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SDC Co-Leader: We Will Not Hand Over Our Areas To Damascus Government

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SDC Co-Leader: We Will Not Hand Over Our Areas To Damascus Government

lham Ehmed, a Co-Leader of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), via RT TV

On August 3, Ilham Ehmed, a Co-Leader of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), denied during an interview with the Russian RT TV that the military wing of the council, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), is planning to hand over its areas in northeastern Syria to the Damascus government.

When asked about the results of the talks with the Damascus government, Ehmed said that that both sides agreed to establish several committees tasked with discussing the issues of governance and administration. The Co-Leader also revealed that the security issues were not discussed during the talks.

“An agreement has been reached with Damascus regarding the establishment of a joint committee from both sides tasked with resolving the issues related to the system of governance and administration in various areas of Syria, and especially in our regions. We have not seen any objection on the part of the government with regards to our continued self-governance in the Kurdish areas of the country,” Ehmed said during the interview with the RT TV.

Following the Damascus talks, which were held on July 26, the al-Jazeera TV reported that the SDF will hand over all of its areas to the Damascus government. The Qatari news TV channel went as far as claiming that its source is the SDC itself.

Syrian pro-government and Kurdish activists viewed Al-Jazeera’s report as an attempt to sabotage the talks between the Damascus government and the SCD. Now, Ehmed’s statement confirms that al-Jazeera was bluntly lying for political purposes.

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A big MSM news channel lying? Distorting the truth? What a shocker! Whatever happens during the negotiations between the Syrian government and the Kurds, nothing radical will come of it in such a short time. I won’t expect any agreement until at least the end of the year, probably at least into 2019. But as long as both sides keep on talking and don’t shoot things will look good in the long term.


Barba, it’s curious that the two remaining local problems are: 1-Turks and 2-Kurds. It’s clear as water that their conflit and also their proper greeds are now the only hopes, in this war, to the West headed by the U.S. of A.


Their conflict is also the best hope that Russia and Syria have to play to their advantage. Turkey will not allow a Kurdish state to happen, the Kurds want one, and the Americans will have to make a choice at some point. Whatever side they will pick the Russians will swoop up to pick up the loser.


Simplifying, the Turks still pursue the dream of a federal Syria (= weak, fragile Syria) without PKK and YPG, and these Kurds (there are others) pursue the same dream, but on the opposite direction, trying to swallow the more that they think they can of the territory and the population.


They may pursue the same dream, but the presence of each other in them means a nightmare to both. Unless a miracle happens akin to Trump meeting Kim Yung Un I don’t see Turkey and the Kurds reaching an accommodation with each other. And even all Trump and the fat Kim agreed on was to disagree. But they hid it well behind nice bromance footage.

In the end Turkey would sooner give up its dream of a weak federal Syria if it means Rojava becomes a state within the Syrian state next to it. And when the US inevitably chooses Turkey over the Kurds the latter have no choice but to come back running to Assad and the Russians, before Turkey starts another Operation Olive Branch against them, as there are an awful lot of Jihadists in Idlib which will probably soon need rehousing.


Promitheas called the attention, yesterday, to the yankee dream: put together the kurd and turk occupied zones and make with them a new yankee’s vassal country, and the so called ‘federalization’, in fact, would pursue that goal, but the problem it’s what you referred very well, besides the main obstacle (Syrian and Russian armies + Iran… + everybody anti yankee): those two in the same dream it’s a nightmare for both, as we are seeing in Afrin.


Do not forget that kurds are USA-puppets, and USA is going to be before any proposition that kurds might propose to Syria. USA will not get out of kurds area by itself (NEVER).


Turkey will do what USA will tell it to do (even they are pretending that they are not in agreement and are separating….bullshift theater)


Uh, no. Because Turkey will not, under any circumstances, end up with a Kurdish state on its borders that it does not control. That’s a matter of national survival. And Turkey has options, because if Washington pushes it too hard there will be the welcoming arms of Uncle Putin, let alone China, to pick up the pieces.

The days of having to chose between the capitalist but medling West and the sympathetic but dirt poor communist East are over. If the West were to withdraw its economic support there are now alternatives that can pick up the pieces that during the Cold War wasn’t possible.

Tudor Miron

Our areas? Who told you it’s yours? USA and Israel? Yeah those are credible sources. I remember you saying similar things about Afrin and Iraqi Kurdistan independence.


Tudor, the woman spoke about ‘self-governance in the Kurdish areas of the country’. So, what it’s for these guys: 1- self-governance (autonomy? Right to have foreign military bases?) and what are, second them, 2- the Kurdish areas of the country?

Feudalism Victory

Yes theyre a bargaining chip whose value will be cashed in when optimum. After kirkuk was lost iraq the writing was on the wall. The area cant be self sufficient without it.

I hope the kurdish people arent depending on anything this lady says. She looks like a survivor.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

then every last one of you will suffer the consequenses… simple….


