
Source: ria.ru
The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have made a secret deal with ISIS terrorists in the city of Raqqah, the Russian state-run news agency Ria Novosti reported citing a source in the defense ministry.
According to the source, ISIS will get an open corridor to withdraw from Raqqah if its members redeploy to the province of Homs in order to fight government forces near Palmyra. The corridor will be located south of the ISIS-held city.
The source added that the Russian military has taken measures to prevent this scenario. The Russian Aerospace Forces have increased airstrikes against ISIS targets in the provinces of Deir Ezzor and Raqqah.
The US and her terror organisations are in a frenzy. ‘Oy vey ,Vot to dooo, Vot to dooo’ ?
There has just been a book published that exposes the terrorist anarchy that has been intentionally caused by the West in Non Subservient nations for decades as a planned outcome of their ‘democratic military interventions ‘ around the globe. The book states that Western corporations are well experienced in using the terror gangs of localised warlords to better plunder a nations resources as they are easier to deal with than a Non Compliant nation state.
This has been my contention for many years. I should have written a book about it ?
Would you have published under “fiction”?
Probably not as there is far too much historical evidence that demonstrates the criminal hysteria of the cabal of self serving criminals that has ruled the USA for far too long
I am interested to know the tital of this book. If you know the tital and would like to let me know, would be apprecited.
Hi, The book can be bought from here:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Divide-Ruin-Imperial-Strategy-Crisis/dp/0991030303
And todays interview with the author can be found here:-
Thats reason why SAA must push from eastern Allepo to Raqqa and surround them
I said it a long time ago and everybody attacked me ……I ll say it agian the kurds are nothing except a card that us play to put pressures on syria …..these kurds are not fighting isis for the sake of humanity they are jusy fighting them to take the land that isis invaded …..so its nothing than another invasion with a nore open minded look…syrian are agianst isis notbcause they behead …they are agianst them cause they are taking their land…so if a group that doesnt behead and is so civilized take a part of syria they are just like isis for syrians.
SDF are Syrians too, in case you do not know.
SDF is fighting IS for many reasons, starting with the fact they were attacked by IS first. As of when one cannot or may not defend oneself?
SDF is also fighting IS because they are the scum of the earth, out of principle, out of political motives etc etc.
Even Assad, butcher though he is, has recently stated the SDF fight against IS is legitimate. If you read Farsnews, you should see they are mostly highly positive about SDF.
Sdf kurds are not syrians they themselves dont believe that. And if there is syrians between them they are very rare.
Well, just ask them where they were born. I would say more than 95 out of 100 were born in Syria. Their charter says they want to live in a democratic, secular, multi ethnic federal Syria, where their rights are recognised.
What is wrong with that?
Did you know that actual syrian kurd population didn’t even reach 10,000?
And did you know that they are rabid communists?
YPG, Main SDF force, military branch of DEMOCRATIC UNION PARTY: COMMUNIST: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Union_Party_(Syria)
I know daddy Assad took away the nationality of 120.000 kurds in 1961.
I do know the latest census in Syria showed some 10% of the population kurdish, not counting the 120.00 and their descendants, now logically more or less half a million. I know many kurds living in Aleppo, some 20 to 25% of the city, mostly fled to Afrin where they now have become kurds again, relearning their motherlanguage.
As for some, or even most, kurds being communists? Who cares. Communists are legal within Europe. If people want to vote for them, just do that. It is called democracy. Try it, you might like it.
Hahahahaha Please don’t tell me you trust UN? Let’s review facts here, in 2013, the UN accused Syria of chemical use, after Russia stepped in and showed evidence, Syria was cleared. In 2015, Syria was accused again but they were cleared. And when u say cleared, it was proven that the jihadis that the UN hypocrites support, they had used them. 2016, Aleppo, the SAA was accused of bombing thousands of hospitals and using chemical weapons, after the liberation, videos where released by the SAA showing chemical factories in Aleppo and only 2 hospitals there and none of them were bombed. The US even tried to fake pictures of bombed schools but the Russians and some internet experts exposed them. The UN only serves US interests. They supported the US in Iraq war, Lybia war, destruction of 3 million lives and destroying country after country without ONE SINGLE CONDEMNATION!!! Not only this but when the UN claims they will deliver foods as such to Syria, it’s mostly weapons. This is because the US has a hand in everything. And what happened to the US when they broke international law and bombed Syria? Nothing! How can a country just attack another one without condemnation? The UN is a joke. Without even sending observers to the alleged chemical crime scene, they blast claims! the UN Security Council died the day the US attacked Saddam Hussein. When will you get it??! The governments are doing the same thing over and over again but you never learn. I guess stupidity truly is in your nature.
