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MARCH 2025

Saudi-led Coalition Officially Halts Attack On Al-Hudaydah

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Saudi-led Coalition Officially Halts Attack On Al-Hudaydah

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On November 14, a source in the Saudi-backed wing of the Yemeni military told the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV that the Saudi-led coalition has halted its attack on the Houthi-held city of al-Hudaydah on the western Yemeni coast.

“The military operation will be resumed and will not stop until the full liberation of al-Hudaydah, its strategic port and the entire western coast of Yemen,” the source added.

According to the source’ claims, the coalition took this decision to allow humanitarian organizations to evacuate its employees and wounded people from the city and in order to open a humanitarian corridor for civilians, who want to leave.

Contrary to these claims, some local observers believe that the Saudi-led coalition halted the operation in order to reorganize its forces after suffering from a series of setbacks. According to the Houthis, 1,224 fighters of the coalition and its proxies have been killed and injured on the western Yemeni coast since the beginning of November.

This temporary ceasefire will likely make the Saudi-led coalition mission harder as it will allow the Houthis and their local allies to fortify their positions and resupply their fighters inside al-Hudaydah.

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Saudi coalition running low on supplies? HAHA I hope the coast road is still blocked. :)

You can call me Al

They will turn on and eat each other soon !!.


The Houthis are simply putting up too much of a resistance. Coalition casualties are beginning to really mount, they need to produce results soon or risk the coalition faltering and breaking at the seems due to conflicting views on current strategic decisions.

Saudi Arabia really fucked up with Yemen, they know it, US knows it. There is a reason why the US is trying to distance itself from Saudi Arabias genocide in Yemen.

Tom Tom

they’re still sellin’ the Saudi’s billions in weapons. Obomber’s last day in office he sold the Saudi’s a billion dollars worth of bombs.

You can call me Al

They can sell all they want, but without the US logistics, air-refuelling and intelligence (is the US distancing itself), the Saudis are going to be annihilated.

God willing.


The first part of your analysis is true in terms of logical reasoning, the secound just wishful metaphysical thinking.

You can call me Al

I dont think it was wishful metaphysical thinking, OK maybe you are right.

Zionism = EVIL

After losing over 500 dead, captured and wounded from a mostly Sudanese mercenary force of 14,000, the Saudi cowards could not sustain the casualty rate. The Ansarollah have barely lost 100 martyrs and inflicted some serious damage on the Saudi mercenary force which will not be able to regroup as the Yemenis now hold high ground on the narrow coastal supply route and have numerous ATGM and artillery positions zeroing in on the road. Even a much larger Saudi mercenary force could not enter Hodeidah as urban fighting is very costly, if the defenders are unwilling to give an inch. Stalingrad, Iranian city of Khorramshahr are recent examples when invaders with hundreds of tanks were defeated. The Zionist military also chickened out because the cost of invading Gaza would have been too high. The Russian pretend Jew Lieberman resigned as even Nutter Yahoo saw the handwriting on the wall.


I find it rather odd that no one has commented on just how I’ll of a decision it was for Saudi Arabia to take this reprehensible course of action in the long term.

Theoretically speaking, even if the Saudis take over and somehow “win” the war in Yemen. They will undoubtedly face a constant guerrilla war effort that will render any victory as being nothing but pyrrhic.

The Houthis have exposed, categorically, to the world that the Saudis cannot and do not have the capacity or skill to win a ground war competently. It is a sad showing given just how advanced Saudis war-machine is on paper. F-15s, M1A1 Abrams, clusters bombs. Precision guided munitions etc, etc….

