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Saudi-Led Coalition Forces Launch Large-Scale Attack On Al-Hudaydah, Reach City Entrances (Map, Videos)

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On November 3, the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies launched a large-scale attack on the Houthi-held city of al-Hudaydah on the western coast of Yemen.

During the first day of the long awaited-attack, the Saudi-led coalition managed to impose control of the university of al-Hudaydah and a key air defense base, east and south of the city. The coalition developed its attack in the next day and reached the eastern, western and southern entrances of al-Hudaydah, according to the Sky News Arabia TV.

Saudi-Led Coalition Forces Launch Large-Scale Attack On Al-Hudaydah, Reach City Entrances (Map, Videos)

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The UAE-based TV channel claimed that more than 70 fighters and commanders of the Houthis were killed in the attack, which is backed by Saudi-led coalition warplanes. Dozens of other Houthi fighters were reportedly captured.

A spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces [allied to the Houthis] denied the Saudi-led coalition claims and said that the Houthis and their allies had repelled the attack on al-Hudaydah after fierce clashes.

“Enemy fighters are suffering from a psychological and moral breakdown after the failure of all of their attempts and sustaining significant loses, hundreds of these fighters fled the battlefield,” the al-Masirah quoted Brigadier General Yahya Sari as saying on November 4.

The Houthis and their allies estimated that 215 Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters have been killed since the beginning of the Saudi-led coalition attack on the al-Hudaydah. The coalition also lost more than 20 military vehicles.

In late October, the U.S. Department of State openly called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Yemen and said that it will work to start peace talks to end the war there. However, it appears that Washington secretly gave Riyadh a green light to launch a last attack on al-Hudaydah in order to pressure the Houthis.

Videos of the coalition attack on al-Hudaydah:

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Carol Davidek-Waller

Correction: Saudi led mercenaries. The House of Saud does not fight its own wars. They buy military force. Collective punishment by closing the only port where aide can reach starving civilians. More dead children.

R Trojson

Houtis are doomed. Iran/Hezbollah has played them, using them to attack Saudis. Saudis believe they must cleanse Yemen of Houtis over the long term or Iran will do the same to them. I fear 20 years from today Houtis will drop from 30% to 20% of the population and into an accelerating death spiral.

Zionism = EVIL

You are an IDIOT and uneducated moron, the Houthis are Zaidi Shia which now comprise over 53% of Yemen’s population or more, so who is going to doom 23 MILLION people? what an nitwit! and do you think 400 million Shia are going to sit by and watch? MORON!

Icarus Tanović

Or any other normal person, Muslim or not. Wahhabism is THE BIGGEST cancer of the World nowadays that needs to be ERADICATED! Peace out.

Hisham Saber

Wahhabism and Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism both need to be eradicated.

Zionism = EVIL

It is no coincidence that both were created by the evil and devious Brits. The Wahhabi tribes were united to create havoc in the Ottoman Empire and then the Balfour declaration to gobble up Palestine and plant a permanent cancer in Arab Muslims and Christian middle east. Most people don’t realize that the most honest,disciplined and tenacious Palestinian liberation movement was the late great Dr. George Habash’s PFLP which even today has fought alongside Hezbollah and SAA in every encounter against the Wahabbi scum. Even Zionist mouthpiece BBC had a documentary on the Orthodox Christian militias fighting as the most loyal to Dr. Assad and Syria. Armenians, Russians, Serbs and many Christians joined the SAA and Hezbollah for the same reasons to defeat the Wahhabi savage headchoppers who are doing Zionist bidding in the region.


israel was created through the british..true..but only through blackmail and agreements……its the jew who gives the orders through his control of the monetary system on our planet….and through the system of freemasonhood which is an entirely jew creation to infiltrate the non jew societies..

