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MARCH 2025

Scheme Of Layered Defense Of The Crimean Peninsula – CSIS

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Scheme Of Layered Defense Of The Crimean Peninsula - CSIS

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The Russians don’t even have proper over the horizon radar. They have plenty of dual citizens with yachts, but they don’t have a proper modern military by a long shot.


Strelkov (Girkin) is the same moron as you!! That’s why you wear his Jewish pseudonym!!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.


yet you amerikant cowards will never challenge Russia

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.

Anatolio Mamontow

“Hello, American cowards and losers, you have lost all the wars you have been since 1945 and now you can only fight against Russia using people from failed and bankrupted countries like Ukraine. Of course, we understand that after you were kicked out of Vietnam and recently from Afghanistan, you need to disguise your inability by using European vassals and Ukrainian bastards to try to face Russia who will defeat you again. If I were an American I would commit suicide out of shame”.

Bankrupted States of America = eternal war loser

Muhammad your Prophet

Vladimir Putin looks like a filthy fat pig with his shirt off. Maybe they should send the pig looking Vladimir Putin with his shirt off to Crimea to see if he can inspire his shitty Russian army because Ukrainian forces just retook another village in Kherson. Kherson looks like its going to be liberated by Ukrainian forces pretty soon. Especially now that the Russian naval forces in Snake Island have been dismantled.


Keep dreaming jew faggot.

Muhammad your Prophet

Vladimir Putin is the faggot who started saying that he looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. That’s a exactly what a deranged faggot looking himself in the mirror would say even when he’s really watching a filthy looking pig in the mirror. Maybe he’s projecting.


following referendum Kherson permanently Russia===your lgbt Tel Aviv dreams only achieved in Oklahoma lgbt brothel

Russia is Great

This kind of jew love young boy. It’s very well known that the Talmudians are pedos.

Nigel Maund

All you do is lower yourself by making racialist comments on this page. It denigrates both you and SF. Please show some respect when making public comments? This is meant to be a site for adults not unruly children.


Russia had OTH-Radar in action before the USA used to listen to it on my communications receiver –what does bother me is giving up Snake island the very area that cover is needed according to the photo above. Their new version is already in action -500km range -29B6-Kontayner is the much longer range one- OTHR means distance to curvature of earths surface .

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

Odessa must be taken away from Ukraine after which it will have no access to sea therefore no Snake island neither.

Russia is Great

They are going for Odessa. So Snake Island is largely irrelevant.

Nigel Maund

Wholly agree and good comment.


stupid anglo peasant and jens bark like reptiles, scurry under rocks when might¥ Taliban humiliates desperate incompetents

Russia is Great

I guess that you might be talking about Bozo the Clown and his famous lieutenant Liz Truck, the most ugly chick, i ever saw.

Hayate kirino

Yet ukraine hits targets deep into russian soil


A Rússia esta na terra (Criméia) da Ucrânia , e também ocupando Donbass, só os russos acreditar que essas terras pertence a eles, estão querendo roubar a Ucrânia, roubar os cereais do país, e vende para os países africanos e Turquia, alimentos de sangue de inocentes, de crianças, bebês, grávidas, velhos e civis ucranianos. preço de sangue. A ofensiva da Rússia, a pequena Ilha das Cobras virou um símbolo da resistência ucraniana depois que um grupo de guardas ucranianos que a defendiam rejeitou, em uma mensagem de rádio, a ordem de rendição apresentada por um navio russo. Na ocasião, os soldados sitiados na ilha disseram “Navio russo, vá se fuder O comando militar do sul da Ucrânia um “ataques de nossas unidades de mísseis e artilharia”.a noite a Rússia “retirou às pressas os remanescentes de sua guarnição” Assim também será na Crimeia e todo o sul ocupado.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mari
Russia is Great

Você é totalmente ignorante e totalmente preconceituoso. Só um idiota acredita que o conflito começou em 2022. Quem conhece o assunto, sabe que os russos ucranianos foram os perseguidos e genocidados em sua própria terra pelos fascistas em Kiev, a partir de 2014. Os idiotas normalmente não são educados e têm nenhum senso de realidade, esse é o seu caso.


US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.

Nigel Maund

What scam was that??


Britain and their foreign policies are disgusting deceitful godless, spitefilled, malevolent and the EU is AWFUL. Think of what they put Greece through and Brexit was just like war, without the fighting of men and weapons. Our sick sick sick world that is godless in the US UK EU.

Russia is Great

Unfortunately, we are at that time in the prophecies, where the Beast is finally confronted. As the story goes, the Beast is destroyed as well as its Harlot. The beast has many horns (you can fit a lot of EU countries in that), it also have many heads. Although powerful, at the end, it is thoroughly destroyed. The Harlot is the American dollar and it is on its way of loosing its significance.


A Rússia esta ocupando a Crimeia que pertence a Ucrânia, só os russos acha que a Crimeia pertence a Rússia, em breve vai ser restituída a Ucrânia, assim como a ilha das Cobras


Voce gosta da guerra ? Entre Amigos ? Crimea decidiu ficar com Russia ! Desde 2014 o golpe americano contra o presidente, Ukraina esta uma colonia dos Estados Unidos e Englaterra.


claro—todos saben


Nao será bom para a Ucrania tentar.

Dick Von D'Astard

Add another couple of rings for S-500 and Iskander systems.

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