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“Scorching Sunlight”. Russian War Drama Brings Light On Events In Donbass In 2014

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"Scorching Sunlight". Russian War Drama Brings Light On Events In Donbass In 2014

Scorching Sunlight (Burning Sun)

SouthFront presents to your attention the Russian war drama ‘Scorching Sunlight’ (Burning Sun) with Englsih subtitles. The film released in 2021 tells the story about the conflict in the region of Donbass in 2014. The translation of the film is taken from Telegram channel ‘Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed‘.

Film description:

‘Lugansk region, May 2014. The Novozhilov family, by chance, finds itself in the thick of events in Lugansk. Vlad Novozhilov is a former participant in the war in Afghanistan. He knows firsthand what war is. Having seen enough of the horrors of war in his time, in principle he does not even want to touch a weapon. In a situation, he sees only one way out – to leave the country. But you can’t run away from the war, the border is already closed. To save his family, he will have to make difficult moral choices.’


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le sith rouge

Lack of a light version of the film <500Mb with direct download in pdf


Enjoy your servitude.


The Lord of the Pimps

Why does that Vovk look so much like a woman who used to pole dance?



The Lord of the Pimps

Am I the only one who thinks Vovk was pole dancing?

Fuk Yu


mrs tommy frzian-sawyer

my homosexual wedding throws light on banana republic dictatorship USA#1 monkey pox cesspool


Homosexual weddings were first legalized in Communist Russia before they were banned again in the late 1920s, early 1930s. You are deliberately excusing jewish propaganda’s corrosive effect upon the population, while excusing the kikes that are behind such filth in the first place.

poko molo husband

inferior poko molo tiresome


Смотрел весной. Понравился.




Stalin’s War of Extermination https://archive.org/details/stwxt



Last edited 2 years ago by Hans
The Lord of the Pimps

Many girls from his Georgia were pole dancing.

AM Hants

Wasn’t he Georgian? Your point?

It absolutely is the Jews

Great movie. Aesthetic and honest.


Deep! The inhumanity of the war is well presented.

Remember Bucha!

Low-grade Orc Propaganda…

Hugh Jorgan

FU Nazi scum.


It’s propaganda and you lack the ability to question the heinous lies you’re told.

It absolutely is the Jews

If they’re lying, then why this? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29439743

The Lord of the Pimps

Better go to a German brothel.


You know nothing more than the cartoonish atrocity propaganda that isn’t supported by any forensic report, or anything that Hitler had ever written, and no government document from the Third Reich. There are many post-war forgeries used at Nuremberg, including scientifically implausible confessions extracted by threat and torture.

Hugh Jorgan

I am so ashamed of my country, America, when I see this. The stupidest thing anyone has done in 100 years was Hitler starting a war with the Soviet Union, and second stupidest thing was Obama starting a war with Russia.


“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucydides

The Lord of the Pimps

What? But that girls from Khrushchev and Stalin’s birth town or village place are still earning money by pole dancing?

AM Hants

Feel the same about the Government (all parties) of my nation and the masses who still believe them and the media. Sadly it was the same crowd who created the Bolshevik Communists and the National Socialists, that are running things today. Same script, never changes, century to century.


I think this movie convinced Putin to attack Ukraine )))))))))

The Lord of the Pimps

He should rather publiced his army, which the Ukrainians have constantly raped. Gay prosecutor already knows everything. Given that he was appointed by Lula and not by Bolsonaro, this is not surprising.


Amazing movie.. congratulations to the producer… it shows the real face of the Ukronazis

Florian Geyer

This is a true portrayal of the US/UK funded barberism employed by the proxy Ukrainian murderers of civilians in the early months of the US backed Maidan coup.

The Ukie torture of the Donbass from 2014 to the current days included AZOV immolating a DPR freedom on a flaming cross near Mariupol in 2014. AZOV published the video of the heinous and cowardly crime.

The multiple pro US/UK narrative that ‘Hans’ has posted about this movie have all the hallmarks of a professional anti Russian troll.

The US and UK both funded and trained ISIS in a covert way and the UKIE extremists are the tool to create mayhem in the Ukraine. It’s a ISIS 2.0.

I give credit to the film makers and the platforms that are courageous enough to publish the TRUTH.

Bravo SouthFront.

Slava Rossiya


So the Guerrillas of the LPR /DPR actually killed US Servicemen in 2014 ??? Where is the source for this information

Lord of the Pimps

But at least they weren’t raped. Only the killed. Finally, there are actual events recorded by Ukrainian soldiers raping POWS and those videos are now in the office of the Brazilian gay prosecutor. How many victims will be willing to testify before a jury and gay posecutor?

AM Hants

Easy to find the information, starting with the reasons that Merkel legged it to the Kremlin, to beg for a ceasefire. Check out events in the Cauldrons, back in August 2014 and the losses at Donetsk Airport. Graham Philips, the UK Journalist, that the UK have sanctioned and exiled, covered the stories with many videos and well worth watching. RIP Givi, Motorola, Alexander Zakharchenko. Though, doubt you will bother. Also, the US Forces that were captured on video and speaking in English and with an US Accent. Many of us, excluding the trolls, on this site, have been following events in Ukraine since 2014 and remember events, seriously well.