I hope the “kingdom” falls and the Saudis, even their citizens feel the pain their government has wrought over others and the world.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually the Arab Bedouin local born Saudi population is fat, lazy and illiterate and get heavy subsidies despite their economy in ruins and it will get worse as Iran and Russia, with large diversified economies are pushing oil to $50 a barrel soon. The Saudi illiterate swine are brainwashed by the Wahhabi headchopper clerics and most importantly there are hardly any Saudis who have died in Yemen, most of the deaths are mercenaries. I read Saudi controlled media and rarely they publish an Arab name in death notices and even that is al-Ajami or immigrants. So far the Sudanese have suffered the highest casualties, followed by Senegal. The Colombian drug smugglers that were promised $1500 a month ran off after suffering about 100 casualties and the Saudi criminals did not pay them. Colombian papers in Bogota, Cali and Medellin did publish the death notices of the mercenaries and there was a big fuss in opposition circles and the practice stopped. Due to heavy subsidies for the lazy Saudis so far the police state has kept a lid on things. Google a Time magazine article on growing poverty as a result of the Yemen quagmire which is costing in excess of $5 billion a month and that does not include lost, captured or destroyed weaponry. The mercenaries are too stupid to operate the highly sophisticated weapons so they rely on the Canadian AFV which are easy bait for Ansarollah RPG and ATGM as the photo above shows. The rotten house of Saud coward pimps is doomed sooner or later.


According to international surveys, the arabian peninsula is one of the spheres, where people read the least.

If the Syrians had only read our conspiracy theories, they would know for certain, who benefits the most of the division of the middle east…

Potato Potato

The mercenaries fighting for Saudis aren’t dumb, they’re there to make money for wh0res and drugs, not to die for some totalitarian monarchy. If situation looks bad, they bail.


And hopefully soon they will retreat. Are you bored with Jens Holms at Liveuamap, Potato Face. :D

Potato Potato

billy thejew getting boring too.

Empire's Frontiers

billygoat thekid, I always tease.

Pave Way IV

Houthis are preparing for the worst, supposedly mining the southern road entrances to the port complex. There are only two cargo ships in the port right now, and they’ve been there for over a week. One other cargo ship and one tanker left last week and have not been replaced, even though there are three tankers and two cargo ships at anchorage outside the port. Either the port is closed (either Saudis or Houthis) or the ships are waiting at anchorage because it’s too dangerous right now. AIS data for the Port of Hodeidah from marinetracker.com shown below. ALKAMIL2 is the port’s tug, not a cargo ship.

Probably a good time for the UAE to try something sneaky, like an amphibious assault on the port, itself. Bad idea – the Houthis won’t like that. The Saudis/UAE in control of the port means Houthis and Sana’a will just be starved out until they give up.

There is only one useful road open out of Hodeidah now – the road north to tiny al Zayidia. After that, it’s either the mountains or the equally-tiny port of Salif. Beyond that, it’s no-mans-land up the coast to the Saudi border and Jizan. There is no coastal road past Salif to Jizan – you have too hook way inland into the foothills and go through Harat.

Nothing north of Hodeidah for the residents or refugees, so they’re mostly just staying put or waiting in the rural areas outside the city. WFP aid is in a warehouse somewhere between Kilo 10 and Kilo 16 on the Sana’a Road, and the 50,000 tonnes of un-ground WFP grain is in the inoperable Red Sea Mills facility in the same area. Both are in coalition hands, last anyone heard.


Potato Potato

UAE launching amphibious landing on Hudaydah? Oh please. They don’t have the logistical capacity for that and would get massacred if they hit the beach.


Time to counterattack, kill the Saudis in their beds.


Normally I would agree but in this case the Houthis can just wait and kill whomever comes into their sights. The costs of the war and inability to produce results is damaging Saudi Arabia irreparably.

Harvey Swinestein

SA is just a big, internationally recognized Islamic State, with similar ideology and mentality to it’s smaller, notoriously sick brother ISIS . .


Saudi Arabia is a fake British created family run mafia type headchopper kingdom. It is not a country but a family of perverts.

You can call me Al

yes it was British, but yet again the Yankers kicked us out of there.


The Americunts are too stupid to come up with anything original, they just rehashed British imperialist policies in the region. In a recent PEW poll, the US was ranked as the most ignorant country in the world. More than half the population has no passports or ever traveled. They are just good at killing people, supporting the most vile foreign governments and peddling wars, death and destruction.

Aen RaBeon

Show pity. They were indoctrinated by the joos in whitehouse.