I quote Albert PIKE 1809-1891, who was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction of north america in his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

“all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.Without the jewish kabbala there would be no freemasonhood”


wahhabism are the JEW slaves….they r just important nowadays because they r used as jew pawns…. cancer = JEWS, which is exactly the same as beiing a zionist, both have the Talmud as holy book and 99.9% of jews worldwide are in favour of the illegal satanic state of israel, hence making them zionists…all the same Talmud “all non jews are GOJIM, all non jewish women are WHORES”


With this statement , you have defacto declared your loyalty to the Muhammad Bone Saw (MBS-faction) of the House of Al Saud.

Are you telling me that the poorest Arab country, lacking the very basic necessities of life, decided to attack the richest country in the Middle-East? Why should the Yemenis take account of your crocodile tears?

On top of it, when you see Iran’s hand behind the resistance of starving Yemenis against Mohammad Bone Saw, you trumpet your loyalty to Netin Yahoo and his ilk. What is next, Iran used cosmic rays to influence Netin Yahoo’s black heart and trick him in shooting civilians protesters near the Occupation Wall in Gaza Ghetto?

Zionism = EVIL

There was a report in Time magazine that the Saudi headchopper scum are paying trolls in the western world about $100 a day to post disinformation and FAKE NEWS. There is no Iranian presence in Yemen what-so-ever. Iran is too busy defending Syria and Iraq from US sponsored headchoppers.


They also have their own center where they engage in cyber disinformation. They call it “Counter terrorism”.


Concrete Mike

We call it cyber terrorism


Saudi regime have invaded Yemen to conquer it and join it with Saudi land as they have done to other countries in the region. Shame

Hisham Saber

Israel is the one that’s doomed, you kike. I don’t fear the day when the international Jewish population/race will spiral down to 0.009%. And its coming, via Iran , Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, Russia, China.

The U.S. , Britain and France will not be able to bail you nefarious Jews out anymore. They cant even handle guys on motorcycles, wearing beach sandals and bedsheets, armed with only AK-47’s and RGG’s, maybe a few IED’s, in Afghanistan after 17 years of warfare.

Zionism = EVIL

Three generations of Zionist parasites since the Ramadan war, which they lost, despite Sadat’s double cross of Syria and Hafez al Assad, have been beating up unarmed Palestinian, Druze and Arab women and children in occupied Palestine with 21st century US taxpayer donated weapons. There are daily reports of Zionist scum, even ugly hooked nosed women shooting Palestinian children “just for fun”. The IDF is a brutal occupation force and when it does come across Hezbollah, revamped SAA and the Shia militias we shall see how tough they are. In 2006, relatively primitive Hezbollah Grads put a third of the Zionist scum to flight and they ran off to Cyprus, Europe and America. next war Hezbollah should be as ruthless and bomb Zionist infrastructure mercilessly. 300,000 missiles and rockets in the small confines of Occupied Palestine can create a lot of new parking lots, starting with Dimona :)

You can call me Al

With their inbreeding, they may not even fall to outside influence.


Trojson, you are the Trojan Horse of Mossad. Your gift of poison is rejected!


dont forget JEW…. we will be coming after u satanic people…not 1 jew will be left alive on OUR planet… we will kill your women and children…..all jewishness will be destroyed..all jew signs will be destroyed….only then can our planet and its people live in peace

You can call me Al

Get lost troll, go fook a camel.

Nigel Maund

AND the west, especially, the completely corrupt British Government and US Deep State arms the KSA to the teeth for money, power, influence and oil. The Britain laway has been the Champion of all hypocrites on the planet a position which they have held for 450 years. Human rights mean nothing to the British Government at all. It’s only interested in Power, Influence and Money

Daniel Castro

You can’t really say the Spanish were half-hearted when they wasted their entire navy trying to get to England… and went won in a state of permanent warfare for the next centuries… the real problem was their incompetence…

Nigel Maund

That’s actualy a fair correction Daniel; thanks! My mistake!

Zionism = EVIL

The Sudanese and other mercenaries have been promised $500 extra if they capture Hodeidah. The Ansarollah will inflict some serious damage in urban combat.

Expo Marker

I’ll bet that after the Saudi’s over run al-Hudaydah, they will press for the ceasefire that the US just called for, so when the Houthi’s attempt to reclaim the city, the Saudi coalition can claim violation of the cease fire and march to Sanaa.

