Source: sdf-press.com
On Saturday, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters captured al-Kubar village in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside.
SDF fighters killed 5 ISIS fighters, and captured a VBIED and a vehicle of ISIS during their attack, according to the SDF. Furthermore, the SDF evacuated over 500 civilians from the town after capturing it.
The SDF also claimed that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled its positions inside al-Kubar village with mortars right after its fighters captured the village.
The SDF didn’t report any casualties due to the supposed shelling by the SAA. So far the SDF claims have not been confirmed by any pro-government source.
Meanwhile, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq announced that ISIS fighters attack positions of the SDF on the Haskah-Deir Ezzor highway (also known as the al-Khurafi highway). According to Amaq, 9 fighters of the SDF were killed, and several others were injured in the attack.
Amaq added that ISIS fighters shelled the positions of the SDF in al-Suwar town in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside with mortars.
Earlier on Saturday, the SDF captured the Jafra oil field from ISIS northeast of Deir Ezzor city. The SDF is now in a position that allow it to block the SAA advance towards one of Syria’s biggest oil fields, the al-Omar field. This will likely further fuel tensions between the SAA and the SDF in the coming days.
Quote: “SDF evacuated over 500 civilians.” Not mentioned here, at gun point. The massive forced eradication and ethnic cleansing of the native local civilian populations of all Syrian territory invaded by the foreign mercenary US/SDF/ISIS coalition as was the case most recently in Raqqa, continues in Deir Ezzur. If the Syrian government forces don’t rush to liberate what remains of Deir Ezzur from these Kurdish thieves and terrorists, Deir Ezzur will become another ghost town, completely depopulated of its native Arab population and repopulated by invading illegal Kurdish settlers from Turkey, Europe, Iraq and elsewhere. This radical change in the demographic situation of the area is necessary for the colonial US tyranny and its Kurdish terrorist slaves to later carry out another sham referendum vote amoungst the foreign illegal Kurdish settlers and occupiers of the Arab Syrian lands to give a cover of legitimacy to a blatant land theft, as has happened in Iraq. But in Syria’s case it would be even worse, because the Kurds have no ethnic roots whatsoever in Syria. The Zionist plan of two other Zionist states in the middle East conveniently called Kurdistan in addition to the already established Israel, to completely control and freely loot the energy supplies of the Iraqi and Syrian peoples is in full sway. Only Syria, Hezbollah and Iran can stop this because I fear Russia is playing a double game.
This war won’t stop with ISIS, SAA will first get rid of IS, FSA, HTS, etc., then they will move on to SDF, that is why they are not rushing to fight the kurds, you can’t fight multiple fronts at the same time.
The kurds will be crushed, and then next Golan Heights will be returned to Syria, and then Palestine.
dreaming a bit too big here kid how old are you??
I never said how much time this would gonna take, but that is clearly Iran’s plan for middle east, Israel has not enough troops to stop the shia crescent, the saudi are cowards completely incompetent in battle, and the kurds are going to be crushed, they are surrounded,
Kissinger himself said Israel has its days counted, it might take several decades, but it will gonna happen, the zionist state is an aberration, a malignous tumour at the heart of the middle east, this cancer will be removed by any means, including radio threrapy if needed.
Shilling on liveuamap alone wasn’t enough to pay the bills, was it?
So I guess you know Danish Jens. He likes to come and troll SF on Kurd news. BORK
He is right under my feet with a carpet between us. I dont think I troll but have much based on facts and own oppinions.
Take care of your garden, those ISIS rodents are running all over the place as of late. Exterminator should handle this problem in 48 hrs. :)
I hope so and it seemes so, but they have delayed the cleaning programme some. I hope it gave more + then minus for the exterminators and ghostbusters.
in all honesty I bet even you would think this kids comment is ridclous xD
You would think a Troll would come with a better comment. BORK!
you are retarded if you think israel will give up golan heights and lets not forget SDF is no easy target
The SDF has always been an easy target, the Israeli’s without any backing can’t win a war by themselves. The SDF will take the Russian’s offer and will betray the dream, this way they live rather than die. Israel is already on everyone’s short list over Jerusalem and the UN now has some leeway in going after aggressors in the region of Jawlaan Heights. This goes especially for Israel as there are many countries that would love some payback on them, goes to show never back the wrong horse. Good possibility once the Jewish bankers have their money in BRICS it will be seized and forfeited along with others.
Things don’t look so good do they now.