Florian Geyer

Very well said, as always, AM. The ‘context’ of Ukie barbarity that you saved in 2014 is still very important today.

AM Hants

Thanks Florian.

AM Hants

Reminds me of watching events on 2 May 2014, Odessa Trade Union Massacre. Cannot comprehend how the UK Government is one of the main supporters and cheerleaders of the savages who embrace the genocide of Eastern Ukraine.

Hard viewing, the film, but, so must be viewed by as many as possible..

Florian Geyer

Yes, the medieval barbarity of Ukranian thugs is orchestrated by the NATO snakes, in particular, the UK, US, Poland and Estonia etc.

AM Hants

Slightly off topic, from the article, but, I was noticing today, that the nations in the EU that wanted to go full Nazi, with regards treating the Russians, as the Nazis treated those of Jewish Faith, back in the 30s/40s, are the same nations that have teamed up for the 3 Sea Initiative. The 12 nations that border the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas.

What is there problem with Russia? Why do they seriously believe they can compete with the Belt and Road Project? Why are so many of those who went through the WEF ‘Young Global Leaders Academy’ so dense? Single digit IQs, psychotic narcistic sociopaths with political demands seems to be the primary qualities of those politicians and institutional executives. The Kinder Fuehrer from the days of Operation Paperclip.

The Lord of the Pimps

In the Middle Ages, men were raped?

Warrior Nation

Pull your triggers on the Ukro-niggers!


The point of this presentation is what ???

It’s NOT a documentary.

So how is this different than a Stallone or Chuck Norris movie or any other PROPAGANDA film produced in Hollywood ???

The Lord of the Pimps

Putin needs to send his Russians for medical checkups and STD tests. Because Ukrainians love sex too much.

Florian Geyer

The film is , in effect, IS a Documentary. I have closely followed the events of Ukraine since 2014 and the horrors of the NATO funded armed, trained Ukie terror forces are well documented.

A comprehensive documentary of ALL the Ukie war crimes would literally take YEARS to view, with more war crimes being committed by the Ukies every hour of every day.

AM Hants

What gets me is the ignorance of the UN. What is the point of the Rockerfeller controlled UN? Back in 2014, when the novelty of Ukraine was wearing off and the EU were tiring of the sanctions of the time, the MH17 false flag went down. Again, the novelty of Ukraine is wearing off and the truth is getting out. So again, they need a major false flag, to keep the masses focused. As they hope to take out the nuclear power plant, with the blame going to Russia.

Which takes us back to the UN, ignoring the special meetings, with regards the power plant. How long has Russia been asking for an inspection and still nobody wants to check it out?

Then you go back to 1994 and Rwanda. It took the UN 2 decades, before they apologised for failing to recognise the genocide of 600,000 citizens of Rwanda.

The same UN, who exonerated Slobodan Milosovic from all charges laid against him, years after he died in a cell in The Hague.

The same UN that ignored the Odessa Trade Union Massacre, back in 2014. The same UN that ignored the Minsk II Peace Agreement, that it officially backed, back in 2015.

It absolutely is the Jews

The movie was a loose composite of events that actually happened. So the twits below bad mouthing it as propaganda are not only lying, but worse, too lazy to do a simple Google search to refresh their failed memories. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/10/ukraine-forces-must-stop-firing-civilians-after-nine-killed-donetsk/


This is true But if you changed the flag of the characters what would it be called then.

The Lord of the Pimps

amnesty should rather take Ukrainian women out of brothels.

AM Hants

They are paid trolls – the UK Foreign Office is spending £millions on Russian Media Disinformation Trolls, that man the sites. Why is Bill Browder running Integrity Initiative, which is funded by the UK Foreign Office?


This film has a scene where Guerrillas of the DPR /LPR shoot down a plane with US SOLDIERS on it commanded by a General can anyone source or attest to the accuracy of this Please site sources for information thank you

The Lord of the Pimps

Their daughters are in a German brothel with twenty old men.

Lord of the Pimps

A gay prosecutor appointed by Lula da Silva already has more than three hours of tapes proving that Ukrainians are having rape Russians.


You can steal Mikhalkov’s film titles, or at least plagiarize them, but you can’t steal his art.

andre zulu


andre zulu

conan the barbarian…


A bit reductive in the evolution of the characters, one must lose everything to commit, the other must have nothing to give up. The bombings seem a bit too coincidental but it’s a film that wants to take us somewhere. The wheat field at the end may be symbolic but it’s still annoying after the surreality of the rest, where are they going like that, in the open? (Ah and the subtitles are sometimes incomprehensible.) But these are only small annoyances that help to distance oneself, because this film hurts, is cruel like war. I would obviously have more to say but to cut a long story short, this film answers. To what? Our fear of one day having to make these choices. Thank you for making it available.

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