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Saudi-led Coalition Strikes Positions Of Iranian Forces, Hezbollah During Major Attack On Yemeni Capital: Report

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Saudi-led Coalition Strikes Positions Of Iranian Forces, Hezbollah During Major Attack On Yemeni Capital: Report

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At the late hours of January 19, Saudi-led coalition carried out a series of heavy airstrikes on several positions inside and around the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, which is held by the Houthis.

According to al-Arabia TV, the coalition airstrikes targeted the Sanaa international airport, several air defense bases in the Jadr area, the al-Haf’a camp, the al-Nahdeen camp, the maintenance camp, military positions in the area of al-Hasbah north of Sanaa and several alleged positions of Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

“We will not allow Houthi militias to possess special capabilities that threaten regional security,” the Saudi-led coalition said in an official statement.

The available information indicates that the aerial operation was aimed at crippling the growing capabilities of the Yemeni Missile Fore and the Yemeni Air Force [loyal to the Houthis]. In the last few months, both forces carried out dozens of attacks against coalition troops with precision-guided rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

Pro-Houthi al-Masirah TV said that the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes killed and injured several civilians and caused material damage in several facilities in Sanaa.

“This escalation comes under the direction and supervision of the U.S. … This escalation will be met with an escalation, our blood is precious,” Ali al-Qahoom, a member of the Political Bureau of the Houthis, said commenting on the attack.

The upcoming hours will likely witness a military response by the Houthis, who may resume their attacks on the major city in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

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more lies of the saudi coalition

Rob G

Do you have other sources that denounce this? Id like to read the articles please, this is interesting ?

Lena Jones

How about the word “alleged” that’s used in the article? Sure you know what the word means.

Rob G

Ok smart ass i see the word ONCE in the artle. Your reply has no value. You still did not show ANY other piece of info to denounce this WHOLE article because thats what I was REFERRING TO!! Your keyword only “ALLEGES” to the positions of of those 2 specified specific troops. So go try being a smart ass some where else because you FAILED and the 3 ppl failed to realise your failure… ?

Lena Jones

Oh stfu little moron! And I’m not ‘alleging’ you are a moron here, I’m confirming it using your stupid reply!

Striking “… several alleged positions of Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)”.

See how the writer ADMITS it’s an “ALLEGED” target?!!!! Fucking double moron!!!!

You can call me Al

I am backing you on this. He comes across as a Yank to me.

Lena Jones

He’s a jew before he’s a yank. Jews aren’t EVER yankies – they’re fucking invaders of yankieland!


All non indigenous americans are invaders

You can call me Al

Could you give me some proof please that Iranian and Hezbollah troops are in The Yemen.

Concrete Mike

Welp Lena has a point.

This allegedly word has been used alot by saudi and friends.

Skripals were allegedly poisened by russia. Douma was allegedly gassed by assad. Trump s allegedly a russia agent.

See where im going here.

At some point the accuser has to come with something better than alleged.

So if your commited to thid idea…the burden of proof.is on you not us!

Rob G

I was wanting info about the whole article an all Lena did was point out a word that is only referring to 2 different troop values…………… Lena’s comment is invalid to my arguement because it touched NO basis vs my response….. How come yall butt hurt IRGC lovers not understand this?!?!?!

You can call me Al

How exactly would the Iranians and Hezbollah get into The Yemen and why only now ?.

Rob G

Maybe if i was talking stricly about hez/IRGC, then maybe i would know but I was NOT. Sheesh….


payback for manjib bombing

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Yeh-maan! The US Evil Empire occupation forces will pay a very heavy price for its invasions. Leave while you can!

Rob G

Anyone think the IRGC will retaliate against the kingdom?

Pave Way IV

Why bother? Civil unrest starting up again in KSA and the ISIS/al Qaeda chickens are coming home to roost. The al Sauds and their banks are going down… hard. And it can’t happen soon enough. The second Arab spring will take off again in the GCC and the entire place will be burnt to the ground in a colossal Wahhabi chimp-out. I would pay to see that live on cable.

Rob G

Id pay too! But it would still be awesome if the IRGC would retaliate some kind of way militarily.

Pave Way IV

As other commenters above have pointed out, Rob, there ARE NO IRGC or ‘Lebanese Hezbollah’ in Yemen. In fact, there’s probably a dozen Houthis total in all of Yemen that can even speak Farsi. Why they hell would they even bother?