If the U.N. as an organisation is such a shit cunt, then it is high time for Russia to vacate the premises of a vacant facade
Keep dreaming :)
I was replying to his comments “The UN is a joke”, “The UN only serves the US interests” Obviously that is not correct if Russia is still a member. Ponimayu?
Well, for starters, communism/leftardism has killed more people than any other ideology. Second of all, all of whats left that they have right now was built by the assads: schools, roads, power, water, etc etc etc… And this is the thanks they get? Plus the kurds are commiting genocide against christians in syria… This is the thanks THEY get? They haven’t even done anything to anyone in syria…
Mongols killed 5% of the world’s population in the 13th and 14th centuries. Communism doesn’t come close.
OK, would you please tell us how many Mongols were present on Earth in 13-14th centuries?
Didn’t they teach you history in school about Mongol invasion, destruction and subjugation of Russia from 1223 till 1480?
Yes, my Polish friend, they fed us that “history”. I asked you that question deliberately to invoke some searching. I’ll tell you another thing. When one Russian asked Mogolian president (in a private discussion that happened a couple of years ago) about Mongol invasion. The answer was “You deal with your fairytales yourself. We got nothing to do with it”
You are entitled to your opinion, we both live in democratically elected countries. But there are too many historical documents from Japan, Vietnam, China, India, the middle east and Europe about the brutality and destruction of the Mongol armies just to simply dismiss it as ‘fairy tales’. Unless we are talking about Баба-яга ?
Thanks for your reply. The thing is that the more I search on this matter the more cloudy it becomes, so to speak. Some things contradicting each other… PS: loved that Baba-Yaga story :)
Always a pleasure to have a civilized discussion without resorting to slurs. To your health, na zdrowie.
Didn’t they teach you at school about the Mongol invasion, destruction and subjugation of Rus lands between 1223 till 1480?
lololol, ideologies don’t kill people. people kill people.
do not go in hungary. there is forbidden. if you show red star, you go in prison :P
right. In democracy you can vote for whoever you want. In the end, though, it does not really matter, as the political power is just a facade and an instrument for those who detain the economic power.
What’s wrong with communists? They are statist idealists same as socialists, liberals and nazis.
The total number of people killed by leftard ideology almost eclipses small pox… No other ideology comes close….
What is the timeline on your prognosis? Since time immemorial?
nationalism, christianity, colonialism
Look up the body count of liberalism you ignorant peasant.
I fear that you are historically-illiterate. The western slave empires make C20th dictatorships of any ideology look like Johnny-come-latelys
What is a Syrian? Do they speak Syrian?
Do Americans speak American?
what is american? do they speak american?
polska kurwa!
Well, if that is yoour definition of Syrians, then the Syriacs are the only real Syrians. They are there for three millennia and still speak the lingo. Btw, they are christians too.
Does that mean you dislike north korea cuba vietnam china now? Ohh wait they are anti US so that it all right.
Have you got your shekel? how the weather at tel aviv, stinky as usual?
What??? “democratic, secular, multi ethnic federal Syria” That’s exactly how Syria was before your NWO masters decided that it’s time to ruin this country. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. It’s just too easy to destroy your blatant lies. “We know that you know that we know” that you’re spreading BS for your NWO masters. Your problem is that you hope that your masters will reward you for betraing you kind. Don’t want to ruin your party but look at ISIS corps in the desert – they hoped for reward the same way as you did.
