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MARCH 2025

SDF In Afrin Has To Choose Between Turkish Invasion And Handing Over Area To Syrian Government – Reports

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SDF In Afrin Has To Choose Between Turkish Invasion And Handing Over Area To Syrian Government - Reports

According to some Kurdish sources, Russia has informed the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Afrin that it has to choose between a Turkish invasion of in the area and the handover of the area to the Syrian government. The source also claimed that Russia had been asked by the PYD to protect it from any Turkish intervention, including preventing Iranian or American troops from entering the area.

The allegaitions have still not been confirmed or commented by any PYD or Russian official sources.

The PYD military wing, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), is a core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) operating in southeastern Syria.

According to the Russian daily UTRO, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu allegedly told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during their meeting on July 2 in Turkey that the Kremlin has agreed to a Turkish military operation against the PYD party in Afrin.

Sipan Hamo, commander of the YPG, said that the US-led coalition has 7 bases in the areas controlled by the SDF east of the Euphrates, including two air bases in Al-Hasakah, an air base in Qamishli, two other air bases in Al-Malikiya, an airport in a Tal Abiad on the Turkish border and a center in Manbij.

“Launching the Turkey’s military operation in Afrin in Aleppo countryside will negatively affect the battle for the liberation of Raqqa from ISIS,” Hamo said. “Russia and the Syrian regime, which says that it is a state and safeguard the borders and sovereignty, leave Turkey to incursion and intervention and bomb Aleppo countryside without any clear position. It’s clear that there is collusion from under the table between the three parties.”

As Turkey continues to mobilize its troops at the Syrian-Turkish border north of Afrin, thousands of PYD supporters demonstrated in Afrin city against the expected  Turkish operation. It’s believed that the aggressive behavior of the YPG and the SDF over the past months against all other Syrian parties has given Turkey additional opportunities to launch the military operation against Kurdish militias in northern Aleppo.

SDF In Afrin Has To Choose Between Turkish Invasion And Handing Over Area To Syrian Government - Reports

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Trustin Judeau

They wont handover Efrin city to the goverment unless Turkey tries to capture the whole area . But they can give some villages in Efrin canton to SAA .

Joe Doe

Well, they don’t have too much choice

Trustin Judeau

Efrin position is such that they need to fully cooperate with SAA and Russia . They border Turkey , Idlib and ES area . To have connection Efrin – Manbij you need the goverment . The same applies to Efrin – Aleppo . They should act smart and logical . In Manbij the Turks were stopped thanks to Russians and Americans . The SAA border guards deployed on the western side of Manbij . American deployed on the northern .

Joe Doe

Therefore Kurds should should handover the Kurds areia to Syria government, before gone be too late

Solomon Krupacek

they can ivite also americans ;)

i think, assad makes crucial mistale now, if he will negotiate from position of ruler. common checkpoints wit saa, on boirder crossing syrian flag, and allow the kurdish language in efrin. this could b magnet for other kurdish regions. assad must look at the future, not in the past, if want to rescue syria.

Jonathan Cohen

He would also need to respect abortion rights in Afrin, or they will fight, and in doing so abandon the Raqqa front to Americans.

G Dean VanGaya

Tev-Dem has mostly just the laws of no forced or child marriage, abortion rights, no domestic violence, etc. Assad will also have to respect the local democratic councils and locally run defense forces.

Solomon Krupacek


G Dean VanGaya

Sure the Ba’athists can have it, but then the Ba’athists need to destroy over a hundred local councils where Syrian people – Arabs, Syriacs, Asyrians, Kurds, etc., govern their own lives and run their own local defense forces. If you think that the PYD, YPG and PKK are so weak, I think it is sad, because cornering them and destroying their revolution will only mean they have nothing left to live for but the destruction of Turkey – civil war all over Turkey. Erdogan’s Turkey has many Turks hating life, not just Kurds, it is likely to be a widespread war that will totally destroy the region, it will be a massive vacuum. If you think you can foresee the rebuilding of Syria now, how about if Turkey also looks like Syria. Think it through. Do the Syrian people want direct democracy, or a continued civil war?

Miguel Redondo

Carrying a portrait of Öcalan is not really a good idea to calm turkish souls. On the other hand I don´t understand how Turkey still allows the US to supply the SDF via its border. The convoys with equipment still come over the border at Qamishli and other places.