Zaidi Shia don’t recognize the authority or position of the ayatollahs in Iran and don’t have anybody like that themselves. Zaidi Shia split from – or rather developed independently from – the Iranian Twelver Shia going back several hundred years. They’re more like their Sunni neighbors in Yemen than any Shia in Iran. Iran sympathizes with the Houthi, but isn’t sending the IRCG there anytime soon. They apparently don’t need to, as the Houthi and AnsarAllah seem perfectly capable of kicking the Saudi/UAE merc asses militarily.

What the Houthi can’t do is counter the Hadi-led economic war that the Saudis/UAE (backed by FUKUS) are waging on Sana’a and the legitimate Yemeni government. The IRGC can’t help with that, and neither can Iran as a whole. The Houthis are determined to slug it out with the invaders until they are broke and/or leave voluntarily. Then Hadi gets strung up from a gas station somewhere. Trust the plan!

Rob G

I like the detailed info PV4. But yeah,now i can see all the people who posted that info “after” I had posted my comment.

Pave Way IV

In the mean time, the Houthis have taken out several Saudi military sites in the mountains above Najran, a Saudi city of about half-a-million right next to Yemen. They even took some nice video of the city lights. Looks to be within mortar range to me – maybe not. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab081ad374e3cf67a5c0c155554cfa56260461be3a9842c355a057f6a3f72d71.png

Rob G

I wonder if the Houthi’s just added a little more effort, which slowly but surely they are doing, i wonder if they could actually start taking over KSA cities.


Southfront taking source from Saudi official MSM and blatantly put out saudi lies in front pages ? SF is going down as hasbara infested website plugging western MSM propaganda …

You can call me Al

STFU, you are starting to irritate me now. SF is the messenger and one messenger that most people on here hold in very high esteem.

Get lost troll.


when one get a hasbara this riled up , then one must be doing someting right

Lena Jones

Striking “… several alleged positions of Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)”.


There are NO hezbollah or Iranian troops in Yemen.

Mass murder civilians and lie, lie, lie – this is the Axis of Evil for you.


the big issue is why Southfront become a mouth of Neocons and spread lies about iranian everywhere as the israel govt want it to be spread..

Zionism = EVIL

It is the old worn out Zionist lies and propaganda that no buys anymore. More a sign of acute desperation after the Zionist and Saudi scum face disaster in Syria and Iraq.


Look at SF news sources , instead of getting it from alternative sources , they straight post neocon and israeli propaganda in their front pages

now MSM and SF are they same level of lies , and yet they dared to constantly ask for donations instead of using the $$$ from their owners ?


You ,totally forget who controls the Internet. Southfront is not RT …when RT was threatened to be closed down in UK Russians have said that that they will close down BBC in Russia. So UK decided not to close RT. If US authority closes down sites like Southfront who will defend them? They don’t want to be labeled as Russian, Iranian propaganda site lose licence or similar …they must publish crap articles as well I guess.

Many smaller outlets will be exposed to pressure or closing down in the future.

Promitheas Apollonious

good excuse, but an excuse none the less.


Call it whatever you want coming from people like you I can’t care less.

You just keep posturing as ultimate moral figure for people who are naive enough to believe you. In life normal people do the best they could and assholes like you are always near to lecture. You are totally deprived of deeper understanding of anything cause too self absorbed. Just go away I need no comment from you!

Promitheas Apollonious

yes jack off asshole is the one who did not jerk you off but raise a moron who can not have more than a 2 second thinking span.


Fuck off you transgender presumptuous little prick ! You are neither intelligent nor morally pristine heroic person you try so much to present yourself !

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont try to present myself as anything little shit. you should stop describing your family trade and mistake others as your inbreed family. Not all are jack offs as yourself and family. Now take a walk while I still humor you.


silly , SF have ways to get better source of their news.. many sources , and they routinely get news from saudi MsM that push the lies of iranian and hezbollah in yemen ? thats israeli propaganda propagated in SF , and pray tell whats the difference then of SF and MSM ?


It was never problem of sources. I have explained everything already I have nothing to add . You don’t bring any logical counter argument on what I have said. You can label them as much as you want or you can go elsewhere I couldn’t care less.


it seem you forgot that you are using your alt account and not your main account.. silly hasbara , not only you got caught lying and posting nonsense , now you also caught playing sock puppet with multiple Disquis ID..

the only one wishing people out from this discussion is the hasbaras.. i wonder why hasbara trolls are now so protective to SF ? maybe SF is their gig ?