If they are birn in syria that doesnt make them syrians unless they themselves want and believe to…when you meet a kurd you will know…of course not all of them but most of them hate arabs and being arabic as hell they never talk arabic they never have patriotism to their arab nation they dont care about syria or iraq and the only thing that fuel him in the grudge on arabs.
Most of the sdf are Syrian’s but they see themselves as Kurd’s can’t blame them they had it very hard for year’s, remember Assad was pretty bad to them before this civil war !!
Butcher Assad? have some respect you ignorant prick.
For a man reponsable for half a million dead, 5 million refugees, more millions IDP, his country destroyed. Butcher might be too nice a word.
Oh bullshit, those are made up numbers and you know it…
FSA loses dont even hit 150k yet…
And “Protestors” killed don’t even hit 1,000…
You came to the wrong place to spout leftard propaganda… GTFO…
Half a million is not my number, it is the UN number. And it also includes NDF losses, SAA losses, all the militia out of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Hezbollah, the kurds, losses of and by IS etc etc. And does it really matter if it is 295.756 of 201.345 of even 601.781?
Your comments starts to lose seriousness the moment you blame all the deaths on Assad. This is precisely what ISIS and all the other terrorists do. Does it mean you are one of them?
so Assad is responsible for every death in Syria including those beheaded by ISIS and those incinerated by US airplanes yesterday? you are so full of shit.
Yes he is. Not solely of course, but yes, he is. Just like Obama then and Trump now is responsible for what happens in the US, is done by his soldiers.
I suppose Queen Wilhelmina is guilty for each and every of 200K Dutch WW2 casualties because she should’ve just given Adolf a BJ and surrender?? Boy you are one stupid western European SJW cuck….
It seems your are both the weirdo and the ignoramus.
Firstly, as Hitler ordered the attack on a neutral country, he was responsable for everything afterwards, you stupid fool.
Secondly, you are an ignoramus. The king or queen is head of state, not head of government. Our PM is head of government. By our constitution, the PM is responsable for the state, not the king or queen.
So man, when you have your stupid comments, know at least what you are talking about.
Hey ignoramus, wasn’t your king/queen also the head of the armed forces??? So according to your stupid logic if the head of the armed forces decides that those armed forces fight against aggression on a “neutral country” as you put it – he/she is automatically guilty for all the casualties in that war. Assad fights an un-holly coalition of Sauid, Qatari, Tunisian, Libyan, Caucasian and of course Syrian Salafi gang financed by Saudi and Qatari money and armed by US, Bulgarian and Croatian weapons. That’s aggression by any standards. Wilhelmina ordered her army to fight – for a week or so anyways – an then decided to cut an run. Assad is still in his country. That requires balls – but we can’t hold that against the late queen, can we…
Dutchnational ; generally speaking your comments show insight , so when you blame Assad , it is a bit of a shock to those on this site , that someone of your intelligence has bought the American propaganda . J. Assange is wanted , because the US hates him for his exposing the truth . Wiki leaks exposes the propaganda , with US government documents , sent from different gov. depts to other gov depts . In ” WikiLeaks Files”, (2015) , Assange traces the beginning of the war against Syria back to 2006 , all backed by US State Dept , DOD , CIA documents . ” In war , truth is the first casualty ” , if you dare to read the truth it is there , in that book . My best to you and all .
How does it feel hating humans? How does it feel working for destruction of human kind? I’ll say it again – look in the mirror, how do you like those horns?
It matters very much for several reasons: 1) the number has been used as a propaganda tool against legal Syrian government since day 1. First it was 10K “unarmed protestors” and now even SOHR claims less then 1K. And we can talk how much of those were really unarmed, 2) How to fuck can UN know the numbers without having representatives on the ground – only by copy/pasting Al Nusra/White helmets reports. And we know how accurate are those by the numbers of last doctors and last hospitals in Aleppo, Idlib, Ghouta… The only side that keeps accurate and professional record of casualties is Syrian government – and US tried to use it as a propaganda creating fake Caesar photos hoax. And 4) Saying that Assad is guilty for ALL of dead Syrians is another revolting attempt to abuse the dead for pure anti-syrian propaganda. Those people are dead because the attempt to overthrow legal government failed by 2013 – with total of 70K casualties almost half of them SAA!!!. But in order to prolong the suffering of the people and fragment Syria US, poured in 2 bn $ worth of weapons that “mysteriously” ended up in the hands of Al Qaida. The blood of Syrians is on the hands of Obama, Clinton and Kerry. Assad is doing his job – and a good one under the circumstances…
Really? UN? May be this is your masters number?