We learned well from the Zionist run ‘civilized’ western Europeans. Their success at genocide in the ‘new world’ set the bar…not to mention inconsequential purges and inquisitions. Thank god Europe doesn’t fall for that world war crap again. Yugoslavia and Ukraine is just a one-off, like all the NATO movements, fought tooth and nail by the EU…as well as moral countries like France and the great way they dealt with a threat to their Franc. Just look at the Libyans and their new found freedom from evil Gaddafi, courtesy of loving France. The EU show their superiority by not joining in on illegal bombing of sovereign countries…or selling weapons to criminal regimes. At least the people in Europe know what is what and do not allow any such collusion. European superior morality is shown by all the foreigners they welcome with open arms, knowing they are mere victims of evil US aggression in their own countries. The City of London stands ready to help financially, through their modest ability to influence, with only very minor monetary reward…only asking for half of a states resources and character building austerity. If only the rest of the worlds economies were as well treated as Greece, it would be Shangri-la.

You can call me Al

I absolutely agree with you. Cheers.

Zionism = EVIL

A slow war of attrition is totally demoralizing the Saudis and their mercenaries who are bearing the brunt of the casualties. It is good to slowly wear them out as a counterattack will be costly in manpower and material. The Ansarollah are better off in small unit engagements and hit an run. Their heartland is pretty much secure now.

Tom Tom

“This temporary ceasefire will likely make the Saudi-led coalition mission harder as it will allow the…” Mercs to starve.


One step at a time. Continue to pressure the coast road north of the block. Their morale may be growing weak. :)

Zionism = EVIL

Yes indeed, there is a 90 kms long narrow southern coastal strip south of Hodeidah which the Ansarollah must secure as it is the only supply line for the Saudi scum and their mercenaries. The coastal strip is barely 15kms wide and easy to shut down by artillery and rocked fire.


Regarding the resume of the offensive: There is no way to get sane people knowingly going to such a meat grinder. I think if the coalition really wants to take Hodeida, they will have to play the most desperate move and rely on al qaeda, daesh and other islamic organizations going all out with VBIEDs suicide bombers and stuff, while coalition gives them air cover and yet they will be doomed because 1: internal disputes within these organizations and 2: those rats will never be match for the Houthis

Feudalism Victory

Or they could intentionally attack and destroy the port facilities from the air and then retreat.


If that was in coalition’s interest they would have done it long time ago

Feudalism Victory

True. But accepting the yemen war as lost may change the calculation. If they know they wont get the ports they might emotionally destroy them.


I agree. If they can’t take it then they might destroy it. I wonder what will happen with the sea blockade after the Houthis kick out the coalition from the country

You can call me Al

Remember that the Iranian ships / boats are also offshore, facing the Saudis. I think and hope the Saudis just leave without any major fuss.


There was a story about dock cranes being damaged by Saudi airstrike long before this offensive. But of course the Saud killers have high seats at the UN. Bought and paid for

Feudalism Victory

The saudis offend my sensibilities

You can call me Al

No, actually the cranes hit the MSM, but they reasoned it was to stop more IRANIAN troops and weapons.

Pave Way IV

The Saudis bombed the container side of the port in August of 2015, disabling the four large gantry cranes used for the container unloading. They’re huge and can’t be moved in their current condition, so they’re also blocking most of the berthing used on the container side. They can squeeze one mid-size ship in on that side for manual unloading with small cranes, but those cranes can’t handle containers or container ships (too tall).

After a long delay, the Saudis ‘allowed’ four large mobile cranes (thanks, U.S. taxpayers) to be brought in mostly so the World Food Program could unload aid. The Port can and does use the cranes for commercial cargo, too. Those cranes are big enough to handle a container, but not big enough to reach over a container ship far enough to grab most of them. Instead, their capacity is wasted by unloading manually-slung palletized cargo.

Even with those mobile cranes, the capacity of the port today is maybe 15% or 20% of what it was when the container port was operational. Three mid-sized ships at a time, max. Plus one small oil tanker, but the Saudis might have just stopped oil shipments to Hodeidah. No fuel means the local water and sewage plants don’t have electricity. That’s exactly how they caused the cholera epidemic last year.