Fuck you
get a life kid
Why do you hasbara fellowship even bother go get another account troll.BORK!
Well, I think he is refreshing but sometimes completly wrong.
Obviously there is something wrong with your head , but then again Danes have always eaten their young in the past.
trolls? this guy thinks everything is so easy to do according to him xD
Wow ,hiding under your son’s account how low can a troll go and here we’ve just seen it.
Amin brother Daniel Castro !!! May Allah Bless You for saying those words …
Very optimistic. More then brushing teeths every friday is needed.
Do not worry the Zionist will not have any teeth left the brush soon.
Or maybe we may see a pro-Shahist coup in Iran and Baloch separatist movements… Syrian government can’t defeat HTS without Russian help, which is less than 1/10 of Israel.
Very hard to be You lying so much for Yourself.
The tide is turning, borders are not carved in stone, countries come, countries go, Israel is like a castle of sand built in the beach, you can try to mantain it in one piece for some time, but when the tide comes it will be washed away… Look one thousand years ago the cruzader Kingdom of Jerusalem, people also thought back then it would hold forever, it is the same thing.
And so are the present borders of Syria, Iraq and Turkey
Arabs and persians are there for thousands of years, turks for centuries, israel is just a modern unsustanable construct, that is the reality, take the free dollars away from them and see how long they will last.
the reality is that the kurds are there for thousands of years as well, and jews also
Kurds never had a stateor kingdom, ever! And the state they want now isn’t even kurdish, it will be just a zionist colony with no sovereignity.
Also, there was no jewish state in middle east since ancient rome, vast majority of the people there is arab.
It doesn’t matter if they had a state to start with, but even that is not certain. Karda is mentiond as a country on a Sumerian clay tablet. Many Kurds say they are the descendents of the Medes. The Medes had a state. Some scientist say it was Corduene, others say The fact is that there are 30 milion Kurds. There is NO other group that big without a country, so its about time they get one.
Won’t happen, and if they push this agenda there will be another genocide.
I can assure You, that You morons will be more pushed even if seemes to prefare killing each other more
You have been among you during at least the last 4.000 years and long time before arabs and turks emmigrated to there.
they really try to respect You, but its hard.
Probably, humans in the ME are very stubborn and violent. It has tot do with religion and climate i guess.
most african countries did not exist 100 years ago and most countries in asia as well
States in africa didn’t exst, but the people there were the same, khazar fake jews are not people of the middle east.
Only antijews tell that khazar sciencefiction which has been prooved as a lie long time ago and now also are confirmed by DNA and hablos.
So you are just focusing on the fake Khazar story now, but everybody knows that 50 percent of the israelis are from the ME. Sure the creators of israel were European and it was a historical mistake. I am not pro zionism at all, but its too late now to bring all israelis back to where they came from. Anyway, NON of the ME countries want those mizrahis back today. Apart from that, the descendants of the european settlers are not europeans anymore, they are israeli. The best solution is a new state for palestinians and jews, with a secular constitution, no more apartheid jewish hegenomy. Same for the kurds, so either FULL equal rights in all the countries where they live, including autonomy, or independence. So, yes lets change the rules an/or borders in the ME, they are wrong now.
Retreat back to Israel lawfull borders and we may start to talk.
Until then I’m tired of this debate.
Rubbish You were in the same state for the last 1000 years runned by Ottomans, greeks and more – but not by You.
Syria wasnt even, where its made by French for taken oil from Kirkuk. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8188c793cb3e85f5e73cb8ad5e0c9c483c05c0f0050fa2dd3c7cf2f6dfc7e878.jpg
Kind of funny the borderline to the yellow kurds and SDF`s of tady are Eufrat isnt it. Aleppo is same thing.
Even you name is stolen as some being some outpost of Assyria, bacuse they conqered You.
I havnt asked israel to come. I wasnt even born.
But I can assure You that most socalled countries in the Middle East wouldnt exist as they became after WW1 incl. Syria in 1946 and Israel in 1948.
They would be more like Otomans had the regions and if they liked each other more, they could unite in practical matters.
As long as Israel has the strongest army in the ME, its not going to happen…
This strongest army shit is just an illusion, Israel is very vulnerable as the territory is tiny, the link between Iran, Iraq and Syria will ensure a unlimited suply of fighters and weapon, including cheap missiles that will be capable to overrun any defense they have, and this is why they are so desperate to create kurdistan in the way of the Shia crescent.