In other words, you’re blaming every casualty and all the destruction from the war on Assad.
Logically, your position does not make sense.
Hostility to the Assad regime isn’t lefty you bad mannered prick. Lefties treat the Syrian regime as the lesser evil by far than the Generalgouvernment that the Washington barbarians have waiting. Something like half of the casualties since the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers invaded are Syrian, not US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers.
You flip flop worse than trump… You better ask him for some tips…
Correction, stupid bad-mannered prick
OK, if his manners are not good, than how should we describe your manners?
Human losses are just ‘insignificant’ numbers to you? Welcome my fellow misanthrope!
Who started the color revolution in Syria?
Hare Krishnas
ty wol
Another snakehead popped up? Seeing how hard the work on this webpage I start to feel that snakeheads feels that it is dangerous to them :)
Snakes do not read.
actually Erdogan is much more responsible. The Saudis too. Not to mention the cabal from which the White House takes its orders.
When dispensing responsibilities, at least take care to go the most general you can. It’s an exercise that does wonders, although one must have at least a little part of mind not brainwashed.
I thought you are a reasonable guy, why are you talking like this. Did Assad start the problem, He is only defending his people. Why not blame those who paid and train the mercenaries to fight and kill Syrian people for their own selfish end?
Your problem is that you think that dutchnational is like us – humans. He thinks different. Us- goyems, for him is nothing also than food for his little deamon god Jahve.
Really, it’s 500K now???? Why not write 2 million since you’re clearly pulling numbers out of your ass. Basic math using SOHR data: 320K confirmed dead, 115K SAA+allies, 111K insurgents, 12K ISIL, 4K Kurds and around 80K civilians – whatever that term means in a civil/proxy war. We can argue which of the sides was responsible for most of those 80K – because Assad sure as hell isn’t responsible for approx. 100K dead Alawis and Christians (both combatants and civilians). We can also argue about whether they were just normal collateral damage – and a rather small % compared to recent and similar US/Israeli “defensive actions”. So what’s Assad’s real fault – that he refused to give up his country and 24 mil people either to the head chopping Wahhabis or throat cutting Muslim Brotherhood, because US, Israel and some retarded western SJWs wanted him to. But we can also argue whether you are a jihadi apologist, a troll or just plain dumb.
He probably is all of them.
Does it really matter if it is 301.089 or 601.089?
Ten more or ten less makes the one a mass murderer and the other lilly white?
It matters very much if 300K human beings are alive and well – you are one sick bastard… Also it matters hell of a lot who is attacking and who is defending. And Assad never invaded anybody.
Yes, for you snakehead, it just doesn’t matter how many have died for your NWO agenda.
It matters when you are trying to determine cause and effect in a conflict, and
one side in the discussion about casualties is trying pin every death in the conflict on one party while disregarding cause and effect.
In a war there are two fighting sides, who started the color revolution in Syria? Why are you not willing to blame the for the losses in Syria as well?
besides, Israel is responsible for tens of millions of people killed, wounded and displaced in the middle east since 1948.
No, no, no! Please don’t ruin his agenda :) He’s telling his truth (sorry for using this word in such misplaced manner). Their plan is exactly like that – Israhell needs yet more human bones in its fundament. That ugly beast is always hungry for more blood.
Terrorists that you love and support are responsible, and no one but them and their western mentors. Just like any other aggressor in history is responsible, but you brainless, shameless imbecile are actually saying that Poland or China, and NOT Hitler or Japan, are responsible for millions of dead in WW2 for example. Because they dared to defend! Imbecile might be too nice a word in your case, a pile of shit might be better.
