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Scholz Pushes Fake Russian Threats To Distract Germans From Economic Problems

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Scholz Pushes Fake Russian Threats To Distract Germans From Economic Problems

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Germany is preparing for a war between NATO and Russia, which, according to the scenario of the German Defence Ministry, could begin in the European summer of 2025 after the defeat of the Ukrainian Army, reported Bild with reference to a secret document of the Bundeswehr. This is evidently a desperate attempt by the German chancellor to distract citizens from their economic woes.

According to the newspaper, citing a classified German military document, the escalation could begin as early as next month with the start of an active Russian offensive against the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to Bild, the German military considers the Suwałki Gap between Belarus and the Russian region of Kaliningrad to be the most likely site of confrontation. A situation could escalate in October if Russia deploys troops and medium-range missiles to Kaliningrad, and from December 2024, an artificially induced “border conflict” and “clashes with numerous casualties” could unfold as Russia would take advantage of political chaos in the US following the presidential election.

“The actions of Russia and the West are described precisely, indicating the location and month, and will culminate in the deployment of hundreds of thousands of NATO troops and the imminent start of war in the summer of 2025,” writes the article.

However, the article’s authors leave open the question of how this hypothetical escalation will end.

This is, of course, a ridiculous suggestion by the German Defence Ministry, especially as Moscow has repeatedly stressed that it does not want conflict with NATO or anything beyond its special military operation in Ukraine. Rather, this is an attempt by Chancellor Olaf Scholz to instil an unjustified fear in German society as his popularity continues to plummet in the context of a stuttering economy and continued failed policies.

More than 70% of Germans are dissatisfied with Scholz, according to a survey carried out by the INSA Institute for Bild. Specifically, 72% of voters do not approve of his performance, which is three percentage points more than at the beginning of December. Only one in five, 20%, think that Scholz has done a good job.

According to the researchers, 76% of those surveyed are generally dissatisfied with what the federal government does, whilst only 17% of citizens are satisfied. It is the worst indicator of the ruling coalition since it was formed in December 2021, Bild noted.

In 2023, the Scholz-led government faced numerous economic and leadership challenges that undermined public trust. Persistent inflationary pressures, exacerbated by fiscal policy, undermined household budgets, which caused widespread discontent. The lack of strategic direction and perceived indecision on critical issues, such as energy policy following the adoption of sanctions against Russia, further fuelled scepticism among voters. The leadership crisis, characterised by internal conflicts and disagreements, damaged the effectiveness and cohesion of the German government.

What especially frustrates Germans is the fact that sanctions were imposed on Russia, which has become the fifth-largest economy in the world by volume, whilst Germany is in recession. With a public budget deficit estimated at around 60 billion euros, the very model of the German economy appears to be threatened.

Germany is officially in recession and is expected to have ended 2023 with a drop in GDP of around 0.3%, according to a forecast from the European Commission. This is one of the worst economic results in the bloc, given that the growth forecast for the entire European Union in 2023 is 0.6%. Among the causes is the energy crisis that has hit Germany harder than the rest of the European bloc, mainly because the Germans slashed their supply of Russian energy after the start of the special military operation in February 2022.

Furthermore, with the increase in energy prices resulting from sanctions against Russia, Germany has also suffered an increase in general price inflation in the economy, forcing the European Central Bank to raise interest rates, thus affecting the population’s purchasing power and impacting consumption. Consequently, German companies have not only lost international competitiveness with the application of sanctions against the Russians, but now the country runs the risk of entering a process of deindustrialisation.

Under these conditions, the extreme right is experiencing a resurgence. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has hit an all-time high approval rating of 24% and has the potential to gain a few more percentile points with the immense failure of the ruling coalition.

What is undeniable is the fact that Germany is experiencing a rapid decline, all spurred on by the reckless policies of Scholz that prioritised American interests instead of German, and he is now resorting to a fake Russian threat in a desperate attempt to distract citizens from their social and economic problems that he is responsible for.


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tell you what, you bald moron. in case of real war, not like that kabuki called smo in ukraine, russia will have you for breakfast and in the late afternoon it will march on champs elysées while parading captured western leaders to the public before hanging them. remember paris 1814 and berlin 1945. they were way too merciful then.

Gneaus stapo

lol dream on flathead, given performance and speed of advances in ukraine, the timeline should say warning for 2045 .


you are an idiot and the reason why we sre defeated in any scenario, because half of our population are pathetic morons like u….



the rise & fall of a has been

advancing to the rear was germany’s favorite tactic in the last year of wwii. ukroid rats always follow the trail the germ ridden rats have left.

stalingrad was my favorite. broke the germans’ backs and they had to hobble out in advancing retreat and tend more to the western front where the johnny come lately yanks were waiting. nothing like beating up on a cripple, say the yanks.

Gneaus stapo

flathead idiotcrazy displayed in perfect fashion, splaziva dawarish.

stalingrad was just a lost battle u fuckhead, the draw at kursk was the true game changer, still 26+ million flatheads killed, so good ratio. horrido johoo dran drauf drüber.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

boldly spoken. bis tu aber ein treues held, nicht wahr ? ratio ? what about dozens of milions of germans dead, particularly in west germany, in first 48 hours of clash with russia.