Turds gonna be Turds. Never learn the easy way. Well, shit will hit the fan soon enough, not much to work on after Idlib gets stormed around September. Let’s see if they are going to keep that kind of rhetoric up.


Their behavior will change again when the US leave. Though they really should learn that you can’t erase history.

Promitheas Apollonious

US will leave only, if it forced to leave with violence, same with the turks.

Mustafa Mehmet

you gone bring Greek national army in ? Americans and Turk start running away already

Promitheas Apollonious

bring it in where?

Concrete Mike

Greeks arent smelly invaders like the rest of the lot… maybe im wrong but i have never seen greece invade anybody, cant say the same for tukey, america, israel uk, france.

Mustafa Mehmet

Syria so you can Get rid of Turk and yanks

Mustafa Mehmet

Haci what you trying to explain .try again


SDC don’t have to roll over and hand over their territory on its own since SAA can help with that.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

So… about 5% of the population (who weren’t even citizens 8 years ago) are in armed rebellion against the Syrian State and claim they are going to keep about 1/3 of Syrian territory they seized illegally. The solution to this is simple. Snuff them out.


In her case SDC means some dumb c***



She is as ugly as her comment. Without legitimate position in all of Syrian territory as ONLY rightful proprietor of Syria the Syrian state can’t exist. So this “moderate” Jihad ugly whore should better look for her AK 47 because she is going to need it.

If Assad can’t make up with these Turds there are always Turds from Turkey who would be happy to find common solution for Turd problem in Syria.

Julian Clegg

The SDC are not in any sense jihadists. They support secular government. Also you contribute nothing by commenting on a woman’s appearance. No one can be young forever, including you.


“No one can be young forever, including you.” You are just saying it because you are jealous on my good looks :-))

As far as I am concerned SDC or whoever they are can go F* THEMSELVES ! No sane government will start negotiation over losing the sovereignty of their own territory. Than these clowns are not negotiating “autonomy” but full independence! In that case why negotiating anything if they can’t agree on basics that Syria if becomes confederation is not country any longer?!!

And yes she is still ugly…. and I still don’t like her comment. I am just sick and tired of these all kinds of rascals butchering Syria and not letting peace rein in destroyed country. If they want autonomy they must start with reasonable demands.


The time of “western supremacy” has passed. a few years ago at least, you are just too stubborn to realize it, lady, if i were you i would listen to what the russiand and syrian govmnt have got to say, even if you espace the aftermath of the breakdown of your so called free strian army, you will still face your doom in other parts of the world, lie eu or us, those guys have got no use for used up materials nor failures such as yourself.


lmao. Western supremacy has passed? You believe in fantasy. You gotta take from them if you want any form of supremacy not claim it with empty words.

There is no bigger coward then a Russian when it comes to the western nations. This Syrian war has indeed revealed it. The Fear is real especially the Syrian gov’t, Iran and Russia are dead scared just by the thought of the US. This is ridiculous folks


Good morning my dear upside down Mountains.


sacred trool of kkk!! uhuh

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The Russians are wise to avoid conflict with US forces in Syria, and thus avoid the risk of WW3. However, Iran and Hezbollah are not so inclined. How do you think the yellow-belly US forces will fare in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria if they are ever mad enough to attack Iran?


Lol, i will cut you up you filthy trash, the russians aren’t scared of you, some jewish oligars in russia might but when it comes to russians , nobody is scared of genderless mericunt and i think that i will start with exterminating western and jewish garbage without waiting for approval of my gvmnt. , what is your adress my jewish cunt ?


kurdish fucking traitors….lol do they really believe that all is cozy and all happy….wait and see you kurdish filth(heroin pushers, thats how they make their money the kurds), as soon as idlib is liberated….and the SAA army heaads your way…..die traitors….who can ever trust u again traitor…. and they are scraed shitless already cause they know that thousands of syrians have a bill to settle with them… KURDISH filth….for years now they have been kidnapping thousands of syrian arabs young boys for FORCED RECRUITMENT…….how do you people think thats working out??? mom and dad, cousins and uncles just siting aroun and watching day after day as their children get kidnapped by kurdish filth…no..some get killed, others beaten, others tortured………and all on the ORDERS of an OUTSIDE power…..so who can ever forgive these murdering,torturing,kidnapping, stealing filth of the world traitors……they are dead….and just as assad always mentioned” kurds are traitors, when we go to liberate our syria homecountry and they are armed we will treat them as TERRORISTS”..dead meat bitches


bravo 100% exact!!

Concrete Mike

Bon finally someone sees it like i do, the kurds are europes heroin dealers. From afghanistan through barzani kurds on to europe and america. Why do you think saddam hates them so much, cuz they were filthy cia controlled dope dealers

Igor Dano

dirty zionazi bitch.


i talk kurds is traitors puppetts america israeli sdf =rojava=second israeli!! conclusion the second war of syria= destruction kurdistan of syria!!

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