Who is loving terrorists?
They can hang them right next to Assad as far as I am concerned.
A govt. has a right to defend it’s territory from Jihadist attack supported by other countries. So how is Assad responsible for all the blood that has been shed in Syria? He may be a hardliner, but what was the alternative (Al Qaeda and ISUS)
Isis=zionism, SDF, NDF just moderate ISIS
Your description of Obama is too generous. In fact this little joke of a human being was never in charge. Just a puppet, the same as you are.
Yes he just woke up one day and said hey I really want to destroy my country and kill everybody in it…..some common sense is important when you are trying to understand politics.
Can you break down exactly how you reached this conclusion (and especially the part about half million dead)?
Dutchnational, Assad is responsible for his country still standing strong and not being in tatters such as Libya. Those responsible for the “half a million dead” (sic!), 5 million refugees etc., are those who make the big arms deals with Saudi Arabia, who send £65 Million to the white helmets scam, who pretend to be sending “humanitarian aid” to Aleppo whilst in reality they support terrorists and look away when hundreds of trucks are rolling with ISIS oil to Turkey, just as they look away when 5000 ISIS fighters move from Mosul, Raqqa and Deir Ez Zor to Palmyra in order to destroy Syrias heritage. Wake up, man! I know there is a lot of brainwashing in Holland, just as there is in the UK. I still manage to think for myself though ;)
Step down and country would not of had civil war.
Oh yes, like Libya now, such a nice country and very democratic
yeah sure, just surrender your country to some bandits and terrorists because they demand it. try that in Washington DC.
this was not solution. chinese killed in tien an men all students. and the peace contnued. chine rised, all salaries are today at least 3 times higher. manytimesd the hard way is good.
no abdiction, but new elections was the best way. assad could win without any problems.
If Obomber had stepped down?
Yeah :) it will be another Libia. What kind of creature you are?
Did you know that Bashar Assad was not even the first pick as successor to his father? His older brother was, but he died so Bashar was next in line based on senority…
The reason he was not first pick: Bashar is considered the pussy of the family. And syria needed a strongman to keep all the various factions in place. The next brother in line is Hafez. He was the one in charge of north syria and we all know how messed up the north got before he was removed due to an injury he sustained in late 2015…
Anyways, STFU with your syrian/britard observatory propaganda… You embarrass yourself…
Said the boy who cried wolf.
That… makes no fuckin sense…
Sense is not something expected from this snakeheads.
Bashar al-Assad was indeed the quiet studious one of the Assad siblings. He graduated medical school to become an army doctor and then specialised in eye medicine and worked as specialist in London until his brother Bassel unexpectedly died. Bassel was the hard nut – parachute division in army and Soviet military academy training – killed himself speeding in a car. The British authorities and media constantly vilify Bashar al-Assad – with all manner of wild accusations – but never, ever, mention he worked as a specialist doctor in London for years, as that wouldn’t exactly fit their decades old ‘mad mid east dictator’ narrative.
And they don’t mention that Syria, because of the Assad family, had the best medical facilities in the middle east(even better than israel), and aleppo put Syria at the top in manufacturing and Syria in the lowest unemployment.
Now all that is destroyed thanks to the sauds, obama, cameron, etc etc…
Those large public hospitals in Syria – including a couple of large specialist eye clinics due the personal interest of Bashar al-Assad in area and its technological developments – have been systematically looted by militants in their controlled areas. The medical equipment – from advanced scanners and electronics to the mundane beds and pans have all been loaded onto trucks and sold to Turkish dealers on the cheap – with full knowledge and collusion of Turkish state officials. Turkey has utterly looted and profited from the Syrian war.
Really? You think I didn’t know that? >_<
That’s quite a petulant display there, Max.
Your time is yours, don’t waste mine.
bashar is no pussy. do not come out from your anus… bashar uís simpply ohysician, pediatryst. hi brother was soldier. i do no think, that soldiers are good leaders.
it doesn’t really matter what you did before to be judged as a leader. what matters is the willingness and the ability to do what needs to be done to protect the people you’re responsible and make them live in peace and prosperity.
