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Saudi Minister For Gulf Affairs Was Killed In Recent ISIS Attack In Mabij: Arab Media

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Saudi Minister For Gulf Affairs Was Killed In Recent ISIS Attack In Mabij: Arab Media

Saudi Arabia’s Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan

Saudi Arabia’s Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan was killed in an ISIS suicide bombing, which took in the town of Manbij on January 16, the Arab media outlet Eldyar reported.

The Manbij attack killed or injured over 25 people. The Pentagon officially confirmed that 2 US service members, a US Defense Department civilian employee and a contractor supporting the department were killed and 3 US service members were injured in attack.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed on January 17 that a team of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had arrived in the northern town in order to launch an investigation into the incident.

The report about the death of al-Sabhan has not been officially confirmed by official sources. However, if this icnident is confirmed, this will be a major blow to the US attempts to involve Saudi Arabia further into its plans for keeping control of a post-war Syria.

Previously, several Saudi delegations visited the US-occupied part of Syria in the framework of political efforts of the US-led coalition. US President Donald Trump repeatedly vowed that local powers, first of all Saudi Arabia, has to fund the US actions in Syria.

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Nicola Acerra

Mossad involved. Like US Liberty


But why would Mossad prevent Saudis in supporting Kurd independence and dismembering Syria? That would be more interesting for Turks…. But than this event and place is in very bad timing for Turks because gives big excuse to the US Zionists to delay retreat….

So when it comes to the motive it is blurred unless of course this would be “ISIS suicide bomber” didn’t have clue that Saudi dirt bag was there…

You can call me Al

Maybe not, this time. Remember I said maybe (with a funny face), so I have no idea.

When we get the answer, it will probably be the Mabij citizens themselves, or something as boring.


Only one Saudi dirt-bag !? Pity !

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, more than one was killed, this scum was the highest member of the Saudi terror funding team and hand picked by the fat pimp MBS, the rest were CIA and other regional stooges. They were meeting an Americunt special forces guarded “Palace” restaurant when they were zapped by insiders. The whole terrorist coalition is compromised, the same happened in Khost Afghanistan a few years ago.


Great news thanks!!!

Tommy Jensen

A lone wolf attack. US attack on Iraq turned a Jordanian human and a doctor into a bitter and angry person. CIA forced him with threats into snitching and betray, why he blew himself up among a CIA group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Chapman_attack#CIA_employees_and_contractors


Lone wolf is BS – this was targeted attack on US intelligence group with interpreter meeting Saudi intelligence and HTS handler – in Manjib!

Brother Ma

I saw the video and it appeared to be just a suicide bomb on the street. How was it it killed people in a restaurant?


This is the best news for weeks :)


Was this Erdogan’s real target and the America’s were a bonus?


Ha ha, it just gets better !


so, what exactly was the Saudi guy doing there?

Zionism = EVIL

Paying off the Salafist terrorists for Americunt and Zionist masters. It is no great secret for anyone who knows the region and CIA modus operandi. The Emiratis and Saudis are funding a new version of Daesh with about $2 billion funding. So far not a great success :)

Luke Hemmming

My thoughts exactly. Seems now that there is more than meets the eye. There obviously was a meeting going on with some very important parties. We have CIA and now Saudi military. Hmm this is getting more interesting by the minute. I doubt coincidence is that they were all there getting a coke and burger at the same cafe now could it? ;-D The plot thickens.


Peddling terrorism, what else :)

Zionism = EVIL

Like I wrote before, the Americunts were protecting a team of CIA and Saudi and Emirati “intelligence” agents when the whole scummy section was wiped out. The Saudi scumbag cowards have allocated another $2 billion to create a new Salafist terror front in Syria for their Americunt and Zionist masters. The deal is that the Americunts will not pressure the Saudis after Khashoggi headchopping and growing domestic civil rights abuses as long as they keep funding regional terrorism. BTW, according to local media reports more than 30 were killed in this precisley timed attack and all were either Americunt soldiers, CIA agents and their Saudi and Emirati dogs and Salafist terrorists. This is biggest blow to the Americunts and their rabid dogs, just like the attack in Khost Afghanistan that wiped out a whole CIA section and was committed by a Jordanian double agent. The Saudi scum will get a taste of their medicine in various places soon.


Your argument sounds plausible. I’m curious as to how you know so much about the situation, people and players, rather than just hypothesizing.

Brother Ma

Was this Saud involved in the killing of Khassoggi in Constantinople ? Hos name is very familiar. Coyld the Sauds be killing off witnesses one by one?


I hope you are correct and it was a US Coalition of Terror meeting that got trashed.

If that is the case, the arrogant stupidity to have a meeting like that in a restaurant anywhere is rather silly and to do so in a war zone is complete lunacy.