Zionism = EVIL

It will not be an easy fight as there are about 1500 Ansarollah dug in over mostly urban terrain, the mercenary attacking force is about 12,000 mostly Sudanese, Egyptian and Senegalese. The Saudis are also using ISIS affiliates to attack the Zaidis, but the resistance will get stronger as the mercenaries approach Zaidi hearland as the Egyptians found in the 1960’s and suffered 20,000 casualties and ran off.

J Roderet

I do not trust Saudi/UAE propaganda. They have been falsely claiming to be winning this battle for months and the Yemeni resistance has always beaten them back.

Zionism = EVIL

4 months the Saudis and their mercenaries have been claiming advances while the outskirts of Hodeidah are a graveyard for Saudi armor and Toyota Hilux pick-ups. The Ansarollah are using Hezbollah style small mobile ATGM, RPG and sniper anti-material teams and will take a heavy toll of the mercenaries.

Hisham Saber

Sky News Arabia, stationed in the UAE? What? Common! One cannot take them seriously.

Hudabiya will hold, no worries about that. The Houthis are ferocious, tenacious, hard-nosed fighters.

S Melanson

And Arab media reports full liberation of the moonbase on the dark side of the moon, which is why can’t see, but trust us,…


Gave me a good chuckle.


Ansarullah say the Saudis and their mercenaries are getting whipped. We’ll see the reality of the situation in a few days. Trusting the Saudi’s and UAE media is not wise.

S Melanson

The Coalition offensive has made no progress once coming within 4km of the port – this is arab gulf state reporting by the way. See my comment below. The June offensive came within approx. 5km of port so same thing.

Reason for no progress – retreating due to Houthi counterattack – amazing how Houthi commanders can fill in the blanks left by selective arab gulf media

Zionism = EVIL

Saudi style fighting one step forward and two step backwards like the Tennessee Waltz :)

S Melanson

During the first day of the long awaited-attack, the Saudi-led coalition managed to impose control of the university of al-Hudaydah

Arab News, Nov. 5, 2018, Yemen’s Army advances against Houthis on outskirts of Hodeidah article newer than SF article above and states: “The fighting spread throughout the past two days with the support of Coalition fighters … to the surroundings of the University”

Independent Yemen War: 150 killed over weekend as Saudi-led airstrikes pound rebel area No. 5, 2018, only hours ago reports on latest as follows “Fighting was focused around the airport and near a university 4km south of the port SOURCE – Coalition officials

Arab media apparently know better than the Coalition how the fighting is going. But we also have one Saudi Media outlet contradicting another Saudi media outlet – they need to get their lies straight. Oh wait, reaching the outskirts of the areas around the University is imposing control – same crap when gulf arab media reported on taking airport half a dozen times in June.

Now for what really happened:

PressTV November 4, 2018 – Yemeni forces foil Saudi-led push to seize port before talks Force of approximately 10,000 attacked and Houthis counterattacked after halting offensive – the counterattack was decisive . Coalition forces did not seize any part of the city

Who do we believe – well, 10,000 is much less than earlier reporting by Arab Gulf media, – the lies got an early start and expect them to keep coming.


They will arrive,but they won’t leave ,they will be destroyed in good time.

Promitheas Apollonious

we seen this dance before I am sure the houthis will eliminate what is coming against them one way or the other.

That Guy

They will take out the last port over there, and it will be a matter of time before the Houthis run out of supplies and get defeated. Houthis tactics might prolong their existence time, but this will not cancel the inevitable, which is their utter defeat, and they are going to hit the floor.

Promitheas Apollonious

but…… the saudis supply and minions supply them on daily bases. Your well wishing and reality does not walk hand in hand. Think again.

That Guy

No wishful thinking here. I’m just seeing the map and judging based on that. Reality is not on the side of the Houthis, this is a fact not a wishful thinking. And for being supplied by enemy forces (capturing arms and ammo), ISIS are doing just that, but are they winning now? Is it because it is Houthis who are doing that you are cheering? Think realisticly, and not in a wishful way.