Assad did not sell his people and country to the new world order and religious zealotry. That makes him one of the few world leaders who are not prostitutes.
I stopped reading the moment you called Assad a butcher. Go to hell Dutchboy.
Says a LIAR https://southfront.org/isis-prepares-withdraw-al-yarmouk-camp-near-damascus/
Big liar spouting liar to every one, how the weather at tel aviv, stinky as usual?
What is it stinking so bad? Never mind, just another zionist cannibal.
If I will, I am sure to find you there.
Namecalling is just a sign of a weak and puerile mind, little boy.
Dutch boy – your Zionist colors are showing.
SDF, FSA, HTS, erdogan, saudis and nato all of them are the real butchers and murderers fuck them and fuck you
Dutchnational… Look in the mirror. What do you see there? Horns?
If Assad is a butcher then what do you call Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Tony Bliar … the list is long so I am going to stop with the worst of them ?
I agree. US/Israel always told that their objective is the balkanization of the Middle East in order to keep Sunnis, Shias and Kurds fighting against each other so they can manipulate them at will and profit very much selling weapons and buying cheap oil. Besides that, they also forced Russia to lauch an expensive intervention in Syria in order to avoid the contruction of gas pipelines between Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Well, of course they aren’t. Kurds buy oil from isis… and turn around and sell it to turkey…
Wow, hypocrite much?
My father told me in the 80s that the Kurds have always been a card that is played since he could remember, so you’re absolutely right
Kurds in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey have always been a Trump (Geddit?) card. They’ll get what’s coming when the Washington barbarians tire of them, just like they did in the 70s vis a vis Iran (In the days of the Shite of Iran) and Iraq or the 80s after the Iran-Iraq war.
I have agreed with you before. The whole reason the kurd’s are fighting is to break away. They want Iranian territory, Syrian territory, Iraqi territory and Turkish territory. Kurds want the weakening of Syria so when the Kurds choose to defeat the SAA it will be more easy for them. The Kurds should fight in Turkey instead since that is where the largest Kurdish population lives. Iran and Syria have been to nice to Kurds, and Kurds are the original terrorist in Syria anyway. Kurds do car bombings and suicide attacks as well. Kurds are true allies of Israel, which makes them to dangerous to keep around. The Kurds ultimate goal is always the conquest of northern Iran.
very nice : )
Sure. So shoot back.
In fact jews are the same kind of wasteable card, but they don’t seem to understand it :)
Read about a Russian air attack on a convoy of some 40 IS pick ups, killing, they say, some 120 IS. A convoy like that can only hold some 10% of the alledged 4.000 IS fighters in Raqqah.
If there really is a deal between IS and SDF, that is for the SDF tactically is good deal, strategically maybe less so.
It follows the pattern set by Assad, letting opponents leave cities and reallocate where they might harm others but at least not where they were, Turkey paid IS yo leave Al Bab too.
If SDF made this deal, I really think IS can thank Erdogan for the deal they got. As Erdogan and Turkey are ever more threatening to attack Tell Abyad, so much so that even Russia has been warning Turkey against this, it is possible that SDF felt the need to be able to turn around to defend themselves against the other islamo fascists.
We will have to wait and see what happens. It might even be, if this is correct, that it would help the poor civilians of DEZ and its besieged military.
As an addendum, : If there was or is a deal, it would have been very mideastern if the SDF gave IS a way out and then informed the Russians they were coming, So please bomb them.
Or would that be unthinkable?
isis are fools to take this “deal”… But if they did, NICE.
Coming out from under the ruble into the wide open desert makes them perfect target practice for sukhois….
That is what I meant.
Forget the Sukhoys you need carpet bombing, or better yet, TU 162 dropping half a dozen Father of all bombs to vaporize these wretches.
Why should ISIS prefer to fight Assad to Palmyra instead of Kurds defending their stronghold Raqqa?
If ISIS the confines of the city for the open desert, the Russian Air force should pulverise them.