Floyd Hazzard

What did the Kurds think will happen. The Syrian Government can also remove the buffer they have been acting as on the eastern side and allow Turkey to get at them thereby forcing them to reallocate the troops they have trying to march down the Euphrates to Dier Ezzor. The stupidity of becoming US serfs and Trojan horses can seriously bite them in the @$$.

Joe Doe

Correct, since the Kurds become americans proxies and fight against SAA in western Raqqa they lost my support


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Wahid Algiers

Do you expect these stupid land grabbers will get that? (they would have better served in trying to secure a degree of autonomy being friends to The Russians and The Syrian government, because only those two can protect them from The Turks.)

Valery Grigoryev

They have to get that, otherwise they will loose both a territory and a possibility of a future autonomy inside the Syrian state. I guess, Russia is pressing them now so that they understand who is their enemy and who is their prospective ally.

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

the problem is that the Kurds don’t want just autonomy after the war,they want independence and possibly a merge between “Rojava” and Iraqi Kurdistan after they vote on independence in September (In Iraq).So their plans are now threatened by a Turkish invasion and also by a SAA reoccupation which they don’t want.


The problem is they are PKK as you can see in the Picture of Abdullah Ocolan you cannot tell me they are not PKK like you cannot tell me Raqqa isn’t ISIS or Mosul isn’t ISIS.

Jonathan Cohen

PYD does need to renounce any claim to Turkish territory because they have abortion rights already, and fight for Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian territory, on which to establish abortion rights. So that picture might be a big mistake if this Ocolan guy claimed Turkish territory.

Jonathan Cohen

Kurds can’t befriend Syria because Syria claims their land; and can only befriend Russia if Russia refutes Syrian claims. Sounds to me like they will have to abandon Raqqa and fight.

Justin Ryan

I have believe for some time that Turkey will attack Manbij! This will certainly draw forces away from Raqqa. Id assume they would do this when the SDF is about 50% into the Raqqa city siege!

There WAS an agreement between the US and Turks that theKurds were to retreat behind the Euphrates! Also Turkey has a bone to pick with the USA for arming the Kurds so heavily!


Just let kurds take this area. Or even less. Other areas are belong to syrians. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Rojavaye_Kurdistane_bajar_ku.png?uselang=ru

Simon Abruzzo


Wahid Algiers

Yes, but only in a sort of self-administration within a Syrian State. Centuries before, never, a kurdish state exists. Why now on syrian territories?


And centuries before, a Syrian state has never, ever existed. It used to consist of multiple statelets. Syria is less than 100 years old, barely older than Israel, lacking the historical precedence of the latter. A Kurdish state is not exactly out of the left field, nor irrational.


Kurds are not to be trusted. They ally with strong powers like the US and bring these outside powers into the country to cause destabilization and colonization. The Kurds are too weak to keep their own state. They will always be puppets. If they want to keep the state they have to betray the other state they broke away from. There will be friction forever and feuds brewing. They will leave them open to massacre when their protector leaves. This is what happened to people like the Armenians in Turkey. These small groups should leave well enough alone. Under Assad they were protected, safe and well-looked after. They were treated the same as anyone else. They cannot keep a state. They were like gypsies. That’s why they never had their own country. Look at all the trouble Israel causes in the area. The region cannot afford to have another Israel established there.

Jonathan Cohen

Assad violated their abortion rights!

G Dean VanGaya

The Kurds are Syrians. ‘Rojava’ or the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is comprised of direct democratic councils in every town almost. The co-chair of the whole federation is an Arab tribal leader. Assyrians and Syriacs are also chairs at various levels, and have their own brigades fighting in the YPG/YPJ. Tev-Dem is the heroic center of Syria! YPG-YPJ are Syrian heroes who instead of digging their own graves when Daesh invaded, took U.S. arms and drove Daesh out of Syria! Do you want direct democracy for Syrian? Or do you want a Turkish occupation?!?


ISIS are American-Israeli creations.

G Dean VanGaya

ya, everyone knows that. and the revolution is the only force that can stop the world war and partition… so start upporting Tev-Dem


SDF and YPG are American and Israeli creations too.