Moreover, Israel is not sustainable, they get billions and billions every year from USA just to keep afloat, the petrodollar is getting weaker by the day when the dollar reachs its real value USA won’t be able to support Israel anymore, and then Israel will implode.
As I said this won’t happen over night, it is a long historical process.
Yeah right. The strongest army in the ME that got pushed out of Lebanon by Hezbollah.
they had no interest to stay there, it would cost too many casualties you do know they have nukes right?
Why would casualties even become a problem if they’re as powerful as you imagine them to be?
What does having nukes got to do with it? The US has nukes but still got their butt handed to them in Vietnam.
Israel is currently a borderline pariah state on international stage – if Israeli leadership ever opted to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear armed states in immediate vicinity they would certainly become a full blown international pariah state. As further note – detonating of modern nuclear devices that close to Israel itself, would mean dusting own territory and available water supplies with radioactive fallout.
I agree with everything except Russian duplicity. I think that they view the SDF as the lesser of two evils to be dealt with latter. And that it’s getting to point where they need to be reigned in. They’ve been containing their southern advance all along.
No, you are wrong. Sputnik published an article about Kurdistan as a “newborn emerging state” in tone that by my opinion was affirmative and positive. They will not be against birth of Kurdish State, for several reasons. Do not forget that the Soviet Union was the one that first established Kurdish autonomy in a part of Iran which was later abolished. Besides, if 30 millions of Kurds can separate from Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran then 25 million of ethnic Russians can have same right in Ukraine and other former Soviet republic. Is not that logical? If Kurdish referendum becomes recognized by the West sooner or later, who will have any right to deny legitimacy of Crimean referendum to join Russia?
What am I wrong about?
You are not wrong. It one of several oppnions about it, which might be possible.
They will still deny Crimea and other things that is against their interests, that’s how insolent and fucked up they are,i mean, Kosovo, Russia just needs to do her own thing without constantly looking over the shoulder for a approval, i mean who do they think they are anyway, IMHO, bunch of greedy fucks with a big mouth.
One article in sputnik means nothing, Russia won’t support kurdish state because their relations with Turkey, Syria, Irak and Iran are way more important than some vain western recognition for Crimea, and if need be russia storms Ukraine and retakes the entire eastern part of that country back in no time, the times for concessions to the west are over.
I disagree. Russia seemes to like have some buffers here making small ones to control and make their neigbors angry. they have made several of them in caucasus. You also see Moldowa and the semi-russians in Ukrain.
You mean like when the West (USA/NATO) uses Eastern Europe as a buffer between them and Russia?
Moldova was part of Russia it was the US that needs illegally violate every treaty , they think if they attacked Denmark with Nukes would curtail it’s global ambitions. This would make sense as they want to assume a larger role in the EU.
From the Russian foreign ministry:
“”Moscow respects the national aspirations of the Kurds,” the ministry said in a statement. “We believe that all points at issue between Iraq’s federal authorities and the leadership of the Kurdish Autonomous Region may and should be solved through a constructive and respectful dialogue aimed at developing a mutually acceptable formula of co-existence as part of a unified Iraqi state.”
“We maintain our support for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of our friendly state of Iraq and other countries of the Middle East,” the ministry stressed.”
One article in Sputnik USA doesn’t make it supported by Russia as they are contractors and have their own opinions. Crimean is actually legitimate as they had international observers yet they saw now irregularities in voting as everyone was included. The problem was with the Ukraine imposed govt. by Washington which was only voted in the city of Kiev when they held an election. This wasn’t the case in the KRG as it lacked inclusion of all residents and the deployment of military forces are a show of intimidation and illegal. They lacked any outside observers as is required by all to ensure all rules of law and international law were observed, no extra voting etc. referendums have certain rules even before they can be recognized even they didn’t break any laws.
This true.
Very orgastic bad smell.
To be underlined and stressed. THERE IS NO FIGHTING WHATSOVER GOING ON BETWEEN ISIS AND THE OTHER FACE OF THE SAME COIN SDF. THESE PHOTOS DON’T PROVE ANYTHING AND DON’T CONVINCE ANYONE. The real fighting of ISIS is against the Syrian government forces to slow them down and allow the US/Zionist/SDF/YPG/ISIS coalition to steal more Syrian sovereign land and resources.
You will never change even if You got bodypart with DNS prooving they were kurds and nott same person died by age.
DLAPPING OPPINION? Does the spell checker not work in your browser?
