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Saudi-led Coalition Deploys 10,000 Fighters Near Yemen’s Al-Hudaydah Ahead Another Attempt To Capture Strategic Port

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The Saudi-UAE-led military coalition is sending 10,000 fighters near Yemen’s al-Hudaydah ahead of another attempt to recapture the strategic port city of Ansar Allah (also known as the Houthis) and its allies, according to reports in Arab media. This force is reportedly set to strengthen the already deployed troops and equipment in the area.

Since June 2018, the coalition and its local proxies have carried out a series of large-scale offensives attempting to capture al-Hudaydah. However, all of them has failed. According to local sources, about 400-500 coalition-backed fighters and dozens of units of military equipment were eliminated by Ansar Allah-led forces in these attempts.

On October 30, an unnamed military official from the Saudi-backed government located in Aden told AFP that the coalition would deploy reinforcements to the Red Sea coast ahead of a new offensive on Hudaydah “within days.” The source added that coalition forces are already working to “secure” areas near al-Hudaydah.

The port city is the last major hub allowing Anslar Allah to receive supplies, including food and medicine, for the part of the country controlled by the movement. If the port city is captured by the coalition, the already existing humanitarian crisis in northwestern Yemen will become even worse.

Saudi-led Coalition Deploys 10,000 Fighters Near Yemen's Al-Hudaydah Ahead Another Attempt To Capture Strategic Port

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Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Can someone tell me more specifically how the Houthis keep pushing the enemy back/defend against them? Do the Houthis use Some kind of special tactics, a certain place that is just perfect for defending, is the proxis keep making the same mistake etc

Ivan Freely

Saudi-led coalition leadership is the problem which leads to low morale among the troops.


They have no regrets and no fear. To win a war against an enemy that has no fear of death is truly near impossible. While Saudi Arabia soldiers and coalition are there for money,, Houtis are fighting for their country and for their existence. That’s a big difference


The special tactics are, they fight or they die. They know that the Saudis will butcher every single Houthi if they win. Fighting for survival is a great motivator.

Harvey Swinestein

If you take a close look at the terrain of the parts of Yemen they are fighting in it is perfect guerrilla warfare terrain, similar to South Lebanon . .


Also they rely on small units of infantry carrying ATGM, snipers, and they are very good in the mountainous terrain so that makes them lethal for armored vehicles, supply lines and enemy outposts while they are a really difficult target for the Air force. If you add the misiles and drones you get a big retaliatory power. I think those are the key facts but im not an expert

S Melanson

This article is mostly BS.

“Since June 2018, the coalition and its local proxies have carried out a series of large-scale offensives attempting to capture al-Hudaydah. However, all of them has failed. According to local sources, about 400-500 coalition-backed fighters and dozens of units of military equipment were eliminated by Ansar Allah-led forces in these attempts”

Really? Southfront reported a 3 day battle that alone cost the coalition close to 400 casualties. What happened to the original force of 21,000? Did they all go on vacation? There was a previous Southfront article reporting, based on Arab media, that 10 brigades assembled to take Hodeidah, that is at least 30,000 troops. This article says 10,000 joining existing forces and again from arab media. 40,000? this is basically a full corp (equivalent to 3 divisions or 9 to 12 brigades). This force is twice the original attacking force of 21,000. Problem is the attack frontage has not doubled and the original force, half the size, was squeezed into narrow front of attack. The problem is not solved by more troops, the problem is the troops. Why is this the problem – just review the track record of the Coalition leaders for your answer

“The port city is the last major hub allowing Anslar Allah to receive supplies, including food and medicine, for the part of the country controlled by the movement. If the port city is captured by the coalition, the already existing humanitarian crisis in northwestern Yemen will become even worse.”

NO! The blockade is causing the crisis as it prevents aid getting to the port. Coalition taking port makes little difference while blockade continues – coalition want port to launch offensives deep in Houthi territory with a secure supply be sea as supply along west coast is not tenable.


Well said. So do you think this is a desperate attempt by the Saudi’s to just throw bodies at the issue and hope it changes something? Or do you think maybe the increased size is to create a sustained attack on Hudeydah (send a particular amount of men to fight, then continue to back them up and send reinforcements when needed) to maybe wear the AnsarAllah down and capture it.

S Melanson

I actually doubt they have such a force – Arab media is notorious for bald faced lies. But I cannot comment more than this. I have not kept up recently as I am writing an analysis of the Russian/Israeli relations and downfall. This has been very involving but will finish by Friday and then catch up on my favorites, the houthis


Where do you post your analysis? Here on SF? Please let us know. Is it in English?

S Melanson

It is English and SF offered to publish it. Within a week, perhaps a bit sooner, should be ready.

Zionism = EVIL

There is a US and Zionist led holocaust happening in Yemen but the Saudi scum and their mercenaries have failed to dislodge barely 1,500 Ansarollah defenders at Hudayah. They have recruited more Somali and Sudanese cannon fodder but will fail again.

S Melanson


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

houthis are not scared one bit, ten thousand shit for brain saudi soldiers lmao


Actually, the Saudis are cowards and mostly use mercenaries from third world cesspools and even they are losing men very rapidly as Houthi tactics and weaponry improves:

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – A number of Sudanese mercenaries in the Saudi Coalition were killed in southern Saudi Arabia on Friday, Al-Mayadeen TV reported.

According to the Al-Mayadeen report, several Sudanese mercenary troops were killed by land mines planted by the Houthi forces in the Jamarak area of the Jizan province.

Furthermore, Al-Mayadeen said that the Houthi forces scored a direct hit with a ballistic missile on the UAE-backed troops inside the Ta’iz Governorate of western Yemen.

The Houthi forces used their domestically-manufactured Zilzal-1 ballistic missile to strike the UAE-backed troops in the Al-Khobe area of western Yemen on Friday evening.

R Trojson

Very surprising since up to this point it appeared Saudis wanted to exterminate Houthis slowly over the next 10-20 years. That would have kept it under the radar. Now with 10,000 troops hundreds of Houthi fighters will die every week instead of 10-20. Innocent civilian Houthi deaths will be double that. That level of death and destruction should put this war into main stream media. Not sure why it has been completely ignored up to this point.


The Saudis are running out of time, soon their oil output will fall, and the whole world will realize they are nearly out of oil. Sending more mercs to die will not save them, even if the Saudis occupy all of Yemen, the resistance will continue, and Chevron engineers make a juicy target for IED’s.

Harvey Swinestein

The murder of Kashoggi has put the screws on Saudi Arabia and they now realize they are running out of time. Already the US is calling for an end to the war . .


So sad 10000 people they will lose their life for a satanic CORRUPT COUNTRY “”Saudi Arabia”” for some dollars, while soldiers they are fighting and dying,, the rich people of Saudi Arabia are enjoying life.. so o sad… T he difference between rich and poor people in Saudi Arabia is so big .. like India.. If you are rich you are very rich and if you are poor you are really poor… shame on humanity


They have no regrets and no fear. To win a war against an enemy that has no fear of death is truly near impossible. While Saudi Arabia soldiers and coalition are there for money,, Houtis are fighting for their country and for their existence. That’s a big difference…

Tom Tom

Saudi’s trying to capture Hudaydah before the shutdown of the war by Mattis and Trump.


Indeed, looks like US masters are giving the Saudi idiots a month to wind up this quagmire. The Saudis are in a desperate last ditch push to capture the port city of al-Hudayah and even that is not going well.

Promitheas Apollonious

more target shooting for the houthis sounds good.

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