G Dean VanGaya


the CIA fucked Mossad so that my mother would exist to bring me into the world so that at this point i could troll you and others to be tricked into believing tha that your shit in the toilet was a planned CIA plot.


Kurds had several “substates” within both Ottoman Empire and Persian Empire, up till the mid 1850ies.

This is what PYD and PKK more or less want to revive, autonomous substates, or federal states as they are called nowadays.

Jonathan Cohen

Kurds turn then.

Wahid Algiers

Yes, but only in a sort of self-administration within a Syrian State. Centuries before, never, a kurdish state exists. Why now on syrian territories? Why?


Why not?


As shown by their giving the US seven “bases” on sovereign Syrian territory . You can not give away what you do not own .


They are there, the SAA isn´t. So who is the sovereign? BTW: That the SDF had made any bases-deals with uncle sam, who says that, it it true or just some propanganda? Did alle you guys here reed some other stuff than SF? I reed the german, the kurdisch, the türkisch and the daesch press, keep our mind wide open…


The “daesch press”..What a tool..

G Dean VanGaya

The TEV-DEM direct democracy (‘Rojava’) with an Arab tribal leader as co-chair of the Federation of local, direct democratic councils and Syrian Christians fighting alongside in the self defense forces, is not ‘Kurdish’… It is the only legitimate direct democracy in the Middle East, and that polity, which was faced with digging it’s own mass graves at the invasion of ISIL or, yes, taking arms from the U.S. creators of ISIL to survive and grow that direct democracy, is insisting to have a coherent Syria based on a canton system of confederation not unlike Switzerland or Canadian provinces which control their local resources, not Ottawa – Federated countries are normal. The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNO, Rojava is no longer the name as it is a Kurdish term and does not reflect the participatory, diverse governance by all peoples of all faiths in the territory) has hardly touched the oil which they consider the shared wealth of all of Syria, has left untouched the lightly defended airfields of the Syrian Ba’athists in Northern Syria. I think it is clear that Tev-Dem – the governing structure of local councils is proposing something that would thwart partition. Would you like to see a polity based in direct democracy for all Syrians? Would you like to see self-defense of Syria where Arabs, Christians, kurds, etc., all fight together against invasion?.. If you do, then please support the people of Afrin who marched en mass as one people, not as Kurds: http://en.hawarnews.com/100-thousand-take-to-streets-in-afrin-canton/

A society that has cohesion across it’s diverse individuals is the only force that can resist partition by foreign powers. How do you invade a neighbourhood that meets every month, and governs it’s own police directly, democratically? How do you invade a factory where the co-operative worker/owners are armed and working in the factory? In Aleppo the Turkish backed terrorists would walk into a factory with a few guys and call the capitalist owners, often, living far away, and demand extortion, while the workers, essentially cooperated passively, because they didn’t care enough to put their lives on the line… Then the Turkish engineers would come in to dismantle the factory and put it on flat bed trucks to be welcomed back across the border by Turkish customs. Turkey supported the logistics of the destruction of Syria by the terrorists. Now will you stand by the Turkish army in the slaughter of a Syrian city, with the indiscriminate shelling already well under way by Turkish artillery? Do you support Turkey’s support of Al Nusra and ISIS in the destruction of Syria? Is it ok if the Turkish army destroys Syrian regions by itself on people governing themselves, but not for Turkey to destroy Syrian people when in Ba’athist controlled Aleppo? http://www.cooperativeeconomy.info is a good place to read up on what Tev-Dem is actually proposing for Syria. The Ba’athist and Turkish propaganda will lead to mass slaughter. Please educate yourself and become a proponent for peace and stability. The Kurds have suffered massive oppression in both Turkey and Syria. When I was working in Istanbul ahead of the UN Habitat 2 conference, the now 40 year oppression was appalling, even then, and it has only gotten worse, with the peace process arrested by Erdogan by jailing or forcing into exile, almost all Kurdish MPs. Erdogan bull dozez whole Kurdish cities, literally bulldozed them to rubble, just last year. Before the invasion, Syria did not allow most Syrian Kurds to have even passports, nor to own land. Ba’athists took almost %40 of Syrian GDP out of North Eastern Syria due to it’s rich cotton, grain and oil fields and prevented local industrial development of the area to the point of making independent fruit and vegetable production practically illegal, and forcing imports of basic produce. I think the confederated proposal by Tev-Dem for a coherent Syria is quite gracious now… Especially as the SAA left the region for dead at the hands of the U.S. created ISIL, and the YPG with mere hundreds of fighters in the beginning (Kobani in particular started its resistance of ISIL with just a few hundred fighters to hold the whole city, of from overy 5,000 ISIL fighters.