Gneaus stapo

clash with germany means clash with nato means world war 3 and we are all toast anyway.

nebenbei lasse es besser sein auf deutsch zu antworten, geht offensichtlich mächtig in die hose und endet mit unverständlichen kauderwelsch.


indeed. the most complicated thing in russia right now is to asume that we are much weaker than they ever dream of and act accordingly. they are ignoring us in all whsa matters, because we are no valid counterparts in europe. it is only iworthy speaking directly with usa, our masters…. they decides for its colonies ….

breaking news

why would russia ever want to go anywhere near that freakistan called the europeon peninsula.

if the europeons ever got any ideas of marching on moscow, a few sarmats would neutralize them before that second cup of breakfast coffee. europeons have an overinflated sense of importance. those annoying brits being the worst for the hundreth year running.

breaking news

just refrain from any foolish notions of ethnic cleansing, as ukraine entertained, and put away those silly worry beads. they’ll sleep better, the little tikes.

edvard munch

i scream, you scream, we all scream for zelensky’s head on a platter.


read my text carefully again. “in case of real war…”, etc.

CA 2nd home to Nazis

why not ‘in case i win the 100,000,000 euro lottery’? give yourself a fighting chance.

CA 2nd home to Nazis

like i said, real war means sarmats for a european breakfast.


with sarmats, who knows. never going to happen with us, slavs. are you from the land of real commies and certified faggots, who could never fight an army of toddlers, let alone men.


i am trying my luck from time to time. you ?


olaf looks burnt out; all the lying must be stressful.


dumb germs insecure amerikan minions

any europeon politico

ooh ooh those russians are about to attack us. i must launder an extra batch of underwear to prepare myself for the onslaught.

CA 2nd home to Nazis

just pay zelensky a few bucks. he’ll sacrifice his nazi goons and mentally disabled (is that redundant?) for the job. after all, his goons might decide to kill him after all. better get them first.

jens holm

another funny internal misleader.

its true germany has severe economic problems. it seemes there are more in recissins the the nighbors too. by they as the rest of us has a high level to decline from from.

they and we has handled the starvatioin and fuel problems well.

jens holm

one of the problems still is we are produce too much food. it goes for the entire eu. by that its even more difficelt to import cheep stuff from ukraine.

and germany now will follow eu plans better. they will pottules less by food and replace fossile.

that a part of their problems. big investments.

breaking news

i must say, the sequence of disconnected thoughts that constantly emerges from your brain is akin to the effluent from a broken sewer line.


i think he thinks his english is better than it is and he gets overconfident and it makes no sense to an english speaker. lots of phonetic spellings. cheep, difficelt etc. any idea what pottules is meant to be. i thought maybe purchase?

che me ne frega

danes are into all sorts of drugs. maybe it’s hallucinojens

francisco goya

pottules? aren’t they amyl nitrate anal suppositories they use while on the potty. kinky danes, with them – anything’s possible. with jens, doubly so.


ha ha. maybe we could get an opinion from jane goodall. she has vast experience in interpreting chimp lingo.

edvard munch

i would’ve guessed that the word was postulate but then i realized it was the ‘tard jens writing and it’s too big a word.

maybe it’s pestilence and he thought that less of that disease ridden ukrainian grain into germany is a good thing. who knows what passes for thought in that troglodiddle’s brain?

i must scream now.


where would nato find so many troops? forced conscription? giver a gun and you will have dead officers. russia may rise a multi million army quire well trained, nato has nothing comparable, not high command.

War Inc.

germany an example of the disastrous globalist leadership has too many waking up too soon . fear propaganda to manipulate germans has an element of reality they could be the next ukraine style cannon fodder to keep the nukes landing in europe . russia can not be defeated without a nuclear war while the uk and usa can not survive with an alternative to globalism

edvard munch

nah, it would be the poles. they’re already dying like flies, dressing up as ukrop and doing the trench hop.

oh, the humanity of it all. i must scream now.


ha ha ha …the hollow “man” in the empty suit (female “beard” nowhere in sight since his covaid$ death squirt caper) is among the most despised and ridiculed servants of his anglozionazi masters in the history of occupied germanistan. he is cowering in his office as legions of commando farmers are honking throughout the capital in their huge big green “intimidating” tractors and trucks…”almost like a military invasion” as one idiot mean greenie hack put it.


next in line is the alcohol sodden little garden zwerg and current war minister, herr pi$$toryius who will be even more pathetic until the broken traffic light blows up in the summer of natostan collapse. the eussr is already diseased to the core and this time turbo printing the €urodollah will clog the s#it house until it implodes totally. z

edvard munch

scholz? he’s a non entity. i scream with laughter every time i see his puss. he always looks like a pug who wags his tail and begs to be noticed but always having a skirt to hide under close by.

Last edited 1 year ago by edvard munch
Daniel Weatherman

its not a distraction they are considering entering the war. curious what the french are saying. the spanish and italians have sat all this madness out since world war 1. eu and nato forces going against russia may not last long unless they embrace total war mobilization and economic production.

grandson – war

Gneaus stapo

if ur unaware of military history, better educate urself before writing bs about e.g. spain or italy. blaue division for starter and italy is obvious.


if the people in the eu aren’t having an uprising by then. limited or emptied weapon stockpiles throughout the eu, massive national debts, hundreds of billions donated to ukraine. with what is nato going to go to war considering their complaining about resources?


a bárisnyáknál kevés…

John Kesich

stop whining about the heat, it’ll be hot enough once the russians invade – sgt scholz

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