Joe Kerr

The only wishful thinking is from that guy with a heap of trash as his avatar.

That Guy

Logical answer, lol.

Promitheas Apollonious

This attack is been failing for couple of years now. Houthis not only withstand what ever is been send against them, but also eliminate it not to be used twice mercenaries as well as hardware.

As for the map you looking at and been realistic I am sure you holding it upside down. never a mercenary army defeated warriors who are fighting not for money but their homeland and families.


Just like when the Wehrmacht seized the major port on the Volga, Stalingrad?

That Guy

The troops in Stalingrad had allies out of the encirclement zone, while Houthis are surrounded with nothing but enemies, and their closest ally Iran cant help them once they are encircled. Soooooo, not the best choice of comparison, but nice try.

Joe Kerr

Houthis have two borders- the House of Filth and the sea, with bombings from Western supplied (and most likely pilotted) warplanes having zero effect for 3 years. The Houthis will win, and hopefully cause the collapse of the stinking House of Cowards across the border, help from the corrupted zio-west notwithstanding.


We will see. Your faction has been predicting rapid collapse of Assad’s government since 2011 and in Yemen a predicted Houthi collapse since 2015. The tide has clearly turned in Syria and though tides change at different times in different seas they are still inevitable!


We will see. You are not the first one to say this. Smaug said from the very first assault on Houdeidah that it was only a matter of time, and that everything points to the fact that the Coalition will take Houdeidah. We will see. People who throw the word inevitable around when discussing these matters tend to not be as smart as they think they are.

Also, you think Houdeidah is their only lifeline? You do not know this, you presume, but you do not know. Regardless, this means nothing unless the Saudis can take it.

Just remember to come back here and eat your words if it turns out you’re wrong.

S Melanson

Well put. The map is propaganda. The port is no lifeline because the blockade prevents aid – this is why the worst humanitarian disaster in world at moment.

The the Coalition did not get into the city before pushed back. In fact, I think the Houthis laid a trap to let come in then boom. After all, the Coalition kept announcing intent to attack – so Houthis prepared

That Guy

Alright…… This fact does count as an advantage for the Houthis, in a way.


Not every war between asymmetrical agents will end in favor of the side, which holds an edge in technology. Think of Vietnam, South Lebanon.

Concrete Mike

I dont think the saudis can take the port.

Look at that map for a second. Look at the south of the port…what you see is a narrow supply line stuck between mountain and sea. This supply line is vulnerable, houthis have cut it before and can cut it again.

Also you should give credit where credit is due here. These guys know how to fight, i saw a video once…there was this old guy using an old lee enfield 303, wearing sandal and not much else. Yet this old man was unshakable truly impressive.

God is the greatest. Death to america, death to israel, a curse on the jews, victor to Islam!

That Guy

True, the supply line of the Saudis is indeed easy to cut, adding to that the incompetence of the Saudi leadership and the poor training of the Saudi-led fighters. But any competent army with the technology the Saudis have could capture Al Hudeida nevertheless.

Concrete Mike

Robots dont win wars yet…men do.

Houthis are men fighting for their homeland…they will fight until the end…saudis…yeah right.


How excellent to have some Houthi stay behind forces to appear behind the Wahhabi convoys and suddenly get up close and personal with the Wahhabi’s puppet mercenaries! Those mercenary punks look very nervous as the convoys jam up at bottlenecks. The turrets on those APCs are spinning like tops!


Trumps ‘smart bombs’ will have a devastating impact on the civilian population, as this ‘smart embargo’ means death on installments. For this folks, ‘smart’ means by definition evil, as it would mean for the blind eye of humanity’s reason.

You can call me Al

They are American smart !!!

Joe Kerr

A few duds firing their weapons at trees (even hitting one), some back-slapping and one burnt-out motor bike. For realistic videos, I’ll wait for ones supplied by the Houthis.


Saudi regime have invaded Yemen to conquer it and join it with Saudi land as they have done to other countries in the region. Shame.

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