G Dean VanGaya

If you had a choice to take Daesh shovels to dig your own mass graves, or take US arms and bases to drive Daesh out and keep your revolution of direct democracy for Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians, Kurds and Yzidis, what would you choose?

Wahid Algiers

Or give them what you suggest on the map but then without any support by Syria. let them deal with Turkey on their own.

G Dean VanGaya

that’s is already what the kurds are doing

Valery Grigoryev

Agree with you.

Russell A Wilson

letting them have the area highlighted will not work as Turkey will not put up with them on its border. The Kurds if they were smart should have supported the SAA from the beginning, then they would have had a chance of getting an antonymous region within Syria with a buffer zone between them and Turkey. By siding with the US they are doomed just look what happened to them in Iraq when they were no longer useful to the US when Saddam was still around.

Jonathan Cohen

They deserve to seize all territory for abortion rights, from Kabul to Windhoek!!!!!

G Dean VanGaya

Kurds are Syrians. ‘Rojava’ or the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is comprised of direct democratic councils in every town almost. The co-chair of the whole federation is an Arab tribal area. Assyrians and Syriacs are also chairs at various levels, and have their own brigades fighting in the YPG/YPJ. Tev-Dem is the heroic center of Syria! YPG-YPJ are Syrian heroes who instead of digging their own graves, took U.S. arms and drove Daesh out of Syria! Do you want direct democracy for Syrian? Or do you want a Turkish occupation?!?

Balázs Jávorszky

First step in a long overdue question: how the Kurds relate to the government. Up to 2016, this relationship was at least not hostile. Now the Kurds start to act as US puppets, like the Kurds in Iraq. They should make a comprehensive agreement with the government. Hope they will.

Jonathan Cohen


Justin Ryan

Abortion is either” 1. exactly like taking a shit! OR 2. Killing a whole baby!

U believe its like taking a shit! Some people believe its killing a whole baby!

Who has the moral high ground?

Dustil schmit

I highly doubt they will make YPG leave region more like sharing is to happen.


The thought process of the Kurds baffle me. Surely thinking more than a few weeks ahead is the sensible thing to do. I realise that American policies change every day and once a month they go mad but its not really a good example to follow for the Kurds :)

Manuel Flores Escobar

Erdogan warn Putin many months ago when Turkish air force attacked Kurds in Raqqa…that Kurds are NOT clean wheat and they purpose beside defeat ISIS, is to steal Syrian lands and oild fields in Raqqa, Homs and Deir Ezzor….with US military support!, and for such operation Kurds will allow US bases inside Syria both in Kurdish and Arab areas!

Balázs Jávorszky

And how about the Turks, for that matter? :)

I suppose the US has found a proxy in the Kurds who are not totally useless and/or horrible (like the rest, eg. “FSA”, al-Quaida, ISIS), and now the Kurds got a bit overconfident. I can’t fathom why they are unable to realize that they will be quickly dumped when the momentary interest of the US dictates that (with all the military and propaganda barrage eg. articles in the MSM declaring “Kurdness” just a bit more bizarre than Nazism).

G Dean VanGaya

every kurd knows they will be dumped by the US.


Its simple. The afrin Kurds can betray their protector and be turned over to the Turks, or they stay a part of Syria. American offers to liberate them and have them join the fictional nation of rojava were lies.

The Russians see no need to protect the afrin Kurds if they are betraying them to join the Rojava project.

Also, No one will forget the afrin Kurds betrayal -joining sides with Nusra- when the Syrian army in Aleppo was at its most vulnerable last year. They committed an act of treachery that will always be remembered.

Concrete Mike

Please elaborate on the actions of betrayl un 2016, i either forgot or never heard about it.