Deo is not just posting his opinion. It’s shared by many. Russian MoD’s photographs of American military outposts in ISIS held territory confirms that ISIS is still taking orders from the USA. Look at the graphic posted alongside the pics and you’ll see how the SDF was given an unopposed advance to Deir ez-Zor. Whatever fighting is reported is strictly for show.
The problem is it’s an accurate and currently not denied by the US or NATO, when the day comes when these are both destroyed where will you be after we told you so. Many countries within NATO have a backlash to their presence in it, and this continues to grow as the eastern European countries will throw out NATO that’s just fact. That will start the steamroll and a rowing support for it as many see it in conflict with their values.
Yankee terrorist mfers..and the Kurds are the thieving Gypsies of the middle east..Using the opportunity to steal more Land for the terrorist Yanks..
And Jews.
yes,yes,yes, yes , yes,yes,yes,yes,yes, yes,yes,yes, yes , yes,yes,yes,yes,yes.
I have never heard it before. I have never heard it before. I have ne https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1c0371f13d1c70f5a0f6c0145a707fb839dc1798734763d11b0b0614305669e.jpg ver heard it before. I have never heard it before.
Danish for “huh????????”
These are an old after dinner dish in Turkey and quite popular sweet called Turkish delight Turkish Kurds love it.
He likes Turkish Delight !
Real Jews are against this shit my friend..The zionist Khazars are in this game..
The Jews pedophile rape 1,000 children a week with their oral suction circumcision. Taking their virginity, infecting them with venereal disease, brain damaging, and killing them on a regular basis. Anyone else would be prosecuted for felony crime. On top of all of the other evil and crime that they’re guilt of. Which is a lot.
Our planet would be a much better place without Jews. They should be permanently eradicated. Their evil cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free future for our planet. The problem isn’t some individual Jews who aren’t bad people. The problem is the evil cult that they were born into and raised in. The solution to humanitiy’s Jew curse is to get rid of them.
hahahhahaha. Next time we contribute for millions to the middle east i hope we will send diapers and pigmeat only.
Surely you’re not suggesting that “we” (assuming you mean the USA and its vassals) contribute(d) any kind of aid to Syria’s civilians caught up in your criminal ME enterprises. If memory serves, the West contributed lots of huffing and puffing about civilian suffering during the Aleppo conflict but did not, to the best of my knowledge, contribute any meaningful relief to the starving once the city was liberated. So, you can keep your diapers, pig meat and all else you didn’t send.
Kurds are being played the fool by US
They blinded by their desire for independent kurdistan, which i perfectly understand, maybe Assad and Russia can offer them something.
Kurds in Syria hasnt asked for any own state.
Yeah they are plannin to just take it.
Assad has offered to negotiate an autonomous region once the fighting stopped….but then along came the “The Coalition” and offered them independence.
i know.
sad because i had a lot of respect for the Kurds, i hope they come to realise that their leaders have sold them out for empty promises, but they probably won’t, if only they had access to the information we have
Your basic assumptions about Kurds are based on US state and media representations of them as the ‘victims’ and ‘good guys’ of the region. The reality is far more complex and nuanced, and need a more balanced non-partisan perspective on the realities. Kurds were traditionally nomadic people – who lived and moved across the Ottoman Empire – predominantly in the lower south-eastern regions of Turkey. Is important to understand that modern day Kurd’s run large and organized criminal smuggling syndicates throughout the region – illicitly sourced oil supplies from occupied areas of both Iraq and Syria are sold and trucked into Turkey and then on-sold Israel – furthermore Kurd’s run the hashish, alcohol and heroin trafficking into the Islamic Republic of Iran – much to chagrin of the state Shia leadership. The US presents a grossly simplistic and easily digestible narrative of ‘good guys vs bad guys’ in the conflicts they are heavily invested in – always have and always will, just don’t believe their hype.
hahahaha. Gabriel has told you are behind in being a good guy or the opposit.
What on earth are you on about – how about addressing the stated facts?
Why not. They are fools.
The Russians have said repeatedly over the past few weeks that these claims are false and that Isis is simply handing territory over to the SDF without conflict. It’s all Jew world order regime change Hegelian theater:
“On Saturday, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters captured al-Kubar village in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside.
SDF fighters killed 5 ISIS fighters, and captured a VBIED and a vehicle of ISIS during their attack, according to the SDF.”
“Killed 5 ISIS fighters” but claim SAA is shelling them . I smell US propaganda .