Off topic -GREAT NEWS for Russian navy !!! Kirov – heavy missile cruiser 1144.2M “Admiral Nakhimov” to enter trials in 2020! It is the ship that can have literally salvo of 300 MISSILES (has 300 missile launch tubes) of which are S-400, Kalibr and hiper-sonic Zircon the most important . That doesn’t count for 6 Pantsir M (modernized) system missiles that are also on that ship. This ship can single-handedly sink aircraft carrier and probably also all the ships that accompany that battle group

“Russian nuclear-powered missile cruiser to enter trials in 2020 after heavy upgrade”


Brother Ma

Sounds good but does it work. I still have not seen a plane shot down by the S400s.


When we see that ….the world will be one step closer to the World War.

It is official already that Israel (would be, one of the best air-force’s in the world with INVISIBLE F-35 jets doesn’t want to test Syrian S-300 )

To me that fact speaks volumes about S-400 and S-500 capabilities

Brother Ma

Sure. Yet i am sure the world waits with baited breath to see if it can actually work.


Well if you find the way to convince US or Israel to fly near Khmeimim air base with their “invisible” jets your wish can come true very easily :-))


That’s as maybe, however its a real war that is at stake here, and if the S400’s et al can deter war without squadrons of F35’s crashing into the ground, it is the better option.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Now we know who was the intended target. The Joes were, “collateral damage.” So… who knew that Saudi ape would be there, and when? Knowing that leads straight to who did it.


Maybe they have just followed banana peels :-))

Zionism = EVIL

I just a read report that Saudi, Emirati and Americunts stealing OIL from Iraq and Syria are now funding 95% of global terrorism, the rest is funded Zionists running drugs, organ harvesting and prostitution and white slavery rackets.


Sounds credible… What is your source?

Zionism = EVIL

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Arab nations like Saudis and Emiratis have been accused of involvement in drug trafficking. Books and investigations on the subject that have received general notice include works by historian Alfred McCoy; professor and diplomat Peter Dale Scott; and journalists Gary Webb, Michael C. Ruppert and Alexander Cockburn, as well as by writer Larry Collins.


“(CIA) has been accused of involvement in drug trafficking” OK that is not exactly news at all….its VERY old news…

I was asking about news source for “stealing OIL from Iraq and Syria” now as we speak sort of…. I know that US was stealing directly from Iraq before, when it was more chaotic but now they can only do it with the Kurd help…and even that I am not sure… Syria is another story Selling organs is exclusively Israeli department Turkey and Israel are evil “experts” in killing people and harvesting organs… As for prostitution and white slavery that was something in ISIS days Today prostitution exists wherever US army is…of course but not on such scale the way ISIS did that.

Zionism = EVIL

Google Jews and modern day slavery and you will get a better idea or Israeli human trafficking gangs.


OK I will…. I know that they are LOT in harvesting, trafficking organs from just anybody …From those Syrian soldiers, “moderate rebels” bodies to killed Palestinians today.

They are EVIL motherfuckers…Turkey does the same… One can sell kidney in Turkey for peanuts… Everything is organized

Brother Ma

Sources for israeli and Turks harvesting organs from Serbs? I believe you but want to read more about it. Judge of human rights Italian Swiss lady said it too.


I recalled this information from 2009. The name Yellow House stuck in my old and forgetful mind :)


“Large Number of Kosovo Albanians and Albanian Government Officials Suspected of Involvement in the Atrocious Organ-Trafficking Chain”

Brother Ma

You are a font of wisdomFlorian! Those Kosovo Albanians! Nato’s protected children. A rich man’s murderous and rapey sons! Turcoalbanians! Eternal spoilers and cuttthroats who cannot live with the fact they are the descendants of enmasse turncoats!!


I am not sure that’s its wisdom, Lol. There are many inconvenient facts in recent history that are covered in dust that FUKUS refuses to clean :)


(CIA) traffickers are sending Heroin to EU and US for DECADES already! They use Camp “Bond-steel” on Kosovo and Albanian Mafia to distribute heroin all over the EU.

They smuggle cocaine from Columbia for DECADES already also! Escobar is just beginner comparing to them.

Finally China is producing some synthetic drug (smuggled in by US mafia) that lately kills more Americans than whole Vietnam war did (every year) Chickens are going home to roost !!


That’s Karma for the Opium Wars :)



the USA never got their Independence from the british….the Show is run from London!!

the CIA/FBI is british intelligence!!! or how do u think that somebody like Louis Bloomfield, a Canadian,british and israeli citizen and the rank of Major in the british army, was made HEAD of the Special “Division 5” Department at the FBI.This Department Acts dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of staff in the Pentagon.With the two-pronged Leadership of Division 5 and DIA came the CONTROL GROUP, the highly secret policy agency-

THE Defense Industrial Security Command!

thats the famous deep state in the us…..and ii is 100% controlled by the british with the help of their Zionist friends which have the street Control as Junior Partner of the alcohol market(SEAGRAM -Family Bronfman as example), organized crime which includes drugs,porn,gambling(99% of all Casinos are Zionist controlled eg. Moe Dalitz or Steve Wynn) etc..,

You can call me Al


viktor ziv

Falus focus :)


drug opeartions worldwide is run by a british-zionist Network, this goes way back to the british Opium wars and the east Indian Company…..the order from top to bottom is the following …british-zionists-then it breaks up to the various “open criminal organizations” such as Cosa Nostra,triads etc…

may wanna read a great piece of literature on the world wide drug operations

“Dope Inc.”