In case you were in a coma last few months, US plan for regime change and partition of Syria is on again and Kurds agreed to be new “vetted opposition” needed to facilitate it. They announced unilateral decision to create independent “Rojava” on a territory where they are a 30% minority.All territories taken from ISIL are to be incorporated in Kurdish state even if there are no Kurds living there – like Raqqah. Kurds have tied their destiny to US whim – forgetting US foreign policy has a moral integrity of a hyena and attention span of a gold fish – just ask their previous “allies” in the region …

Concrete Mike

Lol. Right..

No your talking strategic level here, I was asking if There was some instance of tactical combat between saa and kurds, that was the question.

No doubt the kurds have been usurped by Saudi money American guns and Israël whatever….génocide skills…i dunno lol.

Its too bad, stay with Assad you idiots!!! Negotiate later

That Guy

During the final stage of the liberation of Aleppo, when the terrorists broke the siege of allepo, they were shilling the Castello road which was a main SAA suply line at the time. The reason was related to a conflict between SAA and Kurds in Hasakah at the time. But the conflict got resolved back at that time, and now it came back even worse. The Kurds can’t be trusted, that’s what I can see based on ongoing events, but I can’t completely blame them, because the USA government and Israel are the masterminds of this project and the Kurds are just being pawns, which is sad.


Yes there was a flare up between Kurds and SAA in Maskhana that spilled around Aleppo when Al Nursa and Al Queida attacked the western part of Aleppo; YPG was guarding a northern sector in Aleppo city, when the Maskhana events unfolded, the YPG in Aleppo attacked SAA, jeopardizing the defensive ring around Aleppo.


They were fighting in Hasaka a few times. And that SU-22 that was downed near Resafa 2 weeks ago…

G Dean VanGaya

I guess Assad can ‘have’ it, but then the Ba’athists need to destroy over a hundred local councils where Syrian people – Arabs, Syriacs, Asyrians, Kurds, etc., govern their own lives and run their own local defense forces. If you think that the PYD, YPG and PKK are so weak, I think it is sad, because cornering them and destroying their revolution will only mean they have nothing left to live for but the destruction of Turkey – civil war all over Turkey. Erdogan’s Turkey has many Turks hating life, not just Kurds, it is likely to be a widespread war that will totally destroy the region, it will be a massive vacuum. If you think you can foresee the rebuilding of Syria now, how about if Turkey also looks like Syria. Think it through. Do the Syrian people want direct democracy, or a continued civil war?


If that happens it will be all their own fault. More political freedom, human rights and cultural autonomy for Kurds and other people in north Syria can never be achieved by selling yourself as US cannon fodder and having PKK replace Baathists as the only political party allowed. If US cared about well being of common people they would start providing for their own needy first – after all, charity begins at home. US want’s to brake up Syria knowing that only the people they don’t care about – i.e. don’t vote in US elections and don’t have money to buy US politicians – will suffer the consequences.


Even Saddam Hussein once was considered such an “ally”, and it didn´t work too well for him. Of course also the Taliban wer “allies” and now Al Quaeda, the Kurds, and whom not.

Jonathan Cohen

Kurds can resettle plenty of Kurds from Turkey to inhabit the oil fields etc., and plenty of Arabs are in Turkey already.


Really? Let them do some ethnic engeneering – settling people that never lived there claiming ancient rights – Israeli style. And how would you call that move if not ethnic cleansing and a war crime? The final solution maybe?

Jonathan Cohen

Kurds certainly should never have helped Nusra. and should not claim Turkish territory which has abortion rights already.


Two conditions for Kurds: 1) leave Efrin region to SAA and Russia & 2) Do not go further to the south toward Deirezzor… if not – leave them to Turks

Jonathan Cohen

If turks are really turks and not abortion banning islamist proxies, then turkish control of Afrin is okay by me.

G Dean VanGaya

Do the Syriacs, Assyrians, Arabs, etc (Syrian people) get to keep their direct democracy town councils when Assad moves to Afrin? Do they get to keep their self defence forces?

Jonathan Cohen

I suggested negotiating with Turkey, not Assad.

Leonardo Watch

You support displacing of kurds to other regions and want to fill afrin with arabs right?


Nope! I just want Syria goverment to take control of that region and border and kurds could stay if they wanted like before war… I think that is the best solution…that was my point earlier..


While it is difficult to say what SDF should do, my inclination is to tough it out. Turkeys forces are insufficient for an all out attack and SDF has many resources and reserves.

