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Saudi-led Coalition Captures New Positions South Of Al-Hudaydah Airport (Map, Video)

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Saudi-led Coalition Captures New Positions South Of Al-Hudaydah Airport (Map, Video)

Click to see full-size map, By ISW News

On June 14, the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies resumed their advance towards the city of al-Hudaydah along the western Yemeni coast and captured several key positions in the district of al-Durayhimi and the area of al-Nikheila, according to Sky News Arabia TV. Currently, coalition forces are only 2km away from the airport of al-Hudaydah.

Sky News Arabia said that warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition supported the ground attack on al-Hudaydah and carried out a series of airstrikes on the positions and vehicles of the Houthis inside the city and around it.

From its side, the Yemeni Missiles Force [loyal to the Houthis] announced that it had launched a Qaher-2M ballistic missile at a gathering of Saudi-led coalition troops along the western coast of Yemen. However, no hit was reported by pro-coalition sources.

The Saudi-led coalition and its proxies launched a new offensive on al-Hudaydah on June 13. So far, the coalition faced very limited resistance from the remaining fighters of the Houthis south of the city. This situation may change when coalition troops reach the urban areas inside al-Hudaydah.

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S Melanson

Limited opposition by Houthis so far…

Sounds familiar. Within the grand halls of their newly christened HQ, Ronald McDonald’s Playhouse, Saudi military planners are at it again. Saudi coalition advances up narrow corridor despite not securing their right flank where Houthis can easily hide in mountainess terrain. Either the Houthis have been weakened sufficiently to be unable to threaten the Saudi exposed supply lines or, the Saudis are repeating the same mistake. History tells us it is the latter – especially given the Saudi’s fantasy claim the attack is from multiple directions.

Keep repeating the same mistake and hope for a different outcome. Good luck with that.


Iran would supply the Human defenders of Yemen with weapons that could exterminate the Saudis and their proxies, but the foul zionist appeaser Putin voted at the UNSC to make this IMPOSSIBLE. Putin joined with the other demonic filth of the UNSC to rule that weapon sales to Yemen were illegal, and weapon sales to Saudi Arabia were to be maximised at all costs.

If Iran is caught openly helping the defenders of Yemen, Putin has agreed to allow this to be a good enough cause for Trump to bomb Iran.

You think zionist appeaser Putin is on the side of Greater Humanity- think again.

S Melanson

I have not found any articles in support of what you say. Can you provide some sources?


Starlights sources are always covered in Zionist shit. :)


IRAN cannot transport the weapons there, thru the US-Navy task-force and NATO-ships in the GULF. THE CHINESE COULD DO IT..

Harvey Swinestein

Houthis are using a classic defense tactic: allow the invader to capture ground, then move in like a sharp knife to cut their supply routes, while inflicting heavy casualties on them in terms of men and equipment

Real Anti-Racist Action

Lie, the Saudis already have 2/3rd of Yemen already. The Houthis are fighting tooth and nail to defend every inch of their beloved home lands. The Saudis swoop in like the British did to indigenous European tribes to conquer them and wipe out as many as they can.

Harvey Swinestein

I was talking about the recent tactics along the western coast peanut. It is obvious to anyone that has a shred of military tactical knowledge. The same tactic was used in Vietnam and Afghanistan: allow the enemy to advance along a narrow front, stretch out his supply lines, then cut them at their weakest point . .

S Melanson

If you have been reading the news, you would also know that the coalition has been trying to take the port for years but without success. I suppose then that the ‘swoop’ is being done in slow motion, sorta like when one is near a black hole.


limited opposition…lol well ok then the 75+killed and 14 vehicles the houthis destroyed 2 days ago south of airport aint so bad lol the saudi pricks also never show their casualties from the ballistic missiles that get fired at them, and this narrow strip south of hudayda is perfect for such missile attacks, and there is definetly no anti-missile system around in that place. anyway…even with the capture of the port, the invading jew slave forces cant ever win/beat the houthis, this area around hudayda is an open area, great for air support, and on one side the sea too.the houthiss heartland, is the exact opposite…..mountains over mountains, valley next to valley, caves in the + thousands….makes air support practically worthless up there + no heavy military hardware is possible ie. tanks , artillery…….so in the end the invading jew slaves can conquer the south, the west…but up north and in the center is a no go win scenario for invading forces(been so for a thousand years, similar to afghanistan)…..

Promitheas Apollonious

If the houthis lose the airport it does not make much of a difference how many mercenaries from SA they kill dont you think so?

S Melanson

Latest reports are the offensive is basically a failure. See if this changes over next couple of days but the coalition has failed to reach any significant objective and the attempted amphibious landing was repelled – quite easily it seems, by two anti-ship missiles (Saudis reported four marine casualties the supports Houthi claims of a direct hit).