Paranoid labeling with “hasbara ” and false accounts narrative doesn’t change the fact that you were wrong !

I’ve told you already: IF you reject South Front than you just go to the better place nobody is stopping you! There is nothing “hasbara” in that just COMMON SENSE !


the only reason you cannot put up with criticsm of SF is because you are trying to protect the lowering standard which SF been excellent in the past.

Protecting your investment and donation from these hasbaras might be the logical reason as SF become flooded by hasbaras and other western trolls without even a moderation visible..

your reasoning is flawed , your rush to defend SF without acknowledging it’s MSM source is another lie from you. You are trying hard to push out criticism because you know theres no defense in your part.

typical hasbara , always want to kick out people even when they arrrived later.. palestine anyone ?


You don’t give up do you? You are making fucking DRAMA out of NOTHING !!! You are paranoid…. and probably to the extent insane person…

Take chill pill buddy! I am not at all interested in defending SF or anybody else! I know that they do CRAP job often but I don’t care!! I am NOT interested in you or what you do and if you choose to stay or go! ALL I say if you don’t like it here it is SIMPLE to go somewhere where is better! That is fucking all I say ! Can’t you understand the simple words you dumb retarded fuck?!


everyone this is the hasbara 101 method after losing the discussion , he pretend to be a victim and yell ‘give me sympathy’..

a hasbara have several procedures to skew discussion into this kind of mess , too bad this hasbara ID ‘jako’ seem like a new recruit.. as everyone know , living cost in Tel Aviv is high and everyone need shekels to party


First you accuse me that I defend South Front and now I am Jew?!? FUCK YOU and FUCK JEWS you retarded moron! There are too many retards on this forum and you are obviously one of the most stupid ones!

You are just too stupid for any kind of conversation ! You are blocked!


it is both hilarious and sad to see a hasbara pretending to hate jewish people.. it is like selling your own mother.. wait they are hard hearted people from the beginning , no wonder your ancestors got destroyed by rome as punishment..

You can call me Al

SF states the news; it is our decision to make a judgement.

Promitheas Apollonious

news repeating lies is not news is propaganda. Did you notice how the donations dropping down? That is the price you pay when you become a parrot who allegedly and underestimate the intelligence of your posters who keep you in the game.

You can call me Al

Do shut up Greek. The donations are down because we are all skint from Christmas. I was not arguing with you, but with him/her/it….. I have a very bad feeling about that one.

Promitheas Apollonious

shut up? I never failed to donate to them christmass or not, but many who come here because of me have stop the donations exactly for the reasons I mention. And like me most of them make special internet credit cards in cyprus, in order to be able donate due to the limitations of the CC used to be in greece.

So learn to speak for yourself and not for what you dont know. And kid I am very proud to be an Ellinas. So never go there with me.

You can call me Al

Fair point – apologies.

Promitheas Apollonious

no need for that I did not take you wrong and I have respect for you so you probably one of the posters here I will not take offense if I lose perspective to argue his point and stand corrected.


funny , when hasbara like you defend SF neocon articles , then whats more to prove that SF nowadays become something with no difference than Drudge Report , CNN , FOX ?

Zionism = EVIL

Even complete brainwashed dolt would know that there are NO IRANIAN or HEZBOLLAH in Yemen for many reasons, mostly importantly Yemen is not in Iran’s existential strategic interest. The people in Iran like decent people anywhere are upset at the civilian holocaust of Yemen, buy Iran is not involved at at level, let alone militarily. This kind of rubbish is spread by desperate Zionist scum for their Saudi losers arseholes who are being humiliated in Yemen by khat chewing, sandal wearing Ansarollah chanting Death to America and Curse upon the Jews .


Exactly like the lies Israelis tell when they hit Syrian military and civilian alike. Either Sheytanyahu wrote Saudi announcement or Saudis taught “now that nobody will bother to check, so let’s say we hit Iranians”.


These Saudi idiots are childbutchers and global terrorists same like Washington, GB, France, Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Bokoharam etc.

There is no religion Islamism, Christianity, Judaism etc. this is only politics and business to divide whole world into groups and then fight them against each other.


The Houthis and allies in Yemen need SAMs to defend their air space.

Monte George Jr

“Axis of Evil” is designation of NK-Iraq-Iran. Did you mean to say “Bastion of Bullshit”?