On the other hand, there is the risk to its civilians.

My inclination would be to wait and see and to mobilise as much as possible. Turkey has no stomach for many hundreds, or even thoudands, orf casualties.

There will be a moment for SDF to say it stops here. Imo that moment, for the SDF, is here.

Death to Erdogan.

Jonathan Cohen

Kurds should negotiate with abortion rights defending Turkish army, but not with their Islamist proxies.

G Dean VanGaya

I agree, occupying a people who have now had a few years of direct democracy and a self-governing local defense force will prove nearly impossible. There will be no separating the YPG/YPJ from the people as local self-defense councils mean that the whole of the Efrin population is the YPG/YPJ. Jonathan Cohen, it’s more than just abortion, TEV-DEM/Rojava/Democratic Federation of Northern Syria has made forced and child marriage illegal, circumsition illegal, domestic violence, etc., all illegal. Young girls are freed from marriage and given a chance to be educated. The family that enforced their marriage gets dealt with seriously. Armed women go door to door making sure all women in all households know they don’t have to put up with shit anymore… All women can go to the local councils of women and get violent and oppressive men dealt with publicly.

Jonathan Cohen

All minor details beside abortion rights.


Hypocrites, the Kurds. Assad sees the Kurdish takeover of Syria no different to the Turkish takeover of Syria, except Turkey will leave when asked to, and the Turkish work on their own – they are not weaklings that bring in the USA into the fight so that they can hide behind them, like the Kurds do.

Bad luck, Kurds. Kurds ganged up with the US and Israel, and Syria decided to gang up with Turkey, Russia and Iran. Kurds have got no right to whine about nations collaborating.

Russia should hurry up and carry out the plan before Big Brother the USA comes in and bails out the treacherous and WHINY Kurds.

G Dean VanGaya

Turkey just ran the whole destruction of Syria and now you think Turkey will leave when asked to? When did they stop sending terrorists in the last 6 years?!?


Yep, they will. Even if they don’t (let’s make hypothetical assumptions now), it’s clear Assad prefers them to the Kurds. Since he is the rightful leader of Syria, it’s his call and judgment.

Turkey made a mistake, but they have changed now. Turkey had a plan with Qatar to take over Syria with Muslim Brotherhood people and similar and turn Syria into a Sunni state, backed by Turkey and Qatar. These two countries are led by committed Sunni religious people and they thought Assad was too weak to lead Syria.

However, when the US stepped up their arming and training of the Kurds, the Turkish and Qatari woke up and realized how they had been played, and they started thinking they should drop their plan. So Turkey changed sides. Stop living in the past.

Geys Home

Oh, look at the POOR INNOCENT KURDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, they deserved protection when the genocidal turks slaughtered them in Turkey for no reason, no two opinions about that.

But when they sell their assholes to USA/ISISrael and in return get their protection and weapons, strike deals with ISUS go capture territories for ‘free” while ISUS scumbags harass Syrian Army and Syrian Population, they become untouchable???

HAHAHAHA Did you really think Putin was gonna let you screw around in Syria like it was your playground, while defending Zionist interests and being their puppets??? You had enough time to play while Syria/Iran/Russia/Lebanon were dealing with more important issues like ISUS/Al-Nusra and other sheep jihadi scumbagians.

And now it is time to PRAY.

Because first you play, but then you must PAY.

Your assholes are a Moscow to Ankara phone-call-away from getting butt-fucked by Turkish army and their proxies and paramilitaries (e.g. Sultan Murat militia), so I suggest you get some Vaseline ready.

Because when they come to fuck you, Russian military police, SpetzNaz and Syrian border guards will not be there to save you.

PS: ‘Vaseline” is a trademark owned by ‘Unilever’. If you have none, I suggest using pig-fat, it may actually save your anus from Turkish-Islamic cock from penetrating……

Jacek Wolski

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23fbb4a37176c2ed46e8de70a3b60a1d26285d231bdb7fc90acbf2ed6304bb90.jpg It’s Turkey season ?


Stop living in the past. Turkey has changed sides.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Watched the video never seen the bullshit like having swat on the rooftops and in front of the crowds and behind , was like watching a prison yard full of prisoners with the same unhappy faces . This was another bogus PR stunt by Ruder Global , just like Manbij was . The US is looking desperate the young kids made the gesture that all SAA make with the “V” , SDF use the one finger like ISIS .