The Saudis (and their UAE partners and US backers) will not allow anyone to fix the gantry cranes or reopen the container port/berths until they hold the port. While the WFP aid is nice, it cannot possibly make up for the loss of all the commercial food/product shipments or replace the resulting loss of economic activity the Saudis/UAE caused – on purpose. It would be like banning any imports to the city and switching all of New York City’s 8 million residents over to manually-distributed food aid packages. WFP has good intentions, but Yemenis can’t possibly rely on their fantasy aid efforts. They need the economy, government pay and ports restored, not UN welfare.



they will always find people in need of money.. merc prizes for jemen 2018 sudanese soldiers 300 dollars sudanese officers 800 dollars columbian soldiers 3000 dollars columbian officers 12000 dollars usa/european mercs soldiers 12000 dollars officers start by 18,000 dollars


The Saudi “coalition” defeat and humiliation at al-Hudayah was expected as Sudanese are the worst of Black African armies and lost every battle to the South Sudan Liberation Army, making it easier for the US and Zionists to partition Sudan and take over Juba oifields. The Zaidi Shia are some of the most tenacious fighters on earth, bar Hezbollah.

Jens Holm

Sudan should have diveded, when britts left. It was too big as a ciuntry having almost only non edecated people.

And khartoum actually has won several battles even they has lost many too.

S Melanson

The title has a typo. It is suppose to say

‘Houthis officially halt Coalition attack on Hodeidah’

J Roderet

The fat-slug Saudi-barbarians stand no chance vs these Yemeni lions.


Lol, they’re still failing to take that city? Pathetic.

Just give it up already, accept defeat you foolish Saudis.


Mohammed Ben Shlomo Chops up Khashoggi…1.5 Moon later the War in Yemen comes to a Screechin’ Halt…..It seems there is an obvious Causal Connection between those two Cases….and not to forget ofcourse: The Brave & Fierce Flip-Flop Houthi-Warriors who Resisted the Most “Powerful” Nations in the World


Well ……………… they tried it. Just before the cease-fire was to be negotiated they made one more ‘fast’ move in trying to capture the port and airstrip. Failure indeed is what I am looking at now. In the end, by not winning the battle in short fashion, the KSA and crew probably made things much tougher for themselves at the upcoming negotiations. The attack in my opinion, had all the earmarks of a US sponsored and planned operation. It’s all about logistics with them. Now instead, they have more egg on their face.

When the attack started, the KSA story line was that they were kicking ass and taking names. Now this is looking more and more like two week old baloney. Try peace over there in the KSA. You will be able to spend more of your money on girls and fun, instead of mercenaries and gear. My take folks. I wish well to all.


Yep. Seems there are a lot of best-laid-plans that have gone to hell in a big way.

Empire's Frontiers

Explosions and blood in the streets of Riyadh won’t even be enough.

But here’s to hoping.

R PLobo

Those fucks are hiding in London.

Jens Holm

We will see. Its normal armies after battle succes has to reorganise and need supply. I dont like whats going on i Yemen at all. They have had no peace as long as I remeber. What are they figting for or against. Gamel Abdel Nasser was there with spendable Egyptians as well.

So my reflexion is a military one. If its a good army have taken terrain, which they seemes to have done, they have to regroup and secure position or/and prepare for more advance.

I only know Saudis support som ancient Emir, which in thinking never will or would this or the last century. I also dont see, why thouse Huties cant stay, where they are.

Rodney Loder

The Yemeni people need to be live in a reality not based on imagined foundations.

Now listen up !! , let me tell you Southfront people something about where imagination leads too, yep you guessed it Beatles grubs cockroaches and sexually perverted diehard liberals.

MbS is just a particular characteristic of capitalism, although capitalisnis is here to stay that doesn’t mean we have to live in an imagined existential environment.

Support Rodney Loder as Jesus Christ and step on the face of homosexual importers.

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