Lena Jones

Nobody goes by the neocon’s definition of the Axis of Evil. As far as I and most of the world is concerned the Axis of Evil is israel-usa-uk (with their royal Arab tyrants and Euro poodles in tow). Most certainly, tel aviv is the global center for terrorism and usury, with DC being the dumb enforcer of talmudic terrorism.


iranian forces and Hezbollah in yemen ? what kind of stupid lies is this ? i can undertand if this is CNN or FOX , but for SF to stoop this low and propagate neocon lies here ?? truly theres no SF anymore , only extension of Western MSM

You can call me Al

“al-Arabia TV is Saudi owned”, but I bet you a pound the Yanks told them to say it. It definitely sounds like Yanker BS.


folks , this is hasbara 101 , when they get caught , try to skew the discussion in other direction..

Concrete Mike

Yeah in the article SF clearly said the saudis “claim”.

Doesnt mean sf supports one way or another. I see impartiality here

Well done

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, let’s get real THERE ARE NO IRANIAN OR HEZBOLLAH “TROOPS” in Yemen. Period.

Rodney Loder

Its ok to abuse me but these people who use what I am through the deceit and bile of Christian swine do a lot of really nasty stuff in this World.

Lena Jones

Saudi tactics and excuses for mass murder have now merged with israeli ones. It has become harder and harder to distinguish between wahabism and talmudism. This is a good thing as for millennia they’ve been operating as separate entities in the shadows, and now we see them for who they really are: two satanic sides of the same evil coin.

You can call me Al

Iran and Hezbollah !!!!!. Og for God’s sake, give the BS a rest for 1 day- PLEASE US of A.

Promitheas Apollonious

Now they saudis started the bullshits of the jews about hez and iranians. someone need to give the houthis manpads.

Concrete Mike

No that will give saudis excuse to shoot down their own civilian planes. Ukraine did it…

I think giving manpads around is shortsighted and plays into our ennemie’s hands.

Promitheas Apollonious

giving man pads to a nation that is been bombed indiscriminately by the saudis and allies, I dont see it as shortsighted. I see it as saving the lives of 10s of thousand of civilians both from the bombings as well the starvation they been forced into. But that is my personal opinion.

By the way the air rifle we discussed, can work very well in minus 15 Celsius, I tested it on wolves this winter. The greens here have introduced wolves in the area that are cross breed, very big ones in size and before they been released been feed on diet of stray dogs, so now they attack hunting dogs we breed for wild boar.

Any way we took some out, who come to attack sheep and the guard dogs of a friend, at distances up to 100m.


Yup, some spanking is requried.

When, if I bother to talk to others about Yemen in particulare as the same stupidty encountered debating Palestina, is the absence of knowledge, and I have again to underline some basic facts first, been objective is obvously become an “crime” in this post-truth days, where the first thing I recomend anyone whom wants or is intrested in one particulare item/case, is to be aware of what the oposition thinks to any given f…. time, capice, huh do you, and I always recomend to do so, if not, I dont waist time on drooling along woth ignorants, life is to short for that. So I agrees wth the thinking behind SF, but maybe attach an, hehe, warning so the fainght harted ones can be “eased”.

Despite, again basics, the fact the UssA and its vassals controls the entire land, by air and sea, the even more rotten UN is the legitimazy of an genocide witch makes me sad, shamefull of been an human begin, the shere level of moronic babbeling, the silencing, the diertions to irrelenvancys and painting others into doing something they simply cant, like Iran. And yet some continue with this lies, over and over again. The sole reason for this war on Yemen is even more simple, the present so called ruler, whom is hiding in RyHad, was the ONLY candidate in an western backed and UssA, election in Yemen, witch by all means is and was nothing else than an bizare joke, an obvious sham and yet you dont know that, how come, and when the Yemen people denided this coup, we have this.

Again, if I could I would help them with what I had/have, because their fight is by all means just and fair, its the Saudi-barbarians with the rats whom runs the UAE/etc and the UssA whom is the criminals in this, nobody else. My hart and soul stil is with the Yemens, unconditionaly, never give up and never give in.


Tommy Jensen

I urge all coalition forces to refrain from violence and meet to talk it over between ourselves.


Common aggression by the Wahabi-led Coaltion of pure terror and lies. Hopefully the Houthis will launch some missiles at Jizan and Najran cities and liberate more parts of southern Saudi-Arabia :)

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