Zionism = EVIL

Not to mention how they hooked China on opium for 100 years.

Brother Ma

Which China has never forgiven .


If this true, then who benefits? Obvious speculative thought is Turkey. Turkey is increasingly in broader regional power rivalry with KSA for influence in Sunni sphere – Turkish leadership is Muslim Brotherhood based, that KSA leadership has long loathed and feared. HTS have always been a GCC militant project – Turkey sponsors its own MS based militant factions. At this point, with proposed US withdrawal, the Turks certainly do not want KSA intelligence recruiters operating in Manjib. Turks have intelligence network on ground and know who is there and what they are doing. It wouldn’t be too hard for Turk’s to find a suicide-jihad, useful-idiot, among their own sponsored FSA factions.

You can call me Al

I agree, but it would be dangerous for Turkey, but their terrorist vermin are dumb as hell, so maybe. What about Qatar ?.


Qatar and Turkey are both Muslim Brotherhood, so will the Saudi’s retaliate ?

You can call me Al

Maybe. With that lot, I do not even think they know what to do, what they have done, or what they are doing.


Unlikely Qatar directly involved – much more is at stake for Turkey. Turkey wants an occupation corridor under its control across north east. US and KSA intelligence may have own ideas how to fill vacuum of proposed US withdrawal – but they are not welcome in the Turkish plan!

You can call me Al

Qatar ?…… https://i1.wp.com/www.syrianews.cc/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Saud-Qatar-fight-to-kill-Syrians-e1539320780393.jpg?ssl=1

Maybe, Turkey’s buddy, pro-Iran …..

Tommy Jensen

…recent Mossad attack, thanks.

Zionism = EVIL

No, this was not a Jew job, but a CIA botched terrorist recruitment venture with Saudi scum and Emirati poodles gone awry. The Saudi idiots are trying to beef up HTS and other Wahhabi groups. Now the terrorist are paid around a $1000 a month as it is hard to recruit as most are disheartened after being whacked by Russia, Iran, SAA and Hezbollah. Some are even selling olive trees to the Turkeys.

Tommy Jensen

There is too many Paki turds. You also see them in UK.


Breaking news !!!

“Turkey says Syrian Army should not be allowed to enter Manbij”

“The regime shouldn’t be allowed to enter Manbij,” Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hami Aksoy said on Friday morning


“Shouldn’t be allowed” by whom?! U.S. who are illegal in Syria or by Turkey who is becoming illegal by saying that?! So since when Turkey decides where should SAA “enter” in Syria?!! And how exactly they are intending to stop them?

Zionism = EVIL

It is time to bleed the uppity Turkeys before Christmas and Thanksgiving. Only good Turkey is a well roasted carved up one :)


Well this is actually very nice to hear! :) Since this was a very useful attack I kinda doubt ISIS did it… they would prefer to just blow up civilians and maybe kidnap women and children. But we all know ISIS would claim responsibility for just about anything. :]

You can call me Al

Oh, it gets better and better.


Haven’t seen this news anywhere else..


illuminating info here… a lot to take in…


israel did it but did not see the saudi minister in place – so be prepared to see the bms/kushner axel break and that israel will be left at the altar with no groom. and why would israel commit such a heinous crime – because israel can’t survive on its own and are in a dire strait and need the destitute states of A to hang on in the middle east and intimidate the various parties (israel’s neighbours mostly) by its very presence. trump is a) not overly interested in the ongoing wars and b) not overly interested in maintaining a presence due to israel’s situation and that is regardless of kushner having two passports. israel can receive masses of weapons more or less for free but in trump’s view they will have to do the heavy lifting (fighting its wars) themselves. the destitute is much more in need of money spent at home and not in the middle east!


We do know that the SOHR is funded by the British government.

R PLobo

Goyim cannon fodder.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Saudis have ended support for their 2 favorite groups of people, HTS and Isis, not because they wanted to, only because they were forced to, is this the first sign Isis isn’t happy about being deserted, maybe the US servicemen/women weren’t even the intended targets, they may have just been collateral damage, 3 lowly US personnel or the Saudi minister for Gulf affairs which is the bigger prize, Isis could kill 3 or more US personnel anywhere and at anytime, but it wouldn’t be too often they get a crack at killing the Saudi minister for Gulf affairs, that’s something to really brag about. lets see if the Saudis come out and blame the US for somehow compromising his security allowing one of it’s governments ministers be killed while under their protection, LOL. GOVERNMENT MINISTER isn’t that about the biggest prize of all next to the leader, WOW, someone’s stuffed up bad. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

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