadly.

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