The lying Jew media is a big problem in the US. It’s the most Jew infested place on the planet at this time. Much to the detriment of Americans.
You might check Your self even it not friday.
Not wrong Richard. What remains to be seen is what Russia, Syria, Iran and now China are going to do about it. This type of action from SDF has to be confronted.
I think that we may find out soon once the government finishes clearing the Jew world order terrorists out of DE. The west bank is almost done. And they’re on the east side now, both north and south of DE, doing the same thing. My guess is that as long as the SDF stays out of the oil field, that they’l be left alone for a little longer. If they don’t, then we may see more aggressive action taken against them sooner rather than later.
They just lost 23 east of raqqa and a few inside. How many kills will make You happy.
Dont blame SDF`s are not spendables in the one stupid plan after the other. You also shouldnt expect, that a small army have the same losses in %.
Also harder to hit a slow moving elephant then first class guerrilla infantery in deep defence as well as sharp nice attacks.
Learn English, your comments make no sense.
This attacking SDF by SAA will not help SDF and Assad to resolve issues.
But perhaps Assad does not want to resolve issues.
we only “know” what our favourite news sites tell us, we choose to” believe” according to our personal bias
You’re the one interested in creating unnecessary problems for others to solve. People like you are the problem.
And how is a few mortar rounds landing on an ISIS controlled village (was) an attack on the SDF? No casualties, and yet they want to cry about it.
Tabqa and DEZ was like that. No wonder they dont like habits like that.
Just bad mortar aiming by the SDF again happens when they don’t fight much.
He probatly dont know.
It’s better to just let Syrian Kurds steal Syria’s natural resources?
They are bitter but wait for your time. The Russians will exit then the Kurds will storm you.
It will be like Mayweather vs Conor McGregor(SAA) They will gas due to fatigue early on and KO’ed due to ref stoppage late after getting battered and surprised by the Kurds tactical maneuver
PORKY, ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fbff5c3b4be0db4c736aa283fbb5abd86536ca881271b33a47a25043f4c107ac.jpg
I’m tactical to smart for you
Well, this does sound like a bunch of hogwash to me. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d3ef089e1279d9a275b438be3b823504120a8241b72c03601f55632c796233e.jpg
Hogs are very fine animals, if they get the right conditions. Ours are not fat like thats one, but they do smile almost like it.
USA pretended as of their we’re liberating Raqqa, just to steal time for the Russians to start Deir Ezzor operations.USA fake take over has proceeded with quick percentage. Just start evacuating ISIS in DeircEzxor and claiming Syrian war suffering people oil for Kurdistan state.Well plan by Lucifers sons blood sucking animals. Be for any new sanctions fake UN must first force USA to re-build Yugoslavia, Iraq,Afganistan,Lybia,Yemen,Sudan and Syria.
The usual stuff. Lying and lying again and again instead of improving Your countries. Blaming others in stead of correct the simplifiest things being stubbern as sunni says and the traditions too.
What, in particular, are you objecting to? What in Langaniso’s post are referring to as a lie?
SDF are ethnic cleansing. They are scared of the civilians when they rise up.
They are killing thousands of Syrians in raqqa, just like they did in kobane.
Nervous laughter.
It is funny how all the Fascist gangsters want to separate, they are in no terms of the left as they are not socialists that also run criminal fraud enterprises. What they say is true about Europe the criminal gangs are running it now, and will continue to harvest organs from children unabated.
I don’t know if true but Amaq is reporting that Suheil The Tiger was captured and executed by ISIS at Sukanah :-((( OMFG if it’s really so Russia lost all my trust!
The ISIS forces at Sukhna are wiped out and another pocket near Mayadin been wiped out also there was nearly 1500 there in that region where Suhleil was at.
Normally its 10 to 1, so its about 150.
If this was the SDF and the US you would be correct , but if you are saying that the worth of ISIS is in the end 10 lives for everyone they kill would be a nice ratio the sooner terrorists die at that rate he better.
Amaq is starting to resemble Baghdad Bob’s Ministry of Information. I personally discount their claims as either total or at least partial BS.
ISIS’ recent guerilla-style attack on the As Sukinah to Deir Ezzor road seems nothing more than a US-coordinated diversion tactic, so that in the meantime SDF could take the Jafra oil field and advance towards Al Hejnah, thereby blocking SAA from gaining any substantial foothold north/east of the Euphrates. Offence is the best defence here, the only remedy to such tactics is for the SAA and its allies to keep the pressure on by advancing eastwards.