G Dean VanGaya

TevDem’s direct democracy (‘Rojava’), with an Arab tribal leader as co-chair of the Federation of local, direct democratic councils and Syrian Christians fighting alongside in the self defense forces, is not ‘Kurdish’… It is the only legitimate direct democracy in the Middle East, and that polity, which was faced with digging it’s own mass graves at the invasion of ISIL or, yes, taking arms from the U.S. creators of ISIL to survive and grow that direct democracy, is insisting to have a coherent Syria based on a canton system of confederation not unlike Switzerland or Canadian provinces which control their local resources, not Ottawa – Federated countries are normal. The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNO, Rojava is no longer the name as it is a Kurdish term and does not reflect the participatory, diverse governance by all peoples of all faiths in the territory) has hardly touched the oil which they consider the shared wealth of all of Syria, has left untouched the lightly defended airfields of the Syrian Ba’athists in Northern Syria. I think it is clear that Tev-Dem – the governing structure of local councils is proposing something that would thwart partition. Would you like to see a polity based in direct democracy for all Syrians? Would you like to see self-defense of Syria where Arabs, Christians, kurds, etc., all fight together against invasion?.. If you do, then please support the people of Afrin who marched en mass as one people, not as Kurds: http://en.hawarnews.com/100-thousand-take-to-streets-in-afrin-canton/

A society that has cohesion across it’s diverse individuals is the only force that can resist partition by foreign powers. How do you invade a neighbourhood that meets every month, and governs it’s own police directly, democratically? How do you invade a factory where the co-operative worker/owners are armed and working in the factory? In Aleppo the Turkish backed terrorists would walk into a factory with a few guys and call the capitalist owners, often, living far away, and demand extortion, while the workers, essentially cooperated passively, because they didn’t care enough to put their lives on the line… Then the Turkish engineers would come in to dismantle the factory and put it on flat bed trucks to be welcomed back across the border by Turkish customs. Turkey supported the logistics of the destruction of Syria by the terrorists. Now will you stand by the Turkish army in the slaughter of a Syrian city, with the indiscriminate shelling already well under way by Turkish artillery? Do you support Turkey’s support of Al Nusra and ISIS in the destruction of Syria? Is it ok if the Turkish army destroys Syrian regions by itself on people governing themselves, but not for Turkey to destroy Syrian people when in Ba’athist controlled Aleppo? http://www.cooperativeeconomy.info is a good place to read up on what Tev-Dem is actually proposing for Syria. The Ba’athist and Turkish propaganda will lead to mass slaughter. Please educate yourself and become a proponent for peace and stability. The Kurds have suffered massive oppression in both Turkey and Syria. When I was working in Istanbul ahead of the UN Habitat 2 conference, the now 40 year oppression was appalling, even then, and it has only gotten worse, with the peace process arrested by Erdogan by jailing or forcing into exile, almost all Kurdish MPs. Erdogan bull dozez whole Kurdish cities, literally bulldozed them to rubble, just last year. Before the invasion, Syria did not allow most Syrian Kurds to have even passports, nor to own land. Ba’athists took almost %40 of Syrian GDP out of North Eastern Syria due to it’s rich cotton, grain and oil fields and prevented local industrial development of the area to the point of making independent fruit and vegetable production practically illegal, and forcing imports of basic produce. I think the confederated proposal by Tev-Dem for a coherent Syria is quite gracious now… Especially as the SAA left the region for dead at the hands of the U.S. created ISIL, and the YPG with mere hundreds of fighters in the beginning (Kobani in particular started its resistance of ISIL with just a few hundred fighters to hold the whole city, of from overy 5,000 ISIL fighters.


Someone says that the Kurdish are for direct democracy and therefore should be supported … (post has become inactive because too long and detected as spam). _________

My reply:

Nobody believes the democracy bullshit after Israel has been bleating it’s the only democracy in the Middle East for the past 80 years, while at the same time, ignores the 90 or so UN resolutions against it, murders Palestinians in cold blood, imprisons them unfairly, takes over their territory and in other ways commits human rights abuses, with the full approval and support of the United States.

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