Agree. Blowing up the columns is much easier and more effective than bombing dispersed front lines. Don’t squander the chance.
The SAA needs to reach the Southern area of Raqqa ASAP so the SAA can prevent the Kurds and the USSA, Zionist empire letting ISIS escape to attack Syria. The SAA is doing this now. Then the USSA will have to give the Kurds very serious weapons to invade RAQQA which should push Turkey to attack the Kurds before the Kurds can use such weapons to conquer Eastern Turkey in conjunction with another Zionist coup against Erdogan.
The SDF picked the side of evil, and that choice is stored somewhere on a karmic ledger. But I can’t hate on them for doing what the loyalists are doing all the time, under various names. For all their flaws, at least the SDF do understand that they are cannon fodder–wish my fellow Europeans had so much awareness. So they don’t want to bleed for Raqqa more than they have to; perhaps a saner mindset than the jihadists’. The loyalists, under Russia’s eye in the sky, can now deliver a message that ISIS should fear them more than a bunch of Kurds.
More generally, isn’t hating on Kurds a form of hating the weak? The West never stopped arming and training the moderates to better kill Syria and Russian soldiers. The usual term for that is e n e m y. I hope nobody harbors illusions that there won’t be some tricks in the endgame.
Suprise, sunrise, is same strategy US deployed at outset of Mosul operation to allow ISIS fighters open passage out to go east into Syria unmolested – it was only Iraqi air force helicopters that attacked ISIS convoys not US aircraft.
at least Zbigniew Brzezinski is dead.
Hell yeah, I promised myself to drink a beer to that. [heads down to the convenience store] No shortage of people who’d make good company for him. As somebody remarked elsewhere: when Soros’s time comes, Satan will panic “I’m getting regime-changed!”
Zbig and Rockefeller all in one year. If Kissinger kicks the bucket too you can maybe open a bottle o wine…
Clock’s ticking on the big one – Soros!
4 out of 4 – no way, to much evil crammed up in Hell – the devil himself would have to apply for political asylum in an Ecuadorian embassy somewhere…
Traitorous Kurds!. So ya….ISUS on the move…..Russian sat coverage can locate the goat @krs and with some Resolve ….obliterate them before they coordinate to attack SAA. Russia needs to put dozens of attack Helicopters and TAC air on them . Ya…Russia may not have the dozens of attack Helicopters in country. Syria is down to less than 40. Russia knows the US would release Raqqa ISUS on Syria ….understood this month’s ago. So….they either have a plan to burn the weeds back, …or its another FUBAR moment in Syrian war.
I really wish that people would wake up to the reality that this ‘fight for Raqqa” is a fraud to begin with..
You have the US-Israel backed Kurds on one side.. And you have the US-Israel backed “ISIS” on the other… Did anyone honestly think that they would actually “fight it out”???
The US is again playing the propaganda game with peoples’ minds in this fraud.. The reality, just like at Mosul in Iraq, is to make this “battle look good” for the cameras and the Jew spew media, while in reality the fraud “ISIS” forces are of course allowed to withdraw and be redeployed elsewhere by their US-Israel controllers.
Raqah is what the U.S. wanted for the capital of the new Sunni country that serves to be in between Iran and Saudi’s/Israeli’s. Sadam’s Ba’athist military leaders run ISIS w/ CIA’s help.
i watched a video a while ago that predicted this VERY scenario would happen!!! ISIS would retreat to central syria and try to push SAA back, BUT if SAA was able to bust through eastern homs area, they could fend it off and push through them
There may be a plan like this, but I doubt is from the Kurds. More like the US/Israel think tank type stuff. But it is a batty idea anyway. ISUS is mainly successful when it has an element of surprise. If they make a runner towards Palmyra there is no element of surprise and they will be crossing an open desert towards what? Palmyra? So they want to leave a nice defensible city to trek through open desert with Sukhois above, and end up… wait for it… in the middle of the desert! Fruitcakes make better plans than that. Nah, the only direction that would make any sense is Deir Ezzor.
Let them come out of the city and airstrike their convoys – that way no civilians will get hurt. Not such a bad idea :D