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MARCH 2025

SDF Captures Algerian Leader Of ISIS In Fifth Day Of Al-Hawl Operation (Video)

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SDF Captures Algerian Leader Of ISIS In Fifth Day Of Al-Hawl Operation (Video)

Screen grab from the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) video.

On April 1, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) large-scale security-humanitarian operation in the notorious al-Hawl camp in northeastern Syria entered its fifth day.

The US-backed group announced that its fighters had cleared the sixth and eight sections of the camp, where around 60,000 people are being held. A day earlier, SDF fighters secured the fifth section. More than 1,400 tents were searched and secured.

The SDF didn’t share the total number of suspects who were arrested on the fifth day. However, it announced that an Algerian leader of ISIS was apprehended.

The leader, Muhammad Abdul Rahman Sharif Dabakh, was ISIS military commander in the town of al-Shadadi in southern al-Hasakah. In al-Hawl camp, Dabakh collected Zakat [Islamic taxes] for the terrorist group.

SDF Captures Algerian Leader Of ISIS In Fifth Day Of Al-Hawl Operation (Video)

Muhammad Abdul Rahman Sharif Dabakh, Source: the Hawar News Agency (ANHA).

On the fourth day of the operation, the SDF arrested more than 70 ISIS members, including the terrorist group’s Judge in al-Hawl. Many of the people being held in al-Hawl camp are either relatives of ISIS fighters or suspected members of the group.

The ongoing operation, which was launched by the SDF on March 28, is meant to secure al-Hawl once and for all. Around 6,000 fighters from the SDF, Asayish security forces and the Women’s Protection Units are taking part in the operation.


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Pave Way IV

Let’s corral 60,000 Syrian refugees from ISIS-controlled areas along with a bunch of ISIS-aligned foreigners into a gigantic death camp. What could possibly go wrong? We’ll stop by in maybe four years with 6000 troops for a humanitarian-security operation to temporarily clean things up. Should last a month or two before the head-choppers infiltrate and run the place again. Hey SDF: how’s that ‘U.S. support’ working out for you so far? We’re training up former head-choppers for the all-merc prison, oil-field and border guard force, so you will no longer be of use to the U.S. pretty soon. Future weapons shipments will go to our new merc army, not you. Sorry, but we’re kind of assholes like that. Can’t say you didn’t see it coming.

Jens Holm

I hope You will include the many, which are the reason for, they are that many.

The main support for ISIS, other Jihadists as well as SDF are they all are excluded for any influence and has been for decades.

John Wallace

WTF is that gibberish meant to mean…. No don’t bother trying to explain ..it would just be More gibberish.

Jens Holm

You not even try to try.

John Wallace

Yes you are very trying… Dildo brain.

Pave Way IV

Of course Jens – the oppressed Kurds and disenfranchised Arabs are now free to argue among themselves about useless shit they don’t have any money for. The U.S. will decide the important stuff for them. After U.S. welfare is cut, SDFistan will only exist by resource theft and oppressive taxation on everything at the point of a gun (=government extortion). The little people will get nothing but years of misery and sacrifice as their leaders get wealthy and more powerful ‘working on their behalf’. 60% taxation isn’t going to turn that shithole into Denmark – ever. It’s cruel and inhumane to pretend otherwise.

Jens Holm

Ha ha. For many years Assads has used all money for the Baathists only.

You dont see those opponents to Assads are opponents because they suffer with low incomes and so many not even with a job.

So You pf course has to add, that those people seeing no other future as they see by Assads easy can be paid soldiers as a job.

You cant compare with Denmark. You forget those 60% payd for free school, free education to the highest levels, 100% free hospitals, only symbolic or none pay for all healtcare, pay the one which cant work for several reasons as well as a good pension for all and extra help if needed too.

Most of the tax is spread out. The highest incomes pay more then the low paid working.

It makes no sense to compare taxes as You try to.

But we fx can compare corruption, where we are number one in low corruption. MNost money here are checked up. We also can copmpare, that Our local counsels gets half of the tax and spend it much better then the Country Goverment. We also can can compare in removing people, if they are not good. We control Our Governess much better by free debate and an non controlled press. That goes for the local parlamnts as well as their employed. We can remove and replace them by local elections.

Countries with the lowest tax often also are the poorest.

Potato Man

Funny thing is none of these ISIS/ISIL leaders are in Syria government hold areas most of the time. It is a fact that SDF – US host them, as both need ISIL to hold Syrian land and loot Syria. You can run away here but they all end up in hell one way or other.

Jens Holm

Thats not stange and funny at all.

Facts are SDFs took their Capitol Raqqa as well as the last permanent terrain ISIS had from Hajiin and east to Abu Kamal as well as the triangle east of Hasaka.

You show Your Your incompetence well and cant even has follow the ISIS retreats well. Leaders retreats to their last bastions – or flee.

It doesnt say Assads has done the job as well. They made them retreat to there as well.

You probatly also has forgotten that many of the Leaders and fam,ilies of ISIL escaped by the hidden higway from Mosul to Abu/Kamal – DEZ and many of those settled in the southern part of Khabour.

There is nothing to loote in Syria apart from oil. Here the main looters were the Baathist by Assads, which was looted by ISIS. Right now several of the oilfields actually help the meny poor in the SDF and probatly even finance the USA warfare.

You still against any odd describe USA helping ISIS, which they havnt done since Hillary was denied by Obama. That was mopre then 5 years ago. Maybee You get information from 5 years old newspapers in Your toilet facilities https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8438729c6f99f8b382038a3f5a1dcfe78a862aedb09130e6f7ff1fb54b2bb682.jpg


I suspect that all these ‘commanders’ are being rounded up and re-recruited by the US and friends in order to create ISIS 2.0.

Potato Man

Most likely those “Freedom fighters” just join SDF – like Kurds terrorists groups, their goals are the same destroy Syria and loot.


Will they be sent to Wall Street or the City of London for their ‘Looting training’?

Potato Man

Kurds terrorists – US White Helmets/ other UN back – UK ISIL – Good old Zion FSA/”Freedom fighters” – Turkey

Those countries are part of biggest terrorists organization NATO. It make sense for them to help other small terrorist groups alike them.

Jens Holm

I hope they are eroded by that. They should be.

Jens Holm

NO analysing here. Much as if many here think its about what they can find in their behinds.

John Wallace

You have a thing about finding “things” in Your behind..

Porc Halal

Bearded howling monkeys … extinct’em all!

Porc Halal

CAn you imagine how shitty the islam followers from ISIS are feeling being moved around by kurdish women-soldiers?!…that’s cool!

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