Obviously there was little to no coordination with artillery or Air Force revealing weakness in conducting a combined arms operation. Another problem is advance on a narrow front with high terrain in Houthi hands and exposed supply lines – advantages in weaponry, troop numbers etc. are greatly reduced in these circumstances. Even elite troops would have a tough go of a situation like this.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The future looks bleak for all of the ME. Thank you Russia for doing nothing, except supporting your Zionist allies. Israeli fighter jets are caring out over 1/5th of all bombing runs in Yemen. Israel bombs Damascus to. Make no mistake Russia, for Israel will be involved in regime change in Russia soon. Russia failed to identify the nemesis to the Russian people. And for lack of good foresight, you will perish.


the jews control russia since 1917…..thast when jews toof power in russia….and they needed 20 years to kill all russian opposition…1917-1937 20+ million russians murdered by the so called “red ones” each and everyone of the “politburo” the higher echelon of power were jews. For starters.. karl marx, his grandfather was rabbi mordecai. The most prominent jewish kommisar was troztky.His real name Bronstein.Where did he live prior to the so called “russian revolution”???? NEW YORK CITY…where did he work there???? NOVY MIR, a jewish newspaper in new york. Central commitee of the bolschevik party from starters Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Lourie (Larine) Jew

Ouritski Jew

Volodarski Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian

Krylenko Russian

Lounatcharski Russian

“The Council of the People’s Commissars comprises the following:


President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian

Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian

Agriculture Protian Armenian

Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew

Food Schlichter Jew

Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

State Control Lander Jew

State Lands Kauffman Jew

Works V. Schmidt Jew

Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess

Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian

Religions Spitzberg Jew

Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Hygiene Anvelt Jew

Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew

Press Volodarski Jew

Elections Ouritski Jew

Justice I. Steinberg Jew

Refugees Fenigstein Jew

Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew

Refugees (assist.)

“The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:


Sverdlov (president) Jew

Avanessof (sec.) Armenian

Bruno Lett

Babtchinski Jew

Bukharin Russian

Weinberg Jew

Gailiss Jew

Ganzburg Jew

Danichevski Jew

Starck German

Sachs Jew

Scheinmann Jew

Erdling Jew

Landauer Jew

Linder Jew

Wolach Czech

Dimanstein Jew

Encukidze Georgian

Ermann Jew

Joffe Jew

Karkline Jew

Knigissen Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Krylenko Russian

KrassikofSachs Jew

Kaprik Jew

Kaoul Lett

Ulyanov (lenin) Russian

Latsis Jew

Lander Jew

Lounatcharski Russian

Peterson Lett

Peters Lett

Roudzoutas Jew

Rosine Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Stoutchka Lett

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Sosnovski Jew

Skrytnik Jew

Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

Teodorovitch Jew

Terian Armenian

Ouritski Jew

Telechkine Russian

Feldmann Jew

Froumkine Jew

Souriupa Ukranian

Tchavtchevadze Georgian

Scheikmann Jew

Rosental Jew

Achkinazi Imeretian

Karakhane Karaim (Jew)

Rose Jew

Sobelson (Radek) Jew

Sclichter Jew

Schikolini Jew

Chklianski Jew

Levine (Pravdine) Jew

“The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:


Dzerjinski (president) Pole

Peters (vice-president) Lett

Chklovski Jew

Kheifiss Jew

Zeistine Jew

Razmirovitch Jew

Kronberg Jew

Khaikina Jewess

Karlson Lett

Schaumann Jew

Leontovitch Jew

Jacob Goldine Jew

Glaperstein Jew

Kniggisen Jew

Latzis Lett

Schillenkuss Jew

Janson Lett

Rivkine Jew

Antonof Russian

Delafabre Jew

Tsitkine Jew

Roskirovitch Jew

G. Sverdlof Jew

Biesenski Jew

Blioumkine Jew

Alexandrevitch Russian

I. Model Jew

Routenberg Jew

Pines Jew

Sachs Jew

Daybol Lett

Saissoune Armenian

Deylkenen Lett

Liebert Jew

Vogel German

Zakiss Lett

And here is stalin…..first wife Ekaterina Svanidze, jew, sons name jacob…..second wife Kadya Allevijah jew, daughter and son svetlana and vassili, thrid wife Rosa Kaganovic, sister of Lazar Kaganovic who was the head of soviet industry.Stalins daughter fled to the usa in 1967, and married Lazar´s son Mihail, her stepmothers nephew.Svetlana had a total of 4 husbands, all jewish. Stalins vice president Molotov is a sweet one.His brother named Sam Karp runs an export business in connecticut. that should do it for starters.



Real Anti-Racist Action

Yours is one of the most important comments ever posted on South Front. More people and Russians specifically should stop believing fantasy about history and get in touch with reality. Then Russia would be truly awakened. Thank you for your post, you should repost it again in the future for more people to awaken.

Icarus Tanović

Wikipedia is the source, right? Don’t BELIEVE that wiki no more. And 100% not take any words for sure, especially about the history.


The plague never ends it seems.


The alternative is very grim. As described by Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, “The truth is that Israel is well prepared to massacre hundreds and thousands, and to expel tens of thousands. Nothing will stop it. This is the end of conscience, the show of morality is over. The last few days’ events have proved it decisively. The tracks have been laid, the infrastructure for the horror has been cast. Dozens of years of brainwashing, demonization and dehumanization have borne fruit. The alliance between the politicians and the media to suppress reality and deny it has succeeded. Israel is set to commit horrors. Nobody will stand in its way any longer. Not from within or from without.” and thats from an israeli, could´nt say it any better


Well … this isn’t good for the Yemenis. China, Russia shall give the Yemenis some weapons

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